
From what to make floors in the apartment: repair and options, the best coverage in the room, floor types of bed. Which floor is best done in the apartment: characteristics of materials

Garden buildings

Today, apartment floor coverings there is enough a large number of. This is the main difficulty that meets on the way of choosing the desired material. Today we will try to figure out which sex is better to do in the apartment. We learn what materials are most practical, we take into account the reviews about them and consider photos of finished options.

Basic criteria for choosing flooring

In whatever room of the apartment you did not plan to replace the floor, there are general criteria for which the type of flooring is selected:

  1. To begin with, decide how much money you are ready to give for this type building material. After all, the price categories of floor coverings are rather ambiguous and depend on the type of material and its quality.
  2. When choosing an outdoor coating, the location of the apartment is taken into account. For example, the material that can be used on the second, third and above floors is categorically not recommended to be installed on the first floor (due to elevated level of moisture of the basement).
  3. Lifestyle and number of people living in the apartment. If four adults live in one room, two children, and besides, there are animals, then preference should be given to a more durable and high-quality material.

Select the floor for the bedroom

The bedroom is a place where we are accustomed to be as relaxed as possible. Therefore, we want to get the maximum comfort from this premises, in order to relax in order to relax. Often, moving around the rest room occurs with barefoot legs, so the main quality of the flooring should be warm.

Warm and soft carpet: a good bedroom option

Materials with high characteristics of heat resistance can be the most suitable bedroom coating:

  • Carpet;
  • Natural tree;
  • Parquet.

    Attention! IN last years The most common material was laminate, due to its practical, durable and durable characteristics.

    Although it is worth knowing that in its thermal properties, the laminate is significantly losing the carpet. Walking on this coating should be in room slippers or to be caught up with its carpet. Another excellent way to make laminate is warm - it is to equip a special system of heating under it.

Children's room - high attention zone

We all want to provide our children with maximum warmth, comfort and protection. Therefore, the choice of floor coverings in the children's room should be taken with maximum seriousness. In her room, the child spends most of his free time: plays, teaches lessons, resting and sleeps. The most important criterion for the choice of sex for the game children's room is safety. The material from which the coating was made should not be distinguished by harmful toxic substances and unpleasant odor.

Cork cover: one of the most eco-friendly materials for the apartment

One of the safest sexes is a cork covering, the most which are clocked wine bottles. The main properties characteristic of cork gear:

  • Safety. The material is completely environmentally friendly, therefore does not emit harmful and toxic substances into the air;
  • Has excellent anti-allergenic and bactericidal properties;
  • Moisture-resistant, which is very relevant for premises, where there are small children;
  • Cork floor is an excellent insulating agent. Therefore, the active games of children will not be heard the neighbors below;
  • Elasticity and strength.

Attention! The plug is enough durable Materialwhich is not subjected to rotting and forming fungus.

The only drawback of the cork coverage is its costly price, which is equivalent to the cost of natural wooden parquet.

Which floor is best done in the kitchen

Kitchen is zone high humidity and temperature. therefore flooring Kitchen room should have practicality, strength, as well as hygienic properties. The ideal option Ceramic coating (tile) can be a ceramic coating. It does not require special careWhen contaminated, it is enough to take a wet cloth and rub the floor. Today, the variety of ornaments and drawings on the tile can be simply wondering, so everyone will choose for itself the most appropriate design. Another advantage of ceramics is that even after the expiration, it does not change its initial appearance And bright color.

Ceramic tile: excellent option for such a room like a kitchen

If you are primarily interested in budget coating options, then you should pay attention to the linoleum, which today is significantly different in its appearance and the quality of the Soviet coating. Linoleum is also quite simple in its care and has not bad high-quality characteristics.

Outdoor coating in the corridor and hallway

The corridor and the hallway are considered the most passable places in the apartment, which are subject to frequent pollution, dust and mechanical damage. It is for these reasons in these rooms it is necessary to use the outdoor coating of increased quality. And here again to the rescue comes a ceramic material (tile). It is wear-resistant and durable. Ceramics does not require much care, swamp, dirt and dust are easily eliminated by means of a conventional wet rag.

