
Orange tree - Citrus Growing Tips. How to grow orange, care for an orange tree at home

Garden do it yourself

We are glad to welcome you on the blog, dear guests and friends. Still, being children, you at least once wondered how to grow an orange from the bone? And probably experimented, stuck bones into the ground. In fact, it is not at all difficult to do, especially if you know the conditions for the cultivation of citrus plants.

The answer is unequivocal, you can! Question in the other, will the tree be fruit, and how to bring the process of its flowering? Or it will simply be an exotic decoration of your home.

Rail from the bone sprout (seeding), can even a child. This plant is not a whimsical of all citrus, although it has its own behavior features and requires certain conditions.

If you just throw a bone into the ground and water the plant, it will grow, but the fruits will give no earlier than in 8 years. If you want to grow a full-fledged orange tree at home, it should be vaccinated from a fruiting plant, in time to feed, replant and form a crown. So you will get a yield after 3-4 years.

I also have an orange tree. I planted in March 3 bones, they rose everything. Last 3 months. In general, I thought all the bones were asked three weeks later. But in fact, one seed gave 2 escapes. It turns out that from one bone can immediately grow a bush, an orange seed multiplers.

Now on my sprouts about 3-5 leaves, the time will come to transplanses them into individual pots. And already next springI think my tree will be ready for vaccination. And now let's deal with how to plant an orange, so that it grows, and how to grow an orange tree.

Growing orange tree

Preparation of seeds for landing

For landing, fresh bones are perfect. Do not take the boarding material from rummed, fallen, greenish fruit. Perfect oranges matured, the right shape, beautiful. What seed put, such a tree and grows.

Preparation of bones:

  • Choose large seeds, healthy and attractive in appearance, sweaty.
  • Use fresh seeds. A crust appears on the old ones, and the chances will climb.
  • Clean the bone from the residues of the meat of fruit.
  • Rinse, preferably under thread clean water.
  • Lower the seed into the water. We can add special fertilizers to water to increase the likelihood of shoots.

Orange and without adding chemicals and fertilizers is well closed, so you can immediately plant it or omit in simple water. For the experiment, put bones from different fruits.

Soil preparation and landing

For landing, you should choose small containers. For example, for each seed, an individual plastic disposable cup, or a large box immediately for all seeds. If you do not plan to leave a lot of trees, do not fit a lot of seeds, since almost everyone will go, and then throw it out.

Build land in the store, there are special mixtures for citrus plants. Or prepare yourself, mixing peat and ground with beds (1: 1). In such a soil, the plant will be more comfortable, but it can grow in ordinary land.

Stages of landing:

  1. Take the pot at the bottom of which there will be quite a lot of holes.
  2. At the bottom pot, place drainage (stones, foam, sand).
  3. Put the Earth in the pot, giving it a little.
  4. Put a hole to a depth of 2 centimeters. If you try all seeds into one box, the distance between the holes should be at least 5 centimeters.
  5. Place the seed into the hole, and fall asleep it.
  6. Pour landing.
  7. Our seed need to put in a warm place, it can be a little lit.
  8. Create a greenhouse effect. Cover the seedling of the neck with plastic bottle, And leave the lid open, for ventilation. It is also permissible to use the usual film or package.
  9. About a month later, when the first leaves appear, the plant is better to move to the sun. If you planted it in winter, you may need additional backlight. That is why it is better to land in March-April.

Tree transplantation

As soon as 4-5 leaves appear on the sprout, it should be transplant. The pot for the first transplant should be small (10cm). After all, the young plant has almost no roots, so there is too much moisture in the ground, she begins to cry in a big pot.

For the first transplant, we will make another soil:

  • 2 parts of the earth with beds;
  • 1 part of the sand;
  • 1 part of the peat;
  • 1 part leveling leaves.

The transplant is subsequently produced once in a couple of years, and the next pot is more than 2-3 centimeters. If the plant is very old (10 years), it should not be replant, it is better to change the top layer of the soil.

