
Water is going to mounted ceiling. How to drain the water from the stretch ceiling: simple tips for self solutions

Garden do it yourself

Nobody is insured against force majeure, and everyone who acquired a stretch ceiling, someday there may be a similar situation. In this article, you will learn what to do if water flounced on your film or fabric stretch ceiling for one reason or another, and you can also view several useful videos about this theme.

How can the ceiling can get water

If you think that water in the stretch ceiling can be a consequence of flooding neighbors from above - you are right, but this is just one of the reasons. It may be the consequence of condensate, as well as it can get there due to:

  • breakthrough the neighbor or your pipe with water or sewage;
  • breakdowns of neighboring household appliances (washing machine, refrigerator, air conditioning);
  • damage to the roof or flow of effluents caused by strong rains or melting of snow;
  • leakage of technical fluids in heating systems.

Since flooding with boiling water will damage the material and the inevitable replacement of the ceiling, we will consider exclusively the situation with cold waterthat you just need to merge correctly.

In addition to water, there may be plaster from the first, removed ceiling, rusty metal from pipes or other effects of breakage, which will be clearly visible through a transparent or semi-cut film.

How to react to flood fabric and film ceilings

A recent experiment proved that approximately 10 m2 of the film canvase can withstand up to 540 liters of water. And this, taking into account the fact that the material lay on the unheated warehouse for a couple of years and was subjected to unacceptable temperatures.

Absolutely new canvases are able to withstand up to 120 liters per 1 m2, to hold out 2-3 days with quite strong flooding and 2 weeks if they flick to 5 buckets. It is encouraging, but still hesitate to solve the problem undesirable, because The ceiling can be much saved during this time.

Therefore, immediately after you notice a bubble or "Puzo" on your own, it's time to do something.

Unlike film, fabric ceilings cannot be stretched. Moreover, the fiber, from which they are made, has many micropores through which water will flow. Its large quantity can lead to the fact that the fabric falls out of the profile and falls. If the PVC film gives some time on thinking, then in the case of the fabric it is necessary to react as soon as possible.

How can I drain the water from the tissue or film stretch ceiling Alone, you know here.

Where to begin

There are 3. important momentsFrom which water drain should begin. Need to:

  • disable electricity;
  • find out the cause of flooding;
  • prevent an increase in water volume.

To avoid short circuit and fire, turn off the electricity in the apartment. Especially if the water is already flowing through the lamp.

The reason you can tell you and neighbors who will come to repent and help in eliminating the consequences. You can seek help in housing and communal services or MES. If the water source remains unexplained, and the bubble increases, then it is necessary to urgently overlap its, and possibly - and the common riser with water.

To bring you to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe origin of the waterfall can both the color of the water - you can always distinguish clean water from sewage drain.

What's next?

So, the reason is clarified and the bubble on the ceiling does not grow. Next you can seek help from or acting yourself. If such a service enters the warranty - it will make it much easier for the situation. But most often it is not.

Turning to the masters, do not forget after the restoration of the ceiling ask them to check for services. You will be able to show his neighbors that you flooded, housing and communal services or other perpetrators of the costs.

But given the fact that the flood likes to occur in the evenings or on the weekend, as well as how much is a professional drainage of water, you may want to try everything yourself.

How can you remove the water from the ceiling

There is an opinion that it is impossible to do this without damaging the canvas, but it is easily refuted by hundreds of successful examples.

But we think we: you can, if carefully. Here on this video it is well shown:

In order to remove water from the film ceilings, you will need:

  • assistant, and better 2-3 (it can be the same neighbor);
  • ladder;
  • putty knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • flexible hose or dropper;
  • polyethylene film of large sizes, and better - several;
  • paper dining napkins;
  • package for water (bucket, basin; the more packaging and what it is wider than better);
  • gas gun, construction hairdryer or ordinary hair dryer.


