
Floax care in autumn, preparation for winter. Autumn planting Floxes

Tracks and paving

Bright phloxes are very popular among dacms and experienced flowerflowers due to their unique beauty and unpretentiousness. But in order for elegant flowers to please the eye longer than one season, Floxam is needed special care Autumn I. proper preparation for winter.

Features of the care of floccals in the fall and preparation for winter - general advice and recommendations

So that the plant in the upcoming season pleased with lush flowering, he needs to devote some time and effort. What do you need Floxam in the fall for normal development?

Watering. If dry autumn was issued, the bushes need to regularly water: per quarter. m landing need to make 2 buckets of water. During irrigation, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. Watering Floxes needs to be produced in cloudy weather, in the evening or in the morning.
  2. In order to avoid infection with fungal diseases, there is only the soil around the flowers, leaving dry stems and leaves.
  3. On hot days, the plants are watered slightly warm water.

Moisture is very important for well-being of plants and successful wintering, so it is impossible to allow strong soil drying.

Podrel. In the last month of summer, the plant cease to feed fertilizers with a large nitrogen content. A similar growth stimulator is replaced with phosphate-potash feeding. Fertilizers are entered in the fall like this:

  • Floxes are abundantly watered - this will resume the water balance of the roots, and also prevents the rapid drainage of the soil.
  • A few days later, when the soil dries a little, the bushes spray with fungicides.
  • 2 weeks after treating from diseases under the plants, feeding is made, containing a large amount of phosphorus and potassium. To scare insects, a small amount is introduced under the bushes wood ash.

It is worth knowing! The early varieties of Floxes is better to feed nitrogen fertilizers, late-nitrogen-phosphorus. And in that, and in another case, nitrogen content in fertilizer should be minimal.

Swimming and weeping. Full care for lush flowers in the fall can not be carried out without timely loosening of the soil and removal of weeds. Please pay attention to loosen the soil is very careful, since the underground part of the plant is located close to the surface.

Mulching. Flox's roots are very poorly bundled and often peeling out of the soil, so they must be stolen before in winter, since a significant decrease in temperatures will lead to the frosting of the soil without snow cover and destroy the bush.

The mulch can use overwhelmed manure, peat, dry compost. Most flowerflower flower bushes horse manure: He highlights warm and nourishes perennial plants. The roasting soil is mulched immediately after making fertilizers. In order for the root system to feel comfortable even in the most severe frost, it is enough to pour 2/3 buckets of organic material.

Trimming. In order to prevent the disease and pests, the stalks of the plant are cut off, leaving the fuels with a height from 2 to 20 cm. Pruning is carried out after some time after the end of flowering: during this time, all valuables are directed from the stems to the roots.

Shelter. In the conditions of changeable winter, most plants in the garden need to be insulated before the winter. Shortly before the onset of frosts of planting phlox she is covered with a layer of mulch with a thickness of 8-12 cm. The organic material will not only protect underground kidneys and rhizome from freezing, but also serve as a valuable fertilizer.

Video: Flox preparation for winter

Trimming phloxes in autumn

Removal of a stem is a very important stage in autumnal care for most plants in the garden, including flowers. Is it appropriate to trim the phlox in the fall, and how to do it to not harm them?

Why crop phloxes

Cropped phlox, as a rule, pursuing the following objectives:

  • Removal of the above-ground part of the colors is an excellent prevention of fungal diseases.
  • Together with stems are destroyed by pests accumulated on Zelenk.
  • The mulch layer will not give me to freeze the roots that grow up and often take off.
  • Effective landings are less problematic to spray and mulch, rather than landing with a holistic upper part.
  • After flowering, all nutrients go to the root and there remain, which allows the plant to be safely overwhelmed.
  • Trimming stem prevents the formation of weak stems.

When it is better to crop phlox - in autumn or spring

According to experienced flowerflowers, cutting the stalks of phloxes is needed in the fall before the onset of cold. Properly performed garden manipulation will prevent the development of diseases and the insect attack, and will also make the plant more healthy.

If the bushes grow in the northern or southern part of the country, the stalks are recommended to trim in early spring : The ground part will delay the snow that will warm the roots and fill them with moisture.

Timing the trimming of phlox in the fall

The best time for having elegant colors is chosen based on the grown varieties: early bushes will be coated in September, Late - in October. Please note that the manipulation needs to be started only after the bush completely flies, and the nutrients from the green part will come down to the roots. Finish the autumn trimming is needed before the establishment of permanent frosts.

Video: When to crop phlox in the fall for winter

How to trim the phlox in the fall - instruction and scheme

There are several schemes for cutting phloxes:

  1. The ground part of the plant is cut off at an altitude of 1-2 cm from the ground. After complete removal of the stems disappears the risk of infection with diseases, the pathogens of which were collected on the ground-based part throughout the season. For the same reason, the plant is less susceptible to the attack of insects.
  2. Stems cut off, leaving 8-10 cm hemp. Due to the use of such a method from the remaining kidneys, young shoots are developing. However, in practice, they often develop poorly and bloom much worse than those that grow from the root.
  3. After trimming, they leave heights with a height of 10-20 cm. Despite the fact that such a scheme is most popular among the gardeners, it has several flaws: insects and pathogens of disease remain on the remaining ground part, the plant is quite difficult to spray and mulch.

According to the last scheme, it is best to crop flocks growing in the north and south: hemps are well delayed over the roots of snow and protect them from the cold, fill moisture.

Based on the above characteristics, the most justified the use of the first and third scheme.

Video: how to crop phlox in the fall

Care after trimming phlox in the fall, their feeding

In order for autumn trimming to be a sense for floccams, it is necessary to correctly care after manipulation. The sequence of actions should be as follows:

  1. On the plot, the organic garbage is crushed and burned away from cultural landing.
  2. To prevent the development of diseases of the soil around plants spray with fungicides.
  3. Before making feeding, the plant is abundantly watered.
  4. Under the flower bush brought 1 tbsp. l. Superphosphate mixed with a small amount of ash.

Shelter Floxes for the Winter

Floxes - relatively frost-resistant culture, which can winter without shelter, grown in a soft continental climate. But even during warm winter There are short strong cooling, capable of destroying the kidneys and roots of the plant: the fatal temperature for the above-ground part -15 C, underground -20 C.

Not only strong frosts are dangerous for perennials, but also long-lasting thaw: the plant reacts to heat and quickly dissolve the kidneys, which are perfectedly freeze after the resumption of minus temperatures.

Do I need to cover phlox for the winter

In order to protect the kidneys from possible frosts and prevent them from dissolving during a short-term warming, landing must be reinforced. They especially need to mulch phlox that do not have good farming, as well as recently planted plants that have not had time to grasp.

