
What to do with a sanctified Verba, where to give the willow since last year? When will you need to break the willow on Palm Sunday and consecrate the willow in the church? In the manual of the magic twist. Progress, willow, we have health


History of the holiday Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem, why and why the Orthodox Christians sanctify the branches of the Willow, which force they attribute to you will learn by reading the article.

Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem

A week before the celebration of the Sunday's Light Christ, in memory of the solemn entrance of the Lord Jesus Christ in Jerusalem - the main city of Holy Land - in front of his criticism, the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem is celebrated.

Holiday of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem (Week Wairy, colorful week, Palm Sunday) - one of the 12 main holidays Orthodox church. The divine service is remembered by the gospel events of the solemn entrance of the Lord of our Jesus Christ in Jerusalem on the eve of the glory suffering. Residents of the Holy City met Christ as a Messiah - with palm branches in her hands, hence the original name of the holiday - "Palm Sunday".

At that day, Christ hung in Jerusalem in young fox. On the eve, he made a miracle of the resurrection of the Holy Righteous Lazarus who lived along with his sisters Martha and Maria in the village of Viph near Jerusalem and died four days before the arrival of Jesus in Viph.

The news of the resurrection of Lazarus was shielded by Jerusalem. People learned that Jesus, having resurrected Lazarus, goes to the city. Many people came to meet him. People twisted their clothes on his way. Others carried palm branches in their hands - the victory symbol, solemnly exclaiming: "Osanna (salvation) to the son of Davidov!" - So the Jews were made to celebrate the kings and winners. Only Christ alone knew that the path was deemed by palm branches, leads to the cross and Calp.

Entering the temple, Jesus kicked out merchants from him and began to heal the blind and chrome. People, seeing the wonders of Christ, even more began to glorify him. On the following days, Jesus preached in the temple, and the night spent at the city.

The people followed Jesus relentlessly, and the high priests, the elders of the people, the scribes were looking for a chance to destroy him.

Palm Sunday

Holiday entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem christian church He introduced in the 4th century, and he came to Russia in the X century and became known as Verbal Sunday, as the willow played the same role here as palm trees, palm branches. Verba was sanctified and consecrated now in the Church of Holy Water.

According to the church tradition on the holiday of the Lord's entrance in Jerusalem, believers stand in worship wrens in their hands. Therefore, the holiday is called Palm Sunday. Willows are replaced by Viai - palm branches that kept the residents of Jerusalem in the hands of Christ. Believers seeming invisibly the coming Lord.

On the eve of Palm Sunday, on the All-Night Division on Saturday, the willow is sanctified by the sprinkling of holy water after reading the special prayer. However, on Sunday, in the morning service, people stand with Willow twigs and lit candles, and after liturgy there is a sprinkling.

Widder is consecrated by the grace of the Spirit of the Holy Spirit, so you should not worry about how much water got a sprig. The droplet of the holy water or liter is not important, the willow is consecrated.

In contact with this shrine, a person gets sanctification. Christians on this day come to the temple to pray, remember the solemn meeting of Jesus in Jerusalem and a part of this holiday to bring themselves home.

Before the holiday, the old branches burn, and the new ones put next to the icons.

Why consecrate the twigs of the Willow?

At the willower before other trees there are kidneys.

The Verba sincecore was attributed to the magical strength to promote fertility and future harvest. It was also believed that the willow had the ability to endow health and sexual energy of people and cattle, to protect against diseases and purify from unclean power.

In addition, the Verba is attributed to the power to guard the houses from the fire, the Niva from the hail, stop the storm, recognize the sorcerers and witches, to detect the treasures. "Earrings" will swallow in order to protect themselves from the disease and drive any rhir. This shrine is distinguished by the demons. During thunderstorms saves from lightning, so the twigs put on the windowsill.

In antiquity in Russia, the preparation of Verba branches was a kind of rite. On the eve of the Palm Sunday, the Russians went to break the willow on the shores near the flowing rivers.

Having come from the church with a sanctified Verba, it was customary to steer her children, while saying: "Verba - His, beats to tears, Verba Krasnos, beats not in vain."

We must whine and yourself to replenish the health, while it should be said: "I'm not Bew, the willow beats."

Sincerely and newlyweds or young girls are also consecrated and young girls - so that they have healthy kids.

It is believed that the sanctified willow, thrown against the wind, drives a storm, thrown into the flame stops the action of the fire, and the crumpled stuck in the field.

Cowardly people who wish to get rid of their lack, needed to bepper sunday, at the arrival of the cauldron, to drive the peg of consecrated willow in the wall of their house.

On the weather at the request was judged by the future crop. Good weather on these days foreshadows rich harvest.

After the Passing Sunday, a passionate saddemic begins. Each day, step by step gradually indicates the last days of the Savior's earthly life. The church in these days recalls gospel events, and in the first three days all four Gospels are read on the clock: Matvey and Mark - on Monday, Luke and John - on Tuesday and Wednesday.

