
How to make an attic roof at home. The technology of building an attic roof with their own hands

House and plot

Athenium roof - This is a great option to obtain a sufficiently large space of residential premises.

During the construction of private, it is important to correctly design. After all, attic - a residential premises in which various processes occur: air evaporation, the heating of the room. This has its effect on the roof. On the other hand, the roof must fulfill its main purpose - to securely protect against bad weather and maintain heat inside.

Therefore, it is important before the start of construction to acquire a qualitative project and calculations. Calculations should be carried out by a specialist who experience the design of such objects. Even small errors can lead to incorrect distribution of load of carrier components and elements. Excessive roofing, exceeding the strength of the rafter feet can lead to a weakening of the overall design and sad consequences.

But before it is detailed to dwell on how it is properly to calculate the size, area and other attitudes of the attic Consider the common types of malsard roof structures.

The rafter system and its elements are different for different types mansard. The roof should be easy to not load the walls of the houses, while the reliability and strength of the design must comply with the construction requirements of the standards.

Forms of pitched roofs

By the types of mansard roofs, the following designs are distinguished:

  1. Double. Two skate and two fronton.
  2. Broken. Having two and more planes located at different angles of inclination. The broken roof is erected much more difficult.
  3. Walm. With triangular shapes, closing frontoths.
  4. Semi-Walm. Facades covered part of the fronton area.
  5. Dome. Characteristic for houses with a round or polygonal design.
  6. Vaulted. With the arcuate fronton projection.

In addition, the roof design is divided by constructive features on ventilated and non-ventilated. This or another option is selected depending on climatic features Region and design of private houses.


With large amounts of precipitation, high humidity Prefer the roof with natural ventilation. In addition, the air layer inside plays the role of an additional insulation.

Designs without natural ventilation are more often used in dry climatic zones.

Private house with mansard roof

Foundation of the roof - the rafter system

Basic I. napless element The roof is its frame or slinge system. It carries the main burden, determines the strength and reliability, the service life of the entire roof will depend on it and how often it is necessary to repair it.

Therefore, the installation of the frame is the most time-consuming process on the dispute device. The main impacts on the truss system are the loads obtained from the mass of the frame itself, the weight of the snow cover and the impact of wind states. In this regard, the loads on the rafters should be carried out.

From the correct calculation of the rafter system, loads and all nodes of the connection depends the strength and durability of the entire building. An important requirement is the minimum weight of the frame design. So that the load on the walls and the foundation was small, the materials with the lowest specific weight should be laid in the project.

Slinge system at home with an attic

Calculation of Square

If the attic is planned to be used, as a residential premises, it is important to calculate its useful area. For calculations an important parameter It is the total area mansard premises And its useful volume. The latter is calculated on the lines connecting the points where the height from the floor to the ceiling plane is 90 cm. The rest of the space is taken not to be not dwell, suitable only for the chulana and storage room.

The total area is taken from plans at home and attic. The calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof is carried out on the basis of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe internal structures. All roofing frame It can be imagined as a totality of elements with different geometry. Calculating the area of \u200b\u200bsuch figures separately, and folding the values, you can get the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house. This quantity is necessary not only for further calculations of the strength and weight of the structure, but also for calculating the required amount of materials.

The calculation of the area and the geometry of the indoors of the attic determine the ratio of additional area to the underlying floors of the building

Draft mansard roofing

As mentioned above, the key to reliable and durable roofing design Must be a competently compiled project. You can use typical, ready project An attic roof, which no longer requires additional calculations. This will speed up the work and reduce the cost of design, but if construction is assumed on an individual project, a detailed calculation will be required.


In the project, in addition to the calculation, it should contain information about the construction of the rafter, the installation scheme of the beams, the counting of its own mass and the estimated load of natural factors (wind, snow, rain).

To calculate and compile a competent project, the stability of all elements to temperature drops should be provided.As a rule, the project consists of several sections and drawings. It contains calculations and all information about the roof design:

  • first of all, the project defines the basic parameters - the roof shape, its size, slope slope, the presence of the front;
  • the second, and no less important item, there is a list of all materials, for each node, indicating their quantity;
  • a separate section must be devoted to the calculation of carrying structures, indicating the cross section of rafal beams, the size of the elements of overlaps and other nodes;
  • drawings with different projection and detailing of the main nodes;
  • section with calculating the heat engineering properties of the structure and indication of insulation and waterproofing with the list of recommended materials;
  • recommendations for roofing material based on the calculation of maximum loads on the design.

Calculation of slope skate

The determination of the size of the roof affects its slope. The angle of slope has great importance When building a house. Incorrectly designed roof can be destroyed by a strong wind, if you make it too high. And on the contrary, if the slope is insufficient, it can lead to the accumulation of snow mass, which will also lead to destruction. Therefore, when calculating slopes, local climatic conditions and alleged roofing materials are taken into account (their weight). As a rule, in the snow-covered areas there are pointed roofs, so that the snow sliding the floor with its weight. And in warmer areas, gender structures are distributed, reduced sailboats with an elongated sweat.

