
Onion on the lunar repka. Promotional crops are the subtleties of landing onions in the fall. Recommendations and advice


The bow is demanding of the fertility of the soil. It should be neutral or slightly alkaline, the earth needs to be reworked (but not fresh!) Manure, make mineral fertilizers. It is impossible to grow onions from year to year at the same place. Return onions to the previous place no earlier than in 3-4 years. Then you can avoid diseases and damage to pests.

The best predecessors. It is undesirable to place onions after potatoes and cabbage. The best predecessors are pumpkin - cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin, as well as vegetable peas, tomatoes, green.

The preparation of the soil under the bow in the fall.

It is better to cook the soil from the fall - immediately after the preceding culture. Before the rescue is made overwhelmed with a compost for up to 5-7 kg per 1 square meter. m, phosphoric and potash mineral fertilizers at the rate of 15-20 g of each per 1 kV. m.

Preparation of seeds to sowing. Luke seeds in field conditions have a low germination, they are necessarily wake up for 18-24 hours in flow or 2-3 times with replaceable water. room temperature. After such a procedure, shoots appear on the 7-8th day. Dry seeds sprout about 20 days.


Sowing is better to conduct in early terms as soon as the state of the soil. In case of early sowing, moisture margins more rationally use, growth is faster. Plants will fully use the Long Day light and better form high yield. Seed seeds in rows, the distance between them is 15-20 cm, sowing depth 2-3 cm, seed consumption 7-8 g per 1 sq. m. The surface is slightly rolling with a light rink.

Shoots must have a permanent moisture. Therefore, if there is dry weather, crops are systematically watered at the rate of 10 liters per 1 square meter. M and then surely loose at a depth of 4- 5 cm. We can not allow weeds. They take away moisture, food and light. For 3-4 weeks before harvesting, watering is stopped.

Caring for sowing.

It consists in systematic irrigation, loosening and double feeding (first - 2 weeks after short-circuits in a dose of 12-15 g per 10 liters of water, the second - a week after the first - 40-50 g of nitroposki or 200-300 g of ashes per 1 kV . m). The most important thing in the cultivation of bulbs from seeds is thinning, since the thickened placement of plants accelerates the formation of a bulb, as a result there are few leaves and the plant quickly dries.

Cleaning the crop onion.

An indication of onion's readiness is the massale of leaves, when the bulbs have formed and outdoor scales acquired a colorful color. The dried onion is cut off, leaving a thin dry neck of 3-5 cm. Exceeded mature onions will be well kept in winter.

Without cutting the leaves, you can weave beautiful onion braids with a twine. They are stored under the same conditions in a dry room with an air temperature around 0-1 S.

The onions of the seeds are grown in one season. It begins in March - at the very beginning of the month seeds of Luke seeds in small boxes. A month later, it is already possible to plant a garden - without fail on a sunny place. The soil should be light and fertile.

Before boarding, you must make full mineral fertilizer. Onion seedlings are planting at a depth of about 10 cm. And after two weeks, the onions stand on the ranks - as soldiers in the ranks.

For fertilizer, a korlard is used, a bird litter, overwhelmed compost. But all - exclusively in liquid form. Twice per season spend extra-green subcords The drug is solo.

  • And now the main secret. When the onion grows up to 10-15 cm, it is necessary ... Save. In the bucket of water dissolve 100 g of salts and watering onion beds are watering. Make it you need three times per season with an interval of 10 days.

Tested in practice: Salted souls increases yields of about a quarter, the onion becomes much more tastier, and also smoothes with pests. Copper-containing drugs are used for prevention of peridosporosis. They need to be mandatory to treat crops if Peronosporosis has yet begun. In July, I will cut the soil from the bulbs - so they are better matured.

Vintage need to try to remove no later than August 10th. Usually by this time the feather is already running, and the bulbs acquire the color characteristic of the variety.

Growing onion-rake in two years (novert culture)

The essence of the method is that in the first year of seeds, small bulbs with a diameter of 1 - 3 cm are grown, weighing 1-4 g, called Navda. This method is widely used in the non-sinnamine zone and in the Central Black Earth region due to the fact that the method of the bulbs soon ripen. Maturation accelerates 30-45 days compared to seeds at a permanent place.

