
Can I use a maple leaf for mulching. Country Tips: "Soil Mulching: Materials for Mulching"

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So why, in fact,? Well, first of them in nature are neurogenic, and secondly ... what is the most nature of its landing mulk?
So I'm about the same.
Mulching with leaves is useful in all respects: puts the weeds, (not everything, of course, squeeze in general FIG.), Gives feeding worms and, accordingly, the roots are always raw. The drying of the Earth is not particularly noticeable (we read the Kurdyum about the air irrigation) and the autumn of it almost nothing remains. But the soil becomes a small -com. In general, solid advantages.
So, inspired by the upcoming benefits, I tied a kind, leaf storage facility, so that the leaves did not spread the winds and during the winter they were lying in a glorified design. The frame, as you see, from the bed back (from the landfill), tinted with old roofing glands. It turned out a fence. On Earth - Potato Potato Holiday. Plugs are preferred. And I'm still on Klondike ...
No, well, tell me, it would not be a pity that such a luxury just would be so lass in the dirt by the woods? I feel sorry for. Bad, I think they lie here, I will have better lying. Flagled some type of trolley (), attached to the "Stakhanovskaya" shovel of the thrown handle from the perforator (so more convenient to cope with the shovel with a shovel) and went to row the material to turn into mulching with leaves. M-yes. My eyes are enviable, my hands are rumbling ... In general, there was nothing to argue.

Mulching is a useful agrotechnic taking, which is used by gardeners in many climatic zones. In the process of this procedure, the soil is covered with organic or man-made material, and only space between the rows can be covered with the beds.

The mulch layer allows the soil to preserve its structure and prevents the formation of the crust. In addition, the closed soil is not blurred with water when watering, holds moisture and slows down the growth of weeds. Mulch significantly reduces the number of polishes and makes loosening almost unnecessary.

What can be used for mulching on your site? There are a lot of options.

For this, color and black films are suitable, Loutrasil, only rubberoid. Their stealth is strengthened, after which they make holes where plants are sled. The slots must be slotted (film cut across or along), and not in the form of a square or circle. So the land will be less evaporated with moisture, and water can well penetrate into the soil.

Black film is used for mulching of zucchini and cucumbers. It perfectly protects landing from weeds and reduce the frequency of irrigation. Strawberry, sheltered by film, will always please you with clean berries.

Tomatoes prefer them to be mounted with red film, and cabbage - white. The transparent film for mulch is not recommended - it does not slow down, but on the contrary, causes an active growth of weeds.

Film material used for mulching must comply with the following requirements:

  • Do not skip
  • Have an elastic and thin structure
  • Firmly
  • Be durable to break plants to break through

Film mulch increases the temperature of the soil by 1.5-2 ° C, and this important factor For unstable climate middle stripwhere short summer. Also, film mulching reduces the evaporation of moisture, making the surface of the soil in hot days. Thus, the film helps plants feel comfortable and in the heat, and in cold, and in drought.

Such a light-tight shelter is widely used to remove weeds without chemicals. With it, it is even destroyed by hardly derived plants, breeding rhizomes - binding, drinking, coo.

The black film prevents the formation of soil crust, which reduces the amount of oxygen income to the roots, so necessary seedlings. This mulch retains the loose structure of the soil. For example, on strawberry beds under the film, the Earth remains not shot down and porous even for five years.

Another plus: film mulch increases soil fertility. Weeds in the upper layer of the soil are decomposed, enriching it with nitrogen, and the microorganisms under protected film begin to actively grow and eat, increasing the content of humus.

Holing such a mulch soil is better kept warm in winter, and the beds are less freezed. Therefore, the film shelter is very relevant for dwarf egg blinds, whose frost resistance is not so high, and for strawberries - its roots are located close to the surface of the soil.

The mulch of the film under the strawberry bushes prevents the formation of sulfur rot, and reduces the number of nematodes.

With all the advantages, there is a film mulch and negative quality. Unlike the organic, it is not amenable to decomposition that feeds the soil. This factor makes many dachants first mulch the beds with humus, and after to stream various nonwoven materials.

