
From linden. Lipa tree, healing and beautiful

Garden buildings

Lipa is one of the most durable and easy-to-leaving trees, which can be decorated with own garden or yard country house. It is easy to care for him, it is possible to plant it on any plot, while the tree will be plentifully to bloom and to late autumn to delight you with its beautiful and green leaves. How to work properly with such a variety to grow in your site quickly and did not die prematurely from pests or diseases, this material will tell.

Description of wood

Lipa is a strong perennial tree growing in almost all regions of our country. May be viewed as a large shrub (wild grades) and a large tree over 40 meters in height. It has a large deciduous crown of round, oval or pyramidal type (other forms of rare varieties are possible). The trunk of Lipa is not necessarily one, it can branch into two, three or more process.

Lipa is growing well both in the shady sections of the garden and sunny places. To the choice of the soil, the tree is not limited to, but it grows best on sandstone, armed with humus. Different grades of Lipa are well tolerant of frosts, in general, very resistant to pests and even with poor care there are regularly flower and give seeds.

The tree has good root systemThrough which it can do a long time without watering and feeding. The full strength of Lipa reaches in 20-30 years. At the same time, she begins to give the richest bloom used in medicinal purposes, as well as the production of honey.

What kind of flowers look like and how they need to grow can be seen in this article:


Proper Lipoy Care provides for the following events:

  • crane striking. It is held every six months - in spring to the dissolution of the kidneys and in the fall. It is necessary to conduct it after the first year of the tree life, removing the branches of no more than a third.

  • podkord. It is held twice a year. In the spring, it provides for a solution to the soil in proportions of 1 kg of manure, 25 grams of ammonium nitrate and 20 grams of urea by 10 liters of water. The second time, the tree feeding is carried out in the fall, it is used for it 20 grams of nitroammophos on 10 liters of water. In another additional feeding, the tree does not need.

  • watering. For young trees moisturizing soil at the rate of 20 liters of water for 1 square meter Projections crowns lead once a week in the weather, after heavy precipitation, it is not worth it. For adult trees, this event is not mandatory. Lipa is well tolerated dry periods to water it only needed with serious soil drying.

  • Ruffle of the nearby circle. It is enough to spend 2-3 times in the season. At the same time, weed removal.

In addition to the main leaving procedures, described above are recommended once a week or two, inspection of the tree for the presence of pests or diseases. This will allow you to identify the problem in time and eliminate it on early stagewhile the tree has not yet suffered much.


More detailed process of care and growing linden is shown in the video below

Preparation for winter

Linden wintering, like others garden treesAlso requires special preparation from gardener. Its correct implementation provides for the following actions:

  1. Before the cold, the gardener needs to be removed the fallen leaves from the tree and burn them, as well as to inspect the linden branches for the appearance of Morozoboin. Detected formations are recommended to be treated with any antiseptic.
  2. The nearby circle in the same period is covered with insulation. As it is best to use peat or manure. With them, the roots of the tree become thicker.
  3. In the early years, the crown of the tree is preferably wrapped with a dense material.. It will protect the branches from frost and blizzards. When the tree becomes older from this measure you can refuse.
  4. In addition to the closer to winter, it is necessary to hold the trees to the trees so that they can stock up for the winter with the necessary substances.

With age, the frost resistance of the linden increases and it becomes ready to prepare it all easier. However, the gardener in the course of working with this tree should always be exercised to be increased in order to avoid damage to branches due to frost or improper treatment of the plant in the autumn period. So by negligence, you can lose most of the crown.
Conduct all the necessary events for the preparation of this variety by winter can be 1-2 days. Events are recommended to be held at the end of October - early November to the first frost.

Fighting diseases and pests

Lipa - a tree exposed various diseases, among which:

  • white rot or drover, manifested in the curvature of the trunk, poor bitch bitch and twisting of the cortex;
  • fungal diseases of various parts of wood, including seeds, leaves, seedlings;
  • infectious drying of a tree.

Accidents helps to cope with such wood diseases. Fitosporin also use prophylactic for trees. The solution, however, should not be abused. One processing in the season is enough for the full protection of the tree from such infections.

