
Effective means of protection against the invasions of the flies. How to quickly get rid of flies by folk remedies

Landscape garden design

It is almost impossible to meet a person who would not have come across such annoying insects like flies. It is difficult to also meet a person who would have been indifferent to their presence. Neighborhood with flies is a lot of trouble. These insects can derive from the equilibrium of the most sustainable person to external stimuli. They pursue a person almost everywhere, be something on the street or in the apartment, not giving peace. At the same time, flies do not understand where they sit down, so they are found in the most expensive places. After that, they can fly to the apartment and climb food. As a result, they transfer pathogens of infectious and other diseases. Therefore, everyone who sees a fly in her apartment, trying to get rid of it.

It is very important to approach the solution of this problem comprehensively. Only so you can protect your living space from such an unpleasant neighborhood. Timely destruction of flies will not allow them to multiply and interfere in the calm, measured human life.

First of all, the reasons for the appearance of flies in the apartment should be analyzed and only then proceed to their destruction. Flies penetrate in human housing:

  • Through open windows and doors. As a rule, it happens in summer or autumn when warm on the street. Flies use any opportunity to penetrate human housing.
  • As a result of the fact that they remained wintering in the apartment. This is because there is no proper struggle with them. With the onset of cold weather, flies fall into hibernation. When spring comes and on the street begins to warm, flies wake up and begin their activity, making apartments for residents.

It is believed that flies are a sign of antisanitarian, although they may appear in any housing and in any apartment. They easily find places where food rot. It is in them, they postpone their eggs. The long-term presence of flies in the apartment leads to an increase in their numbers, especially if they begin to multiply. Therefore, by finding flies in your apartment (as a rule, they themselves give out their presence), you should immediately destroy them. Than them are less, the easier it is to cope with them.

Features Muh

Flies are segmental insects, from the detachment of flies and mosquitoes. In nature, there is a sufficient number of types of flies that differ in their sizes: the flies of a few millimeters are found, as well as several centimeters. Fly of the order of two months live, but during this time she is able to postpone a large number of eggs and harm human health, of course under certain conditions.

Flies are distinguished by the fact that they have huge eyes consisting of several thousand hexagonal lens. Thanks to his eyes, fly sees everything that happens around her. Therefore, it is so hard to catch it. Room flies live solely in the human dwelling and in nature it is almost impossible to meet them. Flies often appear in apartments in summer and autumn. In these periods, there is simply no abandon from them. They lead themselves pretty brazenly and can spoil the mood to anyone.

The body of the room flies is different brown, with brown shades. Top of the head are large eyes and short mustache. Fly is armed with wings and three pairs of legs. Proken flock grows up to 8 mm long, while males are slightly smaller. There are suckers on my paws, which allows the fly to be reliably held on any, including a smooth surface.

Fly has an excellent sense of smell. It feels the smell of food at a long distance. Fly does not happen anything, but more prefers food in liquid form, including spoiled. A fly feeds with a long trunk through which food in liquid form is absorbed. The firm food of the fly first dissolves its saliva, and then sucks through the proboscis.

The dirtier place, the more flies in this place. Therefore, all sorts of garbage, trash and food waste, places where food remains, as well as the waste of human life, are considered the main habitat of the flies. Such places are characteristic of the fact that they are simply sissed by microbes, viruses and bacteria. Muhi quickly move from such places in the human dwelling and crawl into pure foods, leaving microbes, viruses and bacteria on them, after which it is not difficult to get to the hospital.

Using such products, it is not difficult to get infected:

  • Cholera or dysentery.
  • Typhoundic fever or typhoid.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Tuberculosis, Siberian ulcer or salmonelese.
  • Various types of helminths.

On a note! Flies are not only annoying insects, but also quite dangerous. Since they are sitting on food, then there is a real threat to the health of households. Diseases that carry these insects are so dangerous that it is difficult to treat. Especially vulnerable are children and older people who have immunity not able to protect the body from such ailments.

Methods of getting rid of flies in the apartment

If you wish, if you apply the fight measures, it is really not to allow flies, not to multiply in the apartment, but also appeared at all. For a long period of confrontation with insects, a person came up with a lot of ways to get rid of flies.