  • make sure the electrician is really disconnected, for example, using an indicator screwdriver;
  • cover furniture with polyethylene, remove the carpet, curtains and remove other items from the room that may suffer from water;
  • in no case do not pierce the film, because This can lead to the appearance of a much larger hole and replacing the ceiling;
  • make sure the bubble is not punctured with acute furniture or other sharp interior objects;
  • do not forget that the film can be broken with a nail or leaving an unnecessary dent finger, it should be done with it as careful;
  • always count on a larger amount of water than you think.

If a chandelier is located near the bubble on the ceiling (or lamp), you can unscrew it and drain the water through the resulting hole. To do this, you will need an assistant who will push or rather to join the bubble in your direction.

The main thing is to substitute the bucket on time. When it typed, press the hole with the palm to the ceiling, overlapping the water until the next container is substituted. You can use a hose or dropper.

All this will help to get water, but after a strong flooding, it will still need to dry both the stretch and the main ceiling, and possibly get the pieces of plaster or wipe the stretch canvas from dirt or rust. And for this it will need to take off, at least partially. You can also instruct the team of specialists.

If the flood was smallor you do not worry the consequences of the filled ceilings, then after pumping water, you put the chandelier to the place and dry the ceiling with hot air so that it stretches and acquired the former look.

To do this, you can use both professional equipment (gas gun or a construction hairdryer) and a normal hairdryer.

To the network it is better to connect from the neighbors

It is better to keep it at a distance of 30 cm from the ceiling, directing the streams of hot air on a sequence place and around it around 2-3 minutes. If the ceiling did not stretch immediately - do you still, or give him 2-3 days, and then repeat the drying again.

Partial disassembly of fabric and film ceiling

To drain the water from the ceiling without lamps or for better drying of the canvas, you need to pull a piece of ceiling from aluminum or a water bubble plastic profileon which he keeps. At the same time, the place in which you will remove the film should be away from pipes and corners.

It would be nice to know the method of attachment that was used during installation.

This will help find out how to act: carefully or very carefully. If you have uneven walls, probably under the stretch ceiling is a camouflage insert or frieze that hides these irregularities. It will need to remove it.

Whatever method is applied to your ceiling, the essence is one - you need to carefully pull out a small segment of the web (40-50 cm) from the profile.

To do this, you first dry the hairdryer of the web around the planned segment (it is somewhat softening the so-called harpoon, which is attached around the perimeter of the canvas and fixes it on the profile), a little reject the profile and carefully take a small, but sufficient to drain the water a piece of film.

With fabric ceilings in this matter everything is very simple, After all, their material is not afraid of mechanical damage, so it can be easily removed from the clips, drain the water, dry and put back without the need for alignment, because The fabric does not sag.

Film requires great caution:i need to pull it out, without jerks, at the same time pull for the goals of the harpoon too - you can easily break the canvas. Drain of water, you can wipe the ceiling by microfiber or suede cloth and leave it to push, watching the course of events. Depending on the severity of the situation, it is necessary to wait from 1 to 7 days.

After that you need to return everything to your place. To do this, you align a revealed earlier profile (it is possible to twist it with a screwdriver) Wrock a spatula with 2-3 napkins, making it not so sharp and carefully refuel the ceiling back. After that, eliminate the sagging by the method described earlier.

Now you know exactly what to do if the water suddenly flounced on your real or hypothetical stretch ceiling, and we are just glad. We wish you beauty and comfort!

Most residents of apartment buildings know about the possibility of flooding apartments from the upper floors. Therefore, water on the stretch ceiling is although an infrequent, but quite likely phenomenon. Knowledge how to eliminate this problem and its consequences will help to cope with the task quickly and efficiently.

How much water can stand the stretch ceiling

Manufacturers claim: Stretch ceilings are an obstacle for water and guaranteed to protect the interior of the apartment from flooding, provided that the volume of water coming to one square meter Coatings, does not exceed 100 liters. At the same time, a number of factors should be taken into account:

  • than more square stretch ceiling, the less permissible load on the canvas;
  • the higher the degree of tension of the material, the less its density and strength;
  • the properties of the material from which the stretch ceiling are of great importance.