Remember that the Lipa is often infected with infections, including fungal, from neighboring trees. Even if there are no signs of infection on them, it is still necessary to treat plants in preventive purposes.
Often tree disease provoke rodents and insects, weakening wood. Among the most dangerous pests for the linden can be called:

  • clarow soldier, damaging fruits;

Bug soldier

  • butterfly Growzuzka, affecting the top of the crown;

Butterfly Zlatoguka

  • yvespecker;

Yves shield

  • lime felt tick;

Lime felt tick

  • the leaflet, the caterpillars of which penetrate the tissue not yet blossomed leaves and destroy them;

Leafing leaflet

  • medveda, eating kidneys, as well as tree leaves.


Also, the tree can be tolding a yellow-torn mouse, earthling and voles. The fight against the pests of Lipa is reduced to the loosening of the nearby circle, processing it with soapy water, as well as spraying the trunk insecticides, selected depending on the type of pests.
A special role in the fight against insects, destroying the leaves and linden flowers is the annual trimming of the tree. It allows you to cut the kidneys in which the insects winter. In order to avoid the infection of the tree, repeatedly, all cut branches must be burned.


In general, care for lime various varieties It does not represent a special difficulty for an experimental nor for a novice gardener. It is enough to ensure that it is enough to conduct watering, cropping and loosening the soil in a timely manner, correctly prepare a plant for winter and prevent the spread of pests and diseases of this trees. And then Lipa a few hundred years will decorate your garden plot. Read also our article "For the material for greenhouses and greenhouses »

Tilia Cordata.
Taxon: Family Malvic ( Malvaceae.)
Other names: Lipa Melachatnaya
English.: Small-Leaved Lime, Little-Leaf Linden

The name happened from the Latinized Greek word tileia. -, Latin cordatue. - The heart-shaped, which is associated with the form of the leaves.

Botanical description of the linden grace

Lipa heart-shaped - wood up to 20-25 m heights, with a large scattered crown. Dark, almost black deep fractured bark; Young twigs are red-brown, usually naked. Leaves are regular, long-meshy, heart-shaped, plates 5-10 cm long, dark green, top-saw, with a long-terrible top, usually symmetrical, less frequently, the width is almost the same as the length, the bottom of the leaves are sisovato-green, with bunches of yellowish Brown hairs in the nodes of residents. The leaves of Lipa are blown in May-June. Flowers are yellowish-white, fragrant, with a diameter of 10 mm, are collected by 3-15 pieces in half. With each inflorescence there is a pale yellowish-green elongated-lanceal-shaped tonsid leaf with a length of about 6 cm, up to half of its length grunted with flowers. The fruit is a single-meaning nut, 4-8 mm in diameter, spheroid, felt-dressed, with wood or leathery, brown; Wide-shaped seeds, 4-5 mm long, shiny, red-brown. Flowers linden heart-shaped in late June - in July, fruits ripen in August-September.
Linden flowering lasts 2-3 weeks, in hot weather even less. Flowers are pollinated by insects, mainly bees. The fruits fall in winter with whole nozzles and spread with wind. In the first years, Lipa is growing slowly, with 4-5 years, growth is accelerated, it slows down from 60 years, and at 130-150 years ceases at all. Lypny life expectancy - 300-400 years, but individual trees live up to 600 years. There are also a stroke pig breeding; In many forests, the ancient linden has a whole threshore origin. Lipa exclusively shadowed, grows well next to oaks and coniferous trees. It has a well-developed root system. Lipa is demanding that the soil fertility is demanding, does not endure the feud. Rack to cold, thanks to a relatively late dissolution of the leaves, it does not suffer from spring frosts. Every year, less and less Lipa remains in Russian land. It is merciless in the forest, and in cities, among asphalt, it grows only about 60 years. But during this time, it provides a huge help to a person: for example, Lipa absorbs over the year of his life up to 16 kg of carbon dioxide - it is 1.5 times more than oak, and 5 times more than spruce.

Sexual Lindening Places

Different types of linden are common throughout Europe. Linden heart-shaped grows in the zone of mixed forests middle strip European part of Russia, Western Pft Urals, in Bashkiria, Western Siberia, in the Caucasus, in Moldova, in the Crimea, in Ukraine.