Ceramic tile fits well for the corridor, and for the hallway zone

Since the corridor or entrance hall is often small and naturally unwaved, it is necessary to give preference to light tones. So you can visually increase the room and make it much brighter and lighter. Bright drawings and increased contrast are not welcome in this case.

Attention! Whatever type of flooring you have not chosen, the main thing is that it is safe for human health. The qualitative characteristics of the floor are largely dependent on the professionalism of material masonry. Therefore, experimental specialists should be engaged in installing gender.

So, summing up we can say that for each room it is necessary to choose a certain type of floor covering, which are characteristic of certain characteristics. If you like warmth, then we recommend to give preference to parquet, natural wood or carpet. When the priority is environmental friendliness, pay attention to the cork material. Ceramics has increased level Strength and practicality. While Linoleum is the most budget option Sexual coating.

Video: Which floors it is better to choose in the apartment

Tsugunov Anton Valerevich

Reading time: 6 minutes

Every person wants to be comfortable and beautiful in his apartment. In solving this task, the choice of flooring plays a latter role. And since the floors in the apartment are experiencing serious loads, the selected material should be not only attractive, but also meets the requirements of safety, wear resistance and ease of care. Consider the most popular options for flooring and find out which one better suitable For laying in the apartment.

Today's market for Paul Paul Pepper Diversity. Parquet, laminate, linoleum ... Which one is better - a complex question.

All coatings can be divided into three conventional groups:

  1. Wooden - parquet and parquet board, wood massif, plug, laminate.
  2. Elastic - Linoleum, Carpet.
  3. Ceramic or stone - ceramic tile, Porcelain stonewares, bulk floors.

Wooden group

Honorary place among materials for finish finish Paul occupy flooring, in the manufacture of which the tree is used.

Parquet is a classic floor material. He has not been coming out of fashion for many years and is an indicator of welfare and excellent taste of the owners of the apartment. Today's parquet looks like a finished shield of a fairly large size, made of the valuable tree of the tree with the existing pattern on it. Particular parquet meets. From it you can upload unique compositions. It makes it most often of solid rocks:

  • from oak;
  • beech;
  • maple;
  • ash.

Whatever view of the parquet is chosen, with proper care It will last at least 50 years.

Parquet is environmentally friendly and completely safe, but obliges to prepare a high-quality draft floor, refers to expensive materials and requires maintenance in the room of a certain temperature and humidity.

For the manufacture of the parquet board, natural wood is also used, but each lamella is not a solid piece of wood, but a firmly glued three-layer design. Such a coating will cost cheaper than parquet, it is easier in laying and care. Parquet boards are presented in different shades, they can be combined and composed compositions. This kind of floor will last about 15-20 years.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: Laying tiles on a wooden floor: Is it possible to put?

Coating from coating

Floors from ordinary wooden boards laid on lags do not lose their popularity. Despite the seeming simplicity, they have a lot of advantages:

  • one hundred percent environmental friendliness;
  • availability, practicality;
  • the ability to create a room interior in a certain style;
  • such a floor is pleasant for the legs and looks great.

With proper care, this coating will delight the owners of about 30 years.


Coverage from traffic jam close to ideal:

  • It is natural, warm, strong enough, pleasant for feet and healthy health.
  • The floors from the tube have a variety of shades, which allows you to create interesting compositions.
  • This material absolutely does not accumulate static electricity.

The plug can be coated with special oils and varnishes, and can be operated and without coating. The service life of cork floors is from 5 to 20 years.

Important! Keep in mind that with strong mechanical exposure on the plug semi, traces can remain.

Laminated floors

Laminate is gaining increasingly popular due to its outstanding characteristics:

  • It is available, practical and reliable enough.
  • Laminate remarkably transfers the color and texture of natural wood, stone, tiles.
  • Laminate boards are equipped with a castle system.
  • With the laying of such a floor, even the newcomer can cope in the repair.

Laminate has several strength classes. The higher the class, the material is stronger and more expensive.

Elastic coatings

These include two material: linoleum and carpet.

It is an absolute leader among floor coverings:

  • available at a price;
  • simple in laying and care;
  • absolutely not afraid of moisture;
  • beautiful looks.