For our sake themselves these days we must collect all your thoughts and feelings and clean them. How to do it, you can read on the site.


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Willow Branch symbolizes the victory of life over death - Resurrection of the Lord. On weekends, usually go to the forest to block the wind branches.

In ancient times, the sacred branches were kept behind the images for a whole year, that is, until the next Palm Sunday. It is considered consecrated Willow twigs guard the house and its inhabitants from all the troubles, misfortunes and unclean strength, bring grace.

About what the church says about the willow you can.

The old vessels, spuning the year, spend all the corners, windows, thresholds, thank it for the service and burn.

Pious tradition of sanctification of the Verb is performed on the festive Veligid Division. After reading the Gospel, the priest makes each Verb, reads a prayer and sprinkles the branches of holy water. Under the sanctification of the willow, the prayer is read: "Ceiling will be consecled, the grave of all the spirit of the Spirit and the sprinkling of the water of this is sacred, in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!" (So \u200b\u200byou can sanctify the willow yourself if you can't go to church for some good reasons - only to women during the critical days cannot be done - it is better to ask for a prayer and sprinkle the willow of someone from households).

Sanctified willow has a special healing force.

For example, a sick person can take the ward branch consecrated in the church and led it on those points of the body, which are particularly worried, saying: "The Holy Spirit, through the willer, go away. Verba will come - the disease will take away. "

Be careful, nor in the church, nor after do not give any blesses from your already consecrated bouquet - very many knowledgeable people are so "stealing" happiness and health.

But, if, let's say, someone asked you to sanctify the will - there is no nothing is wrong, just immediately make a separate bouquet. I often saw how sanctifying whole yellows ... This is nothing - here the amount does not go to quality. Moreover, as I have already mentioned - it is impossible to distribute a consecrated version from his bouquet (it does not apply to your household).

The consecration of the willow, the owner returned to the house and lightly hit all the households, saying:

"Verba Ksti, God forgive," or "Verba - His, beats to tears, Verba Krasnos, beats not in vain."

By hitting a lightweight Verva, you can say such words:

"Verba Hleust

Beats to tears.

Verba Sinia

Beats rustle

Verba Krasnaya

Hits in vain

Verba Bela.

Beats the case

Verba Hest -

Beats to tears! "

Or such words: "Be the same strong as the willow,as healthy as her roots and the same rich as the earth "

But know that the desired desires wishes you badly. Since, stepping with the Verba in this great holiday, you may wish for evil, and it will come true.

Most of all from the willow was delivered to children - in order to grow healthy, the parents were listened and they studied well, sentenced: "I'm not Bew, the willow beats!"

Residents of the village hit the Verba and domestic cattle - so as not to sick and the range he brought healthy, sentenced: "As a dressing grows, so you grow."

It is curious that the willer was often put in the feeders.

According to the beliefs of the peasants themselves, nine verbal sersions could save from fever.

Folk characteristics advised to be fruitless women there are kidneys of consecrated willow.

Set of books and workshops "Magic of important days"

The kit includes books and workshops with traditions, rites and rituals to the Orthodox holidays: Palm Resurrection, Clean Thursday, Easter. As well as books: "dreams of the Blessed Virgin" and "Icon in the house"

I look again: be attentive, do not let any branches from your already consecrated bouquet - very many knowledgeable people so "steal" happiness and health.

An example of such negligence (from the letter to the healer)

"Sorry to distract you from affairs, but I really need your advice. In Palm Sunday, I went to the church to sanctify the willow, I had three bouquets with me. In the church, a woman approached me and asked for one twig of the Willow, and I gave! And I know that it is impossible to give anything to people in the church, but for some reason, I could not refuse that woman.

The same evening I became bad, and I collapsed on the bed. I slept for a long time, but the dream was very heavy. The next morning I grabbed my heart, then my head was sick all day and getting worse and worse. Natalia Ivanovna, I do not understand how much it could happen to me! I wear a cross all the time, and there is a defense on me, and here such an attack! "

In order to reduce the damage induced in the church, take a handful of gray poppy into the right hand and spend it into your left hand. The poppy will fall with the hands to the ground, and in the meantime you say:

How this poppy does not hold on his hand, so that the damage does not hold on me from this hour, with God's damn.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and are confessed and forever and the ages, Amen.

Here are some rites associated with the Verbid Resurrection.

Protective conspiracy on the flowering willow

On the eve of the Verbal Resurrection, I wake the Willow twigs read a special conspiracy over them and give your favorite person. The conspiracy is:

As a Palm Sunday in the joy of all of the world Orthodox, so I would be the joy of my lovely, the slave of God (name). How the christian kel bell tower is waiting for a festive lunch, so there would be a slave of God (the name) waited for me, I was waiting for me, I looked for me in the human crowd, I looked out in the window, I would look out everywhere, and I would have rushed, and I would have rushed on the oncoming trail My hands are white. How not Verbid holiday The church is forgotten, and I will never forget the slave of God (name). Amen.

