
Conifers in the country area. In winter and summer - in one color: coniferous compositions on the plot

Ponds in the garden

Evergreen pets enjoy permanent demand from gardeners, as they please round year A juicy greens and a variety of shapes and sharf colors, and care practically does not require. What boys on the cottage is best to plant how to organize the most spectacular plants and compositions - the tips of the landscape designer.

Types of planting of coniferous and other evergreen plants

In the autumn, most plants are discharged by foliage - and around everything loses color, empty. Through the barbed branches of fruit and decorative trees From the street there is a house and a foliage no longer protects its owners from the idle curiosity of foreign people and neighbors, and even those who have conceived unkind. But those owners who prudently put on the fence planted evergreen trees may not worry about this. In addition, evergreen plants simply must be in every garden. The picturesque compositions from plants of different shapes and size plants are planted in the middle of the lawn and the sizes will delight the eyes under the snow: robbery in the country - excellent therapy from stress. Moreover, these plants are so different and universal that they can be used in almost all types of landscape design.

Alive hedges - almost all kinds are suitable for their device: Tui, cypressovik, juniper, tes berry and high, which are very well a haircut or can be left in natural form - it is no less beautiful.

Trees and shrubs Soloists - a stunning choice: all forms and sizes. Such gorgeous plants need a circular review, although it is not very close to the fence, just not very close. For these purposes, all types of spruce, pines, cedars, fir, juniper are suitable in large areas - but, taking into account that some varieties and species forms can grow up to 25-30 meters. Beautiful decoration In the country will also be an openwork larch, but she only reces their needles for the winter. It is not necessary to plant such a bush as an TIU berry (if it does not provide for its annual haircut), as it can be achieved in diameter 15-20 meters. For small areas as a single accent, the Tui Western, Eastern, Globa, Heri Coniques and Sizai (with Blue Cheeva) is recommended, and small pines will also look great: Canadian, yellow, blond, Korean, mountain. From shrubs, microbiota, juniper, Thuja folded and Tsuga look fantastically beautifully.

And the real exclusive - black pine, in which the needles grows at the ends of the branches of the floors, in the form of a lush pillow.

Compositions are good from conifers or combined with other evergreen and decorative plants. For this purpose, almost all kinds of conifers can be used, only you need to choose such varieties that grow slowly and remain not very high to achieve mature sizes. It is important to put them correctly, taking into account how much they can grow up after 10 years, otherwise the plants will inhibit each other, will become deformed, they will be offended and hurt. It rules all the impression of such a wonderful idea as landing evergreen in the composition. More about coniferous flower beds on.

Compositions from conifers

Coniferous mixtures are flower beds and discounts, in which conifers are mixed with other plants, including beautifully blooming, and, with a selection of height and color. While the conifers are still very small, it is impossible among them on empty places to plant perennial tall flowers, as they will coagulate babies. But such soil workers and little plants As a belly creeping, ayuga, or a portshold bell, or ordinary Barwin will be just right.

Cylinders B. stony gardens And on the Alpine slides. This is one of the most beautiful options, only need to choose the right species that do not exceed 0.5-1 m. Most suitable dwarf varieties of pine and Japanese low, spherical and sharpening forms of juniper, cypressives, cedar stabean, Thuya folded, turkey, decorative forms of tees high (despite On the name, it does not grow more than 2 m). The rockery of the fir tree is decorated with a black nana, or the MOPS grade (height of up to 40 cm, the needle changes the color for the winter). Or pay attention to the fir balsamic, which in an adult has a crown of about 30 cm in diameter and height.

Thinking forms can also be used as soil plants. For example, Juniper horizontal glauco can completely cover the unsightly plot of more than 10 square meters. Meters with a solid greens with a SIZY RATOS, and even weeds will not grow there.

Coniferous Trees in Potion Garden - Fashion on them today quickly spreads. First, because now you can easily buy any seedlings in vases of different forms and create beautiful compositions at the entrance, on the terrace and even on the balcony. And in case of need - quickly and easily transfer to another place. Secondly, such Christmas trees and pines under New Year You can put in the house and decorate without buying for this purpose a cut down. And then again take out to the street and further enjoy green needles.