Collecting and harvesting Linden

FROM therapeutic goal Using linden inflorescences (lime color) along with a pavement bract.
Collection of flowers spend at a time when most of the flowers bloomed, and the other part is still in the stage of bootonization. The raw material, prepared at a later time, when part of the flowers has already been played away, dries with drying, it crumbs greatly and becomes unsuitable. With one young treegrowing on the edge, you can collect 0.7-1.5 kg of fresh inflorescences. The raw materials are dried immediately after harvesting under a canopy, in a ventilated room, in the attic or in the dryer at a temperature of 40-50 ° C, a layer of 3-5 cm. Readiness is determined by the fragility of flowers. It is impossible to dry in the sun, as the raw material loses color. The humidity of the raw material is allowed not higher than 12%. Store in protected from light, well ventilated room. For proper storage Raw materials do not lose properties for 3 years.

Chemical composition of linden grace

The linden flowers contain essential oil, which contains fernanez, glycosides, hesperidine and tiliacin, saponins, flavonoid glycosides of quercetin and kampferol, tanning substances, vitamin C (31.6%), carotene.
In the leaves of linden a lot of protein, 131 mg /% vitamin C and carotene.
Fruits - about 60% oily oilclose to quality to olive, and to taste - to almond or peach
In the Linden Court, triterpene substance was found - Tiliadin and oil - up to 8%.

Pharmacological properties of a grace linden

The healing properties of the linden are associated with a quercetin and a kampferol. Tiliacin has activity. Linden preparations have a soothing, pithy, expectorant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, umless effect, stimulate the work of the stomach, moderately reduce the viscosity of the blood.

Application of linden grace in medicine

Linden preparations are used inside with increased nervous excitability, cramps, chest pain, stomach, with chronic cough, cluster of sputum in the lungs, with pain in the abdomen caused by clogging of liver, kidney diseases, children's infections, as an auxiliary pumping agent for influenza and sharp Bronchitis, insomnia, externally for rinsing mouth and oz with inflammatory diseases, for washing the face to give the skin elasticity.
Tea from fresh or dried linden colors spasmolitical, sweetest, expectorant, hypotensive, and sedative. . .
Lime tea is also used in the treatment of stomach disorders, hypertension, hysteria, nervous vomiting and heartbeat.

Medicinal preparations Linden

Infusion of lime color: Pour 2 glasses of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. Crushed lime flowers, insist 20-30 minutes. Drink as tea for 2-3 cups per day for colds, headaches, fainting, for rinse throat with angina and oral cavity with inflammatory processes.
A more concentrated infusion is spawned the throat and wash off to mitigate the skin of the face.
Uncompressed infusion with sparkling raw materials or young fresh leaves and kidneys are prescribed in the form of compresses with inflammation of hemorrhoidal nodes, breasts, rheumatism, gout, burns.
Decoration of lime flowers prepare at the rate of 3-4 tbsp. l. Crushed flowers on 2 glasses of water, boiled for 10 minutes, filter.
Charming lime coal. Coal made of linden wood is used in meteorism and diarrhea, in the treatment of gastric or dyspeptic dispersion, wounded in powder coal externally used in burns or skin inflammation.
Fresh leaves linden Help when they look around.

Use of linden inflorescences for cosmetic purposes

Cashitz from brewed flowers is used as a smaller tool for the suppress.
With dry skin, it is recommended to wash it with a cold infusion of lime color. To refresh the tired face, make a compress for the face. Cook tea from lime and mint, strain and warm up. Hot pour into a large cup. Next, put a cup with cold water, prepare two soft tissue napkins. Water the napkin in hot tea, hover, put on your face and hold two minutes, then change it with a second napkin moistened with cold water. Make a change of compresses 2-3 times, the last, cold, hold 5 minutes.
Infusion of lime color: throw a handful of linden flowers into a glass of boiling water and insist it for 15 minutes, drowning heat, add 1/4 h in infusion. Honey. It is plentiful to moisten the face and neck with infusion and hold 10 minutes. Remains of infusion to put in a cold place, the next day the procedure is repeated. Before use to shabby. This beautiful remedy helps to rejuvenate face, become beautiful and attractive.
Lotion for dry skin: infusion of linden colors (1.5 tbsp. L. Colors on a glass of boiling water) mix from 1 t. L. Honey. Wipe your face instead of washing.
With the flabby skin of the face it is useful to make a hot compress from lime color, hops, mint. The dried herbs are brewed with boiling water (1 tbsp. L. Harness on a glass of water), insist for 15 minutes, strain. In the hot branch, moisten a linen cloth, slightly squeeze and apply to the face. Cooled - again dip in the hot solution, squeeze and make a new compress. Repeat for 5-8 min.
Suspension of hair lime broth: 8 tbsp. l. Lime color pour 0.5 l of water and boil 20 minutes. Cool, strain. Wash the resulting decoction.
With burns, the decoction of the lime color (4 tbsp. L. Flowers pour 0.5 l of water and boil on slow heat 10 min). You can also with burns in the form of a fit to use a casczyce mass of linden flowers.

