
We make furniture from cardboard with your own hands. Mastery Cardboard Furniture

All about grapes

The manufacture of furniture from cardboard Today, the exercise is fashionable, in the West has long been widespread, so you can find master classes in the photo and video, "patterns" for furniture, as well as stories in the blogs of those who are already fully implementing their fantasies, and a lot of excellent examples for inspiration. And in bookstores - books telling detail about the process.

Furniture from cardboard is made according to a certain technology, so it turns out quite strong to serve in direct appointment (tables, chairs, dressers, shelves), and not just stand in the corner as proof of your creative usefulness.

Unlimited possibilities for creating forms and decorating the surface - painting, painting, decoupage, volumetric decoupage, tiping cloth and God knows what else - allow you to realize the most fantastic ideas, the incarnation of which you never meet in furniture stores. The technology is not particularly expensive, materials are inexpensive, and practically anyone can try their strength in this type of applied creativity.

In addition, I think that after purchasing the necessary skills, experience and your own developments, you can try to organize a piece of furniture manufacturing from cardboard.

You will need the source material, that is, an ordinary packaging cardboard. If you recently bought household appliances Or furniture and have not thrown boxes yet - let them in the case. If at home did not find anything suitable, walk to the nearest store and ask to give you a packaging container.

Required tools and materials:

1. Packaging paper of brown and white color (for salabing outside and inside)
2. Stationery knife for cutting cardboard (regularly change blades so that the cutting quality is clean) or scalpel, electrolovik
3. The thermoclane gun and glue bars to it be careful when using it, because Glue hot (acting instantly)
4. Glue PVA
5. Liquid Glue "Moment" (Figure), is used to apply glue to large surfaces, cards does not wines and there is no need to use the load
6. Glue for wood high-speed (5 min.)
7. Wallpaper glue universal
8. Parquet varnish to make furniture waterproof
9. Protective Scotch, Paper for Clamps "Ribs" and Wet Sponge
10. Craft paper or paper
11. Metal ruler 50 cm. Where the zero gradation is equal to the beginning of the line, the metal line 80 cm. Or 1 m. (Used for cutting)
12. Santimeter
13. Pencil, gum, brushes (for glue)
14. Emery paper for processing (grinding) of sections

Types of cardon

In the manufacture of furniture from cardboard, a packing cardboard is used, which can be found in furniture stores, electrical appliances, in autogaras.
The thickness of the cardboard plays a big role, which is measured by layers. Cardboard layer are small waves from which it consists. As a rule, the more such layers, the stronger the cardboard. Depending on the type of furniture and / or part of the model in the manufacture of furniture, one-, two and three-layer cardboard are used.

Single-layer cardboard is most often used to fill the inner walls of models with rounded, curves; To fill the inner walls of models with straight lines, it is preferable to use two or three-layer cardboard. Also, the cardboard is a darker color usually more durable than light.

The front side of the cardboard is smoother, on which you can meet the inscriptions, the exhaust is less smooth.

It is very important to take into account the direction of "waves" of cardboard, the strength of the furniture depends on this. Usually, when duplicating the walls of furniture (consists of two glued identical parts), the first "cuts out" on the cardboard, where the layers (waves) are directed vertically, the second, on the contrary, where the layers go horizontally.

In the manufacture of furniture you will be useful to any cardboard. As a rule, it is measured by layers (these are small waves that can be seen on the cut): the more layers, the stronger the cardboard. You can meet one-, two- and three-layer cardboard: one-layer is most often used to fill the inner walls of objects with rounded, curves; Two-layer and three-layer - to fill the inner walls of items with straight lines. Cardboard has a facial (smoother on which the inscriptions are applied) side and the wrong (less smooth).

Kraft Paper (Papier Kraft)

Kraft paper brown color Used only outside the furniture. It sticks with glue for wallpaper on the finished shape (furniture). It must be broken, and in no case do not cut with scissors. This processing is needed in order to make the surface smoother, prepare it for further salary decorative paper.

At first, the Kraft paper serves to puncture all the edges and seams of furniture, then the entire area of \u200b\u200bfurniture.

White craft paper is used to envelop the entire surface of the furniture, when the subsequent decor is made in light tones of fine, transparent paper. If you do not have a white craft, you can use dark and then covered with one layer of white actultural paint).

P.S. Some replace the craft paper on the traction (paper for grids), it is also thin and cheaper (it is also necessary to tear, and not cut), but for the crossing of the angles, protective tape (sold by a roll), which glues a wet sponge.

