
Butterfly Belyanka cabbage (kapuette). Insect pest. Pest butterfly scoop

Pests of garden plants

For someone, gray-beige moths departing the included light bulb in the dark summertime is just stupid innocuous butterflies attracted by light. In fact, their main part belongs to one of the most worst enemies of gardeners - the family of the scoop. Not representing the dangers for a person or animal, the winged pests are able to lose weight of their work and destroy the harvest. Caterpillar scoops eats even that for other insects poison. For example, tobacco or sofor. You can deal with scoops only with the help of their natural enemies - trichograms or volatile mice.

The main characteristics of Sovkov

Night minute from a huge family consisting of one and a half dozen subfamily, has more than 35,000 varieties. The representative of the calculation of the calculated, which includes a huge number of different butterflies, whims, moles. With the apparent external harmlessness, the scoop is the most malicious creature for many plants.

The status of the scoop-giant belongs to Agrippine. This winged beauty from the tropics has a 30 cm wing. In the world of insects, this is one of the biggest butterflies. The very miniature scoop of the wingspan of the wings is only 8-10 mmbut the average values \u200b\u200bare 25-30 mm.

The external characteristics of the butterfly scoop, despite the size of the sizes almost the same:

  • The head of the round shape with big eyes and eyelashes of different lengths, two simple mustache.
  • Spiral trumps, well-developed and equipped with taste receptors.
  • Scaly, hairy all over the surface of the body.
  • Paws with brushes for cleaning the mustache, spikes, spurs.
  • Hearing organs in two copies, on the abdominal part and the back, well developed.
  • The triangular shape of the wing with rounded ends. 2 pairs, with the rear in front of the front. Many species have a long and high-speed flight.

Coloring Scoops is usually inexpressive. As the basis, it is beige, gray, brown or chestnut. On the front pair of the wing specks in the form of circles, wedges, oval, transverse or winding strips. The rear, as a rule, is homogeneous, sometimes with a border along the edge. Color's rear pair, but there are species that have wings blue, red or yellow.

Of all the huge number of insects on the planet, the soles, who possesses echolocation. Ultrasonic oscillations they successfully combine with visual contact. Butterfly are spread throughout the world, including in the Arctic deserts, Tundra of the North.

Lifestyle scoops butterflies

Years and mating occurs in the spring. Adult individuals at this time need to eat well, so the scoop will be held near required plants On color. After fertilization, the female puts eggs daily and until the end of life. From the embryos about a week later the larvae (caterpillars) hatch. They are extremely voracious and actively in the dark. After all generations of the caterpillar, a pupa is formed. Point the larva goes under the leaves or in the soil. Eggs, pending in spring, turn into a bowl in the summer.

The scoop loves heat, + 21 + 28c is the most optimal air temperature indicator. The cooling up to + 18c leads to the braking of the development of the reproductive butterfly system, which is why fertility decreases greatly.

D. for many species, there are also humidity that should be at least 80%. If weather conditions meet the criteria, the scoop multiplies for the season to a huge population. For successful wintering, a mild climate is important and an abundance of snow cover.

Duration life cycle from the egg to "old age" an adult is up to 70 days if the weather conditions do not go beyond optimal indicators. At lower temperatures, development and growth increases in terms.

Stages of development

  • Egg. Spherical, light, with a diameter of 0.4-0.9 mm. With the development of embryos, the embryos can become darker and change the shade of the color before the caterpillar yield from the egg shell. In the masonry can be both 2 eggs and several dozen (up to 15), it all depends on the type of scoop. For all his life, the female postpones up to 3,000 eggs (the fame of the insect fertility is completely substantiated). Hiding the scoop embryos of future butterflies in different places (soil, vegetable garbage, the inner part of the leaves, a handful of weeds). There is no definite form at masonry. It can be both stains, lines, row. To secure offspring, the female covers it with hairs from his body, scales or secret from the special glands.
  • . The larvae has a naked thick body of an extended form. Sometimes it can be covered with a small amount of hairs. Color is the most different: from green to yellow, from gray to violet. All varieties have a characteristic longitudinal strip of a light shade on the back and dark side. On the chest there are 3 pairs of limbs, on the abdominal - 3-5 pairs, and the last, false 4 pairs. Until the scooping of the larva, the scoop passes 5-6 generations and 3-5 lines. Many varieties on the last, adult larval stage goes to wintering. In the spring, choosing to the surface, these caterpillars are very damaging young shoots, seedlings, kidneys and plant seeds.
  • Doll. Picks out the caterpillar, bodied by a spider cocoon of reddish, red-chestnut or brown color. Cremaster contains 2-4 spikes or growth.