Workshop "Slavic charms - powerful protection. Getting ready for the recruitment resurrection "

It is now you can transform your destiny!

And we will help you in this with the workshop "Slavic Alers - Powerful Protection. Getting ready for the recruitment resurrection "

Palm Sunday in 2018 will be April 1

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P riemen on the willow

Palm Sunday break the willow and say:

As long as the willow

Behind the icon will lie

Until then, my husband is not blown away,

Will not forget. Amen.

If they smoothed your chickens and they stopped rushing, brew your willow from Palm Sunday and send. The eggs will be very much, and to continue them did not smooth, go to sleeping quarrels early in the morning and tell me:

As the sun appears and with you eggs.

Who goes, Lekaret,

He on himself and takes. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Willow twigs also help protect cattle. In the spring, before the first time to drive animals on the grazing, to the consecrated branch, tell us three times: "Holy Verba, save and save my cattle, my animal from the beast of Lyutogo, from the eye is unkind, from the goose sorcerer. Then the willow stick under the roof of the house.

For to save crops and get a good harvest, I need to plug the Willow Spread to the Earth (in the garden, in the garden, in the field) and say 7 times: "Take the Land from my slave (your name) of the Earth black curses and misfortunes. Holy Verba, be a shield from any enemy. "

What if tortured insomnia, then you need to put a twig of the Willow from the head of the bed and before bedtime, looking at her, sentence: "Holy angels, a dream of my bank, holy willow, undead driven out."

Kidneys, fluffy from Willow Help Help with infertility of women And with Enube.

Today you can bake the fluffy of the convieted willow in bread and give Patient Pets - Heal.

Eaten nine verbal earrings, counting it medicine from fever.

As well as as a therapeutic agent from other diseases.

Put the willow in the water in which Battle of sick children.

Baked earlings willow in bread, and cookies in the form of verbal kidneys were baked in the Kostroma settlements.

Many believed that the sanctified willow can stop the summer thunderstorm,and abandoned in the flame - help for fire.

Any coward wishing to get rid of its shortage, I must, on the arrival of the church in Palm Sunday, to drive a peg of consecrated willow in the wall of my house - the tool is if it does not turn into the hero, then, in any case, should be driven by a natural timidity.

Eat the kidney of the willow - the important thing will be solved.

If you have to go to important negotiationsor you are going to begin very important thing for youAnd you are not sure as a result, the willow will help you here. But only the willow will help, which in Palm Sunday was consecrated in the church. Going to an important thing, you need to tear three kidneys from the twig and eat them, drinking with a hunger water, while thinking about your business. True, you can use this property of the twig only in the most extreme case. Permanently, you do not need, the willer is better not to disturb, it can get sideways.

At Verbal Sunday, think about your loved one, he will come. Superstition? Most likely. But earlier, a young girl, if she liked some guy, and he did not pay any attention to her, waited for this one day. Starting from the morning, she began to think about who dear to her heart. Her thoughts were somehow incomprehensible to be transferred to this guy. And in the evening he came to her to call her to walk. In principle, it has long been proven that the human thought is material. All about what we think, sooner or later, it is necessary to happen in real life. Perhaps the Verbal Sunday has such an energy that allows you to embody our thoughts into life much faster than any other day.

But to plant the willow was considered a bad admission. They said: "Whoever puts the will, he is pretended for himself."(T. E. will die when the willow can be supplied to a shovel).

Verbal bazaars were considered a special rumpled week.

Especially they were loved by children, since they were presented the richest choice of children's toys, books, sweets.

There they also bought the vertick buns connected.

An decoration was tied to a beam - a paper angel.

He was called "Verbal Cherub".

On this day, you can plant a bedroom plant, to live in prosperity.

It used to be believed that if it was on this day to plant a room flower, then he will attract money to your life. In the cities, of course, kept indoor plants, but in the villages it was not before. But those who knew about this take, and planted houseplants, very quickly got up to their feet.

When you plant a plant, intend it (or a pot, if you planted seeds), I read a conspiracy three times: "You grow, and in richness to bloom. Such is my will. May it be so!"

And be sure to make sure that the plant is always healthy and well-groomed. Water it on Wednesday, reading the same conspiracy. If you do everything right, then soon notice that your material wealth has become improved.

But this sign there are several features that few people know about. First, if the flower starts up for a month, then you have to live all your life in poverty. And secondly, only plants with large and fleshy sheets need to be planted. By the way, one of these plants is now called money trees. In order to do not start and grow well, you need to know the special rules for its landing and care. By the way, it is noticed that in that house where money Tree It grows well, always wealth and shortage of money does not happen.