Preparations of artificial (chemical) origin are considered the most effective, regardless of the number of these annoying insects. We use widely popular:

  • Aerosols. As a rule, aerosols are associated with "dichlofosomes" and "chlorophos". Aerosols are very popular due to ease of use: it is enough to press on the top of the canister and a jet of a poisonous substance is thrown out of it. For effective struggleAerosols should be sprayed in closed rooms, but before that, the housing must leave all the tenants of the apartment, as well as pets.
  • Fumigators from flies in the form of plates. But for this you need to purchase a special device, after which the plate is inserted into it. The plate is heated, after which it begins to exhibit poisonous substances. These plates at the same time destroy other insects, such as mosquitoes.
  • Sticky tapes on which adhesive adhesive applied with bait. In fact, these are traps for flies. They are placed in places where flies accumulate in great numbers. It can be a toilet, kitchen and other rooms. When fly sits on such a tape to try the bait, she just sticks out. When a lot of dead flies accumulate on the ribbon, it is removed and thrown into the trash can, and a new trap is hanging in her place.

Chemical means of struggle and traps for flies are sold in business stores. As a rule, such traps do not differ high costs. Despite this, it effective method Getting rid of the unpleasant and annoying neighborhood.

The following natural components are used to combat flies in the apartment:

  • Tomato Bottvawhich is distinguished by a pronounced aroma, which many pests do not tolerate, as well as flies. Alternatively, you can plant tomatoes in pots and place them on the windowsill. A few days later, the flies will leave the room.
  • Lavra oil. Acts just like tomato BottvaBy expelling the pests from the dwelling, including flies. Oil is lubricated all surfaces in the kitchen. At the same time, it is necessary to be attentive in order not to harm furniture.
  • Carnation. The fragrance of this plant is afraid of many insects. To scare the flies, it is enough in the kitchen to decompose a few sticks of this spice. On the basis of the carnation, you can make an elementary flipper of the flies. To do this, take a lemon and cut it into 2 parts. After that, the carnation is stuck in it (several pieces).
  • Essential oils. It is permissible to use extracts of plants such as mint, lavender, carnation, lemongrass and others. Flies do not tolerate the aromas of these plants and many others. Aromolampa is suitable for using essential oils. With it, it is fusing the room.

Traps do it yourself

Homemade traps are no less effective, compared with chemical preparations and folk remedies. In addition, they are absolutely safe for family members.

Variants of traps:

  • A simple trap from the bank is done like this: a bait is placed on the bottom of the bank, after which paper or cardboard is inserted into it, in the form of a cone, a narrow part down. A fly can easily climb into a jar, and she will not be able to get out of it.
  • The same trap from the can, but made somewhat differently. A vinegar is poured into the bank (quite a bit) and a drop is added to it. detergent. Then the bank is closed with a food film, in which a hole is made, the magnitude of the flies. A fly can crawl into a trap, but can't get out.

Prevention measures

Probably there are no people who would not be familiar with these annoying beings.

Such insects are extremely fast in flight, they are very difficult to grab on the fly. Their wings are given in motion due to the system of powerful muscles of the thoracic trunk (thorax). Scientists have established that the ordinary room flies wings work with incredible speed - about 200 crawls per second. Separate species These insects are capable of moving wings even faster. Although those wings that are located at the back (buzz), in fact, are not wings, they help the fly to maintain balance and extract all these tricks, avoiding falling or unstable flight. In addition, thanks to these wings, some flies can spin in the air in one place and fly back in advance. It was found that the fastest representatives of these insects can fly at a very high speed - almost 40 km / h.

Lifestyle Muhi

The activity of the room flies occurs, mainly during the day. Adult representatives of this species use different liquid substances. Their oral apparatus is a lid-sucking, that is, such insects are absolutely not able to pierce human skin.

Biting flies that are usually confused with indoor - it is a gallow ( latin name Stomoxys Calcitrans).

Indoor flies are very prolific. One pair of flies can give a very large offspring. His eggs (on average 80-100) they are postponed everywhere, where its larvae can feed. For all his brief life, the female is able to postpone about 1000 eggs. The whole cycle of development passes from this insect in just a couple of weeks.

In winter, indoor flies mysteriously disappear. The question arises: where do they come from in such colossal quantities by the summer? Everything is simple - they lay eggs, of which, after a day, the larvae appear, which reach the stage of an adult insect only after 11 days.