Eggs Scoops:

Caterpillar (larva) scoops:


Young individuals during summer and pairing period feed on pollen and plant flowers. It does not bear any harm. But the scoop and larvae are a huge problem, since these copies destroy the ground part of the culture, a grip plant.

The larvae are divided into 3 types:

  1. Intrauterine. Lives in a plant stem, feeding his juices. Leads to death.
  1. Bearing. Lives inside the soil, near the root, feeding them with both the roasting parts.
  1. Leaf-rigid. It dwells on the surface of the plant, devouring green parts (foliage, stem, shoots, boutons, flowers). This is the main category of the caterpillars scoop.

Scoop family omnivo. They harm cereals, vegetable, decorative cultures, fruit, berry, bean, coniferous, cruciferous, oilseed, herbaceous landings. For diet, plants of any type are chosen: greenhouse, greenhouse, open. Do not be broken by a grape vines. It is easier to list those cultures that scoops bypass the party than to list their taste preferences.


Many scoops are quarantine pests. This is a cutting, meadow, cotton, asian, Finnish species. To completely destroy a dozen plants, you need 3-8 caterpillars and one night. Recall the amount of offspring from one scoop for the season and will become clear which tremendous damage from the activities of this insect are people.

The more favorable conditions, the more numerous the offspring of the pest, more active than the larvae and faster the destruction of landings. The most malicious - these are adult caterpillars of the last two stages of generation. Only prevention and merciless struggle will help keep the crop from an insatiable parasite.

During the entire growth rate of cabbage can be damaged various pests. Pests are dangerous as at an early stage of the development of young plants, in the spring they can damage them up to the death of cruciferous flepens, cabbage fly, and at a later period, when cabbage will type green leaves and start tying a kochan. On the leaves of the cabbage begins the invasion of pests of caterpillars of cabbage whitefish, repove whites, cabbage moths, cabbage fire and scoop.

Capping Belyanka - Widespread and dangerous pest. This is a large butterfly with white wings, on the edges of which distinguishing black border. They fly only on sunny days. The female butterflies lay eggs on the underside of the leaves by a group from 15 to 200 pieces. Soon yellow-green caterpillars appear with black spots covered with hairs. Caterpillars quickly eat leaves, leaving only veins. Due to the loss of leaves, the plants are lagging behind, the cochanists are not tied, which affects the amount of harvest.

Capping mole
Begins to appear in May. The overwhelming dolls in plant residues and weeds turn into butterflies, fly out in May and a week later, two begin to postpone the first eggs on cruciferous plants. Butterflies are more active in the evening or at night, and in the afternoon are hiding under the leaves. Cappuct moth butterflies are small in size up to 1.5 cm with a swing of brown narrow wings. Caterpillars are also small about 1 cm in length light green with expressive black dots on the head, they are very mobile and when concerned are bent and fall from the sheet. Capitant moth caterpillars are especially dangerous in the phase of the start of the Kochan tying, the inner leaves damage, can ease the upper kidney. The period of the development of the caterpillars is 10-15 days, then they are pumped, without leaving the leaves of cabbage and after 1-2 weeks appear new butterflies, for summer period 4-6 generations of cabbage moth may appear.

Repon BelyankaAs the cabbage mole can develop over the summer in 4-generations. Winter dolls in plant residues and weed trunks. The butterfly of repove whitening is very similar to cabbage whitening, but a little smaller size. Green caterpillars can be bought in Kochan and call him up.

Capping fire - A small butterfly with a wings of the wings to 3 cm only flies with warm nights and lays eggs on the underside of the cabbage leaves in small groups of 2-30 pcs. After 10 days, pale yellow caterpillars appear, which pulled out in the leaves of the window. More adult caterpillars begin to break down the leaves penetrating inside the vesting coach.

Capping scoop - also moth. In the afternoon hiding in the grass, under the leaves, preferring low-spirited wet places. Eggs postpone 10-30 pcs. Young green caterpillars first live as a group and eaten leaf pulp on the underside. Mortification, they change the color to brown with a yellow strip on the sides, reach a size of 5 cm long, become very voracious. The caterpillars are bought in Kochan, pollute it inside with excrement, as a result of which he quickly boosts and becomes unsuitable for use and storage.