For the cultivation of Luke-Sevka, the preparation of the soil and its fertilizer is produced in the same way as during the cultivation of a bow of seeds in one year.

To obtain well-overwhelmed sevov, sowing is carried out with a large thickening, living at 70-100 g of seed for 10 square meters. m. The sowing scheme of two-line (50 + 20) or five-line tape (20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 60 cm).

During the cultivation of Luke-Sevka, shoots are twisted 2-3 times, and 4 loosenings are carried out in the aisle. Slaws are not spending.

In the process of ripening the bulbs, the leaves die away. In July, proceed to harvest. The onion of the north dug up, choose manually, dried 5-7 days on open place, then finally dried under canopies or in a dry room at 30-35 "with. Then the north are sorted into a small diameter of up to 1 cm, which in the practice of vegetables is called" oxulle ". Such bulbs are difficult to keep it difficult - they dry, if you keep them in room conditions. It is best to plant "Osyushka" under the winter. Do it in late October - early November, so that the bulbs can be rooted before the onset of frosts, but did not germinate.

Eat Method of Growing onion

Sweet, slightly ground, slander varieties are grown by a seaside: Krasnodar Mr., Caba, Stimulus, Yalta. Seedlings begin to grow in early March within 60 days. IN open sad It is planted at the beginning of May in the grooves, sliced \u200b\u200bat a distance of 20 cm and a depth of 5-7 cm. In the grooves are made by a humid layer of 1 -1.5 cm, it is abundantly watered and decomposed seedlings at a distance of 5-7 cm. After laying the soil pressed. You can plant onion seedlings with a beam of 4-5 pcs. In the nest and increase the distance between the nests up to 20 cm. The care is facilitated, and the outlet increases. Caring for the seedlion is the same as with other methods of growing the bouquet.

Green Luke Growing

Multial grades are used to obtain greenery. Green Luc It is possible not only in the garden, but also in greenhouses, and in the room in pots and drawers. As a planting material, samples and seats of a large fraction of multi-particle varieties are mainly used: Krasnodar M-35, yursek, stimulus. For this, the onions are planted tightly, blocking to the middle of the bulbs, and watered. For the cultivation of a green leaf of bulbs, a lot of light is required, so it fails in the darkest months (December, January). However, with the improvement of lighting in February-March, 1.2-1.5 kg of green onions can be obtained from 1 kg of green onions.

Onions on the sheet can be raised from perennial onions, for what in early spring Cover the ridge with a transparent film. Air and soil under the film are warming up. It stimulates the growth of greenery. So it was possible to grown the greens of Luke-Shalot, Luke-Dlyzun.

The onions of the segments are planting early in spring. This vegetable is well adapted to the cold. The smallest bulbs segrate at the end of April, and the larger onion of Sayut in early May . Onions perfectly boils and grows at a temperature of 10-12 degrees. Planting the bulbs should be at a distance of 5-10 centimeters from each other. There should be a distance of at least 20-25 centimeters between the rows. The optimal depth is 3-4 centimeters.

Luke-Shalot landing on the lunar sowing calendar 2016.
The bow-shallot is grown from seeds or bulbs: the seeds are sulking in the ground in the autumn, the bulbs - in the spring.
IN middle lane And in the northern regions of Russia, the bulbs plant in the spring at the end of April - in early May. In the southern regions of the bulbs, as a rule, land in autumn, at the end of October. Landing depth - 4-6 cm.

Luke-Shalot landing care standard: watering, weeding. In one place can grow up to 5 years.