Cutting cardboard

For cutting of cardboard, you can use the jigsaw (the simplest model with blades for cutting metal). Its use saves time and results in more clear forms, TC, at a time, you can cut several layers of cardboard (facade, internal and rear walls, after biting them with paper scotch). Using the jigsaw, do not try to challenge the form at a time, it is better to bring the line to the corner, take the jigsaw and cut to cut, taking a little away from the corner. The remaining corners are then cutting with a cutting knife.

When using a cutting knife (CATER) so that the lines are clear, you need to take a heavy metal line, which is put on the cut line and are carried out with a knife.

Furniture shape and size

When you make a drawing of your furniture, consider not only the harmony of forms, but also their balance. It is very important. Furniture, with a large protrusion, not proportional to it, will not be stable. In case of symmetric furniture, you can draw only half of the model, the second half of which will only be transferred to cardboard. It is also no need to forget about the proportions of the depth and width of future furniture, and, of course, about its use.

The furniture consists of at least 3-elements: the facade, the rear wall and one or more internal elements. Internal elements are parts of the cardboard on which scubons are put in which the transverse parts are then inserted, which make up the skeleton of furniture. Their number depends on the depth of the furniture, as well as on the desired stability of furniture, depending on its forms, nr curved or with different levels of depth. Furniture, a depth of 30 cm, just one inner element.

It is also necessary to think about the future use of your furniture, in order to determine its structure: the furniture on which the alarm clock or TV is strengthened in different ways. All this affects the quantity and location of scubons on the inner element of furniture. Also at the time of designing furniture, you must always keep 0.6 cm. "Clothes" of furniture (crackle-paper and decorative paper), which will be added to the end of your furniture.

Where to begin?

It is not necessary to immediately take for a closet of a complex shape or a chest of drawers with many boxes and shelves, you need to start with something small to understand the technology, understand the details and do not overcome in the middle of the way. You can use ready-made patterns from books or from sites, and you can come up with something. It will be very interesting to try their forces on furniture for children, for example, a small table or shelf, or tobabere. If you attract a child to this lesson - new furniture It will become the most beloved, because it will be done with my mother or dad. In addition, it is light and safe, and when decorating your baby will finally paint the table or a chair, without fearing to spoil furniture.

To make a small table, you need to carve two parts from a solid cardboard in the form of a future tabletop (a regular rectangle, a circle, oval or something else) and cutting the cardboard strips of a width equal to the desired table top thick (about 7-10 cm). Then, one of the surfaces apply hot glue and stick the cardboard strips folded by a harmonic edge to the base. The more you stick strips, the more durable will be your table.

As a result of this operation, you will get a kind of cellular surface. Cover it the second part of the table top and glue. Then take the sides of the cardboard strips, and to get smooth edges, take the edges of the basics of paper.

Is the familiar cardboard suitable for furniture production? Is it possible to make high-quality chairs, stools, tables, bedside tables and other elements, without which it is difficult to imagine a modern home.

On the one hand, everyone knows that cardboard is mechanically not too stable material, so rarely who represents that the furniture from it will be strong and reliable.

But this is a fact, from the cardboard it is quite possible to make not only lockers and beds for dolls, but also chairs that will easily withstand the weight of an adult.

Such interior items will serve for a long time, they are safe in environmental terms. But most importantly dignity in the other: cardboard furniture can create each, implementing the most courageous fantasies.


Attentive look around will help determine where the furniture from cardboard is most suitable. It is reasonable to start from the children's room.

Sets of children's furniture, both for games and for normal use, produce many companies, and therefore everything can be reproduced independently.

For children from cardboard, tables, chairs, docks and stools make. The toy castle, in which the child will fit freely and can play in it, suggests itself.

The same can be said about numerous shelves, shelves, racks, chests, drawers for toys.

If you go to the living room from the nursery, then the first eye on the eyes the dining table with chairs. All this is done from the cardboard, and it turns out beautiful, even fashionable. It is only necessary to use the right assembly methods and select suitable materials.

Note! Chandelier from threads - how to make with your own hands? Step-by-step instruction With photos and videos!

Racks or cabinets for dishes are completely able to make even novice self-taper furnituremen. What to talk about small objects.

A variety of drawers, shelves, organizers and other elements that will be abundant in each room can be collected from corrugated or single-layer cardboard, giving them a stunning appearance.

