
Is it necessary to process the garden in autumn with copper sulfate - why use, instructions and proportions of the solution. Copper sulfate: how to dilute a solution, spraying, what is useful for plants

Preparing plants for winter

Early in the spring in the gardens, prophylactic treatment fruit trees and shrubs from diseases and pests. The best time for spraying:

  • end of March - April, before bud break, on bare branches.

Traditionally, trees are treated with solutions containing copper sulfate, ferrous sulfate, concentrated urea solution. As an alternative, many new, modern drugs have also appeared. Apply the good old copper sulfate- cheap and effective. Let's dwell on it 😉

Application of 0.5% - 1% solution

For processing trees in early spring apply a solution of copper sulfate in a dosage:

  • 50 - 100 g per 10 liters of water.

Thus, a 0.5-1% solution is obtained. They are sprayed on trees and shrubs in the spring, on dormant buds. 1% m solution can also disinfect wounds on the bark, and with a 0.5% m solution, soil is shed in early spring to prevent all kinds of rot (4 liters per 1 m2 is enough).

In early spring, a solution of copper sulfate can be sprayed:

  • seed crops: apple, pear, quince,
  • stone fruit crops: apricot, peach, plum, sweet cherry, cherry,
  • berry bushes: gooseberries and currants.

Table: Dosage of copper sulfate for treating trees in spring

A solution of copper sulfate is also used in summer, but in lower dosages (2-5 g per 10 liters of water) for foliar dressing at the first signs of copper deficiency:

How to breed copper sulfate for processing trees?

So, the proportions are known. For early spring treatment, we need a 1% solution (100 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water). It should be noted that crystals of copper sulfate are poorly soluble in cold water... That is why it is recommended to breed copper sulfate in the following sequence:

  1. Pour the preparation into a bucket (preferably plastic or enamel to avoid oxidation).
  2. Pour in powder 500 ml hot water(50 degrees).
  3. Stir to dissolve the powder better, leave to stand for a while.
  4. Add the remaining 9 liters with a "tail" to the bucket, mix again.

Since the drug is chemical, safety measures must be observed when working with it: wear gloves, it is best to prepare the solution outdoors, avoid contact with eyes, do not take inside.

by the way

If you don't have scales at hand, the following information will be useful:

  • A matchbox contains 22 - 25 g of copper sulfate,
  • In a tablespoon: 16 g of copper sulfate,
  • In a teaspoon: 5 g of copper sulfate.

Spraying with copper-containing solutions

Currently, copper sulfate is rarely used alone. Solutions in combination with other components are considered much more effective:

  • Bordeaux liquid = copper sulfate + hydrated lime-fluff... In the spring, before bud break, a 3% solution is used: 300 g of copper sulfate and 225 g of hydrated lime-fluff per 10 liters of water. It turns out a ratio of 1: 0.75, although very often they take 1: 1 (300 g of copper sulfate and 300 g of slaked fluffy lime per 10 liters of water). In the summer, a 1% solution is used: 100 g of copper sulfate and 75-100 g of slaked lime fluff per 10 liters of water. Bordeaux liquid acts softer than pure copper solution: lime neutralizes, softens vitriol. In the preparation of Bordeaux liquid, there are several important nuances, which is better to read about.
  • Urea + copper sulfate... Dosage: 700 g of urea per 10 liters of water + 50 g of copper sulfate. Processing is carried out before bud break by spraying.
  • Copper-containing fungicide preparations: Hom, Oksikhom, Abiga-peak, according to the instructions on the package.

Iron vitriol for processing trees

In addition to copper, iron sulfate is also used. The goal is the same - to destroy pathogens of fungal diseases, mosses and lichens in early spring. Spraying of trees and shrubs is also carried out BEFORE the buds swell. But the frequency of treatments and dosages are different. Here we will give information from two sources, since the proportions for the preparation of the solution are different in them:

  1. Before the buds swell (about mid-April), trees are sprayed with a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate: 300 g per 10-liter bucket of water.
  2. Before swelling of the kidneys, once every 4 years, it is possible to carry out treatment with a 5% solution of ferrous sulfate: 500 g per 10-liter bucket of water.