Favorable days for landing onion and care for him in the lunar sowing calendar of 2016:
ludu landing May 19-20; June 15-19; July 13-16; August 10-13; You can still have April 25-26, May 23; 3, 31 July; 1, 27-28 August;
everlock on the feather January 14-27; 1, 2, 5-6, 13-14, February 22-24; 11-13, March 24; April 8-9;
watering any day, except 15-16, February 25-26; 14-15, 23 and 24, with caution - March 9; 10-11 and April 19-21, 1-2, 7-8, 16-18, 29-30 May; 4-5, 13-14, June 25-26; 1-2, 22-23, July 28-29; 6-8, 18-19, 25-26 August.
making an integrated subordinate 4, 5-7, 8-10, 14, February 22-24; 1-4, 6, March 28-31; 1, 6, 24-30 April; 3-5, 22-26, May 31; 4-5, 23-24, June 27-28; 3-4, July 20-21; 1, 2, 4, 21-31 August.
Special positive influence will be supported by June 29-30; July 26-27; August 23-24; Supporting dry fertilizer15-16, February 25-26; March 14-15; April 10-11; May 7-8; 1-2, 28-30 July; August 25-26.

Onion is a cold-resistant plant: the bow seeds can germinate at a temperature of + 1 ... + 2 ° C, but shoots are faster than + 18 ... + 20 ° C. Young onion plants of the sparkle withstand freezes to -6 ° C. Optimal temperature + 20 ... + 25 ° C.

In the suburbs and in the entire middle lane of Russia On the open soil of the onions-north landed from April 25 to May 5. After planting, the onions are watered and covered with a film or Loutrasil. When landing in earlier dates, the onions can shoot. In order for the bow to the faster sprouter, it can be called in solutions of growth stimulants. First onion slowly growing: before the appearance of germs in adverse conditions It takes up to a month, in favorable - 2 weeks.

Landing by folk calendar: The onion is starting to plant in an open ground when the leaves on the cherry are started to unfold.

What landing deadlines exist, and is there a most favorable day for work? We will tell about the basic rules for choosing the landing time and study the 2017 landing calendar.


It is best to carry out when warm weather will be installed on the courtyard, since the soil for the landing the Sevka should warm up. If you have an early work when the soil temperature is below +14 ° C, it may cause an arise of the bow into the pen, and the bulb itself will not develop - you will not be able to lay it on storage. As a rule, the time of disembarking is the end of April or the very beginning of May.

Lukovich preparation for landing

It is important to remember that it should not be despicable from landing. Because of the too high temperature in the ground and lack of moisture in the late spring, the aging of the bulbs will be very slow.

According to the lunar calendar of 2017, favorable days For planting plants in spring - starting from April 25. If you are going to plant a bow in the summer, then choose days in the middle of the month: from June 15, July 13, August 10. Also landing can be held in the last days of July and August. After landing, the first few weeks of the bow germinates quite slowly - about two weeks (under adverse conditions - about a month). Some prefer autumn landing. In order for the culture to be able to root well, you need to choose such a landing time to land so that the earth is not free.

A favorable period of work - from October 5 to 15. True, winter will have to follow the beds. If the temperature in the winter period fall below -12 ° C, you will have to additionally cover them with a layer of snow. And already in the spring it will need to scatter, not allowing stressing water in beds.


No matter how landing day you chose, very an important point is an proper preparation seed material. If you grow onions on the feather, it is better to plant it with the help of seeds. A month before sowing seeds in the soil, it is necessary to shift the sowing material in a gauze fabric and put in the container with warm water (about +55 ° C), literally for 10 minutes. After that you need to dip seeds for a couple of minutes in cold water - This process is called "hardening". The next step - the seeds are kept in constantly wet marla all day, while the fabric should not dry. In order for the seeds of Nobuchly and get rid of substances that slow down the germination of the plant, you need to soak them into cool water for two days and put it in the refrigerator. Everything, the preparation of seeds is completed!

Suitable seeds for landing

If you want to get a big yield of bulbs, then planting the plant is needed with the help of Sevka. Preparation of such sowing material is much easier. During the day or two before disembarking, you need to sort the seaws in size, dry and warm it during a pair of hours at a temperature of about +35 ° C. If you miss these events from sight, the onions will go onion will go arrows. After that, the processing process of onion comes: soak the seed material for 10 hours in a weak solution of complex fertilizers (about 20 g per 10 liters of water). The next day, place the seaws into the solution copper Kaper (about 15 g per 10 liters of water), which will protect the seed material from fungal diseases.