Also using a conspiracy on the willow you can attract money.

holidays (in Lazarev Saturday) Take the Willow Spray in my left hand, and the right crossbill and read ours "Father". Then ask the Most High to save you from financial problems and send wealth to your home. The conspiracy twig must be consecrated in the church on Sunday.

Family charm (on Palm Sunday)It is done once a year on Palm Sunday.

To do this, you need so much verbal branches as people in the family. Early in the morning, on the dawn, cut the branches, then go to the morning service and sanctify them. Having come home and drinking the holy water, starting to weave the braid from the vines, mentally presenting at this time, as all the households took the hands and formed a circle. After completing the work, let the most senior family member, holding a wreath before icon God's MotherRead: « The Verba Saint Paul Mahal, who was distilled off from us. As the truth, that the Verbal Sunday is honored, so the truth is that evil people are not climbing. Amen". 3 times. Wreath Store year with icons.

Verba B. folk medicine

Willow bark contains vitamin C, carbohydrates, cellulose, glycoside salicin, lignin, anthocyanins, flavones, catechins, tanning substances ... Cour will collect on the eve of spring or at the very beginning of March to flowering and during the cojoint. The tree should not be old or too young. The healing of the trees are 6-8 years old. The bark is removed carefully, cut into pieces, dried in the sun, and then lean in a dryer or oven at a temperature of 50-60 degrees until it becomes easy to break. The shelf life of the bark is 4 years.

For therapeutic purposes, men's servants are also collected during flowering. Willow decoctions have hemostatic, disinfectant, binders, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic properties.

A decoction from the cortex of the willow does not give to the thrombam, because it dilutes blood.

In folk medicine, preparations from the willow are used in angina, fever, malaria, internal bleeding, dysentery, inflammation of the gastric mucosa and colon, gynecological diseases, rheumatism ...

With the inflammation of the oral cavity and throat, the ragners are used for rinsing.

In case of varicose veins and skin diseases, baths are applied from beam.

A decoction with the stomach diseases and the gastrointestinal tract: 2 tbsp. Spoons of dry chopped Willow bark brew 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, reduce the fire and hold 5 minutes to hold on slow fire. Strain. Take ½ cup 3-4 times a day.

With tuberculosis, the lungs and jaundice drink on the day of 2 glasses of the beam.

This tree has proven itself and in cosmetics. With dandruff, itching the head of the head and hair loss is washed with a strong decoction of equal parts of the cortex of the Willow and the roots of the burdock.

In France, from young shoots, the Willow, purified from the bark, learned to cook Very useful dish. The shoots are pre-dried, then fried with sugar and onions, fill with flour sauce and vinegar. From young leaves, kidneys, escapes brew tea, which, according to fishermen and hunters, raises the mood and gives strength

You will learn:

how to make threshold salt, bread, candle and fire ( Sacred fire), which are then used for various rituals all year

what to do in pure Thursdayfor health and wealth;

how to get married, be beloved and beautiful;

rituals to get rid of the negative and harmful habits (alcoholism, drug addiction)

rite to destroy evil intents of any enemy (I will reveal the secret that this ritual can be done not only in pure Thursday)

Book "Conspiracy and rites for Easter"

This is a book with rites and conspiracies for Easter, which includes rituals for passionate Friday and Saturday

You will get conspiracies:

  • for rich life, happiness and joy in the house,
  • on the dough for well-being and peace in the family
  • attractive Grooms in the houseandon men's love ,
  • from quarrels with relativesand on the restoration of the world,
  • for Return health and B. memory spacecraft, 60% discount For the set "Verbal, Clean Thursday, Easter, Annunciation" Here:

Palm Sunday celebrate a week before Easter. This year it falls on April 1, and on next year - The 21st of April. The feast itself symbolizes the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem. The whole difference is that there are no palms in our area. Therefore, consecrate the sprigs of the willow. Because of this, such a name. Candles and willows in the hands of the parishioners of the Church on this day are a symbol of the victory of life over death. It is believed that the consecrated willow guard the dwelling.

After the recruitment of the resurrection, you need to love children with the Verba, to be smart: Holiday History and Signals

The name of the holiday received in Russia in the 10th century, when people put the rite to break the branches of the willow on the banks of the rivers. Then they covered it with holy water and carried to her home. The belief is about the healing properties of verbal twigs. They were applied to the patients with places, they concerned with other people, wanting them to be healthy. When the children were stealing, it meant that they should not hurt all year, grow healthy and smart.

In order to heal and decide, the kidneys of the willow was added to the bread dough. Welcome from the willow should have been empowered by courage and physical strength. Therefore, the guys wore them with pleasure. In addition, the kidneys are mounted in Kashitz to the composition of ointments from burns and wounds. They treated skin diseases.

