
French windows: more light and style in the interior of your home. French windows in a private house and apartment - species, features, installation options

Ponds in the garden

Recently, the demand for French windows has increased significantly. It is simply explained - an increase in the standard of living of our fellow citizens stimulates them to look for new, more comfortable accommodation styles of dwellings. The French window is one of these methods, it not only increases the comfort of stay in the room, but also gives a fully exclusive appearance.

The French window has similarities simultaneously with three structures: panoramic glazed, window and door. The main sign is glazing at the entire height of the room. At the same time, such a window can open as a door or a little to air the room. Folds can be swollen or sliding. The specific choice takes into account the size of the room. Installed both in urban apartments and country cottages.

Some developers believe that such structures can be used only in the warm regions of our country. In part, this is the case, but modern technologies allow you to achieve excellent heat-saving indicators, and therefore French windows can be seen even in the northern regions of Norway or Finland.

Features of the device

All other parts may have many options and depend only on the wishes of the owners. The greater the area of \u200b\u200bthe French windows, the stronger the glass needs to be installed and the quality in the indicators of heat rescue need windows.

Advantages and disadvantages of structures

Let's start with the important advantages of French windows.

  1. The room gets the maximum number sunlight. You can save on the road today with electric luminaires.
  2. The visually premises increases significantly, becomes more spacious and lighter. Designers are very effectively used to create modern interiors.
  3. Functionality. The French window you can enjoy both swing and sliding doors, airing the room with sash, go to the balcony, terrace or street.
  4. Improves appearance From the window, the facet is leveled between the room and nature. This feature is especially effective if you live in a rustic cottage, and in front of the window - beautiful landscape design.

Now about the shortcomings, no architectural design is not necessary without them.

Table. The main disadvantages of French windows.

NameShort description

Events on insulation and improved safety require the installation of thick shockproof glasses, and they are not suiced. Double-glazed windows, as a rule, two-chamber or more, with special spraying for reflection of thermal infrared rays.

On hot summer days will have to use air conditioners. One air conditioner consumes a minimum of 3 kW of electrical energy.

Wash the high and high deaf glass is very difficult. Especially if they are installed on the second and floor and above. Sometimes it is necessary to attract professional clearing companies, and their services are not for everyone to pocket.

Some people have fear of open space. For them, staying in the room with transparent walls is uncomfortable and nothing can be done about it.

As for greater weight, this lack relative. French windows have a significantly smaller mass than brick or wooden wall. And the increased loads on the bearing elements of the frame and sash for high-quality modern materials are not a problem (they are calculated with the margin of strength).

What affects the cost of French windows

Not only on the fame of the brand should pay attention when choosing a product. The company's prestige, of course, is important, but some of them abuse the confidence of consumers and unreasonably increase prices. Modern market conditions of competition forcing new, less well-known companies to produce very high-quality products and implement it at a fairly low price.

What to pay attention to when choosing a specific product?

Simple rules for choosing the elements of the plastic French window make it possible not only to save money, but also improve design performance. In addition, the failure of one cheap element of the fittings can cause complex breakdowns, to eliminate which essential costs will be required.

Some errors when choosing a place of installing French windows

The popularity and prestige of the designs together with the desire to look prestigious leads to the fact that French windows can be seen even where the French themselves would never think of them. In European countries chief Criteria When choosing an architectural element - functionality, economic feasibility and design. We often have other selection criteria. Where are French windows installed?

If briefly, where they show all their advantages. Exit the room to the balcony, loggia, terrace or street. That is, where not only large glazing areas are needed, but also the doors. Why can such designs sometimes be seen as glazing balconies? Where is this "happy and proud" the owner of French windows going to go from the balcony?

Important! The main difference between the French window - the sizes from the ceiling to the floor and the presence of doors. There are such windows to improve lighting and exiting the room to the balcony or to the street, that is, in the facade walls. And they alwaysbearing, remember this! Never delete facade walls in residential buildings!

The optimal option is to provide for the installation of the French window at the design of the structure. If you really want to remake the exploited, please contact the architect advice. It must have a construction project and taking into account the characteristics of the building and the information received to make a plan for the safe installation of French windows. In most cases, you will have to install large powerful jumpers or special columns to support the overlap of the second floor. Do not work in these works yourself or with the help of unqualified builders.

For example, take the installation of the design in the room to access the balcony. The option of the house is almost unreal - the inter-store plates of the ceiling lie along the facade wall and rest on the interior partitions. That is, you can disassemble the front wall without complicated additional special construction activities. Once again we repeat that this option of building houses is extremely rare, never break anything. Only an architect can give permission or develop a plan for restoring the carrier characteristics of the facade walls.

Installation instructions for French windows

Weight structures can reach hundreds of kilograms. To improve heat protection properties, you should use a minimum of two-chamber packages, and the thickness of the tempered glass can reach 6 or more than millimeters. Pay attention to the quality of profiles, their width must be at least 8 centimeters, inside the reinforced metal profile with a thickness of at least 1.5 millimeters. In addition, the number of air chambers is at least 6 and 2 circuit of insulating rubber around the perimeter. These are minimal requirements, it is possible to buy better products - excellent. No opportunity to pay minimum quality products - refuse to install French windows. There are many other cheaper and no less effective ways to solve the problem.

Pay special attention to accessories. Never install French windows having fittings from silumin. This alloy is only on the view beautiful, and physical properties Strength is not suitable for such a heavy design. All reinforcement should be made only from stainless steel. Of course, such strict requirements for the quality of the manufacturer's materials of French windows significantly increase the cost.