Mini gardens from conifers and bonsai at the cottage. Pro miniature gardens We have already written - they can be arranged on a small block of the Earth, in an extended dealer or a large drawer. But grow your real bonsai straight on cottage plot in open soil Not as difficult as you might think. Of course, the tree will not be as miniature as in a blue, but this is not necessary. 1-1.5 meters in the height is quite enough to make the pine or other tree in the form and view of the bonsai, and at the same time, well perceived against the background of the open space. And you need to put a seedling into a metal bucket with a few holes on the bottom for this, just go to the bottom of the water and the drainage layer on ¼. Next, the bucket is easy to bury the selected place, and the plant itself is formed by a piece and cropping on the planned form.

For such purposes, you need to choose frost-resistant boys and not to forget to water in the most heat, because the root does not have the ability to produce water at depth.

Interesting coniferous trees for your garden

In addition to unusual crowns and colors, many coniferous trees can boast of very beautiful cones - different shapes: round, extended, very long, hanging and vertical, different color. For example, in Ayanskaya ate they are bright pink, lush, similar to an exotic flower, grow vertically, bouquet. And at the cedar staber, like Korean pine - they are bright blue, very neat. Interesting cones from a pine yellow - like a bunch of unheated berries. The ate inversion of the bright lilac cone, and the dwarf varieties of Push - scarlet, as well as in the fir with a turning crown of the crown. Huge vertical bright green fruits are very unusually looking at a height of up to 30 cm in the fir grade glauca fir. This list can be continued infinitely.


For almost all coniferous plants, the same requirements for growing conditions: a loose nutrient water-intensive soil with an acidic reaction. It is best to gain it in a pine forest. If there is no such a number, then the composition for the pits can be made in such a proportion: peat - half of the volume, plus a quarter of the leaf humid and the turf. No fertilizer needs. If it is possible - add to the mixture of needles from the New Year tree (collect, naturally, in winter). Soil under the tree to climb with moss sfagnum.

Rules of the device of coniferous compositions

Arranging coniferous garden At the cottage, read first with the type of selected plants in adulthood and draw yourself a plan of the composition.

Trees should be selected from different heights and shapes, but taking into account the fact that according to the laws of harmony there should be no more than 7 different elements, and for mini garden - 3. After that, be sure to familiarize yourself how to carry out care. That's all the rules of how to put coniferous trees and bushes on your cottage.

Grow conifers in the country - a fairly extraordinary choice for gardener. There are several reasons for this. First, these plants grow pretty slowly. At first at a speed of about 5 cm / year, the root system is exhausted, then an active growth and an increase in the crown occurs. It will take a lot of time and effort for them (growing, the fight against pests, if necessary, treatment). Secondly, if decorativeness - the most important condition For you, you need to understand that it is not easy for you to achieve an attractive composition from various varieties conifer, because in nature coniferous trees grow most often homogeneous groups (Pine Bor or Yelnik).

Roughs grow sufficiently slowly, but they rarely fall and easily carry the lack of the sun.

But despite this, coniferous plants have a number of advantages that are difficult to resist:

  1. Ecology. The needles highlights special substances, overwhelming and developing bacteria, phytoncides. Thus, the air is disinfected and cleaned from dust.
  2. W. coniferous rocks Trees and shrubs The leaves do not fall and retain the color of the whole year, with the exception of larch, pseudolide, tees, metaequisy and glipstock. It was for that that they received their proud name evergreen. And it will be especially noticeable in the winter, when other plants are swing. Putting conifers, you make your own country gardenEven during the harsh cold, it will bother the emerald pomp.
  3. Decorative qualities. Some varieties can be used to create a living hedge, among them: spruce, pine, cedar, fir, thuja, juniper. Some for topiara (curls) when creating a gravel garden (roccar).
  4. Such trees easily transfer the lack of sunlight.
  5. Resistant to water deficiency thanks to the developed root system.

