
Bedroom design in attic in classic style. Damage floor: dream interior (60 photos)


Attic is a residential space located under the roof. The main feature of this room is a partial or complete absence of a classic ceiling, as well as bevelled walls. In view of this design of the premises on the attic at the same time and interesting. Here you can equip any of the rooms: game, office, bedroom, etc ..

Many designers believe that it is the bedroom that is the perfect room that is best suited for attic. This is facilitated by the good accessibility of light, the disorder of the sky and stars, beautiful ceiling beams.

Arrangement of attic

If the space under the roof is solved to equip under the bedroom, then first you need to carefully insulate it, as well as solve questions with heating and lighting, after which you can proceed directly to design.

When choosing finishing materials, in particular, wallpaper for attic, it is extremely important to pay attention to natural lighting, and if its amount is not enough, then it is worth a preference to brighter shades. A similar choice will allow to avoid a nondescript look, and will make the bedroom brighter and comfortable for relaxing at any time of the day. In addition, many know about the features of bright shades to make rooms visually more spacious.

Choosing style

The choice of materials depends largely on the style in which the bedroom is drawn up on the attic. And in this issue, you can rely on the recommendations of the designers, as well as on your own preferences. Although you can choose any of the existing styles as the basis, most often the choice is made in favor of the following interior design options:

  • modern;
  • traditional;
  • styles of minimalism.

Sophistication and at the same time modern room will give furniture and interior items of the simplest geometric forms.

If the bedroom is drawn up in cottage house And the cladding is used as a casing, then the room itself can be issued in the country style or Provence. Room design B. classic style It assumes the walls of the walls with wallpaper with a pleasant drawing or staining.

Color solution

Choose the main color of the wallpaper for the attic floor follows from the location of the room relative to the parties of the light. With the northern location, it is worth making a choice in favor of bright and warm tones, which will give the room with warmth and comfort. If there is no definite solution, you can use universal white color, diluting it with bright colors accents, such as pistachio, pink, blue, pink, olives color.

When there is a desire to meet every morning in the cheerfulness of the Spirit, it is necessary to prefer fresh colors with some cool, which perfectly raise your mood: shades of blue, color of young greenery, saturated yellow, mint.

Well, since the attic has a certain, beveled geometry, then this feature of the room can be emphasized using the wallpaper of contrasting shades.

Decoration Materials

When designing the design of the walls of the room, as well as when choosing wallpaper for attic, the type of structure should be taken into account. If we are talking about a country cottage house, you can use for wall decoration wall panels or lining. But if issued athenium bedroom In a full-fledged residential building, preference must be given to more noble finishing materials used in modern houses. Most often the choice is made in favor of wallpaper.

Real comfort and comfort can be obtained if you select textile wallpapers for the nursery bedroom. With insufficient natural lighting The indoor room of the room wallpaper should have a larger drawing, well, to create an atmosphere of rest and full relax, you need to select wallpaper with soft patterns and ornaments.

When placing walls in the bedroom, the attic can be used, for example, the contrasting colors of wallpapers, which are covered with vertical and inclined surfaces of the room. To this method of arrangement, designers are most often resorted, as it allows you to get more unusual, and at the same time an attractive interior.

Features of pasting

Wallpaper for the attic floor depends solely on the personal preference of the owner of the dwelling. It can be vinyl, paper, bamboo, flieslinic, and other canvas. The main task is to, regardless of the material selected, adhere to the recommendations that the manufacturer gives a relative to the working surface.

Usually, attic of plywood, chipboard, as well as other wood-based materials. Based on this, it is necessary to spend thorough surface preparation:

  1. Padding - in this case, it is worth choosing a composition that is suitable for a high-consuming wooden surface, and in this case, the wallpaper adhesive will not be absorbed strongly and drive plates to swell;
  2. Alignment of the place of the junction - Those areas where the mounting of the plates occurs, they should be sickled by sickle, after which it is possible to skate and ski, having achieved the perfect homogeneity of the coating and a flat surface of the wall.

How to glue wallpaper on the attic? In general, everything is simple, and the principle itself does not particularly differ from the sticking of standard cloths in the usual room. The most first wallpaper canvas should be blocked by the outlined vertical line. First of all, walls with straight faces are pasted, after which they are proceeded to the triangular vertical sites of the attic. All inclined planes are covered in the latter.

The room on the floor of the attic space often has a complex design: an asymmetrical broken silhouette, a variety of beams or columns. In such a rare room, the type of room obliges to a thorough choice of decor, because with the help of conventional putty and paint it is difficult to hide the features of attic rooms. Most designers converge in the opinion that the best way out in such cases use photo wallpaper, attic due to such a decor will be able not only to purchase a stylisticly finished look, but also the opportunity to expand the space, despite the beveled low ceilings Such rooms.

The main task when choosing a decor in the indoor type room is to visually increase the existing space.

