
Design windows at home with attic. Damage floor: dream interior (60 photos)

All about the lawn

Make an environment in the taste in the room and that would be cozy, comfortable, economically and functionally, you need a lot of information and a lot of time and effort.

If the space is small to do everything becomes more difficult, but everything is possible.

In our time, people are increasingly wanting to use absolutely the entire space that is possible at the maximum.

In private houses, even attic uses, arrange rooms there and live safely. The best way According to the advice of designers, in the attic to make a bedroom, it is better than the kitchen or for example a living room.

When creating a room in the attic, you need to remember that in such a place you can apply the most unusual design measures. For example, the ceiling is not dimensionless and in the attic it is reinforced on beams, which can be very advantageous in the bedroom design.

When creating a bedroom in Country's attic, use the tones of light shades on the walls and the ceiling. An excellent option will be the wallpaper with a small pattern or pattern.

No need to acquire wallpaper or coating for walls with a large pattern, this is not the best solution for the bedroom. Such a coating on the walls will be pressed on family members.

If you want Provence style, then the beams in the attic you do not need to cover anything, they will harmoniously look in their real. Over time, the tree will look a little in an old one and it will be beautiful and stylish. It is also necessary to apply industrial materials in this design, such as glass and metal.

With the help of natural beams and walls without stucco, the room will look spacious.

Sometimes in the country houses, the walls are abundant by clap, this good option For Country Style.

Classic or minimalism, as well as perfect for the bedroom in the attic. In this case, there should be no bulky furniture and unnecessary items of the decor. Everything should be clearly and sophisticated.

Color spectrum

The best color for the bedroom in the attic is a bright shade. If the walls are bright, then the floor is better equipped with light tones. But in such a style it is not recommended to use dark furniture items.

But light tones in the attic is not a mandatory part. You just need to not forget that if the walls are dark, then the furniture needs to be used larger and rougher. An excellent option will be solid wood furniture.

If you paint the ceiling and floor with light tones, then the color of the walls can apply at your discretion. Just do not forget that everything should be combined.

Bedroom Furniture in Mansard

Furniture need to choose with the mind. The attachment of the attic almost always has a small area and will not be able to put the furniture that I really want. It is necessary to calculate the possibilities with desires.

First you need to put furniture, which is needed first, this is of course the bed. It must be put at the smallest and low wall. So - a good option to put the bed closer to the window.

There is little place in the attic, so it is better to deny bulky cabinets. It is better to store things in bed, now there is a large selection of beds that have from the bottom there are retractable lockers.

When creating a room in the attic, you need to remember that in such a place you can apply the most unusual design measures.

  • Creating a bedroom in the attic, you need to remember some tips.
  • It does not matter what style and design you want to create for yourself in this bedroom, everything should be combined and look like one.
  • The room should be cozy and comfortable, because the bedroom is designed for rest and sleep.
  • The room should be warm, because the attic is not intended for housing.

The windows must be insulated, but at a convenient time they should be discovered to ventilate the room.

Stock Foto Bedrooms on attic

Modern cities are so loaded by equipment, people and faceless buildings and there are so few green plantings in them, which to have their own cottage is not even a dream, but an urgent need. The pastime in nature becomes an intense for the whole family, and even after the equipped urban apartment, many are ready to put up with the traditional inconveniences of country houses.

Although it is quite superfluous! With the desired smelling and our advice, the design of the attic at the cottage instead of a conventional dusty attic will allow you to have not only a cozy bedroom, but even a full-fledged bathroom, a kitchen-living room in Russian style and all that only the soul wishes!

Let's start with what is usually country house Designed for seasonal accommodation with minimum comfort. Because the country house is not acquired initially too big, and try to invest in the choice have a good place. Therefore, as a rule, 1-2 rooms are enough for summer holidays.

But over time, inspired by modern transmissions about the conversion of the underpants space in a comfortable attic, the owners of Dacha are close attention to the abandoned dacha attic. Why not? After all, at this place, you can make a wonderful living room, summer bedroom, billiard room, scope for a hobby and a lot of other things! To take, for example, only the fact that it is in the attic that it is convenient to put a bathroom, which is usually not initially in the country house.

The construction work will have a lot, because the church of the cottage is usually not planned as a residential premises. And therefore it will need to be re-equipped and insulated. Of course, it depends on what to keep in mind under the concept of "cottage": a small house near the forest or modern vacation homewhere the spacious and functional attic is initially an important and effective design element.

If everything is clear with the country house, then with the attic in a conventional small dacha will have to face such problems as a lack of air, lighting and useful space.

But, thanks to unique building materials and new technologies, even from the Dark Konura itself you can make a completely cozy and living room. So planning the space under the roof was much more pleasant and more interesting, although some points still remained: for example, an unusual geometry of the room and the features of the internal microclimate.

Here is a wonderful selection of cozy and unparalleled interiors of country mansard:

Types of country roofs and their inner space

It is necessary to think over the design of the interior of the attic itself at the design stage of the whole house. After all, even if you specifically, this year or the next is not yet going to master the cercerspace, it's all the same there it makes sense to carry out water pipes in advance, heating, electrical cable And the cord from the internet antenna (where without it). After all, then make sophisticated repair work It will not be the most pleasant occupation, and quite costly.