How to protect the phlox for the winter

To cover the phlox before the winter is very simple: the flowers prepared for winter fall asleep 10 cm layer peat, compost or humus. In order to insulate one plant, it is necessary to scatter around the perimeter of the root system approximately one bucket of the mulching material. In order for the snow longer over a bush, the mulch is pretending with fir branches, a large van.

Important! It is impossible to cover the phlox with airproof materials (film, rubberoid, linoleum). A long lack of air and moisture will entail the development of rot.

The shelter must be removed in the early spring, as soon as the risk of strong frosts will disappear.

What features of the preparation of the plant for winter in different regions

The severity of the shelter before the winter depends on the weather conditions of the cultivation region. An individual approach will help plants to safely live until spring, even in the conditions of the Far North.

In the middle lane

Since the Moscow region does not differ in an extremely harsh climate, for successful wintering, phlox is cut up to a height of 2-5 cm, and then sleep the ground over the roots of the reworked manure.

In the Volga region

In this region, preparation is carried out according to the same scheme, only the height of the hemp increases to 8-10 cm, and the tops or branches are stacked on top of the mulch.

In the Urals

Floxes are covered as well as in the Volga region. And throughout the winter on the bush additionally pounce.

In Siberia

In the northern region, Floxes are not cut off, the mulch is poured over on top of them and firing a spruce husk, corn and sunflower. Some flowerflowers for funny confidence in the well-based outcome of wintering digged bushes and put them in containers that are lowered to the basement.

Video: Preparing Floxes for Winter - Digging

Typical Floxes Care Errors in the fall and when preparing for Winter

Below are the most common mistakes, familiarizing yourself with whom, you can prevent obviously incorrect actions, adversely affecting plants:

  • Floxes are fed by nitrogen fertilizers. A large dose of nitrogen stimulates the plant to form the shoots, as a result of which the bushes lose nutrients and are strongly weakened.
  • Understanding shelter for the winter. No need to warm the phlox if it is still possible warming. The shelter of the bushes should be carried out before the onset of frosts.
  • Planting perennials is covered with dense materials. The lack of air and moisture entails the development of rot, which quickly destroys plants.

Proper autumnal care is the key to successful wintering and amazing beauty of phloxes in the coming season. Elegant lush flowers will gratefully perceive care and become the main attraction of the garden.

In contact with

Perennial beautiful-flowing plants need competent annual care. Only with proper cultivation technology, the decorative culture will retain the magnification and the abundance of flowering for many years.

Floxes need competent annual care

To grow phloxes, it is desirable to allocate areas represented by sufficiently loose and fertile soils. Also very good result Sugilistic soils have a neutral level of acidity. In the presence of clay soil or heavy black beds, it is very important to produce basic agrotechnical measures, which will bring the quality characteristics of the soil to the required parameters.

In the autumn period, quite large deteenwhich are more quickly rooted, and can easily carry winter cold. Also in the fall is allowed to plant on a permanent place of the plant, obtained from germinated and rooted spring cuttings. A guarantee of survival is the right spring shilling, which allows you to grow a healthy and powerful decorative bush.

Gallery: Floxes (25 photos)

How to transplant phlox in the fall (video)

The deteen prepared for landing should have two or more sufficiently thick stems, which are trimmed at an altitude of a quarter meter. A high-quality planting material has fully formed major renewal kidneys that are located at the base. Special attention should be paid to the degree of flawberrycovering the stem part of the decorative culture.

Root system Before boarding, it is also pre-crushed to a length of 12-15 cm. If container plants are planted, the planting is performed along with an earthen room, and the ending bloom is cut off. For planning, it is pre-prepared to prepare a plot, reapproaching it and removing all weed vegetation. Landing is performed in advance prepared and spilled water landing pit In which there are pre-falling asleep a little sifted wood ash and humus, as well as about one tablespoon of phosphoric fertilizers.

The root system of phloxes before planting is pre-crushed to a length of 12-15 cm

When and how to transplant phlox fall in the fall

Garden phlox periodically need to be rejuvenable. Floxal transplant is the optimal option that allows adults and strongly broken bushes to be very easy and quickly. For autumn landing, large decens are most suitable, which are easier roaming and tolerates the winter well.

Also during this period, planted on a permanent place of the bushes, which grew up in spring stallion. When choosing bushes for resetting, vegetable material must have several thick stems, dense skin on shoots, large renewal kidneys and well-developed root system.

The preparation of early and medium-flower varieties of Flox to the transplant process should be started approximately in the last decade of summer, when the renewal kidney is already fully formed, which allows decorative culture to be easily trained before the onset of strong winter frosts. The transplant is performed similarly to plant seedlings of Flox. Important to rememberThat in order to prevent freezing, all work on the transplant must be completed even until mid-October. It is required to take into account that a strong blowing of the rhizomes will move the flowering period, and with a late transplantation, decorative culture occurs.

Floxal transplantation in autumn - the optimal option that allows adults very easily and quickly and rapidly

Floosal care features in autumn

To prevent the death of a beautiful-flowing garden culture in winter frosts, flowerflowers should strictly adhere to the rules of the plant care in the autumn period and to prepare for winter, including soil fertilizer, waterproof watering, trimming and shelter, as well as preventive measures.

Autumn feeding Floxes

To get a magnificent and long blossom, Fertilizing decorative garden crops must be sure to not only in spring and summer, but also in the autumn period. The latter, the so-called premisive feed of Flox, depending on the soil and climatic conditions in the cultivation region, is produced in the last days of August or at the very beginning of September. For liquid feeding in a bucket of water, you need to dissolve 30 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium sulphate. Dry feeding consisting of half a bucket of peat crumb or compost and 30 g of phosphorus-potash mixture or 30 g of fertilizer "Autumn" can be scattered under the plant.

Often, the focus focus is made by ordinary wood ash

Often, the feeding is made by ordinary wood ash, from the calculation of 40 g per bucket of water room temperature. As a rule, experienced flowerflowers, falling under the flower bushes with a small layer of humus. Important to remember, That excess feeding can provoke a weakening of the plant before the winter onset, and as a result, decorative culture will die during strong frosts. Among other things, the excessive introduction of mineral fertilizers or manure often becomes the reason that the plant "wings", increasing the abundant green mass, and does not bloom at all.

How to crop phlox (video)

Watering mode

Garden phlox refer to the category of very moisture decorative culturesBut strong overvolating can cause the dropping and even the death of Flox. The most comfortable for the plant is a way drip irrigation which minimizes the risk of damage to the culture of powdery dew. It is especially important to perform irrigation events in hot and dry days.