Throughout its existence, the fly passes a number of changes: it turns into a larva from the egg, then an adult insect appears in the doll, which is already immediately able to give new offspring.

What are the dangerous flies?

According to the smallest calculations, ordinary room flies are the cause of 112 infectious jaundice epidemics in the 19th century in Russia. Currently, thanks to a well-developed medical sphere, this indicator has decreased to 3-5 epidemics per year.

Diseases of the above infectious diseases occur if the foods that are infected with flies are used in food. All diseases, if not treated, will be reflected in the state of the gastrointestinal system. The affected person is disturbed by the work of the liver and stomach, it appears constipation or diarrhea (depending on the type of infection), the temperature often rises. In very serious cases, the stomach can be covered with bloody cracks and small ulcers, and the liver increases in its sizes.

Folk remedies in the fight against flies

. Many people in the garden grows ordinary tomato, and it is his leaves that can help in the fight against these insects. Fall asleep all the dwelling with tomato leaves should not be enough to put a few miniature pots on the windows with tomatoes. And if you decorate them with some decor, then the plants will become an unusual addition to your interior. Such a folk remedy for flies helps to make these insects fly away from your home.

Another beautiful remedy for flies is a black and fern elder. IN summer period There are a huge amount of such plants, so you will not have any problems with how to get them. Flies do not tolerate themsmell . In order to scare these insects, the twigs of the fern or elderly decompose around the room, or simply put them in the vase.

. The opposite flies you can prepare a poison of our own production. To do this, mix sugar (2 teaspoons) with black ground pepper (1 teaspoon). The resulting mixture is scattered in a saucer, and put them throughout the perimeter of the house.

. However, who loves flowers and in its collection has geranium, it is incredibly lucky, because it is an excellent remedy against flies.

. These insects tolerate can not be smell the smell of the Caster, Skipidar and wax. If you wash the doors and windows with water, in which you add a few drops of one of these funds, flies will be feared to fly into your home.

Supports of such plants as Eucalyptus or Mirt, also good helps to get rid of flies. And most importantly, very quickly. Put these plants in flower pots and put them on the windowsill. The house will always be at hand an excellent cold remedy, and a great flipper flies.

. The homemade feeders with black pepper are well helped. In those places where these insects live a large amount, it is necessary to pour black peppers. It will not have to taste them, since this substance is a terrible poison for them.

Bugger with mite - this is also a good remedy for scaring flies. Since these insects do not smell this plant, they will disappear from your apartment for a long time.

. If you have a private house Or you are in the country, then you can land a baby near the housing. Its smell is unpleasant to these creatures.

. Treat folk remedy From flies is a Pijm. Its flowers and stems highlight special essential oils that have a paralytic effect on these insects.

. At home, you can prepare a special solution that affects the flies as the poisoning substance. To do this, in the water it is necessary to dissolve a quarter of a teaspoon of chlorofos, and add the floor of a teaspoon of sugar. The resulting mixture is pouring into

soccer and apart at home.

. Some claim: from flies you can get rid of, if you suspend orange or lemon, stuffed with cloves.

The prevention of the appearance of flies in the house will be his timely cleaning. The food must be in the insect places inaccessible. Windows and windows of your home must be protected by a mosquito net. Then you can get rid of many annoying insects, do not at all at all.

How to get rid of flies that fly into the house and do not give peace by annoying buzzing? This question arises every year with early spring until late autumn. Simple chemical processing helps for a short time, and can cause allergies. Today we consider the effective folk methods to combat harmful insects.

What are the dangerous flies?

Before proceeding to the description of the methods of combating flies, we will deal with what the neighborhood is dangerous.

  • Moving from place to place, they are sitting on food, infecting them with malicious microbes, which can cause not only heavy poisoning, but also death.
  • The habitat is perfect for the spread of diseases. In the course of life, flies are sitting on garbage, dirt or feces. After that, these bacteria are transferred to food.
  • Here are just some of the pigeons that are transferred to these insects: diarrhea and dysentery, typhoid fever and abdominal typhoid, conjunctivitis and cholera.
  • They are sources of salmonellosis, tuberculosis and ulcers.

Muh development and breeding cycles

4 stages of development can be distinguished life cycle This insect.

