
Autumn flowers unscrew. The reproduction of a noncremist with a bulb. Plant care: watering, feeding.


Imagine a picture: the middle of autumn, on your site, trees and bushes dropped the leaves and prepare for winter hibernation. After the first frosts, the coup foliage lies in the snow with snow. And suddenly from under the snow, in several places at the same time, light-lilac and white flowers begin to break through. Note, it is in the middle of autumn, in bad weather and the first frosts! A beautiful and fascinating picture is obtained, is it? If this flower intrigued you, allow it to imagine - a lack of autumn (also known as Colchicum Autumnale), he is the same mysterious flowerFlying autumn.

As already mentioned life cycle Most species of this flower are very unusual. Large tuberukovitsa of a non-laminate spend winter in the soil. Early spring in the plant grows several folded leaves. In about July they die. Since September, the clubnevukovitsa is rooted and flowers appear - up to several tens of each plant. They can bloom about a month, some unscrews bloom and late fall. The question remains: why a lack of lack of blossom, if his seeds do not have time to mature?

The answer to this question is very simple - the birthplace of Kolkhikumov was a solar Mediterranean. IN summer time In these parts, plants accounted for all sorts of ways to fight for survival - drought comes. For this reason, the life cycle of plants falls on the most favorable months in the year, and the time of drought flowers are experiencing in the form of tuberukovitz.

Landing a non-freeman

What will be happy with a lack of beauty lovers, so this is their unpretentiousness. The flower is growing on any basis, although it will bloom more magnificently on the loose, soup earth, which is well passed moisture and air. Lighting, too, can be any - Kolkhikums feel great in both fellowship and outdoor sun. Summer droughts The plant transfers to "excellent", and the frosts are not terrible - it is possible to remove the bulb for the winter of a bowl. The exception will be only terry and white grades - they are more sensitive to frosts, they are desirable for winter to stream foliage.

Reproduction of a non-freeman

Unnoticeing a non-laminate can be seeds and subsidiaries.

Reproduction of seeds

If you have got the seeds of the Kolkhikum and plan to plant them, tell you only one thing - this is a very impractical way :) The reason is that the late 6-7 years grown out of seeds will not bloom the first 6-7 years, the bulb plant for flowering needs to be gaining vitality. If it does not stop you, we advise you to sow immediately after collecting - in the spring. Slide the seeds is necessary for a small depth of fertile, loose and slightly wet soil.

Reproduction by subsidiaries

This is the easiest way to breed the plant. He begins with the collection of clubnellukov. It is necessary to collect bulbs for breeding in the middle of July, when the seeds of a lack of confidence have already matured, and the leaves are wishes and lay on the ground. They dig bulbs carefully - in the soil they are quite deep (30-35 cm). Then tuberukovitsa need to be cleaned from the ground and remove the residues of the leaves with the old bulbs. Scales that cover the tuber, do not remove. After that, we rinse the bulbs in the water, we rinse with a solution of manganese and dried up to plant plant in a dry, a steep place at a temperature of 24 ° C.

We make a landing (or transplantation) in August - this is the most favorable for the reproduction of the month, as it accounts for a period of rest at a non-laminator. Depth and location of landing depends on the size of the bulbs. Small bulbs landed at a depth of 6-8 cm at a short distance from each other (10-15 cm), large need to fall a little deeper (at a depth of 12-15 cm) with an interval of 20-25 cm. Soil when planting bulbs It is advisable to choose the same As when landing seeds - loose and fertile.

What else is important - the plant is advisable to transplant every few years, with the old bulbs to delete. If this is not done, there are a lot in one clubneelukovice: a plant ceases to bloom.

Care for a lack of lack

Special care The plant does not require, there are only a few nuances that we will now try to describe.


Pruting a non-lackless thing is not needed. Some gardeners cut dry flowers in autumn and dried leaves in the summer to support appearance Flower garden. We would not do this. For better maturation, the onion of the plant will need all the vitality, so it is not worth interfere in the natural process of dieting the flowers and leaves. Better next to a long-standing plant to plant plants that will bloom in summer period - They will be able to cover the non-auditive flower.


Watering a non-lacking room is also not needed, abundant moisture by the plant is contraindicated - the bulbs begin to heat. Additional watering will be needed only at the time of the blossom of a non-laminate, and only if this period is arid.


