
Technique hot chair in psychology. Gestalt-therapy techniques


The techniques used in gestalt therapy are grouped around two main areas of work. They are called principles and games. Principles are introduced at the initial stage of therapy, and they are not too much, the number of games is not limited. Principles indicate the preferred directions of behavior and conditions that favor the expansion of awareness and the most complete contact with the environment and itself.

The basic principles of gestalt therapy are the following:
1. Principle "Now". "Now" is a functional concept of what an individual does at the moment. For example, the act of memories of the distant past encounters part of the "now", and what happened a few minutes ago, is not "now."
2. Principle "I - You". Expresses the desire for an open and direct contact between people. Often, members of the psychotherapeutic group are directly sent by the address-concrete participant, but to the side or in the air, which detects their concerns to speak directly and frankly. Psychotherapist encourages participants in the group to direct communication.
3. Principle of subjectivization of statements. The psychotherapist offers the patient to replace objectivated forms ("Something presses in the chest") to the subjectivized ("I suppress myself").
4. Continuum consciousness. It is an integral part of all technical procedures, but can also be used as a separate method. This is a concentration on the spontaneous stream of the content of the experiencing, the method of summarizing the individual to the direct experience and the abandonment of verbalization and interpretations, one of the central concepts. Awareness of feelings, bodily sensations and observation of body movements contribute to human orientation in itself and in their connections with the environment.

Technical procedures are called gestalt games. These are a variety of actions performed by patients at the suggestion of the psychotherapist, which contribute to more direct confrontation with meaningful content and experiences. These games provide the ability to experiment with themselves and other members of the group. In the process of games, the group participants are "trying on" different roles, enter different images, are identified with significant feelings and experiences, alienated personality and intractions. The purpose of the experimental game is to achieve an emotional and intellectual clearing leading to the integration of the individual. Emotional awareness ("Aha-experience") is such a moment of self-sufficiency, when a person says: "Yeah!". According to F. Perlzu, "Aha" is what happens when something snaps up, falling into his place; Every time, "closes" Gestalt, "sounds" this click. As the facts of emotional clarification are accumulated, an intellectual clarification comes.

The number of games is not limited, as each psychotherapist, using the principles of gestalt therapy, can create new games or modify already known.

The most famous are the following techniques.

1. Dialogue between self-person. When the patient has an individual fragmentation, the psychotherapist offers an experiment: to conduct a dialogue between the significant fragments of the personality - between the aggressive and passive, "attackers" and "defending". It may be a dialogue and with its own feeling (for example, with anxiety, fear), and with individual parts or organs of its own body, and with an imaginary meaningful person to a patient. The technique of the game is as follows: opposite the chair, which occupies a patient ("hot chair"), is located an empty chair, to which "plant" imaginary "interlocutor". The patient alternately changes the chairs, losing the dialogue, trying to identify himself as much as possible with various parts of his personality.

2. Communication. The patient is invited to go in a circle and contact each participant with an exciting issue, for example, to find out how others are assessed, what they think about it, or to express their own feelings towards members groups.

3. Unfinished. Any incomplete gestalt is unfinished matter requiring completion. Essentially, all gestalt therapy comes down to the completion of unfinished affairs. Most people have a lot of unskilled issues related to their relatives, parents, etc. Most often, these are unspoken complaints and complaints. The patient is offered by taking an empty chair to express his feelings to an imaginary interlocutor or contact him directly to the participant of the psychotherapeutic group, which is related to an unfinished case.

Gestalt psychotherapists have noticed that the most frequent and significant feeling is a feeling of resentment. It is with this feeling that work in the game, which begins with the words: "I am offended."

4. Projective game. When the patient declares that another person has a certain sense or character line, he is asked to check if it is his projection. The patient is invited to "play a projection", i.e. Tracing on myself this feeling or a hell. So, the patient who declares: "I feel pity for you," asked to play the role of a person who causing pity, coming to each of the group members and entering into cooperation with him. Gradually entered into the role, a person reveals himself, while the integration of first rejected parties can occur.

5. Detection of the opposite (Reversion). The explicit behavior of the patient often carries the nature of protection hiding opposite trends. For awareness of the patient of hidden desires and contradictory needs, he is invited to play a role opposite to the one that he demonstrates in the group. For example, a patient with "dulling" manners is invited to play the role of aggressive, arrogant, hiding other women. Such an admission makes it possible to achieve more complete contact with those parties to their identity that were previously hidden.