Getting started to the specific calculation of the slope, we take as source data:

  • The estimated height of the residential space in the attic (desired, but not less than 2.5).
  • Weather conditions of terrain - average precipitation, the maximum possible wind power.
  • Planned weight and features of roofing material.
  • Type of roofing on the project.

For the duplex structure of the inclination of the slopes, the optimal is considered to be 45 degrees and more. For a broken design, the optimal corners will be 60 degrees for the lower slope and 30 degrees for the top. This will make an indoor room in a room.

Montage of the frame of the mansarda

Before the construction of the attic, when the walls of the building were already erected, it is necessary to pave a rear of 10x10 or 15x15 cm for support of the rafter system at the top of the walls. Such a design is called Maurylalat, in the chilled wooden house They can serve as the upper crown. If the house is built of brick or concrete under the wooden mauelalate, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing (for example, rubberoid, better in two layers). The main task of Mauerlat is a uniform distribution of loads on the walls of the house. The bar can be closed with a facing similar to the facade.

  1. We begin the installation of the rafter system from the ceiling device. The beams are placed, starting with extreme, strictly extinguishing horizontal. The beam step is recommended to withstand at 50-60 cm. The beams should be taken out of the wall limit of about 30-50 cm, which will serve as a cornice. Fixation with Mauerlat produce nails and a metal corner on screws.
  2. We proceed to the mounting of the frame. First of all, vertical support racks are installed. At the time of installation, securing their temporary struts. Starting from the corners, we put the rest at a distance of no more than three meters. The height of the racks should be specified in the project, it will determine the parameters of the entire design. At the top end of the racks, running runs (boards 15x5 cm).
  3. On the runs are settings (20x5 cm timing), fixed by the corner. The task of the tightening tie the sidebars. So that there was no significant deflection of the fumes, they need to be fixed, in the future, suspensions to the roof rafters. At the installation stage, you can avoid the deflection by temporary subfields.
  4. Install rafters. Before mounting, you need to make a template in the form of a board 15x2 cm. The template sets the same angle washed in places connection rafted with a Mauerlat with the lower end and a top with a run.
  5. The mounting of the utilization (lower) rafters to the side runs is carried out by nails, and to Mauerlate with metal plates or brackets.
  6. We proceed to the mounting of the hanging (upper) rafters. Also we prepare the template and on the template they drink all the boards. Mansard design It does not provide a driving device, so additional rigidity should be given the installation of the subchoves.
  7. We install tightening on the upper rafters.
  8. In general, the framework of the rafter system is ready. Next, you can sew the frontones, leaving the openings under the windows if they are provided by the project.
  9. Make the crate. The design of the crate is entirely dependent on the type of roofing material defined by the project. If a soft rolled roof is provided (for example, Ondulin), we make a solid crate. For metal tile or professional flooring requires a rarefied doom. Right choice And competent installation will affect the quality of the roof and its reliability.

Further work is associated with insulation and insulation of the roof of the attic.

The base of the naked roof - its frame


In cases where the roof rafts are over six meters (length standard Board), It is necessary to order a board under the rafted the required length or split rafters to the desired size. In the joints of the joints, it will be necessary to establish additional support racks.

Hearth roofing

To create an atmosphere suitable for accommodation in the attic, the roof must be securely and high qualityly insulated. In addition, pair-insulating and waterproofing films are stacked together with insulation. To prevent leakage from the outside and accumulation of condensate from the inside, they use special modern materials. Thus, "puff pie" is formed, laid between roofing and indoor indoor. Such a "cake" should include the following layers:

  1. Vaporizolation. Special, non-transmitting film film materials stacked from the inside of the indoor indoors with the sealing of the joints. The task of this layer prevent moisture penetration into the upper layers of the Pie.
  2. Insulated. The thermal insulator uses foam or foam plates, mineral wool, eco wool, and so on. Laying is made with an overlap or subsequent sealing of seams by construction foam.
  3. Waterproofing. Special film membranes that protect insulation from atmospheric precipitation and preventing condensate. They are placed on rafyles while maintaining the air gap between the film and the roofing material.

Roofing pie is a multi-layered design that provides reliable protection from various adverse factors

Thus, the size of the roof selected as a result of the calculations and specified in the project has an impact on the course of the construction of the attic. Here it should be taken into account by many nuances, important to create a reliable and durable roof

Mansard - Calculation Scheme, Load, RSU

Mansard - calculation in SCAD, selection of sections of elements

The nuclear roof is very convenient in the country as an extra room. It can be built with your own hands, attracting minimum of finance and time to work. It is not necessary to build an attic roof with your own hands relatively and special construction knowledge for this. Also large savings will save the personnel, and for help you can call several people familiar to you.

So that the attic was spacious enough, its roof should be broken, that is, refracting at different angles. The broken roof should be planned in advance, you can even draw exemplary drawings of the attic roofs, as if in the end they wanted to see her.

Also, the attic of the attic on the second floor should comply with general parameters of the structureBecause the foundation and walls should be counted in advance for the sizes of the attic. That is why it is better to preliminarily draw up a drawing of the future facilities.

