
Favorable time for transplanting flowers. Houseplant transplant lunar calendar

DIY garden

Plants in nature develop freely and occupy the space that they need. Indoor flowers are limited by the size of the pot. In the process of their growth, the roots eventually braid the entire earthen lump. Because of this, the flower becomes "cramped" in the pot. He lacks not only space, but also nutrients... Transfer indoor plants helps to get rid of all these problems.

When should indoor plants be transplanted?

The time intervals after which plants need to be transplanted depend on their growth rate. It can be very different for different home colors. For example, Kalanchoe, myrtle or small-leaved ficuses grow slowly. Therefore, they need to be replanted every two to three years. Chlorophytums, philodendrons, sparmania have a normal growth rate, and they should be transplanted annually.

For lovers of indoor flora, we advise you to have a special notebook in which you need to enter the dates of transplantation of each plant. These notes can be very useful to you in the future. Plants are usually transplanted in the spring. This is done just before the growth intensifies, that is, in March-April. But there is no need to strictly adhere to such a recommendation, since rapidly growing indoor flowers root systems but it also develops quickly. In this case, there is no need to wait for spring. Create indoor flowers comfortable conditions and transplant them when they need it.

Often already by appearance houseplant, you can determine that it needs a transplant. The first signs of this are the absence of new shoots and flowering, an earthen coma protruding from the pot, yellowing of the leaves. Even if you do not see external signs on your flowers, it is still worth making sure if they need a transplant this spring. To do this, remove the flower along with the earth from the pot and inspect it. If the earthen ball is strongly entwined with roots, it means that your plant is already "cramped" in the old flower pot.

Plant transplant different types has its own specifics. Bulbous indoor plants need to be replanted after the leaves turn yellow, and flowering plants after the end of the flowering period. Young herbaceous and ornamental-deciduous plants should be replanted annually, while large and adult tubs “disturb” so often there is no need to. Camellias, laurel noble, it is enough to replant palms every four to five years, since the frequent change of flowerpots does not have a very good effect on their growth.

Transplant rules

The size of the pot into which you will transplant the flower should be two to four centimeters larger in diameter than the previous one. For plants with a decayed or underdeveloped root system, dishes of the same size are taken. And if you had to cut off diseased roots, then you should take an even smaller flowerpot. Leave new dishes in water for 10-12 hours before planting, and thoroughly wash old dishes from dirt and mold, disinfect. Thanks to this, you can get rid of salt deposits, as well as pathogens and spores of various fungi.

Transplanting plants requires adherence to certain rules. In order to remove a flower from a pot, water it in advance, and then carefully remove it from the flowerpot along with an earthen lump. If it does not come out well from a clay pot, break the flowerpot to avoid damaging the roots. Plastic pot in this case, you can simply cut. After that, the earthen lump should be cleaned of fibrous small roots. To do this, cut off the network of small roots with a pruning shears, and sprinkle the resulting cuts with coal powder. Thick, basic roots, do not touch. They are cut off only in case of decay. Then carefully peel off the top layer of soil and use a peg to remove the soil from the sides of the coma. You should not completely get rid of all the old soil: this can damage the roots.

A new pot for transplanting a plant must be prepared in advance. Place a piece of shard on the drain holes with the convex side up. Then fill in a drainage layer, which can be used as coarse sand, small pieces of foam plastic, expanded clay, charcoal or just pebbles. Keep in mind that good drainage is essential for plants. Its height for small dishes should be one centimeter and three to five for large flowerpots.

As an earthen mixture for transplanting, use the one that is necessary for growing a particular plant. Pour the prepared soil with a mound on the drainage, and then put the plant in a pot. The earthen hill must be made so that the root collar is 2-3 centimeters lower than the edge of the pot. Then, while holding the plant, sprinkle the sides of the soil into the pot and compact it. The further growth of the plant and its flowering directly depend on the density of the soil.

