
Drafts of the attic roof of a private house. Stock Foto Children's roofs of private houses

Decorative Cultures for Garden

An attic roof is a great option to obtain a sufficiently large space of residential premises.

During the construction of private, it is important to correctly design. After all, attic - a residential premises in which various processes occur: air evaporation, the heating of the room. This has its effect on the roof. On the other hand, the roof must fulfill its main purpose - to securely protect against bad weather and maintain heat inside.

Therefore, it is important before the start of construction to acquire a qualitative project and calculations. Calculations should be carried out by a specialist who experience the design of such objects. Even small errors can lead to incorrect distribution of load of carrier components and elements. Excessive roofing, exceeding the strength of the rafter feet can lead to a weakening of the overall design and sad consequences.

But before it is detailed to dwell on how it is properly to calculate the size, area and other attitudes of the attic Consider the common types of malsard roof structures.

The rafter system and its elements are different for different types mansard. The roof should be easy to not load the walls of the houses, while the reliability and strength of the design must comply with the construction requirements of the standards.

Forms of pitched roofs

By the types of mansard roofs, the following designs are distinguished:

  1. Double. Two skate and two fronton.
  2. Broken. Having two and more planes located at different angles of inclination. The broken roof is erected much more difficult.
  3. Walm. With triangular shapes, closing frontoths.
  4. Semi-Walm. Facades covered part of the fronton area.
  5. Dome. Characteristic for houses with a round or polygonal design.
  6. Vaulted. With the arcuate fronton projection.

In addition, the roof design is divided by constructive features on ventilated and non-ventilated. This or another option is selected depending on the climatic features of the region and the design of private houses.


With large amounts of precipitation, high humidity Prefer the roof with natural ventilation. In addition, the air layer inside plays the role of an additional insulation.

Designs without natural ventilation are more often used in dry climatic zones.

Private house with mansard roof

Foundation of the roof - the rafter system

Basic I. napless element The roof is its frame or a rafter system. It carries the main burden, determines the strength and reliability, the service life of the entire roof will depend on it and how often it is necessary to repair it.

Therefore, the installation of the frame is the most time-consuming process on the dispute device. The main impacts on the truss system are the loads obtained from the mass of the frame itself, the weight of the snow cover and the impact of wind states. In this regard, the loads on the rafters should be carried out.

From the correct calculation rafter system, loads and all connections nodes depends the strength and durability of the entire building. An important requirement is the minimum weight of the frame design. So that the load on the walls and the foundation was small, the materials with the lowest specific weight should be laid in the project.

Slinge system at home with an attic

Calculation of Square

If the attic is planned to be used, as a residential premises, it is important to calculate its useful area. For calculations an important parameter It is the total area mansard premises And its useful volume. The latter is calculated on the lines connecting the points where the height from the floor to the ceiling plane is 90 cm. The rest of the space is taken not to be not dwell, suitable only for the chulana and storage room.

The total area is taken from plans at home and attic. The calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof is carried out on the basis of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe internal structures. All roofing frame It can be imagined as a totality of elements with different geometry. Calculating the area of \u200b\u200bsuch figures separately, and folding the values, you can get the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house. This quantity is necessary not only for further calculations of the strength and weight of the structure, but also for calculating the required amount of materials.

The calculation of the area and the geometry of the indoors of the attic determine the ratio of additional area to the underlying floors of the building

Draft mansard roofing

As mentioned above, the key to reliable and durable roofing design Must be a competently compiled project. You can use typical, ready project An attic roof, which no longer requires additional calculations. This will speed up the work and reduce the cost of design, but if construction is assumed individual project, Detailed calculation will be required.


In the project, in addition to the calculation, it should contain information about the construction of the rafter, the installation scheme of the beams, the counting of its own mass and the estimated load of natural factors (wind, snow, rain).

To calculate and compile a competent project, the stability of all elements to temperature drops should be provided.As a rule, the project consists of several sections and drawings. It contains calculations and all information about the roof design:

  • first of all, the project defines the basic parameters - the roof shape, its size, slope slope, the presence of the front;
  • the second, and no less important item, there is a list of all materials, for each node, indicating their quantity;
  • a separate section must be devoted to the calculation of carrying structures, indicating the cross section of rafal beams, the size of the elements of overlaps and other nodes;
  • drawings with different projection and detailing of the main nodes;
  • section with calculating the heat engineering properties of the structure and indication of insulation and waterproofing with the list of recommended materials;
  • recommendations for roofing material based on the calculation of maximum loads on the design.