As the saying goes, in war all means are good, the main thing is not to miss the deadline. Remember: end of March - April, before the kidneys swell, it is time to carry out the treatment with solutions containing copper sulfate. It is effective and safe. It is much better to deal with pests, even if chemical means before fruiting, than then sprinkle all in a row on fruits and berries, destroying pests that are already noticeable with the naked eye.

Warm weather and rich harvests at your summer cottage! 😉

Scientifically speaking, copper sulfate is an inorganic compound of the copper salt of sulfuric acid. Occurs in the form of crystalline granules of blue color which dissolve easily in water. A good antiseptic, disinfectant, fungicide and first-class fertilizer are all qualities of a product such as copper sulfate. How to breed it correctly, many summer residents do not know. We will definitely tell you about this, but a little later.

It is used in the following industries:

  • dacha and vegetable garden;
  • medicine;

However, even with all its positive qualities, this substance has one side effect. In particular, for an orchard, its use threatens with leaf fall. Before you know how to dilute copper sulfate for treating trees, you need to say what time of year to spray.

When to use blue stone?

The most favorable time the year for processing trees and shrubs is considered spring. Many experts recommend starting the first treatment in mid-March, when the daily temperature will not drop below +5 degrees. Spraying is done after the trees have been prepared. It includes:

  • pruning old and diseased branches;
  • cleaning the trunk from dead bark and lichens;
  • cleaning the soil under the tree;
  • sealing all cracks in the trunk.

The very first and most important treatment is carried out before the appearance of the kidneys. This will help get rid of insects and pests that did not wake up after hibernation... Not sure how to dilute copper sulfate for spraying? Then here's a simple recipe for you: dilute 100 grams of the substance in 10 liters, mix everything thoroughly - and you can get to work. This treatment helps to preserve young foliage. However, it is worth considering in more detail the question of how to dilute copper sulfate.

Summer period

  1. In the summer heat, apple, pear, apricot suffer from aphids. From it comes the twisting and falling of the leaf. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to dilute 50-100 grams of copper sulfate in 10 liters of water.
  2. Stone fruit trees - plum, cherry - are attacked by the May beetle, which eats young fruit ovaries. This can be avoided by treating everything with a solution of copper sulfate. To do this, dilute 20 grams of blue stone in 2-3 liters of water. This dose is indicated for spraying one tree.
  3. Raspberries and black currants often suffer from aphids and the appearance of various spots on the leaves. For prevention and treatment, we spray one bush with 2 liters of water, in which 15-20 grams of vitriol is diluted.

When processing, it is worth remembering one thing: 15-20 days before harvesting, all spraying should be stopped. There are many recipes on how to dilute copper sulfate. It all depends on what, how and when you want to process.

Autumn period

Before wintering, the tree should be well processed. This is done not earlier than October or November, when the foliage will completely fall off. Prepare the tree, remove any excess, and you can start spraying.

Protecting vegetables

Not only fruit garden damage various diseases... Vegetable crops, in particular tomatoes, also suffer from them. Mostly tomatoes are sick with late blight. If it was not possible to protect the vegetables from it, then it is worth starting treatment with a blue stone. To keep your tomatoes healthy and delight you with the harvest, you should know how to breed copper sulfate for tomatoes. It is enough to water the ground with a solution prepared according to the following recipe: dilute 10 grams of powder in 5 liters of water. This portion is for one bush. You can also sprinkle copper sulfate under each root in the amount of 1 gram.

For reference

So, when you learned how to dilute copper sulfate, what time of year to spray, we will tell you under what weather and temperature conditions the procedure should be carried out:

  1. The most optimal time days - early morning or late evening.
  2. There should be no wind.
  3. The recommended temperature is from +5 to +30 degrees.

When diluting the solution, it is worth observing some precautions:

  1. Copper sulfate should not be cooked near pets and children.
  2. It is better if the solution is not mixed in an iron bucket. For example, glassware is suitable for this.
  3. To prevent burns of trees and other plants, it is better to breed copper sulfate with the addition of slaked lime.
  4. When working with ready-made solution, avoid contact with open areas of the body and eyes. If necessary, it is necessary to rinse the mucous membranes with warm water.
  5. In no case do not pour the remains of copper sulfate into a well or into a body of water. Remember that this is a corrosive substance.