With each transplant, do not forget about abundant drainage. The ideal transplant time is the beginning of spring, before the flowering and appearance of new leaves.

Video - How to grow orange from the bone, vaccination

Growing and Care Terms

As we said, the plant is not particularly prescribed, but still several rules regarding the care of citrus plant should be observed:

  1. The plant loves light, but the straight sun rays affect it destructive. Therefore, a pot with an orange tree is better stored in a bright place, but not on the windowsill. It is also not worth dramatically turning the crown of the plant from the sun. If you need to turn it, turn no more than 5 degrees per week.
  2. Another reason to remove the plant from the windowsill is drafts.
  3. The humidity in the room should be approximately 40 degrees. Thoroughly for this indicator it is worth watching during the heating season. Remove the tree away from the batteries. If the air is too dry, the plant will reset the foliage and perish.
  4. The plant loves moderate moisture, so it can not be poured. Plug leads to reinforcement roots.
  5. Water for watering should not contain chlorine. It is better to use Tluu, rainwater or at least to defend it.

If you follow these simple rulesThe orange tree should not die. However, if you bring the conditions of existence to natural, it will bloom much faster. Temperature in winter - 12-15 degrees, in spring - 18. In the summer, everyday watering, staying in the fresh air and spinning from direct sunlight.

Orange should be picked up every 2 weeks, a special complex fertilizer for citrus. It can be prepared by himself, should be mixed in 20 grams of nitrogen, phosphoric fertilizers and potash salts per 10 liters of water. Once a month you can add manganese.

Video - Conditions for citrus plants and care

As you understood, grow an orange tree at home is not at all difficult, the main thing is to gain patience. And after a few years, juicy fragrant fruits will appear on the tree. After about a year, the plant should be instilled.

Leave the comments and make a repost of articles about the cultivation of an orange bone, in social networksso as not to lose. All the best.

Orange is a rather popular plant from the rut family, which is not found in the wild. According to some information, on the territory of modern Southeast Asia, the tree for the first time began to cultivate before our era, far from four thousand years ago. From the chronicle records it is clear that the orange was also grown for two hundred and twenty years before our era and in China, later - in Egypt and the countries of the Mediterranean. Orange from the kind of citrus fruits remember much earlier than other plants, however, the taste of this fetus was significantly different from the present. Alexander Macedonian soldiers became the first Europeans who assigned this unusual and juicy fruit. Starting from the eleventh century, Europe learned the taste of sour orange, which was brought to cultivation on these territories from Mediterranean edges. So, oranges became an integral part of aristocratic gardens. Since their owners could pay a considerable amount of money, they were not sour oranges, but sweet.

Translated by S. arabic, Orange sounds - Naranji, and in French is called Orange. It is not difficult to guess that in translation, these words mean "golden". In a thousand four hundred and ninety-third year, Christopher Columbus opened an orange tree during his swimming, as a result, these fruits began to grow and the Americans. Some sources say that in the Renaissance Epoch, when these wonderful trees appeared in France, the local gardeners found the opportunity to suck oranges when they were still hanging on branches. And this was done for the most accurate nobles of that time. They walking in their big garden, they could already taste fresh candied, just tearing oranges from a tree. In the seventeenth century, the fruits of orange became affordable and for Russia, where they were called "golden apples".

To date, many gardeners are interested in growing wonderful and useful orange wood. And, despite the fact that this cytrus culture grows in a hot tropical climate, you probably could see these small green trees on the shelves of flower shops. In order for orange to grow in room conditionsNew special varieties have been displayed, more suitable for these non-permanent temperatures. The breeders were done by a lot of work, many experiments were committed in this area. And everything for each wishes to admire the orange tree at home. This plant is not so easy to grow, it is required special care. In fact, indoor varieties There are not a lot of variety, but even of them you can choose the flavoring tint of fruits suitable for you, as well as their color.

