
The best jam recipes. The right time to cook food ... Eggs and cooking gadgets

All about roses

The most elementary way of salting bacon.

We cut the bacon into pieces the size of a fist, clean the garlic in advance at the rate of 1 clove per 1 piece of bacon and cut this garlic into round pieces. We prepare spices - suneli hops, pepper, ground dill seeds or any other that you like.

Put some spices, pepper and garlic on the bottom of the enamel pot. Then we take a piece of bacon in our left hand, in the right handful of coarse salt and rub a piece of bacon with this salt over a saucepan. After that, put the bacon in the pan, skin side down and repeat the operation with another piece of bacon, sprinkling everything with spices and garlic. Do not spare salt!

Then we tamp the bacon a little in a bowl, cover it with a lid of a smaller diameter or a plate, put a little oppression on top (for example, a 3-liter jar of water) - and in a warm place for 3-4 days.

After that, the bacon is almost ready - all that remains is to pull it out of the vessel, shake off the juice, wrap it in a cotton rag and put it in the refrigerator. As soon as it freezes, you can enjoy the unique taste.

Dry salting of bacon

For 1 kg of lard, 2-3 heads of garlic, seasonings (coriander, red ground pepper, cumin, garlic, basil, paprika, Bay leaf, thyme), salt.

We cut the lard into pieces of 10x15 cm in size, in them we make deep cuts every 3-5 cm (up to the skin itself). We sprinkle lard with garlic, rub with a mixture of seasonings, roll in salt and lay tightly in layers in enameled dishes, generously sprinkling each layer with salt (remember that salt will not spoil fat!). Now we put it in a cool place - and after 5 days the bacon will be ready.

Salting lard in brine with onion peel - very old way... So not only our grandmothers, but, perhaps, our great-great-grandmothers also salted lard. Lard is best taken with layers of meat, such as brisket, as this easy boiling is the best treatment for meat.

Wet salting of bacon

In a saline solution (at the rate of 1 kg of salt per 1 liter of water), boil onion peels and seasonings. Then we reduce the heat, put lard in the brine, cut into 10x15 cm pieces, and cook for 1.5-2 hours. We take out the pieces, let cool slightly and rub with a mixture of crushed garlic, salt and seasonings. We wrap it in a canvas and leave it for a day at room temperature, then put it in the refrigerator.

Here are a few more ways to pickle lard in onion skins. With this method of salting, bacon tastes like smoked lard.

Method number 1

For 2 liters of water, you need a handful onion peel and 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt.

Boil the brine, strain, put lard (about 2 kg) in this brine, boil for 15 minutes, then remove from heat and leave the lard in the brine for 8-12 hours. After this time, remove the bacon from the brine, rub generously with garlic, black pepper, wrap it in parchment paper and send it to the refrigerator for a day or two. Ready. If you've done a lot, don't worry. Such fat is stored for a long time in the freezer.

Method number 2

For 1-1.5 kg of brisket or bacon, 1 small head of garlic is required. For brine: 1 liter of water, ½ cup of coarse salt, 1 handful of onion husks (from 5-7 onions), if desired, 3 bay leaves, 15 black peppercorns.

Put all the spices together with salt and onion peels into a saucepan and cover with water. Bring to a boil, put lard so that it is covered with brine, boil for 10 minutes. Remove the pan from heat and leave in brine for a day. After the brine has cooled, put the pan in the refrigerator.

Then remove the bacon from the brine and let it lie in a plate for 15 minutes to drain the excess brine. Squeeze the garlic through a press and coat it with lard on all sides. Remove the bacon in the refrigerator for a day. Then transfer to the freezer.

Method number 3

Buy fresh lard. Make cuts to the skin, salt it with coarse salt and put it in a wide bowl, put oppression on top (you can also use a wide bowl of water or a saucepan).