After the recruitment of the resurrection, you need to love children with the Verba to be smart: a variety of ways to apply willow

Success in work and on the road is guaranteed if you eat a couple of kidney willow. Before this day, the tradition has been preserved to put willow branches in the corners of the rooms and decorate them icons. The other tradition is not preserved - to shower the kidneys of the Newlyweds.

Those women who dreamed of children, but could not become pregnant, ate 10 kidneys for the fifth day after the end of the monthly. It was believed that it would help solve the problem. Move the sexual force and people, and animals - such qualities attributed our ancestors. To this end, domestic cattle has stealed with recruit branches and hung them in a hlev.

Unused sanctified sprigs cannot be thrown up to the next holiday. They were burned, and the ashes threw into the river. The branches needed to know where to take. Chose the youngest and best growing in reservoirs. It was forbidden to take those that grew near the cemetery.

After the recruitment of the resurrection, you need to love children by Verba to be smart: traditions and rites

Signs for Palm Sunday helped predict the harvest:

  • those who have a sanctified willow have a sanctified will be protected from lightning;
  • abandoned to the fire will, will help to reveal the fire faster;
  • abandoned in ice freight - it will save from the flood;
  • on the Palm Sunday rain to a generous harvest;
  • dry weather - a farewell year;
  • clouds without rain to normal crop.

Just decorated their house on these days for a good mood. She symbolized the spring and awakening of nature.

It is difficult to list all the rites associated with this holiday. There are several of them most popular:

  • protect the dwelling from the risk of a fire will help burning the verbal twig;
  • calling into the house wealth and good will help the rite to lead the ward sprig on the water;
  • health for the whole year will give eaten kidney willow;
  • if at the eve of the Verbal Sunday, the Willow Kidney will dissolve, then the year will be good and yield.

The ancient Slavs existed belief that the willow had an incredible force. People were convinced that she was able to protect them from evil forces, protect against trouble and help in overcoming obstacles. Folk signsrelated to this plant reached our time.

The sacred plant of our ancestors

Many believe that superstitions associated with the Verba appeared because it is filled with life before the rest of the plants. If the weather did not allow the plant to bloom on time, then the twigs of the willow put into the water, so that she blossomed to the recurious Sunday. Previously, it was accepted slightly hit each other. It was believed that this gives a man strength and protects him.

Eat the kidney of the willow was considered very good signSince this plant has medicinal properties and contributes to healing from many diseases. Willow branches put into water, and then batted sick children in it. Earrings of this plant were baked into bread, and in some villages baked cookies in the form of kidney willow.

We have reached us a large number of admission associated with this plant. They help recognize signs, try to warn us about something important. Consider some of them.

  • A strong wind blows on Palm Sunday - most likely, all summer will be windy. On this day, warm and clear - all summer will be hot, and the harvest is rich.
  • If in this bright day to touch a man of willow branch, it will give him forces, health and clean it from negative energy.
  • The sanctified willow must be stored in the house all year to protect the well-being of the family.
  • There is a note on pregnancy: to get pregnant, in Palm Sunday a childless woman should eat the kidney of this plant.
  • To expel failure from your life and bad luck, you need to quit the willow against the wind.
  • The plants thrown into the fire can repay it.
  • Throw the willow to the yard means to protect yourself from adversity.
  • With severe pain, you must touch the branches of the plant.
  • To cure the disease, it is necessary to hug the willer, but do it no longer than 10-15 minutes a day.

In Starina, believed that if you go to the deaf thicket of the forest, where the man's leg did not go, find the will, and bring her home there, then the happiness, well-being and luck will settle in the house.

They say another unusual property of this plant. Believers are convinced that in the Christian festival of the introduction of the Virgin to the temple of the Kidney Willow instantly swell and dissolve, making light clicks. It is believed than harsh frosts, the louder these clicks. It happens on the night from 3 to 4 December.

It happens that on this night leaflets appear on the branches of the plant, and after midnight they are hiding again and reveal only in the spring. People who managed to catch this amazing moment, carry twigs in the temple or put at home in the water.

What to do with last year's plant

When you bring home the consecrated willow, the question arises: what to do with last year? Just so throwing it into no case. There are several options as you can do:

  • Lower last year's plant in the reservoir (river, pond, lake).
  • Burn, and ash dispelled over the river.
  • If the willow sprouted, you can plant twigs in the forest or near the river.
  • You can freeze it as a candle and go through the house with her, pronouncing prayer, thereby conducting the rite of cleansing the apartment.
  • In the old year, last year's twigs were burned in the oven, in which Easter cakes were baked.
  • Previously, last year, the corners of the house swept the corners, and after burned out on the street, uttering words of gratitude for the fact that he had faithful.
  • You can attribute branches in the forest and leave them in Willow's bushes.
  • Or attribute to church, there they will burn them, uttering words of prayer.

