
Grain cultivated plants. Growing grain

Herbs in the garden

Business on the sale of wheat in Russia is quite profitable and highly equal. So, depending on the variety, reproduction, the tolerance region and the volume of sales, the price per ton can reach 13 thousand rubles. At the same time, the average yield with 1 hectare is 15-55 tons depending on the region. The profitability of the business depends on the thoroughness of the approach to the organization - crop rotation, acquisition required fertilizers, SZR, Rental of agricultural machinery, etc.

Business plan - the key to the success of agrarian business

Profitable growing wheat Perhaps only when creating a carefully thought out business plan. You can independently develop a project with a feasibility study for investment and lending to the bank. Alternatively, you can seek the services of consulting firms. On average, the development and feasibility study of the project without a detailed analysis of the financial and economic component - from 50 thousand rubles. In the case of an investment project, the cost will be from 100 thousand without analyzing the financial condition of the agrarian market of Russia for the period of interest.

Selecting the territory and varieties of wheat

The characteristics of the soil directly depend not only from the region, but also from the preceding, as well as predicted for the nearest period of weather conditions (in particular, the temperature regime and the amount of precipitation). By area for a small agricultural enterprise, 400 hectares of the total area will be required (at least 100 hectares, otherwise the project will not pay off), from which at least 3/4 is sowing. For the average enterprise, the total area can reach 5 thousand hectares and more.

In addition to the site itself, investments in the arrangement of a machine-tractor station, an administrative and consumer complex and a storage warehouse. The purchased S / X technique and equipment include:

Cargo transport (by type GAZ-53).

Plow (3 and 8 corpus).

Press chief.

Volokusch, kun and more.

The main part is passed into Russian Federation Written under the spring and winter wheat. The selection of the variety depends on the region, as well as the characteristics of the soil.

Soil processing and preparation

3 Technologies of soil protection agriculture are distinguished:

Intensive. Technology has been developed in the 60s. It implies multiple mechanical processing of the soil, a significant investment of finance (for example, on 1 hectares of fields with spring wheat, about 55-70 kg of fuction will be required).

Minimum. Reducing the number of operations. According to GOST, the technology is not normalized, i.e. the number of treatments is established individually.

Zero treatment and straight sowing. It is characterized by a decrease in cost, almost complete stopping of soil erosion, but the level of crop is reduced.

Wheat price formation

World Wheat prices depend on many factors. If we consider global prices, it is adjusted with:

Problems in the US domestic market with Ozimy.

Sharp cooling in Europe, which negatively affects the development winter wheat.

Drought in China.

As for the formation inland pricesThe following factors in the country affect it:

  1. Getting high jolts.
  2. Arid agricultural year.

The least predictable, taking into account the above items, are central districts, and the most stable - southern.

The main risks of the project

Conjugate with 4 main risks:

Farm. When preparing a business project, minimal yields calculated for a particular region should be laid. Also in the expense article includes a crop insurance.

Loss of liquidity. Arises due to uneven sales. You can exclude risks using refund with uneven payments with deferments and the possibility of early repayment.

Breakdown of agricultural equipment. The breakdown of the harvesting and harvesting of wheat crops due to the faults of the technique, equipment. For insurance in the expenditures, you can include a lease of C / x technology.

Reducing prices for products. With too far from the year, it is possible to reduce wheat prices in the Russian market. Decless risks will help storing grain, as well as the conclusion of preliminary contracts for the supply of grain.

Personnel policy

For the normal functioning of the agricultural enterprise will require hiring qualified personnel. In the simplest case, a linear structure is used:

Head of the enterprise.

Deputy Head.

Tractor driver combine.


Stages of the project

The following stages of the project of the business of growing grain crops (in particular wheat) can be distinguished:

Development of a business plan.

The choice of project financing.

Getting a loan in the bank.

Acquisition of equipment and C / x technology.

Hiring staff.

The preparation of the soil to the subsequent crop.

Caring for sowing.

Cleaning wheat.

Storage and sale of grain.

Operational, administrative and total expenses

The project includes both variables and general costs of expenses, including:


Chemical preparations, pesticides.


Administrative expenses.

Salary staff.

Banking services (interest on the loan).

Internet and communication services.


Service, as well as repair of agricultural equipment, equipment.

Unexpected expenses.

Business on growing and storage in order to follow the implementation of wheat is profitable, but, like many investment projects, has risks. The inclusion of risks to expenses, as well as the adoption of measures to reduce them, will eliminate the unprofitability of the enterprise, for example, drought or other situations. The main thing is to carefully approach the planning stage, take into account the recommendations and forecasts of the state of the global and domestic market of wheat.

Related business ideas

Bread occupies a special place in a person's life, in Russia, he spoke not only as food, but also was part of spiritual development. Bread is a great value, a source of life and wealth of the states of the whole world. Among the Russian population was the most preferable to rusty bread, in the early 20th century its share was more than 60%. For comparison today, this figure is about 16.5%, however, in the popularity of bakery products it is not reflected in any way, you can see dozens of different types of products made of wheat flour or bran on store shelves. However, few people wondered how the bread grown. The process of this complex and time consuming, uses a large number of labor and special equipment.

What do bread make?

It is wrong to assume that the "cormal" is only wheat. From this grain make wheat flour, which is currently most popular. For its manufacture, only soft grains varieties are used and, depending on the quality of the source material and processing technology, the final product is divided into 3 varieties: the highest, first and second. The flour of the highest grade is soft and snow-white, it turns out delicious and air biscuits. The product of the first and second grade is rougher, has a gray shade to bake from such flour lush and soft bread you need to work hard.

Agricultural enterprises grow bread both "white" and "black". Black bread, it is all the famous "Borodinsky", "Darnitsky", "custard" and many other trade names. For its baking, rye flour is used, however, the color of the bread and malt gives. Rye flour light gray with caramel tint.

Often bread bake on the recipe, which contains the flour of other cereals: barley, oats, buckwheat. Such flour acts only as an additional ingredient, bake a bakery product exclusively from this product is impossible.