After a day, put all the lard and salt in a saucepan, pour water one or two fingers above the lard, add all sorts of spices (which you like), bay leaf and always more onion husks (it is she who will subsequently give the original color, taste and smell).

All this is brewed within an hour. Then let the contents cool to room temperature. The bacon is removed from the pan, stuffed (rubbed with crushed) garlic, pepper (ground red, black pepper) to taste, wrapped in tracing paper (parchment paper, foil), rewound with ordinary thread so that the tracing paper does not unwind, and put in the freezer. After a day, the bacon is ready for use.

Method number 4 (spicy bacon)

This recipe is for those who are not averse to indulging in spicy foods.

For the brine, you will need 7 glasses of water, 1 glass of coarse salt, a handful of onion peels.

Bring all this to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes. Then put pieces of bacon in the brine (so that the water completely covers them). Boil for 10-20 minutes (if the pig was old - 20 minutes, if young - 10). Leave in brine for a day. After that, remove the bacon from the brine, let the water drain. Grate with garlic and red pepper. Put in the refrigerator, preferably in the freezer (it tastes better this way).

Method number 5 (spicy bacon)

You will need 1 kg of lard, 400 g of salt, onion husks, red ground pepper, garlic and other spices to taste.

Prepare a saline solution (for 1 liter of boiled water - 400 grams of salt). Add a handful of onion peels to the solution. Soak 1 kilogram of raw bacon (it can be salted in one piece or cut into small pieces) soak in a saline solution for 12 hours. The fat should be covered with a solution. After soaking, put on fire and bring to a boil. Simmer for 3 minutes (no more).

Let the lard cool in a saline solution. Grate the cooled lard with salt (a small amount), garlic and red pepper. Let the lard soak in spices - and it's ready to eat.

Lard in brine "brine"

The fat prepared in this way does not age, does not turn yellow and is stored for a long time, retaining excellent taste.

To salt 2 kg of lard, prepare a brine: 1 glass of salt is required for 5 glasses of water. Boil the brine, cool to room temperature.

In the meantime, cut the bacon into small pieces (to make it easy to get out) and put it loosely (!) In a 3-liter jar, adding 3-5 bay leaves, black peppercorns, 5-8 cloves of garlic between the layers.

Fill with brine, cover with a loose lid. We will keep it in the room for a week (it will be ready for use), then we will take it out in the cold. Usually, no more than 2 kg of bacon is used for such a capacity (3-liter can). The main thing is not to put the pieces very tightly in the jar, otherwise the bacon will simply "suffocate".

Lard with garlic

Method number 1

We take fresh lard with a soft skin, it is even better if it is with meat veins. We cut it into pieces measuring 5x10 cm. Rub generously with salt. We put it tightly in one layer in an enamel dish.

Cut 5-7 large cloves of garlic into slices (not too small). Sprinkle so that the bacon is evenly processed. Sprinkle with ground black allspice (1 teaspoon per layer). Then we put, if necessary, the second layer, etc., depending on the amount of lard that we salt. We cover the dishes with a plate that fits snugly into the pan (as if under oppression). And leave it alone at room temperature for about 2 days. On the second day, you will already smell! But it’s better to stand still for a day.

Then we take out the bacon from the saucepan. Wrap pieces of bacon separately in paper. Leave the garlic, which was in the pan with the bacon, with it. It is better to store pieces of bacon wrapped in a canvas or cellophane bag in the freezer.

Method number 2

The water is boiled with bay leaves, black peppercorns, dill and salt. Salt is taken in such an amount that a raw egg or potato placed in the solution does not sink. Grated garlic and bacon, cut into bars 4 cm wide and 20-25 cm long, are dipped into the cooled brine.

The product is ready for use in about a week. Before use, the bacon is removed from the brine, dried with a napkin and placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

With this method of salting, the lard retains its "fresh" taste throughout the entire storage period.