How to build a naked roof with your own hands: Useful tips

Pay attention to the fact that the size of the attic directly depends on the angle of the roof tilt. What he is more, the less will be a useful area on the attic, because the angle is able to steal the height of the room on the attic, consider it. But experimenting with inclination angles are also not worth it, since it plays an important role when resetting precipitation from the roof of the room.

And if you build a house where windy weather prevails, the angle of inclination can be reduced. So a broken roof with your own hands it will be much betterIf you take into account the following tips in the construction and make it so that everything is excellent:

Mansards do it yourself: what will be required when working

To build your own hands the roof on slate, we will need:

  1. slate;
  2. bars and wood boards;
  3. nails slate and simple;
  4. insulation;
  5. wire annealed and for stretch marks.

Also need set of tools:

  1. ax;
  2. construction stapler;
  3. hammer;
  4. plumb;
  5. hacksaw;
  6. roulette.

How to make an attic roof from metal tile: Quick description

An attic roof on the basis of metal tiles is distinguished by a broken line of the skate, two of them diverge down at a slight angle from the central skate and switch to two lower. Thanks to this design, the volume under the roof can be maximally involved.

The broken roof can be created under quite established residential premises On the attic, also the room on the second floor country house Can be used as a creative studio, gaming room or guest room.

The construction of a bunk lone of the roof will be difficult, but the hollow roof to build it is much more complicated. Even the outer bulkiness of the lonic roof will be its advantage, if you present it as an element of the structure of the structure.

And if you choose the root material correctly, then you can even visually reduce its dimensions. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the broken roof will be organically fit into the house design in the form of a square. And if the building is long and narrow, then the attic under the broken roof will not be able to be used to fully under residential extra room.

To build a broken attic roof, follows conduct such calculations:

  1. roof weight;
  2. the weight of the crates and the counterclaim;
  3. weight of steam and waterproofing materials;
  4. weight of the insulation;
  5. the total length of the span;
  6. corners of the rods;
  7. stag of the crate and rafters;
  8. possible periodic loads.

Stages of the construction of a nation roof with their own hands

Construction starts with styling wooden beams On top of the waterproofing, on top of which rafting beams will be laid. As waterproofing use runneroid. When using a wooden coating, the lower bar is not needed.

Further on the beams put racks from the tree at a distance of about 2 meters from each other. They should be located strictly perpendicular to the same plane, since they will hold the walls of the attic. From the inside, if desired, they are frustrated or plasterboard, add insulation and sewn. Fasten the drains with metal brackets or spikes.

We put the top timber from the tree and fix it. Then we install the beam for the support of the substropyl foot from a wooden board or bar. This will attach the roof to the building more firmly. It is desirable a layer of beams to cover the rubberoid from rotting. Also desirable reinforce the design of the annealed wire.

We establish the trim legs: we make the markup on the location of the rafter, it is desirable that the step makes about 100 cm. I first put the extreme rafters to the front, but it is necessary that their upper part coincides with the extreme line of the front. The rafters need to be made from the board, on which there are no bitch. When extreme rafters are installed, the twine is stretched between them so that the rest is easier to install. Then they connect everything with each other.

From above, the design is installed a skate beam to support the rafter feet. It is needed if the roof is very high and heavy. If there is less than 8 meters, it is not needed, but you need make a stretch. They are needed as insurance with a strong load of the coverage of snow or, as ceiling beams Mansard.

Then install the fuels. This is done on the same principle as the installation of rafters. First, the extreme is installed, then all the rest are tensioned on the twine. They are necessarily needed, because when the coverage is replaced, they are much easier to change than to disassemble the entire roof.

On the Falkets nourish the heated board, which is needed from the winds of the wind and roof rainfall.

To the places where you want to put the windows, the rafters should be attached by transverse bars, which will also be parts of the opening for fastening the window frame.

The rakes for the crate, the shaft step depends on the roofing material. On top of the crates attach brackets polyethylene film As a waterproofing of the brass layers from the bottom up. We are superimpped by thermal insulation from mineral wool.

You can put the roof from the bottom up. In places, the roof of the roof of the upper row should be protrusing under the flooring of the bottom row.

And in the conclusion of work mounted KonkMoreover, it should be such that the falling of precipitation under the roof is reduced to zero.

Also do not forget about the ventilation windows and the window openings.

Advantages and disadvantages of the attic roof

The presence of attic in a country private house has a number of both advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantage of attic - the second floor is an increase in residential or useful area small house. Also, such a solution makes houses more attractive from an architectural point of view.

But I. disadvantages of such a solution:

But despite this, making a mansard roof of those who wish less than it. With the right approach, this solution is very stylish and reasonable, especially if your country house itself is small.

If you want to maximize the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house without spending the fabricants, you must consider projects with the attic. The experience of developers suggests that this is the optimal way to plan housing economy class, because one square meter The living space in it is several times cheaper than in two-storey buildings. It is a misconception that attic is suitable only for seasonal use in the warm season.