The angle of inclination and the useful area

And now how comfortable one or another kind of country roof for certain ideas is. For example, the most comfortable for residential attic will be a steep roof, from 55 degrees. Here the ceiling easily goes into the wall, and there is almost no "dead zones" indoors. But the cost of building such a roof will be larger, because the insulated roof is much more expensive than the vertical wall.

Most of the mansard of Russian private houses is duscal roofs With an angle of inclination from 45 to 60 degrees. It all depends on how much snow falls in a particular region, but it does not happen in Russia. Therefore, the specifics of the premises under the roof of our cottage remains all the same inclined ceiling, and in front of the designers and designers there is a difficult task: how is it most useful and practical to use the part of the room where the ceiling height is less than two meters?

Consider that it is in this part of the attic that the air is worse and is usually a little light. And your main task in drawing up the project of the attic of the attic is to provide both a comfortable microclimate, and convenient movement on the nursery floor, and fill the rooms with natural light. And at the same time, to minimize the loss of such a valuable useful area.

Roof shape and planning features

And the largest space in the attic is obtained under the broken roof with an attic wall. We are talking about part of the floor with low vertical walls. In such construction there are some nuances: it will be necessary to strengthen the rafters and Mauerlat, as well as to establish such a design as the scissor farm.

Therefore, the most practical option for the attic, we still call a broken roof, which also saves materials to everything and significantly. True, prepare for the fact that roofing pie will be rather complicated: in places of breakfast it will be important to ensure the correct turning of the plates of the insulation, and in connecting the roofing material - to avoid cold bridges.

But in a four-piece roof there are already less useful area and more fuss. Here something is free to plan more difficult. For example, at a broken roof, at least there are two vertical fronton, near which cabinets or storage space can be installed, and under the four-page roof there are no such spaces:

Interesting fact: Sometimes, equipping the attic in the country or country house, hire professional builders with a view to slightly lift (complete) an attic wall and, thus, change the angle of inclination of the roof. Of course, such a attic is obtained more functional and cozy.

But the fact is that if this house built a professional architect at one time, then 100% in the project was initially consciously selected all the proportions between the height of the roof and the height of the walls. And, as a result, the change of the roof and its shape the house itself will not only lose the appearance, but also the risk looks in the end even awkwardly. This is not to mention that any such interference in architecture is fraught with a reduction in the life of the house itself.

Too close attic: what to do?

Of course, in the usual summer house, initially, as a rule, the roof is not built with the calculation that there will be a gorgeous attic. And the summer houses are often transmitted to the inheritance, and in the form of old buildings, where the attic was planned only as a place of storage of the hay. And the only one who lived there before is a cat. In this case, you will have to go on tricks:

Moreover cozy bedroom It turns out even on a very small attic:

By the way, the bedroom in a small attic is far from the only option. With an enterprising approach, a whole bathroom placed there!

Also be prepared for the fact that at the construction stage country house The attic will be captured by your child who will gladly separate from the whole relative in such a room that resembles a house on a tree.

Country Mansard Zoning Art

Even if your cottage house is quite large area, then the attic is not just spacious - huge. And then it makes sense to divide into separate rooms. And there will be advantages: at least one or two walls of each room will already be vertical, which will well affect their functionality.

So what premises should be divided by a country attic, if such an opportunity is? Family Library, Home Cinema, Personal Cabinet, Wardrobe or Additional Bedrooms for Guests - All that is usually quite difficult to accommodate even in a conventional residential building. In other words, all that is usually sorry for urban square meters is realized in dacha attic.

For this, a conventional attic is divided into two parts along the skate, and builds the remaining additional partitions if the area allows. Although modern building technologies already allow you to invent anything new, reducing the number of supports to a minimum and turning open technical elements in a special type of decor.

Due to this, it is possible to leave all the space in one, which is excellent for venting and lighting. Moreover, today in the space in fashion. In the fashion of the altitude variable partition, sliding, which help to divide one minute and combine the attic room:

Also consider that before the attitude of the attic was always crushed and reduced to a height level of 2.5 m, and today it is customary to equip the mezzanine, which significantly expands the useful area and is valued in its interior.

Yes, and in those parts of the attic, where the height is insufficient for comfortable movement of a person, most often arrange places for storage. There are pretty stylish decorative chests, strains, open racks and audio-video techniques:

Lighting Subtleties: Stress Favorable Elements

The perfect dacha attic is where there is a lot of light and a lot of air. That is why today it has become fashionable to make large window openings in the giving frontions, inlet in the attic more Light. But from Lugzern has long been abandoned, and uses them only for special style solutions. After all, from them, to everything, also little light:

Modern attic windows are increasingly making inclined, and vertical, and such protects the attic from the penetration of water. It is important to adhere to the design rules: the ratio of glazing area should be 1 to 10 to the floor area.

And pay attention to how pleasantly the vertical stationary windows in the frontows are perceived, and as inconvenient is felt inclined. Many people even note that it seems to them that such windows "fall". And today in fashion in any interior simplicity and ease. But the vertical windows will no longer allow high furniture from the frontones.