Measures to combat pests caterpillars Cabbage:

When a small number of caterpillars appear, they are collected in manual. One - twice a week, look at the boarding of cabbage, remove eggs and caterpillars, for this, be sure to wear gloves, as some caterpillars emit caustic liquid.

Conduct spraying with natural insecticide - insisted plants, potatoes and tomato tops, low husk, Yarrow. But during the period of mass degeneration of caterpillars on the cabbage, spend a spraying of more efficient biological insecticides: dendrobicillin, lepyocyde, etobakterin.

Processing against pests is carried out only 30 days before harvesting cabbage.

As preventive Mer You can strengthen cabbage beds with a small grid, it will be an obstacle for butterflies, but at the same time skip light and moisture.

Singing cabbage to sow dill, carrots, anise, fennel, these plants attract butterflies predators.

In the fall, after harvesting, carefully remove all the remains of the tops, weeds and make the earth resilk.

Butterflies are pests.

Hawthorn "Href \u003d" / Text / Category / Boyarishnik / "Rel \u003d" Bookmark "\u003e Hawshitus, they lay eggs in large quantities, deftly clinging for the twigs, carefully smelled curled lumps from the leaves, it is winter nests of caterpillars hawkering - a very dangerous enemy fruit trees In your garden.

Large sizes day butterfly white color. The wings in motion reach 6-7 cm. They are weakly devastated by pollen and for this reason they are beautifully noticeable thin black-colored alkali.

Winter barebathing sockets - These are several leaves (not more than 4), tightly pulled by web together. They hang on thin twigs on one or several strong threads, which are woven from the finest cobwebs.

Remove and carefully expand the socket. In it in dense silk web cockclocks, the caterpillar is carried out, they are from one to seven dozen.

In the spring, when the kidneys will swell on the trees, the caterpillars leave winter nests and are made fed. Initially, they will donate the kidneys, later the young leaves, buds, flowers, and later grew up leaves. In the first period, the caterpillars live together and continue to hide in winter nests in bad weather and cool nights. Later they sprawl and live separately.

Adult caterpillars reach a length of 4.5 cm. Along their backs, there are 3 narrow black and two wide brown-orange stripes, sides and bottom of the body gray, and the head is glossy, black. Each caterpillar eats a few leaves of the apple tree in the continuation of the day, keeping alone from them.

With a mass appearance caterpillars of femalesobjective leaves on the whole tree and move into adjacent fruit trees.

When the fruits are formed on the apple trees (in middle lane In late May - early June), caterpillars are transformed into a pupa. They are easy to find on branches and trunks of trees. The color of the pupa, which attached to the trunks, is grayish gray, and the branches are yellowish-gray.

They destroy not only fruit trees, however, many other deciduous rocks are cherry, Ryabin. They are observed on the hawthorn, which served as the basis for the name of this butterfly. There are hawarships almost everywhere.

The destruction of winter nests with the caterpillars of the fear of the caterpillars is to the greatest extent an accessible reception with the pest. From the high parts of the crown, the socket is removed using the pole, at the end of which a simple device is put on the shape of a paw, brushes, slingshots, etc.

The nests of haweds are best to shoot in warm early day before the swelling of the kidneys in the trees and shrubs. In amateur and personal subsidiary gardens in cases where nests were not removed and the caterpillars began to fed, they can be collected and killed, shaking off on a litter from a synthetic film and a different material.

The butterflies of the hayrs are quite often feeding the nectar of flowering weed plants. That is why during the occurrence of butterflies it is necessary to diligently kill weeds in the gardens.

Of the chemical measures of the struggle in the spring period, a solution of chlorofos (20 grams of 80% of ten liters of water) is used in the period of dissolving the kidneys and the exit of caterpillars from the nests.

The spraying of the garden with a solution of carbofos and other phosphauses to combat medley and other pests is also destroyed and caterpillars.

Entobakterin-3 (100 grams of ten liters of water can be used against them.

This year we observed the invasion of another pest - Lilac Beetle. In the village of Iquashurma Sabinsky district, this beetle completely ate the leaves and flowers of lilac, the beetles flew to other plants, the processing of confident did not give the desired result.