You often ask the question: Is it possible to plant the willow near the house on the site? In fact, it is impossible to plant this plant in my yard. There is a saying: we will put the willow near my house - the century itself is shortened. Naturally, it is possible to plant trees and even need. But it is recommended to do this in the forest, because the willow must grow at freedom. And it is in the forest, and not on panstone, Cut the branches of the plant for consecrated in the temple.

Unusual properties of the plant

If the plant has entered the roots - it means you will be lucky in the future, you are waiting for prosperity and happiness. Spring twig is desirable to put in the forest or by the river, fading a desire, and it will surely come true.

The twigs dried - hence they took the host of the host of the house.

To feel confidence in yourself and vitality, you need to hang the branches of the plant over the door of your house. Every time you come to your home, touch them.

So that the plant does not lose their strength, collecting, do not climb the branches, but carefully and gently cut them off. At the same time, we are tallying the tree, as well as ask for forgiveness for taking part of it.

A good admission is considered to make an amulet from the kidney, such a talisman will protect and heal its owner.

The Holiday of the Lord in Jerusalem, the Christian Church introduced in the IV century, and in Russia he appeared in the X century and became known as Verbal Sunday, since the willow had the same meaning as the palm branches. According to the traditions of the holiday on the eve of the Palm Sunday, Russian people went to the shores of the river to break the willow, and it was a real rite. The will always be sanctified in the Church of Holy Water, however, this tradition remained to our time.

In warm countries, this day is met with palm branches, in our country at that time of the year the leaves on the trees are not yet blown. The branches of evergreen coniferous plants were traditionally used in burial rigging, so it is impossible to use them.

According to the signs and beliefs it was believed that the consecrated willow possesses healing propertiesTherefore, the branches touched people, wishing them to health, set the head of the patients, applied to patients with places, stealing children so that they did not hurt during the year and grew up healthy. Excaped dried wind buds were added to various healing chambers, which were used to treat wounds and skin diseases. Sometimes the kidneys were added to bread and other baking, and some baked bread in the form of a verbal twig. From the drop-down kidneys did a verbal porridge. But the willow not only heals, it gives physical strength, courage and courage, so many young men made themselves chambers and talismans from the Kidney Willow.

It was believed that if before a long expensive or some serious business to eat several verbal kidneys, then a person on his way and in the case will only be successful. The branches were decorated with icons, they were hung in the corners of the rooms that many do to this day. Also, the amulets from verbal kidneys wore women who had no children. By accepting, it was necessary to eat ten kidney five days after the end of the monthly, it should have helped in conceiving a child. And so that the offspring was healthy, then the Willow Spread was put under the fence, and the newlyweds began to showered the kidneys.

Our ancestors believed that the Verba could give the sexual force of not only a person, but also livestock. That is why domestic animals were stealed with a consecrated verbal branch, hang branches in the beauties, and before the first pasture in the field, these branches were fed to animals, so that they were not poisoned to poisonous herbs, did not become a victim of diseases, thieves and predatory animals. No one day without adversely related to the weather. And Palm Sunday is no exception.

If it rains on Palm Sunday - wait good harvest. This sign is based on perennial observations of our ancestors. They noticed that if it was raining in this day, then the harvest would be just wonderful. If, on the contrary, it is dry weather, then the crop can not wait. And, if in the sky clouds, overcast, but there is no rain, then the crop will be quite good, but not the way I would like. It was also believed that the willb could protect the house from the natural elements. In the house in which there is a consecrated twig of the Willow, lightning will not fall. If you have a fire with a fire in the fire, it will go out faster, and the flame will not turn to another structure. And the twigs thrown during the ice drift in the water will help to avoid large floods.

If unused branches remained for the next holiday of the Verbo Sunday, they could not be thrown into them. They must be burned and throw in the stream or river, and the water should not be standing. Choosing new branches, preferred with young trees growing from rivers. It was impossible to take branches from trees growing near the cemetery, as well as on which there are sockets and a hollow.

Many people, believers and not very, and on our days the day before the Verbal Sunday, decorate their home by sprigs of willow, because this plant gives joy and awakens in the heart of the spring.

Signs for Palm Resurrection

Wrong by the body of the Willow Spark - Will Health whole year. Perhaps this is the only sign that people know about today. At first, the Willow Spray is sanctified on this day in the church, and then they tap the branch over the body and sentenced: "Be as strong as the willow, as healthy as her roots and the same rich as the Earth." Such preference is given to the Verba because it is perhaps the most lively tree, which is only in nature. It is believed that even if the Willow stick stick up in the ground up "legs", it will still be accepted, and will grow. It is for this reason that the willow will be able to give health to a person, because she herself is very strong.

Eat the kidney of the willow - the important thing will be solved. Consecrated Willow Spots was taken to keep a whole year near the icon. If you have to go to important negotiations, or you are going to start a very important thing for you, and you are not sure as a result, the willow will help you here. But only the willow will help, which in Palm Sunday was consecrated in the church. Going to an important thing, you need to tear three kidneys from the twig and eat them, drinking with a hunger water, while thinking about your business. True, you can use this property of the twig only in the most extreme case. Permanently, you do not need, the willer is better not to disturb, it can get sideways.