Preparation for sowing

Grain crops are winter and yarre. Sowing winter crops occurs at the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn. It is believed that due to the large amount of moisture, which plants are obtained with thawed spring waters, the yield increases significantly. In addition, the grain ripens much earlier, and thanks to the powerful root system, we are not terrible grasses. However, winter grades are less drought resistant, more demanding to the soil and can be grown only in areas where the winter is soft, but snowy. Otherwise, the harvest may die.

Skin grades - how to grow bread? If winter rye or wheat is cultivated in the central and northern regions of the country, then spring cultures are mainly in the south and in the territories of arid steppes and semi-stripes (Volga region, South Urals, Kazakhstan). Yet in early spring Harboards begin to prepare for the upcoming season, and snow on the fields is not a hindrance. Calibrated full grain that was selected as seed material In autumn, carefully inspect and check for germination. The selection passes only high-quality material with the following parameters:

  • grain purity - 98%,
  • germination - 87%,
  • humidity - 15%.

In addition to grain, agronomists are prepared and equipment: tractors, cultivators-flattereres, combines. After all, the failure of at least one machine can significantly shift the timing of work.

How do bread workers in agricultural enterprises grow? The fields under the spring varieties are sprinkled back from autumn, every year changing crop crop crops each year. For example, wheat is weak and ramp root systemShe sensibly reacts to the composition of the soil and is not always able to absorb nutrients. On the good yield You can count if you plan the wheat grains to the ground, where the corn, potatoes, legumes, oats and rape grow earlier. But in the fields where barley was previously grown, it is not recommended to sow it. After wheat, the soil is restored 3 years if the agricultural enterprise does not grow other cultures, then unused fields can be seeded with lupine, which is a real "green fertilizer", capable of increasing the fertility of the soil.

In the spring, the plowed field is tearned by a cultivator-flattened, it improves the state of the soil, making it more loose and aerated. For work in the spring time, only tracked tractors will use, they are not so compacted with the soil as heavy machines on wheels.

Sowing seeds and further care of shoots

Those who seriously thought about how the bread grown, the process of planting grains will be interesting. Sowing spring crops begin to pursue early in the spring when the air temperature on the street does not exceed + 3-5 ° C. With the help of special equipment, narrow grooves make a narrow groove, respecting the distance between them at 8-15 cm, while they do not forget about the technical killet necessary for further care For sowing. The depth of the seed bookmark is 3.5-5 cm. If weather conditions have not allowed sowing on time, then the landing depth is reduced to get sprouts faster.

Of particular importance in the cultivation of grain crops are given to the struggle with weeds. They are initially stolen, after 7-8 days the land is harrowed, and as soon as green shoots appear, the field is treated with herbicides - special chemicals destroying weed herbs.

How to grow bread, or rather, cereal crops to get grain? Plants require a lot of light, which is why it is so important to correctly determine the landing scheme for each type. Shading each other, plants are poorly developed. TO temperature regime Winter cereals are not so demanding, they can make both short-term cooling and drought. In the process of growing agronomists use complex mineral fertilizersThat contain basic nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Their number and proportional ratio depends on the natural composition of the soil. For example, in the wheat beans to increase the protein and gluten content at the stage of the package, use additional feeding with nitrogen-containing fertilizer. If the field was sown with bean cultures, then the share of nitrogen in mineral compositions can be reduced by 30%.


Knowing how the bread grown, it remains to find out how they collect it. Harvesting is carried out when the culture reaches the stage of waxing. Humidity of grains should be about 16-17%. At this moment, the main thing is not to tighten, otherwise the grains will crumble and part of the crop will be lost. Wheat collection is carried out using a combine in 2 stages: first they are "lying" and then thunder. It is important that the weather is sunny and dry in the days of harvest. If it rains, the processing is carried out by the method of direct combinement, that is, the process is reduced to 1 stage. Further, the grain will be taken to the current, where it is carefully sorted by special machine tools. Thus, the product is exempt from garbage impurities. When the required percentage of cleanliness is achieved, the grain is sent to the elevator or in the grain.

When growing grain crops, a person puts a lot of strength. The yield depends on a number of factors: the quality of the planting material, weather conditions, pest raids. After all, during the drought it is difficult to provide watering plants on the field, a length of several hectares. Bread must be preserved, treat him respectfully and always remember that the cultivation of grain is a great job.

Video how to grow bread

The family of cereals includes a huge number of plant species, wild and grown by man.

As a rule, cereals - herbaceous one- or perennial plants, height from 20 (mint) up to 60 - 100 cm (oats, wheat, drinking), sometimes up to 200 cm (Rogoz). Roots are usually apparent, urine, some cereals are capable of forming rhizomes. Stem is Solkin, a reprehensive, usually hollow, with swollen tight nodes. From one grain can develop from one to several tens of stalks. Leaves from cereals are regular, linear, with long vagina, usually covering interstices. Flowers are more often routine, small, collected on long blossoms in spikelets, splashing pan, complex spacing; But there are also same-sex flowers located on the plant separately from each other (like corn). Flower cereals in June-July. The fruit is a grain of different colors, sometimes covered with surrounding floral films.

Use for therapeutic purposes a whole grain, dry, germinated, roasted and boiled (in the form of a porridge), cereals and flour from grain, straw. IN folk medicine Solutions of different cereals are preparing ragners and teas, which are used as a stiff, diuretic, wind and antipyretic agents. The straw rags of most cereals are used at colds, allergies and skin diseases, especially in children.

The main cereals and grain-containing cultures include wheat, rye, millet, barley, rice, oats, corn.

The main grain crop in our country is wheat . It looks like a typical, described grasses above. Depending on the ability of sprouts to winter under the snow, i.e., the crops of sowing, it is divided into spring (sow spring) and wintering (sow autumn). Depending on the botanical peculiarities of wheat, it is divided into two main types - soft grades and solid varieties. There are ostic and nonsense varieties. An important species and varietal feature is grain consistency. It can change slightly depending on the conditions of plant growth: with excess moisturizing wheat grain, more madly, and with insufficient - vitreous. It must be taken into account when growing. The grain is considered vitreous if endosperm (i.e., the average part of the grain) is dense, on a slice slice, translucent, completely vitreous or if the powdery part (dense white mass) is not more than 25% transverse slice. In mild grain, on the contrary, endosperm is completely torment (still say - starchy), and the vitreous mass occupies no more than 25% transverse cut. Grain with such a consistency is easily cut and crumble, boils, especially after germination. Other varieties belong to the secinosity.

