
Corner fireplace in the interior (50 photos): stylish options and beautiful design. Fireplaces in the interior of an apartment or at home: design and design ideas

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Hello, dear readers! In today's review will be presented corner fireplaces. We have not decided to affect this topic, as in the conditions of saving the space of home premises, many people either try to abandon the fireplace, or are looking for ways to solve this interior attribute to ergonomically. As it turned out, there is a yield, and it is elementary to disgrace, just needed, place such a welcome fireplace in any non-exploit corner of the room. Many current photos are shown below, and they demonstrate not only internal angular fireplaces, but also external angular fireplaces, that is, those that occupy an external edge of the angle.

Advantages of angular fireplaces.

  • Saving space. With this item, in general, everything is clear, not all the corners of the room are exploited, it means one of them may well be allocated under the fireplace. In the corner, the fireplace will look compactly, thereby visually not loading the room.
  • The possibility of heating several adjacent rooms. Depending on the location, the fireplace in the corner will be able to heat the neighboring walls, which means there will be a bit of warmer in adjacent rooms.
  • Look original. Of course, everyone was accustomed to see ordinary rectangular fireplaces, well, such a non-standard approach to its location significantly allocates it among the mass of similar direct fireplaces.

Varieties of firebox.

The fireplace, roughly speaking, consists of a frame and firebox, so before starting the installation of the mantel portal, it is necessary to accurately decide which it will be used. If you are pursuing exclusively a decorative function, and do not seek to further dig a house, then for you the most optimal decision There will be a recreation of a false fireplace. Such a fireplace is a hull within which decorative lamps can be placed, as well as candles or a backlight. In addition, the decorative fireplaces include electric variations, which not only look gorgeous, but also allow you to heat some specific area, as well as fireplaces on bioflices.

Exist next species Fireplaces:

  1. Electrical;
  2. Wood;
  3. Gas.

We are popular in Russia mostly decorative electrical and full-fledged wood fireplaces. In the case of electronic fireplaces, in general, everything is clear, it is necessary to go with the store and select the model of the fireplace suitable in the form. With regard to wood, then it is necessary to know here that their fireboxes can be made of bricks, cast iron or special heat-resistant metal. If you consider these types of furnaces a little more, then the first thing you need to know about the brick furnace, it is much cheaper to lay out, and of course laying out the brick, you yourself are regulating the size of the portal, which you cannot say about the cast-iron their analogues, they are sold strictly defined sizes. But the cast-iron modification is easier to connect to the already laid out the fireplace, as well as it is very durable and durable. It also keeps the cast iron very well, respectively slowly cools and is completely not afraid of the effects of high temperatures. The brick in this plan is more worse, the laying is susceptible to destroy the constant effects of fire, and it is also possible that over time it will give a crack. To all other things, during the construction of a brick furnace, it is better to pre-increase all overlaps and even pour a new foundation, otherwise over time, it may happen that the walls, foundation, pipes will be deformed from heating. The cast iron behaves very worthily, however, its value beats a lot of pocket.

Fire mounting rules.

  • In obligatory under the furnace, a leaf of heat-resistant metal is placed.
  • Watch out for the level of the furnace, literally a meager tilt can lead to the further deformation of the entire fireplace as a whole.
  • All joints and slots are definitely embarrassed by refractory mastic.
  • The connecting chimney canal is better to close the refractory gland.
  • It is necessary to create a system of air inflow.
  • The self-refinery itself should be fed by refractory materials.

Corner fireplaces in the interior or style of the corner fireplace.

Classic. Such a fireplace looks quite simple and concise, its lines are strict and clear, but at the same time it looks expensive and exquisitely. Perhaps so he never leaves the fashionable Olympus of popularity.

Provence and Country. This fireplace is a brick portal, something resembling old woodstocks. In fact, he is exactly the fact that many of us represent when mentioning the fireplace. It looks very comfortable.

Baroque. This fireplace looks truly luxuriously, in his decoration there is a carving on a tree, the surface is glittered, and the vesized patterns are transfused with a golden glitter.

Modern. Such a fireplace can be a non-standard rounded form, when it is often used glass, cast iron and thermopoluretan. This product is created specifically for innovative modern interiors.

Ampir. A variety of elements may be present in his decor: stucco, columns, animal prints, birds or people, wreaths and sockets.

High tech. This fireplace most often carries only designer idea. It is decorative. Its form can be absolutely any, which wishes the embodiment of the designer, up to the imitation of the Iceberg fragments or a piece of rock. Such a fireplace will perfectly fit into modern designs premises.