Also, in order to lure the sun to the country attic, it is desirable not to use too much textiles. Although the cute curtains in the flower usually in such a room are not unnecessary, and in their own way up mood. But it is better to purchase modern rolled curtains or leave the windows open, as the Dutch makes it.

Moreover, at such a height, we will not consider anything, but the attic will always be full of sunlight. And so that ultraviolet rays do not discolor furniture and finishing paints inside, select windows with a special spraying, which is protected from such an impact.

They also resort to such cunning techniques such as the abundance of glass and transparent elements that give the room more light and sensation of airiness.

Selection of furniture for inseptic space

An important principle of the arrangement of the country attic is the minimum of the necessary furniture, so as not to create an additional load on the walls and the foundation of the house. Just a guest bedroom is well suited for this requirement, because there is always a more modest set of necessary items for guests than for residents at home.

First of all, thinking to the furnishings of the country attic, highlight the zone where you will definitely stand in full growth, the zone where you can sit comfortably, and the zone where you can only lie down (without hitting your head, if you wake up). For all this, pick up suitable furniture, better transformed or with a built-in storage location.

Even better - order the furniture specifically for this room, the desired size and parameters. So you will hide all uncomfortable corners and nursing attic, and make it most comfortable as possible. Therefore, boldly design! And even better - look ready design projects Supporting spaces and take note of the most successful ideas, lifehaks and unexpected, but interesting solutions.

Believe me, in order to make a really gorgeous living space from the attic, no need to form a designer! All the necessary variety has long been sold, in online stores it is convenient to select whole kits that will deliver to everything at least to Everest. The main thing only at the same time has a natural feeling of taste and measures.

Interior design: not just country!

And finally, let's talk about styles. Attic as an architectural object has always been unique in that it contains absolutely any direction and carry out bold experiments, without risking with the more valuable residential space of the dacha itself. Usually it is here that the most bold solutions are implemented, played with color and trim. I have long wanted to paint everything into black, and furniture put black and white? Yes please! Want to have an absolutely pink room? Why not!

If you think that the only possible option is Country, i.e. Rustic style, then mistaken. Of course, in this version there is your meaning: Curtains in funny flower, abundance of textiles, blonde tones, flowers in decoration and many old cute little things.

Usually in the same style performed the whole date, what's the point of duplicate it and in the underpants? See what beautiful attic is with sufficiently low skates, and who would have thought! And here the real New York interior style is implemented:

And even open elements that often remain in country attic, it is possible to emphasize in the trendy Swedish style. Examine attentively this illustration: just white, with a light shade of the wall and floor, tinted by the vintage open wooden elements rafter systemmining furniture and a pair of red accents in furniture. And how gorgeous looks:

There are no restrictions on the choice of style of cottage attic! You can choose and fresh Scandinavian style, and sophisticated Japanese, and pompous French. In short, to implement any idea of \u200b\u200bthe interior design idea, which you once saw. But, if you strive for the comfort, then pick up natural materials for cotton attic, furniture with smooth forms and fresh natural tones in the finish.

Last valuable advice: Equipping a summer attic, take the principle of English designers. It sounds like this: everything is always possible and you need to repaint and remake, right on the mood. So in England, they love to update their homes from the inside - simple cosmetic repair, and with enviable regularity. Your attic is ready, but would you like to redo something in it in the future? So it will be!

Attic today is not just an attic floor, this is the need of the modern world to use all useful areas for housing, and even the fashionable trend of modern individual and great urban planning. Mansard decorate private manors, country houses, high-altitude homes, and therefore, the design of the attic floor is relevant.

At the attic arrangement of whole apartments, bedrooms, children's, offices, living rooms, and even bathrooms. And in all cases during the arrangement of the attic, the design obeys constructive features Mansard floor. We picked up the tips, how to properly develop a design project of the attic that it is necessary to take into account that the room is not only functional, not lost in the useful area, as well as it was modern, beautiful, comfortable and easy to operate. Also in the article presents the photo gallery of practical and beautiful designs For the attic, perhaps some idea will be very successful for you.

Several conditions for successful attic design

When developing the design project of the attic, with their own hands, it is necessary to take into account the specific geometry of the room: Ski, sharp corners, low ceilings. It is also important to take into account the location of parts and knots of the roof: beams, rafters, lags. Understand how stairs, doors, inclined windows are located. Based on this, you can plan design and environment, pushing out from the functional or land floor: bedrooms, kitchens, cabinet, teenagers, billiard room, bathroom, etc.

Mansard design, photo zoning photo

In the design of the attic special attention should be paid to the windows. If the glazing occupies large squaresThe attic floor is transformed, the sunlight floods the attic room, at night, with the correct selection of curtains, the starry sky becomes natural decoration. And what to talk about the luxurious views of the area, whether it is a natural landscape or city landscape. But large windows have a minus, firstly, heat loss, and secondly, in the rain, the drops will drag on the windows, creating unnecessary noise. It is also important not to overload the interior of the attic floor with heavy curtains, but also takes care of reliable defense From the bright sun and the light of the moon. The selection of the curtain depends on the destination and size of the attic, if it is a large bedroom, then you can hang bulky curtains with the "Day-Night" option, and in a small attic one, the dacha is better limited to a compact rolled curtain.