  • Egg deposition. One individual can postpone about 150 eggs at a time. They are postponed in a wet environment. These are compost pits, manure or garbage.
  • The larva develops. From the moment of laying the eggs until the start of the development of the larva, quite a bit of time passes. Approximately time interval ranges from 8 hours before a day.

  • The larva is pumped. Before the start of this stage, the larva moves into a dry place in the house, where turns into a doll. The process takes from three to four weeks.
  • Birth of flies. Approximately one individual lives a month. During this time, it lays out from 500 to 2000 eggs.

Steps of getting rid of flies

Fighting flies consists of two stages:

  • Detection and elimination of reproduction places. You significantly reduce the total number of adults to clean up and clean the spreads of distribution. Timely remove the garbage, close the garbage tanks so that insects do not fly and postponed the offspring there. As pollution, handle them with acetic solution. Vinegar - means hated by insects. IN apartment houses The location of the accumulation of these flying creatures is a garbage chute. Hussing is the duty, but everyone should throw out waste in tightly tied packages.
  • Getting rid of adult individuals. You can kill the flies of large size in the apartment as applying chemistry and folk remedies, because household chemicals are not always safe for the respiratory organs of people.

Folk Much Fight Methods

  • Vodka. Flies in the Spirit do not tolerate the smell of alcohol. The method can be successfully used in the courtyard of the private house or in the garden. Spray or squeeze the handful of vodka on the skin. In this case, insects will not annoy your annoyance.
  • Essential oil. Lavender, eucalyptus, lemongrass, mint-oil of these plants effectively scare flies.

  • Carnation. The thick aroma of the carnation scares insects. In the kitchen, leave 10-15 boutons in a plate or vase. It is possible to use and essential oils of this spice. Cutting the lemon, with stuck cloves, it is possible.
  • Oshness-based lotion. Half a glass of female hazel beam mix with the same amount of vinegar, add 30-50 drops of eucalyptus essential oil there. In such a composition, you can smear open areas of the skin.

  • Sugar trap. Mix the water with sugar in sweet syrup. Pour it into the jar. Make a cone from paper, insert it with a sharp end to the jar. Watch that the edge of the cone does not touch the liquid syrup. Cocking into a sweet trap, the flies back will not get out.
  • Prima with black pepper. Connect a glass of water, 4 spoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of black guers. Pour this solution in the saucer. Having dispersed such a delicacy, the fly will go to the world other in a couple of days.

  • Mechanical means of fighting flies are represented by the most common viscosity. In this way, one way or another, everyone, be a twisted newspaper or magazine. Weighing minus-ugly dirty stains on furniture, walls and ceiling. In addition to the most ordinary muffins, there are vacuum and electrical species.
  • Velcro at home is used most often. They are called "Bennbards". The minus is that this design looks quite dissipating. Often instead of insects in a sticky trap and the gaseous owners fall. This device can be bought in the store and make yourself. Cook a strong sugar syrup, add honey or jam to it. Cut the crafted paper strips that are soak in the resulting solution. Dry, hang in the right rooms.

  • If you wash windows, slopes, doors, jetty with the addition of turpentine or caster. Two docks will not fly into the room.
  • Pour a special solution into small jars. In a glass of water spray dichlofos and add two spoons of sugar. Arrange the bait but the whole house.

Exotic plants from flies

Floral houseplants They can literally eat flies like predators or scare them. It is rather a dick, and eat flies in large quantities they cannot.

  • venus flytrap;
  • sundew;
  • girlfriend.

Plants and grass for fighting flies

Some herbs help out of the house. Spare plants near the house. The herbs are ideal when you have an open-type veranda or a separate gazebo in the fresh air, in which the whole family lies.

  • Geranium. This plant is very common among the decoration of the manor and the premises. Pots with bright inflorescences attract human attention and distinguish flies.
  • Basil. Spicy plant is widely used in cooking. His leaflets exuded a thin fragrance from which these insects run. If you live in the country, you can land a spice in the pots near the house. In the urban apartment, Basil is perfectly growing on the windowsill. In the absence of fresh greenery, use dried spice or essential oils.

  • Laurel leaf. This ingredient is found in the kitchen of any mistress. The smell of laurels hate ordinary flies, drosophilas and even.
  • Peppermint. Use for frightening both fresh and dried mint. This plant will help, mosquitoes and rodents. Cut the mint in the saucer and leave near the dining area.