6. Exercises for imagination. Illustrate the projection process and help the participants of the group identify with rejected aspects of the individual. Among such exercises are the most popular game "Old Abandoned Store". The patient is offered to close the eyes, relax, then imagine that late at night he passes through a little street past the old, abandoned store. His windows are dirty, but if you look, you can see some object. The patient is offered to carefully consider it, and then move away from an abandoned store and describe the subject discovered outside the window. Further, he is invited to imagine himself with this subject and, speaking of the first person, describe his feelings, answer the question why he is left in the store, which looks like its existence as this subject. Identifying these items, patients project some of their personal problems on them.

In Gestalt therapy, much attention is paid to working with the dreams of patients. Praphrazing Z. Freud, F. Perlz said that " sleep is a royal road to personal integration"Unlike psychoanalysis, the hasthalt-therapy is not interpreted by the dreams, they are used to integrate the person. The author believed that various parts of sleep are fragments of our personality. In order to achieve integration, it is necessary to combine them again, recognize them again with these well-preciped, Aliented parts of our personality and recognize their hidden trends that manifest themselves in a dream. With the help of playing sleep objects, individual fragments, the hidden content of the dream through its experience can be detected, and not by means of its analysis.

Purpose: providing participants to participate to get acquainted with each other and practice in the task of issues within the group context.

It is important that both the exercise itself and the subsequent discussion passed actively and each participant had the opportunity to say what he wants.

Methodology: Participants perform the following instructions.
Each participant sits on a hot chair for 2 minutes.
When one of the participants turns out to be on the "hot chair" (you can either stay in your place, or put a hot chair in the center of the circle), the rest receive the right to ask him any questions.
If a member of the group does not want to respond to a given question, he can simply say "I miss."
Two minutes later, the participant sitting on the "hot chair" proposes to occupy this place to another member of the group.
Such a procedure continues until all members of the group visit the hot chair.

Evaluation: Two "Circles" is done. During the first circle, all participants also say that they have liked them the least in this exercise, during the second - which most liked. The coach should also take part in the evaluation process and decide whether or not to discuss the discussion of those moments that participants noticed.

Exercise 73. self-prescription

Performance time: from 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Purpose: providing participants to explore the image of their own "I".
Number of participants: from 5 to 25 people.

The furnishings: the room is quite spacious so that all participants can sit in the overall circle, and if necessary, crash to pairs and work without interfering with each other. It is necessary to prepare large sheets of paper and markers or chalkboard with chalk to record the comments of the group members during the discussions. Sheets of paper with similar comments can be attached to the wall and use as notes for memory. They can be left on the wall until the workshop is completed. These "memos" will reflect the relationship of the classes and demonstrate progress in training.

You can write basic theoretical moments on special transparent paper, and then you will need a projector and screen. All printed materials for the exercise must be prepared in advance and in sufficient quantities. Lists of literature can be distributed at the end of the exercise, in volume they should not exceed one page.

Provide the Word to each participant, and before switching to the next exercise, wait until all the thoughts and feelings are spoken.

Methods: All participants are divided into pairs. The task of one of them is to describe itself to its partner, and this description should be made in the third person. You can start, for example, as follows: "James Johnson - a man of thirty-four years old, which ..."

Participants describe themselves in this way for 5 minutes. Next, the sharing of roles in pairs and the same task is performed for another 5 minutes. Then the general circle is formed, and the coach, speaking as a facilitator, conducts a discussion of this exercise. The coach can also participate in performing this exercise as one of the members of the group.

Evaluation: All participants are in turn talking about what they have learned, performing this exercise, and what will take with them to the "real life", not related to the life of the group.

Completion: Participants are provided with 5 minutes to ask questions, the expression of feelings, appeal to other participants in the group and pronouncing all that occurred during the exercise.

Gestalt therapy has a large number of diverse techniques, many of which are borrowed from other types of psychotherapy, such as psychodrama, transactional analysis, art therapy. Gestaltists believe that within their approach, the use of any technique that serves as a natural continuation of the therapist dialogue and client and reinforcing the awareness processes is permissible.