If you have some practice from cardboard, you can produce real masterpieces of furniture art. It is enough to get acquainted with the activities of experienced masters, to see how difficult, multifunctional and unexpectedly original can be products from, it would seem normal paper.

From the little things to office kits

Cardboard, as a material for the production of furniture, is rapidly in fashion. Whole directions of such furniture art are created, each of the companies operating in this market works in their style.

Almost everything is easy, from the original lamp for the desk, to the table itself and even to the bulky furniture for books, documents and clothing.

Surprise that cardboard is able to withstand mechanical loads, it is not worth it. Paper, as everyone knows, is made of cellulose, which, in turn, is the basis of wood.

And everyone knows the strength of the tree and short opportunities Its applications. Therefore, to ensure the strength of cardboard products, it is enough to collect them, as it should. Moreover, there are many on the market specifically for these purposes of the designed cardboard, as well as different species glue, paints and other finishing materials.

On the street like at home

Owners of cafes and restaurants recently actively use cardboard chairs and tables as furniture for summer sites.

This is an extremely reasonable solution. Cheap, beautiful, and even with the prospects of trouble-free disposal, if there is a need for this.

Naturally, cardboard furniture poorly withstands the effect of water, but it's not so difficult to save it from the rain, placing under the canopies.

How and from what makes cardboard furniture yourself?

For the manufacture of furniture use corrugated cardboard. This is a product that consists of alternating layers of smooth and wavy paper glued together. In the lower and upper part of such a cardboard - ordinary paper. His strength depends on the quality of paper, and on the number of layers (from one layer and more, usually up to seven).

What corrugated cardboard pick up for some furniture? The less load, the less layers. For lampshar, a single-layer, for a bookcase - preferably a five-layer one.

It should be remembered that the cardboard has the front side and wrong. White products are considered better, light brown - less, although this rule does not always work.

Set of tools and accessories

To fully work with cardboard, you should stock:

  • scissors of various sizes;
  • stationery knives and / or medical scalpels;
  • metal (plastic will not fit) rules, from 30 cm to 100 cm;
  • a special self-healing rug for cutting, or just a sheet of plywood suitable size;
  • simple pencils;

  • shill;
  • a thermoclaster and a special pistol to it, PVA glue, "moment" glue and other types of glue;
  • tassels for applying glue;
  • emery paper;
  • damp sponge;
  • internal work varnish
  • gloves to protect hands.

Naturally, cardboard needs, but it is already necessary to select it in accordance with the requirements of each individual project.

You should be ready to acquire additional tools, accessories and accessories, as it is impossible to take into account all at the stage of the process of organizing the process.

Where to start?

Starting with the organization of the workplace. It will take normal lighting, several square meters On the floor (there may be a separate table), the shelves for the tool and accessories.

As for projects, it should be started with simple things to gain experience and feel the material. Further, after the technique is working out, you can proceed to complex projects.

Photo of furniture from cardboard in the interior

Give or make a home for her dolls for her daughter - it's just the beginning. Next, this house will have to furnish. It is a bunch of toy furniture, techniques, accessories. On how to make furniture for dolls will be told in this article.

How to determine the size

Dolls, their houses and furnishings are reduced copies of us and our dwellings. And the most reliable way to make doll furniture with your own hands and not mistaken - measure the real items, reduce them several times, and then work with the obtained values.

Furniture for dolls - copies of our furniture

How much to reduce real sizes depends on how small or a great doll is, because they are from 7 cm to 60 cm or even higher. Accordingly, the furniture for them needs different sizes. To determine the number to which real dimensions should be divided, the average human growth in centimeters (170 cm) is divided to the height of the doll. We get some kind of number. Here on it and it will be necessary to divide the size of real furniture.

For example, the height of the doll is 15 cm. Calculate: 170 cm / 15 cm \u003d 11.3. That is the number and divide all the parameters of "human" furniture. It is still worth saying that it is 14-15 cm that is the most popular size among the doll population. Therefore, most of the finished furniture is made in a ratio of 1:12. It is possible for us to use existing dimensions at least in order to be oriented with the scale of the required parts and the number of materials.

So, the most common sizes of dolls:

  • doll-man 150 mm;
  • doll-Woman - 140 mm;
  • doll-child - 75-100 mm;
  • toy baby - 65-75 mm.

If you need furniture for dolls of such sizes, its parameters will be such:

If you have more toys more / less, you can not adjust the dimensions. With a great difference, you will have to increase or decrease (and you can count on your own).