We do not recommend collecting designs yourself, please contact professionals. Why? First, during the assembly, you need to accurately remove the size and correctly cut profiles. Any error leads to the fact that the profile must be thrown out and replace new. The incompetent actions of the collector can increase the cost of French windows at times, this amount is always greater than you have to pay for the assembly. The company itself is responsible for mistakes, the customer has not paid damaged materials.

Secondly, the large weight of elements requires very high quality and reliable fixation. This parameter depends on the correctly selected hardware, and on the practical skills of the maintenance work, and on the availability of special tools.

Thirdly, only professionals can develop a solid design of French windows taking into account the actual loads. If necessary, additional imposes are envisaged, the places and methods for their fixation, etc. are thought out.

Fourth, professionals will be able to develop a design design, taking into account the linear dimensions, characteristics of materials, features of the interior of the indoor room and the wishes of customers. That is, all individual differences are taken into account.

Taking into account these comments, we consider it too much to describe the development of the project, the order of the order of the elements and the technology of assembling the structure. There is a desire to reduce the cost of the design - do it with an independent installation. This can be done without attracting expensive specialists. By the way, the quality will be no worse, but in many cases better. The masters work very quickly, often miss quite important technological moments. The fact is that their earnings have no connection with quality. How to install french windows yourself?

Step 1. Check the size of the opening and frame of the French window. Rarely, but it happens that they do not coincide for any other reasons. You can only customize the opening in the facade wall. Use electrical and manual tools, constantly check the length and width of the opening.

Step 2. Clean the installation location from the construction trash. The perimeter of the opening, where the window will be mounted, thoroughly spend from dust. The better the surfaces are prepared, the stronger the design will be held. And this is very important, we have already stopped for the reasons above.

Step 3. Check the package of the window. If the company respects its customers, then its representatives will tell the installation technology, will give strong anchors, share professional secrets.

Step 4. If double-glazed windows are installed - remove them. For this, plastic strokes are dismantled, the package is carefully removed and removed from the frame. Fold windows in a free place, be sure to use wooden slats as lining. Follow the angle of inclination of the packages, do not allow their slipping and falling to the floor.

Step 5. Prepare tools. It will take an electric drill with a perforator, hammer, screwdriver and level. The level should be as accurate as possible, but for the full guarantee, the vertical position of the frame is desirable to check the plumb. This is the most accurate and simple measuring instrument. Laser level Not everyone can be installed properly, such actions require practical skills. And the ordinary may have an unacceptable error.

Important! If the frame has a slope, the doors will independently close or open, which is very uncomfortable when using. But this is not all problems. The designs have a lot of weight, while the mass is acquired by high values \u200b\u200bof kinetic energy. As a result, strong blows of the frame and loosening the place of fixation, decorative plaster The perimeter of the French window crackles and falls off, the tightness of the seams is disturbed, etc.

Step 6. Cut the frame to the mind, take the place of installation of anchors. We draw your attention to the fact that for fixing French windows you need to use only anchor hardware, and not a dowel. The latter do not have sufficient strength and cannot guarantee the reliability of fixation.

Step 7. Drill the holes in the carrier profiles. Use an ordinary drill, carefully clean the profile deepening from the metal and plastic chips.

Step 8. Once again, set the frame to the way, install it in terms of level and wedges. Fix the position. Fix securely, eliminate the likelihood of falling during the production of subsequent work.

Step 9. Drill with a win-off drill drill holes in the wall, ceiling and floor. The distance between them is about 40 cm.

Important! Special attention is paid to the corners - it is here that the maximum loads are concentrated.

Step 10. Secure the frame with anchors, check the installation reliability, with great strengthen, take it in different directions. As soon as they discovered the oscillations of the design - immediately find and eliminate the cause. During tightening anchors, do not overdo it, do not deform the profile.

Step 11. Install the window and doors in place, insert the windows. Check the functionality of each element. If necessary, adjust their position.

The process of installing French windows is over, you can proceed to finishing work.

Finishing stage

There is a significant difference from the installation of ordinary plastic windows or doors. How are these elements mounted? The masters in several places are fixed by the frame of the dowels, further, without removing the spacer wedges, the space between the frame and the opening mounting foam. All hope that foam is firmly keeping the design, and the quality of the attachment of the dowels does not play a key role. In most cases, such a halants passes. The windows are relatively lung, the opening of the flaps makes infrequently and very carefully.

For French windows, this technology is not suitable. Large weight, frequent opening of the door, the likelihood of slamming with a large force significantly increase the load on the hardware of the frame fastening. Never get foam, designs should be held only on anchors. You can check it by time. Do not immediately have a slit, open / close the doors with great effort. If building dust will appear on the floor between the frame and the opening - this is a problem, the anchors do not hold, rude. Because of this, dust and appears under the installation of the dowels. Immediately increase fixation.

If everything is fine - clean the surfaces from dust, carefully moisten them and throw them. Rock start up. Let the time for full frost. A sharp construction knife cut out the surplus planes. Close-up surface can be spacious. If the design on the dowels is durable, then cracks will not appear. If not - no finish-treatment will hide your marriage. Always remember that foam is needed only for fast and high-quality insulation, and not for fixing structures.

Specialists should be engaged in the development of the scheme of complex and large in the French window. You can express your suggestions, view the offered options and choose the final one. But for reliability, let the developers answer. If a French window of small sizes, then try your forces yourself.