The real amount of water that can withstand the stretch ceiling coming on one square meter is from 70 to 120 liters.

The material from which stretch ceilings makes two types: fabric canvas or polyvinyl chloride film.

Properties of tension ceiling from polyvinyl chloride film

Polyvinyl chloride film, or abbreviated PVC film, has high elasticity and durability. When contacting with water does not change the color, does not absorb and does not miss moisture. When flooding, water does not spread over the ceiling surface. The film coating is stretched and saves in the place where the water was originally entered, forming the so-called bubble.

It is impossible to pour a bubble to merge water. A small hole under the severity of water will very quickly turn into a big tip of the film. It is no longer possible to restore the coating.

Video: What happens to a polyvinyl chloride stretch ceiling at a flood

Properties of tension ceiling of fabric

Fabric stretch ceilings poorly carry the interaction with water. Water resistant qualities are provided with a special lacquer coating. But with poor-quality coating, the lacquer of the stretch ceiling passes the water. The fabric base of the ceiling has low elasticity, during flooding with water stretches slightly and practically does not prevent. With a large amount of water, it breaks out of fasteners and is not subject to recovery.

Video: What happens with fabric mounted ceiling when baying water

How many days will withstand the water-poured stretched ceiling

If the amount of water on the ceiling does not increase, then the stretch ceiling can hold it indefinitely for a long time. Do not delay the solution to the problem for a long time. Increased humidity In a closed prescription space, it contributes to the formation of mold. In addition, the film strongly stretched under water can burst when contact with the edges of the lamp, furniture corners or any sharp object. There is a risk of breaking if the water has accumulated at the junction of the coating of the stretch ceiling. It is advisable to drain within 2-3 days, following the rule: the faster to get to solve the problem, the earlier it will disappear.

How to remove water from the stretch ceiling

Most firms engaged in the installation of stretch ceilings provide their maintenance, has required tools and skills to solve such issues. Therefore, to eliminate water, you can attract professionals.

Priority measures

Immediately after the water detection on the stretch ceiling, the following should be done:

  1. Disconnect electricity. This will eliminate the possibility of short circuit in the power grid and lesion when contact with water.
  2. Explain your neighbors about an existing problem or overcoat the water supply to the riser. It must be done so that the amount of water on the ceiling does not increase. Crane, overlapping water riser is usually in the basement.
  3. If not confident in own powerContact the manager of the company providing services for the maintenance of stretch ceilings. Describe the problem arise and agree on the date and time of the visit of the specialists.
  4. Remove things from the room that can suffer from water: equipment, carpets and other items.
  5. Large furniture cover with polyethylene film.
  6. Prepare water collection capacity: shoulder, basin, pans. There must be a lot of them.

How to drain water yourself

  1. Find at least one helper for work, and better than two. Remove the water alone will not work.
  2. Choose a place on the ceiling through which you will produce drained. Most convenient to do it through holes for lighting. If there are no or they are far from the cluster of water, it is possible to choose the nearest portion of the attachment of the mounted ceiling to the wall.
  3. Under the plum place, install a stepladder or a solid stable table.
  4. Remove the lamp or chandelier. By the time of the beginning of this procedure, the electrical appliance should already be de-energized.
  5. Remove the decorative tape, carefully disconnect the harpoon of the stretch ceiling from the aluminum profile using a special spatula with rounded ends.
  6. Keep the edge of the canvas firmly so that it does not break out of the hands. Otherwise, water will fill the room.
  7. Use the rubber hose. One end to insert it into the hole on the ceiling and move to the place of water accumulation. The other end is lowered into a collection capacity.
  8. The assistant should raise a little and hold the ceiling. At the same time, the water on the hose rushes into the tank for collecting.
  9. When the capacity will be filled with water, pull the edge of the hose and lower it into another container. The second helper can empty the tanks and be on pickup.
  10. If the hole for the lamp is located at the bottom of the water bubble, it is not necessary to use the hose. Water signed by the bucket.
  11. In this way: when the flow of water decreases, lift a little more accusatory part of the ceiling leaf and drain the water in the container. Sophisticated teamwork from two or three people Very quickly will lead to the desired result.
  12. After removing all the water from the ceiling coating, fuel the harpoon of the web into the baguette profile if the edge drain was used. Lamp or chandelier set to place after the canvas dry completely.