If you want to determine this indicator yourself, take without a choice of 100 grains and cut them across in the middle with a knife, blade or scalpel. Inspect the halves and divide on 3 handhes (vitreous, secinosity and torment), and then recalculate: if there were 64 vitreous grains from 100 grains - 25 and milde - 11, then the total glassic glass will be:

64 + (25 + 11) / 2 = 82 %.

According to the total glassic glass, high-colored (glassyness is above 70%), the mid-graded (40 - 70%) and low-color (below 40%) of wheat.

Corn soft wheat it may have a vitreous, half-chip or mild consistency, rounded or oval, slightly expanded to the embryo shape, he has a well-developed beard (sown edge) and a deep furrow. The color of the grain can be white, red or yellow.

According to technological properties, a soft wheat is divided into a strong, middle and weak. The amount of protein (more than 16%) is increased, wheat has elastic, elastic gluten and at least 60% of vitreous grains. Accordingly, there will be more protein in its seedlings and less starch, it is advisable to use them on the 1st - 3rd day of germ, not later, because by this time "energy supply" is already coming to an end, and on the 4th day of the sprout will begin to die from the lack of food substances. At this age, he is no longer able to help our body. Weak wheat contains 9 - 12% protein and a lot of starch, gives gluten of poor quality, but the seedlings, although less healing at an early age than that of a strong wheat, retains useful elements longer.

The protein content and gluten - the most important indicators characterizing the quality of wheat. Strong wheat belongs to the soft, protein content in the grain of at least 14%, glassy wheat in red wheat more than 75%, in white-cooled - more than 60%, i.e., the higher the glassy, \u200b\u200bthe more roughly speaking, above the protein content, and red-seed wheat When germination is more useful than white.

Solid wheat It differs from soft and externally and chemical composition. Grain is longer, with a thickening on the back of the embryo, often the ribbed, almost always vitreous, translucent. The beard at the grain is open, shallow-in-depth grain, is poorly developed, sometimes it is not at all. The color is amber, more or less light, red, white and green varieties. The grain contains a lot more protein, sugars and minerals than in a soft wheat, and less starch. It is such grades that give the best effect in the treatment of seedlings.

Rye - Winter-hardy winter culture is spread almost everywhere. Stem high. Grain is longer and thinner than wheat, the color is yellow, gray-green, purple, brown. The grain of gray-green color is larger than the rest, contains more proteins and has better bakery properties. If you have a choice, try to purchase this particular variety. In the grain of rye compared to wheat less than an endosperma, i.e. more shells with alaron layer (in other words, useful for our intestines of food fibers, called in the flourish industry by bran), less in it and proteins (on average no more than 13%) . However, these proteins are more complete and have an advantage (as we consider more details below) in food, they are not able to form gluten, so it's so difficult at home to bake black bread. Rye is used mainly to obtain flour, in the brewing industry for the production of malt and alcohol.

Tritikale - Child of civilization, wheat hybrid and rye. Valuable cereal winter-hardy grain, its grain is larger and wheat, and rye. It is less capricious than wheat. Triticale proteins are more complete than wheat, and well absorbed by the body, capable of forming gluten. According to its properties and chemical composition, Zlak is richer than parental species, so suitable for germination.

Millet - valuable thermal-loving and drought-resistant crypanic culture, has a large number of varieties and varieties.

The family includes many wild species, also nutritious and possessing medicinal propertiesAlthough to a lesser extent. It is believed that it was millet that was the first cerebral who man became eating and growing. Millet is grown as a spring culture. The grain is covered with orange, red, yellow, greenish floral films, which are easily separated from the nucleus, the shape of which can be spheroid, oval-extended. Endosper glazed or torment. Roshka has a rather large embryo containing a large amount of fat with unsaturated fatty acids, those themselves, which are simply necessary for us to maintain youth (and health, that, in essence, the same thing - healthy people are growing slower). When processing grain, the germ is destroyed and removed and removed, and the residues of the torch (much), impregnated with easily bold, remain on the surface of the cores. Therefore, the croup can not be kept long, it acquires a bitter taste and nasty smell, before cooking it must be thoroughly rinsed from the meal. Only grains with a whole embryo are suitable for the extension, that is, the shell coated. When wetting, they become softer, easily chew. Millet due to its characteristics is very useful culture. Remember how, obeying the instinct, the children break and eat seeds from pure wigble brooms, and how they get to them from their parents!

Barley - Valuable chemical composition of grain rapidly ripening spring culture, its vegetation period is only 70 days. This unpretentious grace grows throughout. Barley is divided into six-row and twin-round. The grain is covered with dense, with difficulty separated by the floral film. According to the ridiculous whim of mankind that loved white bread, more valuable in the chemical composition of the barley, which was previously the main grain cereal, is now grown mainly on the feed of a cattle, pearl and barley cereals, flour and malt are produced from part of the crop. It is the main raw material of brewing production. Barley proteins are not able to form gluten, this is his main disadvantage, but also salvation for those people whose organism does not tolerate wheat proteins.

Fig sowing is a moisture and thermal-loving grain culture, is the main grain cerebral in Asia countries. Has a large number of distinguished properties and appearance varieties. The grain shape allocate the oblong rice (narrow and wide) and rounded, color - white, yellow, pink, green, brown, black. Endosperm is vitreous, half-chipped and torment. The most valuable rice is vitreous, since when it is condicted, it is less crushed and gives a greater yield of cereals. Rice contains a large amount of protein. Cultivating in Russia Zlak in its properties is very different, let's say, from what is grown in Japan. The Japanese does not even know him when they try in Russian dishes.