However, it is mistaken, since a qualitatively insulated broken attic roof perfectly retains heat in winter, her temperature mode No less comfortable than in heated rooms of the first floor.

Even without additional thermal insulation of the attic is a kind of "air cushion", preserving optimum temperature inside the house.

The broken roof is considered to be technically complex design, advising entrusting its construction by a professional brigade. However, a person familiar with roofing works on the example of the traditional double roof, it is quite capable of mastering its construction with your own hands, with the help of two utility workers, assistants. The main thing is to understand that this is a process that requires a serious approach that is rapidly starting without preliminary calculations.

Species of mansard roofs

Mansard - heated or cold space under the roof, which is used as a residential. According to construction standards, in the attic room it is necessary to equip windows for natural lighting And the ceilings are sufficient for a human height.

Rooms under the roofs in which these conditions are not respected, called the attic. For the devices of the attic fit next species Roofs:

Broken roof

Installation of an attic roof suitable for accommodation provides compulsory thermal insulation, the organization of natural lighting with attic or vertical windows and forced ventilation.

The advantages of a broken design

Of course, the attic can even be equipped with their own hands by building a conventional triangular roof. But because of the steepness of the slopes so that the ceiling is accustomed, the height of such a roof should be very large. This is not economical, and also it is impractical, because the roof with a changeable angle of the skates makes it possible to more effectively dispose of the available space.

A more common upper part makes ceilings higher. According to construction standards, if the distance from the floor to the skate compound is less than 2.5-2.7 meters, the room is not considered a residential, it cannot be called an attic, it is rather just a attic. The structural roof design has the following advantages:

  • The ability to equip higher ceilings.
  • High level of protection against atmospheric precipitation, wind.
  • Easy snowing snow from the skates.
  • Helps to save heat.
  • The rational use of the undercase.

Stages of construction

Project creation

By drawing up a project of a nuclear roof for construction with their own hands, it is better to draw up drawings with different projections, which will comprehensively show the location of its elements. Stripping from the length and width of the house, it is necessary to determine with the sizes of the attic room, as well as the roofs. The first thing is built by the geometry of the skates:

To calculate the project proven to be true, it is important to accurately produce primary measurements, as well as abide by the scale. Meligious design can computer programs in which it suffices to enter the sizes of the structure and the desired roof type, the rest of the work they perform automatically. If there is no access to such software, it is better to use ready-made projects.

Calculation of the rafter system

The rafters are the main support elements of a naked roof, a kind of her backbone. They are subjected to tremendous loads, so special requirements are presented to them.

The choice of cross-section of the rafting legs occurs randomly, but in accordance with the installation step, the distance between the supports, the values \u200b\u200bof the wind and snow load. If the first three indicators can easily be determined by the drawn drawing, the last two need special explanation.

  • The territory of Russia is divided into 8 zones with different snow loads. For each concrete roof, this value is adjusted by an angle of inclination of its slopes. Since the slope slope is different, then two indicators are calculated, respectively, the upper and lower rafters may have a different cross section.
  • There is also zoning for wind load, which also includes 8 zones. Using the coefficient that takes into account the height of the building, amendments are made in the tabular value of this indicator.
  • The values \u200b\u200bof these two indicators are summed up to determine the total load. Round the numbers follows to the biggest to ensure a small margin of safety. Based on them on reference tables determine needless section Board.

Montage Mauerlat.

The beginning of work on the equipment of the naked roof is the installation of Maurolalat, a solid timber size of 100x100 mm or 150x150 mm. It is fixed on the end of the lateral outdoor walls.

Its main task is the distribution of the weight of the roof structure, its transfer to the foundation, as well as protection protection of rilling rill. Mauerlat is placed along the top of the wall at pre-laid waterproofing, which uses a folded halice of the runneroid or several layers of a special film.

Fastening is carried out using metal studs, they must be placed in a concrete screed. If we are talking and the reconstruction of the roof with their own hands, it is mounted by anchor bolts to the wall to a depth of 15-17 cm.

For bruschers, as well as log houses use wooden brazed. It should be noted that the installation is made flush.

Assembling a rafter system

Assembly slingel system of the nuclear roof happens in the following sequence:

The implementation of the above items forms one truss farm. In the same way, the remaining 100-120 cm increments.

Waterproofing and roofing work

When installation works are completed with their own hands, it is necessary to organize its waterproofing. This requires a waterproofing film or a membrane, which is usually made in the form of a roll.

The fastener is selected depending on the type of material. For tiles, galvanized screws with rubber heads are used, which in the twisting process are deformed in such a way that the hole is hydroizing.

In order to speed up the process, you can use a screwdriver. Shinglas or Ondulin fixed with nails with a length of 100 mm. After the completion of the roofing works, the frontones and skes of the attic lone of the roof are issued.

By summing up, it can be said that a broken roof will help to expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe house with their own hands. You can build it with your own hands, however, it will require special skills and costs, which, without a doubt they will pay off.