Video: how to drain the water from the stretch ceiling

Without a special skill, it is not recommended to smooth out the suspension stretch ceiling, trying to move the water to the drain hole. Water can spill up to a larger surface, it will be harder to collect it. The best solution will be used flexible hose for water drain.

How to dry the cloth after the drain of water

After draining the water at the site of its concentration, the tension canvas has a steady, strongly deformed surface. It can be returned to the previous form using thermal processing. Specializing in this firms for high-quality drying use heat guns. The process takes quite a bit of time and from the past ceiling deformations does not remain a trace.

This problem can be solved on your own, using a construction or ordinary hairdryer, including it at the maximum temperature and holding 20-30 cm at a distance from the ceiling surface. The work is quite time consuming and will take a lot of time, but will make it possible to achieve a good result.

How to prevent water from entering the stretch ceiling

To avoid flooding an apartment or water from the stretch ceiling, by making the floorproofing of the floor in the apartment from above: by pacing a bitumen and frontal tie. In this case, all the water spilled in the apartment from above will remain within this apartment. The method requires serious construction work: We'll have to shoot flooring, lay waterproofing materials and reinstall the linoleum or laying the tile. It will not protect against flooding when the pipes in the ceiling between the floors. Strike all this for the sake of prevention inexpedient. If the neighbors end the repair on top, then it makes sense to talk to them about the water waterproofing.

As you can see, eliminate the water from the stretch ceiling and fully restore it appearance not difficult. But if you do not want to do this yourself, you can seek help to professionals, and the score for their services to make neighbors from above.

To someone any residents apartment house Household situations are well familiar with the flooding of the apartment. This is largely promoted by the negligent appeal with household communications, dilapidation of water supply and heating systems, as well as non-professional apartment repairs. Such situations are not frequent, but when this happens, pleasure in this force majeure is extremely small. During the Flood, everything suffers from personal belongings and household appliances, ending with elements interior decoration. Especially unpleasant cases when the apartment is relatively recently made expensive repairs.

In the flooded room, most of the elements of the interior and intra-ordinary design comes in disrepair. Something will have to be definitely changed, and something can still be sacrificed and repaired. When the room was flooded with stretch ceilings, the situation can still be saved. It is almost the only element in home interiorwhich is able to withstand the flood. You will need a quick response and correct actions. You can correct the position of things yourself or with the help of specialists. We will deal with the feature of the tensioning systems, and what actions need to be taken with the flooding of premises with a type of ceiling design.

Behavior of tensioning systems during the flood

Situations when water falls into the house, there are different. The first for flooding suffer the ceilings. It should be noted that the usual, dyed or sealed ceiling surface after pouring water can be powered by their own by their own. With plasterboard ceilings, the situation is the opposite, catastrophic. Suspended structures from GCC will have to be changed or locally or completely. With stretch, fabric or film ceilings, the problem with the flood looks completely different. You flooded the stretch ceiling - do not despair. The thing is that the tensioning design holds water, preventing the propagation of water throughout the room.

To begin with, it is important to establish the cause of flooding and decide what your apartment is filled. As a rule, pouring occurs:

  • cold water from the trunk water pipes;
  • hot water from the centralized heating and water supply system;
  • sewer runoff;
  • rainwater incurred inside from storm waste channels;
  • soapy water from broken washing machines;
  • antifreeze or technical fluid flowing from an autonomous heating system.

