
What houseplants are useful. What houseplants will be useful for home

Decorative trees and shrubs

Indoor plants are wonderful little lycari. Absorbing carbon dioxideThey give us invaluable oxygen, and also allocate phytoncides - active substances that can kill or delay the growth of harmful bacteria.
Home plants perfectly clean the air and increase the humidity indoors, which is especially relevant in the winter period. Apartment with indoor plants is characterized by a more favorable psycho-emotional environment.

1. Hrolofitum

If you have no experience in the content of indoor plants, you can start your acquaintance with the hrolofitum. This plant is extremely unpretentious, ease of care and perfect for a novice botany.
Despite its inconspicuous look, hrolofitum is a leader among room plants for air purification from harmful toxic pollution. Another important ability of the plant - air moisturizing. Hercofituum is recommended for people suffering from allergies, frequent colds, elderly diseases, as well as all those who live in close proximity to large roads or in industrial areas.

2. Aloe.

Aloe juice contained in its fleshy shoots has unique properties. It contains a huge amount of active substances and vitamins.
"Home Doctor" Aloe will accelerate the tightening of the wound on the skin, in the oral cavity and even healing burns. The plant will become an excellent help in the fight against colds (runny nose, throat pain), with stomach diseases. Such quality scarlet as the ability to increase appetite is used in the treatment of exhaustion.
Aloe juice is widely used in cosmetology.

3. Begonia

Begonia is loved by many people for an excellent appearance, but not everyone knows that the plant has also healing qualities. The hemoned phytoncides, cleaning air, reduce the content of staphylococcus and streptococcus viruses in it. Begonia is capable of improving human immunity, relieve fatigue, increase mental activity. Put begonia on your desktop in the apartment.
The infusion of begonia leaves is used in the treatment of alcoholism.

4. Filieca

Beauty-violet has a pacifying effect on the atmosphere in an apartment, igniting Negative from her. Especially relevant violets in children's rooms.
The flower has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, used to reduce blood pressure, such as an anesthetic and sedative, as well as in the treatment of cough and pneumonia. The decoction of the leaves of violets increases immunity.
Capricious violets are not suitable in all houses. It is said that if your violet died, no reason for sadness, just a flower covered with me the whole negative from the apartment.

5. Room lemon

Room lemon - a frequent guest in our apartments, it can be easily raised from ordinary bone. But, most likely, he will not be fruit.
Lemon is able to improve performance and mental activity in humans, and he is an indispensable assistant in the fight against stress. Fitoncides highlighted by lemon are provided by a general healing effect. Lemon is extremely useful for people suffering from diseases of light and respiratory systems.

6. Diffenbahia

Get a differentbache if you live in an ecologically unfavorable area, near factories or factories. This plant with large volumetric leaves can perfectly clean the air from the following toxins: formaldehyde, xylene, trichloroethylene, benzene, and reduce the overall dusting in the apartment. In addition, Diffenbachia is known for its beautiful decorative properties, and an adult copy is quite capable of becoming a decoration of the house.
If a little fidget lives in your house, you should not allow him to contact with the plant: Diffenbahia juice can be dangerous.

7. Ficus

Ficus - home "vacuum cleaner", is able to very effectively clean the air from contamination. Ficus can help with mastopathy, serves as a means of preventing oncological diseases. The plant is useful for people who suffer from diseases of the back, can reduce dental pain and even bring the wart.
That magic property Ficus, like the recovery of the total microclimate in the apartment, is known for a long time. He is able to bring good luck to the house, protect against poverty and even help women in wanting to become pregnant.


Spontane has a set healing properties. The plant has both a lining and bactericidal effect, helps to fight with the impact of negative factors.
Soots of naughty help with abdominal pains, in the treatment of diabetes, it is indispensable when dealing with edema and liver diseases. Using the choons to eat, you can lose weight quickly.
The flower of this cactus is able to even stop the blood.