Method number 3

Fresh bacon is cut into pieces of 250-350 g and put in enamel pot layers, sprinkling with crushed garlic. Black peppercorns are pressed into each bar, 6-8 pieces. Then water is boiled with bay leaf and salt (there is enough salt to float a piece of raw potato thrown into it). After the brine has cooled, it is poured with bacon, pressed down with oppression and kept for 10-12 days. Then the pieces are taken out, dried and stored in the cold.

Method number 4 (with garlic and spices)

Any fat, both soft and hard, lends itself to this method of salting.

Cut the bacon into palm-sized pieces or slightly smaller. With a sharp knife, poke holes in them 1.5-2 cm deep and put pieces of garlic in them (the amount depends on your love for garlic). Then you need to pierce new smaller holes and put peppercorns in them - according to your taste. Roll each piece of bacon in a mixture of your favorite spices and rub this mixture well into the bacon. Place pieces of bacon tightly on their side in a deep enamel saucepan.

Prepare a very cool brine, sparing no salt, because, as we already know, the lard will take just as much salt as it needs. Add bay leaf and all the same spices to taste to the brine, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Cool the brine and pour the lard warm.

When the contents of the pot have cooled completely, put the pot in the refrigerator. After a week, the bacon will be ready. It should be removed from the brine, dried a little, wrapped in tracing paper or parchment paper and placed in the freezer.

Jam is a preparation made from whole berries or chopped fruits boiled in sugar. Jam is more concentrated and sweeter than jam. Unlike jam in jam, fruit pieces retain their shape. Used as an interlayer or filling.

When cooking any jam, you should not stir it with a spoon, since the berries or fruits wrinkle from this, and in order for it to cook more evenly and the syrup does not stick to the bottom, the basin must be shaken by the handle or by the edge.

Syrups, preserves, jellies and jelly from red berries must be boiled in copper or enamel dishes, otherwise they will lose their color.

Moderately ripe, without traces of spoilage, berries and fruits for jam must be processed on the day of harvest. It is advisable to pick berries on a clear, dry, not rainy day.

Berries and fruits are cooked different ways, but the main rules are as follows.

Syrup - water with sugar - cook over low heat until thickened. The readiness of the syrup is checked as follows: the cooled syrup should flow down the spoon, leaving a narrow strip. After removing the scale, add berries to the syrup, shaking the bowl. Put the dishes with berries on the fire, let it boil three times, each time removing the bowl of jam from the heat to collect the foam. Cook the jam over low heat.

In the finished jam, the berries become transparent, the syrup thickens, and when it cools, a thin film appears on its surface. Sour berries - currants, barberries and others are not cooked for long. For 400 g of berries, usually 600 g or 800 g of sugar is taken. For savings, it is better to take 600 g of sugar per 400 g of berries, however, in such a jam for a smaller amount of sugar, less juice is obtained, and the berries do not have an attractive appearance and are not saturated with syrup. In addition, jam with less sugar can sour, and then sugar will have to be added to the finished product, which will take away from the jam good view and color.

To prepare jam syrup, take 2 cups of granulated sugar and 1.5 cups of water, boil, remove scale, pour into a clean bowl and set in the cold for a day. The next day, carefully pour the syrup into a saucepan, boil it until thick and add the berries.

You need to try the jam with a clean spoon, which in no case is used when cooking the jam and putting it in jars - both for reasons of hygiene and so that the jam does not sour. Hot jam should not be immediately poured into the jars, as the berries float to the top, and the juice remains at the bottom. It is necessary to pour the jam into earthenware dishes, let it cool and in no case leave it in a copper basin.

Hot jam is not covered with a lid, because the rising steam condenses and falls in the form of drops back into the bowl with the jam, which saturates it with excess moisture and can cause mold and early damage to the workpiece. If it is absolutely necessary to close the jam, for example, from flies, then it is better to cover with gauze or a towel, which will also absorb excess moisture. When the jam is boiling with a key, the scale should be carefully removed with a spoon, being careful not to crush the berries or interfere with the jam. During cooking, the bowl of jam is often shaken, making sure that the syrup covers all the berries.

