
The name of the face means. History and origin of the name

Answers to questions from gardeners

The name Lika is a name that has recently become independent, and previously was used only as a short form of other names. It does not have an exact etymology and meaning, which does not interfere with its popularity at all.

And of course, do not forget that the name Lika is used as a short form of many female names. These are names such as Angelica, Milolika, Svetoolika, Malika. Naturally, in these cases, the meaning of the name will depend on the original name.

The meaning of the name Lika for a girl

In childhood, Lika stands out for her calm character, although she sometimes loves to play pranks. From an early age, the girl demonstrates a penchant for diplomacy and does not like conflicts. She skillfully finds a compromise convenient both for herself and for the opposite side. It is worth noting the maximalism of the owner of the name, which will be especially noticeable in adolescence. It is also worth noting Lika's persistence and determination. She does not like to give up the job half way and tries to bring it to its logical conclusion.

The girl usually studies well, in which her excellent data helps a lot. The girl has a good memory and tenacious attention. However, do not forget that any natural data needs to be developed. If the parents pay enough attention to Lika, then this will certainly give good result... Yet interesting feature Leakey might be called her competitive craving. She loves to compete and this is always a great motive for her. The girl will achieve the greatest results exactly where she will have worthy rivals.

Lika's health is strong enough and she rarely gets sick. Her vitality is rather average, but it has an enviable constancy. Lika is very stable nervous system, which is noticeable even to others. She has an amazing calmness, which attracts people to her.

Abbreviated name Lika

Lee, Licky.

Diminutive names

Likushka, Likonka, Likunka, Likulchik, Likusya, Likuska, Likulya, Likulka, Likunya, Likunka.

Lika's name in English

V English language Lika's name is written as Lika.

Lika's name for passport- LIKA.

The name of Lika according to the church(in the Orthodox faith) is not certain. As an independent name, it is not in the church calendar.

Characteristics of the name Lika

Adult Lika is a charming woman who is also endowed with a great sense of humor. She has a positive character and strives to improve the world around her in every possible way. The face is quite active, but there is absolutely no fuss inherent in many in her actions. She confidently and persistently embodies her ideas. Lika knows how to inspire people to do good deeds and, in general, often takes the place of a leader among her comrades.

In her work, Lika is especially helped by her ability to concentrate on solving a problem and not be distracted by trifles. And of course her persistence helps her. Lika is no less beneficial for her leadership abilities. They often help her in career advancement. Moreover, the initiator of this promotion is usually either the team or Leakey's bosses.

Lika's family life is most often successful. She is a very harmonious person for living together and this is noticeable with the naked eye. Lika has a lot of fans, although you can't call her a flirt. Rather, on the contrary, it can be called restrained in this respect. Only by deciding on a serious relationship does Lika fully reveal herself to her partner. At home, Lika knows how to create an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding. She is a very caring and loving wife. Of course, Lika loves her children, although she is a rather strict mother.

The mystery of the name Lika

The main secret of Lika can be called her ability to pretend. If Lika is asked uncomfortable questions that she does not want to answer, then it is easier for her to deceive than to tell the truth. She should remember that any lodge can be opened over time, and therefore act on this basis.

Planet- Mars.

Zodiac sign- Aries and Sagittarius.

Totem animal- Electric Stingray.

Name color- Blue and Purple.

Wood- Aspen.

Plant- The Rose.

Stone- Lapis lazuli.

The name Lika is Russian, and its meaning is an angel or messenger.

One of the versions says that Lika is one of the variants of the name Angelica. For this reason, quite often the name Lika is interpreted by analogy with the above name. In addition, Lika can be a short form for such names as Felicia, Malika, Svetoolika, Lydia, Glyceria, etc. Despite this, now Lika is gaining popularity precisely as an independent name.

Although Angelica's Day is not celebrated for this name, Lika's name days have recently begun to be celebrated simultaneously with Angelica's name days (they are celebrated according to the Catholic calendar on June 29, July 15 and October 21).

The zodiac named Lika is as follows: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius.

The nature of the name

The owner of the name Lika in most cases grows up very balanced and calm. Over time, she develops such a necessary modern man diplomacy. However, quite often Lika is a kind of catalyst for intrigue, since routine is just death for Lika and she is driven by a passion for change, travel and adventure. The owner of this name has a developed intuition and a wonderful sense of humor - it is practically impossible to deceive or outwit Lika.