Dense soil promotes flowering, and looser soil promotes better growth. When replanting plants, the soil should be tamped tightly. Then spray the flower, water it well, and place it in a shaded area. After about a quarter of an hour, drain the water from the sump. It should be added that the water intended for irrigation should be warmer room temperature by 1-2 ° C.

After transplanting, never expose the plant to the sun. It is also impossible to fertilize it at this moment. When replanting a flower, even if you are doing a simple transfer, the root hairs are always damaged. And the plant needs about two weeks to restore them. Old, basic roots serve only to transport nutrients and water to the stems and leaves, but do not take any part in their extraction.

Water and nutrients are absorbed by the fragile and fine hairs of the root. If they are damaged during transplantation, the flower for some time loses its ability to normally assimilate. essential trace elements... Therefore, the fertilizer that you apply during this period can burn the growing root hairs. This is very bad for the condition of the plant, and it starts to "hurt".

Fresh soil also contains the required amount of nutrients. When fertilizers are applied during this period, there is an excess of fertilizers, which can spoil the soil and damage the roots. Therefore, after transplanting the plants, they are not fertilized for two months. It is best to "resettle" your green pets in the early evening: the sun no longer burns with its rays, but it has not set yet. The worst time is noon.

Handling indoor plants

Indoor plants can be transplanted by transshipment. During it, only the pot is changed, and the earthen lump is not touched. This is necessary to increase the volume of the soil. Most beautifully flowering plants require multiple transfers. For example, gloxinia and cyclamen are crossed twice from sowing to the beginning of flowering, and hybrid cineraria - three times.

The transshipment is good because in its process the growth of flowers does not stop. This makes it possible to get well-developed, strong specimens. If you see that the roots are strongly intertwined and create a tight ball, then you will need to make side cuts along the earthen ball. This procedure promotes better lateral root formation. If this is not done, the root ball may stop developing and even rot. No matter how frightening this procedure may seem at first glance, it is simply necessary for an overgrown root system.

Plant transplant and lunar calendar

The growth of plants, their energy, resistance to unfavorable factors and fruiting vary depending on the phases of the Earth's night satellite, taking into account which the lunar calendar is compiled. New Moon is not the right time to do any planting work other than spraying and watering. It is believed that indoor flowers during this period lose the strength necessary for their development. During the first and second phases of the Moon, the energy of flowers is directed towards development and intensive growth. It is not recommended to prune the plants at this time, as it can delay the process of "wound healing". Many amateur flower growers know that transplanting indoor plants according to the lunar calendar contributes to their active growth.

In this case, indoor flowers should not be transplanted during the period when the Moon passes the constellation Virgo. And plants transplanted on a full moon and with a young moon take root well. But you should not do this when the Moon is "visiting" Aquarius. Plant transplantation is not favorable even with the waning moon. Without a doubt, the lunar calendar will help you achieve a good result when transplanting indoor plants with minimal cost forces and means.

Planting and caring for flower crops should be at the allotted time and days that are scheduled in the gardener's (lunar) calendars. On what day is it better to transplant indoor flowers, loosen them or fertilize them - the lunar calendar will give the answers. It is believed that on such days the plant adapts well to a new place and conditions, and takes root quickly.

At first, the fact that the moon affects the growth and development of flowers was only a guess. Later, scientists proved that the fact of the relationship between plants and the moon takes place. After that, lunar calendars appeared, focusing on which gardeners know exactly when it is better to transplant indoor flowers, and when to cut them.

Those who follow the calendar know which moon is best to transplant indoor flowers:

  • Plants with a high stem and wide leaves are recommended to be replanted during the period until the full moon... During this period, the sap of the plant is directed upward from the root, therefore, minor damage to the root during the transplantation process will not affect the general condition of the plant;
  • It is better to prune flower buds on waning moon;
  • According to the lunar calendar, the time when it is better to transplant indoor flowers falls on waxing moon or full moon.

Important! You should never transplant on a waning moon. This can lead to the fact that the plant will adapt for a long time in a new place or even die.