The design of the attic on the cottage, the photo demonstrates the advantages big windowsthrough which the beautiful landscape of the terrain is clearly visible

Boxes and racks can become accent details in the design of the attic floor. They can be simply pollipped, brightening, forming, coating with oil, enamel or varnish. And you can decorate, for example, artificial stone or marble plaster, resulting from columns as in knight's castle, Nearby curly plantsthat post will be switched off. The decoration of the pillars "under the brick" will add the design of the notch of Provence, there will be detached lamps, elegant chairs and a table.

Vertical beams and squeezes can become accent design elements.

The color palette of the attic design depends on who the room will be used, it is logical for a young mistress to use delicate, slightly muted shades

Under the sofas, you can arrange sofas and docks, integrated cabinets and shelves, arrange flowers, the main thing is to use rationally all space. In a teenager room, it is important to put a table for classes near the window, provide enough storage spaces. If the child is passionate about the music, then it is necessary to think out good noise insulation. Very often on the attic arrangement to the office, in this case the design is kept in classic styleMansard is separated by a tree, the place of desktop is selected, the placement of cabinets for the library is planned, a recreation area is distinguished with a sofa and armchairs.

The competent design of the attic floor allows you to maximize the use of space, even low places in the attic can be used in full

To decide which design on the attic to you closer, then we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of different styles, we'll figure it out that it is better for the bedroom, and what kind of reception to use, for example, in the living room under the sky. Agree, if it is a bathroom, it can be issued as a pond on the edge of the forest, and you can like a waterfall bowl, or go in the traditional way, separating all the surfaces of the tile, or stylized under the log bathhouse.

Children's on attic, interior photo design in juicy colors

What is good for nursery: bright juicy colors, lamps in the form of the sun or stars, a cot machine, a sports corner with rope stairs, or a game, decorated with a pirate ship, is completely not suitable for a teenage room. View photo gallery S. different designs Mansard, read the video on the design of non-standard premises, you will definitely find for myself some idea around which your individual design will be built.

In any design there must be an idea that sets the tone of the finish.


It is necessary to say that the color is the main tool on which the interior "music" will have to play. Arrangement: shades, tones, combinations, contrast - depends on the mood of the author. The palette is conditionally divided into 3 parts: design in light or dark colors, bright, saturated, contrast design, or the use of warm and cold shades. When placing the room, you can go in two ways in the selection of the color range: contrast or likeness when different shades of one color are used.

Bedroom in Mansard Design, photo skillful combination of different shades of one color

The choice of color palette in design depends on what will be located on the attic floor. The design of the bedroom on the attic can be made in warm, pastel colors, then the room will be air-romantic. And perhaps you like saturated red-brown shades in combination with Beige, then the mood in the bedroom will change diametrically, such an interior is suitable for passionate and temperamental natures.

Contrast allocation of the features of the attic sets the design of graphitics, allows to emphasize the non-standard of the room

The girl's room involves tender pink, white, cream, purple, green shades, for the boy - gray, metallic, blue. Everything is simple, you want air, bright attic, use pastel tones. Want an authentic, but cozy "cave" under the sky, where the sun's rays are made, then choose dark, saturated paints.

Dark paints in the design of the attic of the interior of authenticity

On visual effects in the design of the attic

Design mansard rooms Subordinates the basic rules for formatting space. Glossy ceilings and floors visually make the room above, athenium roof No longer presses. The bright ceiling in combination with dark walls also lifts the attic, but it becomes "less" in the area. A mansard, a tree-sheathed in a circle, creates the impression of the integrity of the space, but it is closed, you will not add an intention to the attic floor. Walls, blond wallpaper in a small pattern, opposite "spread" the borders of the attic, if they divide the vertical planes with a horizontal line half, and the bottom to issue in more dark colorThe premises will be lower, and if you use the same reception by 2/3 of the floor, it is raised.

Do not be afraid creative ideas In the mansard design, it is they who make the interior bright, extraordinary, memorable

Tensioned ceilings with backlit, artistic painting on the walls, bulk floors with a 3D effect, you can visually change not only the slope of the walls and roofs, but also to achieve a feeling of limitless space.

The design of the two-level attic should harmoniously link the floors, emphasizing the unity of space

If the attic is high, then some part of the room is recommended to be divided into different levels. The device of the second floor allows you to use all the corners of the complex space as efficiently as possible: organize an additional bedroom, a game zone or a place to relax.

Tip: When arranging the second floor on the attic of the attic of the safety, be sure to provide the railing to the height of at least 1,200 mm, or the fencing from the decorative lattice, grid, forged elements, balasine.

Incorrect forms of the attic floor turn the design into a fascinating, full surprises and non-standard solutions Creative process. Experiment, design options can be set, use tips in our article on the organization of space, watch photo ideas on mansard designdo not be afraid to fantasize, use unusual techniques, use for interior decoration Not only traditional, but also the newest facing materials. And then the design of the attic floor will cease to be typical, dull, and will be the subject of your pride, will cause delight and admiration for households and guests.