To do this, we advise the vertical walls to wake with light wallpaper without a picture or just paint them. water-emulsion paint. But beveled and inclined surfaces, as well as the ceiling, as it is impossible to suit with photo wallpapers. Try not to choose dark colors or very large prints - they will "eat" the already small height of the room and create the effect of pressure on its inhabitants.

If your home is made in a classic style, photo wallpapers on attic with vegetable patterns - what you need! If you are more to the style of modern or high-tech, choose the bizarre 3D drawings, plots in fantasy style or glamor.

No doubt, attic - the best place For a bedroom. The windows on the roof create a magic romantic atmosphere and make it possible to consider the starry sky all night. Do not miss the opportunity to decorate the photographs of the attitude of the attic, and then every night before you will open an infinite space space, a bright blue sky, the murals under the dome of the medieval temple or the tops of the trees of the rainforest.

A little fantasy - and your attic will turn into a magical world of beauty and comfort!

Where to buy photo wallpaper for attic?

The shape of the monsard walls often has a broken or triangular silhouette with a rather low ceiling. It is difficult to position in such a room with a compilation or wardrobes, so often the owners of such rooms have a lot of shelves and various suspensions.

Given these features, buying ready-made wallpapers for the salary of walls simply does not make sense, because most of them will have to cut themselves. Thus, you not only spend extra money and efforts, but also risks to get at all the effect that expects. Specialists of the TM KLV specialists are ready to help, which in a matter of days will prepare the design project of your attic, calculate the necessary area for amusement of photographic windows and make a photo shift with all your wishes.

Order a photo wallpaper for attic from professionals now!

Bedroom - a special place in the house and its design it is worth paying increased attention: here the family is resting, sleeping, relaxing. Each little thing should contribute to this, creating comfort. The bedroom in the attic room requires even larger hassle: in an unusual on geometric forms, the room is more difficult to integrate the furniture correctly, choose the right color for the walls and put the little things that will create a special atmosphere. Mansard is also a way to manifest itself creatively, because many artists and poets found inspiration precisely under the roof.

Features of the bedroom in the attic

Most often, the attic room is a small size, with low ceilings and small windows, where there is not always enough daylight. With its non-standard, it is well suited for creating a cozy family nest. The interior design of such a bedroom must take into account a number of its features:

  • lack of an area;
  • walls under a slope;
  • inclined windows;
  • ceiling of different heights.

Stylish bedroom interior in mansard

The complexity of the design is usually related to the fact that in the attic room it has to competently use each centimeter of the square. The bed is usually installed under the inclined wall, the heads of the owner lie to the low part of the wall. Disadvantage This causes only the first time when you need to get used to get up from bed, without clinging to the ceiling.

Scandinavian style where there is nothing superfluous, very suitable for attic

There is no place in such a bedroom with familiar bulky wardrobes. They are replaced by low dressers, bedside tables and lockers in niches. This creates a cozy creative atmosphere. A bed or a small table is installed under the windows. Look at the night starry sky with such a room very romantic. And it is also nice to fall asleep and dream, looking at the stars.

The bedroom in the attic room involves the flight of fantasy from its owners and a designer who will deal with interior design. Such a room can be equipped with almost any style.

Bedroom in rustic style

It will look good rustic - country or. Especially if the house is wooden, and the bedroom is small.

Wicker Furniture in Country Style In Mansard

For Provence, rude wooden furniture and a lot of white color in the decor are suitable. The brave and original will be the solution to portray on the white walls lavender fields or other floral motifs. They are a characteristic feature of a rustic style.

Provence style in the nuclear bedroom interior

English Country will also suit. In this case, the bedroom can be frowning with yellow, brown and reddish shades. But the room at the same time should not be too small, otherwise the color gamma will reduce it even more. The floor in the "rustic" bedroom in the attic is always performed only from the tree, and the ceiling is usually laid by clapboard or make wooden beams.

Rustic style and decoration with floor with floor to ceiling

If this is Country, then they are painted in the tone of the walls, if Provence is always white. Walls can be specifically placed casually - in the attic room it looks harmonious and ease.

Classic style bedroom

The classic in the attic also has the right to exist. Especially - if the room is spacious and allows you to accommodate all the "classic" attributes. Under the roof it will be difficult to make a bedroom graceful, luxurious and solemn, but you can give it a certain proportion of elegance and wealth.

If you like the classics - it can be embodied in the attic

The floor is better made of wood or marble. The walls are painted in light tones, preferably in white, but olive, blue and even burgundy shades are allowed if there are many spaces and windows. The furniture is better to choose from expensive tree breeds - cherry, oak or mahogany. In the classic bedroom, carved structures and gilding in fittings are appropriate.

The interior of the bedroom is made in a classic style.

Curtains should also be from expensive fabrics - velvet, silk, satin - golden, reddish, cream or blue shades. But the curtains should be transparent to skip as much light as possible. Above the bed in the bedroom of the classic style will be harmoniously looked at Baldahin.

