
How to plant a money tree. Money tree: so that grow and flourished

Landscape garden design

There is such indoor plant - Fastest, but in everyday life it is more often called "money trees". It is clear that people will not give so similar names, but that's just not to all owners, this decorative tree brings wealth and good luck.

It turns out that in order for the crack "worked," it is necessary when landing and choosing "place of residence" to take into account some rules. It is about this that we will talk today. How to plant a Tolstanka to attract money to the house, as it is for it to properly care and many other interesting and useful information related to this mysterious plant, you will learn from our today's article.

The main rule

Looks up pretty attractive. The fleshy leaves of a saturated green color, fastened to a powerful stalk, reminiscent of their own way. appearance Tree trunk, make a plant with decoration of any window sill. Yes, and it grows like without problems, special care and does not require attention, and at the same time the title is boring " money Tree" Why? Can it actually bring wealth and well-being in the house of his owner? The answer is unequivocal - yes.

Just so that good luck does not cost the house side, you need to follow some rules. The first and most important thing is not to buy an adult plant, take a little sprout and grow it yourself. Buying it is advisable to do in the store, not on the "Hand" market. In the stores, the plants do not absorb the energy of one person, which means that they will not be able to bring it to the house.

Give rise time to get used

Bought sprouts? Do not rush to plant it in the ground. Let it be a little comfortable, will get used to the setting. Often, so that the plant can be powder, it is put in water tank. With Tolstanka, this can not be done in any way. If the street is hot summer - Take the roots to the moisturized cloth or the napkin, if the temperature and humidity is normal - let it simply lie. Usually, couples for "addiction" is enough.

The pot is important

The choice of the pot is of great importance. A distinctive feature Plants is that it can be planted in the same capacity several times. Dropped, updated the soil, treated the antiseptic pot, the roots were cut - and you can return it back. Therefore, do not hesitate to spend money on a high-quality and cute "house" for Tolstanka. After all, you are not just a "money tree", you create a home charm and talisman, so it is clearly not worth saving on this issue.

Let's open the veil of the sacrament

We start to create magic. At the bottom of the pot, put gravel, and lay out a few coins of the same nominal nominal coin. It will be very good if it turns out to create the right drainage - moss and river sand fodder loves. Laying coins, say:

"You grow, and I will bloom in wealth, you bloom, and I don't know much."

If the goal of planting a decorative tree is extremely material well-being, it will not hurt to strengthen the effect of coins with monetary bills. Have you received a premium or any other sudden income? Choose the three newest bills, clog them securely into polyethylene and put under the pot. Do not tell anyone about your actions. Neither about coins, buried to the ground, nor about borrowers, reliably hidden under the pot.

It can even be successful in this business. Crasusu is easily rooted as a stem and leaves. You can breed this plant at any time of the year, excluding the period when it blooms, because with blooming plants no manipulations are made, with the exception of the sharply necessary therapeutic. It is also believed that summer is not the most appropriate period for the reproduction of this plant, and children received from Crasus in the summer, getting worse and rarely bloom.
How to shine a plant and how to germinate a Tolstanka from the sprout so that the flower be sure to get?

You can proceed to reproduction when this room tree becomes quite sparky and the cutting of the cuttings will not affect its development. The flower's age at this point should be at least 3 years, and large all-west shoots should be counted at least 10 pieces, and each should have a process with 3-4 leaves.

The best choice for shilling is a twig having air roots in each knee.

Attention should be paid to the quality of the future sprout: it should not be specks and damage. Weak sprout will be bad, slowly grow, and the cut will have to repeat that it is not very desirable for the parent plant.

The trunk of a future small seedling should be green, unreserved. This condition is important to reduce the timing of the appearance of the roots on the cutting. The number of leaves - not less than 5. In general, a sprout ready for independent life should have a height of approximately 10 cm.