In our article, we raised important questions and gave detailed answers to them. Now you know how to dilute copper sulfate for processing trees and other plants. With the help of such a tool, your vegetables and fruits will forever be free from insects and diseases and will delight you with a rich harvest.

Water soluble powder crystalline substance characteristic blue-blue coloration. The active ingredient is represented by copper sulfate, the amount of which is 0.98 kg. A solution of the drug is used to protect and treat fungal infections on fruit and berry plantations. Processing of vegetables and flowering crops, including roses, is also carried out. The protective effect lasts for a month.

The mechanism of action consists in the reaction of copper ions and lipoprotein or enzymatic complexes of a fungal or bacterial damaging factor. The result of exposure is the appearance of irreversible changes in the protoplasm and nonspecific denaturation of protein compounds. Hazard class - 3, therefore, the drug is moderately hazardous. Correct preparation is carried out in accordance with the instructions supplied by the manufacturer of the preparation.

Instructions for the use of copper cupola

The popular fungicidal agent is highly soluble in water and is widely used in the treatment of any garden and vegetable garden, as well as in indoor floriculture conditions. Spraying helps to cope with lesions presented by:

  • alternaria;
  • ascochitis;
  • moniliosis;
  • scab;
  • grape mildew;
  • spotted;
  • septoria;
  • downy mildew;
  • rust
  • late blight.

Properties of copper sulfate (video)

Solutions based on copper sulfate at the same time serve as a good foliar feeding for many garden garden crops... O the lack of copper is especially noticeable on acidic sandy and peaty soils... Can be used to decontaminate soil in a protected and open ground... It is not recommended to use copper sulfate in autumn, due to the high risk of oversaturation of the soil with copper ions.

Features of the preparation of the solution

A measured amount of powdered copper sulphate is pre-diluted in a small amount warm water to be poured into a plastic container. In the process of vigorous stirring, add up to 10 liters of water. The instruction does not imply the use of metal utensils.... To make a high-quality and most effective solution, filtration is carried out at the final stage.

Technology and terms of processing garden and garden plants

Processing times and rules vary depending on the varietal and botanical characteristics of the garden or garden plant:

  • protection and treatment of apple, pear and quince in case of scab, phyllosticosis and other common spots, as well as moniliosis and drying out, is carried out with 100 g of the drug diluted in a bucket of warm water. The first treatment in early spring with a consumption of 2-5 liters per one fruit tree. You can repeat the event a couple of weeks before harvesting;

  • protection and treatment of apricot, peach, plum, sweet cherry and cherry in case of defeat by clasterosporosis, coccomycosis and other common spots, moniliosis and curly leaves, is carried out diluted in a bucket of warm water 50-75 g of powder. The first treatment in early spring with a consumption of 2-3 liters per plant;
  • protection and treatment of gooseberries and currants in case of damage by anthracnose, septoria and other spots is carried out with 50-75 g of powder diluted in a bucket of warm water. The first treatment in early spring with a consumption of one and a half liters per one bush;
  • spraying potato seed tubers to protect against late blight before planting with a solution based on 2.0 g of the drug and 10 l of water.

Indoor flowering and ornamental-deciduous plants in complex prophylaxis are treated with a solution consisting of a teaspoon of copper sulfate and a couple of liters of water at room temperature. Watering at the root or spraying of the aboveground part of the crop is carried out. Vegetable crops sprayed with a 0.5% solution based on copper sulfate and urea.

How to process trees with copper sulfate (video)

How is spraying of roses with copper sulfate

The use of copper sulfate is carried out with great care so as not to harm the rose bushes. Spraying is carried out until the phase of active flowering. rose bushes, only during the growing season. It is necessary to process the aerial part against the defeat of black spot and powdery mildew with a 0.5% solution.

At temperature conditions air within 5-30 о С, only in dry and calm weather. Before disinfecting garden orchard seedlings room rose, it is imperative to remove all bacterial cancerous growths on the root system, after which the roots are immersed in a solution based on copper sulfate for three minutes and then thoroughly washed in clean water. For foliar feeding vegetative ornamental plants the standard dosage is 1.5-2.0 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of warm water.