How to choose the conifers for giving

To reflect your cottage, you can use the following varieties: cypress (juniper, cypress, thuja), tees (Torreya, TIS), pine (pine, larch, fir, cedar, spruce). Before planting coniferous plants on your site, you need to solve several important issues:

  1. Planning the placing the conifer in the garden depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe site. Conifers reach large sizes (in vivo grow up to 50 m), but if your cottage does not have enough area under the landing of large trees, you can buy dwarf varieties - accurate copies of evergreen originals. But before purchasing dwarfs, it is necessary to know that they have a number of disadvantages: the exposure of mushroom diseases, which adds trouble to care for them (treatment of fungicidal preparations, cleaning from dried branches), as well as the likelihood of branches of twigs (the crown shape) may be disturbed. In addition, some of them are short-lived, poorly silent, suffer from lack of moisture, in spring for them is dangerous excessive sunlight.
  2. Determine the composition of the landing. When combining conifers, it is important to take into account the future growth and condition of the crown so that neighboring plants do not interfere with each other. The distance between them should be at least 1.5 m.
  3. Examine the climatic conditions and characteristics of the soil and relate them to the requirements of those varieties that you are going to plant. It should be remembered that evergreen have an oxidic soil property, it should be moderately nutritious. They do not like moisture stagnation (for this they carry drainage), and when landing should be selected, protected from cold winds and bright sun.

Landing conifers

There are several ways to grow coniferous plants in the country areas:

  1. Planting seedlings. If you purchased seedlings with an open root system, the landing should be held in early spring Or in the fall, so that they have managed to root before the onset of the cold. If conifers were acquired with the ground, it is possible to plant them even in winter. Drop the pit, spacious enough so that it is free to place in it root system Saplings. Add here a mixture of sand, peat and compost in an equal ratio. Watch that the root neck of the coniferous plant (place where the barrel goes into the roots) remained a few centimeters above the ground surface.
  2. Shining. The cutlets are a small twig of 8-30 cm with a large branch. It is best to carry out the extension in the spring, before the start of growth. The plant from which the stalk is taken should be healthy, about 2-3 years old. It is preferable to use middle and upper branches. They should not be cut off, but to tear off the mother branch, so that a small "heel" remains. After collecting material for landing, place it in the water or wrap the wet cloth. It is impossible to dry out the cut. Before boarding, you can handle the lower part of the draft epinoma. Slap cuttings in a greenhouse or a cold greenhouse. For the landing, rows of grooves are prepared (a depth of 5-7 cm), the distance between the rows is 15-30 cm, depending on the size of the cuttings. The cuttings are placed obliquely (angle 60 °) at a distance of at least 10 cm from each other. After landing spray growth stimulants (epin, zircon). Under favorable conditions, the cuttings begin to root in 3-4 months, in the spring it is planted on a garden plot. Juniper, turkey, cypressov, tees, etc. are well separated.
  3. Seed reproduction. Water can be breeding, pines, larch, thus, juniper. With this reproduction, the seedlings completely repeat all the characteristics of their ancestors. They collect seeds only after full ripening, cleaned, dried on paper in a warm, dry room. They are sized either immediately after collecting and cleaning, or they are stored at low temperatures in hermetically closed dishes, which slows the effects of acids. Sowing coniferous plants is carried out only in spring. During the day before sowing, seeds hold in water room temperature. Before sowing and all next year The soil does not fertilize. Seeds are placed on a depth of 0.5 to 2 cm depending on the variety. After sowing, the beds are watered and closed with a film. In the future, they should be watered to preserve humidity, but not plentiful. When shoots appear (after about 12 days), they begin to gradually remove the film, take the shooters, and then the film is completely removed.

Further care includes watering, weeding, soil looser; It is not necessary to strengthen the crops for the winter.

Coniferous Plant Care Rules

The first week after landing, the watering is carried out every morning (10-15 liters of water / 1 m²), then twice a week before the end of the summer.

By fall, watering is reduced to not stimulate the growth of young shoots. On the third year, every 1-2 weeks watered. For conifers you can not use nitrogen fertilizers. Feed it better at the end of winter with special means for coniferous plants (50-100 gr / m²), compost (3-5 kg \u200b\u200b/ m²) or not to be used at all feeding.