Calculation of slope skate

The determination of the size of the roof affects its slope. The angle of slope has great importance When building a house. Incorrectly designed roof can be destroyed by a strong wind, if you make it too high. And on the contrary, if the slope is insufficient, it can lead to the accumulation of snow mass, which will also lead to destruction. Therefore, when calculating the slopes, local climatic conditions and alleged roofing materials (their weight). As a rule, in the snow-covered areas there are pointed roofs, so that the snow sliding the floor with its weight. And in warmer areas, gender structures are distributed, reduced sailboats with an elongated sweat.

Getting started to the specific calculation of the slope, we take as source data:

  • The estimated height of the residential space in the attic (desired, but not less than 2.5).
  • Weather conditions of terrain - average precipitation, the maximum possible wind power.
  • Planned weight and features of roofing material.
  • Type of roofing on the project.

For the duplex structure of the inclination of the slopes, the optimal is considered to be 45 degrees and more. For a broken design, the optimal corners will be 60 degrees for the lower slope and 30 degrees for the top. This will make an indoor room in a room.

Montage of the frame of the mansarda

Before the construction of the attic, when the walls of the building were already erected, it is necessary to pave a rear of 10x10 or 15x15 cm for support of the rafter system at the top of the walls. Such a design is called Maurylalat, in the chilled wooden house They can serve as the upper crown. If the house is built of brick or concrete under the wooden mauelalate, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing (for example, rubberoid, better in two layers). The main task of Mauerlat is a uniform distribution of loads on the walls of the house. The bar can be closed with a facing similar to the facade.

  1. We begin the installation of the rafter system from the ceiling device. The beams are placed, starting with extreme, strictly extinguishing horizontal. The beam step is recommended to withstand at 50-60 cm. The beams should be taken out of the wall limit of about 30-50 cm, which will serve as a cornice. Fixation with Mauerlat produce nails and a metal corner on screws.
  2. We proceed to the mounting of the frame. First of all, vertical support racks are installed. At the time of installation, securing their temporary struts. Starting from the corners, we put the rest at a distance of no more than three meters. The height of the racks should be specified in the project, it will determine the parameters of the entire design. At the top end of the racks, running runs (boards 15x5 cm).
  3. On the runs are settings (20x5 cm timing), fixed by the corner. The task of the tightening tie the sidebars. So that there was no significant deflection of the fumes, they need to be fixed, in the future, suspensions to the roof rafters. At the installation stage, you can avoid the deflection by temporary subfields.
  4. Install rafters. Before mounting, you need to make a template in the form of a board 15x2 cm. The template sets the same angle washed in places connection rafted with a Mauerlat with the lower end and a top with a run.
  5. The mounting of the utilization (lower) rafters to the side runs is carried out by nails, and to Mauerlate with metal plates or brackets.
  6. We proceed to the mounting of the hanging (upper) rafters. Also we prepare the template and on the template they drink all the boards. Mansard design It does not provide a driving device, so additional rigidity should be given the installation of the subchoves.
  7. We install tightening on the upper rafters.
  8. In general, the framework of the rafter system is ready. Next, you can sew the frontones, leaving the openings under the windows if they are provided by the project.
  9. Make the crate. The design of the crate is entirely dependent on the type of roofing material defined by the project. If a soft rolled roof is provided (for example, Ondulin), we make a solid crate. For metal tile or professional flooring requires a rarefied doom. Right choice And competent installation will affect the quality of the roof and its reliability.

Further work is associated with insulation and insulation of the roof of the attic.

The foundation dersighted roof - Its frame


In cases where the roof rafts are over six meters (length standard Board), It is necessary to order a board under the rafted the required length or split rafters to the desired size. In the joints of the joints, it will be necessary to establish additional support racks.