Gestalt therapy can be carried out in the form of both individual and group sessions. At the same time, group work within GestaltTeeping has its own specifics: in Gestalt groups, the emphasis is not on the group dynamics, although it is not ignored by the therapist, but on individual work with one member of the group, which announced its problem. Thus, the group here is a resonator, a chorus, against which the soloist acts.

The first technical technique used in the process of gestalt therapy is the conclusion of a contract. As already noted, in this direction of psychotherapy therapist and the client are equal partners and the client is one of their own responsibility for the results of therapy. At the conclusion of the contract, this aspect is specified, as well as formulates the goals that the client sets itself. For a client that is constantly coming from responsibility, this situation is problematic and requires elaboration. Thus, at the stage of concluding a contract, the client learns to take responsibility for himself and for being happening to him.

In Gestalt therapy adopted a division of technician into two groups: dialogue techniques and projective techniques. The dialogue technique is the work carried out on the border of contact between the client and the therapist. The therapist monitors the client interruption mechanisms and makes their emotions and experiences, as part of the environment surrounding the client, to the contact border. Another group of technician is the so-called projective techniques that are used to work with images, dreams, imaginary dialogues, "parts" of the personality, etc. However, a clear distinction between these techniques is possible only in theory, in the practical work they are closely interrelated.

One of the most famous techniques is the hot chair technology that is used during group work. "Hot chair" is a place that the client sits down, intending to tell about his problem. At the same time, the interaction is carried out only between it and the leading group, and the remaining members of the Group become silent listeners and the audience and are included in the interaction only at the request of the therapist. At the end of the session, the members of the Group report their feelings, and it is necessary that the participants speak exactly about feelings, and did not give advice and did not evaluate the person sitting on the "hot stool".

Another original gestalt therapeutic technique is a concentration (focused awareness). Awareness should occur at three levels: awareness of the outside world (which I see, hear), the inner world (emotions, bodily sensations), as well as thoughts. The client, adhering to the principle "here and now," says that he is aware of at the moment, for example: "Now I'm sitting on a chair and look at the therapist. I feel tension and confusion. I hear how much my heart knocks. " This experiment performs several functions. First, it allows you to strengthen, exacerbate the feeling of the present; Perlz describes situations when after using this technique, patients talked about the fact that the world has become more real for them and brighter. Secondly, this experiment helps to realize ways with which a person runs away from reality (for example, memories or fantasies about the future). Thirdly, the monologue-awareness is a valuable material for therapy.

An experimental gain technique is that the client must strengthen any of his poorly visible verbal or non-verbal manifestations. For example, during the session, the client constantly tapping his hand over armrest armrest, and the therapist proposes to strengthen this movement. As a result, the tapping turns into intensive cotton, and on the question of the therapist about his sensations, the client reports that he feels anger towards the therapist. It becomes the subject for further work. Another option: The client often begins with the words "Yes, but ...", not aware of this. The therapist offers the client every phrase to start with these words. It helps the client to realize that he competes with the surrounding, including with members of the group, tries to leave the last word.

The following technique - shuttle technique is aimed at expanding the awareness zone. The shuttle technique is connected with the fact that the therapist deliberately changes the levels of awareness, figure and background in the consciousness of the client. For example, the client talks about his loneliness (the figure is the verbal products of the client).

Therapist.When you talk about your loneliness, you are trembling your knees. (Figure - bodily manifestations; words - background.) Strengthen this trembling. What do you feel? (Figure - feelings; bodily manifestations and verbal design of loneliness - background.)

Client.I feel fear. In my knees there is fear.

Therapist.How is your fear associated with your loneliness? (Figure - intellectual understanding; background - feelings and bodily manifestations.)

Client.I'm afraid of people ...

Shuttle motion can be carried out not only from different zones of awareness, but also from the past at present and vice versa. For example, a client reports that he is experiencing constant irritation when communicating with its boss. The therapist invites it to choose from a group of a person who causes her a similar feeling, and, by implementing the principle "here and now", works with neurotic mechanisms manifested in these relations. The use of a group as a safe model of the surrounding world is a characteristic feature of gestalt therapy.