Why copper sulfate is dangerous for plants

Recently, Burgundy liquid based on copper sulfate and soda ash, diluted in water, has been especially popular. This version of the solution has properties and quality characteristics similar to the Bordeaux mixture. But, Burgundy liquid has a stronger effect not only on pathogens, but also on the living tissues of the plant, therefore, can provoke burns on young foliage. To avoid burns, it is necessary to use a weaker 1% solution for spraying garden plantings and garden crops.

Proper preparation of the liquid minimizes the risk of harming garden plants, and also allows you to cover them with a special protective film. The mixture is applied in the same way. Among other things, it is allowed to carry out the dressing of seed potatoes with a mixture I and disinfection of the root system of seedlings before planting them in a permanent place.

The use of copper sulfate in gardening (video)

Copper sulfate is known to be a 5-aqueous sulfate of 2-valent copper CuSO4x5H2O and is a hygroscopic blue or blue powder or crystals. On sale for agricultural purposes in small private farms comes packaged in 50-100 g or in bottles, see Fig. Copper sulfate is poisonous, belongs to the 3rd hazard class, since has a toxic effect when it gets on mucous membranes or is ingested. The lethal dose of a 5% solution is 30-50 ml, but copper sulfate in solution or powder is able to penetrate into the body through the skin when sweat is reabsorbed. Therefore, all works with copper sulfate must be done with precautions, see below. People are accustomed to this drug, but it is far from harmless with careless handling.

Copper sulfate has long been widely used in horticulture and still does not give up its positions. There are quite objective reasons for this:

  • At correct use copper sulfate is safe, because does not have a cumulative effect, does not give side and / or long-term undesirable effects.
  • Possesses biocidal and, especially, fungicidal action; Copper sulfate is a very effective and widely used mold control agent.
  • Does not cause resistance, because addiction and increase the resistance of harmful objects of influence.
  • It is also copper-containing - Cu (II) ions are necessary for plants to synthesize a number of important phytohormones.
  • Compared to synthetic drugs for a similar purpose, it is inexpensive.

Concentration of solutions

The use of copper sulfate in agriculture is possible different ways depending on the season and the purpose of processing. In all cases, solutions of any of 3 degrees of concentration are used:

  1. "Burning" 3% -5%, i.e. 300-500 g per 10 liters of water - treatment in exceptional cases for disinfecting a plot of land or fighting mold in building structures on it. In the first case, the land after cultivation is removed from agricultural use for at least a year;
  2. Treatment-and-prophylactic 0.5% -1%, i.e. 50-100 g per 10 liters of water - to combat fungal diseases and insect pests (anthracnose, clasterosporiosis, coccomycosis and other spots, moniliosis, septoria, phyllostictosis, scab, various rot, curliness), as well as for trees (spraying and treatment of wounds on trunks and branches);
  3. Fertilizing and prophylactic 0.2% -0.3% (2-3 g / 10 l of water) - when symptoms of copper starvation of plants appear (chlorosis of leaves, twisting of the tips of the shoots, intensive tillering without the formation of productive shoots) and for preventive purposes.

For use according to PP. 2 and 3, it is better to prepare a 10% stock solution in advance (it can be stored for a long time in a tightly sealed container and in a dark place) and dilute it with water as needed. How to dissolve copper sulfate, see below.

When to process with copper sulfate?

In the spring, treatment is carried out with therapeutic and prophylactic solutions of copper sulfate:

  • In early spring, when the average daily temperature rises above +5 Celsius, watering the soil with a 0.5% solution at the rate of 3.5-4 l / sq. m. Against yellowness (fusarium) of root crops, white and gray rot of tomato, black leg of cabbage.
  • Before budding of fruit trees and shrubs against the diseases mentioned above, as well as fruit rot and black cancer - spraying with 1% solution.
  • Disinfection of the roots of seedlings - lowering for 3 minutes in a 1% solution, followed by abundant rinsing with water. If there is no running water or a high water consumption is undesirable, intensive rinsing in 3 changes of water for 3-5 minutes each.
  • Spraying potato tubers before planting with a 0.2% solution is an effective way to protect yourself from late blight.
  • Warm 0.2% solution - soaking seeds to obtain early shoots. Cucumbers - 8-10 hours, others - 20-24 hours.
  • Treatment of seeds of tomatoes and pumpkin seeds, suspicious of "hereditary" diseases (for example, if it is not possible to acquire a known healthy seed) - a solution of 1 g of copper sulfate, 2 g boric acid and 10 g of potassium permanganate in 10 liters of water. The seeds are soaked for 15 minutes in a solution of room temperature and then washed abundantly with water (if not from the tap - 5 shifts for 5 minutes with continuous intensive stirring).