Hearth roofing

To create an atmosphere suitable for accommodation in the attic, the roof must be securely and high qualityly insulated. In addition, pair-insulating and waterproofing films are stacked together with insulation. To prevent leakage from the outside and accumulation of condensate from the inside, they use special modern materials. Thus, "puff pie" is formed, laid between roofing and indoor indoor. Such a "cake" should include the following layers:

  1. Vaporizolation. Special, non-transmitting film film materials stacked from the inside of the indoor indoors with the sealing of the joints. The task of this layer prevent moisture penetration into the upper layers of the Pie.
  2. Insulated. Foam or foam plates are used as the heat insulator, mineral wool, eco wool and so on. Laying is made with an overlap or subsequent sealing of seams by construction foam.
  3. Waterproofing. Special film membranes that protect insulation from atmospheric precipitation and preventing condensate. Stacked on rafyles while maintaining the air gap between the film and roofing material.

Roofing pie is a multi-layered structure that provides reliable protection against various adverse factors

Thus, the size of the roof selected as a result of the calculations and specified in the project has an impact on the course of the construction of the attic. Here it should be taken into account by many nuances, important to create a reliable and durable roof

Mansard - Calculation Scheme, Load, RSU

Mansard - calculation in SCAD, selection of sections of elements

When erecting such a complex design, like a naked roof with their own hands, we should take into account the mass of a variety of factors. First of all, it is necessary to choose the type of roof, which there is a lot. Next, you need to make a project with the calculation of the rafter system, slope of the rods, the roof area and the amount of materials necessary for its construction.

Roofing is erected according to certain technologies, which cannot be disrupted. How to do in country house Full mansard Floor And let's talk in this article.

Types of mansard roofs

Before you begin to understand how to properly build a roof, let's see what kind of varieties of such structures happen. Such roofs differ in the form and number of rods, the corner of their tilt, the type of roofing material used, as well as the degree of insulation. The choice of one or another type of roof depends on the most different factors: the architectural solution of the house as a whole, the climatic zone in which the building is located, the financial capabilities of its owners, etc. The attic in principle is allowed to arrange under the roof of any design.

Dersighted roofs are:

  1. Single. This is the easiest in the construction of the roof type. Under the single-sided roofing in the attic room there will be only one full-fledged wall;
  2. Two-tight. The device of the attic roof of this species is also no particular complexity. Its disadvantage is not considered too much useful area. After all, the angles of the room under duct roof form an unused "deaf" zone;
  3. Two batch broken. This option is much more convenient in terms of the device of residential premises;
  4. Tents. Such a roof is suitable in square buildings. The tent roof has four identical scatter;

Tent Children's Roof is arranged in square houses

  1. Valm. It is also a four-tight attic roof. Instead of the frontones in the design, skates are provided. The hollow roof is also very convenient for the device under the attic;
  2. Multi-crossing. Such roofs have a very complex configuration;
  3. Pyramidal, conical, dome. The roofs of this type are arranged on the buildings of a complex shape.

The roof of any design can be converted under the attic

There is also a roof of an attic type. Its design involves the removal of the skates far beyond the largest building on special consoles.

On a note: Do with your own hands most often under the attic one is satisfied with a double broken roof. The technology of its erection is quite simple, and the room as a result is quite spacious.

How to make the calculation of the roof

In order to make the calculation of the number of roofing material, insulation, the hydro and vapor barrier film should first of all determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe future roof. Especially difficult to perform required calculations In the event that the roof is broken and has a complex configuration. At the same time, the diagram of the attic roof is drawn and divided into simple geometric shapes. Next, the area of \u200b\u200beach figure is calculated. The results are folded.

The triangle area is calculated by the formula S \u003d (BXH) / 2, where b is the length of the base of the triangle, H is its height. The formula for calculating the area of \u200b\u200bthe trapezium - s \u003d ((a + b) / 2) xh, where a and b is the base of the trapezium, H is its height. The formula of the circle - S \u003d pxr 2, where R is the radius of the circle. Number n \u003d 3,14

Horseful roof. Drawings make it possible to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof without any problems.

  1. Used roofing material. Manufacturers always indicate which minimum and maximum inclination angle are admissible for one or another of its type;
  2. Climatic conditions. A mansard roof is arranged with your own hands, given the region in which the building is located. The steeper the angle of inclination, the greater the load on the roof will be wind. But at the same time, the load from snow and ice on roofing pie and rafters will be less;
  3. Appointment. The design of the attic roof in our case should be developed taking into account the fact that later it will be a residential premises. Therefore, it is recommended to choose such an angle so that the height from the beam beam to the upper point of the roof was at least 2.5 m, taking into account the thickness of the heat insulator and the trim.