Finally, the main gestalt therapeutic techniques belongs to the technique of "empty chair". "Empty Chair" is used for several purposes. Firstly, it hosts a significant person with whom the client carries out a dialogue, and this may even be a deceased person, such as a father who has not been said during his lifetime. Secondly, the "empty chair" can be used for the dialogue of different parts of the person. An experimental game associated with the dialogue of personality parts, the therapist suggests when the patient has opposite settings, fighting between themselves, generating intrapersonal conflict. Intrecy conflicts are often generated by the internal dialogue of "dogs from above" - \u200b\u200bdebt, the requirements of society, conscience, and "dogs below" - desires, emotions, spontaneity. The deployment of this dialogue is internship providing therapeutic effects.

The technique of "empty chair" is used both to integrate the "parts" of the personality and for dissociation with intractions. For example, a client L., a university teacher, reported that he was experiencing dual feelings in connection with his work: on the one hand, she likes to communicate with students, read lectures, on the other - work causes her tension and dissatisfaction. The therapist suggested L. to place on one chair that part of the person who loves his work, and on the other - the one that is painful. Replanting from one chair to another and identifies with different parts of his personality, the client led a dialogue from their behalf.

Customer (on the left chair, confidently, with shiny eyes). I love my job. I feel smart, erudite. I am pleased that I can interest people.

Client (on the right chair, referring to the opposite part). What is your erudite? What can you do? Say everyone knows how! Look at yourself! You do not work!

Therapist.Who says so in your real life?

Client (pause). Its my father (crying).He never believed in me.

To work with individual parts, the technique of a dialogue with parts of the body is used. For example, a man, telling about his family relationship, slapped himself with his knee palm. When the therapist suggested him to speak out on behalf of the hand, it turned out that the hand punishes him for the fact that he is not good enough and insufficiently strong. Speaking on behalf of the knee, according to which the palm beat, the client reported his desire to be open, carefree, cheerful, frivolous. Thus, the hand was a "dog from above," which he says what you need to be, and punishes for disobedience, and the knee is "dog from below", which is trying to smear, but to do what I want.

Another integrating technique is the technique of working with polarities. As mentioned above, there is an idea in gestalt therapy that in the personality simultaneously coexist the opposites, polarity. The client, complaining of insecurity, is invited to present his confident part of the individual, try to communicate with other people as a confident person, walk with a confident gait, hold an imaginary dialogue between his own confidence and uncertainty. A person who is difficult to ask for help from others is given a task to ask the attention of the group's participants, contact them with any, even ridiculous requests. Such experimentation allows you to expand the awareness zone from the client in such a way as to include in it a previously inaccessible personal potential.

The technique of committing circles is applied in group psychotherapy when a member of the group as an experimentation asks certain members of the group or the whole group to speak out about him. Another option is the member of the group in a circle itself expresses its own senses to the participants of the group. Receive from the work of Pearls, when he suggested a student who had a fear of performances before a large audience, go through the audience and see each person. After this procedure, anxiety decreased markedly. The technique of circles is especially effective when working with the projection mechanism.

Original gestalt-therapeutic technique of working with dreams, significantly different from such work in other psychotherapeutic directions. All elements of sleep are considered as part of the individual personality, with each of which it must be identified to assign its own projections or get rid of retroflex. It is important that, telling about your dream, the client spoke about what is happening in the present. For example, the client I. told about such a dream: "I am going along the path in the middle of the field. I have a good mood. After some time, I see that there is a dog on the path, which is tied to a peg died into the ground. She barks on me, shows fangs. I raise a stick from the ground and trying to drive it down, but she barks even stronger and does not miss me. I stop in confusion. " Speaking on behalf of the path, I. said: "I lead you to people, I lead you to merry and joy." On behalf of the dog: "I want to attract your attention. I want to check you on strength, you will be frightened or not. And I also want to eat and drink; Maybe you feed me? " On behalf of the stick: "I only seems to be so strong and heavy. In fact, I can break, the dog can easily blame me. " Further work has shown that soybeans were associated with the attitude of I. To women he was afraid and felt in uncertainty. Working with sleep allowed the client to understand the reason for the lack of a long relationship with women.

As already mentioned, techniques of other psychotherapeutic directions are used in Gestalt therapy, but this is done to achieve a specific goal - to gain the so-called body wisdom.

Material for pedsovetu


pedagogical technologies

for increase


education "

N.I. Shulzhenko

november 2014

The wisdom of the inhabitants of the desert says: "You can bring a camel on water, but you can not get it to get drunk." This proverb reflects the basic principle of training - you can create all the necessary conditions for learning, but the knowledge itself will happen only when the student wants to know. How to make the student want to know?