Competent design even on a wooden attic allows to issue original interior

Recently, more and more often during the construction of private houses, the attic room under the roof is equipped as a residential. The first such an arrangement of the arrangement was offered the French architect Francois Mansar, so the room got the name of the attic.


Because of its non-standard sizes and the form of attic brings many difficulties when planning.

The design of the indoor floor depends on the functional purpose of the room.Here you can arrange any interiors: a relaxation area with a home theater, a nursery, a bedroom, a working office. First of all, the plan for arrangement of the attic should take into account the desires of the owners, the size of the room and the height of the ceiling.

One of the features of the attic floor in wooden house They are beveled walls. On the shape of the attic space affects the slope of the roof. In a private building, it can be a single or duplex, less common options with a tent and broken roof.

Distinctive features of attic can be the following factors:

  • low ceiling;
  • rafters and roof beams;
  • a large number of corners;
  • stairs;
  • small number of windows;
  • complexity in summing up communications. As a rule, attic does not heal, especially in the country.

Mansard Floor Allows the owners to get a real benefit from turning it into a residential premises, since heat loss is reduced by the useful area.

Given all the features, specialists advise when arranging this territory to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Roof insulation outside and inside.
  • Summing up engineering communications: electricity, ventilation, air conditioning systems.
  • Only specialists can reconstruct rafters, so if the project provides for it, it is better to use their services.
  • Rational approach to use in the interior of beams, roofing rods, support racks.

  • Competent lighting scheme. It is necessary to think through the location of the windows, their size. Designers offer to take advantage of the possibility of installing vertical windows or in lugarns (the so-called auditory window).
  • Use with moisture-resistant materials.
  • Taking into account the possibilities of overlaps to withstand the weight of all structural additions and furniture.
  • Do not clutter space.


Before turning the attic floor country house In the functional room first need to design the interior. When preparing, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances: the form of the ceiling and walls, the presence or absence of communications, the possibility of summing up additional engineering systems, the degree of illumination, and the like.

In the simplest case, when global changes are not needed, only redecoratingwhich is aimed at landscaping non-residential premises.

Very much depends on the shape of the roofIt can be broken, beveled, dome, single-table and double. Therefore, there are necessarily open rafters and beams. Some designers use these elements when interior design, they emphasize them, others are offered to hide them, but provided that the ceiling height allows.

The easiest option is a tree. For this use affordable Material in the form of lining, wooden panels or edged board. The modern construction market also offers wooden wallpaper or block house.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to sum up the system of communications. The task will simplify if the attic will be located above the kitchen room or the first floor bathroom. Installation must be performed correctly, so if there are no skills and permissions required for this, it is better to seek help to professionals.

Insulation mansard premises - Important process.If the attic will be used regularly, and not only during the summer season, the thermal insulation is necessary. This will prevent condensate, improve the microclimate, will make it comfortably feeling in home heat. Insulation is carried out not only from the inside, but also outside. Soundproofing of the floor is necessary in some cases, but it simultaneously serves as thermal insulation.

The next step in the improvement of the attic is to replace the old and installing new windows.

As a rule, the attic window is originally one. With the arrangement of the attic, it is important to ensure good lighting of the room, so it is better if there are more. Experts recommend them to different Walls For greater efficiency. The level of illumination can be adjusted by the ratio of the area of \u200b\u200bthe glass surface.

A feature of the attic windows is the width of the windows that cannot exceed the distance between the rafters. Length depends on the roof slope.

Depending on the installation method, the window is classified to vertical, inclined and for flat roofs. The last two types should be made from tempered glass to protect them from hail.

Inclined glass windows are installed in the same plane with roofing slope, which increases the intensity of light by 30% and higher.

For mounting vertical window It is necessary to initially set the design in the form of a nesting room with an individual roof. The throughput is lower than that of inclined.

If an independent replacement of old windows is assumed to modern, they plan their dimensions in advance and the installation site.

Installation begins with cutting window opening in the roof scap. If the insertion occurs between the rafters, then the distance from them to the window is better to provide for at least 10 cm.

Old houses equipped with mortise window frames.Modern technologies allow you to install new double-glazed windows with hardened glasses, providing increased strength. The opening mechanisms are improved, which makes it possible to rotate the frame around any axis, and this can be done not only manually, but also with the help of the remote.

Dersighted windows solve several functional tasks: illuminated the room with natural light, provide ventilation and improve the microclimate.

Panoramic structures allow you to increase the light stream, make original element Decor, get aesthetic pleasure from the landscape. Modern technologies allowed to install different types Windows, for example, transforming a mini-balcony. The variety of forms that produce manufacturers are amazed. Most less often, simple lines are used, the windows in the form of a circle, semicircles, angular, asymmetrical began to meet more often.

For making attic window structures It is better to use special blinds or rolling shutters.They are produced both internal and external. If the interior is assumed to have textile curtains, then in order to hold them in the desired position, there are various holders, lining, backups and fasteners.

Finishing the ceiling

With the improvement of attic to the ceiling decoration, any known methods and materials can be used.