Whatever the advantages of synthetic materials, the current gardens more prefer natural mulch.

Organic shelter not only inhibits the growth of weeds, protects the ground from the freezing and overheating and holds moisture in it, but also saturates the nutrients of the plants and microorganisms. After all, gradually decomposing, the mulch forms a fertile layer in the soil.

In order for mulching by natural materials to give a maximum effect, it is necessary to figure out when and what kind of shelter is better to apply.

Mulching of fresh grass

The grass is saturated with nitrogen and other useful elements that are needed that the development of landing is full.

For mulching, you can take the grass from an outstanding lawn, a little dried weeds after weeding, paus-trimmed twigs of tomatoes. Please note the leaves of tomatoes will become an excellent coating of cabbage beds, they will score a loving tougy of whites Belyanka.

Do not hurry to mulch the soil of freshly joined grass, give her a day-another to dry - otherwise it will start over with too fast.

In the northern regions, the mulching process is carried out after the soil warms up to sufficient depth, and the seedlings will go and fix it. In the southern regions, the mulch from the grass is made before landing so that it can saturate the ground with nutrients.

Soil mulch compost

It is difficult to find a more versatile and perfect shelter substance than compost. It is completely safe and love with all vegetables. The mulching of the compost increases the resistance of plants to diseases and gives them an excellent feeding.

Therefore, kitchen waste, tops, weed plants, organic garbage is better to lay in a compost pit, peeping sawdust, paper, soil. A year later you will have high quality natural material For mulching.

Mulching straw

The straw is best to cover the soil under the polar - bushes of tomatoes and potatoes.

It will become a good barrier between constructive tomatoes and pathogenic microorganisms living in the ground, will save the plants from rot and anthrax, will prevent the letters of leaves. And if you climb the straw potato rows, the colorad beetle will often bypass them.

In addition, the straw mulch is great for landing garlic, basil, garden blackberry and strawberries.

Mulching newspaper paper

Grocery prepared for mulching is covered with four layers of newspapers and sprinkle with grass, hay, soil or straw.

Some gardeners fear that landings can damage typographic paint, however, according to American scientists, modern formulations For printing, do not carry threats for soil and plants.

No less productively struggle with weeds cardboard and kraft paper. They can replace the mulch from the film when it is necessary to warm the ground. If in two or three days before the transfers of seedlings to the garden of the garden to cover kraft paper, it will raise the temperature of the soil at 3 ° C.

The high result gives mulching paper of crimson bushes and legumes - the yield of these crops is much rising.

Mulching with fallen leaves

Sheet oped Ideal for cabbage and bean beds. The leaves can be mulched and peppers, and eggplants, and tomatoes, but after deep warm warm-up.

This mulch is good in flower beds, it will save flowers from freezing and will not give the opportunity to germinate in the period of thaws.

Mulching of wood bore

The bark of trees is the most durable material For mulching. It overtakes for a long time, as moisture is badly soaked. Therefore, such a mulch is "long-playing" and often poured around bushes and trees.

Wood mulch is very good on flowerbeds and berries. Its durability makes it possible to use a bark as a decor in landscape design And create stunningly original flower beds.

Mulching sawdust or wood chip

Such material is poured there, where the land is rarely processed and almost does not know what a shovel is - on garden tracks, furrows. After all, the chips for full overload is necessary for more than a year.

Sawdusts are good to fall asleep the soil in Malinnik or late autumn to cover the beds with winter crops, for example, garlic.

You should not use blind sawders for mulching. If they were for a long time were fell into a bunch, it is very likely that oxygen did not flow into the lower layers for a long time, and they "zakisli". Such material before use must be scattered with a thin ball and dry well.

Mulching cheese

Chew love bushes of strawberries and eggplants - it perfectly protects and nourishes them. However, many gardeners have a preconceived opinion that pine needles seemed to oxidize the soil.

But the experimental way is proved that the pH of the soil, where for two years in a row the semicantimeter layer of coniferous needles was added, remained the same as to the mulching.