Installation of such a complex, expensive and heavy design is not a place for ill-conceived experiments. Strictly observe the production technology of construction and installation work. Do not save on trifles, the result of such actions can be very sad.

Do not work yourself, attract helpers. If they also have construction experience - excellent. Do not rush, all materials must have time for a set of computational strength.

Stained-glass windows from ancient times pleased the eyes of our ancestors. Their relevance is not reduced today, despite the wide variety of materials and decorations. If earlier the production of stained glass was a lot of masters, then in modern world Almost anyone can master individual ways to create them. Read more detail.

If during the operation of the French windows, the adjustments of the doors were disturbed, they closed with difficulty, arrogant appeared - do not make great efforts. Take the adjustment of the elements. Adjusting elements Each design has its own, carefully examine the purpose and function of all thrust and bolts. There is no understanding yet - unscrew nothing. Illiterate actions often give a negative result. Another advice - in front of the adjustment, open the door, put the clin at the bottom to prevent the complete lowering of the design. The door can have a very big weight, hold it with hands difficult.

Video - Installation of French windows on the balcony

At the end of the seventeenth century, many progressive architects of France began to use in their new projects original idea - One wall of the room completely closed the windows. They allowed to increase the illumination of the room, and also visually increased space. The sun rays penetrated freely through them, highlighting the corridors that were previously illuminated artificially, with

The windows of that time differed from modern the fact that they were not glazed - because the glass was very expensive. The first French window is more correct, probably would be called the door, as it was metal sliding or swinging flaps, covered with boards.

French windows that many more call panoramic are still popular in France and Italy. They are installed in both multi-storey houses and private mansions. Such windows were used in the Soviet Union in some projects of Stalin's high-rise buildings built in the fifties.

French windows having wooden or plastic frames are divided into several sections, glazed separately from those located nearby. This allows you to strengthen the frame, because its area is large.

French window can not be broken into sections. But in this case should be

a frame of an aluminum profile is used, and glass should be tempered.

If you compare these windows with conventional structures, it immediately becomes noticeable that they do not have a vertical jumper between the sash. This is due to the appointment of this type of windows that are simultaneously the doors. His sash, opens, must completely free the disc. In order for this condition to be observed, the sash are installed on the frame, which is made from the profile of a special design, which makes it easy to shift them aside.

The French window has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's try to figure it out. Let's start with aesthetic perception - it is undoubtedly beautiful windows (Photo will make sure that). Panoramic type multiple natural light increases.

The windows of such a plan significantly improve the interior of the room, especially if on the contrary - a parking zone or any other beautiful landscape. If your dwelling goes to the construction site of another high-rise building or on the wall of an abandoned plant, then the matter is different. Then it does not make sense to install such a window - it will not only decorate the room, but will make it more dull.

Now about the shortcomings. What is not very good French window? The disadvantages primarily applies to its high cost - about twelve thousand rubles per square meter. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the price of the window will still increase if a reflective film, double double-glazed windows and other additional options will be used in the design.

Another lack of French windows will immediately notice the hostess. It lies in the presence of "deaf" segments. If they are present in the windows frame that came out in the apartment on the top floor, there will be problems with its washing.

Found in standard one-room apartment Additional features for the installation of clothing storage sites and dishes and filled it with details reminiscent of life outside the city.

The role of the Customer in this project was the daughter of a future hostess. When she realized that the age of Mom was already that relatives and close people should always be near, he acquired an apartment for her in a neighboring entrance and tried to make it beautiful and comfortable.

Initially, it was decided to make the maximum number of cabinets for clothing, shop windows for books and dishes. First, my mother moved from a private house and she had a lot of things, secondly, senior people partly parted with what they managed to get used to.

The layout of the room excludes zoning, so they decided to use as a bed sliding sofa. To make moms and guests to invite, and lie down in the afternoon if you need rest.

The doorway wanted to move to the door to fit another showcase for dishes, but it was not possible to agree on this option, so the redevelopment was limited to the union of the bathroom and toilet. And the room only dismantled the windows blocks to install a large French window.

For wall decoration in the hallway and in the kitchen, the paint was chosen, and for the room - cozy wallpapers. Parador laminate was put on the floor, in the loggia and in the bathroom - the carpet tile of the Spanish company Equipe. The kitchen decoration was the apron, laid out by Mainzu tiles.

In the end of the room there are built-in wardrobe with shop windows for books. The design stretched out three meters long, but it included not only all the personal belongings of the hostess, but also the complete collection of the Big Soviet Encyclopedia. In the opposite part of the room in the center of the wall provided a showcase for dishes. Near the chest of drawers with a TV.

On this list of storage places arranged in a small one-room apartment, does not end. The loggia was insulated around the perimeter, installed windows with a two-chamber double-glazed window, conducted a heap system, and two roomy household cabinets were built in the ends.

In the hallway opposite the bathroom, the cabinet for outerwear was built. It takes all the floor from the floor to the ceiling, so does not climb the corridor. In the bathroom, the cabinet was placed in the end of the shower cabin: the washing machine was hid at the bottom, the place was left on top to the shelves with household chemicals.

The kitchen turned along the window, so it turned out more hotels for storage and work surfaces than enough. Above the table was located low showcases for tea sets.

The lighting is thought out diverse. In the bathroom there is a top light and independent scaves above the mirror. The kitchen is the top light and the illumination of the working surface. The room is a central chandelier, a sconce over a sofa for reading and small point lamps near the cabinet and showcase.