Stretch ceiling advise only if there is enough wall heightsOtherwise, the risk of frequent damage arises. This option is very convenient, since the canvas due to its small weight does not have a large action on the design, allows you to hide the elements of engineering communications and rafters, makes it possible to fantasize with lighting using built-in lamps.

Plasterboard is one of the available and simple ways Finishes. With it, you can get any forms, for example, a multi-level ceiling with various drops and protrusions. Plasterboard allows you to level the surface before sticking wallpaper or painting.

Tree is a traditional material for the decoration of the attic room. For the ceiling use lining or wooden panels. Wallpaper on the ceiling look original. It should be remembered that the surface must be aligned.

Facing a floor

To the floor on the upper floors, as a rule, there are special requirements.

First of all, it should provide good noise insulation. To do this, you need to mount the crate and fill it with heat insulator in the form of plates, for example, mineral Vata.. It also performs the functions of waterproofing. From above to cover the design of pine boards, material from larch can be applied. It is recommended to process the resulting flooring with an antiseptic.

Facing outdoor coverage is very diverse. For these purposes, any finishing material is used: linoleum, parquet board, laminate, carpet, ceramic tiles. Specialists advise not to save on quality as coverage, since low-grade materials will require immersion.

It is impossible to refuse when marsardics and from such decorative elementslike carpets. They serve as a heater, and also adorn any interior by adding comfort. The size of the carpets do not have to be large and cover the entire floor, enough small models near the bed, sofas, baths.


The most popular when making the walls of the attic tree. It improves the microclimate, serves as thermal insulation. Lining leads to use. It is produced in several versions, it is affordable and easy to handle. There are several ways to lay, which allow you to make decorativity walls: horizontal, vertical, diagonal, in a circle, christmas tree. The lining is covered on top of the lacquer to leave the natural pattern of the tree or color in different colors.

More a budget option - Finishing with wooden panels. These may be laminated models, veneered chipboard or MDF.

Modern option - Wooden wallpapers, which are the foundation with planets stacked on it coniferous rocks. Such material reduces repair time.

The block house is also in demand for cladding walls in country houses, in particular, on the attic. Its rounded facial surface imitates a natural log or bar.

Plastic panels are appropriate when making bathrooms or kitchens on the attic floor. They will protect against pollution and moisture. In addition, their color gamma embodies any designer ideas.

Recently, designers often offer unique seamless drapery with cloth walls. This mansard made will be unique.

Loft style in the interior of the attic room suggests the presence of a raw wood, so you can leave the walls from wooden bar Or bricks intact.

Also one of the oldest methods of wall processing is the salary of their wallpaper.However, it should be noted that before that they need to be aligned with drywall, and this will entail a decrease in space. Manufacturers offer a wide range of wallpapers: vinyl, paper, glass, cork, etc. Designers do not advise gluing all the walls with a large pattern. It is better to focus on one of the walls or emphasize the architectural protrusions, arches, angles, and the remaining surfaces are covered with monophonic wallpaper. Small ornament in pastel colors is suitable for Provence style.

Plasterboard when designing walls is applied only as the basis or for alignment. On top of it always covered with wallpaper, acrylic paint or other finishing materials.

Color solutions

An attic room has a specific shape and lighting. Designers most often offer to use bright shades for design. You can use various texture and color contrasts to make the space deeper.

For example, if the ceiling in the attic is tightened with a dark stretch web, then it is better if its surface is glossy, then the reflected light will expand the walls. In the case when the floor is made in dark shades, designers advise dazzling white walls, it will create the illusion of infinite given.

Experts warn that small attic in no case cannot overload bulky objects and use a lot of dark paints. Bright juicy paint can be used as accents, since their excess will cause a graceful feeling.

Often the owners of private houses leave overlap wooden, covering them with a transparent varnish to underline the wood structure.

Nuances design of the premises

To the landscaping of the attic room, it is necessary to approach very carefully and cautiously. It is important to think in advance all possible ideas of using architectural features: beams, rafters, arches, rods, unusual angles, racks. From this living area can win.

Specialists advise not to get involved in the clutter of space and try to apply natural materials for finishing. Textiles for curtains and furniture is better to choose pastel shades.

Furniture for the attic room always carries a multifunctional character. Burous elements are inappropriate. It is better to give preference to modular systems. An excellent option is built-in and attached structures. Perhaps you will have to make custom-made furniture to fit it under the configuration of a particular roof.

The damage decor is better to perform depending on the functions that the room performs. To make an interior with your own hands, first need to make a design project. If certain experience and skills are missing, you can use the services of professionals. It should be remembered that the simple version is always the best.

Because at dachas and garden sites The houses are small, they either do not mean the second floor, or it is very small. Therefore, on a cottage attic usually organize a bedroom or workshop.

If the country house is intended for permanent residence, the attic floor performs various functional tasks. In the list of possible interiors: kitchen, bathroom, children's, library, office, recreation area with cinema, billiards, dressing room.

The stylistics pleases the variety of possible options - from light provence to the modern loft, from the classics to the avant-garde, from the mountain chalet to the Mediterranean bungalow.