The installation of the attic roof of the installation of the lower (urban) rafters continues. For them, the timber is suitable with a cross section of 50x150mm. Previously make a template from not too thick board. One end is applied to Mauerlat, and the other to run. Next place the form washed and cut it. By this template, the rafters are cutting.

To install the upper (hanging) rafters, the center of the roof is placed. At the same time, a temporary rack is nourished to Mauerlat and an extreme tightening is installed. Further prepares pattern from the board and the ends of the upper rafters are cut on it. In the center they are bonded with each other with metal plates. Then you need to put the suspended racks (25x150mm rear). After that, the lower rafters are strengthened with pins (50x150 mm board) and sewing frontoths.

Galvanized corners, self-tapping and nails are used to attach all elements of the rafter system.


Dersighted roof projects can provide for the use of various roofing materials. Very often you can see the roof of metal tile or professional flooring. Under them can be installed rarefied doom. When using rolled materials, a solid one is mounted.

A kindergarten roof dryer can be solid or rarefied

Waterproofing and installation of roofing material

The roof of the attic with their own hands will be reliable only if high-quality waterproofing is arranged. Most often, a superdiffusion membrane is used to protect the roof. Mount it starts from below. At an angle of inclination of the roof from 15 to 30g, the nailed between the rows of the film should be approximately 25 cm, at an angle more than 30g - 15-20 cm. The film is attached to rafters by special brackets. A counterclaim is hampering over the film. The roofing material is attached to it.

Roofing material mounted on top of the waterproofing film

Important: When installing, it is necessary to ensure that the film does not stretch. The material should slightly resist. This ensures ventilation of the undercase.


Under all the technologies of insulation, the attic roof is suitable for the arrangement of residential premises. With their own hands, the heat insulator is usually mounted from the inside of the room. In the case of installation of the insulation, the attic of the attic from the inside is pre-performed. After the laying is completed, so that the plates do not fall out, they are tightened to the wire from below, fixing it to the rafters.

Warming roof houses with an attic. Photos of basalt wool between rafyles

On a note: Most often for mansard insulation, mineral wool is used. It lies between the rafters denser than the foam. As a result, the appearance of cold bridges is eliminated.

Parosolation and sheathing

Attic double roof It is satisfied with the mandatory use of vapor barrier material. On top of the wool it is necessary to pull the isospan foil inside the room. Above it is hampered under the trim. In this way, ventilation is satisfied. From the inside of the attic is trimmed with plasterboard, clapboard or plywood.

Thus, a reliable attic roof can be erected with her own hands. The video presented below represents the roofing pie process with the insulation styling outside.

As you can see, the construction of an attic roof is quite complex technologically. However, arrange an extra living room in the country with your own hands, attaching a little effort, yet it is possible.

- This is not exactly the usual design.

Such a structure not only must complete the holistic building of the building and perform protection functions.

But also to have a comfortable life in the room, located under it.

In order for the living space to be suitable for use, it is necessary to understand the essence of the construction of such structures and the nuances of its installation processes.

This design has a number of elements, which is a holistic roof system.

The devices of the attic roof looks like:

  • Roof. Roofing is necessary for property reliable protection from the influence of atmospheric conditions both the whole house and the entire roof system.
  • . The reference part of the system for attachment, most often constructed from wooden boards.
  • Skown run. The very top of the entire system.
  • Rafyla. Support ribs that create rigidity to the construction. Have two varieties - hanging and urban.
  • Mauerlat.. Presented element beams that serve for fastening the rafter system. Repeats the element in the location of the perimeter of the house and is bonded with each wall with fasteners.
  • Diagonal piles. For, so that the roof design system has a high level of reliabilityThe rafters are combined between themselves beams located longitudinally and vertical racks, which are combined with diagonal connections or beams.
  • Internal supports. An element that is located under each rafter foot and provides stability.
  • Insulating layer. Such a layer combines the entire roof system into a single whole, when creating reliable sealing, vapor and sound insulation. This layer has its own structure and it is multi-layered. All materials that are used in the equipment of this layer are necessary to provide all sorts of properties that provide comfortable livelihoods on the attic.

What nodes and details are the attic roof, you will see on this drawing:

Drawing of the devil-roof

Roofing pie

In any kind of roof there is its own individual structure.