Linoleum can have a wide variety of shades and drawings, sold in sheets, rolled into a roll, or in the form of tiles. Such a coating is attached to the base floor with special adhesive compositions. After 5-10 years it will have to be replaced.

It can be called a relative carpet, which has its own characteristics:

  • As part of the carpet can be both artificial and natural fibers.
  • Sold in rolls or in the form of carpet tiles.
  • It is fixed very simple and attached with glue.
  • Diverse on texture and painting, trauma-safe.

The disadvantages of such an outdoor coating are relatively short term Services, lack of moisture resistance and complexity when cleaning and cleaning.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: Tassels for paint and painting work: their types and sizes

The hardest

This type variation is characterized by excellent performance.

Ceramic coating

Ceramic tile and porcelain stonewares have a lot of advantages:

  • the floors covered with this material are not afraid of moisture;
  • have a very attractive look;
  • durable and durable;
  • easily attached to special adhesive mixtures.

But they have flaws:

  • The coating is obtained solid, traumatic and cold.
  • It is better to mount the heating systems, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to walk on the floor without shoes.
  • Before stacking requires special preparation of the basis.

Bulk floor

Modern bulk floors are used not only as a black screed. They can become an excellent finish coating and contain highly artistic bulk drawings and a variety of decorations under the polymer layer. Bulk polymer floors are:

  • epoxy;
  • polyurethane.

Both materials are environmentally friendly and durable, not at all afraid of water and other liquids, do not require any particular cleaning.

The disadvantage of this type of flooring can be called special demanding to the surface on which it is placed. The basis for them should be perfectly smooth, dry and clean.

Important moments when choosing a coating

Each person himself decides how to make the floor in the apartment. But when the material is selected, you should not lose several fundamental moments.

The main criterion for choosing the coating is the room in which it will fit. All apartment can be divided into zones:

  • zone for reception and recreation (these are sleeping rooms, living room, children's);
  • "Wet" zone (kitchen, bathroom);
  • passage zone (hallway, corridor).

For each of these zones, it is necessary to choose its material on the basis of their functional features and loads that carries the floor.

  • What to choose the floor, affects the lifestyle of the family and its composition. What is suitable for a lonely married couple is not always suitable for family with children. When children are in the house, the floor should be safe, hygienic and easily detergent. The same requirements should be the coating if there are animals in the apartment.
  • Material security also plays a role. For example, the floors from natural materials are quite expensive. Families with limited sufficiency, they will most likely not afford to pocket.
  • Located on the first floor of the apartment will limit the choice of flooring due to the increased humidity and proximity to the basement.
  • Some apartments can not be ascended by the floor due to the formation of additional load on inter-storey overlap. Consequently, from the sexes that require the device of a concrete screed will have to abandon.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: Dowels and anchor for drywall: write Driva, Knauf-Hartmouth, Molly, spring

What is suitable for sex in the hallway

In any apartment entrance hall - this is the zone of the highest load on the floor. Dust, street dirt, water, bicycle wheels and sledding of sled requires particularly durable and hardy outdoor pensions. At the same time, the entrance hall should be beautiful and not to be out of the overall interior of the entire apartment. What is better to make the floor in it?

From the materials listed above ideal for the hallway will be a porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles. They are practically not limited to service life, easily clean, tolerate moisture, dirt and resistant to mechanical stress.

The choice of floor coverings in the modern market is very wide. You can find materials for use in residential and public premises. Commercial floor coverings differ from the domestic capacity to withstand significantly more intensive loads. Assortment of household flooring is also diverse. There are different species - carpet, laminate, tile, linoleum and others.

Coatings of one species can be divided into classes according to strength, wear resistance. Different types Outdoor coatings for apartments are different from each other with moisture resistance, hygienic, thermal conductivity and a number of other performance, not to mention the aesthetic side.

What to pay attention to when choosing an outdoor coating

One of the main criteria for which you need to navigate when choosing an outdoor coating in the apartment is the appointment of the room where it is planned. The premises are divided into residential (rooms) and non-residential (kitchen, bathroom, hallway). They differ in the level of humidity, passability and a number of other characteristics.