There are certain rules that need to follow in the design of attic rooms. Then the interior will be filled with comfort and comfort. For example, a low ceiling surface is not an obstacle, but should not be delayed stretty ceiling, it is better to treat with wood. A staircase, which is always a dangerous place, should be equipped with a fall system from falling: mandatory railing, doors, fences.

Unusual roof shape in little space, as a rule, takes part of the useful space. But with competent lighting and design, this feature can be found interesting.

Capturing a small attic, it is necessary to consider ergonomics of each element of the interior. The furniture is better to acquire the built-in and multifunctional one. Block storage systems are designed to facilitate this task.


Unusual forms and sizes of attic how can not be suitable for the arrangement of the children's room. The height differences and unexpected reliefs of the walls designers are used to decorate the game zone.

The nature of the attic floor involves the organization of diverse places for storing toys, bedroom facilities, crafts, books. In addition, it will be better if there are places in the nursery not only for recreation and games, but also for classes.

If you have small children, the attic should be well insulated, the flooring is better to lay soft, finishing materials use natural and harmless. The window opening mechanism is recommended to be equipped with an element of "anti-breeds" so that the kids cannot accidentally open the sash.

When creating a nuclear nursery, it is necessary to think over the abundance of natural light, as well as artificial lighting.

The nature of the room allows you to experiment with the color, use the unusual forms of furniture and lamps, zonate space to create a colorful and bright interior.

When arranging an attic floor it is important to remember that the children love to run, jump and jump, which can create discomfort for living on the first floor, so it is recommended to noisely insulate the floor in the nursery.


The owners will appreciate the lack of cabinets in all rooms and the arrangement of a centralized dressing room on the attic floor. This will save the useful living area for more functional things.

The organization of the wardrobe in the attic will not require a large area and will allow you to use any asymmetric architectural features premises.

Swovel cabinets are better located along high walls, boxes and shelves for shoes, clothing and accessories can be put in niches, under beams or embedded in space between beams.

If it is impossible to install swing doors, it is necessary to consider installing sliding and retractable models, as well as in the form of blinds.

Furniture for mansard dressing room is relevant modular.Storage systems must be multifunctional. Retractable and retractable elements will help get to the farthest corners and use all available space rationally. The cabinets recommend using both storage locations and as stools for seating.

To increase the functionality of the attic, can be installed in it washing machine And drying, steamer for clothes, ironing board. Sometimes the owners are immediately stored and the other household appliancesFor example, vacuum cleaner.

If the attic is intended only as a storage system, then enough built-in lighting or ordinary lamps. In case of wider use of the wardrobe, the placement of lighting devices should take into account the functional features of each area of \u200b\u200bthe room. For example, in the ironing area or about big Mirrors Bright light needed.

In order to prevent the appearance of a sharp smell or dampness, it is necessary to competently consider the ventilation system.


As a rule, the bathroom rarely has on the attic floor small house. In large cottages, the bathroom is organized as an extra bathroom to the bedroom or a guest room.

It is best to think about the location of the bathroom already at the design stage of the houseBecause it will require complex engineering communications: sewage, ventilation, water supply, electricity. In addition, the attic need to warm up well, so that in the cold periods, it does not bring inconvenience in the bathroom.

It would be nice if the kitchen or bathroom was located under the attic. In this case it is more convenient to install communications for the attic bathroom.

Architectural asymmetry When designing, you need to use in your favor. To do this, under beams, it is better to build a system for storing hygiene or household chemicals, washbasin or toilet. Furniture and sanitary equipment taking into account the ergonomics of the attic advise to choose compact and multifunctional. Built-in or suspended cabinets and shelves save useful space.

The bath is advised to install near the wall or in the corner. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic is limited, then you can restrict ourselves to the shower.

The color gamut for the attic bathroom is appropriate anyBut if there is a small area, it is necessary to remember that the dark color narrows the room. Glass and mirror elements, the presence of chrome-plated parts will add air and modernity. The glossy surface of the ceiling or floor visually expands the walls of the attic.

The main requirement for finishing materials is moisture resistance. The ceiling will be wonderful to watch the tension canvas either plastic panels. Flooring appropriate in the form ceramic tile, plastic or parquet board. Wall facing involves the use of any waterproof material.

Specialists assure that in the bathroom you can abandon the central chandelier, and only the built-in lamps use. The installation of additional backlight in the wash zone will be required. In other cases, point light sources are decorative.


If the attic is spacious enough, it will work out to organize a bedroom for 2-3 people. In the case of a limited area, you can equip the recreation area for one tenant.

It is better to install sleeping places in the roof bevel zonesIn order to save a useful space. In case of psychological rejection low ceiling Above the head during sleep, the bed should be located in the center of the attic with duplex ceilings.

If there is free space in the bedroom, you can additionally organize a dressing area or a separate bathroom.

The design of the attic bedroom zone is best looking in a rustic or classic style., however, do not give up and from modern tendencies: Loft or Modern. Naturally looks in the bedroom wood or wallpapers. A variety of textile elements will create a cozy atmosphere. Color gamut It is better to use in soft calm colors.

Living room

If there is sufficient space, the attic floor can be turned into a cozy living room or the fireplace where all family members will be collected and guests are located.