Taking the breaking of the escape tolets is pretty easily, but still it will not hurt to sprinkle a cutting place to turmeric or thussed activated carbon in order to avoid the development of diseases. A donor tree should not stand in bright light in order to avoid burns, and even more unwittingly that the rays fell into the location of the cut.

How to put and grow to crack from a twig or any cutter without roots?

Next, the opinions of the flower water diverge to: whether to put a sprout into water to form roots or can be planted into the ground. In fact, both ways are good, since Crassus is good for practically in any conditions.

Shining in water

From the cutter remove a couple of lower leaves, put an progestion into a small capacity with estate water room temperature And placed in a well-lit and warm place, ideally this oriental windows.

It is best to cover it with a piece of cardboard with a cutting hole, into which the cuttings are inserted - so its parts will come into contact with water and the edges of the container. The roots will appear after about a week. Now the sprout is ready for landing into the ground. If the owner wants to see the plant lush, healthy, and ideally and blooming, then he should acquire a special finished soil for succulents.

Important: It is undesirable to use peat mixtures, as the fat man is growing poorly in acidic ground. Dolomite flour should be added to the peat.

What should be a pot for Crassus and how to put a sprout there?
Tolstanka pot is best to take ceramic, the diameter of the crown width, so it will preserve the balance better, but while it is small, anyone can use. It is necessary to pour drainage to the bottom - the fat man does not like when the water in the pot is stirred. Then the ground is poured, they make a recess of 4-5 cm in it, a young plant is planted, carefully finished and water the soil around it.

How to propagate in the soil?

A place for planting a flower is prepared in the same way:

  1. At the bottom of the pot laying drainage (clay or finely broken shards).
  2. Then the land is poured and moisturized it well.
  3. The deepening is done for the sprout, and the seedlings of the Crassus gently put in it, and the earth around him neatly crimp.

The rooting of the Tolstanka sheet is made in the same way: in water or soil, and the planting method will be the same, but with one difference. Leaf at the time of rooting will require fixation.


Care after planting sprouts

Little Crassula is no different in caring from mature and spread. It also loves a laundry sun and moderate watering, fresh air and rubbing the leaves from dust. The feeding of a young cash car is carried out after 8 months from the date of planting from spring to the fall once a month with special fertilizers, the dose of which should be reduced by half. No spray plant is required.

In frequent transplantation, the crack does not need, however, at the time of active growth of a young seedling will have to change once a year. flower pot on a wider, as the flower is actively increasing root system. Deep capacity of this plant is not suitable.

Chopping the crown of the money tree for more active branching and creating beautiful forms can be when a young plant will begin to throw away extra twigs.

In the warm season, the cash tree can live on the balcony, he likes fresh airBut it is important to monitor the temperature of the air so that it does not fall below 15 about C. It is also not recommended to leave the flower in the rain: the fat man is afraid of the soil mois.

Useful video

We offer visual and informative video about the reproduction of money trees:

It is easy to grow a Tolstanka with a model of drawing, and if you comply with the described procedure of actions, soon a strong and beautiful room tree will soon be repaired from a small sprout that will decorate any interior.

How to plant a monetary tree on Feng Shui? Did you hear that one small indoor plant can bring material well-being in your home and attract cash flows? About how to do this, we will tell in this article.

Live money talisman

After that, you can land a plant and sprinkle its land. For Tolstanka, ready-made primer for cacti and succulents is well suited. You can also prepare hidemone yourself, mixing coarse sand, peat, deurn and leafy ground.