Corner fireplaces in the interior of the living room, photo.

Below you can consider various variations of fireplaces located in the angular parts of the living rooms. Please note how such options fireplaces look compactly, not at all cluttering the room. Especially well such fireplaces fit into light interiorsWhen looking at which, it seems as if the whole room is soared in the air, it is so airliner.

Below you can explore the photo showing the fireplaces of the angular modification, located not only in the living rooms, as well as bedrooms and even in the kitchen. Imagine how wonderful to fall asleep in the bedroom under the bare-catching noise of crackering lunches or how cool dinner, turning his eyes to a slowly dancing light in the fireplace.

Corner fireplace with their own hands (video):

Dear readers, today we have demonstrated wonderful corner fireplaces, confident, such a fireplace option will have to taste, but how else, it looks wonderful, hears adjacent premises, and also saves the space where it is installed, where it is installed, How not to twist - some advantages.

Many homeowners dream of a living room with a real fireplace, because it is the physical embodiment of heat and comfort. Enter the home hearth in a spacious room is quite easy. But how to be with a small living room area, which I also want to improve the fireplace? And this goal is quite achievable, it is worth only to spend a little strength and time and properly create a small living room design with a fireplace, which will allow the home heart to reveal your charm as much as possible and wake with new colors.

Features of a small living room with fireplace

The hearth has a wonderful ability to turn the uncomplicated interior of even the smallest room in amazingly homely, warm and welcoming. Any room with a hearth looks more comfortable and atmospheric, which affects the mood of people who stay there. Psychologists explain this phenomenon by the memory of a person at the genetic level, because the fire time impediment was considered a security symbol.

The following types of fireplaces are now most common:

  • Traditional wood fireplace;
  • Electrocamine;
  • Decorative false fireplace.

Select the fireplace must be based on the features of your room. But it is possible to declare with complete confidence that the real wood fireplace will bring many difficulties with the installation and maintenance in a close room. Yes, and use in small rooms the real hearth is rather dangerous.

Therefore suitable option For small rooms - electrocamine, which is not only easy to install and does not require special care, but also will warm the room. In addition, it is completely safe not only for adults, but also for children and domestic animals.

Attention! In small rooms, we are in demand and false fireines that perform only decorative function. A similar subject of the interior must be chosen very carefully and responsibly, since over time he can become anyone who does not need a knacket.

So, before doing the design of the future living room, you need to know several rules:

  • The fireplace must harmoniously fit into general designer solution. The style and model of the fireplace must be successfully combined with the room design: for the living room in classic style The best focus with the traditional portal is best fit, and a minimalistic focus on the basis of heat-resistant plastic and glass will well fit into the modern living room.

  • The interior of such a living room is a dominant, so all other decor elements and furniture should be located so as to emphasize the uniqueness of the hearth.
  • Soft and cozy armchairs and sofa should be placed around any fireplace. Such a composition creates an atmosphere of peace and tranquility indoors and has a friendly conversation for a cup of tea.
  • Even the most minor elements of the decor will help to reveal the entire charm of the focus, so it must be harmoniously furnished with stylish figurines and figures, images and cozy textiles.

Recommendations for interior design living room with fireplace

The design of the living room with a fireplace should be thought out in advance, since it is the fireplace that will be key in the interior. All details of the decor, design and even furniture items need to be purchased only on the basis of the choice of a particular model.

The fireplace itself can be successfully installed on the loggia or in the niches of the walls and partitions.

Attention! It should be remembered that it is categorically undesirable to install a TV next to the center. These two subjects with equal strength attract attention. Therefore, place the fireplace and TV at some distance from each other, otherwise you may seem that the announcer not only tells you the news, but also jumps through the fire.

In order for your living room to look spectacularly and stylish, experts offer to use exclusively thematic design. Otherwise, you risk turning a small room into a chulatto, where all the parts are autonomous and do not constitute a single whole.

The color gamut living room with a fireplace should not be overly dark. The fireplace looks more effectively on a light background, which also visually expands the space.

Designer's desire to decorate the space around the focus with the appropriate elements often "hides" the charm of the fireplace itself for such a decorative abundance.

However, the fire regiment, regardless of the selected model, should not be a separate, autonomous element of the interior. It can, and even need to be moderately decorated with souvenirs, photographs or works of art. Designers urge to pay attention to the wall, next to the focus. It will very harmoniously look at the famous and stylish picture, its reproduction or elegant mirror.

Spectator increase

Like any other small premisesThe living room needs a visual expansion of space. Designers recommend using such techniques that additionally emphasize the effects of the hearth:

  • More light. Properly selected and competently installed illumination of all parts of the room, including accented - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hearth. It can visually expand the living room space.