Patency of the room

The load on the floor largely depends on the number of families, but there is one more important factor - Patency of the room.

  • High Passage - Corridor, Hall, Kitchen, Bathroom
  • The average - the living room, the dining room (if it is separated from the kitchen), children's (degree of load on the floor in the nursery depends on the number of children, their age, activity. Infants who still do not know how to walk and adolescents, most of the day spent at the desk, provide For floor covering smaller load)
  • Low - bedroom, Cabinet of a person engaged in sedentary work

For premises with high patency and intensive load on the floor, a strong wear-resistant coating is suitable -, semi-commercial laminate or linoleum with a thick protective layer. You can use in such premises and commercial coatings, they will serve longer.

The higher the passability of the room, the more intense the floor is polluted. Therefore, the coating should be neuromy. On a very bright and very dark surface, especially glossy, contamination views clearly, but the pattern, the motley abstract drawing is well hidden.

A good choice will be a coating with an upper layer with antistatic characteristics, it is less attracted dust. Care of flooring in a room with high patency should be as simple as possible.

Humidity level

IN residential rooms The level of humidity is minimal, in the kitchen - elevated, and in the bathroom, the toilet is high. Floor coatings differ in moisture resistance. Sensitive to moisture, parquet, ordinary laminate based on MDF stove, ordinary carpet.

The parquet and engineering board (design of 3 or 2 layers) resistance to moisture drops is higher than that of one-layer massive, but it is not recommended to use them in wet rooms. A moisture-resistant parquet board with impregnation with natural resins is also available, but this is one of the most expensive flooring.

Material moisture resistance differs laminate based on the HDF of an increased density plate with special impregnation and water-repellent processing of lock connections. The waterproof flooring includes:

  • Ceramic tile
  • Vinyl (quartz-vinyl) tile with mineral component
  • Vinyl (plastic) laminate
  • Linoleum
  • Short-ski flocked carpet flotex
  • Bung
  • Polymer bulk sex (Epoxy and acrylic compositions are commonly used in residential areas)

If the coating is placed in a high level of humidity, the coating is placed by floating, and not a glue method, it is necessary to ensure maximum sealing of all the slots and joints, so that the moisture does not penetrate the coating.

Safety for health

For premises where people spend a long time, children's, bedrooms need to use the most eco-friendly flooring, and if there are allergies, small children and older people, their composition should be hypoallergenic. The most eco-friendly natural floor coverings:

  • Board and parquet of wood array
  • Natural linoleum (marmoleum)
  • Cork floors
  • Ceramic tile (manufactured from natural raw materials - clay)

Wood is usually processed by impregnations and is covered on top of a protective layer, the protective coating must be at traffic jam. It is necessary to pay attention to their composition, due to it, environmental friendliness can decrease. When making a parquet board, glue from natural components should be used. Natural stone rarely use in apartments due to high natural radioactive background.

From the point of view of environmentally friendly, PVC linoleum and other types of vinyl coatings are less preferred, but high-quality non-toxic materials. Laminate is inferior to natural wood, but there is a class E0 laminate, with a minimum level of emission, it is most safe for health.

With the predisposition of someone from the tenants to allergies from the carpet, it is better to refuseBecause it accumulates dust, which is an allergen. A good solution will be a coating with antistatic treatment, not attracting dust. The composition of laminate and linoleum may include additives that prevent the reproduction of bacteria. Antibacterial coatings are most hygienic, they are usually used in health facilities, but they are suitable for the kitchen, children's.

Important: It is considered that natural materials are safer for health than synthetic. It is incorrect about carpet - natural can provoke allergies, and high-quality synthetic is hypoallergenic.

Other criteria

If the room needs high-quality sound insulation (music room, game room, home cinema), you need to choose a coating with good noise absorbing characteristics - a plug, an acoustic linoleum on a thick foam substrate.

If the room often go barefoot (bedroom, children's), the coating should be pleasant to the touch, warm and / or mild. Finally, the flooring should not only correspond to the purpose of the premises, but also fit into the interior, its stylist.