At the Palm Sunday, think about your loved one, he will come. Superstition? Most likely. But earlier, a young girl, if she liked some guy, and he did not pay any attention to her, waited for this one day. Starting from the morning, she began to think about who dear to her heart. Her thoughts were somehow incomprehensible to be transferred to this guy. And in the evening he came to her to call her to walk. In principle, it has long been proven that the human thought is material. All about what we think, sooner or later, it is necessary to happen in real life. Perhaps the Pitful Sunday has such an energy that allows you to embody our thoughts into life much faster than any other day.

Posadi houseplant on Palm Sunday - you will be rich. It used to be believed that if it was this day to plant room flower, he will attract money to your life. In cities, of course, kept houseplantsAnd in the villages it was not before. But those who knew about this take, and planted houseplants, very quickly got up to their feet. But this sign there are several features that few people know about. First, if the flower starts up for a month, then you have to live all your life in poverty. And secondly, only plants with large and fleshy sheets need to be planted. By the way, one of these plants is now called money trees. In order to do not start and grow well, you need to know the special rules for its landing and care. By the way, it is noticed that in the house where the money tree grows well, there is always awning and shortage of money.

The poultry on the street is not released - the witch will spoil. Perhaps earlier in this posture were confident, but not now. It was believed that a week before the Great Easter witch began to buoy. After all, starting with Easter and all holidays, their strength temporarily decreased. So they tried to attack, so to speak, the future. It was believed that it was on the witch's home bird and played off. Just believe this take it or not, it is not known. But in the villages to this day, those who hold the bird, they are trying to not produce her to the street.

There are holidays that we heard about, we know, but do not know about the signs related to this day. We are not very worried because we do not know which customs need to be observed. But when in our lives, trouble happens, problems appear, then we begin to think, where all this takes, and for which all this is our heads.

Turning to Palm Resurrection

. Headaches are spoken by headaches.
To do this, combing hair, remove the hair from combs and put them into the water.
Pour this Water Verq under Palm Sunday and tell me:
"Water, go to the ground with a headache."

. At Verbal Sunday make a spell on the willow.
To do this break the twig and tell me:
"Until the willow be on the icon to lie down,
Until then, my husband is not blown away, will not forget. Amen".
Put the willow for the icon.
Only in any case do not throw out a conspiracy twig!

. Remember that the twigs from the Palm Resurrection must be saved.
They help in the treatment of many diseases!

. It is accepted, on reference, at Verbnoe Sunday, to steal the reclocity on the back of someone you want health.
But know that the desired desires wishes you badly.
Since, stepping with the Verba in this great holiday, you may wish for evil, and it will come true.

. Sweep the willow. And then keep it in the house all year in a vase or for icons.
Old Verba, spent a year, spend all the corners, windows, thresholds,
Thank her service and burn.
It is necessary to drag a new sacred loose on the back of all domestic and animals,
Aloud, say: "Verba-Chlest, Bay to Tears," it adds health.

. Kidneys, fluffy from the Willow of the Complete
Help when infertility female and enjoying.

. Today you can bake the fluffy of the convieted willow in bread
And to give sick pets - healed.

Everyone who helps their close castings
or another method to remove damage or pour,
This was useful from interception: today an empty stomach should eat
3 Kidneys Willow and wash with holy water.
Then say:
"The Verba Saint Paul Mahal, who distilled themselves from me.
How true that Palm Sunday Chew and True,
That other people's diseases do not stick to me. Amen".
If you orthodox man, then before it must be coming.

Rituals. Verba and her strength.

The willow at this time is a significant plant in the national Orthodox culture of Russians. It gave the name "Palm Sunday" Church of the two-month holiday of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem, celebrated on the last Sunday before Easter. According to the Gospel, Jesus, Xursa, headed with students from Viph, where he raised Lazarus, in Jerusalem to celebrate Easter there. On the approach to the city, Xlestos saw the donkey tied to the tree, on which he entered the city. Residents of Jerusalem, who learned about the resurrection miracle of Lazarus, enthusiastically welcomed the Savior with palm branches, called "Vaia", and a laudatory song. On the road, on which Jesus was driving, people threw palm branches and drove their clothes. In memory of this event in christian temples On the day of the holiday, it is customary to consecrate the decorated branches of the trees. The Russians, the Palm Branch was taken by the Verba, and a week before the holiday began to call "Verbnaya", "Verbnitsa".

The ideas about the unusual properties of the Willow, however, are rooted in pre-Christian, pagan times. This plant, like birch, was associated with the idea of \u200b\u200brapid growth, health, vitality, fertility. These ideas are based on the fact that the willow before other plants dissolves its kidneys. The bloomed tree symbolized the upcoming spring and, according to mythological consciousness, could pass the health, strength and beauty to man and pets.