Trimming phloxes in autumn

To make it easier to overlook, it is required to trim the above-ground part of the empty Flox. Most often flowers in the process of such trimming leave heights height in 15cmBut experienced gardeners are recommended to carry out extremely short trimming, roughly twisted with the surface of the soil.

Only with very short trimming, winter pests and fungal infections are not able to damage the culture, and besides other, in this case, the need to process with the prophylactic target of the above-ground part with strong chemical preparations is strongly reduced. Also pruning makes it easier to perform mulching and further care allows you to grow compact bush next spring. Properly cropped plant accumulates a sufficient amount of nutrients inside the root system, and next season the culture will bloom.

To make it easier to overlook, it is required to trim the above-ground part of the outdoor phlox

Preparation of phloxes for winter by shelter

On the winter Small flowers digged bushes and placed in basements, after the plants are packed in buckets or cardboard and wooden boxes. Such a process is quite laborious and, as a rule, it does not justify itself, therefore it is advisable to simply fall asleep the cropped floral bushes with a mixture, based on garden soil with dry humid.

Better time To fulfill such an event, it is customary to be October, when the soil is not yet too much freez. In this case, in the spring it will be necessary to simply carefully remove the warming embankment with the above-ground part of the plant. Also very well established overwhelmed wood sawdust, a variety of bulk organic materials and peat crumbs, which are able to raise the temperature in the root zone and effectively prevent cultures from freezing in winter.

Agrotechnology of growing phloxes


I was punished as one flower model said that he did not understand what could be told about the lectures on the agrotechnology of Floxes. "Everything is so simple and understandable!" Sometime I thought the same way. But, acquiring many years of cultivation experience, I can talk about the peculiarities of the Agrotechnology of Floxes infinitely a lot. And I understand well that over time I find out even more about this wonderful plant.

It is very often possible to hear that the blurred phloxes are easy to care and do not require any particular cultivation conditions and this is one of the most unpretentious garden crops. Phlox is one of the first to enter the plants of the so-called "output flower bed" - i.e. low-cost. To a greater extent, this opinion is true. Floxes are distinguished by increased endurance, excellent adaptability to the change in the conditions of cultivation, winter hardiness and frost resistance, longevity and high degree of growth and reproduction both vegetative and seed. However, more experienced floccols believe that some phloxes are much capricious ("Dragon", "Flame" (Popova), "My Love is My Otild", "Surus", "Ural Skazy", "Sirius", "Loves Gaganova", "Slavyanka ", etc.) than, for example, old varieties tested by time or so-called park-landscape phloxes. Having sufficient personal experience (more than 17 years of collecting Floxes) I can say that this opinion is partly true. In almost any garden culture, it is customary to approach individually to the requirements. various varietiesThis is why the experience and tips of collectors are so appreciated, through the hands of which many cultivars have passed. Floxes are also no exception to this rule.

Most of the domestic varieties and seedlings appeared in the gardens of amateurs, for whom the most important criterion for estimating phlox is the uniqueness of the color of the flower and its size, and not resistance to diseases, to weather conditions and unpretentiousness in cultivation and content. One of the main tasks of modern breeding is to ensure that Russian phloxes are not only exceptionally beautiful, but differed by increased endurance, which would minimize complex agrotechnical techniques, such as a mandatory gate to supports, processing against disease and pests, the frequency of additional polishes and Even a decrease in organic and mineral feeding.

But this approach will require much more complex selection than just the selection of similar and non-brighter seedlings. Capricious, but unique in color and shape seedlings of amateur selection will appear, and spread and hardly be able to avoid it. It is about such a practice that all world selection says. Often it happens that there are unusual and unique in color, shape and size, but naughty-natives in the care and content of garden plants and only over time breeders "finalize" varieties and produce more reliable and unpretentious cultivars based on varieties- "Pioneers " Therefore, those floccoxods who put the goal of collecting a collection of beautiful, rare, exceptional, but capricious phloxes need to carefully examine all the subtleties of agricultural equipment, in order to bring the collection not only the joy of possessing outstanding varieties, but also delivered true pleasure from contemplation of the beautiful. In addition, competent care will fully explore the potential and its new seedlings, competently prepare them for exhibitions so that they will show their varietal advantages in all its glory. After all, inspection on endurance in conditions with maximum comfort (rich garden soils, regular watering, etc.) is no less important than testing conditions with minimal departure. Some phloxes begin to be capricious in a well-kept flower garden, although in the "Spartan" conditions feel much better and thrive there for many years, without requiring no attention to themselves.

Flowers acquire varietal phloxes in various places - in nurseries, garden centers, private traders. Most the best way Get a strong and healthy plant is the purchase of a young seedling with a closed root system (in a pot) in a growing and even blooming condition in the season of active vegetation of gardening plants of open soil.

The so-called "Winter and early-Spring acquisitions" of the planting material (rhizomes of phloxes or essential delinks in ZKS) often become a problem for beginners, as they require overexposure or in the refrigerator at temperatures from 0 to -1 degrees, or in greenhouses with the conditions " cold start, "i.e. When the night and daily air temperature is different. IN room conditions with the same warm Temperature Day and night, with a short light day, it is rarely possible to keep the planting material alive and healthy before disembarking into an open ground. Especially since such plants are in the future hard and adapt to the garden for a long time. Therefore, if you do not have experience, time and desire to do a cotton winter-spring overexposure, then buy new phloxes in the season - spring, summer, autumn, when the plants of the open soil are located in the period of vegetation and phlox you can immediately after buying it in an open ground .

If you order Floxes by mail, make a reservation with the supplier the time of plants at the moment when phlox are in adequate state for favorable landing In your garden and shipment in the mailbox. The best time for sending Floxes by mail is the moment when the seedlings will have a good kidney to resume the future season, i.e. - The end of summer - autumn (from August 15 and early November)

Delinka Flox with a well-rided renewal kidney:

It should be noted that the phlox of the late period of flowering is better to receive later, because They have a renewal kidney can ripen not earlier than the middle of the autumn. ("Evening Song", "Vladimir", "Hochgesang", "Miss Holland", etc.). For rhizomes without ground-based part, which are in sleeping condition, there is no significant importance to the lateral dates into open ground, so the flowers of the northern regions do not hurry the merchants to send rhizomes with non-invalid kidney renewal from concerns that phlox will not have time to take care and disintegrate in their terrain . Spring shipment of phloxes by mail is not the best option, as Floxes are already in a state of active growth and can simply be rotated within a few days while in the parcel box. The exception to this rule is to send in spring rhizomes, which are still in sleeping condition, but unfortunately, phlox are very early to go to the growth and timing of such postage shipments are very short - not more than 10-14 days. Delay with sending parcel in just 3-4 days may fail. In the fall, such shipments increase to 3 months.