9. Permia

This compact plant will be a good assistant when combating respiratory diseases. Another very important property of the plant is known - this is the ability to help a person in overcoming depression. Permia also contributes to a calmer, discreet and friendly atmosphere in the family

10. Cyclamen

Therapeutic properties of the whimsical cyclamen will be useful for patients with diabetes. The medicine prepared on the basis of the tubers of the plant is capable of rapidly heal with a hymorite, headaches and cold. The plant will have a beneficial effect on the hormonal and immune system of a person, helps with infertility, can improve the state of the heart.
The mystical property of cyclamen is a transformation of negative energy into a positive, capable of making your children more obedient and calm. Put the plant in the children's room.

Room plants are inherent in a certain energy that has a beneficial effect on the aura of dwelling. People feel it intuitive, therefore seeking to decorate their house with flowers, decorative greens. They reassuring the psyche of man soothingly, balancing his moral background, give strength and confidence. In addition, absolutely all houseplants Capable to affect the microflora of the premises. They allocate useful compounds into the surrounding atmosphere and harmful substances are absorbed from it. We offer you today to learn more about such plants - man's true friends.

Reverse side of comfort

In our age, people seek to live in comfortable conditions. But making expensive repair, we do not think that the currently used construction Materials And the finishing materials evaporate harmful to health substances. The share of the latter accounts for about 80% of unsafe compounds. Not to mention the harmful effects household appliances and home chemistry.

As a result, we are under constant "cap" carbon monoxide and nitrogen compounds, formaldehyde and phenols, ammonia and acetone, volatile compounds of heavy metals - all the specialists counted about a hundred species of such poisons. Moreover, in the atmosphere indoors of harmful substances much more than in the "outdoor" air - one and a half or four times. His contribution in terms of adverse effects on the psyche of people adds and inherent modern interiors The so-called rectangular stylistics.

This is what she is the reverse side of the desired comfort. Likewise, unpleasant. But not hopeless. To cope with the negative impact of the goods of modern civilization and the benefit of health will help you precisely indoor plants. And soothe, remove the fatigue and consequences of stress they can already only external species. It has long been proven that green is possessed a unique feature To coat a person, set it up on a positive way, "expel" from my head all bad thoughts.

What are the beneficial plants?

For our health, representatives of the room flora will not only decorate the interior of the house or office, but also allow breathing clean and fresh air. They will help to improve themselves, get rid of Handers and depression and protect from many ailments.

Plants cleansing air. Possess pronounced air purity abilities. Let's call them. it chlorophyteum Crested, paint tree, Asparagus, Epipremnum Perista, Monster, Mokha.

Plants fighting with causative agents of diseases.

  • Mirt, Raullia, Diffenbahia, Psdium, santhetiadestroy the causative agent of staphylococcal infection.
  • Begonia, Aglionm, Anthurium Andre and Sherecer, japanese bearingwe defeat streptococcal microorganisms.
  • Laurel, Lavirichny and Pzirir Your allies in the fight against the intestinal stick (the Lavr helps well in intestinal spasms and biliary tract).
  • Mint, sage, monard, hyssop, lavenderthey will cope with Klebsiella, causing meningitis, pneumonia, sinusitis and other diseases.
  • Begonia, Mirt, Rosemary, Diffenbahia, Anthurium, Pelargonium, Sunsivera, Tradesska, Epiprem, Wheelpowder, Aglionmreduce the total amount of microorganisms contained in the air.

Plants absorbing harmful substances. it chlorophyteum, aloe, phylodendron climbing. They are capable of absorbing phenols and formaldehyde from new furniture, destroy the pathogenic microflora. Ivy,as well as dRATSEN Recycled benzene, and chlorophytum and epiprons peristically Clean air from carbon oxide.

Plants, ionizing air. Monster, ferns, Pelargonium, SENPOLIA. Improve high-quality air indicators in the kitchen.

Chlorophyteum - air purifier

Leader in degree beneficial influence The dwelling is often called chlorophytum. And perfectly deservedly: it is an order of magnitude more efficient than any technical device for air purification. This is a beautiful and at the same time unpretentious plant, with proper care Capable to produce a lot of "mustache" with "kids", with ease "cracking" with the thermal insulation formaldehyde. The experimental way is established: for the absorption of this substance in the middle size, the apartment is enough ten chlorophytums.