The feeding is desirable at the time of planting the bulbs of a non-freelancer. In the future (in spring and summer), it is necessary to feed the plant with nitrogen fertilizers. It will help him form strong and large leaves, which will have a positive effect on the reserve of nutrients in the very bully of the Kolkhikum. When boarding as fertilizers, wood ash and superphosphate (liter can of ash and a tablespoon of phosphate for each sq. M), then nitrogen fertilizers contribute annually - 1 time a few weeks in spring and early summer, while the stems and leaves of a non-lunist are actively developing.

Types of lackless

The genus of Kolkhikumov includes up to 100 species of plants, most of which are common in the Mediterranean. Cultivate some of them, we will try to tell about these species in more detail.

Autumn-free-free (Solchicum Autumnale)

Growing a flower in the heat dimensional zones of Europe. The leaves are developing in the spring, in the middle of the summer die. Flowers in the fall, several flowers appear from one bulb (from 1 to 4). White flowers and light lilac to 7 cm in diameter.

Swordless Speciosum (Colchicum Speciosum)

This is a major view of a non-lunist, reaching the height of up to 30 cm. Plant flowers are pinkish or pinkish-lilac. The view is successfully cultivated, there are several interesting varieties with an unusual color - striped or chess. This appearance also includes one of the most beautiful (in our opinion) varieties - Water Lily.

Cilicum Cilicicum (Colchicum Cilicicum)

This species is distributed in Turkey. A plant with a height of up to 60 cm, at the time of flowering, gives 15-25 flowers from one clubnelluca. Flowers with white tube, petals of pink painting. It blooms late autumn, the leaves, like a non-laminate of the autumn, grow in the spring.

Unlimited Byzantine (Colchicum Byzantinum)

The leaves of this species also grow in the spring, blooms late in summer and autumn. From one tuberukovitsa grows 10-12 flowers with a height of up to 10 cm, a pink-pink shade.

When the Dark God of the death of Aid took into his underground kingdom of the goddess of fertility to Persephone, autumn came in the world. The birds were silent, they faded and fade the plants - it grieved on the missing daughter her mother, the goddess of the earth Gay. And suddenly, among the gray and durable paints, unprecedented flowers were dismissed - unscrews. So the unfortunate captive gave to know about himself. The mother gained her daughter, and fragile purses of Persephone remained as a gift to people and until today they grow across Europe, in Central and Central Asia, in North Africa and the Mediterranean, and also bang in the gardens of regions with temperate climates. The historic homeland of the mythical representative of the family of non-lass is considered to be the Black Sea region of Kolkhida, from here and the Latin name of the plant - "Kolkhikum". A limp of his name for amazing ability Disgrace your tender tubular flowers at that time, when most plants are already actively preparing for the winter. There are also other cultural names - autumn crocus, brandushka, bombocodium, damn bread, meadow saffron, untimely color.

Despite the external similarity with crocuses, unscrews are not so harmless. All their parts (flowers, leaves, bulbs) contain an extremely toxic alkaloid colchicine, dangerous to human life. However, this circumstance is not a reason to abandon wondrous colors. Just do not allow children and animals to flower bed, carry out work in gloves, then the process of growing unscrews will deliver you only positive emotions.

When to plant

The best time for landing of Ossennets-driving unlimited - the second decade of August. Types blooming in the spring are put into the ground, barely fattened the soil.

All unscrews - ephemeroids, that is, after a friendly flowering, their leaves are withering, and in the bulb begin to accumulate required plants Carbohydrates. Spring unscrews behave like this, autumn species develop a little differently - in early spring They emit several narrow leaves to the surface, the food is inhibited in the summer period of rest, and bloom in September-October with the complete absence of foliage (it will fade in late May).

Growing from seeds

A generative method of reproduction of non-lunches is a process of long, labor-intensive, and it is applied only with respect to spring-breathing species. In early June, ripe seeds are collected, soaked for a short time in clean water and sowed to nutritional, wet soil. Shoots will appear only in early spring. Caring for seedlings Standardly: thinned, weed, watered to dying leaves and insulate for the winter. In the bloom of immortals grown from seeds, they will take place only in 6-7 years.

The tricky procedure replacing the pre-sowing soaking: make a small pouch from old headproof tights, pour seeds into it and place the nodes in the toilet tank. With each plum, water flows will rinse seeds and clean them from inhibitory substances that slow down germination.

Landing Lukovitz

Looking for a plot for unscrews, keep in mind that they love bright sunlight, it is not bad for halftime, but in a deep shadow weakly bloom and often become a slug. Soil is suitable any - and alkaline, and sour, and neutral. Even in the clay soil, if it is not overcooked, unscrews will be quite comfortable. Planting the tuberukovitz is as follows:

  • The site is dripped with a mooring (5-6 kg / m²) and sand (3-4 kg / m²).
  • During landing, the soil is refilled by superphosphate (1 tbsp. Spoon / m²) and wood ash (200 g / m²).
  • The bulbs are planted into the ground at a distance of 10-20 cm apart. Small instances are plugged at 7-8 cm, large by 15-18 cm.