Video instruction

If we talk about the broken form of the roof, then for some reason questions arise. Meanwhile, it is no more than a two-bundle roof. Therefore, for those who decided to expand the space on mansard floor, better option Just do not come up with. And lovers such original designs are a lot.

A broken mandsard roof can be constructed independently. Just for this you need to know a certain sequence of actions. The main principle of the construction of a broken roof is the principle of support rafters on the beams of overlapping.

Before you start the roof construction, it is best to start to develop a project on paper, desirable, in a cell. This is so possible to determine the height of the design, the corners of the slope, the magnitude and location of the window openings to people with drawing skills, or know how to work with graphic programs on a computer is even easier. When certain proportions are found, they remain simply sticking.

After determining the desired proportions, it is necessary to determine the sections of the elements of the rafter system, and then produce calculations for strength. You can use for this purpose any suitable estimated program where such an opportunity is provided for, for example, the "calculation of the solo system". Or produce detailed preliminary calculations in the Excel table.

After all the sizes of the future grooming roof are fully calculated, you can proceed to its immediate construction. It is worth considering this process more, literally in stages. It is best to do this on someone specific example, taking, for example, as a basis of a house with parties 8 to 8 m.

Phased construction of a malcardic roof

Step 1. First of all, you need to start with the installation of Mauerlat and the beams of overlapping. Approximate parameters for calculating the sections of the beams are 100 per 200 mm. Mount Maurylalat is needed on the inside of the walls, and the outside lay a brick from aesthetic considerations. When installing, it is necessary to ensure that the upper part of the mauelalate is not issued for the facing brick for 2-3 cm. It is necessary that the load of the roof falls on Mauerlat, otherwise it will be transmitted facing brickthat is rooted incorrectly.

Next step - Installation boy overlaps. First you need to set the extreme beams of overlapping. Their removal will determine the width of the cornice. The width of the carnis, depending on the wishes of the customer, can be 40-50 cm. The beams are special bars, the cross section of which must be calculated separately, given the various moments (snow load, wind load and other factors).

First of all, we put the beam designated 1,2,3,4.

For the specified brick box, the size of 8x8 meters the cross section of the bar is selected 100x200 mm. When the extreme sections of the section are installed, it is necessary to pull the shoelace over the top and set other beams.

To consider the pitch of the beams, based on the step of the rafter, which will be laid in the future. For example, if the germ boards 50x150 mm are taken, it will be good to choose a step 60-70 cm, even better to stop at 60 cm, taking into account that such a width usually have roofing insulation. After installing long beams, it is necessary to put short. Step for them most often 1 meter. For the attachment of the beams to Mauerlat, nails are suitable for 150. Sometimes it is allowed to use screws and metal rafting corners.

Step 2. Starts the installation of the racks that should be strictly vertically. First of all, the racks from a bar with a size of 100 by 150 mm at the edges, and then, when the laces are stretched, and intermediate, smaller, with a cross section of 50 by 150 mm. The distance between any elements should not exceed 3.

In order for the racks to keep tight, temporary struts are applied. In the height of the racks should be 10 cm to be more finished ceilings in the rooms.

It should be said about very an important nuance. When building a new roof, when everything seems to be calculated and decomposed properly, for some reason the right rectangle does not work. As a result, it turns out the shape of the house, actually narrowed in any of the directions. In principle, this should not be particularly disturbed, but to facilitate the subsequent work, it should still position the rack so that the correct rectangle is in the end turned out. So rafters of the upper skates will be possible to make using one template. Otherwise, cords will have to use, and finished items to cut it accordingly. Excessive spending forces and time is unlikely to have someone like.

Step 3. Top races are stacked, consisting of boards, 50 by 150 mm. Installation occurs with the same dimensions missing racks, other spacers do not need. These designs will serve as a frame for the alleged walls of the room.

Step 4. To secure the runs, roofing corners and tightening are installed on them, that is, the riglel. If it comes from the parameters according to the example, in this case the length of the fumes will be 5.5 m. The cross sections can be calculated in a special program. With the width of the cross-section of the stretch marks of 50 mm, then, accordingly, the height will be over 210 mm. Various defamations are eliminated by suspension. Of course, this will significantly increase the load on the upper rod rafters, so the size of the cross-section of the upper rods obtained during calculations will be reasonably zoomed from 50 to 150 mm to a value of 50 per 200 mm.

Under each of the tightenings (Rigel) is a temporary backup. To do this, use the middle of the span. A sag may be formed to be reduced. Perfectly suitable with dimensions of 25 by 150 mm. All these measures will allow safely moving along the tightening. The breakdowns, as well as all sorts of saggings, are practically excluded.

To make the design more rigid, on top need to be made of tightening, after their complete installation, a piece of 25 by 150 mm. This boards should not be located strictly in the middle, you need to retreat from any of the axes at least 20 cm.

Step 5. Next, you can move to the installation of side rafters. The preliminary manufacture of the template will be required, after which the upper washed. As for the bottom washed, it is placed on the place, and then the rafter is attached and install the plugs for the insulation.