Sweet and large oranges most often occur in room native trees of the variety (photo 1). They received this name because of their protruding part, located at the fastening of the footboard to the branch. A little smaller in size of the houses of red oranges, which were obtained by crossing the tangerine tree. Another variety - with a thin skin, appeared due to the crossing of the previous type of orange with tangerine. Various varieties Trees suitable for homemade cultivationYou can also meet in botanical gardens. Among the many gardeners, such hybrid trees such as Limondanj, or Tangor are of interest.

How to plant an orange at home from bone

Among the entire variety of exotic orange fruits, many amateurs are used for home cultivation. Despite the fact that the birthplace of this plant are tropics, the wonder is still very popular. Thanks to breeders, gardeners can now not only admire the many varieties of this. beautiful treeAnd also try to delete seeds yourself at home. The character of a decorative orange is not so capricious so that with his cultivation can not cope with the newcomer without tremendous experience in gardening.

Landing all citrus fruits implies a time-consuming process that requires the implementation of certain rules and your efforts. The main thing is that from the very beginning the bone falling down the future tree proper care and temperature mode.

By adhering to the following advice, you, for sure, it will be possible to plant an orange from the bone at home:

  1. When buying fruits, pay attention to their appearance and ripeness. Despite the fact that the oranges bring to supermarkets from far away, they have already managed to rather routine for use, and therefore for planting.
  2. Selected bones should not rear. It is better to plant them in a fresh extracted form. If you have dried seeds, then before planting they must be gaming in water for about twelve hours.
  3. Prepare in advance flower potIt is desirable that it be made from clay material. Clay the best way It will maintain an optimal moisture supply for the plant. The diameter of the container may vary from ten to fifteen centimeters. High height choose the same, no more. If there are no holes at the bottom of the landing capacity, then do a couple of small holes that will serve for stagnant water outflow.
  4. Drainage is also a mandatory component for normal plant growth. Ceramzit, or wood coals with sand will be excellent assistants in keeping the root system of orange from drying out. You don't need to pour too thick layer, about four centimeters will be enough. Substrate for citrus fruits, ferry land, humus is also suitable as a drainage.
  5. Soil for orange can be purchased in any specialized store for indoor plants. You can easily prepare the soil mixture, taking the land in the fall under fallen leaves (two glasses). Only soil is suitable from under poplar and chestnut. Put the ground from the top layer, the maximum of deepening up to ten centimeters. If there is a humus (floor of a glass), then its components with mixed river sand (one glass) will become a good addition for fertile soil. Pre-mix all components to uniformity and add water to high-quality consistency.
  6. Finished orange bones should be plugged on a depth of no more than two and a half centimeters. When you plant several seeds at once, then use different containers for this. So, you will not have to play the seedlings on the first germination. Moreover, after the recent appearance of the greenery of the plant, it is completely unassigned to another transplant.
  7. The first watering should be abundant. Further, the top pot is covered with a polyethylene, or food film.
  8. Placement capacity Place in such a place where sun rays do not penetrate, and the light at all. The recommended temperature for germs must be installed in twenty-five degrees Celsius. In such a position from your bones, long-awaited sprouts will soon appear.
  9. Remove the film after a month, or even five weeks after landing. After a couple of weeks, green shoots will seem.
  10. Now the seedlings should rapidly gain growth, and for this they need to get used to the light. The pot can be placed on the windowsill, but not immediately under the direct sunny rays.

If you planted not one seed, then browse them all and choose the most healthy and sturdy, seeding in different pots. Oranges are transplanted for half a year. The capacity is selected greater in diameter and height about five centimeters. After transplantation, the leaves spray with a small amount of permanganate-potash solution, it is possible to water it.

Young orange tree is usually transplanted every year. During this time, they have time to let new shoots, and their root system It grows and becomes not so fragile.

Reproduction of orange

Oranges grown in your home can be multiplied by vaccinations. This method is often used in gardening and is successful in each individual case. When cutting, trees do not succeed, because it does not properly rooted the branch. Seedlings of indoor orange are used as a lead to relo tree. Some varieties of orange wood are not suitable for reproduction, for example, one of them is the trifoliate poncirir. In view of its biological signs, this plant is not suitable for cultivation. If you exhibit the citrus for the first time, keep in mind that the fruits on the tree will be able to see ten years later, and even fifteen years. Often orange, grown at home, is used as a decorative plant.