It is represented by several layers different materialsthat need to protect the place of attic from cold air masses and high humidity level.

Roofing roof roofing pie includes:

  • Clamp;
  • Steamoilating layer;
  • Counterclaim;
  • Thermal insulation layer;
  • Waterproofing;
  • Ventilation systems;
  • Roofing material.

Each layer is designed to perform certain functions that are necessary for the normal operation of the entire roof system.

If you make mistakes when installing or neglected any of the layers, then this may lead to the need to remake the entire design..

  • . The easiest kind of roof over the attic, but not too popular. Represents one inclined planewhich has a support on the bearing walls of different heights.
  • . Such a kind presented by two slotswhich are opposite to each other.
  • Loan. This type of roof has more names - and the half-haired. Such a type of construction allows you to make an attic space optimal. Skates have four designs. It is quite convenient to live on the attic, having such a kind of roof.
  • Conical. The most complex type of construction submitted by the cone. Suitable for structures who have round or polygonal outlines.

Types of roofs

If we talk about the varieties of rafter systems, then they are 3 species:

  1. Hanging variety of rafters ensure the transmission of the load in a horizontal position to the carrier walls. Such rafters are the basis of the entire system. In intermediate supports, there is no need for connecting beams, wooden or metal tightening are used.
  2. The urban variety of rafters are applied in the case of the bearing wall in the center of the building or the presence of intermediate supports. Such a variety of rafters is installed on the outer walls, while their average part has a support for the inner walls. This design can be constructed only if the distance from the bearing wall to another to 6.5 m.
  3. Hanging and urinary variety of the rafter system is represented by triangles having a straight angle. Additionally, such a design is equipped with the fights from below and on top of the system. For hanging the ceiling use the tightening hanging rafters.

Children's roof: Double wooden house design

Tilt angle

A very important parameter in the roof structure is the determination of the angle of inclination of the roof. This value is determined not only by the design of the building, features of the facade, but also the selected roofing material and local climatic conditions.

If the precipitates falling on the ground where the house is located, is of great importance, then the angle of inclination of the roof ranges from 45 to 60 degrees.

Such a skate value will ensure the best snow from the surface, and, accordingly, reduce the level of load. In addition to precipitation, such an angle parameter protects the roof from glaciation.

If the house is located on the ground in which the frequent phenomenon is strong winds, then the value of the corner of the rowed to be minimal. Otherwise, the design can be destroyed due to weather conditions. Under such conditions, variations of this parameter from 9 to 20 degrees.

However, the most common and optimal roof inclination angle is 20-35 degrees.. Such a value is suitable for the arrangement of the roof by almost any variety of material.


The angle of inclination largely determines the durability and reliability of the structure.

Tilt angle

Mounting process

In order for the attic roof, you need to stick to a certain sequence of actions:

  1. Initially fasten the upper bar, which has the parameters of the cross section of 10x10 or 15x15 cm. Fastening is carried out using nails, metal brackets or screws. At the same time, the first timber provides a function of a substropsy frame.
  2. The following is mounting Maurolalat, which is necessary for making most of the load. It will take a board for its installation, a thickness of at least 5 cm and a ram with a cross section parameters 5x10 cm. Before laying the board, we settle The layer that is necessary for the deduction of moisture and did not destroy the design elements. They attach Mauerlat with nails or brackets and are additionally tied to a wall using a wire from metal. The wire is mounted on the construction stage of the walls.
  3. Next set raftersBy choosing a step from 0.6 to 2 m.
  4. First install fronton rafters, after which they stretch the level and begin to mount the other elements.
  5. After the rafter legs are all installed, provide additional strengthening of the design, connecting rafters among themselves in the upper part of them.
  6. If the value of the roof length exceeds 7 m, then conduct installation of a skate bar. Otherwise, the equipment has a similar element of the system rafters - not necessarily.
  7. After installed switch to the equipment of the layers of roofing pie, pre-installing the crate.
  8. The last stage in the construction of the roof is laying of roofing.

Installation of crates

Installing timing

Installation Maurolat


The design of the attic roof is albeit simple, but has its own nuances. It is very important to understand the essence of the processes to accurately carry out the installation of the system yourself. And it is necessary to initially draw up the whole building to protect yourself from errors.