After landing, it is necessary to carry out mulching, that is, to coat the layer of the Earth by 8-10 cm around the trunk of the coniferous substrate from the forest. This is done in order to better conserve moisture in the soil, nutrients, oxygen, protection against pests and weeds. Subsequently, it is better to mulch at the end of winter, after bait.

In the first years after landing, conifers must be dialed from the sun.

Roots of coniferous plants The first 5 years should be stolen on the winter with a snack (cut-off coniferous branches) or kraft paper to protect against spring frost and solar burns.

In order for the branches not to have rolled from snow in winter, they are pressed against the trunk and are wrapped with non-woven underfloor material or burlap.

Treat a plant by fungicide to protect against mushroom diseases and pests.

In cases of appearance on the trees of green branches with color or motley foliage (signs of the disease), carry out trimming. 2-3 times per season carry out the spraying of plants with epinom (stimulator root growth).

Early spring until the air warms up, swing up: Remove the branches, as well as all shoots growing from roots or pione. The following trimming is performed in the middle, and then at the end of the season. Make regular weeding (weed removal) and soil looser (removal of the upper layer of the Earth).


Western Thuja is a coniferous plant, which is characterized by very slow growth. Name such a feature is very difficult. Beautiful trees With lush branches please the eye, and the small size allows you to plant them in any part of the country area. Of these trees, beautiful compositions surrounded by stones or decorative elements.

Put on top cuttings, in open soil You can land plants that have reached 30-40 cm in height. Thugs quickly, but loves acidic soil. That is why it is recommended before planting the seedlings of the Earth feather a special sour soil for conifers.

In winter, it is absolutely not required to cover the thuly. Plants do not respond to changes in weather conditions and temperature differences.

Cypress Gorochopling is a type of cypressive, which is characterized by special resistance to winter cold. The height of this plant reaches only 10 m. Crown is very magnificent and thick. Green fences are often made from the cypressives of the pea blossoms.

In China, this coniferous plant not only enjoys greatly popular, but also includes sacred coniferous trees. In the Russian conditions, the plant comes up quickly and practically does not require additional care.

Locking the cypressovik in the open soil, it is necessary to take care of the supply of land with a special coniferous soil. In winter, the plant will not frustinate and does not lose its external view, remaining green and incredibly fluffy.

Microbiota Cross-pass - a unique plant. The birthplace of this coniferous beauty is the Far East. Microbiota with ease tolerate even the most severe winters. The small bushes of this plant are completely not reacting to temperature differences.

Microbiota - shrub, whose height reaches 1 m. Externally, it is very similar to some varieties of juniper. Shrub grows very slowly. In the year, the increase is only 2 cm. Most often, this plant is decorated with flower beds or plant around the garden perimeter.

Becoming owner country houseIt is worth taking care of the beauty of the surrounding area. In the middle line of Russia, the spring passes quickly, the summer flies imperceptibly, and in the fall, the plot again turns out to be empty and gray. Evergreen coniferous plants come to the rescue.

You will need

  • - Saplings of coniferous plants;
  • - shovel;
  • - water;
  • - ropes;
  • - Wooden pegs.


Conifers provide many paintings and forms. It is impossible not to notice on the coniferous plants. Separately planted, they will be an emphasis and the basis for the nearby flower beds. Coniferous plants in the background are a good background for various plants. In the autumn-winter period, evergreen conifers will support the structure of your garden. From the very beginning, find out the growth intensity and the size of an adult coniferous plant - that is, what it will appear in a few years. Otherwise, putting a plant from the track in front of the house, in a short time you will have to or deal with a time-consuming transplant of an adult tree, or to transfer the track.

Regardless of the garden shape, the proper fit of the coniferous plant is almost 100% success in the future. It is better to spend more time to prepare the seating area than the years pull out the plant from the "coma".

Obschery with environmental conditions on your site and compare them with required conditions For growing plants like you. Almost all conifers are well developing on drained soils, poorly carry out stagnation. The composition of the soil for different plants will be different. Spruce, fir, tees and thui prefer rich, fertile soil. Larch and pines feel better if an earthen substrate for landing will be with the addition of sand so that the air can penetrate the roots without free.