In addition to the materials mentioned above, for the shelter of the soil on the beds, peat and crumb is suitable, cake sunflower seeds and pumpkins, humus, dry reed. Often, the mulch is connected by several materials, for example, freshly ached grass with cake or straw together with cardboard. An excellent effect is obtained from mulching fresh grass mixed with sawdust.

How and when you need to carry out mulching, discuss in the next article.

The use of organic mulching suppresses the growth of weeds, preserves moisture in soil, protects the soil from hypothermia in winter and overheating in summer, contributes to better development of plants, in one word - mulching significantly facilitates the garden and garden content in proper condition. With the decomposition of the mulch, the nutrients are entering the soil, and the plants growing on it. To obtain the maximum positive effect from using mulch, you need to know what should be used as a mulch when and how to mulch landing.
Bevelish grass. If the grass was processed with herbicides or weeds were seeded, then it cannot be used as a mulch. Freshish grass is rich in nitrogen and other substances necessary for plant growth.
The grass mulch contributes to the enrichment of sandy soil organic substances. In a temperate and cold climate, herbal mulch is brought under heat-loving culture (pepper, tomatoes, eggplants) only after the soil warming, then herbal cutting, like no other mulch of organic origin, is beneficial on the amount and quality of the harvest.
Compost. Compost is perfectly structuring the soil and provides plants with substances necessary for their growth. Live microbes destroy soil microbes, so the mulching of the compost prevents the development of plant diseases. Two or three centimeters on the soil surfaces are more reliably protected by plants from diseases than any patenting chemical fungicide.
Tomatoes and roses are most susceptible to diseases, so they should be mulched by a compost.
Compost suppresses weeds no worse mulch and straw, but sprouted through compost weeds reach gigantic sizes. Compost is completely safe and perfect for the fight against weeds of any vegetable culture.
To suppress the growth of weeds with a compost, add a layer of bevelled herb on top of the layer or put up the compost newspaper paper so that the light does not penetrate the weed seeds.
If there is a lot of compost, it must be used everywhere!
Newsprint. Mulch from black and white and colored newspapers is completely safe because it does not contain chemicals that pose a threat to the garden and the garden. The newspaper mulch is very effective for the fight against weeds - on a plot covered with a 15-centimeter layer of mulch from crushed newspaper paper, it grows up to eight weeds on square meter. The same layer of newspaper paper suppresses the growth of weeds for two years in a row.
Although part of the nitrogen of the closed soil is used to dissolve cellulose contained in newspaper paper, signs of lack of nitrogen for plants are not detected. The yield of tomatoes from a section closed by a newspaper cutting layer 15-20 cm. Exceeds the crop from a portion of a straw layer 10-15 cm.
The raspberry bushes treated with chopped newspaper paper are fruitful better bushes from a sector covered with a black film. Mulch from newspapers is good for seedlings immediately after its landing in the ground and for new gear. So that the newspaper trimming is not overwhelmed by the wind, cover them with leaves, bevelled grass, straw or compost layer in 2-3 cm.
Kraft paper. Dense brown wrapping paper from which packages are made is a more eligible weed fight than a newspaper mulch. Through one sheet of cardboard or one or two, no weed germinates, because the soil will be securely covered from light. A few days before planting seedlings into the ground, cover the soil of kraft paper, slightly sprinkled by the oil used for frying, and the soil under it warms up for three degrees, while under the black film the soil warms less than two degrees.
Bark.The mulch of the cortex is the most durable of all types of organic mulching in two years, only 30% of the mulch of pine crust is rotated. The mulch of the cortex is very attractive in appearance, so it is used on the flower beds, Rabata, beds for giving them a kind color Gamma.. The mulch from the bark does not keep water compared to other types of mulch, because there are many paraffin and subermine in the crust. The mulch from the bark protects well from overheating - the temperature of the soil under the layer of pine crust in the most peak of the summer heat is much lower than any other mulch of organic origin. The cortex can not be used for mulching of tomatoes - the bark of soft rock trees (in particular, spruce) produces toxic volatile substances that can harm the bushes of tomato.
Wood chips. For mulching, perennial flowers can be successfully used to use wood chips, which is a little inferior to the crust of the cortex. The mulch of chips well suppresses weeds, protects the soil from overheating and keeps water. The chips are quite durable. It takes no less than a year so that it rotates completely. The chip mulch is ideal for tracks and is excellent for all places where the soil is rarely processed and practically not drunk. It is impossible to sprinkle the soil around plant plants, which has an acidic, acetate smell: if the plants are closed by such chips, they can die after two hours.