By setting the place and eliminating the leak, determine which liquid medium your ceiling is flooded. From what had to be contacted by the stretched canvase, the scale of damage and the volume of recovery measures depends.

On a note: Cold tap water is least damaged by tensioning ceilings. Soap water is also not distinguished by aggression in relation to the stretched canvase. Worse is the case with hot water and sewer runoff. Here we can talk about the essential deformation of the structure of the canvas and the loss of the aesthetic properties of the ceiling surface.

Flooding is already an unpleasant event. However, it is important to calculate the scale of damage. Thanks to the stretch ceiling, only the ceiling part suffers from the flood, which can either be corrected or change to a new surface. Everything else in the room, appliancesThe furniture and other elements of the interior decoration remain not touched. Given this fact during repair planning, you can protect yourself in advance from unforeseen expenses and troubles.

The fact is that the design and structure of tissue or PVC films used as the main canvases are capable of sustaining the water pressure that has occurred inside. The cloth stretched in the top of the room performs a protective function, representing a sealed bag that holds moisture.

Technological features of stretch systems

Another when you buy a stretch ceiling, pay attention to the product labeling. Usually, conscientious manufacturers indicate the labeling of the technical properties and characteristics of the material. One of the important items in the list of technical properties should be moisture resistance and parameters indicating how many accumulated water withstands the square meter of the stretch ceiling. For a tissue basis, this indicator may vary in different limits, but for PVC film there is a certain value - up to 100 l / m 2.

Qualitative material Created a certain time to withstand water pressure, the volume of which depends on constructive features premises.

For reference: when flooding should not be experiencing a canvas for strength, and it is better to immediately begin to eliminate the accident.

WaterInside the room accumulates on the ceiling. As a rule, the canvas due to its elasticity saves under the severity of water. The ceiling surface acquires a view of a hanging drop. If you correctly pull the water and dry the cloth, you can count on the fact that you will be able to restore the ceiling in the same form. However, not every material is capable of recovering after massive contact with water. In some cases, the damaged cloth will have to be replaced. There are stretch ceilings made from different ways. different materials, Fabric and PVC film.

Tissue-based ceilings

These products are manufactured on a tissue basis. The material is pre-impregnated with a polyurethane composition, which provides tissues with the necessary strength, stability and elasticity. It is by impregnation that the cloth becomes waterproof. In conscientious producers, this indicator is necessarily specified in the marking and corresponds to reality.

On a note: It is not necessary to fully rely on the fact that water accumulated in the tissue stretch ceiling will be kept infinitely long. The canvas does not have a solid structure, so water will still begin to leak between the fibers. If it does not take measures to save the situation, the canvas will have to be changed to a new one.

Immediately need to remember. Ceiling stretching surfaces on a tissue basis should not be done in the kitchen and in the bathroom. It is these premises most often susceptible to flood due to large number Water supply communications.

PVC film ceilings

Stretch systems manufactured by their PVC films are an option that is able to securely protect your accommodation from flooding. The film, unlike the fabric, does not pass fluid, so such a ceiling during the flood turns into a container for water collection. Water accumulates in the central part of the ceiling surface, tightened into the film, forming a large bag of polyvinyl chloride. The strength and stability of the film is sufficient to withstand the water pressure for a long time, provided that the water flow inside the room ceased.

In the future, it remains to simply remove water, dry the inter-storage space and can be reinstated to restore the damaged ceiling surface. With proper descent of water, in most cases, it is possible to fully restore the stretch ceiling, returning it to the previous form and attractiveness.

How to remove water from the stretch ceiling

If you were flooded, you should not get into panic. All your follow-up actions should be aimed at eliminating the consequences of the accident. You can do it yourself or take advantage of the services of professionals.

Important! The first thing to be done in the current situation is to de-energize the entire room in which water leakage occurred. Often it is required to turn off the entire apartment from the power supply. This must be done for security purposes until you definitely install the scale of the flood and the place of the accident.