To let the apartment as much as possible sun, the designer chose a classic honey shade for the floor and light colors and wallpaper. The balcony, painted in yellow, even on a cloudy day will look sunny. The effect of sunlight enhance the mirrors located above the sofa opposite the balcony door.

Interior style is a calm classic. Many classic parts - ceiling eaves, cabinets with light panels, painted in white color Doors, mirrors. Curtains and sofa pillows are made of fabric with floral print - with them urban apartment Looks like a rural cottage.

French windows in the apartment are firmly established as a symbol of prestige of its owner. And no wonder - with a successful execution, the French window can turn a close, dark net in bright, joyful housing, especially if it is also done and panoramic, i.e. Either takes an angle of the room (see Figure after the section), or protrudes the Erker.

But the French window is not just a window from the floor to the ceiling. From the legal, designer and technical point of view, large windows of any type - the object is quite complicated. In order not to receive as a result of the very significant monetary costs and works "Mix of French with Nizhny Novgorod", it is necessary to understand well in all its subtleties and nuances.


In the France itself, the windows in the entire height of the wall appeared initially in the extreme south of the country - in Provence, and they were distributed in neighboring provinces: Languedoc, Dauphine, Gasconia, Guy, Overnight, in the south of Burgundy and Franche Conte. Already in the center of the country, such windows were made mainly in rooms that have access to their own garden (in Spain - in the patio, the patio, fell apart from the rest of the world), and in the north and north-west of France, in the regions with intensive agriculture and developed Industry, large windows met as an exception.

Why is that? Look at the physical map of old France. The region of the appearance of French windows occupies a central array - rugged by the deep valleys of the Plateau rivers, separated from the Alps of the Rhone Valley, and from the Pyrenees - Garonna.

Types here are awesome at any time of the year. Some, but far from a complete picture of the soft, exquisite beauty of the local nature gives at least the second part of the famous comedy "Big Walk", with Louis de Fühnes, Burville and Terry-Thomas. The idea of \u200b\u200bliving in nature, living in the house, it was here and was to be born first.

External factors

French windows are created for the sake of light and beauty of the species. And the other is not at all as simple as it seems. I deciding whether it is worth spending (very much) to a French window, you need to first find out, and whether it makes sense in this place.

It is immediately clear that the panoramic window on the first floors in the city can interest except that the convinced exhibitionist. But in other cases, what is - not all.


Our edges are also abounding with charming corners. But it should be borne in mind. Not in space, in time.

Take a look at three landscape. Good paintings. The house or apartment with a view of the Target Window is just charm. Yes, and in places in the pictures on the left and in the center the French window can be done without thinking, it was how much you need in the account. But the picture on the right - here it would not hurt to collect more information, understand them and reflect.

What information? What to think about?

The fact is that the terrain on the first two pictures is unsuitable or is suitable for economic use; Therefore, the landscape will remain for a long time. And the earth on the right will go under the scarce, and under construction. So it should be found out if it will not be before the eyes instead of a pacifying painting of frequency of high-rise, "bricks" or something flat, faded and monotonous-dull. That is, it is necessary to study the plan for the development of the region, and first learn whether it is one and where.

Possible case and the opposite. Before the eyes now - the messenger of the roofs of garages, Sarayev, self-sustaining. And according to the documents, it turns out that all this is demolished, and the park will be broken here. And the price of the French window, by the way, strongly depends on the type of it, and while the landscape of the unsightly, you can agree on cheaper. So in the French window, the matters high with low.


Rendering not only and not so much the final phase of creating an object in 3D graphics. Rendering is a game of light, traffic. And the apartment with panoramic windows instead of the former rendering changes radically.

Unsuccessful panoramic window

From the point of view of lighting, the usual window is a big plander, and the French is the radiating plane. In the light pattern of the room, this may affect not only positive.

Suppose winter. The reflection from the snow cover gives sufficient overall illumination, but the reflection of light is mainly upward, and the decoration of the room is not designed for the reverseage of incoming deploy. And before the sun, the room is turning into a gloomy, sullen cave (see fig) just when the light is especially needed.

Consequently, the design and finishing of the room with a French window should be clearly tied to the light. Some firms working in 3D graphics have in their assortment such a service: based on the results of measurements and measurements in place they give the place of space at different times of the year, with different weather, and the options for its design to optimize the light. The service is not cheap, but, alas, it doesn't make sense to independently take this job even an experienced 3D designer: you need special equipment to measure specific parameters in place and experience with it.

Is it possible to do?

French window device - nothing but redevelopment of an apartmentAnd it is impossible to start it without a properly approved project. Technical, legislative and organizational issues are closely intertwined between themselves, therefore, before starting "straightening the paper", you need to find out, but will allow? After all, any of many instances that will have to go, can impose their veto, and it can already happen at the very end when the lot of money and time is spent.

Immediately give advice: the easiest way to "reflit" the apartment is French windows on the balcony. Especially if the balcony is combined with the room. According to the stereotype of thinking, the attached balcony is turned into a bedroom, but why not make a soul rest corner from it, and to solve the question with a bed one? Squares are still added to the residential. Get the same package of resolving documents to combine the balcony with the room is much simpler than the French window separately.