The active time of the linden is from 2 to 6 hours. It is resting from 6 to 7 h. Linden energy is strong, soft. It causes a feeling of warmth and peace, eliminates oppression and. Communicate with lime is best in the afternoon, in summer and necessarily with warm dry weather.

Using a grace linden in the farm

Lipa is the main madoneos of forests and parks of Russia. On 1 hectares of the lime forest, there are up to 17 million linden flowers with a common reserve of nectar more than 1.5 tons. In good years One bee family takes from linden up to 5 kg of honey a day and up to 50 kg for all the time of flowering. In their taste and healing qualities, linden honey is considered the best.
In the Far East and Korea Korea and young leaves are used after culinary processing in salads.
Fresh young linden leaves are suitable for the preparation of spring vitamin salads.
From the young shoots of the linden (the most soft and gentle branches - no more than 10 cm), if necessary, cook porridge. The twigs cut into pieces of 2-3 cm, each piece is cut into several thin strips along the fibers, after which they are boiled in a bit of salted water until complete softening.
From the fruit of linden, to taste similar to nuts, the food oil is obtained.
The paste from crushed flowers and immature fruits is used to prepare a very acceptable quality of a chocolate substitute, however, the resulting chocolate paste is prone to decomposition, therefore it does not go to trade.
Lime color is widely used instead of tea, it has a sweet, pleasant aroma. The flows of linden are used to aromatize alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
Linden juice - Collect spring, it is sweet and can be used as a drink or processed into syrup.
The lime wood is very light, white or cream, easy to handle. It makes houses, troughs, hives, dishes, furniture, etc., burn out excellent quality coal. Wood waste containing a large amount of starch, grind and feed the cattle. Lub (Lyko) goes on mats, rogodes, washcloths, various weaving. The bags of linden roggeli were in the former times of the most common in Russia, and Napti from Lyk - everyday footwear of rural residents. The rope was visible from the lycol, the walled bags and other objects of economic help.

Used Books

1. Mazne N.I. Encyclopedia medicinal plants. 3 ed. - M.: Martin, 2004
2. U.P. HEDRICK, E.LEWIS STURTEVANT. Sturtevant "S Edible Plants of the World. Dover Publications, 1972. ISBN 978-0486204598
3. Grieve. A Modern Herbal. Margaret Grieve Paperback, 1931
5. Edmund Launert. Guide to Edible and Medicinal Plants of Britain and Northern Europe. Hamlyn, 1989. ISBN-13: 978-0600563952
7. Uphof. JC Th. Dictionary of Economic Plants, Second Edition. Cramer, Wiirzburg, 1968
8. Johnson, C.P. Useful Plants of Great Britain. 1862.
9. Jean Lauriault. Identification Guide to the Trees of Canada. Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1989

Good day! The topic of today's conversation will be Lipa. This tree is known to us from childhood, many of us, our grandmothers prepared fragrant tea from flowers of this plant. But, in addition, the linden has other properties.

Lipa is a rigid plant. This genus combines more than forty plant species and more than a hundred hybrids.

Linden characteristic

Linden characteristic

The characteristic of the linden involves a detailed description of the plant. Story about his structure and appearance.

Linden leaves are arranged alternately, in shape resemble a heart, the edges of the sawn. During dissolving, there are weldings near the leaves, which after some time fall. Near the base of the leaves, nectors may often be present.

Flowers are a very important feature of the linden. They are collected in the inflorescence of an umbrella. The whisk and a cup are checked. The stamens are a lot, they grow up, as a rule, in five bundles. There are types of linden whose stamens do not have anthers. The marking is five years old, one-piece, in each nest there are two seeds.

The fruit is a nut, which is formed in a consequence of a short-range or two-sexy seeds. The embryo has vane, leaf-shaped or candy cotyledts.

The characteristic of Lipa implies a story about its distribution. Lipa is found in Ukraine, Russia and their neighboring states.