Step 6. After that, the installation process of the upper rod rafter begins. For the manufacture of the template, the cutting of the board with dimensions of 25 to 150 cm is taken, which is then fixed on the extreme riel strictly vertically. Any corner of the board must necessarily coincide with the axis of the roof under construction. After all, the right face of the board will coincide with the roof axis. Next, a suitable small board is taken, it is applied, and the upper and lower drums are noted on it.

The template is made and installed two rafters. The skiing bar is better not to use. After installing the first pair of rafters, it is necessarily fixed by a troop so that there are no falls.

Next, all other rafters are installed. For the roof of 8 m long, 4 pips will be appropriate, along a pair in different directions. Inch, temporarily fasten the remaining pairs of rafters, because there are no doomles yet.

Step 7. Suspension sink occurs, that is, boards with a size of 25 by 150 mm. This is done in order for the riglia after the elimination of temporary supports, did not resist. This board should also not be located in the middle of the design, otherwise it simply prevents the process.

Step 8. There comes the final stage of the roof. Namely, the Fronton frame is installed and then it is trimmed. Only after that you can start making the eaves, doomles, frontal sills and sings.

After the broken roof is fully ready, you can start roofing. This is no doubt no less important stage, but already, as they say, a completely different story. It is worth noting that all construction workswhich was discussed, it is best to perform threesome.

The arrangement of attic in a private house allows you to increase the useful area. For this, the roof is erected, the design of which can be different. Therefore, the design is important before construction, which involves the accounting of all the features of the roof.

Specifications of plantic roofs

The standard duplex roof is simple in the construction and does not require high time costs.

Pointed options are less popular than standard. It is due to the fact that such structures have an angle of inclination of the slopes from 60 ° and are suitable for narrow housesThe width of which does not exceed 6 m. For the construction of a pointed roof, a larger amount of materials will be required than for a standard roof. At the same time, the height of the ceiling in the attic is much higher, which is not always convenient.

Pointed roofs are spectacular outwardly, but impractical in operation

For the construction of a duplex attic roof, a rafter system of hanging type is required, where the beams of the frame are based on each other on the ridge of the roof and fasten on the carrier walls of the building. In this case, there are no central supports that can be used when erecting a roof with a conventional attic, and not an attic. Before construction, you need to create an individual drawing of the future rafter system with an indication of the location of each element. Such a process is best done with the help of professionals in this matter.

In the system of hanging rafters there is no central support

It is worth considering that the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe future attic depends on the angle of inclination and the parameters of the building. The greater the width of the house, the higher the slope is required to ensure the height of the attic ceiling from 2.2 m, which is the minimum indicator for the highest point of the roof.

Before construction, it is worth determining the appointment of the attic and the necessary beneficial area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

The main features of the duplex roof are expressed as follows:

  • the standard version of the bartal roof allows you to get more useful area than a pointed look;
  • the construction of the drawing with the finished dimensions of the elements is easy to implement independently;
  • for a bartal roof, any roofing coating is suitable, for example, metal tile or soft roof;
  • roofing cake includes vaporizolation, rafters, insulation, waterproofing, roofing coating.

Roofing cake requires the use of high-quality materials for comfort in the attic

Video: Construction of a rafted banta attic roof

Singite roof of mansardes

One of the ordinary kinds of attic roofs is a single, having only one inclined plane. For the arrangement of residential premises under such a roof, a rafting system is needed, the parameters of which should ensure the comfort of attic operation. When designing and building, the roofing skate is placed from a leeward side, and the optimal angle of inclination is 40 °. The volume of extinguishing costs is significantly less than for a bunk design.

Single roof is simple in the construction and looks very impressive

The main feature of a single-table roofing roof concludes that from the side of the skate, the load on the carrier wall is greater than on the other. Therefore, it is important to observe the angle of inclination at least 40 ° to observe and additionally increase the rafyled. This will avoid snow drifts and reduce the load on the coating. To determine the exact angle, the type of roofing, snow load, building parameters are taken into account.

Simple drawing and minimal calculation will ensure the creation of a comfortable attic

Calculate the angle of inclination of the slope depending on the intended roofing coating. For a soft roof, a 5 ° bias is recommended for a profile - 8 °, for metal tile - 30 °. When calculating the inclination, formulas L Bc \u003d L SD * TGA and L C \u003d L BC / SINA are used, in which: L BC - the length of the walls is measured between rafters and a skate, L SD - the length of the walls of the building, LC - the length of the beams (rafter legs ), A is the accepted angle of inclination of the skate, respectively, the selected material. The values \u200b\u200bof TGA and Sina Sinus Tangens are calculated using Brady's tables.

Single roofs are best suited for warm climate

When calculating, such features are taken into account:

  • if the slope is less than 30 ° and the length of the span is up to 4.6 m, then the rafter legs are based on Mauerlat;
  • during the length of the flights, 4.6-16 meters establish additional supports, and on the highest wall laid a burrow from the bar with a cross section of 10x15 cm;
  • if the length of the span is 6-15 m, then in the center, parallel to the walls, the additional liter is placed;
  • with the length of the building, more than 15 m requires the installation of two vertical supports, and the racks under one rafter are associated with a jumper. The step between liters should not be more than 6 m.