Living room, hall must impress guests, look rich, but not screaming. Classic flooring options for the living room:

  • Piece parquet, especially what artistic laying looks, but this is an expensive decision.
  • Massive or parquet board from noble wood
  • Linoleum Under the tree - more democratic option
  • Carpet Allows you to create a rather cozy atmosphere

It is also an excellent option for the living room, but in Russia it is now exotic. For luxurious interior A ceramic tile or natural stone is suitable in the palace style, but it is desirable to take care of the heating of such floors. Original option - bulk polymer floors with a 3D effect.

For the bedroom, the best solution will be natural, eco-friendly flooring with good acoustic characteristics, calm color. Suitable for this room:

  • Ladov Tales Natural (if no one suffers allergies) carpetwhich is nice to become barefoot. Synthetic carpet is colder to the touch
  • Linoleummarmoleum on thick substrate
  • If the budget allows natural Wood (Board, Parquet) or Cork
  • Laminate In the bedroom it is better to use a warm floor with the system, the main disadvantage of this coating is a heater sound

Children's need hypoallergenic, injury-safe (non-slip, preferably soft or elastic), resistant to dynamic loads and a variety of damage, well-purified by contaminants.

  • Excellent option - cork floor With shock-absorbing, sound-absorbing abilities, his minus - high cost
  • The most popular, although not the ideal for the children's option - laminate. It is better to choose an antibacterial, with a zero issue of emissions, and use a good substrate
  • Good decision - marmoleumunder which a thick substrate is required
  • If children are small and a lot of time spend in games on the floor, the successful choice will be curmarin with a short pile - It is easier to clean it, dust in it accumulates less
  • PVC tile
  • - Novelty, ideal for children-game, colorful, soft, elastic, hypoallergenic, not afraid of pollution material. This is a modular tile of ethylenevinyl acetate foamed polymer (EVA)

In the kitchen, the flooring should be moisture-resistant, chemically inert, hygienic, easy to clean against contamination.

  • Ceramic tile or porcelain- the most popular option
  • Can be used waterproof or moisture-resistant laminate under the tree or under the tile, depending on the style of the interior
  • Suitable quality linoleum with a thick protective layer
  • Massive board It looks spectacular, rich, but very good to care and requires careful circulation
  • Cork floor can be used in the kitchen, but it needs high-quality lacquer layer
  • Can be done polymeric bulk floors

Quite spacious cuisine are often zonied, in work zone Use tiles, and in dining - laminate, wood.

In the office it is customary to lay the floor of the tree (Parquet, parquet board) or laminate under the tree of strict colors, imitating noble wood.

Wear-resistant coatings will suit the hallway Semi-commercial or commercial laminate, linoleum is a well-in coloring, less often uses tile. Another option is a long-track carpet, which will delay the dirt, dust, but such a coating will have to be able to change, because it is difficult to clean it.

For bathroom Classic solution - Ceramic tile. Create original interior will allow bulk 3D gender. You can combine a flocked carpet tile using it in front of the bathroom, shower - in places where you often become bass legs.


The effect of flooring on health. The safest and most dangerous materials.


When choosing an optimal flooring for different rooms In the apartment, as well as the kitchen, bathroom, hallway, you need to focus on the degree of load on the floor, the likelihood of pollution and mechanical damage to the coating, the level of humidity in the room. They need to correlate with durability, wear resistance, moisture resistance, the peculiarities of care.

The age and state of the health of residents, injuries and hypoallergenicity of the coating should also be taken into account. For any room, you can find budget and elite, traditional and original solutions.

We will analyze the most popular coatings, and you already decide which of the same as the least.

To start, consider the source kitchen data

Before thinking that it is better to put on the floor in the kitchen, you need to think about where the room is located:

1. If we are talking about a high-rise building and middle floor, That almost any sex will be sufficiently warm and especially worried about insulation makes no sense.
2. A. if you live on the first floor or in private house, then there is another conversation, since in winter, without special heating, the floor can be just ice.

It also matters the initial humidity of the room, which, again, depends on the location. Particularly wet cuisines are on the first floors and in homes without base. Putting a wooden floor in such a kitchen, for example, you should not count on the fact that it will break for a long time and will not need a cycles.