Oats. Sowing (ordinary) - herbate plant 60 - 100 cm high. Small flowers are dressed with scales and are collected in spikelets on long blossoms collected in an empty blizzard. Flowers in June-July. The fruit is a grain, pubescent, covered with a shell. Grain color white or yellow. It is a moisture and fairly demanding culture. It is grown everywhere, squeezed as a spring culture, ripens quickly. Grains contain: starch 44%, protein substance 13%, in addition, there are gum, sugar, fat (4 - 6%), mineral salts (phosphoric, calcium, etc.), vitamins in 1, 2, A.

Of all the cereals, there are most pronounced medical properties, almost all parts of the plant are used in traditional medicine.

Oatmeal oatmeal and oat glazes are used as an enveloping agent for gastrointestinal diseases accompanied by diarrhea. Ramars and thrashes from straw have a coating, diuretic, windy and antipyretic properties (for the preparation of the burst takes 30 - 40 g of cut straw per 1 liter of water). A decoction is used and at eats of renal origin, various gastrointestinal diseases, especially in children.

With rickets and allergies, children are made of branch of oat straw. When the legs are sweated, legs are used for legs from a strong branch of oat straw with the addition of oak bark. With renal-stone disease, hot compresses are recommended from a strong beam on the kidney area as a means facilitating the passage of stones. In addition, oatmeal is a valuable food product that contributes to the rapid restoration of forces. The alcohol tincture of green plants is used as a strengthening, toning means when fatal, poor appetite, insomnia. In folk medicine, infusion from oats is used as a choleretic agent.

The grown oats is usually used on fattening livestock and to a lesser extent to obtain croup. Truly, animals feed rationally us.

Corn Ordinary is widely cultivated worldwide. This is an annual herb plant up to 3 m high. She has no hollow, and solid, fleshy. Leaves long-trance, along the edge of the faceted. Single-sex flowers, moreover, men's, and female develop on one plant. Men's inflorescences - splashing panicles on the tops of the stems, and women develop in the form of cobs dressed by vaginal leaves, they are located in the sneakers of the leaves of the middle part of the stem. During flowering from vaginal leaves, covering the pillars, fastened with beams of flower strokes. Flowers corn in July, pollinated, like all cereals, wind. The fruit is a yellow, reddish or greenish color. In the form, the structure of the patch and grain, corn is divided into siliceous, dental, semi-appropriate, sugar, film, starchy, wax, blacker, etc.

The main drug raw materials are the stilts, they are collected during the period of milk-waxing peloys at the end of August - September. The stilts are broken down (better, if they are cut) from the cobs, dried immediately after the collection, in the shade, so as not to blacken. Medical properties Save 1 - 2 years.

Essential oils, fats, gaming substances, ascorbic and pantothenic acids, vitamin inosit, as well as cryptoxanthine, phytosterols are found in corn stilts.

The preparations of cornflowers have a choleretic, diuretic and blood-resistant effect. With respiratory diseases, they are prescribed if it is necessary to resolve the excretory function of the kidneys. When eating medications from corn fishing, an increase in the secretion of bile, a decrease in its viscosity, a dense residue, swelling and reducing the content of bilirubin, the operation of the gastrointestinal tract is facilitated. Vitamin K, contained in large quantities, contributes to the acceleration of blood coagulation.

Corn grain contains less protein compared to other grain plants, but more fat (up to 5%), which is mainly in the embryo. National types of bread bake from corn flour, porridge are preparing. Cups, starch, alcohol, satok are produced from corn. The embryo during grinding is separated and used for the production of oil, which has recently been applied as a healing agent. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, phosphatides, phytosterol and other substances that can regulate blood cholesterol levels, stimulate immunity. This oil along with other drugs is recommended for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, liver diseases, respiratory diseases caused by the stress of immunodeficiency.

Dressing creeping - a perennial herbaceous plant up to 60 - 120 cm high with long rhizomes. Stems - straight solomins. Leaves are regular simple, linear, vaginal. Inflorescence is a complex coole. The fruit is a grain. Flowers in June-July, fruit in August and September. It is spread almost everywhere, it grows in the floodplains of rivers, in the meadows, deposits, in the crops and the dwelling, breeds the rhizome (segments germinate, forming a new plant if there is at least one kidney), less often seeds. One of the worst weeds of fields and valuable medicinal plant. The rhizome is contained carbohydrates, agropyrene, glucovaniline, salt of malic acid, protein substances, fats, carotene and ascorbic acid.

Medicinal raw materials - grass and rhizomes. Rhizomic harvest is made in early spring and autumn (at the end of September - October). Drying air, under a canopy or in the dryer, in the shade.

In folk medicine, the roots are used in the form of decoctions, infusions (1: 10), as an enveloping, light laxative and diuretic. The infusion of the rooties of the crackling is used in gastrointestinal diseases, with urinary-urolithic disease and as an expectorant for diseases of the respiratory organs.

To strengthen the expectorant action, drinking it is combined with linden color, cow flowers, elderberry.

In the southern regions of the country where wheat For a long time - the main, leading culture, with proper agricultural engineer get even more high yields. So, for example, the new grade of winter wheat-4 lasted on the collective farm fields of a medium yield in 40 c from hectare. And in the state farm. Kalinina Korenevsky district, Krasnodar Territory, the same grade of winter wheat gave 48.6 c from hectare. At one of the fields of the state farm, an area of \u200b\u200b149 hectares, the crop was even 54.5 c from hectare. The crop of another new variety is ignoraxious-41- in 1959. reached on zero-test sections 50-60 c with hectares. In Siberia and Kazakhstan, the sowing square is mainly occupied by spring wheat on the newly mastered and underlying lands, the crop of which in 1958 exceeded 40 c from hectares.

After wheat, the greatest sowing square in the USSR is engaged in rye. And around the world, its sowing square is in fourth place - after wheat, rice and corn. To soil and climatic conditions rye less demanding than wheat. It grows on sandy soils, and on the sandy gives high yields. In addition, it is more frost resistant: her crops stepped over the polar circle and reach now up to 69 ° C. sh. Compared to the pre-revolutionary period, her crops in the USSR decreased by increasing wheat crops. But in many areas of the country, it remains the main food culture.