Many roof indicators depend on the building parameters

Video: Construction of a single house roof

Mensard with a four-screen roof

Thanks to the construction of a four-piece roof, it is possible to get a spacious and comfortable attic. Four-tight calls several types of structures, among which are particularly common. Such a design in length on each side of the house there are rectangular skates consisting of two planes. This option allows you to get a spacious attic without significant construction costs.

The broken roof can be equipped with a "cuckoo" with a window

The bias of the upper skates can be 20-30 °, and the lower angle is often 60-80 °. Such parameters are suitable for buildings with a width of no more than 6 m. The framework frame consists of farms involving rafted racks. In places of breakfast, stretch marks are installed.

The broken roof refers to bounce options, but ideal for creating a spacious attic

The Danish roof is a variety of four-tight and differs from the classic holm that it has frontones at the top. Thanks to this, the attic can be equipped vertical windows and prevent leakage through cracks in the area of \u200b\u200bthese openings.

Straight rafters rely on horseback, the length of which depends on the building parameters

Conducting a four-grade roof calculation, as well as drawing up the drawing, it is best to entrust the professional. Only after these stages are the construction of the design, taking into account the location of each element.

Video: Features of the construction of a four-grade roof

Holm roof with attic

The classic hollow roof assumes the presence of four slopes, two of which are located on the ends of the building and have a triangular shape. Two other skates are characterized by a trapezoid form. All surfaces are connected in the roof skate area. The calculation of such a design is complicated and requires professionalism, knowledge of the projection of the design.

The classic hip roof is practical in operation and beautiful outwardly

The greatest height of the ceiling in the attic under such a roof is in the middle of the room. The angular space is not as functional as possible, but often serves to accommodate low items of furniture, things. At the same time, the rafters of long rods are placed in the same way as for a bone roof. The horse is not throughout the entire length of the building, since the ends are shut down on the ends.

The rafting hip roof system is simple, but it takes the accurate calculation of the parameters of each element.

The classic hollow roof is characterized by the fact that it does not have frontones, like a double. Thanks to this, the resistance to the wind and the snow load is much lower than when there is only two slides. To achieve spectacular external view And the functionality of the hollow roof can be equipped with erkers, a balcony, additional scenes, but the arrangement of each element is calculated individually taking into account the building parameters, the climatic characteristics of the region.

Windows, equipped under the protrusion of the roof, are reliably protected from leaks

The design of windows is not on the protrusions, but on the roof is optimally only for regions with a small amount of precipitation and a warm climate. With a large snow load, the windows are exposed to precipitation and cracks appear, leaks. And also the construction of a holm roof is more expensive than simple duplex.

Video: Phased construction of a holmic attic roof

Half-type roof

The roof of a half-haired type has shortened end rods that combined with the frontones. Short Walves do not reduce the height of the ceiling in the attic and therefore the room is more convenient for operation.

The semi-haul roof is more complicated in design than hip

The design of the semi-union roof involves a more complex rafter system than for a hip version. At the same time, the rafyled can be vague or hanging. In the first case, the rafting legs are based on the ski bar, the inner bearing walls of the house and Mauerlat, and the hanging fix only to Mauerlat and Konke. The cross section, length and number of rafters are determined depending on the size of the roof. Optimal is the distance between rafters at 50-60 cm, but it all depends on the weight of the roofing material, climatic factors.

Svet can have a different length depending on the functions assigned to it, for example, as a veranda canopy

The construction of a semi-union roof for the attic is characterized by a large consumption. building materials, complexity of calculation and necessity of professional skills. It is worth considering that the end walls are erected depending on the form of the future half-raid roof and the sizes of the valves, as well as an angle of inclination.

Video: Features of the device of the semi-haul roof

Multi-line mansard roof

Multi-type roof is a complex of several angular projections forming internal angles Roofs. Such an option is suitable for buildings of a large area, as the multi-type roof is quite voluminous and requires stable bearing walls. The complexity of the design is supplemented by the fact that the roof will be equipped with an attic, which requires the height of the ceiling from 2.2 m and a large useful amount of space.

Multi-line roof with an attic is a complex element requiring professional design

A large number of protrusions implies the construction of a rafter system, the weight of which is much larger than that of the duplex or holm. Therefore, the bearing walls should be as strong as possible, and the load calculation is performed after the exact weight count. roofing materials, Slinge, insulation, taking into account the roof area.

Multi-line sump system is very complex both in design and in the construction

One of the main difficulties of the construction of a multiple roof is that it is necessary to thoroughly hydroize and strengthen the inner corners and roof endands. This will ensure the strength, tightness and durability of the structure.

Video: Creation of the Endament Multi-Top Roof

Tent roof house with attic

For square-form houses, the roof tent shape is suitable for which it is easy to equip the attic. The design has 4 and more identical than the magnitude of the skate. The design of the tent roof is carried out with the obligatory intervention of professional masters, since the construction is very complex and requires the extremely accurate calculation of the weight of the roof, resistance to the wind, snow stability.