Important! The long scaly tube of the clubnewukov, after the landing, must necessarily be seen from the ground, it plays the role of the tunnel by which the bud is moving. In no case cannot trim the tunnel tube in any way, otherwise the flower will have to break through the thickness of the Earth.

In the permanent care, unscrews do not need, they are enough major agrotechnical procedures:

  • Regular watering plants are needed only during flowering, if the yard is hot dry weather. During the rest of the time, unscrews are content with rain moisture. Stagnation of water in the soil of culture is contraindicated, as the swelling bulbs quickly get and dying.
  • We feed the unscrewing 2-3 times during the season - landings are watered with a solution of complex fertilizers (30 g per 15 liters of water), which must contain nitrogen.
  • Periodically, the soil on the flower bed is shallow moor, at the same time destroying the weed grass.

The events are not too tiring, but unscrews on them speak gratefully.

Rules of transplant

Every year, every adult bulb of a non-lunist forms 2-3 kids, as a result of which the plant over time becomes too closely at the same place. To avoid the grinding of flowers every 3-4 years, a lack of liquefy should replant:

  • In the third decade of June, when the leaves of the plants please, dig the clubnellukovitsa and clean it from the ground.
  • Collect baby, and throw away the uterine bulb unsuitable for the germination.
  • Daughter lows rinse under the jet of running water, immerse 30-40 minutes into a solution of manganesey, after which they dry carefully when room temperature And remove for storage in a stealless warm (about +24 ° C) place.
  • In the fifteenth few days of August, the prepared baby is planted in an open ground.

Thanks to the unacceptable manipulations, your unscrewing will always be young, healthy and ready for high-quality flowering.

Warmless after flowering

Having finished blossom, a lack of lack of begins to build a bulb. Many flowerflowers prefer to trim his faded leaves at this time. However, it is not worth doing this, since this procedure takes away from the plant vitality and lukka is not so large as I would like. When patched, only those fragments that fell off themselves should be deleted.

Winter overwrites in the ground. On the eve of the cold weather, the plot is insulated with a pile of dry leaves, and this shelter cold-resistant beauties will be enough to survive the most severe winter.

Diseases and pests

The leaves of a non-lunist adore the snails and slugs, and withdraw the buncrouch, the incineration is not so simple. In order to prevent the invasion of mollusks, to climb the rustling of the chopped egg shell or small pebbles. Also, a mechanical obstacle will help from pests - dig over the perimeter of the flower beds shallow grooves, put plastic gutters in them and fill them with water. To overcome such "Aryk" with a bunthogible, and they will be forced to retreat.

The worst diseased disease is a gray rot, the development of which contributes to chronic mooring of the soil. If the infection is not running, spray the planting with a potent fungicide ("Topaz", "Kuppex", "Champion"), having pre-cut damaged parts of the plants. And do not forget to revise irrigation mode, otherwise the treatment will be unsuccessful.

Types and varieties

The rode of a non-liqueur combines more than 100 species of blooming perennials, and many of them are very and very attractive. Perhaps you will be surprised, but in the culture they are grown not only the autumn-driving unlimbs, but also those that dissolve in the spring, simultaneously with the development of leaves, such as:

  • Warmless Hungarian - elegant perennial with white or purple-pink flowers and densely sowed along the edges of the leaves. In addition to Hungary, it grows in Greece, Albania and on the territory of the former Yugoslavia. The most famous variety is VELEBIT STAR.
  • Warmless yellow - spectacular plant height 12-15 cm, dwelling at the boundaries of mountain glaciers. Bright sunny yellow flowers bloom immediately after the snow is low, underlining the dark greens of flat leaves. Grade: Golden Elf, Minion, Vahch.
  • A trip of three-leaf (Ankar, Bibirstein) - dwells on the coasts of Turkey and the Crimea, in Moldova and in the south-west of Ukraine. In the first days of spring against the background of narrow jam-green groove leaves, 2-4 fragile flower of pink-rose color are blooming.
  • Ceselin rovar (reel) - a native of the high mountainous areas of the Alpine and subalpine belts. Blooms? Facely snow comes. Snow white petals in the bottom of the purple purple stripes are decorated with purple-purple stripes. Varieties: My Choice, Purple Star, Glory of Highland.