Among the varieties of rye there are winter and spring. The main area of \u200b\u200bsowing rye is busy in the USSR with overgrown varieties as more crops. The best predecessor for winter rye is a fertilized couple.

In many areas of the European part of the USSR, the crops of winter rye high and resistance are significantly superior to yields of springtresses. For example, the advanced collective farms of the Chuvash ASSR, Moscow, Kursk and other areas receive yields of rye to 40 and 50 c with hectares.

Black bread made from rye grain. Soloma rye is used in agriculture: it goes on a litter in a cattle, mats knit for greenhouses. Rye straw is used in industry as raw materials for making paper and cardboard.

Winter rye grown sometimes for spring feeding Productive cattle, since rye before other plants gives high-quality green food in abundance.

Oats. It is grown mainly on cat feed. But there are many and food products from it: a croup, interpretation, oatmeal (Hercules).

Oatmeal grain is very nutritious. In the grains of film varieties up to 18% protein, about 6% fat and up to 40% starch. In the grain of housing oats to 23% protein. Oatmeal flour is well absorbed by the animal organism and especially useful young. Oatmeal is a dietary product for children. Straw and Hall Oats go to the feed cattle. Oating straw is nutritious than the straw of other cereals.

Most famous species Oat grows among wild flora. Cultural type of oats - the so-called sowing Oats - is divided into filmmatic varieties and holoper. The sowing oats varieties are very much, and each of them is adapted to certain soil and climatic conditions.

In the USSR, the film varieties are cultivated mainly. They are derived by Soviet breeders by selecting the oldest seats.

The highest yoke yields gives with a soft climate and sufficient amounts of precipitation. To the soil, it is less demanding than other grain bread; Therefore, sowing oats, as a rule, ends any crop rotation. Compared to other grain Oats, the least valuable culture. Therefore, the expansion of crops of other grain, such as corn, should go primarily by reducing oats crops.

Significantly less sowing area than wheat, rye or oats, occupies in the Soviet Union barley. It is used mainly on the feed of cattle, in the brewing industry and for the preparation of barley coffee. But there are countries, such as Tibet, where barley is the main bread plant, as other bread cereals do not mature there: of all bread Zlakov Barley is the most imperative plant.

Bread cereals, the grain of which is not on the flour and not on baking bread, but for the preparation of porridge, called cereal. The greatest value is cereal zlakov In the Soviet Union has millet. The cultural millet is divided into the form of a panicle for three main groups: sprinkling - with long branches and a loose structure of the pancake, the branches and compact branches with long and firing branches and compact - with short branches, very tightly adjacent to each other. The millet grains are covered with films and after their collapse (cleaning) produced food millet.

Among all the cereals, millet - the most drought-resistant culture. Therefore, in the USSR it is most sown in the southeastern regions of the country. For good care Vintage milks reach 60 c with hectares and more.

The highest crops of millet gives when sowing the reservoir or seeds perennial herbs. Therefore, in the practice of agriculture, millet is considered a plastic culture. You can cultivate millet and on soft lands, but they must be definitely clean from weeds. Moskos sewers are developing very slowly and therefore on clogged soils are very clogged with weeds. In addition to the reservoir of virgin and seeded perennial herbs, a good predecessor for millet - disappear cultures: potatoes and sugar beets. In turn, millet is considered a good predecessor for spring wheat, barley and oats. Millet is very responsive for phosphoric fertilizers.

The best method of sowing is wide, since millet - a light-affiliated plant. The seeding rate of seeds with a conventional rank crop of 20-25 kg per hectare, and at a wide-armed - two times less, the adaptability of a variety to soil-climatic conditions is of great importance. Therefore, sowing with varietal and zoned seeds is a mandatory agrotechnical event. In the USSR, the sowing areas of millet are concentrated in the Kazakh SSR, in the Volga region and in the Central Black Earth Zone. Mysuck ripens unevenly and easily crept. The fight against grain loss when cleaning millet is of paramount importance.

For half of the world's population, the main food - fig. The same value as we have bread, rice has in Japan, China, India, Indonesia, Burma, Vietnam. It began to cultivate him for a long time. In Southeast Asia, Rice was known as a cultural plant already 4- 5 thousand years ago. Grow rice on the fields poured water. But rice is not a swamp, but a mountain plant. Wild views are growing although in a humid climate, but on the basis, not filled with water. In India, Burma and Vietnam initially cultivated on the slopes of the mountains. Monspi brought abundant precipitation on these mountains. But since the monsoons are a seasonal phenomenon, then with such agriculture it was possible to remove only one harvest per year. So that the land does not demolish with the mountain slopes, stone and earth shafts began to build around rice crops. So the terraces were formed, and the water of monsoon rainfall was detained on them. For cultural rice, such abundant moisturizing was helpful. He began to give large crops, and two or three crops per year. By yield, irrigated rice is superior to even millet. Gradually, rice culture descended from the mountains in the valley, where the multi-water rivers were used for the irrigation of crops. There, where there are no big rivers, for example, on the O-ve Java, the first is still cultivated on the mountain terraces.

With constant flooding of rice fields, the useful activities of microorganisms will fall in the soil. Therefore, it is better to use shortened flooding: after sowing, it produces 3-4 irrigation, and when the rice reaches wax ripeness, the water from the field is reset.

Cultural rice varieties are now more than 10 thousand. Soviet breeders brought varieties suitable for our climate. In our country, rice is cultivated in Central Asia, in the Krasnodar Territory, in the south of Ukraine and in the Moldavian SSR. Rice grain is high in content nutrients. Approximately 75% it consists of carbohydrates. Rice straw - valuable raw materials. It makes thin and durable paper, ropes, ropes, baskets, headwear.

If you create a figure best conditions For growth and development, you can collect an exceptionally high harvest. Until 1958, 170 c with hectares were considered the greatest harvest of Rice. Since 1958, in the Chinese People's Republic of China, more than 1000 c with hectares began to receive crops on experienced sections.