But let's in order.

Which floors are and which of them are the most practical?

From the most popular and affordable covers today, you can allocate:

There are, of course, there are still cork floors, there are stone, but it is no longer so popular because the price is "biting." Therefore, we will not include them in our review, it is better to speak about them separately, given all the nuances.

Of all the above, we can say that the most practical floors are from tiles and bulk.

But the tile has one big minus - it is cold. The bulk floors are quite expensive. But we are all consider more in details in separate blocks, Considering both the advantages and disadvantages.

If you wish, you can make a combined floor, especially true for kitchens connected to the living room. Due to the transition of the texture, it is possible to successfully zonate the room.

About screed and insulation

When repair is in full swing, then the question of what coatings prefer - not the most burning. Now the main thing is the screed and alignment of the surface.

Before choosing the material from which the screed will be made, you need to think about what you put on top.

If the tile - then there is no difference that it will be down and come true cement mortar. And if it is a laminate, then it is better to make a gypsum screed using a mixture for this. Such gender will be released where warm and will be less moisture.

Also, the thickness of the screed may depend on what type of insulation you will choose.

And if you raised the screed high enough, then the wooden flooring is no longer very reasonable if the height of the ceilings you have a standard that is 2.5 meters. If you "steal" excess 10 cm, it will significantly affect the visual perception of the room.

And if you are also planning the ceiling, then it will be not good. And now let's be closer to the topic and talk about specific coverage.

Laminate in the kitchen

Laminate is good because its laying is a simple thing enough and not need to attract professionals for this. Also, it is enough to just care for him, it is rather durable, to the touch - warm, and the choice of colors and textures is more than huge.

In general, the laminate is a very good choice for the kitchen, if you buy it, considering the characteristics of the wear resistance and not to choose the cheapest option.

Of course, a class for commercial premises is not always needed, but the increased moisture resistance and focusing to the chips - does not hurt. By the way, quite recently, we wrote about that read necessarily.

Consider what the kitchen has a kitchen. You have a knife, heavy frying pan, meat grinder ... yes, anything. And restore the floor then it will be simply impossible.

Also if the room is wet, the same first floor, then the laminate will not be the most brilliant choice due to he has the "go" property.And if in the room of the medium humidity it is to maintain the initial species of 10 years, then in the wet in the fifth year they will begin to "turn out" the joints.

Do not forget that the kitchen is such a room where constantly sprinkled water. And the laminate of this very "does not like" and you need to constantly wipe the drops to keep the surface as long as possible.

Wooden floor

Parquet independently not to lay, of course. He is expensive, susceptible to abrasion and, in general, not the most the best way for kitchen.

But ordinary deck boards are what you need. The floor comes out very warm and without insulation, to care for him just and most importantly - no screed in this case, since the board is laid on the lags.

It is already for sale ready, so it is not necessary to cycle anything, just to put it, exposing supports in terms of level.

This option is not the most budget, but beautiful and eco. And considering what you save also on the screed, then this option has the right to consideration.

But here, too, do not forget that if a knife is shake into the tree, which fell from the height, there will remain scratch on it. But on the laminate - no. But on the laminate to walk barefoot unpleasantly, like on the glue, and on a wooden - very much.

But, as we have already written above, it is very cold in winter.

So, if your kitchen is sleeping badly, think three times before staying on the tile. It is not enough that the cooler itself, so also lowers the total degree of room. Not much, but still.

But, if the cold does not confuse you, or you are ready to warm the floor at the stage of laying a screed, then you can consider this option.

Tile is very demanding for the correctness and quality of laying. If it is badly laid, air gaps remained between it, then it will begin to "walk" very quickly in these places, and over time it will simply burst in this place. Also, the tile bursts from the fact that it falls cast iron skille... Clear from such an incident is unreasonable, because it happens anything and it is necessary to take into account all the options.

Finding a replacement of burst fragments is often impossible, since, fashion is changing quickly, the range in stores is also, so, this is also considering when you buy a building material. Let you have a couple of extra tiles, then.