As a rule, the newly acquired varietal phloxes of our domestic selection are two ways of vegetative reproduction: Delinka from adult bushes or young seedlings obtained by drawing. The microclonal method of reproduction, widespread abroad, we have not yet mastered and is rarely applied and in exceptional cases. However, this method is simply progressive, but he has a number of significant flaws. For example, not all varieties can with 100% guarantee to transmit their unique signs during microclonal reproduction, and this question still requires refinement. And if you want to be guaranteed to get a clean seating material, then the best option is the acquisition of young phloxes obtained by the drawing method, which is practiced for a long time and even in the book of P.Gaganov, it is said that the 1- Two summer stem cuttings. Ideally, this should be a plant of the second year of the development of a cutlery, having moved wintering.

Young Phlox of the second year of development reproduced by the method of summer shuttless:

Delinki from adult bushes are also standard planting material, but provided that the bush is not weakened by various diseases that it acquires during his life.

Photo of adult bushes of summer division and deerinka Floxes:

PHOTO of Delinka in one branch with dry last year's escape, which is desirable to remove, otherwise, when it is reinforced by a young plant, problems associated with mushroom diseases may appear. If the old Penos is not possible, then the root system needs to be treated with a fungicide to rinse the planting material from rot. For example, "Maxim", "Vitaros", etc. Preparations:

Unfortunately, completely healthy Flox's bushes in large and old collections are found not as often as I would like. Sometimes unscrupulous merchants begin to share Flox only at the moment when plants begin to grow old and worse than blingerling because of any diseases, including a hidden nature. In young seedlings, there are practically no such problem with such problems, on the contrary, they possess an updated strong immune system and are able to live longer in the same place, actively developing and resisting various diseases, including viral. That is why experienced floccases prefer to update varietal phloxes by drawing up, and not dividing old bushes. Even there is such an expression from collectors with experience - "Translate Phlox to new roots", since most often different problems of the plant accumulate precisely in the rhizome.

In this regard, I want to say a few words about the common opinion in the narrow circles of the "masty" floccoxods that phloxes reproduced by the method of drawing, do not always transmit varietal signs if the time is unsuccessful or not the part of the escape to reproduction or the age of Flox less than 3 years. Such ignorant statements simply can not be taken seriously to any person having an education and capable of superficially studying biology and botany. For myself unequivocally made such a logical conclusion. Rumors spread those merchants to whom it is elementary too lazy to reproduce the phlox by the method of drawing up, it is labor cost and takes time. It's easy to divide old bushes for sale and dissolve ridiculous rumors, trying to remove more advanced competitors from the market.

If you do not have a choice and you want to buy Delinki from adult bushes of phlox, pay attention to the state of not only flowers, leaves and roots, but also on the quality of the stems in their lower parts. If there are signs of the phomose, it is better to give up the purchase. This disease is difficult to treat and as a rule, such plants are infected not only with mushroom infection, but also nematodes, from which to get rid of even harder.

Photos of Flox's shoots with signs of infection by phomose:

Fomosis should not be confused with such a physiological phenomenon as cracking stems, which is an unpleasant varietal feature of some varieties. Fortunately, such varieties are very small. Several photographs of cracking stems for comparison:

So, in order to grow the most decorative and luxurious bushes of phloxes, it is necessary to make a lot of effort to comply with the correct and competent agricultural engineering. However, a healthy look, lush flowering and longevity of any garden plant depends on the set of factors that may vary on the specific conditions of this or that garden. Just examining the features of the microclimate of your site, you can understand what needs to be done in order for the phlox to feel as comfortable in this place.

Let's start with planting plants. The basis of the well-being of Flox for several years of cultivation depends on where, as in which soil, it is planted. Varietary flusted phlox differ significantly in appearance from their wild relatives, but they remain the same in conditions of successful and healthy wrapping. Dorticoros from North America moisture and usually grow in raw places, in the floodplains of rivers on wet meadows among shrubs and megolesia, on wet glades rich in humus and a humus fault. The same needs and varietal phloxes. They love regular abundant watering under the root, sunny or with easy shading the landing site in a rich organic soil. Be sure to take into account this when choosing a place of planting phloxes or create such conditions with artificial way.

Floxes belong to garden plants with intensive growth and development. As a rule, for 4-5 years of growing soil under adult bush is strongly depleted. Therefore, the landing place must be carefully prepared so that the plant felt comfortable for several years. And one more a lot important moment In the choice of landing site. It is not worth putting the phlox to where they grew a few years. Many soil science professionals argue that the need for certain useful substances from each garden culture is individual and the plant maximizes them during the life, dining the soil at the landing site. In addition, very often the land in such a place has time to accumulate a complex of fungal, bacterial and even virus diseases characteristic only for a particular culture. The practice of experienced flower flows confirms this theory. Often you can hear stories about how in the first few years Floxes were distinguished by increased decorativeness and health on fresh soils even without making additional organic and mineral fertilizers. But the re-landing of phloals for the same place was unsuccessful, the phlox grew and developed problematic, more often were amazed by various diseases and worse. For this reason, in the garden, it is necessary to constantly carry out the alternation and change of various crops on the principle of "crop rotation".

Where and on what soils are best growing and the phlox develops a lot written in specialized literature. I will not talk in detail about it, I will only say that any Echultured Garden Soils are suitable for successful cultivation Miscellaneous Floxes. Moreover, over the years and experience, an understanding comes, where and in what place your garden Floxes will feel better. Surprisingly, but the same grade in various places of landing in one garden can change greatly in appearance and only the flower deceased itself decides, where it is one or another variety looks as decorative and not always such a good landing site can be calculated only by theoritic way.

For beginners, I will say that choosing a flower garden for phlox - orient to be convenient for regular polishes - phlox moisture culture. And increased humidity The air is no less important than the moisture of the soil. However, this does not mean that phlox needs to be placed in places with constantly crude and wet soil. Usually, best places With a certain wet microclimate, but without water stagnation, there are in a lung openwork shading from high trees and shrubs. This is especially important for varieties with flowers prone to burnout ("I.S.Bakh", "Fire Bird", "Moscow Fairy Tale", "Isabel" and I.P.). On the open places Floxes grow well and develop only under the condition of compulsory watering into hot and dry weather. Unlike many garden crops, Flox grow perfectly on soils with close grounding of groundwater, but it should be avoided those places where there are teste and rainwater.