  • First, technically: the balcony opening can be left as it is, i.e. The carrier wall does not come to touch. It simplifies and reduces the cost of getting documentation and actually work.
  • Secondly, psychologically. It's one thing - "Fitted, Frenchman!", But completely different - a low-income citizen wants to somehow expand the living space.
  • Thirdly, aesthetically: the balcony can be glazed from top to bottom from three sides, having received a really panorama.
  • Fourth, in the light: the general illumination in the apartment will still rise much, but the balcony opening will play the role of the diaphragm, so that the cost and time-consuming miscalculation of rendering can be excluded.
  • Fifth, in design: since we are no longer tied to the light, the design and decoration of the room can be done simply to your liking, and the "processed" failed balcony, if necessary, is not so difficult.

Especially attractive French window on the loggia attached to the room. Its parapet does not apply to the carrying structures, and the durable concrete box will give a reliable support for glazing, which, by the way, for the French window will need a very solid - the climate is not Provencal. Get permission to demolish Parapet and the re-equipment of the loggia with a panoramic window will be much easier and for money, and in time with troubles.

Video: French window on the balcony

If the French window is assumed in the room without a balcony, then the following cases are typical here:

an old house

The most difficult case. The house may be old, and even in the area of \u200b\u200ban old building. You can hear the answer: "Yes, do what you want, he still will go on demolition in a year!" Or vice versa, you will be sent to local organ On the protection of monuments of architecture, history and culture (there is no single one for this part), and there you are patiently and benevolently, that your innovation will violate the historically established atmosphere of the place, and what articles of which codes here to refer to? And without their signature with the seal, it is impossible to start work.

Technically also difficult. The architect has long been stubbornly, the project with the calculations God knows where. Need to count again (time, money!) And what are the parameters of the then brick? What are the properties of the solution? In what state of overlapping? It is necessary to conduct a revision, take samples, to do analyzes (time, money!) Most likely, it is cheaper and easier to move to new apartment With a finished panoramic window.

Brick house

The case of medium severity. All circles of documentary ad (see later) will have to go through, but technically, if you strengthen the extended by the opening of the legs, to do in such a house the French window is quite possible. Exception is a house with carrier walls in a half of the brick (less than 51 cm), but these are extremely rare.

Panel house

And how to make a French window in the panel house? Two cases are possible here: quite light and completely hopeless.

  1. Hopeless - in Khrushchev and early Brezhnevka. Any construction official, not quite deprived of a sense of responsibility and remembering that no one is insured against Sumy and Prison, will tell you: "Dear, your home is built (for example) in 72nd. Settlement service life - 40 years. Now what year something? " What the question is exhausted. Not your favor.
  2. Very light - in the house of the construction after the 98th, approximately. By that time, construction mechanics, thanks to the use of computer calculations, underwent outwardly visible only by a specialist, but essentially striking changes. Modern, not a khalurbo built house works as a monolith: when it is destroyed by 3/4, the remaining part of the strength does not lose.

In most houses building XXI century. Ability to device panoramic windows laid at the design stage. If your one is, and is under the management of the competent operator, then you can immediately print ready project The windows that will only have to approve in instances, and at those reasons for the soldier will not be.

In all other cases, the case is solved by technical expertise. Perform it and the corresponding conclusion gives licensed organizations. But - Attention! - Most of them from the examination of old buildings refuses, and the services of those who are taken on the pocket is unless the oligarchs: pay for the work of specialists-ASs, which will alternate and buy themselves.

Own house

In this case, everything is in the hands of the host. On particular cases of panoramic glazing in their own cottages - in the vinesity below.


Suppose the panoramic window in your apartment is in principle possible. Then it is necessary to make its agreement: to obtain a formal permission, develop and approve the project, and only then you can start work.

First of all, a written permission of the owner or an exploit of the building is required. Perhaps, if the house is not typical or in something of the sights, you will be sent to his architect or an authorized architectural organization.

With these (these) permissions need to go to a specialized (and licensed) design organization, which:

  • Will make technical conclusion about the possibility of re-planning.
  • Develops a window project.
  • He will make a contract with you to carry out technical supervision for the work of work.

Note: receive immediately technical conclusion across the form does not make sense - the procedure is expensive, and the result without permission of the owner does not matter. An exception - an old housewhere the preliminary running examination of a certain output will not allow.

  1. Issued BTI technical support for an apartment.
  2. MES permission.
  3. Resolution of Rospotrebnadzor.
  4. For old or located in the historic district of buildings - the resolution of the "historical body", see above.
  5. A notarized copy of the certificate of ownership.
  6. Single housing document.

These two packages need, with their statement, to submit to the Interdepartmental Municipal Commission; She issues a construction permit.

The troubles, as you see, a lot, and there is an unpleasant moment: the validity of many documents is limited, and the periods of consideration and extradition are large, therefore, with independent "walking on the flour", some papers will have to suffer. Exit - to find a firm making French turnkey windows: a survey, design and coordination together will cost cheaper and will come out faster than apart.

There is no such thing - contact your professional petties on affairs: the broker of the corresponding profile. Here you need to beware of scammers: require all contact details and checked the processing each document of the organization and contact persons.

Design and mounting

Bring the panoramic window into small squares in wide frames with an additional power construction there is no point in the first. Secondly, it should be withstanding a squall gust outside, and from the inside - the blow of the body of a cargo, a spray of a drunken guest, which, in an emptiness, was given to the very necessary toilet at the moment. Therefore, the glazing of the "balcony" type is not suitable, the design is needed solid, high-quality, heavy and expensive. Especially (see Next) you need to think about heating.