Overcooked jam can become sugared, then you need to pour a spoonful of cold water into the jar, put in a saucepan filled with cold water, and heat over low heat until the sugar in the jam melts.

Undercooked jam can sour, in this case the jam is cooked, sprinkled with granulated sugar, until the scale disappears from the jam.

They put the jam in small half-liter jars, since air gets into large jars when the jam is spilled and it soon deteriorates.

Close the jars with tin, plastic or glass lids, pre-steamed with boiling water, under which, on the surface of the jam, put a circle of paper soaked in rum. The type of jam, the year of preparation and the number of the jar are written on the bank.

Emerald green gooseberry jam
400 g gooseberries
4 cups sugar
1 glass of water
15–20 pcs. cherry leaves
100 g of vodka

Remove seeds from large green gooseberries, rinse with cold water, and discard in a colander. Put the cherry leaves in a pot, fill with vodka, close the lid and put in an oven preheated to 140 ° C for two hours. Remove the pot from the oven, drain the vodka into a bowl, add the berries and put the bowl on fire.
Boil the gooseberries, put them in a colander and pour cold water several times until the berries cool.
Mix 1 glass of water and granulated sugar, pour into a bowl for making jam, boil and add berries. Bring the jam to a boil three times, each time removing the dishes from the heat for 2-3 minutes. You need to cook the jam on the lowest heat.
Allow to cool, arrange in small jars and close with lids.

Rose petal jam
400 g rose buds or rose hips
juice from 2 lemons
4 cups sugar
2 glasses of water
2 drops of rose oil

Collect freshly blossomed rose hips or ordinary roses, weigh 400 g, put in a colander, boil with boiling water, straightening with a spoon so that the buds do not float up. Then dip the colander into cold water with ice so that it covers all the petals, stirring them actively. Repeat such scalding with boiling water and pouring cold water three times - this will give strength to jam and an exquisite taste.
Squeeze the petals, put on a plate. Add lemon juice to roses, add 1 glass of sugar and grind everything well.
Boil the syrup from the remaining sugar and water, boil it, remove the foam, add the rose petals.
Cook over low heat. Add two drops of rose oil to enhance the scent. The jam is ready when the petals fall to the bottom of the basin.
From this amount of ingredients, 1 kg of jam will be obtained.

White and yellow plum jam
400 g white and yellow, slightly unripe plums
4 cups sugar
2 glasses of water
a pinch of vanilla

Prick slightly unripe white and yellow plums with a needle or a toothpick, put in a saucepan, pour boiling water over and let stand until the boiling water cools. Throw the plums in a colander, let the water drain.
Prepare a syrup from sugar and water, add vanilla, bring to a boil, remove from heat and cool. Pour the plums with chilled syrup and put in the refrigerator or cellar overnight.
The next day, drain the syrup, bring to a boil, cool and pour over the plums again. Repeat this procedure three times. For the third time, boil the syrup, add the plums and cook for half an hour, constantly removing the foam.
Cool the finished jam and arrange in prepared jars.

Pear Jam
400 g pears
2 cups sugar
1 glass of water
5 pieces. cloves or a pinch of vanilla

Wash strong, unripe pears, peel, carefully remove the core, leaving 2 cm from the tail. Weigh the pears, put in a basin, pour cold water and cook until almost soft. Carefully drain the water in which the pears were cooked, measure out 1 glass.
Prepare a syrup from sugar and a glass of water in which the pears were cooked, add vanilla or cloves. Syrup for pears is easy to prepare, as they shrink and become hard from cooking in thick syrup.
Put the pears in the syrup and cook until tender, taking care not to boil the pears. Finished pears should be clear and syrup thick. Pour the prepared jam into jars for several days, then drain the syrup and cook until thickened. Pour the cooled syrup over the pears.
To prevent the jam from becoming moldy, you can add citric acid.
Small and medium pears can be cooked whole. In this case, they do not need to be peeled, because they darken, but first boil in boiling water until half cooked (boil several times), then peel and cook until cooked in syrup, as indicated above.