Well, the last moment - the tile often happens very slippery and slip on it, if water is spilled on the floor - very simple. And to fall on the tile hurt, yes. And glasses crumble, falling on the hard surface instantly. But if they fell to laminate or tree, then nothing would happen to them.

What about which tile is better, it is difficult to speak. Naturally, it should not be for the walls, but outdoor.

If you have a flock of rhinos in your kitchen every day, you can choose the most ordinary, not the most impact-resistant. Dear porcelain stoneware, for example, is definitely not needed, it is more suitable for street patio.

Linoleum in the kitchen

Put linoleum on the floor under the power even a woman. But it must be placed exclusively on the smooth surface, otherwise, each sand and removal will be visible under the coating. Not only is it just ugly, it will still be climbing in these places with an incredible force.

Linoleum wear depends on its initial characteristics. There are softer options on which it is impossible to put something hard, as a mig is formed by a mig. And there are more dense, for offices and other commercial premises.

The main trouble of the linoleum is that he does not shine beautiful colors.

Color options in this case: Gray, light gray, dark gray, blue. If you manage to find something more interesting and with a pattern, it will be a big luck. We do not recommend imitation and tiles.

But the linoleum has one big minus. On him, all the time there are black stripes from the soles, to wash which - then the pleasure. Moreover, it's not just a street shoe here.

So, if you have children in your house who run a lot and "brake" soles, prepare for what you need to crawl with a cotton, sparkled acetone and wipe tracks.

Caring for him is completely minimal, There is such a floor well. Also, it is not afraid of moisture, is not afraid of shocks and scratches, but it cannot be called very hard to the touch.

The bulk floor is not cold, therefore, walking on it much more pleasant than on the tile.

More big plus Such floors are the possibility of choosing a very non-standard color. Here you can come up with anything. Although the image of the volumetric aquarium with fish, with a complete effect of 3d.

But bulk floors - so far the novelty, and therefore the price of them is not the most loyal.

Also great importance It has the skill of the stacker. Some can do it very inaccurately and the floor will look unevenly. And considering that he, mostly glossy, then in the sun will be visible every point and bubble.

Therefore, before you decide on the bulk sex, look for masters and look at the photos of their works, as well as read the reviews about this company.

And so, the bulk sex is very durable, they say that it serves for more than fifty years, while maintaining the original appearance. Honestly, we are taken by doubts about this expense, since, no one has canceled abrasion and microarthrope. And, if, even the ceramic tile is abruptly engaged in 50 years, how can the bulk sex be preserved if it is softer by definition?

Our article came to an end and we hope you have been a little determined with what floor should be done in the kitchen. We wish you all the best!

Be more practical
Wow-beauty of the floor you will quickly stop noticing. But the inconvenience in operation will be nervous for many years. Therefore, you need to choose what it will be convenient for you personally - everyone has their own habits.

Begin to choose which floors are better to do in the apartment, I advise with the analysis of habits and your own lifestyle.

  • Will be on the floor lying (play) Your children? - The material should be warm, it is easy to wash and be environmentally friendly. I usually advise a plug or wooden floors with a wax protective polishing (if necessary, with the "Warm floor" system).
Do you go home barefoot?- Rather, we need a material tactile pleasant, with a deep pile or wood texture.
  • Cooking usually standing?The harder coating - the faster we get tired of walking or standing on it. And then the tile is better preferred by the floor laid by a floating way.
  • Is there a large active dog in the house? In this case, the linoleum is best to roll: scratch it with claws much more difficult than the natural tree or the same laminate.
  • Do you have nervous neighbors? Those who are knocking on the battery at the slightest topot of your children / dogs? It is necessary to look for not only good noise insulation under the coating, but also the material that does not "sound." The same board is glued or laid by a floating method - gives a different effect (last quieter).

Take into account the purpose of the room
Obviously, carpet is not a place in the hallway; The tile without heating on the floor in the bedroom is hardly a reasonable solution. And the floor, as in the photo, is unlikely to suit absolutely for all rooms in the apartment.

In a series of articles and houzz is described in detail, toaka half the floor to choose for different rooms Apartments- I'll stop at this. I'll tell you how to choose the floor color.