The "self-made" project of the French window nobody, nowhere will never approve, upon installation, you will have to paint the panels under 200 kg weighing at the height, and the cost of construction and installation work will be only a small share of total costs. Therefore, we only give recommendations regarding the quality control of the project and the work performed:

  • Window panels - PVC with a metal insert or from modified wood. The latest aesthetic, warmer and more reliable, but at times more expensive.
  • Rama. - reinforced, for cruel climate.
  • Glass windows - At least two-chamber, and the best three-chamber.
  • Glass - tempered, with a thickness of at least 6 mm at ceilings with a height of up to 2.8 m and at least 8 mm at higher.
  • Anchor plates - The worst, 4 mm, of steel. "Tinski" in no way goes.
  • Necessarily additional window mount around the perimeter at least in 0.5 m through the frame with anchor bolts 8x150 mm in metal colors.
  • For folding and / or swing sections on the upper floors - protective fence in the form of a rod or rods on the frame at a height of at least 1 m.
  • Fatitude - only a gun layered from the inside and outside.


We are not in the south of France, and the outflow of heat in winter and his influx in summer through big window will increase several times. Therefore, even before the design, it is necessary to decide which there will be heating and air conditioning in the room.

French windows with Japanese panels

In the heat-moderate climate with three-chamber of 8-mm glass with double-glazed windows in the "Arctic" frames of the usual winter "pull out" regular heating. The north of the 52nd parallel (in general) will have to either arrange a warm floor, or put the autonomous heating of high power. In any case, additional costs, troubles and administrative slingshots.

Almost the perfect solution - glass with reflective infrared (thermal) coating radiation. Such glazing will not release excess heat out in winter and does not let it in summer. But "almost" is written for no wonder: the coverage, unfortunately, is not very durable, and after 5-7 years the glass winds will have to be changed. In general, to solve the owners: whether it is constantly and more overpaying for heating, whether they need to pay for the replacement of double-glazes. Already at the existing tariffs, the last option is preferable, and the technology of warm glasses is still being improved.

What and how to nest

Even with the tinted glasses of the French window, you turn on the light, you will find yourself in sight. The stained glass window decides to some extent solves the problem in non-residential premises (and at the same time gives an additional respect to the owner). In the residential rooms they need curtains, but not all sorts of french windows are suitable.

The easiest and cheapest option is the curtains from the organza, the modern analogue of Tyula. They are even more air, hygienic and quite well closed the inside of the room from immodest outlines outside.

But as if the Japanese panels were detailed for French windows - performed by modern technology Traditional Japanese Sliding Shirby Shirms. They, to all of them, is easy to make independently, decorating embroidery or appliqués. What the French windows look like with Japanese panels, shown in the figure just above, and the design - in the picture on the left.

Video: House heating with panoramic glazed


To make a French window, there is little experienced and skillful master. We also need to know the foundations of lighting, possess a developed artistic taste and be an experienced passing, we are familiar to overcome administrative obstacles. Such a combination of qualities in one person is rare, the cost of the work on the installation of the panoramic window is a minor share of the total costs of it.

Therefore, the independent device of the French window is unlikely to be recommended, and professional contractors should choose turnkey.

In the design of interior of private houses and apartments at the peak of the popularity of the window in french style. Of course, for most users, it is decided to replace windows, and even such specific, rather risky and expensive undertaking.

Some stops the cost, others - the need to match and change the supporting structures (walls), third - redevelopment, which implies the replacement of standard windows into French. Those owners who only build their homes or enter new apartments in most cases give preference to French windows.

What is french windows?

French window - This is a translucent design, which, the base of the window block rests on the floor and combines the function of the window and the door. It is the presence of a passage (doors) distinguishes French windows from panoramic. In the philistine vocabulary, two concepts were mixed - panoramic and French windows, but there is a difference between them (in a nutshell: panoramic windows are large windows, and French are large doors). Therefore, the windows in the French style is more correct to call - French doors.

French windows can have sliding (spread around) or plum flaps that open out or beam. Constructive feature Shlpovye windows lies in the absence of an impost (vertical profile between the sash).

The characteristic feature of French windows is a large height (from the door, window jumper to the floor or from the ceiling to the floor). The width has no fundamental importance, attractively looks at narrow windows. Although it is believed that the translucent design should occupy half or 2/3 of the wall.

In essence, the French window is a window symbiosis, doors and panoramic glazing.

Panoramic French-doors (in classical understanding) are installed in houses on the first floor or in apartments, where there is access to the balcony, loggia. In the cottages, French windows serve the door through which you can enter the courtyard, on the terrace, patio, in the winter garden, on the veranda or to the pool, pond.

The French windows installed on the second floor and above are equipped with a fence in the opening (mounted in front of the door from the outside) and this design is already called.

Types of french windows

Varieties brief characteristics and properties, for each item from the table below will be a detailed description.

Characteristics Detailing
1 Constructive form - whole;
- Sectional.
2 Rama design - with the impost;
- with a plump.
3 Functional - portal;
- Book (accordion).
4 Method of opening - swing;
- parallel-sliding;
- Sliding type book (accordion).
5 According to the profile manufacturing material - Wooden;
- aluminum;
- plastic;
- glass ample.
6 By type of glass - thermalized glass (float glass);
- comby glass;
- Electrochromic glass;
- Triplex.
7 By layout (SPROSU) - constructive;
- overhead;
- Intercole.

These characteristics of French windows cause the appearance of different species.