In my speech, I want to tell pedagogical technologies that help me improve the quality of education.

Every year, the computer is increasing in our life, and with him andinformation Technology. I believe that if the learning process is based on the use of information and communication technologies, this will allow: to organize the activities of students based on the search, the discovery of knowledge, the development of independence, which will lead to an improvement in the quality of studies.

Work on an interactive board.

The use of interactive technologies becomes the usual phenomenon in Russian education. Interactive equipment, such as interactive boards, creates a stable motivation of students to gain knowledge and help creatively solve learning tasks, thereby developing figurative thinking of students. With the help of an interactive boards, you can demonstrate presentations, create models, actively involve students in the process of mastering the material, increase the pace of work in the lesson. The electronic board helps children overcome fear and constraints in the lesson, easily involving them in the educational process. The class does not remain indifferent. At the expense of great clarity, the use of the board allows you to attract the attention of children to the learning process, increases motivation.

We have the opportunity to simulate your lesson along with students, to demonstrate the training material, make written comments on top of the image on the screen, record ideas of students and thus create together with students a general abstract with educational material. At the same time, written on an interactive board, can be saved, printed.

While working on interactive boards, the concentration of students' attention is improved, the training material is reduced faster, and as a result increases the performance of each of the students.

Presentation - This is a convenient and effective way to present information using computer programs. It combines the dynamics, sound, image, i.e. Those factors that hold the attention of the child for the most long time.

Scientists have proven that a person remembers 20% of the heard and 30% seen, and more than 50% of what he sees and hears at the same time. Consequently, facilitating the process of perception and memorizing information using bright images is the basis of any modern presentation.

In addition, the presentation gives me the opportunity to independently compound the training material, based on the features of my class, themes, subject, which allows you to build a lesson so as to achieve a maximum learning effect.

I use the presentation at all stages of the lesson, and I believe that they work efficiently enough.

In the lessons of the surrounding world, the guys are preparing reports, reports, presentations on the topics studied. Homework becomes creative. The own self-esteem increases, the activity of each student.

From students, we often hear the words "interesting" and "uninteresting." Therefore, in your lessons I often applygaming technologies. Students with pleasure "play" and mastering the material is easier.

Dynamically help to start the lesson the game techniques "smile to each other", "say hello to your elbows", « Still in your eyes. " Children, fulfilling the task, must touch, smile, call names as much as possible classmates. Such fun games allow fun to start a lesson, to warm up before more serious exercises, contributes to the establishment of contact between students within a few minutes.
I recently introduced a game of hot chair. For the first time, when using this reception, the children were very worried and even made an offer to go on a hot chair. The student is sitting on a hot chair, and the whole class asks him questions on a specific topic. The reception of the "hot chair" motivates students on the knowledge of the rules, algorithms, for a serious attitude towards educational activities.

You can complete the lesson by applying such gaming methods as "chamomile", "Wise Council", "Total circle". Children take off the daisy petals, multicolored sheets pass in a circle and respond to the main questions related to the lesson, recorded on the reverse side. These methods are helped effectively, competently and interestingly summarize the lesson. For the teacher, this stage is very important, because it allows you to find out that the guys have learned well, and what you need to pay attention to the next lesson. In addition, feedback from students allows the teacher to adjust the lesson for the future.

Also in your lessons I apply problem learning technologies. Especially they are relevant when studying a new material when children do not get ready-made knowledge, and they themselves form. This technique allows children to come to the topic of the lesson.

In lessons I introduce students to the problem, while they jointly find ways to solve it in affordable contradictions.

For example, when studying on the lessons of the surrounding world the theme "Natural zones", I propose problematic tasks and questions, during the solution of which children come to the necessary results. So, the starting position: "Plants of the tundra zone are distinguished by a large variety than the plants of the arctic desert zone," there is a logical question: "Why?", "What are the reasons for such a difference?".

Students pretty quickly master this kind of task, as the lessons are interested in, they have a need to analyze, argue, prove their point of view.

Output: To improve the quality of education follows: use a variety of techniques and technologies; Apply an information and communication approach in the learning process.

Learn children today is difficult

And before it was not easy.