Paul reddish-ocher tones
I will say about them separately, because the effect is not interior here, but psychological. Brick-redhead gamma reminds many of the Soviet carpets in state institutions and, possibly, boards on the floor of the group kindergarten: Lost and repeatedly repainted. Choose such colors for the floor in the apartment if you are looking for the effect of light "retro".

Very light (up to white) floor color- Almost the same radical decision as dark shades. But if the black color gives gravity and passionism, then white, on the contrary, allows you to "hang" the interior in weightlessness, make it ultrahagic. Quite often, designers use white in minimalist interiors (in the photo).

White floor works fine on the north side of the apartment, when the natural sun is small, and the room looks gray.

And another white floor is an ideal base for luxurious bright carpet surfaces: it effectively emphasizes the pattern and shade of the carpet.

Fact: Material depends on color
The lighter surface, the faster it is wearing in the process of operation. Therefore, in relation to the floor, the rule is: "The lighter - the more hard." White should be a porcelain stoneware, bulk floor, board under the oil, but not a carpet. The white carpet with a high pile is deliciously looking at the concept art, but in practice it turns into something gray and dull.

Nuance or contrast?Before choosing a floor covering, you need to decide: on the nuance you build an interior or in contrast. Contrast requires opposite colors: dark floor and bright furniture or vice versa. The nuance also suggests the color palette in a single scale, the differences in color should be barely noticeable.

Important: I would not advise you to pick up the furniture and the floor exactly in the tone - they should vary at least a few shades. Otherwise, the interior looks very monotonous.

Motley or monophonic?It is not only about tile - monophonic or with a pattern. The varietary tree (and its imitation) may be: for example, in the "Rustic" boards, the allowable scatter of shades to three tones - all these bones and zadorinka form apparent varnishes.

On the contrary, the plaques with the marking "Select" take when visually homogeneous space is required. Or a neutral background for the "motley" setting.

Visually warm, soft or vice versa?
"Cool" interior or support its overall "cool" mood with the help of lights of bright shades - including with the texture of a tree. In contrast with a warm floor, cold colors look more "convex".

Common mistakes

1. One coating in the whole apartment -the most common advice for small spaces, which "transfer" to the interiors in general. Yes, and in incorrectly understood. Children's and entrance halls are different purposes, materials (obviously) should be different. Otherwise, everything is what we called on reflecting at the beginning of the article, it is completely meaningless: what are the personal needs, what is the way of life? - Everywhere Laminate class 34 and ready!

2. Porcelain stoneware without a warm floor. This material is really very cold. So cold that it is impossible to walk without slippers on it, especially in winter. Add "Warm floor" after laying is impossible.

3. Too embossed surface of ceramics. Manufacturers of porcelain stoneware and tiles have learned to very realistically imitate the surface of the natural tree. And too fascinated by this. Today you can meet the tile, imitating the brushed boards, with deep furrows. Dirt clogs into these furrows, and launder them even pleasure.

4. Glossy surface in wet zones. It looks very impressive, but if a puddle is formed on the floor, and you will come to her, it will not be up to beauty. I cross out the polished natural stone and glossy tiles from the list of candidates for the floor in the kitchen or bathroom.

5. Violation of the technology of "Cake". First of all, it concerns laminate, parquet and massive board. It is important here and the perfect quality of the draft floor, and the correct substrate. Ignore the requirements of the manufacturer on technology and the structure of the Pie Floor is unacceptable - otherwise, the coating will be out of order, and it will have to be changed.

Instead of conclusions
So, to understand what floor covering is better for the apartment, you need to answer three questions:

  1. What coverage requirements dictates your lifestyle: safety, tactile sensations, appearance or hygiene purity?
  2. How does the design of the room affect the preferred type of coating?
  3. Which of the covers available on the budget decide the first and second task?
Arguing according to this scheme, you can choose a flooring for each room. And remember that bad coatings do not happen. It happens their misuse.

And what do you think what flooring is better to choose for an apartment? Tell me what were guided by choosing a flooring to your home. Is there something to regret after repair? Or, on the contrary, then what are proud of?