Secrets of growing money on Feng Shui

To grow real money tree on Feng Shui, pay attention to such subtleties:

  • Vase for planting should be green, red or gold, as it is these colors that are associated with richness along a hairdry shui. Also on the accepted and faster tree can be tied with a ribbon of such a shade.
  • Put the ripple on the red scatter, which is placed under the coin.
  • On an adult tree, hang coins and feng shui figures, nodules or any other monetary symbols.
  • Near the pot with a plant you can put a dragon figurine, figurines, candles or lamps.
  • Money is carried by the power of fire, which does not combine with the energy of water, so the money tree needs to be located at a distance from water sources or its images. Otherwise, water can "slope" the flow of money energy.
  • Avoid the neighborhood of money tree with cacti and curving plants. They are accustomed to protecting the house from foreign energy, so they can prevent cash flow.
  • According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the southeastern side of the house is responsible for financial well-being. Therefore, all magical objects aimed at attracting money should be in the southeastern part of the dwelling. In addition, such windows will be well covered with the sun.
  • Very important! Magic of money can manifest itself in a warm and loving setting. The plant must feel your love, take care of him with pleasure, do not spare your time and attention for him. If you do not feel love to room colors, you should resort to other magical ways to attract wealth.
  • Only his owner can care for money. It turns out that this plant has very good memory, so it feels good energy of its master. If you need to leave - you should not worry about this, because you can not water the Tolstanka for a couple of weeks.
  • Do not forget to wipe the treet leaves, because the dust layer prevents the free flow of money.

In terms of our climate, the money tree blooms very rarely. However, if this happened, know that a large profit will be awaited soon. And, on the contrary, if the plant suddenly began to wake, financial losses are possible.

Do not forget that the money tree is extremely sensitive to the energy of the owner. It feels all his negative thoughts and emotions, so never take care of the plant in a bad mood. Fill your magic pet with love, tenderness and kindness, communicate with him, ask him for advice. In this case, you may not even doubt that the monetary tree will thank you by the fruits of wealth, prosperity and success.

At the end of the topic, look at an interesting video:

Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map:

Magic landing of money trees and care

A fat man, better known as a monetary tree, brings good luck and prosperity to the house. Flowering plant It is a harbinger of wealth and financial independence. Young girls it promises a rapid marriage or pregnancy. But that the monetary tree has shown magical power, it is necessary to care for it and conduct special rituals.

It is believed that any items, externally similar to coins, are a powerful magnet for money. So the fat man got a second name - a money tree - due to rounded leaves, on the form of resembling coins. After dried, they are covered with a thin film of silver color and, hitting the bright sunny rays, sparkle, as if diamonds.

Planting a money tree

The birthplace of Tolstanka money tree is in the West and southern Africa, in South Arabia, Madagascar. Because of its origin, it can accumulate a lot of moisture in the leaves and for a long time to do without watering. So that the monetary tree flies as soon as possible, it must be located in the southeast sector of the room. In the same place, from the point of view of Feng Shui, there is a zone of wealth.

If you want the fastest to bring wealth to your home, grow it from a broken twig, and not buy an adult plant. Put a sprout for several weeks to the water, then when it starts the roots, transope in a specially prepared loose soil.

So that the water is not stuffed and did not flow out of the pot, it is recommended to make drainage, best of all of the crumple or foam. When landing into the container, it is good to put several heavy stones or choose a heavy bottom container - the upper part of the Tolstanka grows faster than the roots and outweighs. If the plant falls and crumbles into a lot of smallties, it will be hurt - they grown for several years, and then - all first. She looks great on a rocky hill or flower bed on the street, planted directly into the ground.

The ritual of landing of money tree requires accurate compliance with some rules. To attract financial success when landing, you need to choose a well-wide pot or green, or black. Sress the money tree is needed on the growing moon and necessarily on Wednesday. On the bottom of the pot put 8 coins, their amount should be even. Coins need to be putting the coat of arms up. It can be both Chinese yuan and Russian kopecks or rubles. But the cents or iron dollars and the euro are better not to put, as they have a heavy energy and a negative aura. And read the favorite conspiracy on the attraction of money. Next, the land is embanked and the plant is planted to a depth of 5 centimeters. And again you need to read a favorite conspiracy on the attraction of money. Ritual perfectly.

Also, during the landing of the tree, you can say the following: "To you grow, and I have to bloom in wealth. Such is my will! Maybe so!"