In addition, he perfectly cleans the air from nitrogen and sulfur compounds and from phenols. Therefore, chlorophytum needs to "settle" in housing with new furniture And, of course, in the kitchens where toxic gas combustion products accumulate. At the same time, what is called, "instead," he distinguishes biologically active substances and phytoncides into the surrounding atmosphere, capable of cope with some species of pathogenic microflora.

Similar cleansing properties have other as well as unpretentious plants - aloe, Spatifylum, ivy ordinary, Sansivieria (The latter is more known under the national names of Teschin Language and "Picky Tail"). Aloe, in addition to its obvious air-purifying properties, helps to fight with colds, facilitates the state with purulent inflammation. His life juice finds use in cosmetology.

The benefits of citrus plants

Impressive properties citrus plants. They have a beneficial effect on the mental tone of a person, increase performance. And not only physical, but also mental - due to the ability to strengthen the amplitude of the biotok of the brain. An indispensable assistants in the fight against stress, various fears.

Citrus grown at home primarily due to fruit - lemons, tangerines, oranges and grapefruits. But many of us underestimate the essential oils received from them, which are no less useful. For example, essential oil lemon tree Helps reduce blood pressure. In addition to all, they, especially lemon, the surrounding air is practically sterilized. By the way, similar properties also possess eucalyptus, Mirt and Calanchoe.

Gerana - Your home doctor

Geranium or pelargonium often called home doctor. Especially for persons suffering from cancer. For all others, this plant is a great way to prevent malignant neoplasms. The importance of geraniums for health is also due to the fact that it is ionized by air and neutralizes the destructive effect of free radicals on the cells. The same properties, by the way, are inherent fern. In addition, both of these plants have pronounced antimicrobial properties.

Geranium is a natural stimulant of adrenal work, helping to support hormonal balance established by nature, especially adrenaline. Thanks to its properties, it does not exhibit itself premenstrual syndrome and facilitates the onset of menopause. It struggles with manifestations of stress, depression, and fussiness. Positively acts on the moral background, improves the mood, soothes; Helps a person to gain confidence.

With asthma, cold and spasms

With frequent colds, bronchial asthma and other respiratory problems will help rosemary medicinal. In the treatment of bronchitis, an additional recovery factor is impact mirta. And such plants like lavender, mint, sage - Reliable assistants in the fight against the bacteria of the kind of Chlebseyella, capable of provoking the development of hymorite, meningitis and pneumonia.

It is known that various allergens are one of the causes of asthma. For example, toxins contained in exhaust gases. So it will not be in the house diffenbahia PeplingPerfectly cleansing air from toxins. Keep this plant is better in the room, the windows of which goes to the carotrass or "look" to some industrial or economic object (plant, factory, boiler room, etc.).

It is notified that plants that allocate phytoncides are especially active in the winter-spring period, which is usually the greatest surge of colds.

What is the usefulness?

People resort to the help of different indoor plants. The historians of the ancient Egypt and Rome were able to make brands, balms and potions from them, and the Chinese shelters were successfully used ginseng - one of the most unusual medicinal plants. The Arsenal of the Old Indian healers had more than 700 drugs manufactured from plants.

What is due to the benefits of indoor plants? In the ability to allocate oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, ionize air. It is important for health that the concentration of light ions is high, and heavy - low. Our green friends are able to support this balance at the right level, which positively affects the metabolism, activates the respiratory enzymes, normalizes the acid-alkaline balance (pH) of the blood, maintains blood pressure, increases the muscle tone, helps to strengthen the body's protective forces. In indoor plants contain many useful compounds - saponins, mudroom substances, vitamins, essential oils, phytoncides, etc. Significant part of them began to be used in modern medicine.

In the rooms with a TV and a computer, wisely "settle" tyu, cypress or cacti. The latter are perfectly neutralized by harmful radiation radiation from the screen and monitor. The ability of plants to clean the air is quite explained: they are sensitive, as a barometer, react to what is happening in environment Changes. Since polluted air harms not only to us, but also plants, they actively "try to clean it. But where are the harmful connections from the air? Some of them are used to ensure their livelihoods, while others are displayed in the soil.

Indoor plants possess other useful feature - allocate phytoncides, destroying pathogenic microflora and neutralizing toxins. In those rooms where they live geran, Mirt, Rosemary, Figand citrusThe air is much less polluted by microorganisms. But the palm of championship here belongs to the usual countercake, almost four times the concentration of microbes.