Sour, acetic smell is due to acetic acid and other substances that are highlighted in the rotting of the chips without access of oxygen.
In order to use the "sour" chip, it is scattered with a thin layer and dry at least two or three days: as soon as the frying chips cease to smell, it is used as a mulch.
Needles coniferous plants. The use of needles of coniferous plants for mulching landings Even a layer of 7.5 cm does not lead to a change in soil acidity. A very responsive for mulching "bedding" from the coniferous forest of Raspberries - its harvest increases by 2 times. Branches coniferous trees Highlights are hidden when the soil is frozen and plants will stop growing and blossoming; When in the spring, the air temperature will be higher than zero, remove the branches and pansies will soon bloom again.
Straw. By regulating in the soil, the level of moisture, the straw mulch prevents the development of the petal rotten of tomatoes and protects them from the anthrax, spottedness of leaves and early rot, because it is a barrier between fruits and in the soil by pathogens. Mulching of the potato layer of straw with a thickness of 8-10 cm allows you to get rid of the colorado beetle - straw helps to reduce the soil temperature and makes it difficult to move adult individuals. Potatoes are mulched by straw when leaves appear on the tops. Potato harvest in areas mulched straw, 40% higher.
The leaves of the mulched straw basil is tastier than in plants mulched by other materials. Mulched straw blackberry bushes increase the yield four times. Straw allows you to save carrots, potatoes and parsnips left in the soil for the winter - it does not give the soil to frozen and prevents the seal of the soil, which facilitates harvesting. The bulbs of winter garlic feel perfectly under the layer of straw mulch - they are mulched in the fall, when the bulbs are rooted, and the straw leaves the harvest. The number of weeds on a straw area is reduced by 30%.
Sheet Odad. The easiest way to mulch the landings in the fall is the use of leafy of wild trees and shrubs. Collected leaves can be immediately mulching the beds with landings of perennial plants and bulbous colors, it is necessary to do it after the land is freezing. Mulch from leaves prevents plant germination during thaws - if such protection is not, then during thaws perennial plants And the onion can be tried to grow and at the occurrence of subsequent frosts will die. Sheet opal to mulch well winter garlic. Autumn mulching shrubs and trees reduces the risk of damage to the root system by frosts. In the spring, the leaf mulch prevents weed germination, saves moisture in the soil, serves as a power source. When the sheet rotes, the temperature under the layer of mulch is 2-3 degrees above the soil temperature, which favorably affects the growth of plants. Two years later, the sheet completely overloads, so mulching should be repeated periodically. The best leaves are made in crushed and slightly overwhelming form - such a mulch attracts earthen worms. Before planting in the soil of any plants in the spring, it should be reworked by the foliage. In the spring sheet is used for mulching cabbage crops - cooked cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower. The cover of the leaves made in the spring cools the soil and leads to a decrease in the yield of thermal-loving crops, so tomatoes and peppers are mulched only after the soil warms up. Sheet for spring mulching is prepared in autumn; They collect a sheet in the forest and near the site, lay it into a barrel or a shallow, but wide pit, the bottom of which is lined with a plastic film. Leaf for mulching strawberries and vegetable crops poured in the infusion of manure with the addition of 100-150 g of urea on the barrel, which is closed with a film; The urea kills fungal diseases, and the sheet is impregnated with nutrients located in manure. For Shrubnikov I. fruit trees Instead of manure, you can use feces that are disinfected in winter; The thickness of the mulch layer for these crops should be 10-12 cm. So that the mulch does not spread the wind, it is poured with sand. The leaf mulch has shortcomings: it is very like to hide the slugs, as the foliage decomposes, it forms many free acids that acidic soil; To neutralize these acids, it is necessary to add lime or ash in an amount of 2-3% of the mulch weight.
Mulch from leaves, herbs, compost, needles coniferous rocksStraw protects the soil from overheating. It is used in the spring after the appearance of germs of legumes and green.
Mulch for tomatoes, peppers and eggplants are introduced when the soil warms up to + 18 ° C.
Mulch of pine needles increases the harvest
baklazhanov by 20%.
Chip and boron is recommended on bare soil,
before the weeds are going - it is better not to give weeds to ascend, than to prevent their growth.
Chip and bark It is recommended to sprinkle the flower beds with
perennial plants, as well as tracks.
The needles of coniferous plants and compost are laid by a layer of 35 cm.
Newspapers and Kraftbumaga are laying in two layers or in a chopped layer of 15 cm.
N. Shelestov