Like seeds and seeds in the spring are planted into a well-hazardous soil. The distance between the rows of seeds on the garden should be about 12 cm, between the seeds in a number - about 2 cm, the landing depth is about 2 cm. If you chose the seaw, then the distance between the bulbs on the bed should be about 10 cm. After The soil landing is well and mulched with straw or wood sawdust, then covered with a dark film, which will protect the soil from drying out.


Even if you have chosen the most favorable day for disembarking and properly prepared sowing material, the bow may not give shoots due to improper care. For example, it is important to pay attention to a qualitative and timely. And all because the lack of moisture in the ground can affect the green mass of the bow - the pen will start yellowing, filing. If you allow an excess of moisture in beds with culture, this will lead to the fact that the feathers of the onions will become pale and subtle, watery.

Watering onions on a garden

After planting in the spring, the beds with a bow watered just twice a week, spending about 8 liters of water on square meter Soil. Since July, the amount of irrigation is reduced to once every 14 days, since during this period there are aging bulbs, and severe watering can lead to their rot.

Do not forget to regularly loose beds - at least once every two weeks. This event will not only allow you to get rid of weed grass, but also help improve air regime in the soil. If you have noticed that the green mass grows quite slowly, you will have to use additional feeding. Mix in 10 liters of water 300 g bird litter (If necessary, replace the cowboy) and 20 g of urea. Considerate the cooked mixture at the rate of about 3 liters of solution per square meter of soil. Two weeks later, repeat.

When the feathers are reached in a length of about 15 cm, carry out preventive treatment of culture from fungal diseases, spraying a bed with a bowl of copper sulfate and soap (mix in 5 g of each ingredient in 10 liters of water). If you put onions in the spring, then the first harvest will get at the end of August when the feathers were strung, and the heads have already been formed. Deletion with cleaning threatens with the resumption of cultural growth, as a result of which the bulbies will become unsuitable for long-term storage.

Today, one of the most popular vegetables for growing is the onions. The useful properties of the product are known for a long time. A huge set of articles was written on this topic. Interest in it is only increasing, and many novice dacms are increasingly wanting to find out how the onion landing is made in autumn under winter. Due to this method, you can remove a rich harvest and flavoring qualities will be much higher than that of the planting method by the conservative method. This article describes in detail the steps, landing and care for the most famous and healthy vegetable, onions.

Sort of winter bows, what to choose?

In order for the culture, he glanced well, and in the spring I was pleased with the excellent harvest to the selection of sowing material, it is necessary to approach very responsible. There are several ways to choose a winter bow.

The first is perhaps the most affordable. On the market, you can buy from the hands of ordinary segue. These are small bulbs who are quite stable before frosts. Since they are grown in local climatic conditions.

There is a minus from such a purchase, a big portiment. It is clear that the onions sold on the market is not decomposed on the variety. If such a sowing material is selected, you should expect during the collection, a huge range of a variety of vegetable.

Plus, from such a purchase is that it is adapted to a local climate. And once the acquisition method is chosen. It will take market segs to go out and calibrate. So much more convenient to plant and you can avoid surprises with harvest.

The second way to purchase winter varieties in specialized stores. Benefits from such a purchase, in a good and uniform crop. And most importantly, the consultant will help you choose a suitable variety for the local climate. With the enumeration of all the characteristics and features of each planting material.

There are varieties that do not require additional advertising. These names are grown for a long time, and they have proven themselves only with best side. Namely:

  1. Ruby.
  2. Siberian annual.
  3. Buran.
  4. Lugansky.
  5. Muson.

Data varieties can be called universal. This type, specifically removed by breeders for planting under the winter. They are pretty easily tolerated the most severe frosts. And early spring is pleasing to the excellent harvest. By purchasing this segue, there is confidence in relation to quality.

Dates of landing in autumn

When seeding onions under the winter, it is necessary to take into account the terrain and its climate. But there are well-known periods to which you can navigate. Regardless of the climatic strip, this culture is planted at least 30 days before the start of the cold. The main thing that the bow managed to release the roots to frosts.