1. From the design position:

  • one piece structures. A distinctive feature in the absence of partitions in the window frame. The massive design makes special requirements for accessories and the method of opening windows. The accessories should be able to withstand the weight of heavy kaneylene glass with a thickness of 6-8 mm. It is advisable for one-piece designs to choose a sliding way to open;
  • sectional structures. Partitions that share the panoramic window to pieces give it greater strength, and the whole design is greater rigidity. Maximum number of flaps - 7 pcs. What is due to the features of the attachment of the polozov for their slip.

2. From the standpoint frame design:

Two structural options frame with a jumper (impost) and without (shill)

With impost

The impost is a vertical jumper to which the windows sash are leaning. The presence of an imposput makes the design stronger, allows you to open one or both sash, put the sash "to ventilating". But, such a frame design contradicts the philosophy of the "French" window, the meaning of which is the absence of an impost.

With Shlpom.

Pluming flaps in the open state allow you to get a panoramic view from the window that does not spoil the vertical jumper. However, such flaps can only be swivels (and not swivel-folding). But the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe French window is precisely in the absence of obstacles to the review or passage, which makes plum windows more "correct", i.e. French style.

3. From the functionality position:


The portal window system is a window, one or more flaps of which opens by performing the function of the door. The portal system of the window is distinguished by significant area and reliability. The French portal window is installed at the outlet of the house or instead of the balcony block.

Book or harmonica

Also performs the function of the door, and the difference is in the way of opening the door. In this case, the door is moving away - it consists of harmonic, allowing you to provide a wide passage. Folding harmonic windows are popular in the premises of a large area.

4. By the opening method:

Swing windows

Like traditional doors. They are preferred when installing French windows into narrow openings, where there is no possibility to organize a full-fed-functioning sliding system of windows. Opening a swollen window-door can inside or out. A classic handle is used to open.

Parallel-sliding (sliding)

The most reliable and functional, and by virtue of this, the most popular user system with parallel-sliding opening. The window has sliding flaps that can ride around, i.e. Drive towards parallel to the frame. For opening and holding the door in the open state, valves and spinages are used.

Options for sliding flaps are shown in the diagram:

Sliding type book (accordion)

The harmonic window is revealed as fully as possible, and the flaps are assembled in the so-called "parking place". The restriction for installing sliding type windows is a small area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

5. From the position of the material used for the manufacture of the frame:

Despite the significant size of the glass, and the closed window openings, the framework for French windows can be made of any materials. Among those that use can be called:

Oak, larch, less often, is used as the feedstock. No array is applicable for production, due to the risk of its deformation, but glued bar, as more resistant to external factors. Wooden French windows bribe the fact that they provide constant ventilation indoors even in a closed state. However, the tree is demanding in processing and complex in care. All this led to a considerable value of the French windows of their tree. It can be said that they are designed for consumer segments with incomes significantly higher than average.

Aluminum french windows

Aluminum profile is in demand due to lightness and high strength, which is very important for French glazing. Traditionally, the aluminum profile is used in cold glazing, but thanks to the introduction of thermorroduction technology, warm aluminum windows appeared.

The aluminum window profile with a thermal survey is a design that has a heat-insulating layer (thermosost or thermal survey). Thanks to the presence of the thermal separation, it became possible to make warm glazing using an aluminum profile.

Aluminum French windows can have a different configuration. Designed for consumers with income above average. They can be considered an intermediate link between wooden and plastic.

Plastic French windows

The PVC profile is used for the manufacture of typical window blocks, and for French. Plastic is quite durable, easy to process, from it you can make a frame of any configuration. In a number of materials used for the manufacture of windows, plastic distinguishes low cost. To reduce thermal conductivity, the plastic profile can have from 3 to 7 cameras. PVC windows are designed for a wide range of consumers.

Glass-composite french windows

Refer to the innovations of the market. The windows of the glasskomposit are well proven due to low thermal conductivity, low weight, strength. Disadvantage - high cost.

6. According to the glass used:

  • thermalized glass (float glass);
  • cool glass;
  • electrochromic glass (smart glass), the degree of transparency is controlled by an electronic system remotely (expensive technology, from 35 thousand rubles per square);
  • triplex. Glass consists of two parts, between which the film is placed.

Triplex windows are characterized by safety. The glass triplex is more resistant to the loads, it is difficult to smash it, and during the destruction it will not fly into thousands of sharp fragments, but is crumbling (or held by the film) on rounded fragments.

7. According to the layout option (SPROSA):

A private house with French windows will always be unique thanks to the variety of layouts that are used in its manufacture.

Decorative layout (sposters) - This is a lattice or aluminum lattice window, which visually divides a large glass into several blocks. Shrugs on the windows are designed to strengthen the wide / high window and its decorations.

Types of sposters on the windows (layouts):

  • constructive. In this case, the sposters share a large window Rama into several parts, each of which is inserted separate double glazing;
  • overhead (Venetian). Attached to the glass. Installed outside or inside the glass package. Serve exclusively for decoration;
  • intercraft. Installed between the glasses during the manufacture of the glass package. This location makes them undemanding in care, since they are not exposed to the factors of the external environment.

Pros and cons of French windows

As you can see, choose from what. Such a variety of types and types of French windows are due to their merits and demand in the market.

Advantages of French windows:

  • panoramic review;
  • presentable and unusual appearance;
  • visual expansion of space space;
  • maximum daylight (insolation). Installing the French window allows you to reduce the cost of electrical lighting;
  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • excellent sound insulation (depending on the type of profile and material for its manufacture, the number of glasses in the double-glazing and their kind);
  • facade decoration at home.