Floxes perfectly get along with many plants in the garden, inferior only in competition with trees and shrubs with a powerful surface root system, such as birch, spruce, fired, lilacs, clematis, etc. In any case, if you notice that Phlox develops, not so actively, as it should be trying to find a new landing site. Moreover, do not transplant the entire bush to a new place, and plant only a young squad from him or a stupid sapling. Adult bushes are not able to adapt to the change in the conditions of cultivation in due expensive and can significantly worsen their state and even die. For example, wintering transplanted 3-4-year-old bushes are worse than young. Therefore, try to rejuvenate phlox more often, young plants are more plastic and adapt to new conditions faster. This rule concerns not only capricious varieties.

Caring for young, adults and old flusses are different and requires an individual approach.. Often this important point is not negotiated in general conditions. But, nevertheless, the young healthy plant of the first year is just enough competent landing And regular irrigation during the first season, any feeding and mulching are excluded. It is especially important to know the beginners who "sin" excessive care and can literally to death to dig up young landings to the fertilizers. It is necessary to understand well that any fertilizer needs only when the plant shows active growth and development. It is under such conditions "Flox adequately reacts to feeding and its appearance It becomes only better. If the seedlock did not have time to root well and independently go to active growth in a new place should not "trim" it artificially, the use of fertilizers at the time of adaptation to new conditions can lead to negative consequences And even to death.

Typical errors and errors that often make inexperienced floccols when they face learning new things chemicals for garden. The modern market offers many funds for artificial stimulation of growth and plant development. Such preparations like epin, zircon, riban, HB-101, Agat-25, Energy, athlete, etc. Of course, help plants, but only provided that the plant is great and he needs an incentive for more active development. Moreover, it is necessary to create conditions for the further successful growth of the plant treated with stimulants, and not to discharge it to "hungry death with an increased appetite". And no matter how much you have processed your phlox newest drugs On the poor and depleted soils, there will be no sense from them. Given your personal experience, I will say that you can easily do without any artificial stimulants, only observing competent agricultural engineering. Remember that healthy soil with a large content of organic, mineral fertilizers and trace elements is not able to replace any super power or biostimulator. Unfortunately, often beginners are mistaken on this score and do not understand some of the subtleties and nuances of the problem, the picing plants of the "magical" means, which are so tempting promise super-results from their use. For example, patients of plants do not always adequately react to energy processing. Often the reaction is negative, and therefore be sure to consider the fact that the patient plant first needs to be cured and only then it can be stimulated to active development.

Separately, I want to say about application of organic and mineral fertilizers. Often inexperienced flower trees are trying to achieve lush flowering, Actively applying only mineral fertilizers, and make a serious mistake. On the poor, depleted soils for the successful growth and development of phloxes, it is impossible to do only with mineral fertilizers, whatever good quality they were. And if they apply also in elevated doses, it only leads to negative results. For a successful prosperity of flocks of one "mineral water", it is not enough, it must be applied in a complex with an organic. Organic fertilizers have a multilateral agronomic effect on the soil properties. With systematic making of the organic, the physicochemical properties of the soil, its water and air regimes are improved, the vital activity of useful microorganisms is activated, without which healthy plants cannot be raised. Moreover, the use of organic allows mineral fertilizers in large doses and get high results. Constantly use to enrich the soil in the garden well-overwhelmed dung, caused by a compost, a black low-acid neutral peat with a neutral or weakly acid reaction, bird litter, leaf and seed (green) humus and the like. Organic fertilizers.

Landing a young phlox with a zka can be carried out almost at any time of the season. Floxes with an open root system is better spent in spring, at the end of summer or in the fall. In the flower bed with a long time and constantly treated soils, it is enough to dig up the landing well slightly larger size of the root system of a young seedling and add mineral fertilizer, organic and ash there. On fresh and depleted soils need to be held preparatory work With a complete removal of weeds, perplex and the addition of organic and mineral fertilizers around the perimeter of the flower bed. Norms and doses of fertilizers are calculated individually for each site and depend on the soil composition. Do not forget about the general rule in flower growing: heavy clay soils need to be additionally enriched with tearing materials, and clay add to light sandy. The ideal soil acidity for phlox-neutral or weakly acidic (pH - 5,5-7). It is believed that the flushed phloxes grow and develop worse.

If the phlox is planted with rows, then the standard distance from one bush to another is 40-50cm.

An example of the planning of the amateur flower garden under the planting of phloxes with a wooden peg and designation of the landing site:

Flox's planting pit is prepared as follows.: dig a hole with a depth of 25-30CM and a diameter of a young seedlings in excess of the root coma. Alas (2-3 tablespoons with a slide) are added to the hole, complex mineral fertilizer depending on the season (for example, in the spring - "Kemira-Universal. Spring", in the summer - "Kemira-Universal. Summer", in the fall - "Kemira-Universal . Autumn ") in doses recommended on the package and organic fertilizer in solid form and well decomposed condition:

The proportion of the organic should be from a quarter to half of the composition of the soil depending on the state of the soil and the quality of the organics itself. Mineral fertilizer, ash, organic and part of the soil removed from the wells are thoroughly mixed. It is more convenient to do this in the landing point-hole. Then, the soil revealed from the holes again, inside it makes a small holmik from the same soil and place a sapling, which is tied to the support after the "fitting". The root neck is plugged by 4-6 cm - so that the kidney of the resumption, the above on the stems necessarily underground at a depth of at least 3 cm. The polished root sisite is neatly falling asleep by soil, tightly tamper, so that there is a shallow well around the seedling. They watered abundantly immediately and if there is dry weather, then in the next 3-4 days daily, depending on the well-being of a seedling.

Stages of planting a young seedling of Flox:

If the seedling is obtained with washes, roots or a strongly damaged root systemIt should be planted onto a sandy "pillow" inside the wells, since its root system is in a certain stressful situation and sand in this case will help a softer adaptation to new levels of level. Rhizomes of phlox without ground part, obtained late autumn can be kept in a touch until spring.

Starting from the second year of life, in a new place, young phlox begin to feed and mulk annually. Doses of delivered fertilizers depend on the growth rate and development of phlox. What they are more intense, the longest doses are required for well-being, health and full blooming plants. There are various ways to feed Floxes. After many years of experiments for their phlox, I chose the following method. Adult bushes in the late autumn after trimming the stems abundantly murdered well-broken manure or compost, which is scattered by a complex mineral fertilizer for gardening flowers and ash. In the spring, as soon as young shoots will grow to a height of 10-15 cm. I spend extra-corner subordinate Urea - 20g by 10l water. Before flowering at the moment when the first buds begin to appear on the shoots, again, the soil under the bush organic, which is scattered as the aspect and full mineral fertilizer for flowers, for example, "Kemira-Universal. Floral. " During the flowering period, Flox does not feed, but only abundantly watering under the root. At the end of flowering, I water the phlox with a solution of superphosphate and ash (20 g double superphosphate and a glass of ash for 10 liters. water).