After the apartment is de-energized, try to reveal the cause of flooding as quickly as possible and stop the flow of water. Next, learn the scale of damage and inspect the stretch ceiling. In most cases, the water fell into your apartment accumulates exactly there. It is extremely not desirable to try to immediately make a descent of water without being prepared for this.

On a note: You do not know how to merge the water from the flooded stretch ceiling as correctly and qualifying, consult from specialists, read this article or contact your cleaning company.

Often there are situations when the time does not tolerate and remove the water with a stretched ceiling surface urgently need to be removed. It is not a fact that the fabric or fastening of the stretch design can withstand further load. It is better to try to independently eliminate the consequences of flooding, removing the accumulated water. Thus, you will prevent the risk of breaking the canvas and collapse of the entire ceiling construction. First assemble the volume of the fluid that you need to delete. It will help you correctly pick up the necessary containers and dishes for draining.

Drain of water is carried out in two ways:

  • through a hole in which the lamp is installed;
  • through the corner of the stretched surface closest to the water bubble.

Each method is effective in its own way, but these options are used in different situations.

  • The first way is to drain the water through the ceiling hole for lamps. This method is practiced in situations when a large room has been flooded. For drain, the location of the lamp is selected. It is important that the top of the water bubble is elsewhere. To shift a bubble away from the hole under the luminaire, use the backups with which you can raise a bubble and overtake water to another place. It is necessary to do it very carefully, trying not to damage the canvas.

After the bubble shifted away from the place of the plum, you can proceed to removal of water. The process of removing water is long in time and tedious, so it's better to work three or in a pair. One holds a hose through which water flows, the other drives water along the stretched surface, and the third removes and changes the filled containers.

It will not be able to drain all the water through the hose, so in the conclusion you can lower the web and give the remaining water by sampling through the hole.

Important! Never try to remove water in stretch ceilings, piercing or cutting a strained canvas. This will lead to the final damage of the product. Such a surface is not subject to restoration, and to pull the web in the same time will not succeed.

  • The second way is suitable in those rooms in which there are no point and central luminaires on the ceilings. Usually these are bedrooms or rooms where there are combined ceilings.

Drain of water from the stretch ceiling in this case is performed through the angle of the stretched surface. Choose the corner closest to the water bubble and remove the edge of the fabric from the ceiling mount. Work only with tools that do not have sharp edges and edges.

In the resulting hole, also enter the slog and start to drain the water. Water bubble can be carefully customized closer to the place of descent. Do this, as in the previous case, is better in a pair to control the flow of water and change to water filled with water.


When you removed all the water from the stretch surface, proceed to the drying of the ceiling part of the flooded room. The time allotted on drying should not be limited. Otherwise, the mold appears in the interporal space, the mold will remain the smell and the feeling of dampness. Such a ceiling, even given in a normal state, will last long.

Drying is carried out using a heat gun, which is consequeled to restore the canvas in the former look.

In general, we can safely say that flooding is not as scary for those rooms that are equipped with tension suspended structures. In compliance with certain rules and technology, the consequences of the accident can be eliminated. What to do everything right, remember the following aspects:

1. Stretch ceilings are the only elements of the apartment interior capable of resistant when flooding

2. Tissue canvases are not so resistant to moisture.

3. PVC film is resistant to water pressure and does not pass water

4. To remove the accumulated water, use two ways:

  • through the hole for the lamps;
  • through the corner closest to the water bubble.

5. In no case, do not pour a water bubble. The canvas will be unusable

6. Tighten the canvas only after the complete drying of the surface and the basic ceiling

Recently, the stretch ceiling is becoming increasingly popular. This is explained by the fact that it is not only beautiful and functional, if the PVC film is used, then such a design will save from flooding and you do not have to buy new furniture Or make repairs.

Some people believe that if they have a reinforced concrete overlap in the apartment, they are protected from leaks, but it is not. You can flood neighbors on top, and if you live on the top floor, the troubles may be due to the roof leaks.