Clear apple jam (apple jam recipe)
1 kg of apples
1.5 kg sugar
2.5 cups lemon water, i.e. water boiled with the zest of 1 lemon
juice of 1 lemon

Peel the apples, cut into quarters, peel the seeds.
Boil the syrup from sugar and lemon water. Put apples into ready-made, slightly cooled syrup, put on fire, bring to a boil.
Cook the apples at a low boil for 3 minutes, add lemon juice and cook for 10-15 minutes, shaking the bowl and removing the foam.
Put the cooled jam in jars.

Five-minute jam

In such a jam, the berries are almost as fresh and there are more vitamins in them. Only when cooking for five minutes, you do not need to add water. Cover the carefully washed berries with some sugar, they will release juice. Boil the syrup with the resulting juice and put the berries in it. boil. Boil for 10 minutes. Immediately transfer the hot jam to sterilized jars and roll up the lids. This is how they prepare five minutes from strawberries and cherries. And it is recommended to pre-scald black currants in a colander so that the berries become soft and then dipped in hot syrup, which, as an exception, is cooked with the addition of water (3/4 cup per 1 kg of berries).

- If boiled eggs poorly cleaned, this is an additional sign that they are fresh. In order for boiled eggs to clean well, the water must be salted during cooking, and immediately after cooking, put the pan with eggs under cold running water for 3-4 minutes. And then immediately clean it: knock on a hard surface so that the shell cracks, and then, prying the shell with your fingers, remove it from the whole egg. To make it easy to clean the eggs, it is recommended to boil them after 5 days after packing.
- For even cooking, it is worth rolling raw chicken eggs a little on the table or shaking gently a couple of times.
- To make the eggs exactly did not burst during cooking, you can cook them over a pan in a sieve - then the eggs will be steamed, they will not knock against each other and on the pan. In addition, there will be no sudden temperature differences during steaming. Eggs are boiled over medium heat, without a lid, while the water is quietly boiling.
- It is believed that overexpose eggs on the stove are not worth it: the longer you cook eggs, the worse they are absorbed by the body, and boiling eggs for more than 20 minutes and then eating them is unhealthy.
- Shell color chicken eggs does not affect their taste.
- The perfect casserole for eggs - a small radius in order to pour water as little as possible and so that the eggs are completely covered with it. Then the water will boil faster and, therefore, the eggs will cook faster. And in a small saucepan, chicken eggs will not knock with such great force, with which they knock in a pan with a large radius.
- If time for cooling there are no boiled eggs, you can rinse the eggs under cold water, then each egg should be cleaned under a strong stream of cold water, otherwise you can burn yourself.

Calorie content of a chicken egg (per 100 grams):
the calorie content of a boiled egg is 160 kcal.

Chicken egg mass: 1 chicken egg weighs 50-55 grams. Large eggs are about 65 grams.
Chicken eggs price- from 55 rubles / ten (data on average for Moscow as of June 2017).
Shelf life of chicken eggs- about a month, you can store it outside the refrigerator.
Boiled eggs are stored for no more than 15-30 days if stored in the refrigerator, but we recommend using them in fresh or within 3 days maximum.

If an egg pops up during cooking, it is spoiled, such an egg is not suitable for food.
Fry eggs for cooking scrambled eggs - 5-10 minutes.
How to cook poached eggs? - Boil poached eggs for 1-4 minutes, depending on the desired boiling of the yolk.
If you want to determine whether the egg is cooked through, you can roll the egg on the table. If the egg is spinning quickly and easily, then it is cooked.
Eggs for salad cook completely, until completely boiled, in a steep one.