Autumn trimming of floccox bushes - important agrotechnical receptionwhich will avoid some problems associated with disease and departure. Often, lovers leave the hemp of old stems with a height of 10-20 cm, and it does not cut down the old shoots of Floxes in the fall, believing that the "tops" contribute to the detention of snow and Flox for this reason will not be extincting in a honest winter. I cut the phlox very briefly - almost thieves from the earth.

I will explain why I briefly cut the shoots of Floxes:

Firstly, During last year's shoots, the maximum number of ridge of mushroom diseases accumulates, insect pests between dry escapes. It was at an altitude of 10-20 cm that all these "bias" are more convenient to winter, not extincting is the minimum level of snow in the usual winter.
Secondly, The remaining shoots are bothering autumn processing Fungicides S. preventive targets And the mulching of the organica, which phlox of summer-autumn blossoms love. In natural conditions of natural organic autumn mulch, the leaves and tops of the phlox themselves and neighboring plants themselves are served. In the garden, the varietal phloxam-non-fitness needs a more thorough care and a respectable look so that they show themselves in all its glory and please us with their healthy view at any time of the season.

Autumn mulching is also needed to floccam for more successful wintering and "satisfying" start in spring. Normal physiological phenomenon for sparse flusted phloxes - the rise of the root upwards, at which not only roots are taken, but also the renewal kidney. And to protect them from freezing, it is not enough to leave hemp shoots in order to delay snow. Bright example. In the Sunday Frosty Winter 2002-2003, no phlox did not die in my collection! Whereas many Floxodes who did not cut low Floxes and who did not blame them in the fall, complained that they lost part of the collection of varietal phloxes. In that year, I as usually briefly cut phloxes and inspired them with a thick layer of well-overwhelmed manure and peat.
Thirdly, Aesthetic aspect. It is much more pleasant to watch the awakening of the young shoots of Floxes, who are not disturbed by last year's dry "crutches-coolers", which breaking, can damage fragile spring shoots.
Photo of phloxes early spring, which were cropped in the fall and inspired:

And even supplement. Sometimes flowerflowers do not cut shortly phloxes reflecting that in the lower part of the shoots at an altitude of 2-4cm, the kidney of the resumption is formed, which can be overreed under successful weather conditions. According to my observations, I will say that from these shoots, as a rule, develop weaker or "Blind" shoots And their bloom is less abundant than those who were under the ground in the soil. In addition, they can interfere with the development of stronger shoots, which will also affect the abystibility of the flowering bush in general. It makes sense to leave such renewal kidney in the event that large quantities Sensitive planting material.

"Blind" shoots in a bush of phloxes:

Varietary flushed phloxes are traditionally grown, tapping to supports. Exceptions are gardens and flower beds in the style of "Natur-Garden", where such plants are necessarily selected in the companions to Floxam, which in dense landing will be supported by each other, otherwise, with strong winds and abundant rains, phlox will fall, breaking shoots and inflorescences. Mass homogeneous plantings from phlox also contribute to the fact that Floxes serve as a support of each other.

With strong wind and abundant shower, Flox will fall, breaking shoots and inflorescences if they are not tied up:

Floxes in front flower beds require more careful care And so that the inflorescences are more powerful, the bush itself is stronger and its overall decorativeness increased, at the time of the tying of the first buds, the bush is thinning from weak, blind and uneven shoots. The lower leaves are also removed, since by this moment they lose their decorativeness - a new foliage that grown above lights up light and they begin to dying naturally. In addition, the old leaves will interfere with a better watering of the root and mushroom diseases appear on them first.

Supporting with a complete complex fertilizer, ash and mulching by an organica before flowering is the best stimulus for abundant flowering. Mineral fertilizer and ashes scatter under the base of the bush and at its perimeter:

The bush is abundantly watered, but so that the mulch is not cleaned with a strong stream of water.

Add. Dates of the autumn trimming of Floxes in the Moscow region - after October 15. You can and a little earlier, but this period is optimal. The autumn mulching of the circumcised bushes of phlox needs to be carried out only after October 15, not earlier! You can even later - on the murdered soil, but it is not entirely convenient, and it is unpleasant to mess with an organic to the cold. Earlier mulching (until October 15) can provoke the growth of sleeping kidneys. However, this is not fatal for phlox, but the plant will definitely be slightly weaker from the fact that awakened shoots will go into growth and then their tops will join.

Photo and text provided for accommodation N.Constantinova

For winter, phlox requires mulching. If winter is snowy, the plants will not be freezed, but if the snow is not enough, they will die. Among other things, every year the root system of phlox becomes greater, it means that it will have to be protected from freezing.

In the fall, actively produce and trim the phlox directly at the surface of the Earth. Cut stems burn or remove away from the plant. Under the winter, plants from pests and disease are also carried out.

Transfer in the autumn period: when and how to spend

Transplanted phlox not only in spring, but also in the fall. In front of the winter, the transplantation of plants of early and medium flowering time is maintained. The optimal period for the work is considered to be the beginning of September, when the renewal kidney is already formed on Flox. The end of the work should come for a term no later than the beginning of October.

So that the plants are well rooted in a new place, the peat mulching is carried out. Another point is to take into account - the best rooting is celebrated from those flowers whose leaves are still preserved.

Terms and rules for carrying out

All phlox regardless of the variety, despite the frost resistance, should be trimmed for the winter. If you do not implement this process, plants may die. The conservation of the end of flowering is carried out.

Why do you need trimming in the autumn period

The trimming of phloals in the fall is carried out for a number of reasons:

  • in order to avoid infection in spring plants with fungi or pests;
  • to conveniently carry out the processing of fungicides and mulching;
  • to obtain a tidy plant in spring;
  • for accumulation in the root system of nutrients;
  • to prevent freezing;
  • to prevent the occurrence of weak shoots.

When to trigger

Basic rules trimming

The cropping process turns on the pruning itself, making feeding and mulching.

Crop phlox can be two methods:

  • leaving about 5 centimeters of the stem above the ground level, so that he subsequently delayed the snow;
  • in terms of soil, to prevent Flox infection with infections.

After the work, the base of the stem is treated with fungicides. All cut parts of the plant must be burned so that phlox does not picker infection.