Such fabulous yields received our Chinese friends as a result of the thickening of crops, deep processing of the soil and abundant making mineral and organic fertilizers. Rice culture in China - Transfer. Previously, there were about a million plants of rice on hectares of sowing; On hectare of experienced sections, they are ten times more - due to transplantation from other sites. With such a density of sowing, there is almost no free space between plants. Rice on a thickened area, only rushing to the root, and the area of \u200b\u200bother sites is released for new landing. Grown and strengthened plants were transplanted on an experienced area in deeply plowed and in several layers a fertilous land. They feather her manure, shelter, grinding bones, leafy crop leaves, chemical fertilizers.

But the high rice harvests our Chinese friends receive not only from experienced areas. For example, in five provinces - Jiangsu, Anhui, Khubay, Sichuan and Henan - was obtained in 1958. The average rice harvest of 375 c from hectare.

Grain buckwheat chemical composition Close to grain of bread cereals. Buckwheat is used to prepare cereals. Therefore, buckwheat is considered by us in one section with bread cerealsAlthough it belongs to the Buckwheat family.

Buckwheat - Annual herbaceous plant with a very branching, reddish and ribbed, non-singing stem, height to meter. It is cultivated in all countries of the moderate climate, but the first place in the size of the sowing areas and the gross collapse of the grain belongs to the Soviet Union.

Most economic significance It has buckwheat sowing. The feeder of its grain is higher than that of grain of bread cereals. In the grains of buckwheat a lot of iron and organic acids (lemon and apple). Its protein and carbohydrates are well absorbed by the body. In buckwheat cereals good taste.

Buckwheat is the most important honey plant, but honey from it turns dark. The bloom of buckwheat begins from the lower inflorescences, goes to the top and stretches over time until the harvesting period, so the period of the medical device with buckwheat crops is quite lengthy. Ripens buckwheat is also uneven, and ripe grain can crumble. Therefore, the buckwheat usually begin to harvest when two thirds of the grains on the plant reached full ripeness.

Buckwheat is a rapid culture. From its shoots to ripening takes place from 65 to 80 days. In the southern regions of the USSR, if a sufficient amount of atmospheric precipitation falls in the second half of summer, it can give high yields with a good agrotechnology and in a pretty sowing, that is, in sowing after harvesting loaves.

When sowing in the spring, a good predecessor will be winter Rye, Wheat, potatoes, beets, flax. The germs of buckwheat are sensitive to frosts, and seeds germinate it well at a temperature of soil at 12-13 °.

Buckwheat roots are well soluble substances containing phosphoric acid. Therefore, under buckwheat, it is advisable to apply not superphosphate, but cheaper phosphoritic flour (see Art. "Fertilizers and their application"). Then, at a rate of 5-6 centners per hectare, it can increase the grain yield at one and a half or twice. Fresh manure or exclusively nitrogen fertilizers cause buckwheat with a strong growing green mass to the detriment of grain formation. If you make nitrogen, phosphate and soil potash fertilizers, the yield of buckwheat rises sharply.

Buckwheat yields in the past were low and unstable. Currently, the advanced collective farms of Ukraine, Tula, Moscow, Gorky and other areas receive buckwheat yields of 15-25 and even 30 c with ha.

Inside many countries, demand is growing and becoming beneficial to growing grain crops, including wheat. Especially popular solid wheat varieties compared to soft. But at the same time, few people know how to grow wheat grain.

How to grow wheat grain?

Growing a solid spring wheat is not much different from growing soft wheat. But so far, in our country, the techniques of cultivation are not worked out, and therefore it is not possible to obtain a high harvest. The possibilities of growing grain, including spring wheat lies in the detection of soils suitable for its cultivation. Ideal soils To grow grain wheat are mountainous areas of Crimea and Carpathians. Compared to winter, sneaker wheat has some features:

  • weak development The plant acquires in the first months of vegetation (about 2 weeks); the plant has a low productive bushyty and a unimportant root system; against weeds, spring wheat has low competitiveness; in addition, spring wheat needs moisture and fertilizer.

Growing spring wheat

Spring wheat is not so strong towards soft wheat varieties, while drought. It is better to withstand air droughts, but at the same time heavier tolerates ground drought.

For solid spring wheat, it is characteristic that it needs moisture at the stage of exploration of soil seeds and germination of grains. Due to the fact that the yield is lower at the moment of the gulf of grain, harvesting is carried out only after the end of ripeness. The hard spring culture is not inclined to sprinkle, but also more labor-intensive in ridiculous, it is especially manifested in dry years.

It all requires special attention to the grains of spring wheat during its cultivation. If you decide to grow wheat grain, it is especially necessary to pay attention to high-quality watering, water regime and fertility of soils. For most farms, the main way of practical impact on the implementation of the potential of wheat varieties is the use of the best predecessors. In the forest site, it is best to grow winter grades wheat In the steppe - steam winter, in Western Polesie - corn and potatoes, as well as gentle windows. It is advisable to try to grow wheat grain spring after crops that dried soil - after early spring, sorghum, Sudanka wheat, like all grain crops, needs in feed.

It is demanding of the supply regime, especially loves nitrogen fertilizers. Organic and nitrogen fertilizers can be made under a tiny patch, mineral fertilizers - under pre-emergence of cultivation. The extensive cultivation of grain also depends on the predecessors on the ground, the state of the soil itself, the presence of weeds and the possibilities of technical.

If the predecessors are early grain crops or peas, and the soil is dry, then it is best to use discs for the closure of moisture and combating weeds. With a wet soil - cabinet radicals or flat-cut tools. Soil treatment is best to carry out the species composition of weeds. In the end of August, fertilizers should be made in the soil under the grain.

Also, during this period, the plowing is carried out to a depth of 30 cm depending on the state of the field. With the appearance of winter weeds, the soil must be treated with a semi-trouser. There is a pre-sowing treatment of the soil. This contributes to a smaller spread of weeds when grain shoot. Having raised wheat grain, no need to forget that it is the quality processing of soil from weeds and an increase in the fertility of the existing soil is one of the main components of the successful shoot of wheat, including such a demanding species as Spring wheat.