Doll Furniture made of match boxes

The easiest way to do furniture for dolls do it yourself from ordinary match boxes. They are glued with the help of PVA glue, creating certain structures, then glued with paper or cloth, self-adhesive film, etc. You can use wooden beads as legs, drawers for drawers from small butt on legs or from long beads.

From match boxes you can make chairs, table, chest of drawers, bed, bedside table. Another thing is that the furniture is obtained for very small dolls, no more than 10 cm high. Although, you can use a larger number of boxes, gluing them into blocks, and from these blocks to create furniture for dolls with a height of about 15 cm. Also, but to work with others Materials are not much more complicated, and they are more plastic and allow you to create products of more elegant forms.

It may be your first experience in making puppet furniture. Later it will be possible to take on something more serious.

Furniture for a doll house of cardboard

You can try your hand in the manufacture of furniture for dolls using cardboard. The material is inexpensive, affordable, it will be possible to try and mistake, redo. Cardboard usually connect with the help of PVA glue, you can use a glue gun or any universal glue that can glue cardboard, fabric, wood. Just making furniture for dolls with your hands from cardboard, you will also use these materials. If we talk about convenience, it is preferable to the adhesive gun - glitter quickly, it is convenient to work comfortably, the connection is reliable.

To make furniture for dolls, you can use the usual packing cardboard. He is cheap, but the furniture from it turns out very tender. It is unlikely that the child is enough for a long time. But, as "first experience", this a good option. More reliable obtained products from cardboard for scrapbooking. It is a tight, uniform, has a different thickness (from 2 mm and more), may be with a textured surface, extruded by one-photon patterns, a pattern with one or both of both sides. The lack of such cardboard is to buy it, and some types of such cardboard are not too cheap.

Cardboard Bed for Dolls

This bed for dolls from cardboard is designed for a large doll - up to 50 cm of height. If necessary, all specified dimensions can be reduced.

This option can be made literally for 10-20 minutes. It does not need glue or other clamps. Details are kept due to grooves cut in cardboard. The width of the groove is equal to the thickness of the cardboard, the length of the slots and the size of the blanks are listed on the diagram.

Green and yellow dots indicate the combined cuts. They are inserted alone in another, on what the assembly ends. If you like this model, it can be done from plywood.

Schemes for the manufacture of cardboard doll furniture

Basically, furniture for dolls from cardboard is glued. To make something openwork from this material or very complicated is unlikely to succeed, but the manufacture of simple models does not take much time. Having a diagram with dimensions, you can even do without explanation. Everything is so clear.

Such models can be done on the eye. Without a "upholstery" they look unsightly, but after quite a decent bedside table with doors and open shelf - scheme one, different execution

Furniture schemes for dolls can be used not only for making cardboard. They can be transferred to the paneur and cut with a jigsaw.

Cabinet for dolls of girlfriend

The toy cabinet can be made of plywood, paint or envelop wrapping paper or self-adhesive film. There, probably, the questions will not arise - everything is clear, and if there are questions, you can look at their solution in the "natural" closet. But you can make it from all inexpensive materials. Furniture for dolls with your own hands and good that the cost of it is very small.

From a cardboard box

The main task is to find a box of dense cardboard suitable size. Moreover, it will be easier to work if it is packaging - with rejuvenable edges. Such a bending part is the finished door. It will only be necessary to finish it - hang the mirror, attach the handle, etc.

One of the options for homemade furniture la dolls - wardrobe

What is needed for work

It will take good tape for work, better - on a paper basis, as it is then easier to glue the finish. If there is a glue gun or construction (a large stationery fit) stapler with brackets is also not bad. If, in addition to cardboard and paper, you will also use other materials, the glue is better to find the universal, which glue paper, cardboard, fabric, plastic. We still need scissors and a stationery knife, a ruler.

If the box found is too big, it can be reduced, cutting off unnecessary. So that the bends were smooth, take a ruler. We apply to the place of the future fold, several times we go along the lineup of a stupid solid object (with a snap or fork). After that, the cardboard bend will be easy.

Filling for a toy cabinet

From trimming or from another box, cut the shelves. They should be a little - by 5-8 mm - longer and wider inner cabinet space. Surplus bend so that sides are formed from all sides. In the corners, folds are formed, they are gently cut off. One of the parts bending 180 ° and glue to the shelf itself. This side of the shelf will "look into the world." Three other parts bend at an angle of 90 °, we wash the glue and the shelves insert into the closet. In the photo on the right you can see how the shelves are glued. But that the places of attachments do not get into the eyes, the sides are better to wrap down.