Of spring species It is also worth mentioning the universities of Sovica, a bunk and a water-loving.
Nevertheless, lack of autonunaries enjoy among the flower water, much more popular. The best of them are recognized:

  • A long-minded woman is gorgeous - meets in the Transcaucasia, in the north of Iran and Turkey. Pretty high (about 50 cm) Perennial with purple or purple flowers. Garden forms - white, dark red, giant, turkish. Best varieties: Huxley, Waterlily, Premier, Rubrum.
  • Warmless autumn - the most famous representative of the genus, growing in forest fields, meadows and pastures of Europe. This is an unpretentious perennial height of about 40 cm with reprehensive flat leaves and large flowers, painted in pink, lilac and white tones. Common forms - white, terry, white terry and naughty.

These species are found in the gardens of medium latitudes more often. For cultural cultivation Open-listening non-lunches are also suitable - shadow, dark purple, bright, Byzantine, Neapolitan, Jerusalem, Kochi, works, Stewina, Fomin and others.

IN landscape design Unfreights are used in the design alpine Gork, rocaries and complex flower beds. It is very convenient to grow them next to the peonies, juniper, Barquincom or a luggage, whose juicy greens will cover the sinking leaves of ephemeroids during rest. Autumn unscrews look great against the background of red or yellow foliage of decorative shrubs.

(or Kalchikum Autumn, Lat. Colchicum Autumnale) - Perennial grassy bulbous poisonous plant, family of non-free. Folk Names: Strong Color, Winter Autumn, Streamed, Rubber, Own, Saffron Wild, Saffron Meadow, Autumn Color, Wintering, Flower, Wishyful Flower, Dog Bow, Dog Death, Dog, Chour Bread, Poisonous Crocus. The name "Warmless" of the plants of this kind, obviously, received for the special rhythm of development - in the spring they appear leaves, dieting to the beginning of summer, and fruits, and they are usually blooming in the fall, to the first snow.

Kolkhikhikum (a non-free) was described in the ancient Egyptian ebers papyrus. It was known to the ancient Greeks and Romans. According to Dioscorid, most plants of this kind occurs from the Black Sea coast in Colchide, from where and the Greek name Kolchikon, in the Latinized version of Colchicum, which means "COLLYDE NOTE", species name Autumnalis translated from Lat. Means "Autumn" and indicates flowering time.

Kolkhikum is involved in the success of the mission of the leader of the Argonauts of Jason. To get the Golden Fleece at the Collid Tsar Eeta, Jason needed to bargain two created by Hephaeste of fire-haired bulls, plow a field dedicated to Aresu and sowed it to the Dragon's teeth donated by Eeto. The Medea fell in love with Jason - the daughter of Eeta - gave him a magic drug - the coherent of the roots of a lack of autumn (meadow saffron), which grew out of the blood of Prometheus chained to the rock. Jason, washing the body of Kolkhikum's body, shield and sword, successfully coped with the task.

The ancient Greeks believed that in Colchide there is a goddess Hecatian garden, where poisonous plants grow - Boligols, Belen, Cicuta and a non-freelancer. The garden, according to legends, was surrounded by a high wall, the gate was guarded huge psami With burning eyes. Medea, according to legends, was a priestess (and for some versions and daughter) hecata and had access to her garden. The reputation of the wizard of Medea is obliged to among other things to stand and ideas about him as a witch flower.

In reality, the Kolkhikums in the ancient time in medicinal practice were not used little due to strong poisonousness, later they were not used for a long time with medical purposes and were forgotten. In the Middle Ages, under the influence of the processes of scientific works of Arab doctors (including IBN Sina), a lack of junk began to apply in Europe again as a medicament. From the middle of the XVI century, plant preparations were recommended for outdoor use. A lack of carrying at this time was part of many medicines (from Lubago, asthma, rheumatism, water), the exact composition of which was kept secret. One of these funds was "Water Huson" - the liquid used to treat rheumatism and gout; Its main component was the infusion of a limp seed on wine. Vintage herbaria, however, warned that Kolkhikuma is extremely poisonous, and it is impossible to use them for internal use.

Over time, the plant began to be applied less often due to the instability of the content in it (mainly in the tubnelukovitsa) to poisonous substances (which could depend on the place of growth, the age of the plant, etc.), which was impossible to accurately dosing drugs, and this is extremely dangerous , given the high toxicity. As well as due to the presence of a large number side effects. In 1820, French chemists p.j. Pelletier and J.B. Cavator found as part of a slave-free colchicine, erroneously believed that it was Veratrin. In 1833 P.L. Heiger allocated this substance in crystalline, calling it to colchicine. In 1820, the English doctor Williams proposed instead of the Kolkhikum's clubnewukov (due to the instability of Kolchicin's content in them) to use its seeds with medicinal goals.