"Gives cow milk."

Century xxi - century century

Age of innovation, novelty,

But the teacher depends

What children should be.:

I wish you that children in your class

Shone from smiles and love,

Health to you and creative success

In the age of innovation, novelty!

purpose: Development of the ability to listen to a partner and improve communication skills, reducing the communicative distance between participants in the training.

Necessary time: about 20 minutes.

Participants are divided into pairs and chatting with their partner for 10 minutes, trying to learn about it as much as possible. Then everyone prepares a brief representation of his interlocutor. The main task is to emphasize his individuality, dissimilar to others. After that, the participants take turns represent each other.

Break 5 minutes.

Exercise "Hot Chair"

Time: 1.5 hours

A chair put in the center of the circle, they invite someone from the participants of the training on it. Everyone will have to go there (optional). When the first volunteer will be found and takes place, the coach offers the rest of the group to express his impressions and opinions about this person, make a compliment, make gratitude, say about his positive or negative qualities or to say with whom or what this person is associated, etc.

Discussion: The first participant tells about how dares to be first? Everyone is divided: it was easy or hard to do it? How hard is it or easy to speak about a person?

Break 15 minutes

Exercise "Wall"

purpose: Combining a group in general activities.

Time spending 40 minutes.

Stages of the game. The rope is stretched among the room. The participants are offered instructions: "All of you are one big and friendly city, but they were notified that a terrible avalanche was coming from the mountains, which would not leave anyone. The only way to salvation is to move through a high wall. Everyone must survive. According to one, it is not allowed. "

The rope is stretched so that it is impossible to step over, to touch it is not allowed and moving "on the side" under it too. In the course of the game of active participants, the coach can make "wounded" to complicate the task and force or give others the opportunity to take the initiative.

Discussion of the game:

    What did you feel during the game?

    What was difficult?

Final exercise Exercise "Cow, Dogs, Cats" Time 10 minutes.

Leading. Please stand up a wide range. I approach each of you and in a whisper I will tell you the name of some animal. Remember it well, as then you will need to become this animal. Nobody will talk about what I have been involved.

In turn whisper the children in the ear: "You will be a cow", "You will be a dog", "You will be a cat."

Now close your eyes. Forget the human language for a while. A minute later I will ask you to "speak" the way "says" your animal. You need, without opening the eye, unite into groups with all those animals that "say" just like you. You can walk around the room and, having heard your animal, move towards him. Then, holding hands, you are going together and together Missing the sound of this animal to find other children, "speakers" in your language.

Ready? All closed eyes? Turn the ears and listen to the sounds published by the cow, dog and cat ... started!

Final Stage of Training, Reflection, Discussion.

- What is Bob?

- Skunno drove from the cucumber river at a sunny city?

- Dunno drove from the cucumber river to a sunny city at a speed of one gri.

- What is Nyush?

- How many beans are in one hour?

- Between the Vasilkov boulevard and the sunny city of 120 mikhov.

- What is Mih?

- 1 Bob \u003d 2 Lisam.

- Dunno drove from the Boulevard of Vasilkov to a sunny city at a speed of 0.8 gri.

- How many meshs in one kilometer?

- What is Liz?

- Between the flower city and the sunny city of 1500 Nyush.

- Bob is a time unit.

- One kilometer 10 Mikhov. (1 km \u003d 10 mih).

- From the cucumber river to the flower city, a distance of 500 Nures.

- Mich is a unit for measuring the distance.

- What is the distance between the flower city and the sunny city?

- Dunno always leads the car with a constant speed.

- One hour two bobs. (1 hour \u003d 2 Bob).

- Dunno drove the distance from the cucumber river to the sunny city during one fifth bob.

- 1 nose \u003d 10 mihams.

- What is the distance between the sunny city and the Vasilkov Boulevard?

- What is gri?

- What is the distance between the cucumber river and the flower city?

"Dunno drove from a flower town to a cucumber river at a speed of 25 Nyush / Liz.

- 1 grich \u003d 25 NUSH / Liz.

- Travel route Links - direct highway from the flower city through the Vasilkov Boulevard and the cucumber river to the sunny city.

The coach announces a team that she has to solve some kind of logical task for 40 minutes. The task is written on the board as a question:

"How much time did you take a jewelery from the flower city to the sunny city?"