Make furniture for dolls with your own hands - it's no less pleasure than playing with her

In addition to the shelves, you can still make a crossbar for hangers. It can be made from bamboo speakers, for example, you can try to use a tube for juices, a wire, etc. Hangers can also be twisted from color wire or cut from bags from juice, from plastic bottles etc.

Finish - creative process

Next, it's a finish. You can paint the cardboard with watercolor or acrylic (better) paints, shove the wrapping paper, cloth, felt. You can simulate a mirror surface - to attach foil (food, for example). If you want to make a "plastic" surface, look for bottles from under the water of the desired color, cut off the neck and bottom, and the "body" use as a finishing material.

Finishing - the process is creative, but, first, use the materials simpler, softer, feel easier to work with them

Handles can be made of wire, from beads, long beads. For toy larger cabinets, you can find buttons or buttons. All this "beauty" adhesive after "washing" the cabinet.

Warding Doll Cabinet Newspapers

We need old newspapers, PVA glue with a tassel, a glue gun, a couple of wires or threads, wrapping paper for trim and paint.

From the newspapers twist the dense tubes, we wash them along the edge of the PVA and leave up to dry. Then the tubes can be glued together. For this operation better suitable Adhesive pistol. There are two ways: first collect large blocks, then chop them into fragments of the desired length or immediately cut the tubes of the desired length and glue immediately blanks in size. The second path is more painting, but the waste is less.

The finished walls of the cabinet should be copped with each other. To rigidly fix the angle of 90 ° better to use a thin wire. First, wash the joints with glue, then put the walls one to another. If the wires interfere, they can be removed after drying the glue.

For the same technology, the bottom, the top, shelves are glued. Doors will need to do a little differently. So that they open up, two strips of about 1.5 cm wide from the scotch. On the edge of the door, the tape is sampled so that a little more than half hung in the air. With this free tape, we glue the door to the wall, but so that between the wall and the door there was a clearance of 2-3 mm (just tape). This will give the opportunity to close the doors. The glued door is fixed on the other side of the second scotch band.

The second way to fasten the doors - on wire. Only this time it should be tough and thick enough. Cut a piece that is 2 cm longer than the height of the cabinet. Immediately on the wire on the one hand, we make a loop using 1 cm. The loop is bending at an angle of 90 ° to the wire. Make a hole in the bottom and roof, we skip the wire through the bottom, the loop remains downstairs. We wear the door on the wire using the extreme tube instead of hinges. Slightly flexing the wire, we produce it into the hole in the roof of the cabinet, bending the surplus, fixing the door. We repeat the same operation with another door. Please note the door to the tape is needed to finish the cabinet, and on the wire - it is possible after.

There are some little things that need to say a few words. The legs and handles for the cabinet can also be made of paper tubes. Just twisted them from the paper that you finish the toy. Cutting it into a dense roller, the edge is glued with glue, then cut on the segments of the desired length and stick to the right places. Instead of the tubes there may be wooden sticks, beads, etc.

Puppet Bookcase or Lines Shelf

You can make furniture for dolls with your own hands from school wooden lines. They are good for those already processed, have the same width and thickness. In the stationery store you can find the desired size - more / less, wider / already - at will. For example, for the manufacture of a puppet bookcase, you need 6 lines of 15 cm long.

Still, you will need a jigsaw. If there is an electric - excellent, if not, is suitable and manual, as it is not too much work. We also need emery paper with small grain, glue (PVA or carpentry) and paint (acrylic or gouache).

From the line, cut segments: 4 pieces of 6 cm, one - 8 cm. The edges sand up to an even state, remove the markup and bar codes. Between the two line, we have the shelves (which are 6 cm), we leave the same distance from above the same distance - under the cover (segment of 8 cm). The joints are missing the PVA liner or carpentry, we connect and tighten with a painting tape, we leave for a day. When the glue is dry, we glue the latest item - the lid on top. Actually, the shelf itself is ready, it remains to paint it.

To obtain a smooth and bright color, the design is better covered with white, after drying it is already painted with the desired tint. Also made with your own hands, doll furniture can be decorated in.

Furniture for dolls: photo ideas

You can make furniture for dolls with your own hands from the most unexpected materials. How to use newspapers and wooden rules you have already seen. But you can make tables, chairs, chairs, sofas, beds, shelves, cabinets, etc. From sticks for ice cream.