Representatives of this genus grow in subtropical and moderate zones of the northern hemisphere. The greatest variety of linden can be observed in the south-east of Asia. For example, only in the Republic of China can be found fifteen endemics of this kind. In the moderate zone of North America, Asia and Europe, the plant is spread much less. The plant loves heat and moisture, so it is in large quantities Communicated in the Transcaucasia, Primorye and other localities with a similar climate.

Linden are used in decorative purposes for landscaping villages and cities. Lipa is not committed to soils, it can grow both on dry and on wet lands, regardless of their salinity. Breeding vegetative and seeds.

Linden wood

Linden wood

Linden wood, as well as,, very valuable. It is usually used to build buildings not great strength and a variety of crafts. Lime trunks in diameter can reach up to two meters, so we can say that it is very profitable to use linden wood.

In our country from Linden, in most cases the lob is mined and urine, which is used for rogazh, mat, and the like. This was the reason that the lipa began to exterminate much, the number of plants decreased significantly. Although it is not difficult to restore the linden plant, it does not require many time costs, yet it is done not as fast as the cutting of the tree.

Linden wood is also very often used to produce musical instruments, among which the electric guitars can be noted.

Lipa is a valuable material for wood thread, as it is very easy to cut it. Her wood is clean white color. This was the reason that fraudsters were made in the royal times, fakes of royal seals from this plant.

In addition to wood, linden inflorescences are also used, which are simply not replaced by the manufacture of some brandy and liquor varieties.

Linden species

Linden species

Types of linden differ among themselves with some features of the structure, as well as wood. All of them are about thirty.

The most common types of linden is a heart-shaped, or as it is also called winter finely, linden and linden felt.

The heart-shaped linden has naked leaves, which from the wrong side of the SIZY, in the corners of the nerves carry red hairs in the beams. The inflorescences of the plant are directed to the top, they are part of five to fifteen flowers. Fruits thin-walled with unclearly pronounced ribs.

The height of the plant on average is up to thirty meters, but after reaching the linden of one hundred and twenty years, it can be even more. Linden was found, whose age numbers up to eight hundred, and even up to a thousand years.

Lipa is a flat, or summer, or, how else can be called large-scale - color is very early, it begins with a selection before, rather than the rest of the lip. Leaves in size are very large, fluffy.

The fruit is a nut, the shell of which is very tough, has five ribs. The inflorescences of this type of linden are somewhat dumped. In our country, it is widespread bad. This type of linden is bred with decorative goals for landing in parks and squares.

Lipa felt is widespread in the Caucasus and in the eastern part of Europe.

All types of linden are essential honey. Honey from the linden bee makes greenish yellow flowers. Such products are the highest quality. In addition, it is known to the world for therapeutic properties.

Thus, we see that Lipa is not only valuable wood. This is an excellent decorating element of many streets and a magical healer of many diseases. Teas from linden helps to get rid of different diseases, among which. Of course, you can call cold. Lime honey, the most useful among all products of this species. It is used to treat the diseases of the throat, influenza and many other diseases.

Pavlenko Tatyana, member of the editorial board of Sobcor independent Internet edition "Atmwood. Wood-industrial messenger"

How useful information to be useful for you?

This bliss in a summer hot season is sitting under an old tree, for example, under lime, which closes from the heat with branches with an abundance of leaves.

Lipa has a huge number of valuable properties that are used in folk medicine.

This beautiful tree is distributed everywhere. For urban residents, not a wonder to see it. She has already become part of the landscape.

It was believed that the linden tree symbolizes the feminine. Therefore, our ancestors preferred from the wood to make the following items: dishes, shoes, ridges, shoes and other items for life and livelihoods.

When it starts blooming this beautiful tree in the forest strip, the air there begins to emit a pleasant aroma. He has notes of honey, and a bees hum.

The Lipon is also called the mother and the root, the keeper of the land of Russian. Estimation of the centuries in the Slavic people, she was especially revered. Even the villages, forest stripes and mountain surface were called in her honor.

Even July in Ukrainian is referred to as "Lipen". The ancient peoples of Lipa have always been associated with feminine: kindness, softness and tenderness. Many even honored her as holy. It was believed that this tree could and cure, and to shove a man. For many years, our ancestors were made from Linden Linden.