As soon as the money tree is growing a little (after 2-3 months after landing), hang on its red ribbon branches with three Chinese coins strung on it. Red color accumulates financial flows. On the top of an adult plant, you can plant a small figure of the dragon (it attracts and protects the wealth), the figure of Owls (it looks after the passage does not pass money), and at the base of the plant you need to put 3 red lanterns, candles or statuette of the Buddha to strengthen the energy plants. The land in the pot can be "sprinkled with" iron coins.

Cash care

In summer, the money tree should be watering once a week, in winter - 1-2 times a month. The fastener loves heat very much - at temperatures below 15 ° C, it may die. But you should carefully monitor that the straight sun rays do not fall on her leaves, otherwise the plant will start. From time to time, the tree must be deployed to the window of one, then the other side so that it does not get bent and did not fall.

In the fresh air, the thickness is gaining powerful energy, which gives us in winter, but does not tolerate even light frosts, so it must be taken home to their offensive. In the hot season, the leaves of Tolstanka, it is necessary to spray from the sprayer. Try also more often to air the room with a monetary tree - fresh air has a beneficial effect on its growth. Once every 2-3 years, at the beginning of spring, it should be replaced.

The money tree needs to form a direct, striving trunk, and oval or round crown. So that it is always strong and healthy, it is necessary to take care of it not only, as for the talisman, but also as a living plant.

All plants have excellent memory. If you strive to improve your welfare, do not let anyone water and transplant your money tree. So you install a stronger connection with the "green talisman", which means that its influence will be stronger. In no case do not let out in people bend to the tree. If you ask you a piece of leaf, bring it off yourself, otherwise your success will be "stolen".

With a monetary tree can be agreed. "Communicate" with him every day for 2-3 minutes: tell about your plans and dreams, not necessarily related to finance. Speak plant warm words, give compliments. The fat man will not remain in debt - over time will certainly improve your financial situation.

The money tree should be in the house one and stand in the main room and away from the water. For example, a fountain or aquarium. Because the power of water will extinguish the strength of money energy - the power of the fire.

It is necessary to choose to choose a thickness of the neighbors. You can not put a pot with curly colors or barns next to the monetary tree. Otherwise, money will slip out of your hands or an irresistible obstacles to the goal. For example, cactus is the guard of the house. And it will never allow the penetration of foreign energy, even the one that promises the owners of prosperity. So, if the money tree stands and flourishes next to the cacti - it is inactive. Financial welfare seems to be possible, and they do not miss the "Guardi" house.

And most importantly: a monetary tree should like the owner and cause him a feeling of growth and development.

Every day, or at least once every two days, wipe the leaves of Tolstanka with a damp cloth so that there are no dust remains: it prevents the money tree to attract financial flows into your home.

Water for watering Tolstyanka. Prepare in a special way. First pour it into a transparent jug with 10 silver coins and leave for 3-4 days. You can use conventional iron coins, but they charge the water is much weaker.

Hello, dear friends! Each of us wants to believe in the signs bringing good luck. Someone sincerely observes various rituals, someone considers them a superstition, but at the same time with pleasure is included in the game.

Many believes associated with different household colors, especially with such a beautiful and unpretentious plantlike a tree fat manner, otherwise referred to as a monetary tree.

It is thickly covered with fleshy leaves, similar to coins, and is considered a symbol of abundance in many nations. This wonderful plant is easy to settle in my home, as it is very simple to send a monetary tree at home.

In the magical Chinese practice, Feng Shui, a monetary tree is considered a guarantor of stable financial well-being. If you act strictly along Feng Shui, then Tolstanka cannot be bought, it is recommended to even get a piece of this plant with secret.

This will not harm anyone, since for the reproduction of Tolstanka, it is possible to break a small escape or only one leaflet (for a lush plant is painless). Best time For vegetative reproduction - spring or first half of summer. Sowing seeds at home is not recommended.

Dilution from Leaf

Fasting from those few plants that are well multiplied by leaves. Just one leaf is really a full-fledged money tree.