Many gardeners with experience argue that the most optimal time For landing is from early October 5 to 25. But there is an opinion that the ideal landing at the end of November, at a temperature of + 5 ° C. It is important to understand that it all depends on the weather conditions and from the country's region.

When you do not need to plant onions

To spring onions gave a good harvest you need to choose right time For seedlings. When the culture is planted in September, sprouts may appear to frost. Onions will go into the arrow and perish. Well, if you choose later time, the root will not have time to develop and the bulb will freeze in the ground during the first frosts.

The best guideline for each gardener will be his climate strip. Anyone, knows when strong cold occurs in the region. From this date, count 30 days and proceed to earthworks.

Preparation for landing

For a rich crop, you should know what bulbs can be planted under the winter. All sowing material is divided into three categories:

  • ovsyuya, bulbs are less than 1 cm;
  • sevok, from 1 to 3 cm;
  • bow sample, from 3 cm.

To properly choose seeds, you need to decide which harvest is expected. If you need an early greens, then it is necessary to plant a bite sample. And for the production of large repka, the choice stops on the north. At the same time, the "Ovsyuka" is ideal for obtaining a small repka with a fluffy pen.

When the choice is stopped on a variety. You can proceed to preparation. In order to avoid its damage, before landing is carried out. These manipulations will help get a good harvest and minimize losses.

Leek for planting, soak in water at a temperature of +5 s, on average 10 -15 minutes. Next, conduct "shock therapy". Immerse seeds in cold water again for 10 -15 minutes. Thus, it will be more resistant to frost.

All north, intended for landing. It is necessary to treat warm weakly diluted solution of manganese. The bulbs are immersed in a solution for 6 hours.

Then, planting material is sent to drying. To do this, spread a fabric bag in the attic or lay out on a dry hay. Time for complete drying, is given about a week. During the drying, the onions turn over several times.

When the culture is completely dry. She needs to go through again. Empty and with bulbs defects are cleaned and thrown out. If there are wet bulbs, they are not recommended to plant them into the ground. These seeds will die. After sampling, culture is ready for landing.

After which crops put onions

To prevent low bodies of Luke. The formation of the beds must be considered responsibly. First of all, it is impossible to plant on the place where last year's bed with a bow was located. Or in place where the beans, carrots, corn and cereals grew. Especially undesirable to plant seaws on the site of sunflower.

Know! So that the crop of Luke pleased the spring gardener. You can safely land in those places where tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin, carrots and cabbage have grown. From such a priority, the harvest will not suffer.

In general, there is a rule, with any planting of spring or autumn, you need to alternate cultures. This method gives at times higher harvest of all vegetables. And not just onions.

Soil for landing

To remove a good crop, you need to choose correctly and prepare a place to land. First of all, the place is selected at the rate so that water from the monstering snow does not stand in the garden. Since excessive moisture can destroy harvest, it is desirable to pick up a sunny side, it will contribute to a high harvest.

It is worth adding that special attention is paid to the soil under the landing. It is very important that the soil is dryly clay, this species does not require abundant irrigation. Also, a good crop can be removed from the landing on sandy soil with the addition of humus.

When the plot is selected, the time comes to prepare it. To begin with, you will need to overcoat the allocated weaves under the bow. Next, make a compost or humus for the fertilizer of the Earth. A good effect of soil enrichment gives ash. This is the oven, which was burned.

Next prepare grooves landing. It is advisable to make a row to the meter long, the aisle must be held in 20 cm. All grooves are pre-cleaned from weeds. And then you need to pour each made a series, disinfecting solution. You can prepare it in two ways:

  1. The method is the first, on 10 liters of water room temperature add 1 t. L, manganese. Everyone is pretty overcome.
  2. The method of the second, on 10 liters of water room temperature add 5 tbsp. l, cook salt. And mix.

What solution to pour the soil this choice is the garden itself. According to the properties, they are the same. The task of this solution, protect the harvest from pests and disinfection the soil. And with this work they cope well. When all the beds are treated with a solution, they are ready for landing.