Disadvantages of French windows:

  • high price;
  • the need to condition air in summer. During the day, the room temperature is greatly rises due to the fact that double-glazed windows are passed to 95% of sunlight;
  • the complexity of the depth glasses, which is especially relevant for residents of high-rise buildings. The French balcony window of a deaf design can be washed only with the involvement of industrial climbers;
  • difficulties with the installation in a residential building, especially a multi-storey (required redevelopment, which is difficult to perform when installing windows into bearing walls);
  • specificity of the installation of heating devices;
  • psychological discomfort. Some people have difficulty with a permanent stay "In Presentation". Panoramic French glazing is designed to erase the edge between the room and the environment.

Installation options for French windows

Thinking interior design with editing a French window can be used different methods Its installation and finishes. At the same time, the owners of private houses practically do not have restrictions, but the owners of apartments in a multi-storey building in the installation options are limited.

French windows in the apartment

This option is possible only for owners of new buildings, in which it initially provides for the possibility of installing French windows. And the owner already solves independently, give preference to French glazing or use the traditional, having laid a part of the wall with a meter concrete;

French window on the balcony (loggia)

One way to visually expand the space of the residential room. However, it should be remembered that the change in the geometry of the doorway entails, and as a result, the transformation of the structure of the carrier wall, which requires. And not always permission can be obtained. Unauthorized introduction of changes followed by legalization fraught with fines;

French window in Khrushchev

It can be installed if it makes it possible to determine the structure of the structure and there is a possibility to make changes to the geometry of the openings. Given the period of building Khrushchev, you need to take into account the attractiveness of the surrounding landscape, as well as the likelihood of building new buildings. So as not to hide the later picture outside the window with massive curtains;

French windows in a private house

Give a much greater space for fantasy. IN country houses Such windows can occupy very large square, sometimes two adjacent walls are subject to glazing. As a rule, such windows overlook the terrace, a patio or to the garden, opening the surrounding landscape at home and allowing the room to be continued by visual merging it with the environment;

French window in the kitchen

Allows you to enjoy beautiful view outside the window. Since it is in the kitchen that users spend a significant part of their time without being distracted by the technique.

Heating under french windows

The windows from the floor to the ceiling came to us from France, where the climate is much softer domestic. Therefore, even residents of the warm southern regions are forced to install heating radiators under French windows.

Ways of heating of premises with French windows:

  • installation of heating radiators on the opposite window of the room wall. In this case, the heating of the room will be uneven and the appearance of condensate on the windows is possible. Despite the fact that French windows belong to the warm type of glazing, due to the large area are the source of heat loss in the house;
  • installation of fresh convectors. An ideal solution for the heating device in rooms with panoramic glazing. But, the cost of embedded convectors is very high. In addition, hidden heating systems under the windows are laid at the construction stage, because Installation is performed in the overlap (in the floor). Therefore, more often used in private homes.
    The key advantage of in-depth convectors is that warm air rises directly from under the window, which creates a peculiar heat curtain and prevents the rapid cooling of the room;
  • warm plinth (electric, water) - new technologywho has proven itself as optimal solution In rooms with a large glazing area. Heating elements are mounted around the perimeter of the room, due to the small size do not block the overview and do not clutter the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
  • warm floor (water, electric) - With the right calculation and installation provides uniform heated room. Installation is possible both in homes and apartments. Material prepared for WWW.Site site

Condensate on french windows

The main problem with which the owners of the "French" faces (from the floor to the ceiling) windows - the appearance of condensate. It is for this that heating under the window. But one heating is not enough, you need to provide good ventilation. Preferably adjuvant (in modern houses With hermetic windows there will be no single exhaust). Due to bad ventilation will high humiditythat will lead to the formation of condensate on the inner surface of the glass package.

French-style windows themselves can be considered an interior decoration. However, if desired, they can be toned, arrange stained-glass windows, decorate the plots-plize, rolled curtains or ordinary curtains of light dense materials, most often organized. Sliding shirms can be used as protection against extraneous eyes. The main thing in the design of French windows is to emphasize their grace.

Price of french windows

An important aspect of installing French windows is an assessment of their value.

The price of the windows is consisted of these components:

  • glazing area. The surface size that is subject to glazing has the greatest impact on the final value of the implementation of the entire project;
  • equipment;
  • quality of fittings;
  • view of the profile and number of cameras in it (for metal plastic);
  • the material from which the profile is made;
  • type of sash - solid or sectional;
  • the color of the frame is white, laminated (for metal-plastic and aluminum profiles);
  • opening mechanism;
  • quality of window seals. To check the quality of the seal, you need to squeeze the gum and release it in 5-10 seconds. The high-quality seal will instantly return to its original state;
  • the presence and location of the layout (SPROSA);
  • view of glass and the area of \u200b\u200beach glass package;
  • frame configuration;
  • brand (Rehau, Kaleva and TD.);
  • the complexity and volume of installation work.

Calculate the cost of the French window can be even before calling the measurer, for this purpose, special calculators of calculation are intended to be placed on the pages of manufacturers. Such a preliminary calculation will help to make an estimate of work and navigate in total expenditures on the implementation of the project of French glazing.

Approximate prices in the table (PVC profile, height 2700 mm.)

Summing up one can note that the French windows - perfect option For a modern private house or apartment. Installing panoramic windows from the floor to the ceiling is a great way to make your housing non-standard, make a notch of French chic and keep the feeling of home comfort.