This tree received its name, thanks to sticky kidney and linden leaves. Often they allocate a sufficiently large amount of viscous fluid. Sometimes it flows.

Lipa is useful not only for people, but also for the forest as a whole. Even in the fallen leaves of this tree contains a huge amount of calcium. This element is simply needed by plants.

Thus, leaves serving fertilizers needed by many forest plants. In addition, they improve the state of the soil.

If the linden grows near the pine, it is better developing and growing faster than in a pine forest with its fellows.

Where is Lipa grow? So, that's useful tree can be found:

  • in Russia
  • in the Caucasus
  • in Bulgaria
  • in Italy
  • in Spain
  • in Norway
  • in Finland
  • in the countries of South Britain
  • in Central Scandinavia

The wood is mild and easy. Therefore, it is easy to process and make various items from it. The hardness of the brinnie is less than 2. Thanks to these characteristics, many things can be manufactured manually.

Lipa blooms usually when it is 20 years old in some cases in 30. This tree is spread in forests, parks, on urban boulevards.

Lipa is the only representative of the Middle-Russian Wide Trees, which grows on the Urals. Favorite wood environment - a warm place with high humidity.

Linden leaves have a heart-shaped

This tree is different from others with their leaves. They have form of heart. Linden has reddish branches with kidneys. It is covered with soft bark.

In the forest medium, this tree can reach 30 meters. Leaves rounded, fine-grained. Flowers are also special and fragrant:

  • yellowish color
  • smelling honey
  • connected to inflorescence

Seeds are not more pea, small. Fruits look like roots located on stalks. Each of them has a ward. It is it that helps the seeds as far as possible fly away from the tree in winter.

When linden flows, covered with fragrant flowers. At this time it looks most attractive. It happens in summer period of the year - in June or in July.

Lasts flowering about 2 weeks. When it blooms, it is felt on long distances, because everything around smells with honey.

Medical properties

In folk medicine Very often use the liquid as a medicine. This is a fairly widespread tree. Many plantings in the Urals and in Western Siberia.

Lipa - long-lived Among vegetation. Just imagine that she can please the human eye t ovichu Yeh.

The oldest tree grows in the room. This is a city in Slovenia. Lipa is growing there, which is almost 900 years old.

The city of Lipetsk also borrowed something in this tree-handsome. It is depicted even on the coat of arms. A similar coat of arms has a Finnish city called Mariehamn. If you translate the name into Russian, it will turn out the "city of thousands of Lip".

This tree contains a huge amount useful substancesThey are numbered more than a hundred:

  • essential oils
  • vitamin A
  • vitamin C
  • vitamin RR
  • vitamin K.
  • vitamin B.
  • calcium
  • potassium
  • magnesium
  • iron
  • phosphorus

And this is not all. IN chemical composition Tree - tubyl substances, flavonoids, saponins, polysaccharides and bitterness.

Used for therapeutic purposes fruits, flowers. For example, in the fruits there is oil of fatty consistency, very similar to almond and peach.

The bark has different compounds, they are involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones, cholesterol, bile acids. The leaves are rich in ascorbic acid, polysaccharides and carotine.

With a cold will help the decoction

To decoction or herbal infusion from linden helped, it must be prepared correctly. After all, the prepared mixture is able to help a person with ORVI. In addition, there may be a whole range of actions. For example, you can use as a means:

  • antipyretic
  • anti-inflammatory
  • antibacterial

Also, the decoction from the linden will help in poisoning the body, with headaches and lubrication in the joints.

Infusion will help to eliminate cough, up to chronic. It dilutes the sputum, contributing to expectoration from the respiratory system. In addition, the decoction is recommended for tuberculosis and bronchial diseases.

Rinsing helps with stomatitis and sore throat. Lipa - diuretic medicine. It is capable of providing a favorable effect in diseases of the urinary system - with cystitis and pyelonephritis, renal-stone and biliary colic, edema in pregnant women.

And that is not all. The decoction from the linden helps with diseases of the digestive tract. It eliminates colic and spasms in the intestine, helps with swollen, and also treats gout, hemorrhoids and improves metabolism.

Lipa dilutes blood, is a lining agent, increases the body's immune system, helps with menu and generally able to rejuvenate the human body.

Baths from it will help with hysteria, depression, neuralgia and stress. If we talk about dermatological diseases, and here Lipa will be able to help.