How to hold feeding

In making feeding there is nothing complicated. When the soil has already started to moderate, minerals contribute. Then they make ash, which will not allow the appearance of pests.

Floxes: Growing and Care (Video)

How to make mulching

Mulching produce ten days after processing. These components will be required as:

  • fallen leaves;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • compost.

The introduction of these elements makes it possible to get a healthy and strong plant in spring. If you combine it with trimming, in the summer, phlox will delight with lush flowering.

How is the autumn planting phlox

Planting Floxes can be conducted not only in spring, but also early autumn. At the same time, it is not worth tightening. Before planting the roots of the plant, it is recommended to handle the "root" or another growth stimulator.

Increased attention roots

It is important for the transplant to familiarize yourself with what the root system of Floxes. Why do you need it? To properly fit. Flox roots are very branched. They can go deep into 20 cm, but the main part is concentrated in a layer located at 10-12 cm from the level of soil. The root color system does not like when water is stared.

If the groundwater is located at no lower than 15 cm from the soil level, it is impossible to plant phlox. They will wash them with water. In this case, the landing is carried out on pre-prepared ridges.

When to land

Autumn planting Lead early - in early September. At this time, the plants already appear growth kidneys. When landing in the fall in Phlox, part of the stem is cut on 1/3 of length.

Selecting planting material

For planting in the fall, only the clean material is suitable. It is recommended to acquire Floxes in special nurseries or farms. By purchasing goods from lovers, you should pay attention to:

  • stems - should be at least two thick;
  • leaves - should be at least a few, strong;
  • kidney - must be large.

When buying flowers with a cropped sbell, it is worth paying attention to the fact that its base should be smooth and greenish. Mandatory should be a label indicating the variety.

Question about the landing scheme

The distance between the plants plays the last role. If the variety is low, between colors should remain about 40 cm. The average grades require a larger distance - 0.5 m, and tall - about 70 cm.

Source requirements

Floxes are unassicious plants, they can exist on any soil. but optimal option For them, the breathable, moderately moisture-permeable, loose ground. Landing in lowland in the autumn period is strictly prohibited, as the ice crust may appear on the ground.

Requirements for lighting

Floxes prefer to be in a half or sun. In the first case, the flowering will continue longer, but the flowers will be small. In the second case, you can see lush flowers, but they will soon be called. For stays in warm climatic conditions At noon, plants should be covered from the sun.

How to fight pests

Flox has a number of major pests. We are talking about nematodes, slugs, caterpillars. But the most important enemy are nematodes.

Nematodes are small worms that feed on plant juice. Flox often encounter leafy and stem pests, the presence of which leads to the deformation of foliage and roots. Nematode larvae live for about a year and can move through the area during watering, with a tool or plants.

How to get rid of nematodes

To get rid of nematodes take the following measures:

  • Bushes dig and burned.
  • If you need to save the plant, remove the most amazed parts.
  • The procedure is carried out for three years.

Rules of Slipping

Great harm to Floxes bring slippers. Mollusks are hiding in the upper bed of soil, and at night or the rain will be crammed and eat and eat plants and eaten. For the most part, seedlings suffer from slugs.

To get rid of slugs will have to get rid of weeds and loosen the soil. You can spend dumpling tracks and soils with ash or lime "Flying". A good effect is given by metaldehyde granules and laying special traps.

Why replant the phlox (video)

In the autumn period will have to go close to flusses. In order to competently prepare them for the winter, it should be trimmed, protection against pests and a transplantality if necessary. You can also engage in planting plants, if you choose the right place and time.

Floxes are perennial flowers, which in the summer rejoice in the rich palette of flowers, thick sockets and unpretentious in care. Light and unobtrusive fragrance throughout the period of blossoms only make phlox even more popular in the flower beds of most gardeners.

Types and varieties of phloxes

Flox splashing.

Miscellaneous phloxes are indispensable for miscorders and borders. They can be boldly to plant in the most prominent place, not experiencing that the flowers fond from behind the heat and the scorching sun. On the other hand, they are no less lucually bloom and at easy shading.

It is important to take into account that for a good growth of the bundled flocks, good air circulation is necessary, so you should not land them closely to buildings. These plants in no case cannot be mulched in summer.


Luxurious snow-white Flox David received a prestigious award from British flowerflowers. This static handsome man grows perfectly both in the sun and in a half, practically does not suffer.

Candy Twist.

Kendy Twist is a variety of flusted phlox with a naughty striped color, resembling a lollipop. This phlox is very aromaten, does not fade in the sun, resistant to diseases.

Sandro Botticelli.

The delicious variety of Flox selection Yuri Reprehen is deservedly called in honor of the great Italian painter. Sandro Botticelli admires the tender lilac-pink color. You might think it seemed to be straight from the artist's cloth.

Flox spotted.

Spotted phlox is also often called meadow or pyramidal. This is a very close relative of Flox Flox. To distinguish spotted phlox from the more popular "fellow" in two features: small burgundy spots on the stem and pyramid form of inflorescences.

Floxal transplantation in autumn

You can plant or transplant these plants late in the spring, early autumn and even in the summer (but not in hot weather).

In the fall, it is impossible to depart with a transplant due to the fact that plants will not have time before the onset of frosts are well rooted and die. Floxal transplant in the fall is most favorable in time, starting from the last decade of August and until mid-September, it was then that the renewal kidney is laid on the rhizome near the stems. In the fall of phlox, it is necessary to plant with stems, but it is necessary to cut inflorescences and brushes with seeds.

Late spring landing is fraught with a rapid onset of hot weather, which will also not give Floxam opportunities to develop well. Therefore, it is necessary to take it, as soon as the Earth overtakes and will be suitable for field work. Finally, if there is still a transplant of Floxes in the summer, then this should be done on a cloudy day, and the plant needs to transplant with a large room.

Floosal care features in autumn

How to properly care for flowers of phlox, what conditions need to be created for their cultivation? Floxal care is mainly reduced to the correct application of fertilizers, watering, soil looser, weeding, mulching ...

Floxes plants are light-minded, cold-resistant, but they do not tolerate moisture deficit and low-spirits. Prefer light, loose, wet, nutritious, well-aligned soils. On raw, acidic, clay, heavy soils (without indulging), phlox will not grow.

Flox is demanding of watering, especially during the period of growth and bootonization. You should know that it is impossible to water on plants, especially cold water in order to avoid mushroom diseases such as puffy dew. In the warm time, the hose with water can be simply left for some time around the bush, thus watering on the ground around the bush. Such watering is very favorable for Flox. Mulching is considered one of the most important activities for the care of phloxes caused by their biology. This is especially necessary for 3-4-year-old phloxes when the bushes begin to write out of the soil. In hot weather, the soil overheats, quickly dries, bloom becomes less abundant, flowering period is reduced. Autumn mulching protects phlox from freezing.