  • Pijma or wormwood. Half grass bundles in the house, it interferes with multiplying ticks, mosquitoes, ants and clouds.
  • Lukovoy fly, which can attack the crop of a bow in a barn or in the basement, a very cunning pest. You can get rid of it summer alcohol. Take 2 spoons of the ammonia on 10 liters of water. Watering plants under root in the evening. 2-3 such irrigation per season will save vegetables from damage.

  • Fern twigs or elderberry sue and put in a vase as a bouquet. It will knock off all dirty.

  • On the windows install mosquito nets.

  • Try to keep your home clean and order.

  • Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink and a complete trash bin.
  • Distribute food in the fridge in time, and disappear disappear. This will prevent the appearance of cockroaches and mice.

Who do you like flies? Most likely, no one. These omnipresent dwarf insects can spoil life even the most neat hostess. Folk Methods Indispensable in the fight against insects, because they are completely natural, effective and safe to human health.

To protect the dwelling from flies, special industrial preparations, as well as folk remedies. To this end, uce, vodka, kerosene and aromas are used medicinal herbal. Some plants are able to scare flies, so they are often planted around the house or in the country. To get rid of insects, you can use traps made by personnel. Maintaining cleanliness in the house is insect prevention.

Means from Mukh.

Fighting with flies in the apartment and on the street you need, starting with preventive measures, using factory and folk remedies for this.

The mechanical method of destruction of insects will be effective. For this use a fly swatter. However, with a large cluster of insects, it will not help. In this case, you can make homemade traps, spray essential oils, vodka, vinegar. Also in the struggle will help landing fragrant medicinal plants And washing the floors of kerosene.


Finished sticky tape for fishing can be purchased in the store or make it yourself at home.

For the manufacture of traps will need:

  • Castor oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Liquid honey - 100 g
  • Rosin - 1 tbsp. l.

Pre-chopped paper strips or tissue are failed in the resulting mixture. Can be replaced by honey stationery glue. In this case, the ribbon is first smeared with a substance, and a mixture of castor oil with rosifilla is applied on top.

The trap is placed in such a way that the child can not reach it.

Another effective poisonous remedy is ground black pepper. It is mixed with sugar sand or powder and spray powder in the apartment. They can sprinkle and sticky tapes. For this, 40 g of pepper and 2 tbsp are kneaded for this. l. Sahara. The resulting mixture impregnate tapes and hang in the premises of the kitchen and in the courtyard of a private house.

Poisonous for flies is Sakharin. To prepare a glue solution, take 1 g of substance, 100 g of honey and 1 l of water. The resulting mixture is deceived by sliced \u200b\u200btapes. Another means has a pepper (10 g), sugar (60 g), a two-axis potassium (20 g), wine alcohol (40 g), water (0.5 l). The resulting mixture is applied to paper and dried. You can mix the arsenic potassium salt in the amount of 1 g with sugar (5 g) and dilute 500 ml of water. The solution is smeared with paper, dried and folded or hang.

You can prepare a special tool, which in small tanks arrange at the door, windows, on balconies and loggias. For this, sweetened water (5 tbsp. L), formalin (1st art. L.), Milk (3 st. L.) Mixed, spill over sauces and put into each piece of bread. Formalin kills flies in just 1-2 minutes.

Mitigation of hard water at home - Folk remedies and filters

Liquid means: vinegar, vodka, kerosene

One of fast ways Get rid of flies is vinegar. This food product is for people - good tool from insects. It is great when used in the premises and in the country. Covering the table in the yard, wet the cloth with a solution of vinegar and wipe the surface of the furniture. The actions of the unpleasant smell of the smell grabs for 3 hours. Vinegar you can lubricate window and door slopes. You can heat the solution on fire. The smell is becoming more intense, which is why insects leave the room.

To get rid of flies, kerosene (a quarter of a glass) are baked in a bucket of water and make wet floor cleaning. The effect of such a means is short-term, but begins very quickly.

In the apartment you can also spray vodka, which scares its smell of insects.