Often investors underestimate all profitability of agriculture. In this case, we will consider the project associated with the creation of a business of wheat growing.

The investment of funds in agriculture is one of the most profitable projects, because the provision of food nutrition in the entire population depends on this. Wheat can be safely attributed to industrial grain cultures.

Many countries specialize in its cultivation. The leaders are the USA and China, a little less productive countries such as Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, France and other culture have very valuable food properties.

Of course, it is difficult to do this business, if you do not have any experience with the Earth. Either you will have to hire a person skilled in this field, which would ensure the good germination of wheat seeds. It is necessary to take care of the sales channels.

Especially carefully attribute to the construction of warehouses for the harvest, as well as to convenient access roads, that is, the logistics system of your business. The main investment investments of this business will be aimed at the purchase of equipment (tractors), with the help of which you will handle land, as well as for the purchase fertilizers. In the deficiencies of the business, its seasonality, as is known, the harvest fee falls at the end of the summer - one, after which you need to quickly implement the resulting grain. According to the business statistics pays off for several years, but also depends on the size of material costs. For the cultivation of wheat brought real income, make a pre-effective business plan. With such examples you can read below.

The organizational moments of the creation and further development of the project is a business plan for the cultivation of wheat and sunflower. The theoretical foundations of profitability of agricultural production are described.

Methods have been developed and reserves of increasing enterprise profitability indicators. The organizational and economic characteristics of the economy. Presented the monetary revenue structure in the table.

Analysis of land-related farms, indicators are considered in dynamics. Analyzed the dynamics of the yield of the enterprise. Developed priority directions for further development.

The feasibility study of the business is a business plan for growing grain crops. The relevance of this area is justified. The stages of the organization of the business "from scratch" are presented.

Growing wheat sprouts at home

All performance performance indicators are presented in the form of charts and analyzed in dynamics. Calculated indicators of seasonality of vacation prices. In detail, articles of material costs in the table are presented.

The circular diagram presents the structure of constant costs. The size of the necessary investment investments is calculated, their structure on the schedule is also analyzed. The revenue indicators are analyzed, schematically depicts the projectless point of the project.

Growing grain crops in 2012. Kuban Agrarian Technologies LLC. Dinsky district.

Technological bases of cultivation - a business plan is presented to how to organize a business associated with the cultivation of winter wheat. Unlike previous business plans, there are special attention to the technology of cultivation of this culture.

And it is not surprising, because the success of the business depends on the quantity harvest collected. The biological and botanic-morphological features of winter wheat are described.

All detailed information related to the timing of sowing and seeding, soil treatment, and fertilizer is introduced into it. An analysis of the yield of grain production over the past few years has been performed. An effective labor protection system at the enterprise has been developed.

Growing grain crops is one of the basic components of Russia. The potential for growing various grain crops is very large.

To date, the main food in the consumer basket remains bread, bilbo-bakery, flour, cereals, pasta. In each region of the country, there are their priorities in the cultivation of grain crops, depending on natural conditions, climate and soil.

The main grain crops are wheat, barley, rye, oats. The economic factor identified the main volume of grain collection in five economic regions of the country: Ural, North Caucasian, Central Black Earth, West Siberian, Volzhzhsky. In Russia, the main grain crop is wheat, which leads to harvests, sowing and exports.

Two types of wheat are sown - winter and yarre. Wheat prevails in the western part of the Russian Federation. In 2010, the gross fee amounted to 278694.7 thousand c. In Western I. Eastern Siberia, in the Urals, the Volga region grows a spring wheat.

Her gross fee in 20110 amounted to 135971.6 thousand c. Medium yield These crops are 23.2 c / ha. In 2008, the maximum gross collection of wheat amounted to 63.8 million tons. Examined place in terms of production occupies barley.

Because of the good resistance to drought and frost, barley grown almost throughout Russia. About 70% of barley are used for feed purposes. Barley is used in the production of croup, in the brewing industry.

The average yield is - 23.1 c / ha. Currently, Russia ranks first in the cultivation and screaming. Rye use both food and fodder culture. It is more resistant to frost and soil than wheat.

The main economic areas of its cultivation: Central, Volga-Vyatsky, Volga, Urals. Since wheat is more in demand and more expensive in price, it displaces rye into several positions below.

The average yield of rye collection is 20.7 c / ha. It is grown mainly as a fodder culture. It receives muesli, cereal, interopolo, animal feed. Oats in the forest zone and in the forest-steppe zone of the European part of Russia are grown.

Major Economic Areas of Growing oats: Ural, Volga, Central Black Earth, Volga-Vyatsky, West Siberian and East Siberian, Far Eastern. Russia for the cultivation and collection of oats ranks first in the world. The grain culture is very valuable for cultivation.

Agrarians of Russia from year to year grow various grain crops, in order to avoid soil depletion. Each farm plans in advance crop rotation, technique for processing and harvesting.

After all, the quality and amount of the future harvest is depeted from the correct and timely prepared planning. The construction structure of gross grain grain in Russia in 2010 in 2010 in 2011 amounted to 58% of the total area. Wheat and barley amounted to about 75%.

From 2006 to 2010, sales of grain crops increased from 37 to 40 million tons, which amounted to 8%. According to the forecasts of marketing analysts, sales of grain crops will grow, on average, the percentage of growth for the year will be 1.6%. By 2015, the figure will reach 43.4 million tons.

From 2011 to 2015 It is expected to restore and an increase in the value of imports of grain crops.

Grain growing technology

Wheat growing business

Wheat is an essential agriculture of many countries, including Russia. It is not only the most demanded of bread, but also manufactures pasta and confectionery products.

Wheat flour is an important ingredient of many food industries, and humanity consumes a huge amount of this cereal. However, today, agriculture in this country cannot be called a highly developed industry, and the occupation of them is conjugate with many risks and difficulties.

Capricious natural conditions can add a state policy that is not strongly torn to develop the agricultural sector of the economy. All of these external threats stop many entrepreneurs who can and would like to engage in agriculture.