Tent roofs are diverse, but complex in self-erection

The complexity of the tent roof depends on the number of skates. The more such elements, the more complex the rafter system is equipped under each row. The highest ceiling height in the attic - in the middle of the room, and at the edges, the space is not used actively due to the low ceiling.

Attic under the tent roof has a small square

In the design of the four-grade tent roof there are 4 main rafting legs supplemented by narcents. The presence of several inclined rods reduces the roof resistance to the wind and minimizes the snow load. To calculate the length of the rafter, it is necessary to determine the center in which the ends of the rafter legs will be connected. The distance between narters, racks and other details is calculated individually.

Video: The features of the tent roof on the example of the layout

Attic under the asymmetric roof

Duscal roofs are symmetrical, as they have two identical skate. If you lengthen one of the roofing surfaces, then the asymmetric roof will be used, which is easy to equip the attic. Thus, it is possible to combine lungs in the construction of a structure, giving the house with an original appearance and seating functional attic.

When creating an asymmetric roof, it is important to accurately calculate the load and make it uniform on each bearing wall

Asymmetric designs, despite the simplicity, require accurate calculation of parameters. It is important to ensure a uniform load on each carrier wall, because one slope is longer than the other and, accordingly, has a greater weight. The central edge or horse can be located both in the middle and be offset in any side.

Asymmetric roof is suitable for buildings up to 3 floors

When an asymmetric roof is erected, it is worth considering that the useful space of the attic on one side will be greater than on the other. Therefore, you need to pre-create not only the roof drawing, but also the attic project with the location of functional zones.

Children's roofs: Mounting and Material Selection Features

Residential I. functional mansard Must be carefully protected from moisture, cold and wind. Therefore, during construction, roofing pie is built, which includes several layers providing an optimal atmosphere in the attic.

Roofing cake is required both for attic and for a warm attic

When building the roof for a residential attic room it is worth considering the following features:

  • the choice of high quality materials is the pledge of durability and comfort of the attic;
  • windows must be maximally protected from rain, wind and snow, since these loops are a vulnerable roof area;
  • all wooden roof elements are necessarily processed by an antiseptic or means for protecting wood from moisture;
  • the ventilation of the roof is provided by ventilated skate, the ventilation between waterproofing and roofing;
  • the use of light roofing materials, such as professional flooring and metal tiles, will reduce the load on the foundation and wall of the building.

The main stages of work

There is no universal instruction for the construction of an attic roof, but there is a certain sequence of work. This allows the phased construction of a roof with an attic and take into account some important points.

Roofing pie Create gradually using qualitative materials

The main activities are as follows:

  1. In the design process, the roof parameters and each element is calculated, for example, the calculation of the cross section of the rafter, depending on their length, the angle of inclination. A drawing is created on which the location of each element is displayed.
  2. After the design, it is embarked on the preparation and cutting of the rafter, the installation of rafter legs and additional elements is carried out.
  3. For mounting rafters, Mauerlat is required, which is made from the bar. To him and fix the rafting legs.
  4. After creating a frame on it, the waterproofing film is placed on it, strengthen it with brackets and fix the risks of the roach.
  5. The roofing coating is mounted over the roofing. In the endowes or under the soft roof, a solid dry thing is required.
  6. From the inside labeled between the rafted insulation, for example, mineral wool slabs. Then the steam-insulated film is fixed on rafters, given that there should be a gap from 5 cm for ventilation between the insulation and vaporizolement. If this gap is not provided, you need to build rafters with additional boards.
  7. After installing vaporizolation can be carried out finish finish Mansard.

Photo Gallery: Derside Roofs

Unusual architectural solutions for the power to implement only professional craftsmen The semi-walled roof can have windows protected by protrusions The original roof requires a thorough approach and competent calculation of parameters A hip four-tight roof consists of two triangular and two trapezoid rods The lone of the roof makes the attic spacious, and the house is beautiful The semi-haul design is appropriate for home of any floor. Multi-line version is complicated in the construction, but is distinguished by a solid view. Gable roof simple and easy to operate The tental roof of a simple type has a row connected in the middle

Features of mansard roofing

The roof should reliably protect not only the attic, but also the whole house as a whole. Therefore, for the construction you need to choose high-quality materials that do not require careful care. When operating, it is also necessary to follow these rules:

  • it is impossible to clean the roof of snow with sharp or very hard tools, which can cause damage to the coating and leaks;
  • the outer holes in the roof are in time close to the materials that provide waterproofing;
  • the roofs of any type are necessarily equipped with drainage systems for rapid moisture removal;
  • the inner finish of the roof of the attic can be as easy as possible and easy to ensure fast repairs In case of leaks.

Wall trimming wallpaper - eco-friendly and current solution

Ensuring the reliability and strength of the roof - important moment With the arrangement of the attic and therefore the construction of an attic roof of any of the presented types involves careful design and selection of high-quality materials.