Beans, onions, potatoes, gladioli and others, bulbous are best sown on waning moon... Then they sprout quickly and take root well.

What time of day is it better to transplant indoor plants

In order for indoor flowers to grow and bloom well, you need to remember a few subtleties when it is better to transplant indoor flowers, and at what time.

What is the best time to transplant indoor flowers:

  • The most favorable time is the interval from 4 pm to 8 pm;
  • The best days for a transplant, the first or second day after the formation of a new moon is considered;
  • You should not transplant flowers in the morning (when the plants are still sleeping) and at noon.
  • The most favorable seasons in order to transplant flowers are early spring and autumn.

Flower Transplant Calendar 2016

In the calendar of the summer resident and the gardener (lunar) of 2016, the dates are precisely given, in which month it is better to transplant indoor plants, on which days to sow vegetable crops when they need to be cut and loosened.

I focus on the calendar and, following it, you can achieve good germination and high productivity.

Moon calendar transplanting indoor flowers

Unfavorable days for planting and transplanting indoor plants (flowers) in 2016

When caring for any seedlings or flowers, it is worth taking into account not only better days for transplant, but also unfavorable.

On which day it is better to transplant indoor flowers we figured out, now a little about unfavorable days. There are bad days from five to ten per month.

Not auspicious days for transplanting indoor plants

It is everyone's business to navigate the moon when planting and transplanting plants or not. But the fact that the moon affects the growth and development of plants is a proven fact that cannot be argued with. It was not in vain that our ancestors revered and respected lunar predictions.

Indoor plants, just like garden plants, require increased attention. Caring for them is not limited to watering only. Almost all beauties at home need periodic transplants. But at the same time, it is important to know not only how to do this, but also when it is better to transplant indoor flowers. The further well-being of the plants and their appearance depends on the correct timing.

At first glance, the dilemma lies in the choice: in the fall or spring to take up the spatula and the soil. But in reality, there are many nuances in this matter: in the morning or in the evening, a day according to the lunar calendar, whether the age and size of the plant, as well as its condition, affect. Let's take a look at all the factors that affect the timing of the transplant.

When is it better to transplant indoor flowers - in what season

Any transplantation (including transshipment) is intended to improve the conditions for the growth of plants. If this is done on time and in compliance with the rules, then after a while green friend begins to grow and develop more actively. Before considering in detail when it is better to transplant flowers at home, you need to decide on the question of how often to carry out this procedure.

Young plants need soil renewal annually. For adult flowering objects that have already reached large sizes, one can limit themselves to once every 2-3 years. At the same time, many decorative deciduous (, palm trees) and flowering crops (camellias, amaryllis) require an even rarer transplant - once every 3-4 years.

With timely and competent care for pets, such a frequency will be enough. Now to the question of what time of the year indoor flowers will calmly take root in a new pot.

The most the best time for a planned transplant of indoor plants - the end of winter and spring (period from mid-February to April).

This is quite understandable from a physiological point of view. In the spring, when daylight hours increase, vital processes begin to activate in the body of plants, including indoor plants. First of all, it is photosynthesis, transport of water and nutrients. As a result, the plant begins to actively grow and develop. During such a period, all forces are mobilized and the plant organism can more easily endure the change of soil.

At the same time, more accurate terms within the specified period must be determined, focusing on the plant itself. Since each species has its own individual characteristics... So, bulbous plants are transplanted only after their leaves turn yellow. Any flowering plants do not touch until the last flowers are withered. Only after that you can start transplanting or transshipment.

Exceptions to the rule:

  • If necessary, the period for transplanting flowers can be extended until summer. But in this case, it is important to comply with all the conditions of the procedure and provide the plant with careful care in a new pot. I mean light, water, temperature regime, feeding.
  • For some crops, the spring transplant rule has an exception. An example is cacti. In spring they bloom, and in summer they actively increase phytomass. Therefore, the most convenient time to replant cacti is the beginning of winter (more precisely - November, December) or the end of spring - early summer.
  • And one moment. Even if you bought a new houseplant in a store and the timing seems to be good for a transplant, you should not rush. Let the new occupant in your home acclimate. Otherwise, the procedure may end in disaster for him - he will not stand the double stress.