From the second year of landing, coniferous plants can be fed, but only special fertilizers for conifers. The main thing here is not to overdo it with quantities. On the too fertile soils, the bark and loss of varieties are cracking, a decrease in winter hardiness. Make-up in large mineral fertilizers cause dry drying.

The most appropriate time for planting coniferous plants with an open root system - Spring, April or Beginning of May: the kidneys have not yet trone into growth, and seedlings will not experience strong stress. Autumn planting Preferably from August to early September. During this period there is the most intensive growth of the root system. Plants purchased in a container or with an earthen room, are better and faster and faster, since the root system during landing is almost never damaged.

Right landing pit, do not forget that the plant will increase in size, and the root system, respectively, too. The prepared landing pit should be greater than the existing earthl com.

When transplanting a coniferous plant or landing a young seedling with an open root system, you need to maintain the land on the roots. Do not leave the roots of the plant without sprinkling their land or not covering a wet burlap. Otherwise, the seedling will be long to sit down, as the root hairs located on the roots, in the open air live just a few seconds.

The planting pit should be filled with a fertile substrate, and well tumped. The coniferous plant is placed in a hole, the roots neatly straighten with their hands and fall asleep the earth, the backbone is slightly compacted. Do not forget about the level of the root neck. During the first 2-3 weeks, it is especially closely watching soil moisturizes, water regularly. If the plant is large, it should be fixed with stretch marks and stakes so that the root system is fixed and quickly rooted.


Use only special fertilizers for coniferous plants, strictly observing the dosage indicated by the manufacturer.


A group of coniferous trees has very ancient history. They appeared on Earth more than 300 million years ago. Modern conifers are wood plants, among which trees and shrubs. The most famous breeds are pines, spruce, fir, cedar, larch, sequoia, cypresses.

Types of coniferous trees

Coniferous forests grow on all continents and often form entire biosystems within a single climatic zone, such as taiga.

Class of coniferous includes several families: pine, cypress, araucariye, gardens / nickname, tees. Sometimes there are still families of the heads and taxi. Pine group is extensive and includes more than 120 species of pine, spruce, fir, cedar, larch, tsuh. The cypress group includes the cypressions themselves, juniper, sequoia and thieves, trees and shrubs with cruciform opposing and mutton leaves. Araucaries are Araucaria, Agathis, Vollebum; tees - tees, torreya.

What is characteristic of coniferous

Trees are divided into broadly and conifer type of leaves. The second leaves are hard needles, scratched or flat in the form of strips. Often the color of the thoughts are dark green for the maximum absorption of the light of weak sunlight in a cold climate or dense forest.

For most large coniferous rocks, a large straight trunk and a conical crown is characteristic when the lower branches are longer and wider than the top. If the forest is thick and there is a lack of light, the lower branches die over time, and the lower part of the trunk remains without branches.

Conifers belong to the class of vote, wind-sour plants. Men's and women's cones (strobils) are growing on the trees. Microspores from male strobed wind are transferred to women and pollinate them, resulting in seeds. When the cones are revealed, the seeds fall and fall into the ground, and also spread with birds and animals.

Most coniferous - evergreen plants, on which the same leaves persist 2-40 years. The exceptions include larch, pseudoliticism, metasex, taxodium and glipstobus, which dump the leaves in the fall and winter without them.

Coniferous trees perfectly clean air, give healing essential oils and valuable wood, and also produce a resin from which such a popular amber is obtained. Their benefits and value for ecology is difficult to overestimate.

Almost all record holders on the planet belong to conifer. Recordsman-long-lived is a pine durable from California, judging by the number of trunk rings to her 4700 years.

The highest representative of coniferous - sequoia evergreen, growing in the West of the United States, reaching more than 115 m in height.

Tree with the fattest barrel, Taxodium Mexican, has a diameter of 11.42 m. Secuateradron giant with a total volume of 1486.9 m³ - most a big tree.

But the New Zealand dwarf pine is known for its miniature - usually it reaches no more than 8 cm in height.

Recordsmen on growth rates are green cultures, but not all. The fruits of some vegetables either will not make themselves waiting for a long time, after a month and a half after the seed landing.