Perennially tuberukovichny medicinal plant, very poisonous, ephemeeroid. The tuberukovitsy are oblong (with a diameter of 3-4 cm, up to 7 cm long), convex on the one hand, almost flat - on the other, covered with dark brown-mounted shells stretched from above in a long neck.

Large leaves (2-4 cm wide, 25-40 cm long), upright, in an amount of 3-4 pieces, green, glossy, broad-chain, naked, fleshy, twisted into a low socket on a false stem, appear in spring. By the end of the spring, the leaves fade and fall. In the summer, a lack of carrying residences in a state of vegetative rest. Stem short (10-30 cm.), Naked, represented, surrounded by brown old leaves.

Flowers plant in the fall, from September to October (or even on November), during the flowering of leaves does not have. Flowers - a number 1-3 - large, funnel-shaped shape, right, 6-cowlers, rosisy, pinkish-lilac, similar to Saffran flowers. Stamens 6, 3 columns, along the length of equal stamens, pestle with a three-yard top urincing.

The fruit of the autumn-lane - ovate-oblong (3-5 cm long), a pointed, three-day, leathery multiferous box - at the beginning of the green, and in the ripe form brown color, appears in spring with leaves. Reveals until the middle of the partitions. Seeds are rounded, with a diameter of 2.5 mm., Dark brown, small. They ripen in a box for the next year after flowering (in June - July).

It grows by Kolkhikum on raw meadows, forest edges and glades, among shrubs, along rivers and streams on most territories of Europe (except Scandinavia); It is found in South and Western Russia, in Carpathians and Western Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Mediterranean, North Africa, in the Caucasus and the Middle East, in North America, Central Asia. Prefers solar places or scattered shadow and drigly, nutritious, moderately alkaline, wet (but not overcooked) soil. Frostotel, unpretentious.

Collapses of the autumn freshly collected seeds and daughter bulbs (1-3 in the nest) in July-August (after drying the leaves before the appearance of buds). To plant it better spring. To keep in one place longer than 6 years is undesirable due to strong soil depletion.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

Due to the extreme poisonousness of the unscrewed autumn for treatment, the plant is currently used mainly pharmacy drugs.

FROM therapeutic goal Clubneelukovitsa are used, bought in autumn, before the start of flowering (September - the beginning of October). They are released from the roots and the above-ground part, purified from the ground and used in dried (cut on the parts and dried) or fresh. Wash the Kolkhikum's clubnewukovitsa should not be, as it reduces the quality of raw materials.

The flowers and seeds of the unscrewed autumn are also used. Seeds are harvested during the period of complete maturity - the boxes are cut with them in June-July, after purchasing brown color. The boxes are dried, then the seeds are removed from them and still dry. The raw failure is dried in a warm place (at T to 40º) or in the sun, spreading into one layer. The shelf life of fresh bulbs is 3 months, and dry seeds and flowers - 12 months.

Since all parts of the plant of poisonous, storing raw materials are needed in tightly closed signed glass jars separately from other reserves and outside the access of children in a dark place. In pharmacies, raw materials are not for sale.

With the billet and storage of the drug raw materials of the autumn, as well as when working with it, caution should be taken, work exclusively in gloves, not to charge children.

Beneficial features

In all parts of the unscrewed autumn, alkaloids were found (colchicine (in flowers - 0.8, in the tubnelukovitsa - 0.25%, in seeds - 1.2%) and colchamine, kolkhicycerine, special form).

In the clubnellukovitsa plants, organic acids of aromatic rows, phytosterols, flavon apigenin and carbohydrates were found, the seeds contain fat, carbohydrates, tannins and resins, macro- (K, Mg, Ca, Fe) and microelements (CU, MN, ZN, CR, CO, AL, V, SR, SR, NI, PB, B).


In medicine

The preparations of the collixum of the autumn are used by official medicine as a medicine against leukemia, asthma, post-infectious jade and cancer tumors. They also apply to the treatment of lumbago, rheumatism ,. Have some diuretic action.

Kolhamin, contained in a laminate of autumn, is a potent anti-blastic agent, exhibits anti-cancer properties and is used for exofite and endophyte forms of I-II stages (0.5% cololchard (oo-one) ointment), as well as leukemia, blood diseases, stomach cancer (In combination with sarcolizin) or esophagus, in non-surgical treatment of cases.