Between the slabs of overlapping water always finds a slotThrough which seeps in the premises located below, this is due to the fact that often builders do not attach a special meaning of floorproofing of the floor.

Usually, the moisture begins to penetrate along the walls of the room, but it may also appear in the center, it all depends on where the junction between the plates is.

Installing the stretch ceiling in the room, you not only perform beautiful finishBut you can protect it from the penetration of moisture from the neighbors from above. Manufacturers indicate that the square meter of PVC canvas can hold about 80-100 liters of water.

Fissure canvases are impregnated with special substances, so they can also hold a small amount of moisture, but over time it begins to leak.

How to merge water?

Drain the water from such a ceiling is easy, so everything can be done with your own hands. The fact that water falls into film will testify to gradually pull it out and a bubble begins to form in this place. For water drain there are two simple and accessible ways.

Before you start draining water, electricity is sure to turn off and removes the whole technique to accidentally damage it.

First method

If you have on the stretch ceiling installed spotlightsThe drain of water from the stretch ceiling can be carried out through the holes that are in their mount. After you remove the lamp, you will see that there is a small hole under it, in which the wire is removed and the lamp is inserted.

You need to gently raise the resulting bubble and slowly move it to the specified hole. In this place, it is necessary to pre-install water collection container And you will only leave the water from the stretch ceiling.

To perform the specified work, you must invite an assistant, as you can easily move the water bubble in the right direction you will not work.

Second way

Flying on the cloth water can be removedafter performing a partial dismantling of the ceiling around the perimeter of the room. In this case, in one place of the room you will have to remove the plinth, after which disconnect the part of the film from the guide profile. Now you need to gently move a bubble with water in the necessary direction and drain all the liquid into the pre-prepared container.

To easier to install a film in place, use the usual hairdryer.
With it, the canvas dried, heats up and stretched slightly, after which it is inserted into the profile and the plinth is installed.

The specified work must be accurately accurately and slowly, then after your actions, no traces will remain on the coating.

You can not merge water from the stretch ceiling by rolling the ceiling, as it causes damage to the film and you will have to change all the coating.

Typical errors

Often, when people independently on the stretch ceiling eliminate the effects of the flood, they allow typical errors:

  • Forget immediately turn off electricity, do it need it immediatelyOtherwise, a short circuit may occur.
  • The canvas in no way imposeSince it is in a stretched state and under the weight of water is even more stretched. After the puncture, there is a not expected small hole in this place, but a serious break, after which it will have to change everything canvas.
  • Some people are trying to distribute the water around the entire surface of the film, but it is impossible to do this. So it will be harder to merge her, and part of the water will remain, and this may cause the development of mold.
  • With help home hair dryer You can dry a small part of the web, if the flood was serious, then for drying and complete recovery of the film, you will have to use a heat gun.
  • Must necessarily establish the cause of the flood, evaluate its scale, stop the flow of water and only then proceed to eliminate the consequences.
  • If the flooding was serious, then it is best to make a complete dismantling of the film, dry the base, to be treated with antiseptics and antifungal drugs, after which the stretch ceiling is again.

If the flood was unsalted, then for drying the ceiling and the base will be needed 1-7 days, before installing the lamps, be sure to make sure of their performance, and if you do not have the appropriate skills, it is better to invite a specialist.

Learn that only pure tap water does not leave spots and divorces on the canvas. Usually, the plaster falls on the film to the film, soap water from washing machineIf you live on the top floor, rain dirty water flows.

If the flood was serious, then it is best to completely remove the film, carefully wash it and dry, in the presence of skills and a heat gun, it can be done independently, in other cases, it is better to seek help from specialists.


If such a situation occurs, the easiest way will be called specialists who have not only the necessary skills, but also equipment, therefore, water from the stretch ceiling and restore its original appearance quickly and efficiently.