Garden bench or sofa - depending on the finish

What is good for this material, you probably have already understood - it has rounded treated edges, the same in size and well-processed. If the sticks seem too rough, milk them to smoothness with the help of sandpaper with small grain.

From the clothespins, quite good chairs and chairs are obtained. They are disassembled on halves and are connected using joinery glue. Figure products are obtained by almost several dozen minutes.

Armchair, table - also you can make clothespins

Almost always for the manufacture of doll furniture use wooden clothespins. But no one forbids to take plastic. It is also difficult to work with them just the difficulty in the fact that the wooden is easier to refine, changing the thickness of the form, etc. If the product is simple, refinement does not require, you can also take plastic. They are more diverse in shape and sizes, already painted, so there is less than one with them.

With an increase in skill, you can go to a more complex material - a fane or wood. The complexity is that the outtage and cutting of miniature parts requires filigree accuracy, perfection and takes away the mass of time. But you can do everything you wish.

Corner writing desk for doll ....

Plywood Wardrobe Cabinet - Play Accuracy Very High

The store has a lot of varieties of houses for Barbie dolls, but, unfortunately, with furniture, very few options, if there are such, then they only have a cot or a table. We decided to make furniture alone using cardboard furniture schemes (for dolls). If you love creativity, practically with him on "you", you can try your strength and make yourself and the house itself, which will save your budget at times. Let's try using the article to answer the question of how to make furniture from cardboard for dolls.

Mastery of cardboard

As in any house, in the first place the living room, let's start to furnish with furniture. The first, where we start - this is a sofa. We need a pattern of furniture from cardboard for dolls, it is possible to prepare it from ordinary white paper. Next, cut out of thick corrugated cardboard in the amount of 1 pc. The bottom of the sofa is 10 x 20 cm in size. Rear wall is also in the amount of 1 pc. 13 x 20 cm in size. Side backs in the amount of 2 pcs. Size 1 part 8.5 x 10 cm. Billets are ready, now the sofa must be melted soft and bring closer to reality. To do this, we use the foam rubber, the thickness at your discretion, but remember, if it is thin, then it is necessary to cut several parts and glue with each other. In the case of a foam foam with a thickness of 1cm, it will be enough to cut 1 details of the back and sideways, and the bottom is better than 2-3 parts. We supply ready-made blanks on the foam rubber and cut out, then foam rubber and billets glue with any available PVA glue.

The upholstery of the sofa can be any (skin, suede, fabric), that is, you can just use what you have in stock. We are tightening with ordinary cloth. The sides with the foam rubber look inside, so special attention is paid to them.

After all the details are ready, they must be glued into one design, for this use the glue "moment", or something else but strong fixation.

Decorate the sofa with soft pillows and an extra seat. To do this, cut the parts equal to the bottom in the amount of 2pcs from the foam rubber. And sew the case in the same sizes, insert the foam over the hole and squeeze. By the same principle, make a back and pillows. From the segment of wool fabric, make an additionally warm plaid for your doll. The sofa is ready, you can safely make it in your house for doll.

Chair from cardboard

Cardboard armchair create the same way as the sofa. Number of 2 pieces. The dimensions of the patterns take from the sofa, the only thing that is needed is to reduce the length of the back and the bottom of the sofa.

Mastery in the bedroom Bed from cardboard

No bedroom will do without a bed. And B. children's house A cot for doll is needed. It can make it from dense cardboard. To do this, prepare patterns: bottom of 26 x 18 cm, a side back of 9 x 8 x 18 cm. Cut from cardboard to cut 1 part. We use a sidewall in the form of a trapezium, you can fantasize your taste or use the usual rectangle with a size of 18 x 8 cm.

From the foam rubber cutting to the bottom of 3 parts of the same size, on the sidewall 2 parts. We glue the foam rubber to the base of the cardboard and tighten the cloth. The legs for the bed are also made of cardboard. To do this, cut out 4 squares with a size of 5 x 5 cm and approximately 1 cm on any side we make cuts at a distance from each other at 0.5 cm. Twist the square into the tube and to the side, flexing the cut strips, we glue the leg to the bed with the help of them. So we do with all the legs. We make pillows for the bed, instead of the blanket you can use a piece of fabric. Cot for the doll is ready, we put it in the bedroom, and you can put a doll to rest.

Mastery in the kitchen Chair from cardboard

We continue the topic, how to make furniture from cardboard for dolls, and we are demanding further dollhouse. In order to make a chair, you need a dense cardboard format A4.