Useful video

In this video, you will learn everything about the devices of the attic roof:

In contact with

Mansard called the roof under which are equipped residential Rooms. In the form of the attic roof may be different, but most often the attic is equipped with a duplex roof. The most rational solution to obtain the maximum useful area of \u200b\u200bresidential attic is the attic roof with a broken line of the skate.

The stages of the construction of an attic roof with their own hands are in many ways similar to the construction of the usual, as well as the names of the elements that make up its frame. These include:

  • Mauerlat - support timber, transmitting a load from rafted the walls of the structure;
  • Overlapping beams - boards forming the floor of the attic and the ceiling of the lower floor;
  • Racks - vertical supports that support the truss system;
  • Ramans - horizontal supports for rafters;
  • Rigel - transverse horizontal elements, tightening the rods of the roof among themselves, otherwise they are called tightening;
  • Rafters - boards forming the main contour of the roof;
  • Suspension - suspended stand, supporting tightening and redistributing loads between rafters;
  • Dooms - boards or sheets of plywood, intended for laying on top of them roofing and transmitting the load on the solo system;
  • Filkings - boards, fixed along the axis at the bottom of the rafted and intended for the formation of the roof sweep.

The cross section of the elements of the roof is determined by calculation, the article features the most frequently used materials in private construction.

The device of a naked roof and its differences

As already mentioned, the roof with broken skates is somewhat different from the simple duscal roof. The difference lies in the form of opposite rods: they are not a direct line, but consist of two junges connected under a stupid angle. The roof can be both symmetrical and have a different form of opposite skates - it depends on the project.

Due to the broken form, the useful scope of the attic room is significantly increased. The lower part of the rafter is usually installed at an angle of about 60 degrees to the horizon, and the support racks that support these rafters play the role of a frame inland walls. The upper part of the rafter is most often installed at a low angle, from 15 to 45 degrees - this allows you to save materials, but maintain the functionality of the roof and its resistance to snow loads.

Vertical stands based on the beams of overlappings, runs and connecting their tightening to form a parallelepiped that limits the internal dimensions of the attic. To impart the design of additional stiffness, the soils are installed between the beams of overlaps and lower rafters. After installing the upper rafters to strengthen the farm and eliminate the savings of the riglels, suspended structures - grandmothers. To further strengthen the lower rafters, they are tightened with racks by contractions. The fastening of the elements is made using nails and bolts or studs.

Calculation of the sizes of the attic roof

The main condition for the comfortable device of the attic is the height of the ceilings - it should not be below 2.5 meters. To ensure such an altitude of the room, the lines of the attic roof must be at an altitude of at least 2.8 meters, taking into account the thickness of the insulation layer and the inner skin of the attic, as well as the thickness of the pic floras.

Before you start buying materials and the construction of the roof, you need to draw a detailed drawing on which the overall dimensions of the house, the line of the skate and the height of the attic will be indicated.

Drawing - Dimensions of the attic roof

Divorous Roof Light Technology

  1. Install Maurylalat around the perimeter at home. In wooden buildings, Mauerlat serves the top bar or log. In stone - brick or block-buildings, the Mauerlat bar is fixed on studs or anchors, fixed in the walls during masonry at a distance of no more than 2 meters. Malelalat aligned on the inner plane of the wall, the rest outside the wall later laid decorative masonry. Bar Mauerlala of Dry Wood coniferous rocks It usually has a cross section 100 or 150 mm. Screw the timing of the desired length, straighten with anchor stiletto if necessary and put the beam over them. Slightly catching up with a hammer. The bar remains dents from the studs, the hole of the required diameter is drilled along it. It is possible to place a bar with a roulette, but the probability of error in this case is higher. Rolled waterproofing is placed on the wall, you can use a conventional runner into two layers. Mauerlat is put on the hairpins and tighten the nuts.