Green Cultures and Early Vegetable - Radish

In the spring, I want to quickly get the first harvest. Arriving at the cottage, put Radish. Then after 3-4 weeks you can taste its juicy root roots. The grade "18 days" allows them to be touched by them through a period of time. You need to consider from the day the appearance of germs. Seeds germinate quickly - already on the third-fourth day.

Make a spring salad from radish, onions, dill. Onions also gives the first greens pretty quickly. To do this, you need to put the seaws in the loose soil. Middle and large copies will give more greenery than minor. Dill grows rapidly. In just a month, the seeds will turn into small openwork bushes. After 45 days of the greenery will be even more.

Salad species There are many. They are divided into coastal and leafy. The last most imperative. But the coaching salad grows pretty rising.

One of the schedule for growth of growth - Cress Salad. After 15 days, make his spicy leaflets and try vitamin greenery. The original taste is different and arugula. It also refers to fast-growing cultures. These two types of greenery can be planted not only in the garden, but also at home in pots or boxes. They are compact, so do not require a lot of space and shades.

Fast growing vegetables

At the beginning of the middle of June, I want to taste the first cucumbers. It is quite real. Plant the rapid varieties at the end of April to the seedlings. In mid-May, land it in a greenhouse. Then at the beginning of the summer you will make a salad not only with greens and radishes, but also add juicy cucumbers there.

If you want to eat a salad with the crumbly potato from my garden, then this moment does not have to wait long. Purchase early grades, Place the tubers for 3 hours into the solution of the growth stimulator, and then decompose into transparent packages. Make each 3-4 small holes and hang out on the light. Sometimes moisturize from the spray gun.

A month later, the tubers will appear small strong leaves and roots. At the beginning of May, potatoes in the ground. It will grow quickly. In mid-July, you can carefully dig 4-5 bushes and take large potatoes from each 2-3. It is enough for a family dinner.

Salad sheets over time become bitter, so plant it several times in small portions.

When landing radish, do not forget that it needs to be planted at a distance of 3-4 cm - no more often. Then each plant will have the necessary power area, and radishes will not go to the arrow.

Video on the topic

Coniferous trees in the country, how to choose them to choose how to plant, and do not miss the most important moments?

After all, I want to, creating a mini-oasis from conifers in the country or in the garden, so that this undertaking justifies itself. And the view of the future own corner of the "Little Forest" was pleased with us for many years.

Coniferous trees photo and titles

The benefits of coniferous plants are indisputable.

Coniferous trees possess healing properties, highlighting special substances - phytoncides. They have an extremely favorable effect on the respiratory tract and the nervous system and lead it to balance.
Of course, such plants are significantly cleansing the ambient air.
And the unmatched aroma and the fascinating energy emanating from coniferous trees, the description is not amenable.

The most popular seedlings of coniferous trees applies to our climate, represented by such rocks as pine, fir and fir.

Pine shallow: types

The most popular frost-resistant varieties of low pines for planting in the garden:


Height and width up to 3 m. Temple shrub. Needle is often short. The dense location of the shoots and their direction up. Possible group and separate landing, and in large mountaineering.


Throwing shrub. Height up to 2 m. He has dark green rigid cheva and short shoots. Good for landscaping ravines and slopes.


Dense ball crown. Height and width to 2m. Short shoots. Brilliant dark-green needles. Sorts can be grown in vases and capacities


Grown in rockers, the tree grows no more than one and a half meters, has a spherical crown.
Coniferous species should be planted - withsting the distance taking into account future sizes.
Saplings of low-spirited is planted at a distance of one and a half meters.
For pines, the most suitable will be chalk or sandy soil. We should not forget that the bare roots of the young pine can die in the air for a quarter of an hour.


It is possible to feather the same soil as compost and biohumus. The first feeding should be made early in the spring, the second - in the first days of July. Later this deadline fertilize the soil contraindicated (if a long-acting fertilizer is used).

Otherwise, the obsession will occur slower, moderately increasing the growth rate of the plant, and winter coniferous plants can freeze.

Especially important is the care of pines in the very first season after landing. Pruning is made with the beginning of spring, and it is better to form the formation of pinching.