Prepare to start the circuit and transfer it to cardboard. Mark the folds of folds. Getting Started with stool blanks with material or skin and remember that on the back of the seams are hidden on the front side, and on the seat - on the inside. The chair for the doll is formed by dotted lines, these places can be a little bitten before the salary. Seat attaching a strong fixation glue. If you will be decorated with ribbons or additional decorative materials.

Table for kitchen doll house

What kitchen without a table? We continue to make crafts from cardboard. Furniture for dolls We only perform from dense material.

For the table leg, you can use a cardboard sleeve. Either you can take a regular cardboard and tightly twist it into the tube. We accumulate with color or white paper. Cut the worktop in the form of a circle and also belable with colored paper. We connect with an adhesive pistol a table top and leg. Decorate the table with a tablecloth from pieces of material and, if you wish, we make napkins. Table for the kitchen is ready.

Cardboard Cabinet in Doll House

Developing the topic, how to make furniture from cardboard for dolls, solve the problem with scattered dresses and other things.

To work, we will use the ready-made cardboard box. In the help of a stationery knife, we remove the upper and lower valve, leaving only the side, in the future they will serve as the cabinet doors.

Cut the inside of the box suitable color, You can use self-adhesive wood wallpaper.

Prepare templates for the shelves and cut them out of cardboard. Dimensions Consider based on your box, measuring the height and width over the inside. It is necessary to save them as the same color as the inside of the cabinet. We connect the shelves with an adhesive gun.

In the nearby cabinet department, glue a cocktail tube and make a hanger strap. Outside the box can also be saved with paper or color. On one door as an option with a mirror, you can stick a piece of foil. Fill the wardrobe and install it in your house.

TV from cardboard

What is the house without a TV? To create it, we will need, as in all products, dense cardboard. We prepare two identical details of 15 x 12 cm in size. Glue them with each other. For the plasma effect, you can save a cardboard TV with black scotch. If such is not at hand, the usual black paper is suitable. Begin first, first all the side parts, and then only flat panels. The leg can be made from the usual cap from the felt-meter, also decorate it with a scotch.

As a stand, you can take two matchbox and glue with each other, additionally go to ordinary paper and only then decorate into the tone of the TV. Hot glue crepaim the leg to the TV and to the base of the matchboxes. Cut out of any children's magazine beautiful picture, just smaller than the TV screen and glue it to the plasma. We place in the house and please your doll.

With the help of the article, we disassembled the main options for arranging a house of cardboard and answered the question of how to make furniture from cardboard for dolls.

Based on this, fantasize, invent your options and please children with new ideas.

Furniture from cardboardnew Trend. In the movement of recycling, that is, in turning unnecessary to the right one. Melts from all over the world make from ordinary cardboard boxes Full furniture, and today we will see which one.

I am sure that you have repeatedly concerned the question of how you can use cardboard boxes, especially from under the technique of type refrigerators and televisions. They are such new, beautiful, durable. Sorry to throw out! A little bit, very little work - and you will have excellent furniture from cardboard.

Furniture from cardboard looks completely like ordinary furniture - for example, in the photo on the right you see the rack from ordinary cardboard boxes, inserted one into the other, placed on the ends with paper tape and painted waterproof paint in white color. This rack costs the hosts in the price of a liter canister of paint, and looks very worthy. As you can see, if you clean the cardboard well, the furniture becomes quite water-repellent and many vases with flowers can be placed.

Note the photo above and the photo on the left is that this furniture from cardboard is easy to disassemble - the boxes are not glued, but are connected by plastic clamps, such as those who use in street cafes so that the wind does not carry a tablecloth from the tables.

You probably have doubts that the furniture from cardboard is quite durable. I also had them. But I was convinced that if you take two boxes from under the technique (one slightly less than another) of a dense corrugated cardboard and insert one box to another, then the resulting "double" box turns out to be quite rigid design.

Furniture from cardboard is not intended for large loads, but drawing up books or accessories into it, as in the photo on the right, it is quite possible. As you can see in the photo, the cardboard does not bend under the weight of books, and the furniture from cardboard looks like a full-fledged purchase rack.

Of course, making furniture from cardboard must be carefully - carefully cut "closures" from the boxes, insert one box to another, if necessary, if a smaller box is too small, and a blank space remains between its walls and walls of a large box, pave this space by other sheets of cardboard . Crop the boxes so that their cut (shelves' ends) were smooth. Skin this cut paper scotchpie (you can first point it to be a smooth surface). To raise the place where the scotch and cardboard is closed. And carefully paint.