It is worth noting that Lika has a conspicuous charm and charm. She is able to find a way out of the most difficult situations and very circumspect. Lika does not have love for people who abuse spectacular poses and pompous expressions when communicating, since she does not accept this for herself. Lika is very emotional and sensitive, although from the outside it may seem that she is conservative and cowardly. She will always help a person in need of her. The desire to take care of their loved ones often translates into love for pets, so Lika often has a cat or dog in her house.

The owner of the name Lika can be characterized from the positive side and it can be said that she has the ability to objectively look at things. Even if Leakey is fully confident that she is right, she will definitely listen to her opponent and try to understand his line of reasoning. True, this is unlikely to make her abandon her own opinion.

Do not forget that, like any person, Lika also has her own bad qualities. For example, she, as mentioned above, is capable of meanness and intrigue, and is also quite two-faced. It is better not to trust her unconditionally, since the probability of betrayal is very high on her part.

Despite this, at work Lika is a role model and an ideal employee. She has a business acumen, diplomatic, calm, balanced. Lika is very sensitive to the beauty of the world around her, therefore she is able to reach great heights in creative professions. She will also be perfectly able to prove herself in the field of teaching. Leakey's life credo is “All or nothing”.

Usually, Leakey's marriage turns out to be very successful. She lives with her lover for a long time and feels happy. She is a wonderful housewife, she knows how to take into account the interests of her household and create the necessary home atmosphere.

it Russian name, it has the same meaning as the word `faith`.

Vera as a child is a balanced girl with a logical mindset. She loves a variety of trinkets, and all unnecessary things in the house end up among her toys. Avoids noisy companies, whims are not found behind her. Studying diligently, willingly caring for a younger brother or sister. Vera has few close friends. Not in a hurry to get married early.

Vera has a well-organized, practical mind. She is able to soberly assess the situation and shows ingenuity in specific matters. Vera has musical talent. She is able to learn how to play some musical instrument well.

Has specific goals in life and tries to achieve them. Efficiency and purposefulness prevail in her over the emotional and sentimental beginning. Vera will not agree to paradise with a sweetheart in a hut. Gives preference to real things on earth.

She chooses her husband among older men. Most often he has one child, but gives him all of himself. Brings up in severity, does not allow liberties. Relations with the mother-in-law are normal, because Vera believes that they cannot be different. At the same time, he does not lose his dignity and satisfies all the claims of the mother-in-law. Over time, Vera wins the favor of all her husband's relatives. She cooks deliciously, takes care of her husband.


With a kind character, little Eva went to her father, although she inherited stubbornness from her mother. Perseverance, adherence to principles also distinguish the adult Eve. But the main feature of Eve, which distinguishes her from many other women, is sensuality, many other qualities of Eve are predetermined by her: jealousy, unpredictability, some conflict. Men love these living women for the fact that with them, as they say, "you will not get bored", although they never forgive male betrayal. Eve is looking for a husband with the same temperament as hers, a cold man is not for her. In search of a worthy partner, many never get married. Married Evas are good cooks, especially sweet dishes. They are hospitable, love society, especially men, they play an important role in their appearance and clothes, prefer black and red colors. Eve, as a rule, has one child (for `winter` - girls, for` summer` and `autumn` - boys).

`Winter` - with a contradictory, quarrelsome character. (They better live apart from their mother-in-law!) Many of them get married twice.

`Autumn` - calmer, softer and more tolerant.

Eva is one of those women who will not sit still for a long time: long trips, skiing, swimming for them - "name day of the heart". The owner of this name is usually a live, thin blonde (often dyed, because she believes that men prefer blondes).

They choose a job as a secretary-typist, doctor, translator, tailor, hairdresser, teacher.


Stubborn, labile, proud women, moreover, vain. Good athletes. They are principled and purposeful, moving towards the goal in a direct way. Somewhat reserved and not very talkative. These are typical introverts, deeply experiencing their troubles, although outwardly it is almost invisible. Moderation in sexual life is of great importance. They are chaste, and cheating on their spouse on their part is practically excluded. Kira are ideal girlfriends for sexy, reserved men. They like to do housework, receive guests, and enjoy being in company.