The willow was quite widely used in the calendar rites of Russian peasants. Despite the fact that Palmous Sunday was a church holiday, on this day there were numerous rites with the Verba, which are based on the archaic beliefs. It was customary to go to the forest to the forest before sunrise in Lazarev Saturday, on the eve of Palm Sunday. Brought twigs often immediately decorated with paper flowers and ribbons, but sometimes they did only after their sanctification or on the eve of Easter. Sitting the willow went to church on the same day for the evening service or in the morning on Sunday. Sanctified branches put in the front corner on the divine or put for the icons, where they were kept to Egoryev of the day or the whole year. In Siberia for willow, they did from the straw "Teremok", decorated with rags, ribbons and hung before the icon.

At the coming home after the consecration of the Willow, and sometimes right near the church it hit each of the households, and most often the children were considered "for health." At the same time, they sentenced: "Verba Krasnova, Bay to tears, be healthy!", - Or: "I'm not going - the willow beats, the Verba Hest beats to tears." In many locations, with the same purpose they were whipped with a cattle by the roller or gave to eat a branch or kidney of the plant.

In the Central Russian strip, so that the sheep "were found", they fed them with a special punishment or loaves, in which the kidney of the Willow baked. In some places, the shape of the kidneys was given to a ritual liver, which in Lazarev Saturday brought to the church to consecrate together with the Verba Cookies. In the Kostroma province, it was called "lamb", in Moscow - "lamb", "Babashiki" or "Akatushki", in Ryazan - "nuts", "Kytytka". Cookies baked in the number of cattle and birds, and in some local traditions - and for all households. On Ryazanchin, the feed of the sheep in the Palm Sunday biscuits, they believed that they would bring a pair of the lambs each, and the holiday himself was called "Yagnyychim".

Consecrated branches everywhere in Russians put and still put in a red corner next to icons. Previously, the willow stored before Egorov Day or all year. Throwing it after whipping the cattle was considered a sin. Usually these branches stuck in the roof in the roof, "so that the cattle is not wandering," or threw in the river, "Punching water"; Sometimes - burned in the oven. Belorus Veda was kept all year after icons to the new passionate Monday. On the same day, it was burned and the images set a new consecrated willow. When moving B. new house Part of the Verba branches left in the old house, and half were transferred to the new one.

In Egoryev, the day in many localities, the Verba hit every cattle during the ceremony of the first pasture on Palau, and after being missed it, considering it that these actions would provide a good selection and secure from wild animals throughout the season of Padiba. Similarly, in the day of the Nikola of Excellen, on this day and especially when the horses were pastured in the night, first in the season, they were stealing with recruit branches.

On Ivan Ivanovka on Volyn and in a podol, the village or the Verba branch was used as a festive attribute: girls decorated the plant with flowers and drove around him a dance, and after a while the guys rushed into the girl's virgin, captured the willow and ruptured her. This rite in its value is close to numerous agricultural rituals of the East Slavonic tradition using stuffed from plant material, and its goal is to affect the forces of nature, in order to be a crop.

As you can understand from the above examples, the magic functions were attributed to the Verba in the folk consciousness. Special force ended with verbal branches, consecrated in Palm Sunday. The production properties of the plant are apparent from the magic importance of sentences that have pronounced with the tange of children: "grow like a willow!", "As a dressing grows, so you grow!" In some areas, fruitless women ate the kidney of the sanctified willow in the hope that it will help them give birth to a child. Books stuck the verb branches around the apiary so that the bees would be good to swallow, there would be more bee families, and they would bring the owner of honey and wax in abundance.

In the Penza province, there was a rite of appealing of violence, in which the appointment of a positive value is obvious. At midnight, the on the eve of the Palm Resurrection, young people went around at home where newlyweds lived, and near the gate shouted:
"From, on-site, young, the guy beat, the health is more former to endure." The young spiral gate, and the crowd came from the song: "There would be a crop of bread, livestock multiplication." All sleeping in the hut slightly hit the Verba, saying: "Bey, to be healthy," and also: "Get up early, Bay Baran." The latter was stalled by the young when she bowed, accomplishing the singing youth for the gate.

The producing willow force was used directly in agricultural rites. So, after the first breakback of livestock, the twigs could break and scatter them along the field, and the kidneys to open in grain, intended for sowing. On the Smolenc region, a part of the willow brought after the pasting of livestock was sticking to the ground on the Breadfield - "So that the Earth quickly came to life", "so that rye is well humbled and growing fluffy like the willow"; The other part was hidden for the icon - "So that the cattle was returned home." Here the hostess of the rod who traveled the cattle, threw in the shower in the manure; At the same time, she jumped as usual as possible, "to yields Len." In some places, the Willow branches stuck at the four corners of the field for the Oberega of Sowing.