It is worth paying attention to one important detail. Switch and make fertilizer to the ground, you need at least a month before landing. As a result, the earth is a little appropriate useful properties. And give an extra opportunity to remove a good harvest.

Technology landing

When the beds are prepared and disinfected, you can proceed to landing. The bulbs that were previously processed and dried are planted in beds to a depth of no more than 3 cm.

If you put a landing deeper 3 cm, the bow can be controversial. And in the case of heat, an increase will occur, which will go into the arrow. Well, if above 3 cm. The north will freeze, with severe frosts. The distance between each planted bulb should be approximately 5 centimeters. For uniform radiating root. When the landing is performed, you need to emphasize each row.

Care after landing

When the beds are filled with Spit. It is necessary to take care of their preservation during the winter. The first, planted culture must be meditated. For this procedure, the usual dry grass or leaves will fit. Take a dry mulch and hide the entire planted area, a thick layer. If the region with strong frosts layer width must be at least 15 centimeters. If softer climatic conditions, a layer thickness of 10 cm.

So that the mulch is not overwhelmed by the wind to the first snow, it is worth taking care of its safety, just cover with dry branches from the garden. But it should be remembered, polyethylene is strictly prohibited, because there will be a lack of natural air circulation and future yield He will die. It is impossible to cover the peat, in the spring, when removing the insulation, do not break the first shoots.

The first snow, you can sprinkle a garden from above. The result is a good and warm fur coat with a full-fledged air supply.

Moon Calendar 2016

If the gardener, during the execution of works in the country area, is focused on moon calendar. That below the numbers will help to determine the time of landing onions.

  1. September, 19; 24; thirty;
  2. October is 3; four; and 13.
  3. November 17; nineteen; 24; 25; 26; 27; and 28 numbers.

But it is worth repeating, any dachank will say that you need to navigate the temperature behind the window. If + 5 ° C for several days is the optimal option for landing. And do not forget that the weather is a lady Caprice. Therefore, every dacket is an amateur, must choose optimum temperature For landing in the future.

Features of landing on the winter in the suburbs

The Moscow region is distinguished by weather unpredictability. Therefore, the disembarkation is better not to hurry. This is especially true of the autumn period, which has a property of being protracted. For landmarks gardens, the most optimal option It will be the last week of October and mid-November. But do not forget, the soil is preparing in advance.

In the Urals

Ludge landing in the Urals, is slightly different from other regions. It's all in the climate. For this reason, winter Luc, plant still at the beginning of autumn. From the last week of September and until mid-October. Special attention should be paid to the shelter of Luke. It must be put on a thick layer. So that the culture does not extinge. It is also necessary to take into account that not all varieties are suitable for the Urals. In such a climate, it will be possible to give a harvest of only grades with severe resistance to frost.

In Siberia

But to go onion under the winter in Siberia, they plan for the first week of October. Later, land work is already undesirable, the bulbs will disappear. Special attention should be paid to the shelter, its layer must be at least 15 cm. If the Ball of the insulation is less than the high probability of complete destruction of the culture. It is worth noting that the mulch is necessarily necessary to save from the wind. As protection, fir fir branches are well.

In Ukraine

As for Ukraine, in this region they are engaged in a seedy of Luke, throughout October. Well, if in November, the temperature is lowered at least -3 ° C, then you can safely begin to perform the dirtwork. Given the climate of this country, the mulch does not necessarily do a thick layer.

In the Leningrad region

In the Leningrad region, Luca landing is performed 30 days before sustainable frosts, in the first half of October. It is worth paying attention to one feature. For this area, only zoned Luke varieties are suitable. Ordinary segregation on repka is not suitable. And the zoned varieties, have a rest period until January of the month. And you can not worry about early shoots. As for insulation, the beds need to be covered with a thick layer of mulch, in order not to frozen.

How to put onions in the fall under winter seeds

Chernushka, this is the name of the seeds of the bite. She got his name for black. Such seeds can be planted on the autumn without fear that they would ruin. The main condition, on which germination depends, is the time and method of planting. Most early time Landing, this is the end of October and all November. The main condition of the Earth must be frozen. Even if the area is snow, it is absolutely normal and does not affect the disembarkation.