The name Cyrus is translated from Persian as `mistress`. The owner of this name is characterized by determination and stubbornness. Kira is often fond of sports. She endures any setbacks very painfully, although outwardly she tries not to show this, because she is too proud. They are balanced and docile people who strive to create a cozy hearth... In family life, she is a homebody. Mental harmony and comfort prevail in the relationship with the spouse. Kira is an excellent hostess, loves to cook and welcomes guests. She is very benevolent and disinterested, the kindness of such a woman knows no bounds. Kira is a caring and loving mother, a wise and faithful wife.


Slavic name meaning: sweetheart, wife.

Principled and stubborn, but shallow. Painful in childhood, caressed by their parents, they grow up to be capricious and self-confident "ladies". They like to draw attention to themselves either by their uninhibited behavior, or by their bright, sometimes exotic outfit. Vindictive, do not forgive insults. Communicating with them, let alone making friends, is not easy. Most of all goes to relatives and friends. Starting from school, Ladas study mediocre and do not receive a good education. In their youth they like to do needlework, they adore big noisy companies where they can boast of their successes.


The name comes from the name Lydia - a region in Asia Minor.

Since childhood, Lydia has been very curious. She definitely wants to see everything and hear everything. She gives the impression of an overly fussy child, but this is due to the fact that she is afraid to do something wrong and to hear a reproach in her address. She tries to stay closer to her elders, the mother is the greatest authority for her. At school, she is always aware of all events, prefers to be in the crowd and not stand out in anything. Lydia is quite energetic, but she spends her energy mainly on stupid fuss, lengthy phone calls, discussion of secondary problems. Benevolent, empathetic, can comfort kind word, but will rarely provide real help with deeds and concrete actions. In her work, Lydia is reliable and does not ask unnecessary questions. He is in good standing with his superiors. Most often he chooses a profession related to the service sector.

Lydia seeks to create a family with a person who would treat her with respect, could understand her interests. Before making the final choice, be sure to listen to the advice of loved ones. As a rule, they get married successfully. He devotes a lot of time to housekeeping, works tirelessly to improve his home. Thinks carefully about the purchase of each item. He discusses with family members for a long time where the furniture should be, what color the wallpaper should be, and how best to hang the bookshelves. Before making a purchase, he will go around several stores and after prolonged hesitation he may decide to buy the thing he likes. The husband appreciates Lydia for her hard work, affection for home, thrift and cleanliness.

Lika is calm, balanced, diplomatic. She is often involved in various intrigues. Loves travel and adventure. She has good intuition, a great sense of humor, charm and charm. She is usually happy in marriage. She is a faithful wife, a good housewife, a caring and loving mother.

The meaning of the name Lika in translation from the ancient Greek language is "angel". Other researchers offer a slightly different meaning of the name Lika - "messenger". For a long time this name was considered a derivative of the names Angelica and Angelina, but today it is increasingly found as an independent name.

In full accordance with the meaning of the name, Lika from early childhood is distinguished by a meek, peaceful disposition, obedience and gentleness. She is extremely rarely offended, angry, crying, much more often she can be found in an excellent mood. Little Lika is very curious - a real natural scientist: she studies everything, asks about everything and reads a lot. The best gift for a girl with this tender name is an encyclopedia or a book with fairy tales.

The adult Lika is distinguished by poise and peacefulness, as if justifying the meaning of the name. Lika does not like noisy companies, she prefers to spend time alone reading her favorite book or visit exhibitions and museums together with her beloved friend - the same quiet and intellectual. Lika loves theater more than anything else - she never misses a single premiere and always strives to get on tour of visiting theater groups. She is also interested in religion - perhaps, the meaning of the name Face - "angel, messenger", is reflected here.

Women with this name most fully reveal their abilities in such professions as a doctor, pharmacist, religious scholar, librarian, museum worker. Quiet, modest and good-natured Lika is very much appreciated by both colleagues and bosses, so she is provided with systematic career growth - without surprises and shocks.

Lika gets married early, because since childhood she has dreamed of her own family and children. Thanks to Lika's innate kindness, her relationship with her husband and his relatives is developing very well - even her mother-in-law treats her like her own daughter. Lika maintains a warm and trusting relationship with her own parents all her life.

The most common diminutive variants of the name: Likochka, Likusya.

Holy patroness of the name: Reverend Angelina(suffered for Orthodox faith from Muslims in Serbia).

According to astrologers, the meaning of the name Lika echoes the characteristics of people born under such a zodiac sign as Pisces, therefore it is better to call girls who were born at the end of February - the first half of March. The color of the name is blue, the stone is topaz.