Eggs and cooking gadgets

How to cook eggs in the microwave
Put the eggs in a mug, fill the mug with water, add a teaspoon of salt, microwave for 10 minutes at 60% power (about 500 W).

How to cook eggs in a slow cooker
Soft-boiled eggs eggs are boiled for 5 minutes, in a bag - 5 minutes, in steep - 12 minutes.

How to cook eggs in a double boiler
Cook chicken eggs in a double boiler hard-boiled for 18 minutes.

How to boil eggs in an egg boiler
Boil the eggs in an egg cooker until fully cooked for 7 minutes.

How to boil eggs in a pressure cooker
Boil eggs in a pressure cooker - 5 minutes.

How to boil eggs without shells
Break the eggs with a knife, pour the contents of the shell into Plastic container for eggs, close the container with eggs and put in boiling water. Cook for 5 minutes.

How to cook eggs in an airfryer
To cook hard-boiled eggs, put them on a medium level, cook at 205 degrees for 10 minutes, after 5 minutes turning them to the other side.

How to cook eggs
If one egg is freed from the shell and it turns out that it is undercooked: return the eggs to the pan, add cold water, and cook the missing amount of time after boiling (3-4 minutes after boiling). Then put in cold water, cool and peel.

The composition and benefits of chicken eggs
Cholesterol - 213 milligrams at the recommended daily maximum cholesterol of 300 mg.
Phospholipids are a cholesterol-lowering substance.
Fat - only in the yolk of an egg, 5 grams, of which 1.5 grams are harmful.
Amino acids - 10-13 gr.
13 vitamins - among them A, B1, B2, B6, B12, E, D, biotin, folic and nicotinic acids - and many minerals (especially calcium and iron). How to break a raw chicken egg?
- Chicken eggs are broken with a knife, lightly hitting them on the side of the egg. Next, the eggshells are separated by hands over the dishes (frying pan, saucepan, bowl), pouring out the contents.

What if you don't boil the eggs?
In addition to boiling, you can fry chicken eggs and cook fried eggs.

How to eat boiled eggs
Slightly break the hard-boiled egg shell with a knife, peel it, put it on a plate, cut it in half, arrange it on a plate so that the eggs do not roll on the plate, and eat it with a fork and knife.
Soft-boiled eggs are usually served in a poached maker. Using a knife, cut off the top of the egg (about 1 centimeter on top), season with salt and pepper, and eat with a teaspoon.

How to reheat boiled chicken eggs
Chicken eggs can be reheated in 2 ways:
1) boiling water: put in a mug / bowl boiled eggs in a shell and pour boiling water over, leave for a minute, then drain the water and repeat the procedure;
2) in the microwave: peel and cut each egg in half, put in a microwave oven, microwave 3 eggs for 1 minute at 600 W (70-80% power).

How to cook eggs for salad?
Hard-boiled eggs are boiled for the salad.

How to boil eggs with the yolk out
As a rule, eggs are boiled with the yolk outward in order to instill in children the habit of culinary experiments.
To boil an egg with the yolk outward, it is necessary to illuminate with a flashlight (or by holding the egg to the lamp) - the egg, ready to boil with the yolk outward, should be somewhat cloudy.
Put the egg in a nylon stocking - about the middle.
Twist the ends of the stocking, preventing the egg from moving.
Release the stocking at the location of the egg and stretch the ends - the egg should unwind the stocking with lightning speed.
Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
Re-illuminate the egg with a lamp or flashlight - the egg should be cloudy.
Boil the egg for 10 minutes in water, cool and peel.
Your eggs are boiled yolk out!