At the request of visitors to our site
We place information about mulching

As they say, all new is well forgotten old. This is true for mulching. Since ancient times, in countries with harsh climatic conditions, people scattered straw and wood chips on their gardens, shelting plants from frosts, tried to protect the trunks of trees from rodents, looking with them with stones, sticks, etc. All this over time has acquired a slightly different kind and got the names that we use at present.

After a century, farmers around the world came to optimal species and methods of mulching, although there are spaces here.

Soil surface coating by a layer of organic or inorganic materials - mulching, N.employed to reduce the evaporation of moisture, the preservation of the soil structure and the reduction of sharp fluctuations in the soil temperature in its upper layer. All mulching substances suppress the growth of weeds, and some - the development of pests and diseases. Mulch from leaves and tomato stems scares capportean whitening, and wood sawdust and chips scare up slugs. In addition, the aesthetic function of mulch is high. Plants on the background of mulch from bark, cones, small pebbles, etc. Look more attractive and careful.

Compared to inorganic, organic mulch possession a number of additional advantages - the soil structure is improved, due to which the root system is developing, and therefore the plants are more intensely provided with nutrients.

Under the mulching layer, soil crust is not formed. The mulch protects the plants from blurring the surface drain of water and reduces splashing when watering, which has a positive effect on the development of fruits and berries, for example, among strawberries.

Mulching allows you to reduce the amount of irrigation and virtually eliminate loosening. Annual weeds do not make your way through a layer of mulch more than five centimeters, and with a single sprouted perennials to fight much easier.

Use polyethylene film To reduce the number of weeds, it is possible, but only in the alarms, to create a trail, etc. With improvement. The soil under polyethylene is strongly overheated, as well as in certain cases, serves by the age of numerous insects, which can harm plants!

There is a lot of examples of using mulch from different materialsBut as the most common we note the following:





Suitable for mulching of any plants.

Contains a small amount nutrientsAnd also is able to give an impetus to the germination of seeds of weeds, retaining it in it.


You can cover the soil between annuals with a thin layer of herbs, preventing the layer seals.

The layer of grass is needed periodically. It is not necessary to use the grass treated with herbicide for mulching, it can burn plants stalks.


It decomposes slowly, suitable for beds with vegetable crops and strawberries.

May contain weed seeds. It is impossible to mulch seedlings, as it contains inhibitors that hinder the growth of plants. In the fall is bait for mice.


The leaves quickly dispersed, enriching the soil with nutrients.

The crushed opead is used under the trees, shrubs, but not under vegetable crops. In a soft, wet winter foliage can cause the development of mushroom diseases.


Effective material for improvement physical properties Soil. You can use constantly, but in small quantities.

Apply only overworked or re-composed with other mothers. It is not recommended to mulch in the winter.


Widely used for mulching and improving soil structure (low-handed peat).

The riding peat increases the acidity of the soil, when drying, it forms a dense crust, which is badly missing with water.


Attractive looks around shrubs and trees. It remains on Earth 2-3 years. An acidic mulch medium contains useful plants MICO ROMA.

For vegetable beds, the bark is not suitable, since it contains tanning substances and makes soil nitrogen to the plants.
It is impossible to drag with soil.