In chronic myeloma leukemia, columine is prescribed intravenously or inside: it causes a decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood, lymph nodes, spleen and gives more or less long-term remissions. Less effectively treatment by cololum recurrence.

Colchine derived from a plant is used to treat gout. In Greece, Germany, France and Indonesia, the autumn (unscrewed autumn) is cultivated as medicinal raw materials.

Other areas of use

Cultivated as decorative plant, remarkable late bloom, when in the parks and gardens is almost no remaining flowering plants. The plant is very beautiful. However, if there are children in the family, it is better to refrain from landing, since the risk of poisoning is great.

Cases of poisoning of people with milk cows and goats, eating this plant. Colchicine, isolated from a mounted autumn, is used in plant selection.

Treatment with unscrewing autumn

Warmless autumn used in official medicine and homeopathy, its seed extract is the main component of anti-dagic tablets Kolkhikum dispert.

Under the exofitis and endophyte forms of skin cancer, the І-ii stage is used by collegum (oo-one) ointment (0.5%), which causes the decay of tumor tissue. The affected skin is lubricated by ointment, causing it at 1-1.5 gr. With a spatula. Ointment, especially in combination with hyaluronidase, easily penetrates the skin of the body and mucous membranes and has cancer cells The electoral action, practically not disturbing the structures of normal tissues. By the end of the treatment, tissue epithelization with a good cosmetic effect. More efficient treatment of skin cancer of the initial stages, without any preliminary effects. In case of overdose of the drug, local or general phenomena of intoxication (poisoning) may occur.

To accelerate treatment into columine ointment, it is recommended to add hyaluronidase (lidase), ephedrine (or meta) and butadion.

Ointment based on the alcohol tincture of seeds or bulbs of a unmarked autumn. 10 gr. The bulbs or seeds of a non-laminate are poured 100 ml. Vodka, withstand 20 days, filtered. Apply externally as rubbing with deforming polyarthritis, gout and rheumatism, neuralgia. 2-3 drops of tinctures are mixed with 1 table. l. Figine pork fat or butter, rub sick places 1 time per day. It is impossible to increase the dose of tincture or the number of rubbing to prevent overdose and poisoning. Before applying, be sure to consult with the doctor.


All parts of the plant are extremely poisonous, especially toxic bulbs and seeds. For this reason, any limber drugs can be applied only on the recommendation and under the supervision of the doctor. The plant ingestion can have serious consequences for human health, right up to death. Poison is even water in which there were a lack of lack.

Flowers must work necessarily in gloves, as the juice of damaged plant bulbs is extremely toxic. 6 gr. The seeds of the autumn lantern contain the dose of alkaloids, lethaling for an adult. For a child, a deadly dose - 1.5-2 grams. seed.

The ointment of the collikum-dispert (made on the basis of unscrewing alkaloids) is contraindicated under the skin cancer III-IV degree.

Non-liqueur drugs are contraindicated by pregnant and nursing women, children under 12, people with a pronounced oppression of the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow.

Poisoning a non-laminate. Symptoms

The main symptoms of poisoning unscrewing are: nausea, vomiting, acute abdominal pain, bleeding or watery diarrhea, feeling of burning throat, tenesmas, weak arrhythmic pulse, decrease in blood pressure, oliguria. The weakening of the muscle tone or convulsion can be seen, the impact of breathing (up to paralysis), initially a strong increase, and then a decrease in body temperature, nonsense, loss of consciousness, a violation of blood composition. Poisoning develops quite slowly, after 2-6 hours.

First aid for poisoning by a non-freelance

As a first aid, activated carbon (2-3 tables. L. L. From 0.5 l. Water), and then washing the stomach 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate is prescribed. It is necessary to call an ambulance - it is important to deliver the victim to the hospital as soon as possible.

Showing abundant drinking water, milk, tea. In the future, the introduction of isotonic sodium chloride solution (up to 1 l. Subcutaneously, drip), glucose (5% solution subcutaneously or 10 ml. 20-40% solution intravenously). In disruption, oxygen is prescribed with cyanosis.

A non-label (lat. Colchicum) is a perennial flower plant Family of non-lunches (Colchicaceae). Other names - Kolfikhikum, meadow saffron, autumn, wintering, poisonous crocus, dog onions, liner flower, spider flower, damn bread, poisonous flower, son without father and naked lady. The first mentions about Kolkhikum are still found in ancient GreeceAs a flower that has grown in place, where the blood Prometheus was spilled. The Latin International name occurred from the Kolkhida region located on the territory of modern Georgia.