When flowers are transplanted according to the lunar calendar

The fact that the Earth's satellite affects many processes on our planet has long been no secret. Gardeners plant, prune, feed, dig up plants on personal plot according to the lunar calendar. This phenomenon also applies to indoor flowers. There are dates on which it is very favorable to transplant, and there are those when it is better not to touch the plants.

Transplant and new landing indoor flowers are best produced in the days of the Virgin. In this case, the plants will quickly take root and grow well.

These days and periods change every year. Data for 2018 are shown in the table. While it is best to replant indoor flowers in the spring, there are also suitable days during other seasons (fall and even winter). Indeed, sometimes, for extraordinary reasons, flowers need an urgent transplant.

Lunar calendar transplant and pruning in 2018

Month Auspicious days Unfavorable days Forbidden days
January 1, 18 — 30 3 – 17 2, 31
February 17 – 28 1 – 14, 16 15
March 1, 18 – 30 3 — 17 2, 31
April 17 – 29 1 – 16 30
May 16 – 28 1 – 15, 30, 31 29
June 14 – 27 1 – 13, 29, 30 28
July 14 — 26 1 – 12, 28 — 31 13, 27
August 12 – 25 1 – 10, 27 — 31 11, 26
September 10 – 24 1 – 9, 26 – 30 25
October 10 – 23 1 – 9, 25 — 31 24
November 8 – 22 1 – 7, 24 – 30 23
December 8 — 21 1 – 7, 23 — 31 22

Dates in the "auspicious days" column are ideal for doing land work. The days indicated in the middle column are not suitable for replanting and pruning indoor flowers - that is, any drastic measures should be rescheduled for another day. Dates from the last column are an absolute taboo. It is better not to touch the plants these days (this means not only transplanting, but also feeding, treatment from pests, loosening).

When an emergency transplant is performed

In the life of domestic plants, there are situations when they need an urgent transplant. This is necessary if it is impossible to solve the problem with other methods of care (for example, feeding, pruning, processing with chemicals).

When, for objective reasons, it became necessary to replace the soil and the pot, they no longer look at the standard terms for transplanting indoor flowers. This emergency procedure can be performed at any time - both during the period of active growth and during the dormant period of the plant.

How to determine that a plant organism needs an urgent transplant with full or partial replacement of soil? There are several signs that indicate this:

  1. An earthen ball sticks out very strongly from the pot. This means that the root system does not have enough volume.
  2. During the period when the plant should actively grow, it does not form new shoots and does not develop.
  3. Rapid yellowing of leaves throughout the plant (both old and young).
  4. Blooming disturbance - shortening of terms, a decrease in the number of flowers or their underdevelopment and early abscission.
  5. Root decay caused by serious infectious diseases or pests.

Even if outside the window is not the best time to transplant, you can take a chance. But every effort must be made to fix the problem. The thing is that an urgent replacement of soil and container outside the classical terms can both save the plant and destroy it. It all depends on the correct adherence to the procedure.

Thus, if your green pets need to update the soil conditions, then find the right time for this useful work. When deciding when it is best to transplant indoor flowers and decorative deciduous crops, take into account all the factors at once - the season, the state of the plant, the lunar calendar. In this case, the "operation" will end well and homemade flowers will delight the eye.

Good luck in floriculture!

Fresh flowers make it possible to get closer to nature itself, without going outside. There are a large number of reasons for the appearance of indoor plants in our homes. One of the key conditions of care is competent transfer.

When to transplant indoor flowers?

Flowers are purchased mostly in pots. A certain time passes, the flower grows up, and there is a need for its transplant.

The most favorable period is considered to be spring. Typically from late March to early May.

During this period of time, the flowers begin to grow actively, as a result of which they can more easily tolerate the process itself.