Sheds of coniferous breeds are suitable for plants that prefer the acidic soil reaction. Well maintains moisture in the soil and regulates temperature regime.

Lines of hardwood is rapidly subjected to rotting and serves as a source of mushroom diseases. It is impossible to drag with soil.


Pine needles Improve the soil acidity. You can sprinkle tracks and land around trees.

For vegetable crops and strawberries, mixing with ashes.


Most often used to sprinkle tracks. It is better to mix sawtresses with manure, compost or with fertilizers.

Decomposing, absorbed from the soil nitrogen and lower soil fertility.


Stimulates the formation of useful microflora at the roots of plants. Decor-tivn and durable.

The remains of nuts can attract rodents, and, consequently, damage is possible.


Supports constant humidity in the soil. Good together with straw when growing vegetables and strawberries. A black film can lift a temperature of several degrees - suitable in spring for soil warming. Weeds under the film practically do not grow.

Some types of films are spoiled under the influence of sunlight and microorganisms. A greenhouse effect occurs under any film, and the soil overheating is harmful. Under shrubs, the film is not used.


The paper is good as a lining under other types of mulch. The newspaper used with the mulch does not give weeds to germinate from under the ground, as well as from mulch into the soil.

Never use paper separately, because it acts like a fit, pulling moisture from the soil. Use only black print newspapers, color printing contains toxins.


Shears water and can serve more than five years. It is best to use for growing vegetable and green crops.

White Loutrasil can create a greenhouse effect and soil overheating, but it is breathing, and the plants breathe under it.


Extremely decorative in different parts of the garden. It has a long service life and does not require care.

I do not accumulate moisture and over time I overwhelms weeds that are inconvenient to delete. However, they can be avoided if the land is closed with a film.


You can use on the surface and drag with heavy soil to relieve it. Well penetrate-eat for air and does not boot.

Most expensive
Mulch from the above

*** Mulching materials ***

For long-term conservation in the soil of winter precipitation, it is necessary as soon as the upper layer will dry out, break the surface of the earth to a depth of up to 10 cm and inspired by a layer of 5-8 cm. Inadequate, warm soil during mulching can lead to its seal and, as a result, a decrease in fertile characteristics. It is especially dangerous for thermal-loving plants that may suffer from night frosts, because Mulch does not let heat from the ground to plants. Favorable time To start mulching - the end of the spring, when the soil warms well. It is necessary to remove weeds, remove the garbage, dry foliage, pour, if the surface is dry (do not apply a mulch to dry soil, as it slows down the receipt of rainwater to the roots of plants!), Make and slightly close the fertilizer and then mulch.

If the mulch uses a dense material (bark or sawdust), pour a layer of 5 cm. When using more light material, for example, leaves or pine needles, is made by a layer of about 7-8 cm. Shrubs are mulched within a radius of 40-50 cm, medium trees - 70-90 cm. The mulch layer should not reach the trunks or stalks of plants so that they do not start.
Best time For mulching - immediately after the rain.

Depending on the type of mulch, its disposal is possible. Compost, straw, OPEAD foliage and needle, etc. In the summer you do not touch, and in the fall you can bury or leave until spring resistance. Ships, bark and inorganic materials that are not to be stirred with soil can not be removed for the winter and only reproduce before the new season. However, the mulch left for the winter can contribute to the damage to the plants from the late frosts, so in the spring, it is better to remove the layer of mulch to give soil the opportunity to warm up. If in winter the soil under the layer of mulch does not freeze, then already in early spring It is loose and easily processed. It is necessary to re-mulch on average every 2-3 years.

Uncoated soil under the action of various climatic factors gradually loses its fertility. Mulch universal remedy, protecting the soil from the action of the wind, rain and hot sun. Mulch stimulates the reproduction of rainworms and useful soil microflora. In cases when a suitable mulch is used for a people, at the end of the season it is closed in the soil. Worms and microorganisms recycle the organic, increasing the content of humus and other beneficial substances, thereby accumulating the fertile layer in the soil.