Watering orange

In order to determine the degree of humidity of the soil in the pot, you need to check it with your fingers, just squeezing the top layer beam. The soil should not be completely dry, or crumble through the fingers. Normally, when the village is watered regularly, but not often. It will be better to pay attention to the state of the soil every day. Adhesive land - a sign of sufficient moisture for the plant. IN summer time The year is especially important to protect orange from drying out and bright rays of the sun. If you live in apartment house With centralized water supply, the use of this water can also harm the tree. Citrus plants do not tolerate chlorine in such large quantities, And alkaline compounds of metals often cause chlorine (spots on the leaves). In order not to violate the metabolic processes occurring at the growth of orange, some gardeners advise pre-boil the city water. But this option does not always help. It is best to put up to defend the hot water-type gained per day, since it contains chlorine and salt in the measures permissible. If you take water from the well, or the lake, let her warm up to room temperature. It is not worth collecting rainwater, extraneous impurities are accumulated in it. Any type of water from the above should defend, at least a day, so that it is soft and warm. In winter, the growth of the tree is suspended, the processes of juice movement occur much slower, so watering is less frequent at this time of year.

Prices of indoor orange

After studying all stages of growing a tree of bone, the question arises about his fruiting. As mentioned earlier, it is not so easy to get fruit from the room plant, but maybe. Home orange must be ensured not only regular watering, but also timely feeding. Various tools in the form of component supplements for the soil can be purchased in flower stores. Fertilizers contribute once every two weeks. Bees to pollinate orange are not needed.

But that's not all. In order to get a harvest from an orange, you need to produce a vaccination procedure with an indulged purchased variety. Such a twig can be purchased in a greenhouse, or to bring it yourself from distant hot edges. After cutting, the escape should not be hung with vaccination. It is better when the width of the twigs will be almost the same. Take a sharp knife and make an incision for a given, and then thoroughly connect both sides. Take the place of dusts with a tape, but the adhesive part is outside, cover the tightly food film. Leave the plant at temperatures up to thirty degrees with a plus sign. It will be possible to remove the film in a month, and the isolent is a little later.

To form a beautiful crown of wood, you need to make the tip of the fourth branches, or fifth rows. So, the orange will grow on the sides, and up.

How to secure an orange from malicious diseases

Orange, as well as any other plant, is peculiar to root. The most common mushrooms and viruses can be strikingly affect the condition of the tree. If you have noticed that the leaves begin to turn around, or white spots appear on them, the web is signs of lesion by tick. Fortunately, such an inhabitant can be immediately seen and removed. The following ingredients can be used to prevent the orange tick on the orange:

  1. In one cup, boiling water is required to make a handful of tobacco dust.
  2. This solution is to infur in one week.
  3. Weching the economic soap (ten grams) and add to the glass.
  4. Treat orange by three leaf spraying. After six to seven days, repeat the procedure.

also in preventive purposes You can use softening garlic. For this, one small head should be insisted in boiling water about forty-eight hours. Further, the resulting decoction is filled with in the same way as with tobacco dust, spray an orange tree.

When it takes about a room plant, it is better to choose the most gentle agents made on the basis of biological components, and not pesticides.

Among the most different indoor plants sold in specialized stores, the look quickly snags neat trees with glossy lean foliage and a mass of bright fragrant fruits. If we are patient and attach a little effort, you can grow an orange tree from the bone and at home, especially since the seed from the ripe fetus bought in the store is fitted.

How to grow orange at home from bone?

The bone of the orange is covered with rather dense, solid leather, on the one hand, retaining the sprout from all sorts of damage, and with another preventing it from germination. If the seed dries out, it is very difficult to force it, so only fresh seeds use for planting.

  • wash B. warm water;
  • soaked for 8-12 hours;
  • sit into loose soil or to a depth of 1 cm under the film.