Modern Bedroom

The main features of this style are simplicity, minimalism and functionality. And that's all - at low cost. Usually prefer freedom-loving personality. For her, characteristic:

Modern Interior with Dersighted Window

  • roughly plastered or painted walls;
  • paul from boards;
  • brick laying on the walls of the wall;
  • unfit pipes (not necessarily);
  • functional furniture;
  • small number of furniture items;
  • many metal structures;
  • in color gamma - Not more than two shades, one of which should be white.

Bedroom Scandinavian style

In the attic room, such a style looks very harmonious and efficient. Light shades of walls are suitable for it: gentle green, white, beige, bluish and yellowish, classic white. Walls must be monophonic: color combination is not allowed. The floor is best made from lacquered boards.

Interior of the bedroom in the attic in scandinavian style

Furniture in the "Scandinavian" bedroom should be simple and not too cumbersomethan it will be less - the better. Free space should be as much as possible. Here nothing should "disturb". Bedroom in Scandinavian style involves textiles with a pattern. It should be on the curtains, bedspread, tablecloths and bed pads.

Beams can be both constructive and decorative

Warming and illumination of a naked bedroom

The room under the roof of the house requires a special approach not only in design, but also in arrangement. This room is most in contact with the street, so it must be carefully insulated and take care that the roof does not flow. Warming the walls in the attic can be foam, polystyrene foam, eco-art - everything depends on financial capabilities. Batteries and air conditioners for insulation of the attic at the same time do not forget.

Tripping Room Facility

important moment in the arrangement of the attic room. Its non-standard windows sometimes miss less daylight than floors not under the roof itself. It will not be appropriate here. But if the owners can not do without it, then under the roof cone, you can make a false-brake and consolidate the chandelier under it. The main thing is not to choose it too large.

Bedroom in attic with two beds

And here spotlights In the attic will look very comfortable. Their location and quantity should rely on their own fantasies at home. Small lamps, sconces and lamps on the bedside tables are also suitable. It will help to visually increase the bedroom room lamps in the corners of the attic.

Make an environment in the taste in the room and that would be cozy, comfortable, economically and functionally, you need a lot of information and a lot of time and effort.

If the space is small to do everything becomes more difficult, but everything is possible.

In our time, people are increasingly wanting to use absolutely the entire space that is possible at the maximum.

In private houses, even attic uses, arrange rooms there and live safely. The best way According to the advice of designers, in the attic to make a bedroom, it is better than the kitchen or for example a living room.

When creating a room in the attic, you need to remember that in such a place you can apply the most unusual design measures. For example, the ceiling is not dimensionless and in the attic it is reinforced on beams, which can be very advantageous in the bedroom design.

When creating a bedroom in Country's attic, use the tones of light shades on the walls and the ceiling. An excellent option will be the wallpaper with a small pattern or pattern.

No need to acquire wallpaper or coating for walls with a large pattern, this is not the best solution for the bedroom. Such a coating on the walls will be pressed on family members.

If you want Provence style, then the beams in the attic you do not need to cover anything, they will harmoniously look in their real. Over time, the tree will look a little in an old one and it will be beautiful and stylish. It is also necessary to apply industrial materials in this design, such as glass and metal.

With the help of natural beams and walls without stucco, the room will look spacious.

Sometimes B. duty houses, the walls are inhabited by clap, it good option For Country Style.

Classic or minimalism, as well as perfect for the bedroom in the attic. In this case, there should be no bulky furniture and unnecessary items of the decor. Everything should be clearly and sophisticated.

Color spectrum

The best color for the bedroom in the attic is a bright shade. If the walls are bright, then the floor is better equipped with light tones. But in such a style it is not recommended to use dark furniture items.

But light tones in the attic is not a mandatory part. You just need to not forget that if the walls are dark, then the furniture needs to be used larger and rougher. An excellent option will be solid wood furniture.

If you paint the ceiling and floor with light tones, then the color of the walls can apply at your discretion. Just do not forget that everything should be combined.

Bedroom Furniture in Mansard

Furniture need to choose with the mind. The attachment of the attic almost always has a small area and will not be able to put the furniture that I really want. It is necessary to calculate the possibilities with desires.

First you need to put furniture, which is needed first, this is of course the bed. It must be put at the smallest and low wall. So - a good option to put the bed closer to the window.

There is little place in the attic, so it is better to deny bulky cabinets. It is better to store things in bed, now there is a large selection of beds that have from the bottom there are retractable lockers.

When creating a room in the attic, you need to remember that in such a place you can apply the most unusual design measures.

  • Creating a bedroom in the attic, you need to remember some tips.
  • It does not matter what style and design you want to create for yourself in this bedroom, everything should be combined and look like one.
  • The room should be cozy and comfortable, because the bedroom is designed for rest and sleep.
  • The room should be warm, because the attic is not intended for housing.

The windows must be insulated, but at a convenient time they should be discovered to ventilate the room.

Stock Foto Bedrooms on attic