Leah This is the type of uncollected, poorly organized and somewhat reckless women who are more concerned with themselves than work or family. These are women of mood who are thrown from one extreme to another. In the mornings, they like to sleep a little longer, do not particularly bother with their studies, are not curious, read little, but are curious like cats. The character of these women is not one of the peace-loving ones, so expect some kind of explosion. This, however, does not apply to family life - they rarely get divorced, even if the marriage clearly failed. On the contrary, with enviable patience, Leah will try to maintain the appearance of a family. Housewives, as a rule, are useless, they do not like to cook and do not know how, often they are simply not neat. Household problems are of little interest to Leah, she is more attracted to meeting friends, going shopping in search of a suitable blouse or visiting a hairdresser. Leah strives to live in a big way, although she is often strapped for money. Leah's friends are countless, and they are always devoted to all the details of her life.

Milan / Milena

Charming personality. Women with this name are smart, kind, do not tolerate humiliation and oppression of weak people. We are always ready to rise to the defense of justice, and not under the influence of a momentary impulse, but out of deep conviction.

Milana graduates brilliantly from school, carefully chooses a specialty, the value of the profession for her lies not in how it is paid, but in its social significance.

Milana is sociable, sociable and very interesting. In society, she is always a welcome guest: she is not devoid of a musical gift, plays the guitar, sings. Outwardly, these women may look coldish and reserved, but inside they have a fire burning! These are addicted natures, men are crazy about them, but Milana does not differ in loyalty.

They have a wide field of activity, among them there are doctors, actors, journalists, engineers, artists. Some of them go into religion, take orders.

These are women of infectious charm, outstanding, radiating warmth and benevolence. Hearts are warming up near them. ////////

Very often he grows up as an only child in an intelligent family, all spoiled and cared for. The girl is usually weak, sluggish, with poor appetite, somewhat lazy, but kind. She is accustomed to the fact that all her actions are directed by adults, and is deprived of any independence. Milena remains just as infantile in school years; friends take care of her carefully. As an adult, fortunately, she loses this quality.

`Winter` Milena have a complex and contradictory character, they are stubborn, grumpy, like to impose their opinion, jealous and require increased attention to themselves. Communicating with them is not easy. There, however, they show enviable tolerance in family life, forgive their husbands a lot. Very hospitable, although far from exemplary hostesses.

Milena, as a rule, is not a leader in the family; this role is assigned to her husband. She is distinguished by mental coldness, unemotionality (most of all this applies to the "December" and least of all - the "summer"), she is not able to both share someone else's joy and sympathize with someone else's grief. And only very few of Milen are gifted with warmth and kindness.

Often they live with their parents, because they cannot do without their help. By profession Milena: economists, doctors, nurses, salespeople, teachers, accountants, engineers.


Perhaps from the Greek word `neos`: young, new.

Nelly is smart and sociable. She is friendly with everyone, but neither in childhood, nor later, having become an adult, does she know how to keep other people's secrets. Usually the beloved daughter of the mother, she knows nothing of refusal. She is somewhat irritable, sometimes flashes on trifles, but quickly departs, not conflicted. Nelly is talented, she is easily given various branches of knowledge. She learns the school curriculum without much difficulty, the exact sciences are especially good.

You cannot call her stubborn, you cannot call her persistent, but nevertheless she always has her point of view and, moreover, can defend her gracefully, without irritating opponents. She is caring and compassionate towards those who are weaker than her. A cat or a dog always lives in Nellie's apartment; by old age, there may even be several of them.

He looks down on money, does not like to save it for a rainy day, and immediately tries to turn it into expensive clothes and valuables. She has good taste and tries to follow fashion.

Nelly is passionate about business, work, professional career. At home, she enthusiastically talks about her plans and achievements, successes and failures. Remind her at this moment about dinner - to incur anger. True, irritation will be momentary, Nellie will immediately prepare sandwiches, to which her husband has long been accustomed, and the conflict will be settled. Alas, household chores stand aside from Nelly's interests. House, life is narrow for her, they interfere with her self-realization, and, if possible, she will gladly entrust the housekeeping to her mother or mother-in-law. Nelly's relationship with her husband is even: there is neither passionate love, nor indifference, rather, it is a relationship between two friends. Nellie's vanity makes her jealous, jealousy can take extreme forms. Children in the family love their father more. Nelly is able to get carried away by an intelligent and extraordinary person, one whose intellectual superiority is obvious to her. However, stability in marriage is more important to her.