Until the moment of germination, which comes in a month or one and a half, the container with seeds remains in a warm place. The mini-greenhouse must be periodically moistened and ventilated. And only after the appearance of sprouts, future orange trees are brought out.

Since in countries where oranges grow in nature, the trees generously get warm and light, to provide seedlings to maximize a long day day, disembarking seeds at the end of winter or in March. But in this case, young orange trees are well responded to extend the daylight of the day with

Orange transplant at home

Picking sprouts is carried out at the stage when two real sheets are revealed on an orange, while it is important to take into account that the plant is extremely painfully reacting to all manipulations associated with transplantation and possible damage to the root system. It is unacceptable that the root neck of the orange in the transflection under the ground is.

The best way to transplanting a tree is a spring transshipment of plants along with an earthen room, until the active growth of shoots began, and buds did not appear. The orange-grown orange will have to regularly expose this procedure, each time choosing a container with a diameter of 1-3 cm more than an old pot:

  • The growing root system of the young plant once a year requires the expansion of "housing".
  • Adults fruiting trees transplant every 2-3 years.

For seedlings with 4-6 leaves, a pot is a diameter of about 10 cm and soil mixture Of the two parts of the turf, one piece of deciduous humus, the same volume of peat and sand. Already at the next transshipment, the proportion of the turf in the ground increases and a small amount of clay is added. The orange tree, which is grown from the bone at home, must provide good drainage and irrigation mode that does not allow root.

Optimal Growth Terms for Orange at Home

Like all residents of the subtropical zone, orange trees do not tolerate drafts, but they are very fond of light and demanding on air and soil moisture. With a lack of citrus lighting, they may root or refuse to be fruit, so growing them better on the sunny side, but fencing from burning direct rays, especially in the summer. In the fall and in winter, when the duration of the light day falls, grown from the bone of oranges highlighted.

Air humidity in the room where the village is located, should not be below 40%, otherwise the plant begins to quickly drop the leaves and may die. This is especially often happening in winter, during the heating season, or with a close position of the pot from the heating device. In this case, it is necessary to artificially moisten the air, spray the plant and follow so that the soil does not swam under it.

The danger of drying the soil exists in summer, so daily irrigation, moisturizing the entire earth com, but not causing moisture, is extremely necessary orange.

Orange trees at home may die if water for watering will contain chlorine. Therefore, it uses rainding, thawa or an estimated no less than a day water, which is heated to 25-30 ° C.

Orange Tree Care at Home

So that the seedlock develops rapidly, and several years later the plant began to be fruit, he needs to create conditions, as in the Mediterranean and in the north of Africa, where oranges are growing in nature:

  • In the summer, the tree can be taken to the air, protecting against the scorching sun.
  • In the spring, when buds begins the formation of buds and the formation of zerovy, orange trees are expected at 15-18 ° C.
  • In winter, it is reduced and arrange a warm wintering at temperatures above +12 ° C, not forgetting the backlight of the plant.

On the transfer from the room to the room, the change in temperature, humidity and other conditions of cultivation, up to turning the pot, orange tree, as in the photo, at home can be reset the leaves, turn yellow and crack. Therefore, turning the plant so that its shoots grow more evenly, they are advised at about 10 ° every 10 days.

An actively growing orange once in 7-14 days is needed a complex feeding fertilizers for citrus crops or composition based on 10 liters of water and:

  • 20 grams of ammonium nitrate;
  • 25 grams;
  • 15 grams of potash salts.

Caring for the orange tree at home implies that four times a year in the feeder introduce inkstoneAnd to maintain a saturated color of foliage, it is pouring the orange solution with a solution of potassium mangartage.

Bone orange vaccination

If the tree carefully take care, it quickly adds growth and develops. However, not everyone can wait to wait for flowering and wound up, and if the fruits appear, they turn out to be small and bitter. The fact is that the oranges grown from bone may not bear parental signs and be simply wild plants. You can recognize such a dick already in a year old-year-old for a solid green spike on the trunk.