Mulching reduces the time spent on the garden content and improves its appearance. Each garden needs one or another mulching, which can increase plant yield several times.

So, what is the benefit of mulching!

- Reducing the evaporation of moisture - Reduction
the amount of irrigation;
- improving the structure and fertility of the soil;
netty sharp temperature oscillations in
upper soil layer;
- increase the productivity of plant tissues;
- suppression of growth of weeds, Development of pests
and diseases;
- long term use - up to 3 years;
- increase aesthetic function Landscap
and interior.

Moreover, modern mulching material can also be used in the implementation of artistic designer ideas. The use of color mulch, one of the latest developments in construction, will allow you to create individual and rare landscapes and interiors in their beauty.

Color chips and small stones are manufactured by special technology using environmentally friendly painting pigments. If necessary, mulch from wood can be treated with antipiren - fluid slowing burning.

E.N. Fedorov

* * *

One of the main techniques that any farmer should master the soil mulch. The mulch garden performs many functions, contributing to the maintenance of the soil. But any agrotechnical admission becomes useful only at a competent approach. In the article, we will tell about mulching trees and bushes in the garden, consider the main ways.

Biological meaning of soil mulch

Mulching is the shelter of the surface of the treated soil with a layer of organic or inorganic material. In nature under the trees there is no naked land. It is always covered with fallen leaves or tightened the growing grass. This natural mechanism performs the following functions:

  • protects the soil from erosion;
  • prevents evaporation of moisture from the upper layers;
  • improves air exchange, preventing the appearance of soil crust;
  • protects the roots of plants from overheating in the heat and from freezing in winter;
  • becomes a barrier to penetrate insect pests and pathogenic microorganisms;
  • becomes source carbon dioxide and nutrition elements for plants;
  • increases the activity of the useful soil flora and fauna.

Watching the nature, people began to intuitively use this soil-protecting mechanism using different means. Depending on the materials used, the mulching is divided into two types - organic and inorganic.

Mulching as an agrotechnical admission arose due to nature observations.

3 errors when using mulch in the garden

Wanting to benefit your trees, gardeners sometimes make a number of errors:

  1. Used as a mulch who fell from fruit trees leaves. The sheet opead can be infected with the disputes of pathogenic fungi. Such a mulch instead of use damages the garden, becoming a source of infection.
  2. Put the mulch on the immentable soil. Mulching materials absorb the sun's rays and prevent soil warming in the spring.
  3. Put a thick layer of mulch in crude weather. Rainy spring or summer in the converted mulch developing bacteria that can damage the bark of trees and shrubs.

Tip # 1. Sometimes a thick layer of the blind mulch becomes dense and loses air permeability. Such mulching will also not bring the Garden of Use. Mulch must be cut from time to time, and the soil should be cleaned with robbles under it.

Mulching of trees with organic materials

For mulching of the rolling circles in fruit garden Various natural materials can be applied:

Material for mulch Benefits disadvantages
Beveled lawn grass Most available view mulch. Contains a lot of nitrogen and when decomposition becomes good feeding for trees. Activates the activities of soil microorganisms. If the grass managed to dominate, it is impossible to apply it. In the unexpected green mass, slugs and snails are often breed.
Rezana nettle Very quickly decomposes. Contains a lot of nitrogen and potassium. Disposable slugs and snails, suppresses pathogenic microorganisms. Not detected.
Cutting straw or hay Suppresses the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, does not cause convergence. Disposable slugs and snails. Attracts mice and other rodents capable of damaging the bark of trees. In windy weather, it will fly away. It often contains weed seeds.
Needles and cones Prevents the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Saves looseness, does not tear. Disposable slugs and snails. Gives decorative garden. Slides the soil. Contains few nutrients.
Bark and chip Suppresses the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Do not tear. Good insteps root system in winter. Disposable slugs and snails. Gives decorative garden. Long decomposes and acidifies the soil. When decomposition takes out nitrogen from the soil.
Peat Well keeps moisture and insulates the root system. In decomposition, forms a lot of humus. Activates the useful soil flora. In the heat contributes to the overheating of the soil. In hot weather forms crust, worsening air exchange.
Compost Harvested trees perfectly, activates the soil flora and the activities of rainwrites. Do not tear. Well keeps moisture. Not detected.
Pereted manure Contains a large amount of nitrogen. Quickly decomposes, allocates a lot of carbon dioxide. Activates the soil flora and the operation of rainworms. May contain weed seeds. Without embelling in the ground loses many nitrogen.