Nika The name Nika came to us from ancient mythology and translated from ancient Greek (similar to the Latin Victoria) means `victory`. The patroness of this name is the Greek goddess Nike, who personifies success. She bestowed good luck and a happy outcome in any business. In ancient mythology, victory in wars was mainly implied: the warriors-heroes asked this goddess to accompany and help them throughout all military campaigns, during battles and battles, to protect them from injury and death. Therefore, Nika is distinguished by courage, fortitude, kindness, but her main qualities are honesty and justice, because she should help only those who really need victory, who do not pursue selfish goals, profit and loud fame.


The name is of ancient Greek origin and means wisdom.

Little Sophia is a gentle, kind girl. In relationships with strangers, she is shy and does not differ in excessive gullibility. At the same time, she is able to show sympathy for a weak and defenseless creature and provide all possible help to a person in a difficult situation.

Colleagues especially appreciate in Sophia conscientiousness and easygoingness. She good specialist and is rapidly moving up the career ladder. She achieves everything in life herself, not counting on indulgences. Sophia is delicate, so she will not always be able to interrupt a protracted conversation so as not to offend a person.She is always ready to help someone else's child, who is unattended for a while, will take care of a lonely old woman. Sophia is an excellent cook and she manages to organize a feast at the highest level. Likes to receive guests. She is able to break a prosperous family life if she encounters a strong love feeling in life. Follows fashion, but does not allow extravagance in clothes. She maintains good relations with her husband's parents.

Evelina / Elina

Translated from Old French - "hazelnut".

By temperament, Evelina is a choleric person with a difficult character. Secretive, inclined to withdraw into herself. Self-confident, calculating. Stands firmly on the ground. She selects her friends carefully and she has few of them. She has an innate sense of decency, which is especially pronounced in extreme situations and at critical moments in life. He does not seek communication, prefers to be in the shadows, but in any society he feels light and at ease. Achieves professional excellence in medicine, pedagogy, services, catering and social security. Differs in good health. The weak link in the body is the digestive and respiratory systems, and the skin. Capable of strong affection. Sexuality plays a big role in her life. Evelina is the keeper of the hearth. This is a faithful and devoted wife, a caring and affectionate mother. She loves and knows how to cook. Thrifty, thrifty. Hospitable. An easily injured woman. She solves family problems herself, without placing them on the shoulders of loved ones.
EE //////////

Elina is charming, she has a beautiful figure. She changes her mood all the time, it is not boring with her in the company. She is elegant. Dances well, interesting conversationalist, has great warmth, subtle analytical mind. Elina has good intuition, she is aware of everything she does, she understands the people who have to communicate with her. If the relationship develops normally, she is fair, sincere, cordial. She has a good memory. Elina is strongly dependent on the emotions of others, she needs to feel that she is loved, otherwise there is nothing to expect that Elina will reveal her soul to someone. She marries only for love, without delay creates a family and for her husband - comfort. She has a good taste. She is a skillful housewife, she cooks and cans perfectly. Elina knows how to appreciate the peace and harmony of a love union, but much depends on her husband. She is of the opinion that in a marriage union, a man not only enjoys privileges, but also fulfills certain obligations, since these things are interrelated. Responsibility in marriage, Elina believes, falls on both spouses. Taking this into account, Elina undoubtedly increases her chances of establishing strong partnerships with her husband.

it female name began to be used everywhere relatively recently, while earlier it was just an abbreviation for some names. However, the meaning of the name Lika should not be equated with such as Glyceria, Angelica and the like - it is absolutely separate, in a sense unique, endowing its owner with extraordinary data.

The meaning of the name Lika for a girl implies a complex, and at the same time very pleasant character. On the one hand, the baby is calm, obedient, trusting. But on the other hand, the desire for leadership cannot be taken away from her, she longs for a good attitude, with all her, still small soul, wants to become more authoritative, to acquire increased importance in the eyes of others.

She knows how to find a common language both with adults and with children, already at a very tender age she has an inherent craving for peace, she will never stoop to screams, but will try to resolve a conflict situation without "bloodshed". In many ways, her innate charm helps her to reach a consensus in an argument, and a friendly interlocutor will be literally fascinated by her spontaneity and moderate emotionality.

However, the meaning of the name Lika for a child also implies the presence of some arrogance, but only if she feels that the person is not confident in himself. By the way, another important trait is the ability to feel the emotional state of others, she has a very strong empathy, which can sometimes knock her train of thought off the right track.