However, you can not paint furniture from cardboard, but to leave the remnants of the wallpaper:

Furniture from cardboard can be wrapped inside with a beautiful cloth, as in the photo on the left, and then to this fabric on the pins, trailers all sorts of accessories - photos, notes, reminders, etc. In the photo on the left, however, not furniture from cardboard, and furniture made from under wine, but the essence of the same.

To hide the furniture from cardboard with cloth, use the usual stationery buttons, well pressing them fabric.

Collecting together a lot of cardboard boxes and paint them in different colors, you will get excellent furniture for the nursery. Such cardboard furniture can help you very much for the period between moving and final repairs.

In such an improvised rack, many children's things will enter, and it will cost you about 500 rubles (Bank of white paint and several calves).

But it is especially important in the furniture from the cardboard that the kid itself can participate in its manufacture, and it will be very good.

If you are going to make furniture from cardboard not for saving considerations, but from creative - use different paints, fabrics, remnants of wallpaper, pieces of self-adhesive film, etc. Petray combination can be very beautiful, if you carefully pick up colors!

Furniture from cardboard, as I mentioned above, - perfect solution For nursery. Firstly, it is very cheap, so you can relax on the subject of damage. Secondly, it can be made anything, and this stimulates your and child fantasy.


It is difficult to believe, but the table in the photo on the left is also from the cardboard. Again inserted one into another cardboard boxes. They are glued together and are saved by self-adhesive film under the tree. What acts as a countertop, I did not quite understand - perhaps the chipboard board, and maybe there are also several layers of cardboard.

Furniture from cardboard has become so popular in the West, which agency appeared in Australia, which manufactures it on an industrial scale. In the photo on the right - a table of cardboard, fully made of secondary raw materials, that is, no one needs cardboard boxes. All cardboard furniture is very durable and can be used as ordinary furniture.

In order to be better seen that furniture from cardboard, the manufacturer does not paint it.


Well, in order not to get up twice, I will tell you in this article about the furniture from the boxes, which are used by trading networks for transportation and storage of products.

In the West, everyone just go crazy for such furniture, and on sites, where it is told how to make furniture from cardboard or from boxes, even write: "If you are lucky enough to find drawers from fruit or wine ..." Why was lucky - because retailers As a rule, relate to their property very tremble and try to squeeze out of the packaging maximum possible, the boxes are used to complete wear, so finding boxes in good condition is not easy.

But sometimes they can be obtained as a gift when buying wine in large volumes.

And then the Europeans expected to work to work in complete delight of Masters or the same racks as cardboard furniture in the photo above, or other interesting things.

Special chic is considered not to paint the boxes, but leave them in pristine form - with all scratches, the stamps of the former owner and stains. Boxes are only sandwiched to avoid the dominance, and their appearance remains the same.

It comes to the fact that famous designers, creating an environmental interiors, make custom furniture, imitating furniture from drawers, as in the photo above.

It is very fashionable to fasten to the drawer wheels and get a cot for a doll, as in the photo on the right, mobile nightstand or drawer for flowers, as in the photo below.

It is clear that applications from such a box on wheels can be a lot - for example, in this way we can make a serving table if you put boxes on the side.

Furniture from boxes can be almost any - here, for example, someone made for their living room and a coffee table, and a rack from the same boxes, painting their white paint.

My taste is rude, but it is obvious that the owner and sought this effect. In general, this is such an uneven, coarse color or the complete absence of such as in the photo above, is now in great fashion.

It is funny, but you can make furniture even from plastic boxes that are used to transport bottles as in the photo on the right. Adjust the legs from below, and from above - a pillow, and here you have a beautiful funny empty. Of course, he is not suitable for any interior.

You probably noticed in all photos in this article that the furniture from cardboard and from the boxes is not universal - it is suitable only to the interiors with a high proportion of humor, built on the nobility of the owners to all expensive and glamorous and on their love for everything ridiculous, homemade.

For example, this post bed one Spaniard made from two plywood boxes, screwing on top of the old shelf to them and painting independently acrylic paint. Nothing special, but pleasure is the process of manufacture. Plus, she does not stand anything, but the eye is still pleased.

Excellent wall shelves can be made of plywood or wooden boxes. It is very simple - saw the box, sand it and cover with varnish or paint according to your taste. Pastoral, cute, funny.


See which boxes for dishes can be made of fruit plywood boxes:

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