Kolychikum in the garden

Natural Agricultural Area - Europe, Mediterranean, Asia Minor, Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Iran and Central Asia. The flower has long been considered a symbol of beauty and invincible vitality, can also occur on other continents. It is very light-loving, but it can be planted in almost any soil. To the soil it is undemandingly and prefers good fertilizer.

Consider botanical description Kalchikum. A small tuberukovic plant has a shortened stem. The leaves of the kolkhikum are elongated, flat lanceal form, to the beginning of blooming completely disappear. Biscuits pink flowers Located on short flowers, they have the right shape with a trigger tube long. The features of the structure of the flower is clearly visible on the macro photo. Flowers September-November. Fruits appear for next year after flowering in June-July. Collapse by Kolkhikum seeds and clubnellukov. All parts of the plant is poisonous, this is a rare disappearing plant, which is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

The value and application of the Kolkhikum

Warmless autumn - this is one of the most ancient drugs, healing properties which were still described by the ancient Greek celers. For medical purposes, almost all parts of plants are used, except for leaves and stems. The clubnellukovitsy collect before the start of flowering, flowers - during flowering period, and seeds - during the ripening period.

Contains alkaloids, among which rare active compounds of cololine and colchicine, flavonoids, organic acids and resinous substances. Collectum is a strong antiblastomic agent, therefore, it is used to treat skin cancer and non-refueling forms of the digestive tract. Outwardly accept colocine ointment for the treatment of various forms of rheumatism and gout. Decorations are taken with inflammatory processes of the stomach and intestines, for the treatment of neuralgic devices and blood circulation disorders. In no case cannot take drugs, decoctions and tinctures for self-treatment.

Kolkhikum is a poisonous plant, which is a capillary poison that has an effect on live fabrics on the principle of arsenic. Therefore, Kolkhikum is called plant arsenic. There are cases of agricultural animal poisoning when grapted on autumn pastures. If the plant in the feed, cows, poisonous connections fall into the milk, the use of which leads to poisoning.

Kalfikum on the nursery

Despite the poisonous characteristics of the Kolkhikum, enjoys popularity in the design of household plots on flowerbeds, mountaineers, rockers, borders, especially species such as autumn, bright and magnificent. With the onset of autumn when most garden plants Finishes blossom and covered with the first yellow foliage, contrary to traditional ideas, begins to bloom the kolchikum. Due to this, empty acquire new bright colors and please the eye to the first snow.

With great care, it is necessary to plant on sites where little children walk, who love to try tooth and animals. Since the falling plants in the food can lead to severe forms of poisoning. But the poisonousness of the plant has its advantages, garden pests in eating are dying, not harmful to cultural landings. All garden work with Kolkhikum should be carried out in gloves.

It is unpretentious in caring, it grows well on moisturizes, nutrient soils, it is well to enter the hitting of direct sunlight and the half. The wildlife is great, and thanks to the work of breeders, decorative varieties appeared, which differ from wildlying fellows of a larger terry form and a variety of cream and white shades. Among the gardeners acquired such varieties like autumn, Agrippine, cheerful and bournemuller. This plant can be planted on any garden plot, but it is necessary to take into account the features of this plant so that it does not have to plant it next year.

Care and landing Kolkhikum

Mysterious Kalfikum grows against the traditional idea of \u200b\u200bthe vital activity of flowers. Spring leaves of the plant grow up to 30 cm and resemble tulips leaves, hiding at the base the seed box. After receiving nutrients for the tuberukovitsa and seeding the seeds, the leaves dry out, and the lack of carrying falls asleep until the autumn. The yellowed leaves in the middle of the summer can not be cut into, otherwise the plant will not strengthen and can not bloom. And at the beginning of autumn, gentle flowers sleep naked stems, causing lunizing and wish to admire them.

Care for quiet

In the gardening conditions, Kolkhikum planted, as a rule, with clubnellukov in mid-August. For this, the trained tuber is immersed in the landing well to a depth of 10-12 cm, closed with soil and watered. With such a landing will give color in 30-35 days. Step-by-step instructions Planting can be seen in the photo. The plant requires minimal care, so it is usually planted on fertile soil, which is rich in various minerals and useful substances. Therefore, at the lowest term with the departure, this plant can reach large sizes and please your abundant blossom, you can also plant in front of the house, so you can admire it with blossoms directly from the house.