Skpansky flies, or shpanka ash [(lat. Lytta vesicatoria) - the type of massive toughness from the family of beetles-unforppings, with an almost heart-shaped head and an eight-aluminum abdomen. The back is covered with convex flexible long golden-green with metallic glitter hollows, under which two large webbed wings are hidden. It has dimensions 15-22 mm in length and 5-8 mm wide. Completed in the southern and central regions of the European part of Russia, in Ukraine and in Kazakhstan. It lives on plants of families of housing and olive.

An adult beetle has a characteristic mouse smell. During the touch, a yellowish liquid is distinguished on the joint between the shot and the thigh, and the digestive secret is a digestive secret, both contain Cantaridine (its content in hemolyimf about 5%) is a substance, very strongly irritating fabric animals and forming blisters.

Life cycle: Beetles are active in the first half of summer. Feed during the day, choosing the most illuminated and well-warmed parts of the crown. Characteristic featureAccording to which it is possible to determine the presence of clusters of the Skapan fleece - this is a specific sharp mouse smell that beetles are isolated with excrement. It should be carefully working carefully, because with the danger, they are isolated from the joints of the body of a droplet hemolymphs with a poisonous liquid - cantaridine, which causes bubble dermatitis. Upon completion of additional food, the female lays out on the soil or on plants several thousand eggs with groups of several dozen pieces. The development of fractions represents a complex cycle of transformations. The first-old larvae rises to flowers, and attached to the collecting nectar bees. After hitting the bee nest, the larva eats the bee egg, moves to the power with honey and consecutively turns first into the larch 2go, then in the black-shaped larva of the 3rd age, which, in turn, lines into falcons. At this stage, the breakfast is winter. In case of unfavorable climatic conditions, the insect may remain in falculb the whole next year. Upon the occurrence of favorable conditions, the false tears turns into a pointed larva of the 4th age, and then into the pupa. A few days later, a beetle appears from the doll.

Based on the insect biology, 1-2 multiple spraying crown insecticide in the presence of pests feeding in Krone.
If there is no beetles in the crown, the processing is meaningless.
Doses and preparations designed for the Colorado Beetle are suitable.
Cantaridin-based preparations until the 20th century were widely used to increase potency, although even in small doses have a negative effect on the kidneys, the liver, the gastrointestinal tract and on the central nervous system. The smell of drugs is peculiar, the taste is unpleasant, acutely burning.

Powder, and later - the plaster of the Shpan's Flush ("Narynye Plocker") - one of the most ancient and common Aphrodisiacs:

Actually, harm is not applied Butterflies, and their caterpillars. In addition to the fruit, the oak damages and some other species of trees. This is a night-white night butterfly, with a golden bundle of thick hairs at the end of the abdomen; The scope of the wings - up to 4 cm. Adult caterpillars grow to 3.5 cm. On the total grayish-black background, the chains of red warts with sticking bunches of yellowish brown hairs are dramatically distinguished. On the sides are white intermittent stripes, on the back - 2 are red-brown, and at the end of the body - 2 orange stains. At worried caterpillars orange spots Speakers and distinguish a poisonous liquid that dries on the hairs in the form of powder. Getting on the skin of a person who crumbled hairs cause itching, redness and swelling, and sometimes headaches, cough. You can remove skin irritation using soda compresses (1ч. Spoon of drinking soda on 200 ml of water). Winter caterpillars in nests made of dry leaves, tightly attached to the forbons of the branches of the web. In each nest - from 200 to 2000 caterpillars. The exit of their spring coincides with the beginning of swelling and blown of the kidneys.

Approximately 2 weeks after the end of flowering fruit caterpillars make small cute cocoons and turn into a pupa. Cocoons can be detected in rolled leaves, on the crust, in the branches of the branches. Usually in the II half of June, butterflies appear. They are active in the evenings and at night. Soon, females lay on the lower side of the leaves, on the branches, trunks up to 300 eggs (piles in the form of rollers). Eggs, covered with a golden pupshine of females abdomen, well visible on the tree. After 2-3 weeks from eggs, greenish-yellow hayous caterpillars come out. They hold together and feed on the pulp of leaves. Closer to the fall of the caterpillars fasten the splashing leaves, turning them into winter sockets, which are usually placed on the periphery of the crown.