It is recommended to replant conifers in summer, when after spring they finish their intensive growth. In hot weather, the transplant will be less successful. Sometimes the transplant should be carried out in winter period... But this is a forced measure, if pests are present in the ground where the plant grows or the soil begins to acidify, it is necessary to transplant, otherwise it may die.

Ordinary soil is not suitable for transplanting. He may be infected various pests or pathogens that begin to multiply actively in a favorable environment. By watering such a land, in the future, the composition of the soil itself can be intensively destroyed.

The pot should be slightly larger than the previous one.

Better to buy land in a specialized store... One type of soil is suitable for many plants, but there are also mixtures on the market that are suitable for certain types. Preference should be given to trusted manufacturers.

You need to choose a pot that will be slightly larger in volume from the previous one- transplanting into a large one can lead to the fact that it stops growing. But it should not be too close, which also negatively affects the condition of the plant. It can happen, as a result of this, growth slows down, the leaves begin to slowly turn yellow and fall off. Subsequently, he will simply disappear.

When choosing a container, you should rely on personal preference.... A clay pot is environmentally friendly, moisture evaporates well in it, but the price is not entirely economical. But plastic ones are very light, they attract with their price and variety, it can also be hung.

It will be necessary not only to choose the size of the pot, but also to choose the right composition of the soil, depending on the classification of the plant. And try to make the plant take root well in the new home.

When is it better not to transplant?

Most of the home flowers feel great in their pots, which, at first glance, may seem too small to a novice fan for this plant. It would be a mistake to start transplanting when the flower is not cramped by its old pot.

In order for the transplantation to be painless for plants, you can use a special calendar, which is made by experienced flower growers. They indicate favorable days for transplantation. Flowers have bad days too.

To be guided by the lunar calendar or not is everyone's choice. But the fact that the moon directly affects the growth and development of plants is an accepted fact.

General transplant rules

In order to gently pull the plant out of the pot without damaging it, you first need to water it well, let it settle a little, and then carefully release the root ball from the ground. You can use a stick or knife, it is important not to touch the spine.

When you cannot free the root, you need to gently knock on the sides and bottom of the pot. In an extreme situation, the pottery is smashed and the plastic is cut.

With a complete transplant, the entire lump of old earth is removed from the root system

You need to add fresh soil directly to the pot. At the bottom, it is required to lay drainage for the outflow of water after irrigation. It allows you to smooth out small overflow errors. Drainage can be expanded clay, pieces of brick or shards. Many flowers experience stress after transplanting, but in general they tolerate this procedure normally.

There are 3 types of transplantation:

  • Complete transplantation. When it is necessary to replace the entire soil, it is imperative to clean the root of the old soil.
  • Partial transplantation. With this type of transplanting, the roots do not disturb, they replace the soil around the roots.
  • Replacement of the upper layer... If the flower was originally in a large pot, then the transplant should not be carried out, in this case, every spring it is worth replacing the upper (old) layer of the earth. This type of transplant is suitable when it is necessary to replace the old layer of earth with a new one.

Post-transplant care

After the flower has been transplanted, it must be placed out of direct sunlight. Watering should be done infrequently, during this period young roots begin to form. Even with the most careful transplant, the roots are damaged, and abundant watering can lead to rotting of the root system. You can switch to regular watering only when the first young shoots begin to appear.

The transplanted flowers need to be kept in a shaded place for the first 2 days.


  • The transplant must be done on time, the roots, deprived of their familiar environment, can quickly dry out and be injured.
  • The transplanted flowers must be watered, in rare cases this should not be done when the roots have rotted.
  • It is not recommended to feed the plants immediately after transplanting.
  • In advance, you should prepare all the essentials that you may need - a pot, drainage, earth, water for irrigation.
  • The workplace must be covered with a film or newspaper.
  • If the roots are sparsely entwined with an earthen lump, this plant does not need to be transplanted.
  • If the plant has rotten roots, then they must be removed by sprinkling the butt with crushed charcoal. This will prevent possible rotting.