  • More pastel shades. So that the bulky hearth did not occupy a good half of the room and did not reduce the volume of the already small living room, make out the fireplace itself and the surrounding space in the most bright or neutral shades.

  • Vertical accents, light and transparent materials, mirrors are not at all a complete list of solutions that allow you to make a small living room with a fireman and easier.

In general, the flight of fantasies in designers is implanious, so it is important to find this thin face that shares the style from the cumbersome personality.

Where always seeks every person? Where is warm, good and comfortable? Where will always understand, will support and raise the mood? Of course, at home! After all, the house is your own fortress, this is its insidual heat and comfort. Apartment in high-rise height or a private house - This is a special place where every person feels protected and happy.

The arrangement and extraction of residential premises is not an easy task. Any detail, even the smallest, plays a special role in creating a general atmosphere. In addition to interior items, feelings and relationships will be most important and valuable. "Soul" at home is sincere emotions, children's laughter, love, confidence and mutual understanding of all family members. And that the room becomes more comfortable and cozy, the person himself should take care of this.

Regardless of style in which the repair is made, the furniture is chosen, appliances And even decor elements, there are some things that make any room more comfortable and give it their own charm. Today, fireplaces are highly popular. The fireplace not only reproduces heat, heating the room, it also creates a special atmosphere.

Fireplaces B. modern interior Presented in fairly a wide range. They may differ in dimensions, type of installation, stylistic performance, type of heating element and many other criteria. Quite often found in homes and falsehoods that perform exclusively decorative function.

Style directions in design

The living room is the room in the house or apartment where the most time is held. It is here late evenings who are going together with households together to passion, discuss the past day or make plans for the nearest weekend. When arranging an apartment or home, the issue of the design of the living room is among paramount tasks. It is usually in the hall a fireplace is installed in the hall, which performs the function of the family hearth. What could be more pleasant than the appearance of the fire with the whole family?

Recently, angular fireplaces began to be highly popular. Such a type is most beneficial from a practical point of view, because it heats up at the same time two walls in the apartment. Also an angular fireplace in the interior of the living room looks more stylish, emphasizes the feeling of taste of the hostess at home, keeper homemade focus.

The feature of the angular fireplace in its external design, he does not take up much space, but at the same time it looks quite harmonious and attracts universal attention. When arranged furniture, designers recommend thoroughly consider a seating area in the hall. For example, quite often the living room is not too clumsy room furniture. Big windows With light air curtains and massive curtains, a table table with beautiful chairs, a seating area with a sofa and comfortable soft chairs or rocking chairs, a few shelves or high racks with your favorite books - this is quite enough for the living room. Near the very hearth heat to the floor, you can lay a dense flooringwhere you can spend romantic evenings with your loved one.

Today, angular fireplaces for residential premises are presented in various stylistic variations. To properly decide on the style, you need to get acquainted with the recommendations and advice of designers who are engaged in the design of the interiors of houses and apartments.

The most common style directions among modern society:

  • Classicsuitable almost under any interior decoration Apartments or private house. Most often for the fireplaces of the classic type choose decorative finish From the heat-resistant red brick.

  • Minimalism- style that is considered characteristic small-sized apartments in modern highlights. Ceramics, calene glass or steel suitable as design.

  • Modern or High Tech- Two stylistic options that today are in great demand among connoisseurs of modernity. Interesting and winning in the interior of the living room will look a white corner fireplace.

  • Baroque, Rococo and Ampire Suitable for large and spacious premises. Fireplaces are drawn up in accordance with the features that are characteristic of these areas: the presence of columns, cooled stucco, the predominance of gilding and silver in the colors of finishing materials. At the same time, they can be complemented by various elements of the decor.


The age of innovative technologies is so called contemporaries present. Period when society is fully covered technological processes and fashionable devices, when the whole world is rebuilt under automation literally in everything. And, it would seem, an incredible dissonance may be caused by the overestimated interest of a person to install fireplaces in residential premises. After all, such stoves have a centuries-old history, they existed even at that time when no one could even think that one day the time would come when it would be enough only to click the switch to turn on the light.

What is the fireplace? In essence, this is a fire in a piece of room specially isolated for this. Fire gives a feeling of warmth, comfort and comfort. And this particular qualities attract modern man. Even if the room is technically not provided for the installation of such a heat center, then they are resorted to the installation of an artificial fireplace, which performs exclusively decorative function. Fake fireplace - such a name wearing this kind of elements of the interior interior decor.