The tincture is capable of removing the unpleasant sensations, such as pain and itching, they will remove irritation and rash on the skin, will save from insect bites.

Even in cosmetics use lime extract. For example, it is able to increase skin tone and reduce the amount of wrinkles on the face.

Lime color: blank

To make a linden blank, you must collect inflorescences with wings. It is better to do this in early July, when the flowers have already dismissed.

After that, decompose them with a thin layer on paper. The room should be well ventilated. Solar rays should not fall directly.

Inflorescences need to turn over so that they can seek as much as possible.

When this happens, it is best to put them in fabric or paper bags. Store better in a dry place, the temperature should be room. For more than 2 years, it is impossible to store drying.

If you decide to make an infusion, use the following tips:

  • For internal use, 1 tablespoon of inflorescence should be pouring 200 milliliters boiling water. After that, let the resulting composition be introducing 30 minutes. Above it with a towel.
  • After that, straighten the tincture and squeeze. It is recommended to drink every day 3 cups. This infusion will help with colds, to reduce lobs in the body at elevated temperatures.
  • If you need to prepare an infusion that will be used for rinsing the throat, 1 to 2 brew inflorescences and wait 20 minutes. After that, cool the decoction, and warm the throat at least 3 times a day. If there is a need to get rid of angina, you can add soda to the resulting mixture.
  • Cooked with infusion can be frozen and used as ice to wip the face. Make this action every morning, and the result will not make yourself wait long
  • Helps linden and weight loss. With the help of this decoction, an excess fluid from the body is derived, the blood circulation is improved, hormonal background.

The decoction is preparing somewhat different. One dining room spooned glass hot water It is necessary to boil 10 minutes on slow heat, then strain and drink in warm form 3 times a day.

A more concentrated solution is needed for skin wiping or hair rinsing. 6 tablespoons in this case must be pouring a glass of boiling water, then wait for 10 minutes.

4 tablespoons worth adding if you need to impose a mark on the wound or the burrow. Add floor-liter water and cook for 15 minutes. After the decoction cools, you can make a bummer to the patient.

Lime tea - delicious and useful

If you want to have excellent health and make the prevention of influenza and colds, try brewing lime tea.

It can be drunk and adults, and children not more than once every 24 hours. 1 tablespoon of dried flowers should be pouring a glass of boiling water. Half an hour to laugh.

For greater efficiency and benefit, you can add a spoonful of honey. Such tea can be drunk with such ingredients:

  • mint
  • melissa
  • malina
  • strawberry

Drinking on a day on a cup of tea, you can strengthen the immunity and raise the mood, make the blood vessels stronger, normalize blood pressure, activate the intestinal work and clean the body from toxins.

However, there are some and contraindications to the treatment of lime. For a greater and positive effect, you should not drink a lip without need. Mugs per day enough.

You can drink tea and nursing mothers, and pregnant women, as well as kids and people with a sick heart. There are no special restrictions for this.

However, due to the fact that an extra liquid is derived from the body a large load on the heart is created and potassium washed. Therefore, in no case cannot be exceeded by a daily dose.

In a sultry hot day, it is nice to relax in the shadow of an old splashing linden - and beautiful treehaving a mass of valuable properties and qualities. Do we often think that it is a tree like Lipa?

Decorative types: dark green and begonileous.

The species is common in the widespread forests of the Crimea, is a natural hybrid of Caucasian and meltsolite linden.

The height of the tree is up to 20 meters. Crown oval, thick. Branches droops.

The leaves are 12-centimeter, oval, dark green from the outside and dull with the inner, in the corners of the vein bunches of brown hairs.

Flowering time - beginning of June, duration - two weeks. Flowers have 3-7 pieces in inflorescences.

The young tree is slowly growing, as growth is accelerated.

It has resistant to frost and drought, easily tolerates shadow.

Completed in the forests of Europe, Ukraine, Moldova, the Caucasus.
The trunk of up to 35 meters high, reaches a diameter to 6 meters. Crown stretched, has the shape of a wide pyramid. Young shoots brownish red, pubescent, young - naked.

Oval 14-centimeter leaves are darous, dark green color from the outside, bright with the inner, in the corners of vessels hairs.

Flowering occurs in July, yellow or cream flowers, from 2 to 5 pieces in inflorescence. Fruit in the form of a nut, round shape, ribbed.