How to plant the autumn onions in the greenhouse

Mostly onions in greenhouses grow round yearBut it is better to plant in October and collect harvest since May. For greenhouses, the soil is prepared in advance, it fertreal and dripping. Such a type of vegetables can be grown in three ways using for planting material:

  • owka heads;
  • seeds;
  • seedlings.

The principle of landing is the same as under the winter, only on the onions onions are planted not later than the first half of October. The beds do not cover the mulch, and they dip, like potatoes. Preferably greenhouse, equipped with daylight. Electricity will need during dark winter days. If you plan to receive the first harvest of greenery, in winter.

And if there is a desire to increase the area for growing greenery. It will come to the rescue wooden boxes, which will be compact to the greenhouse.

Final part

Summing up this article, I want to add. Onions are the richest culture and the most important distinguishing feature of the winter landing, this is the quality of grown products. Harvest In this way, it turns out very tasty and sweetish, but there is practically no pronounced taste. Yes, and there is nothing more tastier than your own onion with baked potatoes.

Perhaps another not an unlucky moment. Landing on the winter, guarantees early harvest, and it is pretty profitable business. Having in stock own country cottage area, It is possible to grow a lot of useful cultures, which will serve as an additional and fairly significant financial income.

I would like to wish every garden of a large harvest, and that all seedlings please be resistant to pests. But, do not forget about the experiments, they give the most useful experience for the future.

Video: How to prepare and put onions under the winter

Ludge landing under the winter is relatively new way for most gardeners, which some of them did not even hear any of them. Since the bow can be called a little capricious culture - arrows appear in dry weather on it, and it can start rotting to be rotted - then the planting under the winter is considered today the productive method of growing this root. The main thing is to know everything about the time of disembarkation, Luke varieties, as well as the subsequent watering and fertilizer of the site. In the fall you can suck and plant different types Luke is Batun, Chalot, Chernushki.

Why it is profitable to plant onions under winter

Seed onions, or onion-north can be grown independently and store it until spring, observing moisture and temperature mode to avoid drying or early germination. In the autumn sowing these troubles can be avoided.

When landing on the winter, the consumption of seeds is reduced by about one third. It costs it cheaper and used enough small fraction "Ovsyuzhka", which in 50% of cases can dry during winter storage.

Salting onions on April in the fall, you can save the future harvest from damage to the onion flies, since by the time of infection of the bulb-north has a dense dona and a large lobe of the roots.

Grade for autumn landing

Not all varieties are suitable for bookmarking in the fall under the winter. Radial varieties are most often sake of early greens. Harvest it gives two weeks earlier than the usual onions. Batun is also valuable early greens. It is sighable with the possibility of transplant to another place. It is a decoration of the garden. Stuttgarten Rizen has elevated sustainability to false mildew. Autumn grows perfectly. These are small bowls of a non-standard form up to 1 cm in size. They are planted with grooves to a depth of up to 3 cm. Winter varieties "Kippir", "Radar", "Shakespeare" are suitable for trial growing. They are distinguished by frost resistance, excellent taste and large bulbs. Autumn planting The bow of the "mechkovsky" gives a stable harvest, and the "low-necker" is perfectly preserved. The "Carmen" shape forms purple bulbs weighing up to 120 grams. "Silver Prince" consider the most yield among the varieties of the centenary sowing. Strigunovsky is distinguished by acute taste and strength.

It has long been known that the onions can be planted and in the spring, and in the fall, but for some reason the landing of the bow in winter was not widely used until recently. Especially a wary attitude caused a landing on the winter in the cold regions, and today there are many varieties of winter bows, which are well winter in the ground, but on next year Give an early harvest.

The best time to landing onions in the area with not very cold winters from the end of October to November to November - 30-35 days before the onset of sustainable cold. Watch outdoor thermometer: If the temperature dropped to 5 ºC and keeps several days, it means it's time to plant onions.

