
Options for laying at home siding. How to separate the house siding

Culinary recipes for cottages and houses

The history of the appearance of siding is associated with the frame-shield method of building buildings widespread in North America. At the same time, the framework of the building was first mounted, which was then trimmed with various materials.

Since natural materials for the construction of the building are quite expensive, instead of them in the mid-50s began to use polyvinyl chloride (PVC), named siding.

In addition to low cost, they have many other advantages that ensured the widespread PVC worldwide. The main advantages are to:

  • durability;
  • the presence of many protective properties;
  • ease of care;
  • the diversity of textures and shades, which allows you to satisfy the requests of almost all users.

Beautiful finishing options at home siding

Finishing at home with white siding

In Russia, Siding appeared in the early 1990s and every year its use is growing rapidly. To date, this is one of the most common and aestheticfinishing materials, which is separate panels up to 6 m long, 10 -30 cm wide and a thickness of up to 10 cm of various profiles. Among themselves they are convenient and just fasten with special devices.

In the broad sense of the word under the term "siding" means not only the material itself, but also technology Sheathingwalls of the building.

Types of siding, their advantages and disadvantages

The siding market is presented with the following types:

  • vinyl and its variety - base;
  • aluminum;
  • metal;
  • ceramic;
  • cement;
  • wooden (lining).

Vinyl siding is manufactured by their polyvinyl chloride and is a panel length 3 - 4 m and width 10 - 50 cm Various profile. Its quality is determined by additives in vinyl, which give it the necessary color, resistance to external factorsrequired strength. It does not require painting not subject to corrosion Chemically inert, no fuel, is environmentally safe, durable and relatively cheap.

Its type - base siding is applied specifically for finishing the base and has higher strength characteristics. It also has significant water resistance and ease.

The disadvantages of vinyl siding include its instability to exposure low temperatures and fire resistance. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that with the development of chemistry and the emergence of new additives, all these shortcomings gradually go into the past. For example, today it is possible to operate vinyl siding in the temperature range from -500s to + 400c.

Aluminum siding is used when finishing residential and industrial buildings as inexpensive, but high-tech material With minor weight. The latter circumstance predetermined its use when cladding multi-storey buildings. It is indispensable if required quickly and cheap modern view Old building.

Houses covered with aluminum siding

Finishing house aluminum siding

The advantages of aluminum siding are determined by the properties of aluminum: durability, strength, not rust, does not burn, can be coated with various polymer coating, has a wide range of colors.

The disadvantages of aluminum siding include more complex than vinyl, installation and reduced compared to steel corrosion resistance.

Metal siding is made of galvanized steel with a polymer coating (then the color scheme is limited to 7 colors) or is covered with a special powder (a color gamut any) and is a long panel width from 120 to 550 mmwith special locks, which allows you to hide the mounting panels. It has a smooth or perforated surface, curly or smooth form.

It has high strength characteristics The color resistance, non-hatching, durability, unpretentiousness to the sharp drops of temperatures.

The disadvantages include the fact that when mechanically damaged panels is possible premature The appearance of corrosion.

Ceramic sitting

Ceramic siding appeared on the market recently and is a glove mixture with various natural additives. Is an best facing material In the middle price category.

It is made of environmentally friendly material with high fireproof and hypoallergenic properties. In quality, it is often compared with ceramic tiles Increased strength.

Cement sitting

Cement siding is made of cellulose fibers and cement. On its surface is applied imitating wood texture.

  • has increased fire safety;
  • durability;
  • high resistance to exposure external factors, mold, fungus;
  • allows you to quickly give the building the new kind, align the walls;
  • convenient in installation and maintenance.

The disadvantages include:

  • high price;
  • considerable weight;
  • the inconvenience of cutting during installation (the use of respirators and masks to prevent ceramic dust from entering lungs and eyes).

Wooden siding (lining) is made of specially treated wood.It varies in a section:

  • vansel;
  • jack;
  • quarter;
  • groove-crest.

Finishing house wooden siding

Finish at home wooden siding

Its advantages are that it is made from environmentally friendly Natural materials. It has a fairly large range of colors and has thermal insulation properties.

The disadvantages of wooden siding are mainly associated with the material of its manufacture. He is fire hazard requires constant care (painting, impregnation), short-lived and relatively expensive.

Calculation of the area and cost of siding

Calculation of the number of siding for facing the house begins with calculations of the placing area. For this, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe walls of the house and the area that does not require the sheaving (windows, doors, openings, different sites). The difference between the first and second squares is side Side, necessary to cover at home. When purchasing siding, it is necessary to add to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe plating 10% for waste.