Growing the tree quickly, the soil loves fertile. Moderately resistant to frozen, gaspace.

It is distinguished by durability: can live to 500 years of age, individual specimens live over a thousand years.

Decorative types of large linden: Golden, vine-hearted, pyramidal, disseminated.

It grows in the southern regions of the Far East.
The tree grows up to 20 meters. Often it is a multiform, black bark, in cracks.

Crown has a wide oval form. It has exceptionally large, up to 30 cm, leaves, published from the bottom.

Flowers in July, bloom lasts about three weeks. Flowers 1-1.5 cm in diameter, powerful inflorescences, 8-12 flowering flowering.

Did you know? Thanks to the reducing type of inflorescences, nectar during the rain is not washed away, and bees even in rainy weather can perform their work.

Delicated nuts with a diameter of 1 cm ripen in August.

Highly decorative treehaving high frost resistance.

It grows in the Crimean Caucasus region, in the European part of Russia, as well as in Siberia, and Western Europe. Another name is a heart-shaped linden - got the form of leaves.

Reaches 30 meters altitude, trunk in diameter more metercylindrical form. The young bark is gray, smooth, old dark, becomes rough.

The diameter of the tolten crown is 10-15 meters.

Did you know? An interesting design is an interesting design: the upper branches grow up, the average is approaching the horizontal position, the lower hide to the ground.

The leaves are small (3-6 cm), the heart-shaped, the upper part is green, shiny, lower - sisaya.

There blooms about two weeks at the end of June or in early July. Flowers are small, yellow-white, in every inflorescence from 5 to 7 pieces. Fruits, round smooth nuts, ripen by August.

An exceptionally frost and drought-resistant tree, loves the fertile light soil, however, it improves it.

Growing at first slowly, 30 cm per year. It is used for landing along Alley, in parks, good in single landings and as.

Life expectancy is more than 500 years.

Lipa Meltsolite and Lipa Lipa have a lot in common in their biological characteristics, but there are some differences:

  • the leaves of the melligent leaves two weeks earlier;
  • meltsolite blooms with two weeks later;
  • flowers in large-scale larger, but there are less in inflorescences;
  • meltsolite less demanding of the fertility and quality of the soil;
  • large is better to carry drought;
  • large size is more suitable for urban conditions.

Lipa Ordinary (Tilia x Vulgaris Hayne)

This species is a natural hybrid of the mellular and largest linden.
According to its characteristics, it resembles the first, but has some differences:

  • blooms with two weeks earlier than the melligent linden;
  • grow faster;
  • more resistant to frosts;
  • urban conditions suffer better;
  • leaves are larger, crown is wider.

It grows in the territory of Western Siberia, she loves loneliness, but sometimes forms in the forests of "Lipovy Islands", the description of which mentions presence and aspen.
Growth reaches a 30-meter, in the barrel diameter 2 - 5 meters. Young brown bark, with scales, old - dark, with cracks.

The leaves are small, up to 5 cm long, rounded, top green, light light, with hair.

Blossom takes two weeks at the end of July. White flowers with yellow, make up a spherical ovary. The fruit is a pear-shaped nut, having from 1 to 3 seeds, ripens in September.

Loves a wet squeezed-podzolic soil with lime and light, shadow shadow. Completely incompatible with marshy soils. Urban conditions take favorably.

Grow slowly, refers to long-livers: can live a thousand years.

Growing out in East Asia, in wide subtropical forests.
The height of the tree is up to 20 meters, the young bark is smooth, brown, old in the grooves, dark. Crown is highly located, has an oval shape, compact.

The leaves are small, 5-7 cm, oval, more often symmetrical, the outside is green, from the inside of the SIZY with hairs in the corners of the veins.

Blossom occurs in July or August for two weeks. Flowers are small (1 cm), large quantities are collected in punch inflorescences.

Fruits - round smooth pubescent nuts - ripen by September.

Japanese linden grows slowly. It has frost resistance, is an exceptionally honey plant. Tea containing the leaves of the Japanese linden is very valuable.

In the framework of one article, it is impossible to place everything that should be told about Lipa - a wonderful and amazing tree, literally all parts of which bring benefits to people. It has more than 40 varieties. Cultural Lipa, the types of which are described in this article, is selected and with different purposes is used in urban landings and private farms.

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