By following these simple tips when transplanting indoor flowers, you can prolong their life. The acquired knowledge will help you create a beautiful indoor garden or decorate a summer cottage. Having created the space around you light and filled with positive, you will always be in a great mood and admire the beauty of your favorite plants.

The moon has a great influence on our planet and this has long been proven by scientists. The moon, depending on the phase, has a different effect, both on the human body and well-being, and on the growth and life of plants. It has long been known that all fluids on the plane are under her control.

During the growing moon, tides occur, the water level in the seas and oceans rises. At this time, indoor plants experience an ascending sap flow, energy flows and intensive growth occurs.

At the full moon, this process reaches its completion. By the time of the new moon, these processes stop, and the energy in the plants rushes from the top to the roots. During this period, it is not recommended to replant plants, as they become very sensitive, and even the smallest damage can lead to their death.

By transplanting plants, focusing on the lunar calendar 2018, you can achieve better result and more intensive growth and flowering.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar January 2018

Since ancient times, people have noticed the influence of the moon on the life and development of plants on our planet. In order to properly grow indoor flowers, it is important to know on which lunar day you can transplant plants without much risk.

  • Auspicious days - January 18-27.
  • Unfavorable days - January 4-13.
  • Neutral days are all other days.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar february 2018

It is important to remember that plants, in addition to water, also need air. The plant should not be constantly in moist soil. Do not neglect such a thing as seasonal care. In winter, plants should be watered less often, reduced or eliminated feeding and kept at a lower temperature than during flowering.

  • Auspicious days - February 17-24.
  • Unfavorable days - February 1-12.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar March 2018

It is important to observe certain safety measures when growing indoor plants. By following the lunar calendar 2018, you will be able to avoid unsuccessful transplant days. Thereby, improve the growth of your flowers.

  • Auspicious days - March 18-26.
  • Unfavorable days - March 3-11.
  • Neutral days are all others.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar April 2018

For each type of plant, it is worth choosing a pot of a certain volume. Carefully study the characteristics of the plant that you decide to purchase. Some indoor flowers are first planted in small pots and only as they grow are transplanted into pots of the size they need. Other indoor plants require large pots to be planted initially. If you choose the wrong pot, then the development of plants can stop at early stage development.

  • Auspicious days - April 17-25.
  • Unfavorable days - April 1-13.
  • Neutral days are all others.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar May 2018

Plants use solar energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into sugar. They take the necessary minerals for this process from the earth. In the ground for indoor flowers, these minerals are not enough. Therefore, it is recommended to fertilize the plants.

Houseplants are fertilized only during their active growth. It is important to follow the instructions on the fertilizer package. The feeding periods vary depending on the type of plant. An excess of fertilizer can cause irreparable harm to a houseplant.

  • Auspicious days - May 16-24.
  • Unfavorable days - May 1-10.
  • Neutral days are all others.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar June 2018

On favorable days, you can safely transplant plants. Plant sap on these days from the roots rushes to the top. Root damage is unlikely with careful handling of the flower.

On unfavorable days, touching the plant and replanting is not recommended. The sap of the plant flows from the top to the roots. The roots these days are very sensitive and their damage is possible, which can lead to the death of the flower.

  • Auspicious days - June 14-22.
  • Unfavorable days - June 1-9.
  • Neutral days are all others.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar July 2018

Although neutral days are not unfavorable, on such days the strength and energy of the plant begins to leave it. On neutral days, it's best to leave him alone.

If the transplant is made on favorable days, then the result of plant growth will not keep you waiting long.

  • Auspicious days - July 14-21.
  • Unfavorable days - July 1-9.
  • Neutral days are all others.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar August 2018

Choose the type of indoor plant carefully, depending on the room where you plan to grow it. Sun-loving indoor flower will not grow and bloom properly in a room where there is little sunlight... Like a flower that loves shade, it cannot survive in a well-lit room. Also, group your plants so they look better and grow faster.