How at home to grow oranges, the same sweet and large, like shopping fruit? In this case, you can choose one of the ways:

  • Conduct a classic vaccination of wood using a seeding as a collection for a varietal cutting resulting from a fruiting plant.
  • Install the orange with the help of the eyelidation, governing the kidney cultural plant With a small layer of bark and wood. For reliability, you can simultaneously use up to three eyes, having grabbed them from different sides of the trunk.

The second method is less time-consuming and painful for the tree. If the seeding after vaccination remains only as a flow, the operation is better carried out in a tree at the age of 1 - 3, when the diameter of the strain does not exceed 6 mm.

On an adult orange tree, in the photo, you can instill various citrus crops, since the plant practically does not rejected related species.

Formation of orange crown at home

The fruction of the orange tree at home can begin 6-10 years after germination of seeds and only provided that the crown is properly formed in the plant. Buds, and then wounded, the facts of plants appear on developed branches fourth order. Therefore, to receive early harvest The crown formation begin in the period when the tree reaches a height of 25-30 cm:

  • In the spring, the main escape is plugged at 18-25 cm.
  • From side shoots, there are three or four strongest, which cut off, causing branching.
  • The next season, two branches of the second order are left out of the increment. They will subsequently give from 3 to 5 third-order shoots.
  • And only then the horizontal fruiting branches will begin to develop.
  • Next, they are watching the denotom of the crown and the timely replacement of branches.

On the young trees, the first flowers and the wounds better remove. The first harvest can be only 2-3 orange so that the plant does not lose too much effort when ripening them.

You can accelerate the entry of a tree in the course of fruiting by arranging an orange in winter at a temperature of from 2 to 5 ° C, limiting watering and not feeding for three months. When in the room where oranges are growing, the temperature will rise to 15-18 ° C, the recruitment of buds and the formation of the ovary is beginning. The resulting orange departure at home can live up to 50-70 years, regularly glad the appearance of white colors and bright aromatic fruits.

Citrus Vaccination at Home - Video

The tradition of growing an orange tree in artificial conditions It appeared shortly after the Portuguese navigators first brought this fruit to Europe. The cultivation of orange at home has acquired such scales that special structures were launched for this, which were called greenhouses, from french word. "Orange" (so in these parts called this fruit). In the article, we will look at how to grow an orange from the bone at home, using experience accumulated by centuries.

How the orange is growing

In nature, the orange tree is growing exclusively in the tropical and subtropical climate, but for it you can create suitable conditions in the home environment, for example in the apartment. Moreover, with proper care, you grow oranges on the tree and enjoy the pleasant taste of this citrus fruit. To start growing oranges in your apartment, you do not need to carry out complex botanical operations, it is enough to buy a fruit with seeds inside. But further actions will require great effort and attention from you, since the plant is rather whimsical and requires special care.

Growing from seed

Get home orange from a bone is the easiest way to grow this citrus tree, but should be attentive when choosing suitable seeds. There are only fresh bones without visible defects, with hardheart and elastic to the touch. There are special varieties of home orange, but in practice there is a simple fruit bought in the nearest store, pay attention to the appearance of the fetus.

Landing seeds

The selected orange bones must be rinsed thoroughly under running water, and then soak for eight - ten o'clock in warm water. Plant seeds in advance prepared soil, which can be purchased in the store or prepare yourself. It is best suitable for two quarters consisting of sand and peat and two-quarters of the turf and humus. You can plant a bone both separately and groups, but the interval in five centimeters should be observed between them. It is best for planting a clay pot, which absorbs excess moisture well, you can use any other pot capacity of 100 ml. with water drain holes.

After you land the seeds to the depth of one to two centimeters, the soil must be poured, cover the pot of film and put in a dark place. At night it is recommended to remove the film so that the plant will not suffocate. When the seeds sprouted and the root system was strengthened, and this will happen in a month or a half depending on the varieties and conditions, the tree can be transplanted into another pot and transfer to light.


Home orange, like all citrus fruit plant, so it is recommended to plant it at the beginning of spring, when the duration of a sunny day begins to grow. Orange leaves love a lot of light, but in order to avoid burns, the plant is desirable to priest.