With mold fungi mercilessly fights prickly pear (this is cactus, whose stalks have a kind of pellek). Thanks to her, the number of these "inhabitants" in the air is decreased by 6-7 times. Pronounced anti-grapple properties also possess lemon, laurel, a coffee tree, ficus, ivy. Most. the best place For these plants are raw and darkened rooms.

Plants need good conditions

So, indoor plants purify air, isolated oxygen and other useful connections for a person. They are a source of volatile organic substanceshaving antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Therefore, the interest of the flower water to these plants is quite natural. However, we should not forget that for the proper execution of their "duties" on improving needed optimal conditions - The composition of the soil and its humidity, temperature, lighting. Of course, taking into account the needs of each type. In addition, the careful care of them is important, regular flushing of dust and, oddly enough, love. Yes, the plants feel how you treat them, and give good mood and health only on a mutual basis.

If you are tired of home ordinary and gray everyday life at work, then as they say, God himself ordered to radically change the situation. Or at least just update it. It is they who, indoor plants that will delight, and the air will be renewed, and the mood will improve the air. Decoring your home and workplace beautiful flower Or decorative greens, you will definitely feel the onset of stunning harmony with households and colleagues, a tide of strength, the desire to live and enjoy life. I have no doubt that you will certainly be satisfied with this result.

People take care of the purity of the dwelling and that their positive energy is surrounded. Indoor plants bring great benefit to a person: they clean the air, the green color has a positive effect on the mood and they perfectly decorate the interior.

But there are flowers that are of particular importance for a person.

Useful indoor plants for home

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a certain plant corresponds to each residential premises. But there are also those considered universal - suitable for any room.

Listed plants are considered universal and can be put in any room.

Kitchen plants

For landscaping of this room, resistant temperatures are sustainable, inconsolable to the care that do not need constant spraying and drought-resistant.

Kitchen plants must be hardy and well cleaned air.

Attention! You should not turn the kitchen in the jungle - enough one - two colors to maintain sufficient humidity.

Plants for children

For children, you need to choose plants that first of all will be useful for health. And this means that they should not cause allergies, neyovy, and care for them should be quite simple. After all, how much pleasure can deliver the child a flower growing!

Note! To make the baby it was more interesting to care for green friends best if interesting flower pots are chosen. This will make it possible to form a right attitude towards nature.

Bedroom plants

Select bedroom plants, you need to be guided by the same principles as for the children's.

    1. Mirt and Eucalyptus perfectly copble with air purification. They also remove the bronchial spasm, so they will be especially useful for asthmatics.

    1. Spathifylum.
    2. refreshing the relationship between spouses.

    1. lowers the content of harmful substances in the air. At night, it absorbs carbon dioxide and sends oxygen.

  1. Kalanchoe.

Attention! According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is best in the bedroom to place plants of red color, symbolizing mutual love and consent.

Flowers for harmony and happiness

All of the above plants have a positive energy, create a favorable home atmosphere. Especially it should be noted:

    • Spathifylum;

  • Hibiscus;

Plants that do not keep home

There are a number of houseplants that are not suitable for the house. This is due to the fact that they allocate poisonous substances that can be dangerous to an animal or man.

Also, many disputes cause some plants negative energy. In this case, we can say that everything is individually, and opinions on positive or negative energy can be subjective.

In addition, poisonous juice The above plants allocate only if they are broken, and the juice is harmful when it is used inside. Those. If there are no children or animals in the house, and you like the flower, you can start.

In general, it is best to focus on your own taste and a feeling of pleasure. Useful plants Houseplants serve not only for air purification, but also to create a harmonious and cozy atmosphere.

They can become not only an excellent addition to the design of your apartment, but also a useful find. Such create a cozy atmosphere for your home, add paints to the interior and please the eyes at any time of the year. Of particular value are those that may be useful for human health. We will get acquainted with some of them.