More powerful roots give a large sheet.

The process of rooting in water or wet substrate begins.

Getting roots in aquatic environment

In a small vessel pouring a half-meter water and immersed in a sheet there (previously sunk). In the water you can dissolve corneumine (according to the instructions). You can not allow direct rays of the Sun, but must be light.

Soon several roots are formed, and then the leaf is transplanted into a small pot with holes for water outflow and a very loose substrate. After a while it grows up a young stem. Later, he is transplanted in the dishes more.


The slice on the leaf is powdered with rhoin and the bottom third is plugged into the moistened soil consisting of a mixture of peat and sand. Also rooting can be carried out in the moss-sfagnum or coconut substrate. From above, sheets are covered with a transparent glass (glass or plastic). Put in the half. Periodically slightly moistened, not allowing excess of dampness (sometimes to ventilate) and water stagnation, otherwise juicy cloths are charged. When a strong sprout appears, they make the transshipment into the cubic capacity.

Showing escape

  • In water

At the cut or broken cutlery (approximately ten-centimeter length), first remove several lower sheets and put on a day or two in the shadow so that the place of the wounds dried.

Then placed in a container with a small amount of water, periodically pouring it into it as evaporation. The vessel is installed in a half. You can add a rooting stimulator (corneser, heteroacexin, zircon, etc.).

After 15-20 days, when the good mass of the roots appears, the money tree is sitting in soil mixture. Need to pick up suitable primer, it is better special, for succulents, since Tolstanki is succulents (translated from Latin "juicy").

  • In the substrate

Dried during the day of stalks (freed from the lower leaves) can be rooted not in water, but in a pot with a special soil. Use a small pure pot or seating pad, be sure to with drainage holes in the bottom.

The soil is made by mixing equal shares of light earth and high-quality (without cement dust, better than coarse-grained sand; Very good if a little moss-sfagnum is added (it prevents the processes of rotting, regulates humidity). The cuttings are sitting down, blurting a few centimeters.

The pots put in such a place where light, but no direct sunlight. It is very important to keep drying the Earth; Stagnation and excessive humidity are also dangerous.

A few weeks later, the top rushes into growth - this means that the feeding roots are growing. The young tree is not bothering for a year, then it can be replanted and rearranged.

Saplings obtained by cuttings, begin to quickly increase the green mass. If the fat man is formed correctly, on any photo it looks like a lush, beautiful bush. To provoke an active branching, the top pinch, as soon as the young crack will go into growth after rooting.

A monetary tree from the leaflet first develops slowly, then the process is accelerated.

Transplant process

The root system in adult money is not very big, so the plant is not very high pot. At the same time, it should be rather large and heavy (better ceramic) so that the branching bush does not fall. Drainage at the bottom is obligatory! Soil specifically for succulents and cacti, with sand. From above, at the root neck, you can plug a little sand or small pebbles.

The money tree comes from the south of the African continent and does not endure the stagnation of water. This is the case when it is better to nourish than to pour (especially if cool, for example, in winter). From short-term drought, an adult instance will not die.

Often to transplant Tolstanka (especially adulth) is not recommended.

Conditions of detention

Money tree loves bright light, but not a sun; In the shade stretches. In summer, he will enjoy periodic spraying. Like many other succulents, Tolstankas are unpretentious and will grow at any temperature mode.

But if they arrange winter peace with minimal irrigation and in a cool place (+10 degrees), then adults (over five years old) bushes can thank wonderful, very abundant blossom. Please Tolstanka and Spring-Summer feeding.

Magic rites

Practice Feng Shui recommends that the bottom pot with a monetary tree put six coins to make money in the house. It is also necessary to place a plant in the apartment. The optimal place is the window facing southeast.

Dear friends, success to you and prosperity! And let the favorite bedroom flowers give joy!

Goodbye to a new meeting in our blog.

Yours faithfully, Andrew

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