In addition, in the room where the home orange is growing, a certain temperature regime must be observed. In summer optimal temperature For this plant, averages +25 ° C, and in winter +15 ° C.

A homemade orange tree loves the wet climate, the familiar level of humidity for it is about 40%, so the plant can be periodically sprayed. It is also necessary to ensure that the land in the pot does not fall.

Crane formation

One of of essential factors The cultivation of oranges at home is the proper development of the tree crown. The first fruits will appear only on the branches of the fifth order, and at least five years can come to their formation. On average, the appearance of the first fruits on the home orange tree grown in room conditions, takes up to ten years.

The crown should be formed when the height of your village reaches 25 centimeters. On the early stages It is also recommended to adjust the plant to accelerate the growth of the branches. From the side shoots should be left only 3-4 the strongest, and the remaining cut. The same is recommended to do with second-order branches, increase the side shoots only from the third season.

When indoor orange begins to bloom, it is necessary to remove buds so that the first crop makes no more than three fruits, it will help the plant not to spend too much energy on their maturation. From the next season, you can increase the number of buds up to five pieces, another year - up to ten.

The moment of the appearance of the first fruits on the tree can be accelerated if in the winter to contain home oranges in more cold conditions, limiting watering and fertilizer. With the onset of spring and an increase in the room temperature, the accelerated growth of colors and side shoots will begin.


In addition to the cultivation of a homely orange tree from seeds, it can still be multiplied by shifting or vaccination. To do this, you must already have a tree at least three years. We will look at two ways to plant an orange without the use of bone.

  • How to grow an orange tree by shifting. In order to get a new tree you need to cut off a very sharp knife twig with a length of at least ten centimeters. Then put this twig into a specially prepared soil or peat and wait about thirty days so that the cuttings strengthened. For this period it is recommended to make a kind of mini greenhouse for a cutlery, make sure that the soil is wet and keep it in a bright place, but without direct sunlight getting.
  • How to instance an orange. In order to get home oranges by vaccination, you will need a cutlets of an exceptionally fruiting instance, but this time it will need to "suck" to another tree. As a tree-acceptor, a young orange or lemon is best suited, which at an altitude of at least ten centimeters is cut off the crown and split the trunk. Then in the cleft in the trunk insert the cuttings, and the place of grafting with a film is tightly. Tree is recommended to cover with a film and put in a well-lit place. If three weeks later, the cuttings did not blacken, it means that the vaccination was successful, and you are in more short time You can get a fruitful orange.

How to care for orange

Throughout the growth of home orange, it is necessary to adhere to certain conditions, as at the time of its landing. In a room where the orange will be germinate, compliance with a certain temperature regime, humidity and lighting levels. Also don't forget about proper soil, watering and fertilizers. Care for home orange tree is quite time-consuming and painstaking work, but the result is worth it.


Unlike young parstles, the mature wood of home orange is more resistant to direct sunlight. Moreover, a sufficient amount of light is needed by a plant, so you can put it on a well-lit place, closer to the window. Disadvantage sunlight It may negatively affect the ripening of fruits and their quality. During the year when a sunny day, too short home orange can be highlighted with special devices, a place with multiple lighting.


The orange plant is thermal-loving, therefore, the temperature in the room where it grows should be quite high. In summer, the optimal temperature for home orange is 25-28 ° C, and the temperature in winter is 15-18 ° C, respectively. Some experts recommend lower temperature modesIn order to avoid infection with pests and diseases, although it is noted that at low temperatures, the growth of the plant slows down.

Air humidity

In natural conditions, the orange is growing in a medium with high humidity (not less than 40%), so the room in which the orange tree grows, it is necessary to regularly spray or put a large water container. In no case, do not allow drafts in the room, otherwise it can negatively affect the state of the plant. But do not forget about ventilation, the air in the room should be updated.


In the warm season (summer and spring), it is recommended to "feed" home orange with special fertilizers for citrus, at least once a week. But from the fall, the soil feed must also be stopped at all, since the plant falls into the hibernation.