The fireplace in the attic can play both practical and decorative role.When installing it, it is necessary to understand that the traditional massive design is not suitable for the second floor. It is better to give preference to easier compact models made of heat-resistant steel or cast iron. For the same reason, experts recommend abandoning heavy facing materials Type of natural stone. Most often for heating, electrograms or fireplates on pellets are used. Decorative biocamines will bring the feeling of comfort and spiritual comfort to the interior. If the mansard's fireplace area serves as a decoration, but performs a heating function, it is important to provide in advance to provide a smoke removal system and a place for storing fuel.

Furniture in bright colors in the living room looks elegant. Glass and mirror partitions, competently built-in lighting will make it possible to create a light relaxed atmosphere.

Bright contrasts are also appropriate in the interior of the attic living room. In this case, it is better not to overload the room with furniture and other elements, as the main accent is color.

Any style will be appropriate, the main thing is that it coincides with the tastes of the owners, corresponded to their interests, created the mood.

Designers advise several styles for the attic living room.

  • Classical - Good style with a luxury and grace inherent in it. The fireplace becomes more often the center of the interior. Design does not provide bright colors. It all fits orderly and functional significance.

  • Modern - Harmonious minimalism. The whole setting is seal practicality, maximum functionality. Easy is present in all the details. Dark parts are combined with pastel colors, creating harmony.
  • Retro.For registration, the interior elements remaining from the great-grandmothers or stylized under them are suitable. The design involves the use of paintings, flooring, wooden chairs or tables with wrought-iron legs. It is also characteristic of installing a fireplace or cast-iron bourgear stove.

  • Provence - sophistication and romanticism of the French village. Request with a tree chosen by the sea southern sun. Textile pastel shades with a small pattern is welcomed. Forged furniture elements, crystal lamps, soft pads for seating on chairs and benches, light curtains on the windows - all these details will create a cozy spiritual atmosphere in a naked living room.

Many of us in childhood dreamed of having your room in the attic at home. Mansard (attic) We are perceived as a secluded, cozy and even a little mysterious place. Probably not in vain creative people (sculptors, artists, writers) love to arrange their workshops in the attic.

Often, many use a attic as a subsidiary or storage room. This is the most standard and, in general, not an interesting option.

After all, at the expense of the attic room, it is possible to significantly expand the living area of \u200b\u200bthe house or apartment. Children's room, room for billiards, gym, office, bedroom, bathroom - All these rooms can be located in the attic and fit well into the interior of the house as an additional floor. It all depends only on your imagination and available area.

For comfortable access to the attic floor, compact folding or sliding stairs are often used. They are used to save the location of the lower floor. But, if such a task is not worth it, then the standard, stationary with a small slope or a screw staircase will be an excellent option. It will also be safe for children or people aged.

No difference Do you make an attic on the old attic or in the apartment under the roof, in any case you should pay attention to some features in the repair and design of such premises. Beveling walls and windows, a ceiling with a slope and different height require compliance with some rules in the design of the attic.

Initially, the attic dark and gloomy room. You can change the situation with the installation of special attic windows, which will turn it into the bright and illuminated room, fill the natural light. Mansard design, any purpose, is closely related to the location of the windows. Necess as possible to use daylightAnd also emphasize views from panoramic windows.

It is important to choose the curtains for the attic windows. Due to the design features, they are made to order, for example, in the form of dense rolled curtains or special curtains. In most interiors, such curtains are controlled remotely, which is very convenient.

Furniture under the order. Most often, the attic has bevelled ceilings, which makes it difficult to use space rationally when installing wardrobes. The ideal way out will be the use of cabinet furniture and cabinets of the coupe that are manufactured under the order and can have any dimensions and shapes.

Competent placement of furniture. In the attic of a small size costs the minimum number of the most necessary furniture. And the correct placement will allow visually to expand the room, and create a feeling of free space.

In the bedroom, designers advise the bed headboard to the low part of the wall. So your view will always be directed towards expanding space. You can always fall asleep at the starry sky and wake up under the first rays of the new day of the new day, if you have a bed under the bevelled window.

In the nursery, the furniture should be located a little different. The bed is recommended to have a high wall. If it allows the height, you can make a game zone, and right above it makes the so-called attic bed. Near low walls place low toy storage furniture.

A little more complicated in the attic to equip the bathroom or kitchen. Most likely, it is not necessary to do without builders and designers, as it is necessary to carry out communication, as well as strengthen the floor for additional loads.

In order to emphasize the unusual form of the window, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money and efforts - it is enough to use the usual curtain (organza) and an additional eaves under the window opening. Now you can easily secure the bottom edge of the curtain or curtains on it.

Apartments in Poznan were previously an attic room. Studio Cuns has developed an interior in which old brickwork and wooden ceiling designs of the former attic.

The main idea was to organize the free space and the absence of large inland walls. The interior is present the topic scandinavian style And loft style elements. Previously, the gloomy attachment of the attic is now filled with light, comfortably and looks modern. The kitchen, a bathroom and a small dining room organically fit into the interior, thanks to the almost complete absence of walls and neutral colors.