In the summer, the following treatment with copper sulfate is carried out:

Note: spraying with copper sulfate is unacceptable during flowering!

In autumn, solutions of copper sulfate are used mainly for prophylaxis. Autumn, at the end of leaf fall, treatment with copper sulfate is generally preferable. Firstly, the solution of copper sulfate has an acidic reaction, because in copper sulfate, even the highest grade of medical category A, there is a noticeable admixture of free sulfuric acid, see table. on right. At autumn processing chemical burns of leaves, flowers and fruits are excluded.

Secondly, the need of plants for copper as a trace element is maximal during flowering, and by the time the fruits ripen, it disappears. Thirdly, copper sulfate does not penetrate into plant tissues and, accordingly, affects only the sporangia of fungi, without touching their mycelium. Therefore, if by the time of the beginning of the growing season the plants are already protected and provided with copper, the effect of the treatment with copper sulfate will be greatest.

Autumn spraying with copper sulfate is carried out with a 1% solution according to the rates indicated in the first table, and roses against black spot and powdery mildew - with a 0.5% solution. And yet, all types of processing with copper sulfate in any season should be done in the morning or in the evening at an air temperature from +5 to +30 in dry, calm weather.

Note: in case of suspicion of root rot of trees in the fall, watering of the trunks is also carried out with a 0.5% solution of copper sulfate.

How to spray?

In view of the above-mentioned effect of reverse suction with sweat, it is impossible to neglect the precautions when working with copper sulfate, you must use a complete set of PPE, see fig. Animals, children and in general strangers should not be around. The residual solution must never get into water supplies or drainage systems.

If a solution of copper sulfate gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately with a large amount pure water holding open. If swallowed, drink 2-3 raw eggs or 300-500 ml of milk and consult a doctor immediately. Pumping with water, with or without potassium permanganate, to induce vomiting, will only make the poisoning worse!

How to prepare the solution?

Copper sulfate is not dusty or volatile, so it can be diluted without special precautions; disposable plastic gloves will suffice. Prepare the mother liquor in a glass container, which must be marked so as not to be used later for food purposes. Use metal enameled dishes undesirable, because a solution of copper sulfate eats away at the enamel.

It is unacceptable to dissolve copper sulfate in the kitchen, pos. 1 in fig. Copper sulfate is readily soluble in water, but if diluted at room temperature, then due to the admixture of sulfites, the finished solution will turn out to be cloudy, pos. 2, and will settle for a very long time, up to a month or more.

Copper sulfate is dissolved in hot, from 50 degrees, water, but use thin-walled chemical utensils and an electric stove for this, pos. 3, undesirable: copper sulfate solution is a strong electrolyte and if the vessel bursts or solution spills, a serious accident is guaranteed. Dissolve vitriol in a water bath, pos. 4. The cooled solution is stored for a long time, up to a year or more, in PET or glass bottles, pos. 5.

Bordeaux liquid

The acidity of copper sulfate is a serious drawback. It can be reduced by adding 0.2-0.5 liters of hot water to the working solution, in which 3-5 g (before foaming) of laundry soap are dissolved. This additive will also improve the adhesion of the solution to the leaves.

But Bordeaux liquid turns out to be much more effective - a joint solution of copper sulfate and slaked lime. It is known in 2 varieties: strong 3% (300 g of copper sulfate and 400 g of lime per 10 liters of water) and sparing 1% (100 g of both for the same volume). Strong Bordeaux liquid is used for autumn and, possibly, early spring processing, and gentle during the growing season. The only bad thing about Bordeaux liquid is that it is completely incompatible with any other preparations and soap. And its soda ash substitute - Burgundy liquid - is much less effective.