The girl attaches more importance to the emotional response to her experiences, and those who are able to feel her subtle nature can count on the maximum approach to her. Although in this regard it will be easy to deceive her, she is too naive and trusting, but such is the interpretation of the name Lika.


The girl is always surrounded by crowds of fans, she is able to bring a smile to even the most gloomy man. This means that her whole appearance is simply charming for the opposite sex, and she uses it without a twinge of conscience. If she does not feel love, then the boyfriend can become a kind of "girlfriend" for her, and be quite proud of this position.

But if a girl has strong feelings, then she will not openly show it. She makes her gentlemen conquer her, for her they have great importance signs of attention, and she will not refuse a serenade under the window.

It is quite difficult to deceive her with false love, out of a simple desire to get a “beautiful toy”. She perfectly understands, at the level of well-developed intuition, when love is sincere, and when it’s just a lie, and ascribes the dominant importance to personal feelings.

A family

In family life, Lika seeks to surround everyone with care and affection, and sometimes her emotional impulses are too much for one person, so she strives to become a mother - loving and affectionate. If she believes that it is too early for offspring, then she will get herself a pet, which she will take care of even better than her beloved husband.

The new wife does not burden herself too much homework... This means that it cannot be called dirty, but it does not attach due importance to ideal cleanliness. She can easily pass household responsibilities onto her spouse, if he does not differ in firmness of character.

Everything changes with the advent of children. If earlier she had to take care only of her husband, now her need for custody of someone will double. Despite the added worries, she will not feel tired - new life with a baby will only add energy to her, and even help to reveal some abilities that she did not even know about before.

Business and career

Thanks to her subtle artistic instinct and the ability to see the beautiful, the ideal profession for Lika will be directly related to the possibility of her creative manifestation, to which she attaches priority importance. This means that she will feel perfect among artists, actors, musicians. Usually, some kind of talent manifests itself in her from childhood, and if the parents try, it will be possible to develop a real talent from her.

In addition to her creative inclinations, Lika has a unique ability for diplomatic communication: she is ethical, polite, and knows how to manipulate imperceptibly. Therefore, she just needs to develop her career with a focus on communicating with people - she will be a good and fair boss, and the position of a diplomat is very close to her.

The origin of the name Lika

The comparative youth of this name, which for a long time was considered a derivative of Angelica, Lydia, Malika, Glyceria, presents significant difficulties in analyzing the etymology and origin of the name Lika. If we consider its meaning as an abbreviation, then the area where the name came from may be Greece, and Ancient Turkey, and Scandinavia.

Such a complex story is the secret of the name, which is increasingly used as an independent one, and girls, whose name simply sounds like Lika, are considered owners of a confusing but very interesting fate.

Characteristics of the name Lika

If you look at it from the side of logic, then the most positive characteristic of the name Lik is the maximum objectivity in all situations. Despite her sensuality, she will never let emotions overwhelm her consciousness, she always manages to look at things as if from the outside, while not losing her own "I".

The same applies to disputes that arise, in which even the loser will not feel offended, since Lika will always listen to someone else's point of view, weigh the pros and cons, and only then make the final verdict - she attaches special importance to justice.

However, this character has its pros and cons, and the woman is well aware of this. Many people who are not struck by Lika's charm will say that she can be hypocritical and two-faced. She can easily offend a person, but she will do it in a cunning way and behind the eyes. This is especially expressed in the competitive struggle in business, where she does not hesitate to use prohibited tricks, and often acts very ugly.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - Tourmaline, Topaz.
  • Name day - no.
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Scorpio, Aquarius.

Famous people

  • Lika Star is a Russian singer.
  • Lika Nifontova is a Russian actress, People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Different languages

As an independent name - Lika began to be used much recently, and this trend has affected not only our country, but also many European countries. If we take it for a fact that the translation of the name Lika is an abbreviation from Angelica or Glyceria, then how it is translated into different languages ​​can be judged in the same way by the abbreviations: Like, Kiki, Glika, Lushka.

With transcriptional translation, you can display this word in Chinese - 丽卡, and it will sound exactly the same as in Russian. But in Japanese the sound will be different, due to the absence of the letter "l" in the language - Rika.

Name forms

  • Full name is Lika.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Likochka, Likushka, Likonka, Lily.
  • Declination of the name - Liki, Liku.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is not.