  • Pour one tablespoon of plantain leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 8-9 hours under the lid, then strain. Grind 50 g of butter with 1 teaspoon of honey, add 1 tablespoon of plantain infusion, mix everything thoroughly.
  • Collect petals from 1 rose, grind and mix with a tablespoon of lard. The cream is used to soften chapped or dry hands.
  • Pour 1 tablespoon of chamomile inflorescences with 1 cup boiling water, leave for 8-9 hours under the lid, then strain. Grind 50 g of butter with 1 teaspoon of honey, add 1 tablespoon of chamomile infusion, mix everything thoroughly.
  • 4 tablespoons glycerin, 1 tablespoon lemon juice and enough potato flour to make a cream. Mix everything well and rub into your hands overnight. Use to soften hands in windy conditions.
  • 1 tablespoon of a mixture of three herbs (plantain, chamomile, calendula), pour 1/2 cup boiling water, leave in a water bath for 1 hour, drain. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and 50 g of butter to the infusion. An excellent nourishing cream for dry skin of hands.
  • Put 5 g of finely chopped rhizomes of Potentilla erectus in a glass of cow oil. Cook for 5 minutes. Strain warm. It is used for cracks in the skin of the hands and feet, and especially on the lips.
  • Lotion Grind plantain leaves, chamomile inflorescences, calendula inflorescences. Mix thoroughly in equal parts. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, drain. Add 1 tablespoon of glycerin to the infusion. Wipe hands with lotion 2-3 times a day to soften the skin and eliminate inflammation.

Hand baths

Prepare a decoction of 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers and 1 liter of water. In a moderately hot broth (40–42 C), hold your hands for 15–20 minutes, dry them slightly with a soft napkin or towel and rub a fat cream into the skin. A bath of chamomile decoction has a softening effect when cracks appear.

  • 2 tablespoons of potato starch in 1 liter of warm boiled water. Do the bath before bedtime. After the bath, grease your hands with a fat cream.
  • Boil the potatoes with the skins until crisp without adding salt. Mash the potatoes with a fork. Keep your hands in the broth for 20-30 minutes. Rinse your hands with water and spread with cream.
  • Add the same amount of flaxseed to 1/2 cup of well-washed and chopped potato peelings, pour 0.5 liters of water, cook until a thick gruel is formed. Put your feet in this gruel for 15–20 minutes, then rinse them with warm water, dry them, and grease cracks, scratches, abrasions with 2% tincture of iodine. At the end of the procedure, grease with cream. Recommended for calluses, rough skin, painful cracked heels.

  • 1 tablespoon of crushed dried calendula flowers in 1 liter of water. Boil for 10 minutes. Hold your hands in the broth for 20-30 minutes. The bath has an anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect.
  • Brew calendula inflorescences and plantain leaves. For 2 liters, take 4 tablespoons of the mixture, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Hold your hands in the broth for 20-30 minutes. The bath has an anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect.

Use warm milk serum for the bath if the skin on the hands has become rough and rough. After the bath, rinse your hands, lubricate with cream or heated vegetable oil Better olive.

Take a handful of crushed flaxseed and mix with a spoonful of almond oil, then add hot water before the formation of a liquid gruel. Having immersed your hands in it, you need to rub them there for a quarter of an hour, then rinse your hands in warm water.

Rinsing solutions

  • To maintain the acidic environment of the skin, it is useful, at least before bed, to rinse your hands with acidified water. For 1 liter of water, 1 teaspoon of vinegar or a tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • A few drops ammonia per bottle warm water- too good remedy to soften the skin of the hands.

Today I want to talk about plants that are considered weeds in our daily life. In fact, it turns out that they are indispensable in folk medicine, and many of them are also recognized by official medicine.

First of all, this is a well-known dandelion to all of us, which pleases our eyes with its yellow flowers from the very early spring... it unpretentious plant found everywhere. Culinary experts from many countries use dandelion to prepare various dishes, and it is worth noting the fact that dandelion is also used in Russian cuisine.

This plant is harvested before the flowers of the baskets. The bitterness of the leaves is removed in two ways: scalding and bleaching. The collected leaves are poured over with boiling water. And for bleaching, the dandelion is covered right on the root for a week from the sun with straw or a piece of plywood.