Damages B. cE fruit cultures, as well as hawthorn, cherry and rowan. A large daytime butterfly reaching a 6.5 cm wings. Wings are white, with a good visible housing. On sunny days a large number of Butterflies can be found along the shores of the reservoirs, near the puddle and on flowering plants. An adult caterpillar has a length of 4-5 cm, covered with thick hairs, on the back - 2 brown-orange or 3 black stripes, sides and abdomen - gray. Pupa - long up to 2 cm, angular, yellowish or greenish-gray, with black spots. Winter caterpillars in nests from damaged leaves bonded by web and hanging on thin branches. The nests are well noticeable after the leaffall - among the naked branches. In each of them - from 10 to 70 caterpillars covered with dense white coccular.

Early spring overwhelming caterpillars Feed on swollen kidneys, squanding them, and with the advent of leaves and flowers feed them. First, the caterpillars are held by the colonies, and then sprawl and eat one by one. About 7-10 days after the flowering of the caterpillars, the oaks are mounted on the branches and trunks of the trees, in the fences and buildings in the garden. Butterflies appear in the middle of summer and soon put eggs on the top side of the leaves with piles, 40-150 pcs. in each masonry. The caterpillar came out of the eggs feed on the leaves, sprinkling them from the top, and after 20-25 days they make winter nests. Flares of breeding of the hayrs are observed periodically - after 6-7 years.

Damages separate foci all fruit and deciduous trees but most often apple tree. This is a night brown-yellow butterfly with a dark transverse strip on the front wings reaching 4 cm. Caterpillar - up to 5.5 cm long, bluish gray, covered with soft hairs. On the back - a bright white strip, bounded by 2 orange, and from the sides - wide blue stripes. Winterly formed caterpillars inside egg shells, withsting temperatures up to -35 ° C. Females from-put eggs on the thin branches of trees. Masonry - in the form of rings, similar to beads, each has up to 400 eggs. The outlet of the caterpillars from eggs occurs shortly after the start of the blooming of the kidneys. They feed mostly at night, squaring the kidneys and leaves. Live with colonies, gossipped in the development branches of the branches of pawless nests, called mirrors.

Early in the morning, while cool, or in cloudy weather, when the caterpillars are in the nest, they can be removed and destroyed. They are pounded in dense silky cocoons, one in the rolled sheet. Butterflies fly out in June-July.

Damages apple tree, as well as a pear, Ryabina, Turn, Hawthorn et al. Butterfly is small, dark brown, with brown transverse stripes on the front wings (scope - 10-12 mm). The caterpillar is a gilt-green, with brilliant brown cliffs, on which long bristle hairs are visible, and a light brown head. Damages the leaves, tightening their tips of the web. On damaged leaves of the caterpillars are pounded in white spindle-shaped cocoons. The winter butterfly under the fallen leaves, in the creams of the cortex and in other secluded places. In the spring, eggs are laying on young leaves.

Measures of struggle

Destruction of winter nests (from November to March) - the most available way Fight with a zlattium and hawkering. The nests are cut together with young sprigs by the airliner. When collecting the zlattos, it is important to protect your arms and neck - in order to avoid irritation of the skin to the toxic discharges of caterpillars. Shortly after flowering, the trees inspect and destroy the caterpillars of the column silkwood, located in the web nests in the branches of the branches. At the same time collecting and cobweb nests with caterpillars of apple moths. When trimming fruit trees remove sprigs with ringed silkworm eggs. The cut-off eggs are placed in any open dishes and leave on the border of the garden away from the trees, in order to preserve useful insects - Eggiestov (Telendus, etc.), the larvae of which are inside the eggs. The caterpillars died during the dissolvement period, because they cannot get on the trees. Emergeades will fly later when new egg layouts of the ringed silkworm will appear in which they will postpone their eggs.

Since August, trees trunks and other places of possible finding of silkworm eggs look and destroy egg layout. They are scraped with metal tablespoons or special scrapers with eggs, underlying any material. The collected eggs are buried into the soil at a depth of 50 cm or burned. Autumn or wounded soil resistance in the garden, the collection and burning of fallen leaves contributes to the destruction of certain types of leaflerting and mining moths whose caterpillars are in a sheet litter.

The main struggle with the caterpillars of butterflies damaging the leaves, with the help of insecticides, is carried out with the probability of mass appearance of the caterpillars, from the moment of the dissolution of the kidneys before the appearance of buds. For this, carbofos or roofing is used. Against the caterpillars skeletoning the surface of the leaves, effective batchbacillin, dendrobacillin, lepyocide, as well as infusions of some herbs. What insecticides are most acceptable to combat caterpillars of moles that minimize leaves should be consulted at local plants protection stations.

Video: Garden pests