It is possible to reproduce a collectum and seeds. For this, plant seeds are collected, then evicted in mid-July. The sinky plant will give color only after 7 years. This method of reproduction is practically not used by gardeners. You can breed and divide the bush. This method of breeding is suitable for adults, strengthened plants. After a complete dying of the leaves, the flower is digging, dried and stored in a dark, cool place until mid-August, then planted.

Caring for the collixum is simple and easy, and is reduced to the additional watering into the arid summer-autumn months, and the periodic seating of the born plants. Seared follows once every 3 years. Too thick thickets of plants get less nutrients, and as a result, they give less decorative blossom. Particularly susceptible to degenerate decorativeness, a unlimited and unscrewing autumn. In the care of a non-freezer frost-resistant, so it does not require additional winter care.

Views of Kolkhikum

The most common types of a non-lunist in garden gardening are (the variety of species are widely represented in the photo directories):

  • agrippina's unscremist - has an unusual purple-pink chess color, three or four, straight, bright green narrow, some wavy leaves;

Types of lackless

  • gorgeous - it differs slightly purple large flowers, which appear in the fall of no more than 3 pieces on one plant, the leaves are wide and oblong;
  • dark purple - pleases gardeners with small abundant blossoms of gentle-purple color, which for several days is acquiring an extraordinary fuchin-red shade;
  • autumn - makes admire the flowers from white to a light lilac shade, the leaves die in the spring;
  • Bornmulller - striking the original colors, big white spot Framed by pink-lilac petals (flowers are extremely beautiful in the photo), it grows well on loose soils and sufficiently illuminated places;
  • Byzantine - abundant blossom of pink color is formed by small inflorescences, which collect up to 12 colors of the wrong shape;
  • Fomin is characterized by long blossom, which begins in August and lasts until the beginning of November, is listed in the Red Book of the USSR;

Olga Ravovova | 2014-07-10

Snembols Some of the most wonderful plants in our gardens - bloom in deep autumn, and the seeds are given in the spring. Never definitely guess when a restless will please his bloom.

Our hero has one official name - a non-laminator, or the autumn (Lat. Colchicum) and many folk: "Autumn color", "untimely color", etc. Latin name The genus comes from Greek. Kolkhis - Colchis (historical area on the Black Sea), since in these places representatives of this kind are quite common.

Flowering non-flames. Photo:

A lack of lure refers to the genus of perennial flowering plants of the Sver-Free Family (Colchicaceae). These are perennial tuberukovic plants that bloom, mainly late in the fall, when other plants drop the leaves.

The leaves of a non-lunist appear on the surface of the earth in early spring. Simed boxes appear at the same time. By the beginning of the summer, seeds ripen them. The leaves die away by the middle of the summer, fulfilling their mission - bypowing the tuberukovitsa with nutrients.

With the onset of autumn cold and protracted rains begins the phase of the blossom of a non-freelancer. The average duration of flowering is 25 days. At the end of the flowering phase, no traces of the presence of a non-laminate remain over the surface of the earth.

Flowers of a non-lunist look like crocus flowers. The color of flowers is predominantly siren-pink, but there are white, purple, purple. There are also forms of a non-lunist and with terry flowers, as well as flowering in spring.

Features of cultivation and care

Sibthorpii colchicum sibthorpii. Photo:

Special care, unscrews do not require. It is only necessary to choose the right landing place - it must be in the half of large trees.

To achieve the greatest effect of unscrews, it is better to have groups. At the same time, landings can be placed in front of trees and shrubs, on the lawns and flower beds in combination with perennials, they are the best decoration on the Alpine slides.

On lawns, lack of lips are planted near other Meltelukovic plants: snowdrops, muskari, scillaces. Strikes can perfectly grow in one place for 5-6 years. For the winter, the planting is necessarily covered with a layer of mulch from peat crumb, humus, spruce vegetable or fallen dry foliage.

Water unscrews as needed.

The bulbs dig up at the end of July-early August, when the above-ground parts of the plants are wishes. Immediately after digging leaves do not cut down to nutrients Of these, they switched to the bulbs. Then the stems are cut, and the bulbs are stored, like tulips, in a dry, well-ventilated room.

The lack of lure can grow and without digging, but it is noticed that at the same time it breed slowly. But on the other hand, in 2-3 years without digging, it forms a dense, scratched curtain of flowers, which looks much better.


Street photo (Colchicum Speciosum) Photo:

We bring up a non-lunist with clubnellukov and seeds.

The lack of carrying is better to plant in August, much earlier than tulips. With a later date of landing, a non-laminate gives floral arrows before landing, which weakens the plant, while the bulbs are strongly depleted. They get worse and winter. And terry varieties can freeze.

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