Features of the selection of landing material onion for autumn landing

The first step K. good harvest - This is the right chosen bow for the landing. Allocate four categories of Luca-Sevka:

  • Category 1-M - the diameter of each bulb does not exceed 1-1.5 cm.
  • Category 2nd - Diameter from 1.5 cm to 3 cm.
  • Samples - the diameter of the bulbs from 3 cm and more.
  • Ovsyuya, or Ovyuhnik - Non-standard bulbs, not exceeding in diameter 1 cm.

For the cultivation of a strong high-quality onion, a small planting material is used (first category and oxulum). For landings on the pen, large north is considered to be the most suitable (second category and samples).

Choosing a place for landing onion in the fall

The second most important moment is necessary to take into account the seasy bow under the winter - the choice of place. The soil should be sufficiently loose (clay dense soils will not fit) and differ in a neutral reaction. The selected plot should be well covered and ventilated. And water, after snow comes down, it should not be stamped, because the spring excess of moisture is the worst enemy of any bulbous culture.

The best foresters for onions are all cereals (with the exception of oats), mustard, peas, corn, beets, cucumbers, rapesers, tomatoes, firelius, beans, salad, cabbage. So that the bow is not infected with nematodes, you should not put it after beans, potatoes, red clover, alfalfa, parsley and celery.

Before planting the soil, it is necessary to overheat together with the humor (the norm: 5 kg per m²) and mineral fertilizers (from 10 to 15 grams of potash salt and from 20 to 25 grams of superphosphate per m²). Mineral fertilizers can be replaced with eco-cells in the same amount. Already before landing, it is recommended to scatter on the sector (10 grams per m²).

Looking onion in autumn

Plant winter onions, which will not require special efforts from a person, maybe even a beginner. For Spark, which sits in spring, other requirements: it should be large, juicy and absolutely healthy. In front of the summer, absolutely all gardeners are engaged in the summer, because to look after vegetable it is not necessary.

Plant Sevov is not so easy. Save the shallow head after the onset of cold weather is very difficult, every hostess knows about it. Dried and bitter, such "Bullbars" are not suitable for anything. Sevka for the winter landing so that the greens grow all three months before the spring, it is better to plant a medium-sized material. The more internal layers they have, the better the increase in green feathers. Small Sevkov can also plant drawers in a warm greenhouse place. Onions, which will grow out of it, will be tasty and juicy.

Looking in the spring is carried out in accordance with the following scheme. The area of \u200b\u200b15 * 15 cm is highlighted, each bulb is immersed in the soil at a depth of 2-3 cm. Frosks are formed before landing in the ground, grooves are formed, fertilizers are made in potassium sulfate, ammonium salter, double superphosphate. Each species of fertilizers are taken in the amount of 30 g per 1 square. M. First, the fertilizer is poured on the bottom of the formed fifth, then make the powder with a thin layer of the soil.

Loos care set in autumn

Watering the winter onions after landing is not necessary - to moisten the site, if there is no rain, you can ten days. When frosts come, inspire a plot with a winter onion with dry leaves, sweetheart, pine cheese, And on top, press the shelter by branches so that it does not spread the wind. If a cold and imperfect winter is expected, you can cover the area on top of a mulch film. Snowy winter film will not need.

With the arrival of spring, when the soil starts actively warm, with onion Grokery The first thing is to remove the agricultural or film. A week later, we remove the plant mulch. Reducing the shelter on the bed can not - deprived of oxygen under the film onion will mock, and the leaves, the husk and straw will become a serious obstacle to the sprouts penetrating from the Earth. Careful events for the winter onions are simple and not too trouble:

After removing the mulch, the soil sprinkle wood ash (10-12 g / m²) and actively loose. If the landings are too thickened, extranye bulbs are recommended to pull out. The beginning of the formation of bulbs is evidenced by the emergence of the fourth pen. At this stage of development, phosphorous-potash fertilizers are introduced under the landing, which are pre-dissolved in irrigation water or careful herbal Nastya. Alternative mineral fertilizers There may be a solution of bird litter, divorced in proportion 1:12.