Mulching of trees inorganic mulch

Inorganic materials used for mulching, significantly fewer functions than in the organic matter. Inorganic mulch only protects the soil from erosion and moisture loss. For mulching of rolling circles garden trees And shrubs can be applied the following materials:

Material for mulch Benefits disadvantages
Polyethylene film Well keeps moisture. Suppresses the growth of weed herbs. Black film makes rapid soil warming. The newest colored and photoselective films have a positive effect on the yield of low shrubs. Creates a greenhouse effect, overheating the soil in summer period. Ants and slippers are breeding under the films. There are difficulties with root stealing trees.
Agrotekstil (Spanbond, Agrospan, Loutrasil, etc.) Well passes water and air. Does not cause soil overheating. Mulching black textile contributes to rapid soil warming in spring. Restricts the possibility of root feeding.
Cardboard Well suppresses the growth of weed herbs. Shears rainwater. Decomposes. In the heat pulls water from the soil. Low decorativeness. Under the cardboard there are slippers, and mold is formed.
Ceramzit, Gravel and Crushed Passes water and air. He accumulates solar heat and reduces temperature differences. Applies a decorative look. I overgrown with weed herbs that are inconvenient to pour out. Restricts the possibility of root feeding.
Sackcloth Passes water and air, does not overheat the soil. Suppresses the growth of weed herbs. Holds badly. Low decorativeness.

To give the garden of special decorativeness, you can use for mulching colored crushed stone.

Garden Mulching Molding

One of the options for mulching fruit plantings - growing under the trees and between them lawn grass. This method is called a lumber. Litted soil naturally retains moisture and all the qualities of fertility.

It is important to keep in mind that the full ramp is suitable only in an adult garden. Around the seedlings, it is still necessary to leave the rolling circle without grass, mulching it with something else.

Applying this method, it is worth paying attention to the mulching of the lawn itself. Soil on it also needs care. A good help in this will be a lawn mower with a mulch function. It turns the bezed grass into small seed and evenly scatters her on the grass between the trees.

A good and inexpensive mower with mulching is produced by GreenWorks. For example, in the model 2505107 there is a grassborder. With it, you can collect ready-made mulch and scatter it yourself around the trees. Another worthy option in terms of price and quality ratio is CHAMPION LM4215 mower.

How to perform the mulching of trees and bushes?

When mulching the coil circles, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Do not move the mulch close to the root neck. An indentation of 5-10 cm is needed so that it does not spoil and post the neck.
  2. Spring mulching to spend after the soil warming at a depth of 20 cm to + 12-14⁰s.
  3. In the fall, replace the indecomposed organic mulch on peat or sawdust.
  4. Using the mulching grass, it is necessary to pre-dry it.
  5. To lay mulch only in wet soil - after rain or watering. Read also Article: → ".

How to water the closed soil

If the material transmitting water is used, it is necessary to water directly through the mulching cover. It is curious that the distorted soil wipered is much less common than open. This is due to the mechanism of the so-called "auto-polyelation": warm air under mulch is cooled, and the aqueous pairs of it fall out in the form of dew.

So that the thick layers of organic mulch do not mold from moisture, they need to be twisted from time to time. Em preparations will rather decompose the biomass on the components and not give it to bend.

Board # 2. You can speed up the mineralization of organic mass by mixing mulch with mineral fertilizers.

How to perform feeding on the clouded soil

The use of organic mulch reduces the need for regular trees. The mulch itself is an excellent nitrogen feeding. You can add in spring and summer phosphorus-potash fertilizers:

Name Standard term
"AVA" Beginning of Sokotivia
"Kaf k" Before flowing or after it is completed
"Ferty Autumn"