In the additional watering of pines do not need, only young trees need to water in the first couple of years after landing. It is enough to do it up to six times over the summer.
In winter, during the first five years, coniferous plants are covered with nonwoven material, protecting them from frosts.


Hamanka (lesion by rust mushrooms) is a common disease of pine. On the tips of the needle is formed orange raid. In this case, it is necessary to remove patients with trees.

Preventive treatment with copper containing copper is also required, and periodic cleaning of squeezed needles. It is notable to treat pines with protective preparations from butterflies and aphids.


Fir "Compact"

Popular low-grade conifers. The most common for middle strip Such types of as fir Mountain "Compact" and Glauca Compacta (Compacta Glauca).

The form is a web. The first branch is more directed up.

For 30 years, the village reaches a height of two or three meters. The needles are short and not barbed, has a beautiful silver blue color.

Wet and fertile soil is necessary. Both varieties are quite suitable for single and group landings.


Mostly fir strikes eloofo-fir church and chish leaflets. For the purpose of prevention, two-handed treatment of special preparations is shown.
In the very first years, PICHT is needed. When landing between seedlings, it is withstanding the distance of about 2.5 - 5 m, hold it in April, at the end of August and in September.

The fir and seeds are multiplied, and vegetatively. In the spring, in terms of awakening plants, the fir needs abundant irrigation. Watering produce at least 3 times a season, 20 liters on the plant. During the heat, it is necessary to spray a tree twice a week.


Adult fir quietly cost no fertilizer. Young spring, after the snow melts, it is necessary to feed mineral fertilizers. Crop the fir is not necessary, it is enough just to remove dry branches. The priority zone of young trees is mounted by a peat layer, sawdust, thick up to 7-8 cm.


What "Christmas tree" place on the plot?

It is uniquely not suitable for planting in the garden or a spruce, from the forest - for a number of reasons. It does not endure dry ground, does not have a rod root and requires shading. Young growths ordinary ace It can nourish a spruce powder, and its lower branches die with age.

Varieties of firs granted on sale and well growing in our strip, a huge set. The choice will be "difficult", but pleasant.

Main varieties suitable for landing in the garden and in the country:

Spruce blue

Spruce Siza (Canadian) - for landing on large areas
Blue spruce - distributed everywhere, with characteristic needles covered with wax, crown of proper geometric shape
Serbian or Balkan - A narrow monophonic profile resembles a fir. It has beautiful fringe branches.

All of them are not bad to carry the shadow, but still grow in sunny places.
The soil must be wet and contain a lot of humus. The priority circle decreases with a mulching with a compost or peat. Landing pit, sizes are three times more and deeper than the size of the root koma itself, before planting is filled with sand, humid and ferrous land in a 1/2/3 ratio.

The foot need to be neat loosening. With a high level of groundwater, it is necessary to arrange drainage.

In arid weather, the weekly watering ate is obligatory. About two buckets of water on the plant. Fertilizers are made initially when landing. In the future, this necessity does not occur.


The danger is the same for the firs: a web tick and aphid, spruce leaflet and caterpillars of the night butterfly.

The fir is squeezed by small groups or as a solitator. Dwarf forms successfully fit into the rocky garden.


Do not wage attention and larch.

Although in winter she can do us little.
Larch looks perfectly as bonsai, in group and single landings of alley and arrays.

It follows the larger to the larch as much as possible by the sunshine.
Larch is inherent in seed reproduction. Saplings of coniferous plants in containers before planting are abundantly watered with water. Next, this is done twice a week, about two buckets on the plant. After planting larch, the soil is molded with sawdust and peat.

Yes, and weeds under larch is not a place. The feeder is made by min fertilizers at the very beginning of spring.

Infected places are disinfected by five percent copper vigorous.


Decorative coniferous plants predominantly bloom and do not form seeds. Thus, the reproduction is mainly occurring by paving.
For the reproduction of those grades whose shilling is ineffectively, use the vaccination by the kidney or a cutlets into a related or maternal look.

Correctly choosing seedlings of coniferous breeds for your garden or giving, and then securely carefully carefully, it will be possible to observe the beauty created by your own hands.