  2. For the beams of overlappings, a coniferous timing is usually used with a cross section of 100x200 mm. Overlapping beams are placed either over Mauerlat with the outlet of the wall plane by 0.3-0.5 meters, or in the pockets specifically designed for this in the masonry. In the first case, the beams are fixed with the help of corners and screws. So that the overlaps turned out to be smooth, the beams are put in strict sequence: first the level at the level, then, stretching the lace, align the intermediate. The block of beams of overlapping is usually from 50 to 100 cm, but the most convenient is a step of 60 cm, allowing to lay the insulation plates without trimming. To align the height of the beams, they are peredate or used lining from the board. If the beams are laid into special pockets in the masonry, their ends are necessarily treated refractory waterproofing And roaming the rubberoid. Align them in the same way.
  3. On the extreme beams of overlaps install racks. The extreme racks are performed from a bar 100x150 mm, the height and line of installation of the racks is determined by the prepared drawing. Racks are aligned using a level and a plumb and are temporarily fixed in perpendicular directions - along and across the roof axis. This will allow you to install racks without deviations in any side. The drives make out of any board and nail on the nails. Mentally drain the lace and exhibit the other racks in it with a step equal to the steps of the beams of overlaps, that is, for each beam. All racks are fixed similarly to extreme. You must have two rows of racks of the same height, walking in parallel to each other.

  4. On the racks are placed and fastened runs from the board 50x150 mm, secure runs on the nails 150 mm and to the corners using self-tapping screws. Riglels from the board 50x200 mm with a narrow side down - this will increase their rigidity. Since during operation on the riglel there will be no load, such a section of the board is quite enough, however, in order to exclude their deflection and increase reliability in the installation process, during the installation of riggers, there are temporary supports from the board not thinner than 25 mm. From above, the riglel is bonded by one or two boards - also temporarily, before the installation of the rafter. At the same time, the boards need to be placed in the middle of the tightening - there they will interfere with the further installation, and retreating about 30 cm. After installing the racks, runs and riggers, you have a rigid construction that limits the indoor indoors of the attic. To increase its strength, it is subsequently fixed with pins and fights.
  5. Install from the board 50x150 mm. First, the template from the board is 25x150 mm - it is easier and faster. The board of the required length is applied to the upper run, draw the form washed directly on the board and cut it off. Apply a template to run in the places of installation rafters, and if it coincides everywhere, the top of all the rafter can be performed according to the template. The lower part, which rests on Mauerlat next to the beams of overlapping, is cut each time along the place. Rocking rafters with the help of corners and self-tapping and nails.

  6. To perform the upper rafters, it is necessary to place the roof center. It is possible to do this with a temporary rack, britched to Mauerlat and an extreme tightening from the roof end so that one edge of the boards passed through the center of the roof. On this edge and leveled rafters. Further prepare a template from a 25x150 mm board, applying it in the edge of the installed board at the desired level and to run to which the lower rafters are based on. Locate the upper and lower drum and cut the pattern. Apply it alternately to both sides of the roof, checking how accurately its center is. If the rows of racks are made in parallel, then problems with the installation of the upper rafter should not be - they will all have the same size.
  7. The pattern is performed by the required amount of rafter legs. The rafters are installed on the run and connected in the upper part with the help of overhead metal plates or cutting board on the tapping screw. In the rone of the rafter, rest on the washed and fixed in the corners. So that the rafters stood straight, they are fixed with the help of a downtrod installed by the lower end on the tightening. So put all the rafters. Fasten the suspension racks - cutting board 25x150 mm. The top edge of the boards is fixed in the connection site rafters, the lower - to the tightening.
  8. Plugs under the lower rafters from the board 50x150 mm, resting them with the lower slanting cut in the beam of overlapping and fixing to the corners, and the upper edge is fixed on the side to the rafter foot, naughty on one or two nails, after which drilled through hole and fix on a bolt or hairpin. After installing the lower boosts, all temporary backups and racks are removed.
  9. Sewing fronttones, leaving door and window openings. If the beams of overlaps are laid in the pockets of the walls, the fasteners of the fasteners are attached to the lower rafters - boards, which continue to the line of rafters and forming the sinks of the roof. When laying overlaps on top of the Mauerlate beams, and so they are on the required distance, and there are no need in the lines.
  10. corresponding to the type of roofing coating is solid or rarefied. Waterproofing is placed on the crate and proceed to the installation of roofing coating, for example,.

The broken roof usually does not need insulation - only the walls and the attic ceiling are insulated. The airspace formed under the rafyles provides good inspection of the attic, reduces the heating of the indoors of the attic in the summer and provides additional thermal insulation in winter. Therefore, when firming francs, it is important to leave the ventilation windows at the top of the roof, over the flooring of the attic floor.

Video - Instructions for the construction of an attic roof