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Name Description: The name Lika comes from the Greek word "angelos" ("messenger, angel"). This is a derivative of the name Angelica.

Lika grows up as a balanced and calm child. She is not attracted to noisy games and prefers to play alone. At school, Angelica does not show any special talents, but does not lag behind in her studies.

Lika is an incredibly passionate and emotional person. In her youth, she often behaves defiantly, thus showing her individuality. Having matured, Lika becomes more sensitive. In conflict situations, he tries to control himself, not to allow aggression to go free. Due to this change in character, Leakey's reputation improves markedly.

Lika is a strong woman who is not afraid of difficulties. Its main advantages are responsiveness and disinterestedness. She does not like to let others into her problems and prefers to cope with them without outside help.

The bearer of the name Lika is proud and often does not even try to hide it. Gossip and intrigue are her element. And since Lika restrains the manifestation of her negative emotions in society, she often throws them out at home. However, this rarely leads to family discord, as Leakey's husband loves her too much to pay attention to her excessive emotionality.

Lika pays a lot of attention to her appearance, dresses stylishly, but outwardly she can seem rather cold. This woman knows the value of all her words and actions. She often shows the ability for music and painting, and provided that her parents contribute to the development of these abilities, they may well develop into a future profession.

Usually Lika gets married late, and family life she is doing well. Household chores are her element, and for the sake of her family, she can easily leave work. She cooks beautifully, is neat, usually skilled at needlework. If Lika finds out about her husband's betrayal, it will be hard for her to go through it - so much so that she can get sick from it.

Personality character: calm, balanced, diplomatic, cunning, sensitive, positive, intuitive, hardy, kind, peaceful

Name abbreviations: Angelica, Angelica, Lydia, Leocardia, Glyceria, Sylvia, Felicia, Elikonida, Milolika, Svetoolika, Chilika, Malika.

Suitable middle name: Vitalievna, Ivanovna, Konstantinovna, Artemievna, Arturovna, Vsevolodovna, Grigorievna, Gennadievna, Daniilovna, Dmitrievna, Igorevna, Anatolyevna

Suitable for guys or girls: only for girls

The sonicity of the name: soft

Name nationality: Russian

Most suitable for zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra, Aries

Good name compatibility:, Oscar, Borislav, Oles

Famous people with this name: Lika Kavzharadze, Lika Gulliver, Lika Star

The name was popular: In the early 90s

Name features: rare, beautiful, sonorous, short,

[January 16, 2019 | 12:56]

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Until now, the restriction on the sale of alcohol stronger than 15% was in effect from 11 pm to 7 am. The ZakS introduced this norm back in 2007. The federal law on the production and circulation of alcoholic beverages extends this ban until 8 am, but regional authorities have the right to impose their own restrictions.

In February 2012, Governor Georgy Poltavchenko came up with a proposal to ban the retail sale of alcohol from 9 pm to 9 am - such a rule was contained in a package of changes he made to a number of city laws. As follows from explanatory note, for reasons of "protection of morality, health, rights and other interests of citizens, observance of peace and order."
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Perhaps, if the movement of the governor's initiative along the corridors of power had been more rapid, her fate would have turned out differently. But on September 18, 2013, the Legislative Assembly in the second reading of the amendments to city legislation proposed by the governor withdrew the mention of new time restrictions. The deputies explained this by concern for small business, which new restrictions will not bring anything but hassle and financial losses.

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The refusal of Poltavchenko's proposal was preceded by a lot of work on their own amendments - the parliamentarians tried to invent such a time interval for prohibiting the sale of alcoholic drinks so that they would not offend the people and observe morality.
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Zhirinovets Maxim Yakovlev came up with a ban on weekends (Saturday, Sunday) and non-working days holidays- around the clock, on weekdays - from 8 pm to 10 am. Communist Irina Ivanova presented the maximum variety in her amendments. Its variants of the forbidden interval: from 22:00 to 8:00, from 22:00 to 9:00, from 23:00 to 8:00, from 23:00 to 9:00. Socialist-Revolutionary Aleksey Palin proposed to ban the sale of alcohol on weekdays and from 10 pm to 10 am on weekends and holidays altogether. But in the end, the amendment of the standing committee won, which is not the most draconian version (in comparison with some of the ideas of the deputies). From 10 pm to 11 am - in fact, the commission only moved the interval proposed by Georgy Poltavchenko two hours ahead.