Most. unpretentious and most suitable plant For beginner flower water is. It is with narrow green and with hanging air mustes, on which small bushes of the new plant are located.
can grow in any soil, in any room: in the sun, in the shade, when warm or cold temperatures, on the refrigerator, on the table. It is suitable for a pot of any size. The plant needs abundant, otherwise it can hang out.
The adult flower reaches a diameter of 50 cm and the same size in height. Shoots grow long from 80 to 100 cm. It has the ability to actively and effectively purify oxygen from harmful substances and carbon monoxide. Most often it is placed in the kitchen, where there is gas stoveSince the flower quickly absorbs the substances harmful to humans.

A flower that is and should be in every home is. It is a plant with branches, densely designer, represented stems. The leaves, along the edges of which there are rigid cartilage teeth, reach the length of 40 cm and have a juicy, fleshy pulp.
Aloe, like everyone, loves bright light and does not need frequent watering. Moisturizing the pot is required 1-2 times a week in summer and no more than 1 times a month in winter.
Juice is used as effective tool In the treatment of infections of staphylococcus and streptococcus, abcess and phlegm. This flower was largely distributed in dentistry in the treatment of stomatitis, periodontitis and periodontal. Moreover, Aloe masks have rejuvenating properties, help with local baldness and skin diseases. With care, it is possible to stop bleeding, since tanning substances and catechin enhance blood consumption.

Did you know?Alexander Macedonsky won the Socotra Island only for the sake of aloe plantations, which the locals grown. It is the compresses from this plant that the conquerors treated wounded warriors after the victory.

- useful and attractive room flowerwhich is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and a huge amount of species. For good growth and ripening, room temperature is needed, without drafts.
The plant requires a large amount of light, without which it can die. The flower is suitable any. Regular and frequently needed.
- One of the most popular plants among folk healers. It stimulates the bloodstream, normalizes the heart rhythm, quenches the headache. is an excellent tool From a runny nose, cough and angina, useful for otitis. In addition, geranium has antiseptic, painkillers, diuretic, bactericidal and antidiabetic properties.

The beautiful and useful decoration of your home will be a small shrub, a thick-covered bright green leaves with a shiny surface and a peculiar aroma. Room View This flower reaches a height of up to 2 m. It is best grown in a small flower pot, increasing its size as needed.
It can adapt to any conditions and does not require frequent, however, it needs a sufficient amount of light and air. has the ability improve appetite, normalizes digestion.
Fitoncides that distinguish its leaves are destructive for tuberculosis sticks. The oil obtained from has excellent antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Thinking about what flowers should be in your home, do not forget about. At home, the leaves of this plant can reach sizes up to 70 cm.
Ideally suits well-lit room temperature without direct sunlight, in the shade he can slow down growth and reset the leaves. When careing, it is required regular as the upper layer of the earth's mixture is drying.
Very useful for microclimate premisesSince actively cleans air from benzene impurities, trichloroethylene and phenol. The tincture and the mixture of this help from mastopathy and prevent malignant formations.

An indispensable healer in your home will be valued for its own and need. This unpretentious, he needs a small amount sunlight.

Kalanchoe is suitable room temperature, already at 10 ° C it can be placed on fresh air. Watering should be carried out regularly, but in no case does not flood the plant, it can lead to his death.
Calando leaves are able to accumulate moisture, which flower can then use for survival during drought periods. This is one of the few indoor plants. disinfect air In the house and destroys microbes, it copes well with the influenza virus.
The greatest distribution of Calanechoe received as a means for treating colds and a cold. At the same time it gives strength and vigor, helps to easily wake up in the morning.

It is unlikely that a person who has not heard about such a useful and popular flower For home, like. This plant is fully adapted to life at home, prefers a cool temperature of 15-18 ° C and short sunny days. Finger it from direct sunlight.
For unacceptable drying and root system, Regular watering and moisturizing is required. The plant has a beneficial effect on plasma, blood, bone marrow. It is used with headache, pain in the throat, eye infections, liver diseases and with nasal bleeding.

Perhaps many people in the house have this kind of barly plant. adapted to K. room conditionsSince this climate is close to their native semi-desert climate. extremely light and unpretentious to temperature regimein which grown. IN summer period Requires watering every 3-5 days as the upper soil layer is drying.
In cold or cloudy rainy weather do not need moisture. The peculiarity of this is that its leaves are modified into spines of various lengths and colors.
They have a diuretic action, used for wound healing, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, neurological diseases. Cactus stem champs effectively help in the treatment of colds.