If you want and know how to do it with your own hands, then all the work must be performed in slow and gently so as not to damage the canvas. Certain independently with a minor flooding of the stretch ceiling, can any home master.

Useful video

How to drain the water from the stretch ceiling video:

In contact with

From the author: Hello, dear master! The topic of today's article is how to drain the water from the stretch ceiling. To the great regret of the neighbors from above, the task is not simple, but solved. The high-rise house in which you managed to live, are not protected from such a penny and unrelated neighbors. But, the stretch ceiling does not allow water further. And if you see the bubble of threatening sizes in the Heavens, urgently call the wizard, or try to eliminate the problem yourself.

Water in stretched canvas - what to do? The first and most important thing is to immediately turn off the electricity (water - conductor), that is, de-energize everything appliances. Next, call to the HOA or who is there for the main thing - we call the masters who installed the ceilings, and call them to help. The master installer is most prompt and qualified by eliminating the bubble and restore the ceiling in its original form.

Independence is good?

If you have gotted, then your problem is solved - and if not? After all, such triggers happen, as a rule, in the New Year holidays, a day off, when the wizards do not find. And here only one way out: merge without assistance, do it yourself.

Important rules that should be taken into account. In your ceiling, a liter was accumulated, but a hundred, two hundred, or even more liters of water. Well, you break the hole, and then?

So remove carpets, office equipment. Close the plastic furniture that is a pity. Prepare basins, baths, rags. When it comes, running will be undersized.

We determine where we will merge water - the mounting hole for the lamp, or the angle nearest to the bubble.

A source:

It is difficult to assess the amount of "happiness" woven "happiness" visually, so we prepare dishes under the water with a very large margin. And also: imagine yourself on the stepladder, you open the water road, a waterfall, and who will run with rags and buckets? Mobilize the whole family, up to the ball. Hands are not unnecessary.

Another error: the puncture of the ceiling. It will release a huge mass of water, which swells in his own weight into the resulting puncture, tearing his wider football gate and that's it. Money for wind.

And immediately, until it began, determine the drain method - sambeck or with the help of the hose.

The order of drain of water from the ceiling

Consider step by step that you need to do to "release" the stretch ceiling from the water:

  1. Ride on the table-chair, steplaying. We will stand for a long time, so everything should be steadily and reliably, as if forever.
  2. The devices are de-energized, remove the lamp. It is through its mounting hole that we will try to merge the accumulated H 2 O.
  3. Freeing the hole, visually evaluate the scale. If there are a lot of water, it is worth using the hose.
  4. We omit one end of the hose into the hole, the second in the cooked container. We merge, press the hose, someone takes a bucket at the bottom, and so before the victory.

A source:

In case there is no mounting hole, we use the nearest angle. The edge of the material is gently removed from the engagement, we substitute the container, neatly without a rush, we lower the edge of matter and forward.

IMPORTANT: Bubble Hands Do not smooth out. Water will break through the folds, and after another and bloom. With mold struggle even harder. And most importantly, if everything is done correctly, the film dries, herself will take the original state and many years will delight you with your appearance.

As you can see, it is not entirely difficult to pull the water from the stretched panel.

The accident is eliminated, her hermetic ceiling almost did not suffer, are everyone satisfied? Not. In the very near future, we call the masters so that they are with the help of heat cannons returned the ceiling of being greatness.

As you can see, a bubble on the ceiling is not the end of the world. Everything is solved. And most importantly, in which: PKV film is a very durable and plastic material. He does not miss the water at all and accommodates a huge amount of fluid - even stretched to the level of the floors, the PKV film does not break. And therefore, people who survived the "fault" and did not destroy any things that are forever are committed. If it were not for him if there would be a simple plaster?!

We make the pipeline pipe

Speaking about the tensioning ceiling, bay water and eliminate the effects of flooding should not be mentioned. There are several ways to perform this work. Often, during the installation of the ceiling to bypass the pipe, an incision is made, but not earlier than the edge of the material will be refilled in.