Unfortunately, even such an important head as wheat, it's hard to not only grow and get a harvest, but in the end it is beneficial to sell. But where difficulties are always lower than the level of competition.

Yes, and agriculture, considered as food production, should satisfy the needs of a huge number of people, so there can be a lot of players in the market. At the same time, rare farmers lead a competitive struggle, preferring to her even well-coordinated work.

You can earn on the cultivation of wheat, especially if there is experience and / or knowledge about agriculture, the urban person will have to study quite a few literature so that only in theory to know how to better sow, germinate and remove wheat. If the entrepreneur did not come across agriculture earlier, then without the help of an experienced agronomist, he would not even receive the paying expenditures of the harvest.

Wheat is a very picky culture (as, however, and all the rest, cultivated by man), and any even the slightest mistake can be very expensive. According to many farmers, the wheat is cultivated very difficult and sometimes it is unprofitable, so you need to make sure that wheat grows up, and then it will be sold, otherwise such an undertaking can be only a loss of time, forces and money.

But even in the case when everything is calculated and the prediction is favorable, there are risks associated with natural conditions. But from the positive points, it is worth noting that the state is sluggishly begins to change something in the agrarian sector and even seems to be in the right direction. To start your business, you need to register as a subject of business activities.

Register an IP or form legal entityOf course, it is possible, but for agricultural activities it is better to arrange the KFC - the peasant-farming. Do lpch - personal subscribed farm - It will not work, as the volumes of cultivation and the collection of grain crop are much higher than the volume that can be on the household plot.

There will be about 20 thousand rubles for registration, taking into account the collection of all papers and obtain permits in all instances. But even before the registration stage, it is better to find the land on which work is planned.

I will not have problems in the south of Russia, but also in middle lane You can find fields suitable for growing wheat. Wheat seeds huge spaces, otherwise the benefits will not be no, and for this you need at least 100 hectares of the Earth.

Some farmers are renting thousands of hectares, because the larger the land is being processed, the greater the profitability of the whole undertaking, not to mention absolute profit indicators. To obtain a sufficient amount of flour, you need to grow a lot of wheat, therefore it is purchased by tens of tons with grain.

And in this case, the farmer that offers quite a bit of its products is not interesting to large buyers, and will be able to implement the goods only in the collective farm market, and the revenue on it cannot be very large. To buy land, perhaps, it is not worth it, it is better to rent it for several years, at first - only for a year.

The cost of renting hectares of land is up to three and a half thousand rubles per year, but it is in the case of Chernozem, other types of soil are surrendered for much smaller money. If you take into account the black membranes, then for the year you will have to highlight 350 thousand rubles, and you can consider luck, if you manage to agree with the Lessor on Monthly Payment, often money is required for a year.

Perhaps it makes sense to rent a smaller area under sowing, but it is calculated separately by each entrepreneur in his region, but since wheat is always necessary, to sell it hypothetically, even in the case of the largest parties. Therefore, not in predominantly agricultural regions of the country, a large number of wheat for sale can be ensured by even more significant volumes of purchases, but also to grow it not at the black ground.

Thus, from about 200 thousand, it will be necessary for the annual rental of 100 hectares of the Earth in the middle lane of Russia to 350 thousand in the south. When the land is found, it is necessary to decide which wheat to have to grow. There are many varieties of this cereal, and you need to select the most popular and yield, which grows precisely on the desired soil and is resistant to specific climatic conditions.

Wheat has the largest amount of varieties (it is from an agrarian point of activity) compared to all the others cereal culturesBut here you need to decide first of all, what kind of wheat will grow - foolish or food. Some face fields different species This cereal to cover a greater number of consumers in the end.

According to statistics, it is much more consumed that the feed wheat is consumed. But still, first of all, it is necessary to take into account what form of sowing is preferable. Wheat can be called a good culture precisely because it can be spring, and winter.

Therefore, depending on the region, its climate and the peculiarities of agriculture are selected varieties that are evinted either in spring or late in summer or autumn. Sometimes the use of the practice of evicting winter wheat, which is removed in the spring, after which the spring is sowed on the same field.

It saves the area and get harvest twice a year. But then you can not have time to sing the field again winter cultureYes, and in this case, the risk of plant diseases increases.

Competent agriculture at all suggests planting one land with the same culture several times in a row, usually after harvesting on Earth is beginning to grow another culture to next year Re-change it initial or even in general. This is all called crop rotation, and takes into account the allelopathy of plants, that is, their mutual influence on each other.

At the same time, it is not necessary to count on the sowing of land in triticale or rye after wheat, closegorized plants, and cereals in general, should not replace each other a year. Thus, a novice entrepreneur must choose several crops that he will deal with, given their mutual influence on the soil and germination of the follower, and either divide its plot into several parts to receive one culture annually (but from different territory), or occupy in different years of different plants.

To understand all the subtleties, you need to study a lot of literature, and even better to find a person who is perfect for this perfectly. In order to grow wheat, you need a considerable amount of seeds on sowing. So, the minimum can be called 100 kilograms of seeds per hectare, and sometimes this indicator is several times higher.

It all depends on how rich soil, which plants have grown on it before and from general climatic conditions. If you take an average sowing rate of 150 kilograms per hectare, then 100 hectares will require 15 tons of seeds.

The price of one ton of wheat seeds is an average of 6 thousand rubles, but may be higher or lower depending on the variety. Thus, the seed fund will cost 90 thousand rubles, but this is a very averaged figure for the above reasons.

Seeds are purchased at first the specializing in this company, in the future these spending will not be, as the material grown independently will be used. The norms and conditions of sowing are very different depending on the set of conditions, and you need to be prepared for what you have to learn from our own errors, selecting the most optimal methods of cultivation. The farmer's capacities will need a specialized technique and a barn for wheat storage.

The barn can be installed on the site near the house or directly on the field itself, but it is better to store the technique in a prominent place. The machines are divided into those that help to care for the cereal and those that are intended for cleaning. But most farmers hire a combine during the harvest time, since the car is expensive, and buy it only for use at best, several times a year is quite unprofitable. Therefore, it remains to purchase the following technique.