Fresh Garden Articles and Garden

Autumn feeding Floxes

Under the phlox it is impossible to make fresh manure, various rotes may occur. Earth intended for planting phloxes, you need to pre-eat.

If the ground is clay, then large river sand, gravel, wood ash, peat, compost is added to prevent 1 square meter The soil requires 7 kg of peat, about 300 grams of wood ash about 5 kg of humus or compost. All components are thoroughly mixed, river sand or fine gravel, 30 grams of nitroposki, 30 grams of potassium sulfate, and as much "Agrikola-7" are added to them.

Then the fertilized land is drunk again. More flocks like coniferous compost, however, it is not available to everyone.

How to crop phlox in the fall

The process of circumcision of branches in colors, specialists are recommended from the 20s of September to October 30 inclusive. Of course, this is an approximate time, but it is necessary to finish with trimming before the onset of frosts. The question of cropping or not to trim the stalks with the leaves in Flox is not discussed. It is necessary to do this in order to prevent. Crossing the leaves can be carried out in two ways. Cut the stems to the ground level, or leave the hemp with leaves up to 5-7 cm. They will help to delay the snow that will affect the plant. In the southern regions will provide moisture colors, and in areas with cold winter it will help to protect from the freezing.

If your bushes are not sick with anything, the trimming of them do not throw away, it is better to let them down on the shelter of peonies and lilies. Well, if you doubt their cleanliness, then cut shoots should be burned, the spread of plant diseases you have nothing to do.

Perhaps on the leaves there were disputes of fungal diseases. The leaves could be infected with nematodes, only fire can cope with them. Fight! If you feel sorry for the plant, then with nematodes will have to fight for more than one year. Because they can easily move around the site. It is better to dig and burn phlox, you can save a patient plant, if it is a very rare variety and that is not a fact that you can cure it, and then go out and return the past type of plant.

Watering mode of phlox in the fall

The cultivation of phlox does not work out without watering. Floxes simply adore him. During the growth and development of watering buds, Floxam is simply necessary. It is necessary to firmly remember that the phlox needs to be watered under the root, but not on the plants themselves, the coolest water. This can provoke such a common fungal disease as a "powdery dew". In hot weather, the hose for watering can be left under a bush for a while. This method of watering for phlox is the most comfortable.

Prevention of diseases and protection against pests Flox

White spotty. This disease of the phlox is manifested in the leaves in the form of dark brown spots of a rounded shape with a dark red border, which gradually increase and begin to merge with each other. The affected fabric of the sheet dies, leaf dries and falls. At the first signs of the appearance of a disease of the coarse of phlox and the soil around sprayed with 1% mortar of burglar fluid. Spraying repeat after 10-15 days. For prevention in the fall after the soil freezing, a cut and burning of stems with leaves is recommended.

Formo. At the affected flushed leaves rave and dry. Measures of the struggle are the same as with white spotting. With a verticillaty fading, the externally healthy stalks faded without yellowing the leaves on them. Mushrooms are formed on the surface of patients with roots. This disease of the phlox is more often found on acid soils And in the converted places. It is necessary to lime the soil, the destruction of plant residues. In the spring of phlox spray with 1% burgundy solution, and the roots of patients of phlox are immersed in its 0.5% solution for 15-20 minutes and planted on a new place. A hole from which the bush is chosen is treated with copper vigor.

Mosaic, grinding of leaves, leaf curlyness, patterns of flowers, the terrace of flowers - viral diseases. Measures of the struggle: the immediate destruction of infected phloxes.

Fitution of leaves is one of the most dangerous virus diseases. The affected plants grow weakly, form shortened fragile shoots with narrow, filamentous leaves with wavy edges, do not bloom and in most cases die quickly. The most susceptible are the Sasha varieties, "White Biryulevsky", Elfhenkönigin "Beauty", "Lubash", "Ernst Immer", "Jubilee" and others.

Pepperliness - represents a special danger for large collections of phloxes, as it is transmitted with pollen, juice and seeds of patients with plants. The disease is dangerous because the affected phloxes lose the varietal signs and everyone becomes equally "little". The disease is characterized by the appearance of radial strips of lighter tone on flower petals. Unlike a homogeneous symmetric pattern of genetically polesaleling varieties, the fallen phloxes have an asymmetrical pattern in which the pale bands are expanding to the edges of the petals.

Fresh Garden Articles and Garden

Reproduction of phlox cuttings late autumn

Since the second decade of September, it is possible to conduct autumn shots. Flox's bushes for the growing season form rich stalks. The landing of the cuttings is carried out directly into open ground, choosing areas with a sublinous soil, which is recommended to mix with peat. The cuttings are slightly plugged into the soil, having a tilt. After planting the soil mulch the layer of fallen leaves (better than birch). The overwhelming cuttings are transplanted in spring for ridges with fertile soil for growing, and in the fall transplanted at a permanent place.

To increase the fiction with the bushes noted for autumn shutdown in the middle of August, all shoots are cut off, leaving heights with a height of 10 cm. By September, the bushes will form an excellent drawing material. Sliced \u200b\u200bcuttings planted in a greenhouse for wintering. In this case, the cuttings earlier are rooted and already in May are ready for transplanting to beds, and at the end of the summer you can admire their flowering. This method is especially relevant for the reproduction of weakly collaborating varieties.

Preparation of phloxes for winter by shelter

Floxes - relatively frost-resistant culture, which can winter without shelter, grown in a soft continental climate. But even during warm winters there are short-lifting strong cooling, capable of destroying the kidneys and roots of the plant: the fatal temperature for the above-ground part -15 C, underground -20 C.

Not only strong frosts are dangerous for perennials, but also long-lasting thaw: the plant reacts to heat and quickly dissolve the kidneys, which are perfectedly freeze after the resumption of minus temperatures. In order to protect the kidneys from possible frosts and prevent them from dissolving during a short-term warming, landing must be reinforced. They especially need to mulch phlox that do not have good farming, as well as recently planted plants that have not had time to grasp. To cover the phlox before the winter is very simple: the flowers prepared for winter fall asleep 10 cm layer peat, compost or humus. In order to insulate one plant, it is necessary to scatter around the perimeter of the root system approximately one bucket of the mulching material. In order for the snow longer over a bush, the mulch is pretending with fir branches, a large van. The shelter must be removed in the early spring, as soon as the risk of strong frosts will disappear.