Pijma Dosage has a sharp smell, unpleasant for flies. It is helpful to land under the windows of a private house, near the arbor. She grows perfectly in flower potswhich can be put on the windowsill. Flies are not cleared close to such plants like mint, elder, lavender, wormwood, basil, bay leaf, Carnation. They are also afraid of the smell of growing tomatoes and avoid the colors of the cherry.


You can narrow the moleclavine or wormwood and put in the range of vases. The smell of these plants scares insects.


The fragrance of essential oils helps to remove the flies: wormwood, pyzhma, eucalyptus. For this method, 20 drops of any of the substances with 1 liter of water are mixed and sprayed indoors. You can pour out this solution in the container and place them in the apartment.

How to deal with flies in the country

Malicious insects in the country and in their own wooden houses - more frequent phenomenon due to these territories contain animals. Buildings in the form of sheds, chicken swines, pigsties and country toilets - The main place where many insects are going.

Before carrying out disinsection in the country of animals, removed from the room. For the extermination of flies, chlorophos (3% essence) is used. When the soda is added to this solution, more effect can be achieved. The remedy is heated to + 50 ° C and spray all the rooms at least 2 times a week.

In the fall, when the flies begins the greatest activity, it is recommended to raise sticky tapes in all buildings. A good solution is considered a mosquito net, which serves as a mechanical barrier. In the country rooms you can spray chemical factory aerosols from insects.

Opported, which flies are delayed on waste, destroy boiling water. For reliability, the rosin is dissolved in it and the anti-Bulic shampoo is added.

On the expanses of our Motherland there are about 20,000 species of flies that cause a lot of hassle. As you can get rid of flies in the house own forcesToday we will consider the most effective methods. You will appreciate them for advantage, since each method is simple. Baister!

Insecticides from flies in the house: Top-5

The funds presented below helps equally efficiently to get rid of small flies and eliminate larger insects at home.

№1. Chalk

This category can be attributed to Mashenka's chalk and other similar species that are characterized by super efficiency. Make several lines in those places where flies are constantly inhabited. When they pass chalk, they will almost immediately die. Families with pets and children should be careful.

№2. Powder

Before getting rid of flies that inhabit the house in the autumn, choose a suitable powder: "Fenatsin", "Agita", "Mukhita", "Byte" or "Baygon". This is a peculiar bait that affects the nervous system and causes paralysis in insects. After breeding with water according to the instructions, the remedy is sprayed through the garbage tanks, window sills, walls and even furniture.

Number 3. Spray can

This list includes "Dichlofos", "Chlorofos", "Mukhoyar", etc. Before getting rid of flies with an aerosol, check the possibility of use in the house (indicated on the cylinder). Insecticide is sprayed under pressure on all surfaces where insects live. After processing, leave the apartment. After a couple of hours, come back and open the windows.

№4. Granules

The most effective are the following: "Byte fly", "Flya Byte", "Agita". Granules are suitable for those who want to quickly eliminate pests. Distribute the composition at the corners and the places where insects constantly live. You can breed them in water and spray from the spray gun. When the insect is in contact with the insecticide, it dies within a few hours. The action is preserved up to 1.5-2 months.

№5. Fumigator

It is a device where the plates or a bottle with liquid are inserted. The best are "Taiga", "Raptor", "Flor", "Help". The fumigator is included in the socket and begins to heat the contents. It evaporates, volatile couples kill pests very quickly. There are nothing to people and pets to fear.

Folk remedies from flies in the house: Top-5

Since getting rid of flies living in the house, it will be easily easily folk remedies, we advise you to resort to one of the ways.

№1. Formalin with milk

Prepare first a sweet solution of sugar and water, taking the eye ratio. Measure 0.5 liters. Enter 300 ml. milk and 100 ml. formalin. You got a solution that need to handle shocks, doors, windows with window sills and even walls. You can moisten in it Baton and lay out like a bait. When insect it is to enjoy, it will soon die.

№2. Vinegar

Acts as a scaretcher. Moisten the old vest in vinegar, wipe the dining table, window sills, doors and shoals. Treat places that fly are often visited. So you not only ride pests, but also warn their re-appearance.

Number 3. Kerosene

It helps to get rid of onion flies and other insects of this family, settled at home. Prepare a means of 2 liters. Waters and 80 ml. kerosene. Wash them floor. It should be understood that people will unpleasant to be in such a room. Therefore, after processing the house is better to leave for a while.