Note: Bordeaux liquid is recommended for processing grapes only in autumn. In other cases, for this culture, it is desirable to use compositions based on ferrous sulfate.

To prepare Bordeaux liquid, you need to pour the required volume of water in half into 2 vessels. In one dissolve milk of lime; in another copper sulfate. The blue solution is gradually poured into the white one, stirring, see fig. on right. The finished solution is allowed to settle for 3-4 hours, filtered and poured into a sprayer. The shelf life of a freshly prepared solution is a day.

Note: there are prepackaged mixtures for the preparation of Bordeaux liquid on sale. How to prepare a working solution from a ready-made mixture, see next. video:

Video: preparing Bordeaux liquid from a ready-made mixture

Copper sulfate in a greenhouse

The use of copper sulfate in greenhouses is limited. Firstly, in the absence of free migration of it into the ground, excessive accumulation of copper and sulfur in the greenhouse soil is possible, which will lead to oppression of plants. Secondly, acidification of the soil with traces of sulfuric acid is possible. Therefore, copper sulfate is rarely used in greenhouse conditions, only for disinfection of a heavily contaminated greenhouse, see eg. video clip:

Video: greenhouse processing with copper sulfate

It is much more justified to use copper sulfate in a greenhouse locally in a dry form to combat gray mold of cucumbers. To do this, take 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate powder (crystals need to be crushed) and mix with a tablespoon wood ash... The mixture is sprinkled with sore spots.

Another option for using copper sulfate in a greenhouse is to use it as an impregnating fungicide during its construction, but this is already a topic about building a greenhouse with your own hands. A ready-made moldy wooden greenhouse can be treated with copper sulfate from mold in the same way as for ridding a living room of a biting midge, see, for example.

Video: disinfection with copper sulfate against mold

Vitriol and weather

The weather is of great importance for the success of the copper sulfate treatment. The action of the solution begins 2-4 hours after treatment and lasts 7-12 days at an external temperature of 25-15 degrees, respectively. If it rains at this time, the effect will disappear, but you cannot repeat the treatment, an excess of copper will form in the soil.

Another application

A good means of protecting trees from attack by pests is also whitewashing the trunks with lime with the addition of copper sulfate. In this case, copper sulfate can be replaced with methylene blue, in the same way as walls are whitewashed with blue to protect against fungus.

Copper sulfate is a long-known chemical compound based on copper sulfate. Processing it with a solution garden plants protects them from fungal infections. How to dilute copper sulfate for spraying? How to spray plants so as not to harm them? Let's figure it out.

How to breed copper sulfate for spraying tomatoes?

Spraying with copper sulfate: benefits and harms

The treatment of garden plants with a solution of copper sulfate is done for different purposes:

    saturation of poor or peaty soils. They often have a copper deficiency, which affects the growth of plantings;

    for disinfection of damage to fruit trees;

    to protect against diseases ( powdery mildew, scab, etc.).

Copper sulfate is an effective, but concentrated and toxic agent, you need to work with it very carefully, be sure to dilute with water, taking into account your tasks on the site. For each purpose, it is necessary to maintain its own concentration of the active substance and its processing technology.

How to dilute copper sulfate

If you want to heal damage on the trunks of fruit trees, dilute 300 g of copper sulfate in 10 liters of water.

To spray trees for various diseases, dilute 100 g of vitriol per 10 liters of water. Such processing is carried out in early spring, when the average daily temperature ceases to fall below +5 –7⁰С. Before you start, you need to remove broken branches, debris.

If in the summer on garden trees pests attacked - aphids or May beetle, - you can repeat the treatment, but with a less saturated solution, otherwise the foliage may burn. You need to take 50-100 g of vitriol per 10 liters of water.

How to breed copper sulfate for tomatoes? In 10 liters of water, you need to dilute 20 g of the chemical and spray the bushes.

To fertilize peat soils, you need to dilute 3-5 g of the substance in 10 liters of water. Such processing is carried out exclusively in late autumn, in extreme cases - in early spring. Do not forget that copper sulfate for spraying is a chemical and, if accumulated in the soil, can be harmful to health. Tillage with such a composition is recommended to be repeated no earlier than after 5 years.

Remember: vitriol is very toxic. When working with it, observe the following rules.