A very contradictory plant is, the specific smell of which is completely opposite to different people. This is perennial herbate plant, Some species of which are represented in the form of half-schools. It can both calm and relax and cause irritation or an allergic reaction.
Pelargonium needs a large number of sunlight and room temperature. It must be poured once every 3-4 days as the upper layer is drying. Flower use as excellent antidepressive and antisepticApply for wound healing.
Pelargonium has excellent tonic and deodorizing properties for the skin. In general, this room "Leak" has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

Did you know?Scientists believe that the history of growing plants has more than 5,000 years.

One of the champions in the production of oxygen and the absorption of harmful substances from the air is, or the "sick tail". She is unpretentious in care, it looks great in the interior. Sansevieria has dark green leaves collected in the outlets and growing right from the rhizomes.
At the tips of the flower leaves there is a slight edge, which cannot be laid, otherwise it will lead to a worsening of growth. To maintain the beauty of the plant, it is necessary to provide it with a large number of sunlight and warm room temperature from 16 to 28 ° C.
Sanseveria drought-resistant, needs a delicent watering as the soil graze. This flower is able to enrich your home. huge amount of oxygenClean air from benzene and formaldehyde. It effectively fights streptococci, staphylococci and other pathogens of microorganisms, has antimicrobial and antiviral action.

79 once already

Indoor Flowers add paint to our life, create a mood and homemade. They can bring huge benefit to their owners. Therefore, it is necessary to choose them correctly, as certain types do not simply revive the room, but also improve well-being, warmed into the cold and just please the eyes.

Useful properties of home plants

Here are the main of them:

  • Carbon dioxide carbon dioxide accumulates in poorly ventilated rooms. Flowers absorb it and saturate the air with oxygen.
  • Medicinal types of plants are treated cuts, burns, colds and other malaise.
  • In winter, the air in the room becomes dry due to the operation of the heating system, which affects the condition of the skin and well-being. Flowers promote humidification of air.
  • Plants absorb electromagnetic radiation that is created household appliances and home appliances. It is able to influence the well-being of a person, causing insomnia and headaches.
  • We are surrounded by objects that can release toxic substances. The city air contains a lot of dust, exhaust gases, heavy metals from emissions of factories and enterprises. Plants purify air, kill microbes with their phytoncides and absorb harmful impurities.
  • Folk beliefs emphasize indoor flowers to bring happiness, harmony, calm, etc. We included some plants in our review, which according to the signs are useful for their owners.

Houseplants: Choose for yourself and loved ones


This is a well-known home leak. It will help with colds, inflammation, can stop bleeding and heals the wounds. Its juice is used to treat the throat, heartburn, gastritis, with inflammation of gums and other diseases. It is often used for cosmetics.


It is also very useful to keep in the house. This is a bushy plant with thin and rush leaves that have light stripes. It will help get rid of moldful fungi and pathogenic bacteria, clean the air from the harmful substances present in it. Chlorophytum will bring calm and comfort to the house.


Great for growing in a pot on the windowsill. It contributes to improving appetite and stimulates the digestive process. Its sheets are well used as seasonings to various dishes and brew tea with them.


Many favorite plant Perfectly fit into the kitchen interior and will not take much space. The violet will clean and moisturize the air from carbon monoxide gases. This flower is a symbol of peace and calm in family relationships. It is believed that white flowers help get rid of sadness, fatigue and depression. Blue violets are suitable for creative people. They give calm, stimulate spiritual growth and strengthen the character. Flowers Red I. pink colour Raise the mood and are able to protect their owner from diseases.


Perfectly copes with the task of collecting dust, which settles on his leathery leaves. They are very easy to wash or wipe with a damp cloth. Ficus will saturate the room with oxygen, clean the air from unpleasant odors. It improves family relationships, soothes and relieves disturbing thoughts.


Beautiful liana, for example, Szindapsus looks good in suspended porridge. Has green leaflets of heart-shaped with yellowish spots. She is unpretentious and perfectly cleans the air. SzindapSus converts lazy energy into activity. It can be placed in the kitchen.