№4. Black pepper

Effective spice, eliminating almost all types of insects. Before getting rid of flies, combine pepper and sugar sand. Lose this mixture in the house, wait for the result. You can make a solution of sugar sand and pepper, moisten in it segments of the fabric and suspend. Also very effective.

№5. Sugar Surrogate (Sakharin)

The most dangerous poison for flying insects. Connect 0.2 liters. Water from 20 gr. Honey and 2 gr. Surrogate. Pulk the newspaper or landscape sheets, then place them near the windows. Spicy such bait from pets and children.

Indoor plants from flies in the house

Above, we looked at all kinds of variations, how to get rid of flies in the house very quickly. Now we will give a list of plants that are literally feeding insects. Having landed them in the pots on the windowsill, you decorate the window and forget about flies forever.

№1. Geranium

It looks pretty beautiful, for a person the smell seems attractive, and insects are not transferred.

№2. Venus flytrap

The name has happened. The flower clamps with its foliage flies, after which they cannot catch out. So the plant is powered.

Number 3. Wormwood, Lavender, Basil, Pijma

Presented varieties perform dischargers. Mukhi do not like them, so they try to stay away.

№4. Cherry

There is no need to arrange a garden in my apartment. Just grow on the windowsill 1-2 pot of tomatoes varieties "Cherry".

№5. Buzina, fern

Today it is easy to get the branches of the presented plants. Arrange them in our fresh form (dried cannot be used, they act oppositely).

№6. Eucalyptus, Myrt.

Refresh and disinfect the room in which are installed. Enrich air nutrient substances And scare the flies.

Homemade traps from flies in the house

Homemade traps help how to get rid of flies and prevent their appearance in the house.

№1. Swimmed fabric

Take in equal proportions of honey, rosin and caster. Lubricate the lean pieces of fabric, any paper or cardboard fragrant mixture. Soon the insects fly to the trap, but they will not be able to get out.

№2. Cropped bottle

Before you get rid of flies when they appear in wooden house, you need to make a trap. Cut the top of the bottle. Turn the neck and lower the lower part. It should not touch the fluid. Pour sweet and fragrant water. Insects will be able to get inside, but they will not get out.

How to get rid of Drozophil in the apartment

Often fruit insects appear. Familiarize yourself how to get rid of Muh Drozofil in the apartment.

№1. Smoking

Use old frying panFrom which it will be easy to get rid of. Roll over it and place the solid camphor in crushed form. After some time, you will notice how easy smoke will go. Do not worry, it does not represent danger to a person. Insects, on the contrary, do not tolerate it. Put the container in all rooms.

№2. Geranium

Geranium helps both get rid of flies and warn their re-appearance in the house. If you notice insects, it is enough in each room to put one flower one. Also find the cause of the income of the flies, perhaps it was damaged fruits.

Number 3. Manganese and matches

This method is more suitable for combating insects that divorced on the plant. Make a weak manganese solution and treat them leaves of colors. Matches stick into the soil sulfur down. Such a simple course will kill the larvae in the ground.

№4. Garlic

Flies do not tolerate garlic flavor. Try to calculate, in the place most often there are insects. Turn garlic to Cashitz and spread. In just a few hours, flies will disappear.

№5. Carnation and orange

To cope with annoying flies, resort to a proven method. To do this, in the orange zest, a spiced carnation stick should be stuck. Place the incense in the place where insects were most often noticed.

№6. Cold

Almost all flies depend on temperature ambient. Therefore, if you notice activity in the cold season, it is enough to open the window and go take a walk. In just a few hours you will forget about the problem.

Prevention of the appearance of flies in the house

In order not to think about how to get rid of flies in the house, it suffices to comply with simple rules.

1. Try to detect and close all the slots and holes through which insects can penetrate.

2. Do not neglect the installation of mosquito nets.

3. As soon as you get rid of the problem, be sure to be careful. Wash the floors and windows with water with the addition of turbidar.

4. Cut the plumbing and eliminate any leaks, including from the crane.

5. Take the habit of keeping products in sealed containers. Durifier Throw as often as possible.

All ways effectively help fight insects. So that they no longer appear, stick simple recommendations. If you live in a private house, try to bypass your personal territory and eliminate any rotting garbage. It is in such places flies flies.