Watering a home plant in the summer needed at least once a week. In winter, the intensity of watering must be reduced twice, since the room temperature will be lower. The main thing is to prevent that dry crusts appear on the surface of the soil.

Oranges and tangerines are perhaps the most favorite all citrus. Some more than a few decades ago we had the opportunity to rummage only with cold winter, and now they lie on the counters round year. Of course, in countries with a warm climate, they are allowed to be completely crown and only then disappear for eating, but exports are sent to unworthy fruit.

If you want to control the process of growing and collecting, find out how to grow an orange from the bone.

History of appearance

The first mention of this citrus is contained in Chinese letters whose age is more than 2,000 years. Presumably began to cultivate in Southeast Asia about 4,000 years BC. The Chinese called this fruit "Qin", Europeans "Orange", but the Russians first half of the "Apel" were transferred from Prussian "Yablo Chinese" And they added the end of the "rank", which over time was transformed in the well-known name.

When did the oranges started growing oranges in Russia?

There is an opinion that the first did the prince Alexander Menshikov in 1714. He commanded to build closed and heated premises near St. Petersburg, where this plant was cultivated.

Over time, greenhouses have become called greenhouses. Where are the oranges grow today? Currently, the cultivation of these citrus on exports and many countries are engaged in their own needs, culturing a variety of varieties.

But if you do not disrupt them from the tree, the fruits can hang on it all year round, constantly increasing in size. At the same time, the more orange, the worse his taste becomes, so they are broken as soon as they reach acceptable sizes.

What country grows the biggest and sweet oranges?

In Spain, or rather, in Andalusia, they are engaged in the cultivation of giant varieties with a sweet, pleasant taste.

It is this country that ensures compliance with all agrotechnic cultivation techniques and collects from trees only fully overwhelmed fruits that have such large sizes that a standard vegetable box includes only 20 pieces. True, they do not reach us.

Preparation of soil and bone deepening

Is it possible to grow an orange at home?

It is possible, only not everyone gets to achieve the flowering of the tree and the appearance of fruits on it. However, the dense green crown, which has a fresh aroma can please.

It is necessary to immediately say, it is possible to use an orange bone for cultivation, which has just received from the fetus, that is, the main thing - not to give her time to dry.

Prepare a clay pot, the soil consisting of a sheet of land, humoring, large river sand and a delicate land taken in the ratio of 1: 1: 1: 3. Be sure to lay out on the bottom of the drainage.

It is not necessary too much to deepen the bone, it will be enough to be a distance from it to the surface of the soil of 2.5 cm. The soil must be well moistened and create a greenhouse effect, covering the film or glass. At the same time, the pot must stand in a well-lit place, but not under the right sunlight, and the room temperature should be maintained at + 22-25 ° C.

After 3 weeks you can wait for germs that you want to transplant in a large pot. Some believe that the orange tree does not need to transplant: it is enough to make fertilizers in time and change the top layer of the soil to a new, more nutritious. Those who plan to transplant the tree are recommended to maintain the old comed towards the roots and finish transplants when forming crowns.

Crane formation

How can I grow orange at home? This stage is of great importance, because only the formed twigs of the fifth order appear flowers, and after the fruits. Therefore, waiting for the tree to reach a height of 20-30 cm, it is necessary to cut the plants.

As a result, it will begin to give branches of the second order, after pinching which the third order shoots will appear and so on.

The tree should bloide for 4-5 years, but if you want to get fruit at home before, you need to act one of the 4 scenarios, here they are:

  • Install a sprig against a fruiting tree to the plant;
  • Often replant to enhance the root system;
  • Run a ring. That is, to hand over a wire twig or remove the bark from it in the form of a ring. As soon as the tree blooms, the wire should be removed;
  • Provide cold wintering.

The last method gives the most effective result.

For this plant for the whole winter Provide a temperature of + 7-8 ° C, rarely watered (once every 10 days) and do not make fertilizers. Such a gentle mode of the house will provide a plant with powerful growth with the onset of spring, and it can be blooming after 3-4 years.