  • Auspicious days - August 12-20.
  • Unfavorable days - August 1-7.
  • Neutral days are all others.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar September 2018

In order to grow a healthy and flowering plant, many indoor plant lovers follow the lunar calendar. By choosing favorable days for the care, feeding and transplanting of plants, you will improve their growth, flowering and save you from danger.

  • Auspicious days - September 10-20.
  • Unfavorable days - September 1-8, 28-30.
  • Neutral days are all others.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar october 2018

Before replanting home flowers, you first need to figure out whether they really need a transplant and then transplant, following the lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants in 2018.

When to transplant a plant:

  1. An earthen lump is pierced and braided with roots, forming the so-called felt.
  2. When the appearance common feature weakness of the plant. This indicates the depletion of the land.
  3. The roots of the plant began to rot.
  4. The roots of the flower made their way through the hole for excess moisture to escape.
  5. The soil in the pot turned sour.
  • Auspicious days - October 11-18.
  • Unfavorable days - October 1-8,26-31.
  • Neutral days are all others.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar November 2018

The time of year for replanting indoor plants depends on their species. But in general, all plants are transplanted only after the end of their flowering. If there is a need to transplant a plant during its flowering, then you need to be prepared for the fact that it will drop both buds and flowers.

  • Auspicious days - November 12-18.
  • Unfavorable days - November 3-6, 26-30.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar December 2018

December is the time of holidays and bustle. Not always on favorable days there is an opportunity to do a flower transplant. In this case, try to avoid unfavorable days... It is better to postpone the transplant or postpone it to a better time.

  • Auspicious days - December 8-17.
  • Unfavorable days - December 25-31.
  • Neutral days are other days.

Orchid transplant according to the lunar calendar 2018

It is enough to replant the orchid every 3 years. It is worth starting transplanting it into a new pot with a prepared substrate only after the flowering period. Having chosen for this a prosperous day according to the lunar calendar 2018.

  • Good days are the days when the moon enters the new moon phase, or, as it is also called, the growing moon. During the waxing moon, sap from the roots of plants rises to the top and nourishes it. At this time, you can safely transplant the flower without fear of damaging its roots.
  • For easier removal of the flower from the pot, place the pot in water for a few minutes. Gently remove the flower, carefully taking it under the outlet with leaves. Rinse and brush the roots. Use a sharp knife to trim away any rotten or dead roots.
  • For orchid transplant, it is better to use plastic pot... Make the required number of holes in it. This is necessary so that after watering, excess moisture can escape, and the air has direct access to the roots.
  • After we have prepared the pot and the substrate, we proceed to the orchid transplant. Pour a small amount of the mixture into the bottom of the pot. Gently lower the plant and slowly add the substrate so that it fills the pot up to the outlet with leaves.
  • Return the plant pot to its original location. Do not water it for three days after transplanting.

Violet transplant lunar calendar 2018

For transplanting violets, you should choose a pot that is not too large. In a small pot, the root systems of violets will develop faster, and flowering accordingly will come faster.

  • For better flower development, add a thin layer of river pebbles or expanded clay to the bottom of the pot. It is recommended to replant the violet at least once every three years. During transplantation, the plant is refreshed under a warm shower, removing weak and yellowed leaves. The substrate is changed to a new one, but the old pot is left.
  • It is recommended to replant the violet during the waxing moon. The violet has weak roots and if you start replanting it during the waning moon, then the probability of damage to the flower, and then its death, is quite high.
  • It is recommended to plant new flowers during the waxing moon. Loosen and cultivate the land. Carry out replenishment of flowers.
  • During this period, the violet needs more water. Days falling on the waxing moon are great for removing stepchildren. Removing stepchildren is necessary for the good development and growth of the flower.
  • At the moment when the moon passes from a waning moon to a growing one, it is good to fertilize and loosen the earth. It is not recommended to carry out pruning and transplanting of plants at this time. The duration of this phase is 3 days. It is easy to calculate. This phase begins three days before the prosperous days according to the lunar calendar and ends on the first day of these days.