Dandelion leaves, rich in beneficial trace elements, are especially recommended for anemic and malnourished people. Pickled dandelion buds are delicious for meat dishes.

How medicinal plant dandelion has been known for a long time. It was also used by doctors. Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome... This plant is also used in Chinese herbal medicine as an antipyretic and diaphoretic, with poor appetite, inflammation of the lymph nodes, skin diseases.

Bulgarian healers use dandelion leaves and juice in the treatment of atherosclerosis, anemia, vitamin deficiency, diseases of the liver, gallbladder, hemorrhoids, inflammation of the stomach and intestines.

4 tbsp. pour a spoonful of collection with a glass of water and let it brew overnight. In the morning, put on fire and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Then wrap for 4 hours, drain. Drink a glass during the day (1/3 cup at the reception, before meals). The infusion can be prepared immediately for 2-3 days and stored in the refrigerator.

The broth is used for dust allergies. The allergy will begin to "come out": first there will be hardening in the nose, then on the chin, arms and trunk with severe itching; these places should be lubricated with any anesthetic. Recovery will come in a month. It should be treated in this way for six months, do not take alcohol during this period. This collection is good for children too.

And two more medicinal preparations, which include dandelion.

A remedy for atherosclerosis

Take 10 g of dandelion root, 10 g of wheatgrass rhizome, 10 g of leaves and roots of Potentilla, 10 g of yarrow herb. 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of collection with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour. Drink ¾ glass before breakfast.

Remedy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Take 40 g of wormwood herb, 20 g of dandelion root and yarrow root. Put 10 g (1-2 tablespoons) of the collection in an enamel bowl, pour a glass of hot boiled water. Close the lid and heat in boiling water (in a water bath) for 15 minutes. Then refrigerate for 45 minutes at room temperature. Strain, squeeze out the remaining raw materials. Dilute the resulting infusion with boiled water so that its volume reaches 200 ml. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of infusion 15-20 minutes before meals to stimulate appetite.

Well, now, as always, a few folk remedies based on certain plants that are familiar to us.

Means for regulating metabolism

Tool number 1. Infusion of berries and cranberry leaves

Pour a handful of cranberry leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. Drink ½ cup 3-4 times a day.

Tool # 2 (funny). Stretch your ears at any free moment. It is not at all necessary to pull the ears; it is enough to gently pull both lobes down without experiencing any discomfort.

Remedy for cardiovascular diseases

Take 40 g of raspberry leaves and coltsfoot, 20 g of oregano herb. 10 g (1-2 tablespoons) of the collection pour a glass of hot boiled water. Heat for 15 minutes in boiling water (in a water bath) under closed lid... Then cool for 45 minutes at room temperature. Strain, squeeze the remaining raw materials and mix with the broth. If necessary, add boiled water to achieve an infusion volume of up to 200 ml.

Take hot infusion of 1 glass at night as a diuretic and diaphoretic.

Headache remedies

Tool number 1. Take 1 cup (250 g) minced white onion and mix it with a glass of honey. Grind well to dissolve the honey. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Take 1 spoonful of the drug at night before bedtime. The prepared product is designed for one course of treatment. If necessary, the course of treatment should be repeated. This remedy helps with headaches and dizziness.

Tool number 2. Put 3 medium Antonov apples in an enamel saucepan and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Close the lid and wrap with a blanket. After 4 hours, knead the apples directly in the broth. Take on an empty stomach in the morning and before bedtime with honey (stir 1 teaspoon of honey in 50 ml of broth). This remedy helps with heaviness in the head and tinnitus.

Remedy for exacerbation of gastric ulcer

Brew 50 g of good tea and simmer for 6-7 hours. Cool, drain. Place 250 g of ready-made infused tea in a liter jar, mix with 0.5 liters of vodka. Add refined sugar to make 1 liter of medicine. Insist at night, and in the morning you can start the course. Drink 100 g early in the morning, then go back to bed. The prepared product is enough for 10 receptions.