Waxy Ivy

This is a curly flower with solid oval-shaped leaves. It has white, pink or red inflorescences-umbrellas. The plant neutralizes the negative energy in the house, protects the owner from trouble and cleans the air from the microbes.


Magnificent curving geranium has many healing properties. It scares the mole and evil spirits, eliminates irritability, normalizes sleep and fights with pathogens of bacteria. One presence in the house attracts good luck and fulfill the desires. The aroma of these colors relaxes and removes headaches. If the plant is tugged, then they believe that someone from households can get sick.


This plant can be squat or high, with a thick trunk. It is often called cash tree. The crack has small dark green leaves, which are located on branches in a symmetrical order. They look like small coins. Therefore, it is believed that the fat man can attract material benefits into the house.

Sansevieria (Teschin Language)

Pretty high plant with massive elongated leaves. They are monophonic and have a dark green color. And also have bright stripes in the middle or white specks. The flower improves family relationships and brings harmony. Its leaves are antiseptics, because of which they are widely used in folk medicine. Sansevier's juice is used for wound healing, as well as the plant can stop blood.


This bushy plant has a purple color. His leaves resemble a flock of butterflies. During flowering, small white flowers and umbrellas appear on it. Flower twigs can be gossipped with each other. Oxalis leaves can be used in cooking, for example, add to salads. To taste, they resemble sorrel. The plant improves intuition, exacerbates feelings. He can keep those who wish to meet the soul mate and attract attention.

Cactus (Echinopsis)

It has a spherical little extracted shape. His ribbed body is covered with small needles. If a cactis is good to care for, it will bloom closer towards the end of spring. And every year a shaggy soft arrow will appear on it, from which the bud with an excellent aroma will be revealed. It will bloom up to 3 days. Cactus put near a TV or computer and in other places with hazardous radiation.


All citrus shoes calm the nervous system and remove stress. The tree can be grown from lemon bones or mandarin. Leaflets as well as the fruits are able to have a useful effect. Plants allocate essential oils that contribute to soothing, removing stress and fatigue, ensuring healthy and strong sleep.

Mirt or Eucalyptus

These plants are not suitable for the bedroom. Their leaves are isolated substances that make breathing and remove the bronchial spasms. It is very useful for people suffering from asthma and diseases of the respiratory system.

Mirt is made to give newlyweds, because it is a symbol of long and happy family relationships. It is necessary to carefully care for it so that the plant does not die and did not take well-being.


Thanks to her, the room will be filled with freshness of the coniferous forest. This is a miniature pyramidal tree with soft needles. The plant perfectly cleans the air.


Many flowers, according to the signs, bring harmony and love to the house. For example, spathifylum is a symbol of female happiness. He helps the girl in search of his second half and retains the relationship of a married woman.


This is a small 30-centimeter plant with heart leaves, which will make his own owner, will bring her luck in love.

Dwarc grenade

It is believed that his fruits are able to strengthen the married relationship, if the husband and wife try them together.


In the bedroom it is recommended to put red flowers. They bring consent and mutual feelings to the family pair. Anthurium has glossy dark green leaflets in the form of hearts. By accepting, this flower will bring good luck to his man owner. Anthurium is a symbol of courage, male strength, passionism, desire for freedom and love.


It has long leaves and single flowers rolled shape. It protects the house and generates joy and welcome, and also converts negative energy into a positive one.


Red Camellia will help refresh relationships. Her inflorescences are like peonies. The plant brings success in creativity and career.


It has small inflorescences of different color. This is a real home leak. The flower heals cuts, treats cold, regenerates the skin, eliminates the stomach ulcers and even varicose expansion veins.


Room plant with dark matte leaves, in which white splashes are present. Cyclamen's inflorescences resemble butterflies, their shade may be different. Most often, one shade smoothly goes into another. Flowers have severe energy. They help get rid of fears, depression, bad dreams.


This is a flower with large oval leaves on which the corrugated pattern is applied. Little white or yellow flowers appear during flowering. The flower cleans the air well and absorbs the negative energy. Signs say that Calatea creates a peaceful atmosphere in the family.

Plant and grow plants and flowers at home, and the atmosphere around will be filled with positive energy and pleasant aromas!