In the houses, two types of fireplaces will be the most common: front and angular. The latter are more interesting due to a number of benefits:

  • more interestingly look in the design plan;
  • heat immediately two interior walls rooms;
  • can serve as a kind of separator of one room for several zones (characteristic of the mind of asymmetric form);
  • differ compactness due to which many free spaces do not take;
  • more secure during operation;
  • wide range and variety of stylistic finishes and design options.


Unlike foci of heat that were popular in the past, today's fireplaces perform not only a functional role, but also decorative, while they are elements of the design of living rooms. Thinking about installing a fireplace in an apartment or a private house, a person initially must decide on the most suitable stove type for its housing.

Types of angular fireplaces in the interior of the living room:

  • Symmetrical type It is considered the most popular. The fireplace is the central and main element of the hall.

  • Asymmetrical type It is used to zoning the room.

  • Gas types Positively popular, however require special permits for installation.

  • Electrogramsuse high demand, characterized ease and ease of operation. Electric type fireplaces do not require any permissions for installation.

  • Bocaminesor the stove of modern person is quite convenient to use. Different with a high degree of environmental friendliness. One is a significant minus is the high cost of fuel.

  • Wood fireplaces installed in cottage or country houses With rooms with large square. It is important for all the rules to arrange the chimney so that the whole smoke is output. After all, smoke indoors is dangerous not only for health, but also for the lives of people.

Previously, fireplaces were used only for practical purposes, which were reduced to heating the premises. Now they are the most important element The decor to which the aesthetic function is also superimposed.

Fireplaces in the interior give housing comfort and warmth. They can be installed in any rooms: in kitchens, in bedrooms. However, the traditional location for the fireplace is the living room. The correct design and combination of the interior of this room with the fireplace is the key to a comfortable and pleasant stay.

Types of fireplaces

Before equipping, you need to get acquainted with the varieties of fireplaces and their features.

Fireplace in the interior of a private house with the second light

1. Electric

These fireplaces are optimally suitable for apartments in high-rise buildings. Have many forms and modifications. Most accurately close to the original. The advantages of electric fireplaces can be attributed:

- safety;

- Easy service;

- does not provoke the appearance of garbage in the house, which is associated with the woodworking of firewood into a real fireplace;

- Not only imitates an open fire, but also emits present warmth.

2. Falekamines

They are an accurate imitation of real fireplaces, corresponding to them form and design. However, it does not imply the breeding of open fire. The advantages are:

- the possibility of making a fireplace with their own hands;

- approximate to the original by laying firewood into the cavity of the fireplace;

- the possibility of imitation of the flame by means of installing the mirror on the rear wall of the fireplace, in front of which candles are lit;

- undemanding to the design of the house;

- No need to install chimney and other attributes.

3. Fireplaces on firewood

The fireplaces of this type are installed only in spacious rooms having strong floors. With such fireplaces, it is necessary to pay important attention to the decor of the chimney and portal, as well as provide a place for storing firewood with the aim of its harmonious combination with the overall composition.

Advantages are reduced to:

- soothing sounds of crackling firewood;

- Soft and pleasant light.

4. Gas

The appearance of the data of fireplaces is similar to fireplaces. The difference lies in the absence of a storage space for firewood due to the fact that the fuel is gas coming through the pipes.

5. Corner

It is suitable for a small square living room, because the angular fireplaces have compact dimensions. And due to the fact that they are placed in the corner, it takes a small space. These fireplaces are presented in two versions:

- classical wood;

- electronic.

Livingware styles

As a rule, fireplaces must harmoniously fit into the overall interior of the living room. It is necessary to navigate it well to navigate in the styles of fireplaces and living rooms.

1. Classic


2. High Classic


3. Country


4. Modern


5. Baroque


6. High-tech

Decorative fireplace in the living room style High-tech

I. Rules for installing a fireplace in the room:

2. The optimal location of the fireplace is the wall, perpendicular to the window.

3. Furniture is set up in such a way as to create a cozy angle in the fireplace light.

II. Lighting room rules

1. Near the fireplace at a short distance, the sofa and chairs have a sofa. On both sides of the fireplace, you can place the bedside tables, shelves, lockers (read in a separate article).

2. In the event of the installation of the TV in the living room with a fireplace, it must be installed perpendicular to the wall with the fireplace. You can not hang a TV above the fireplace, since under the influence of high temperatures it can break.

3. Accessories must be seamless in accordance with the materials and color of the fireplace.

4. Large mirrors or paintings will look over the fireplace. On the shelves can be arranged boxes, figurines and other little things.