The cost of 1 m² of siding depends on the material from which it is manufactured. The cheapest is vinyl siding (from 130 to 450 rubles for 1m2), the most expensive - cement (850 rubles for 1m2).The cost of work on the construction of the building begins from 400 rubles for 1 m².

When ordering the construction of the building by professionals, the approximate minimum cost of work and material begins from 1000 rubles per 1 m². This includes the cost essential materials and the cost of work on the crate, laying the film and insulation, the installation of siding and the framing of various openings.

Siding Montage Technology

The main advantage of siding is the simplicity and ease of its installation, which allows you to spend this work yourself, while strictly observing applicated instructions on installation.

To carry out work, you must have a minimum set of manual tools and the skills of handling it:

  • a hammer;
  • level;
  • corner;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • saw with small teeth or Bulgarian;
  • scissors for metal;
  • ladder.

Work begins with compulsory preparatory work:

  • dismantling from the walls of all the protruding elements;
  • grinding mounting foam or a solution of slots around the openings;
  • cleaning the walls of the house from dust, dirt, mold, old paint;
  • treatment of walls at home with antiseptics or primer.

Next, the installation of crates (wooden or metallic) is on which will be Cold Siding sheets. The lamp forms a frame that carries the entire load, so it is necessary for its arrangement careful approach. The procedure for arranging the crate, as a rule, is set out in the attached instruction.

In the resulting squares of the crate the insulation is stacked.The thickness of the cutting of the crates is chosen in such a way that with a laid insulation, 2 mm between it and the siding panel remained. This circumstance provides required ventilation.

Siding panels are mounted vertically, starting with laying the first strip. With the help of screws, she reliably it is attached to the crate.Sayding installation work is carried out in strict accordance with the attached instructions.

Siding care

Siding requires minimal care, as it is made from the material to which various dirt is bad. It is washed away with special compositions.However, most owners of houses, covered with siding, prefer to use the compositions for washing dishes, which effectively remove fat.At the end, it remains to wash the hose panels with clean water.

When damaged siding panels need them just replace What is being done quite simply. For this, at hand it is necessary to have their minimum stock.

The popularity of siding, as a finishing material for the facade of the house stretches, since the 90s of the last century, without paying its position to this day. Houses, covered with siding, look pretenuate and neat. This type of finish is considered dry and perfect for most residential and household buildingsEspecially if it is panel or foam blocks.

The small weight of vinyl or wooden siding does not have a significant load on the foundation, so it is often used for old wood houses. This casing material for facades can be made of various types of material that gives it certain operational and decorative characteristics. Siding as a cover of the facade performs important aesthetic and practical functions, protecting the house from atmospheric influences and giving it originality.

Types of siding

Pick up facing material It follows from the project of the house and the conditions of operation of the structure. Different kinds Siding for facades of houses is distinguished by strength, ways to care, price, ability to give a greater or smaller load on the foundation.

The most popular types of siding:


    From wood;




Various siding options in form

Consider the main characteristics of each option, and then consider finishing the house by siding.

Advantages and disadvantages of housekeeping by siding

Vinyl option - It is a PVC panel of various sizes. The finish can successfully imitate the lining of the house from the tree, stone, brick. Such material can be separated at home any form.

Pluses of vinyl siding:

    wide selection color solutions and textures;

    Low weight;

    Resistance to external influences;

    Range of operating temperatures from +50 to - 50 degrees ֯ C;

    Low cost.

Cons Vinyl siding finishes:

    exposure to mechanical effects;

    Relatively short life;

    Requires the use of additional insulation materials;

    Melt when exposed to fire.

Pluses of wooden siding finishes:

    Environmental Safety;

    Excellent level of thermal insulation;

    Excellent decorative qualities, thanks to wood texture.

From wood

By minuses of such a finish of the facade can be attributed;

    A tendency to deformation;

    Difficult care and maintenance;

    High price.

It may be steel, zinc, aluminum. Most often a decorative lining of aluminum, which is painted in different colors and can imitate a tree.

Pluses of metallic siding:

    Resistance to temperature differences;

    Biological stability;

    Long service life;

    The strength of the material.


Common minuses for all metal varieties of this material are:

    Noise, especially during the rain;

    Corrosion exposure in places of damage;

    Aluminum casing is also susceptible to mechanical damage, which requires the replacement of the entire sheet.

Siding from fibrcecement is made of high quality cement, cellulose fibers, water and sand, which ensures environmental safety. This type of cover of the facade is considered an excellent alternative to vinyl and aluminum species.

Pluses of fibrotent siding:


    Does not rot and is not subject to mold;

    Reliable and durable;

    Resistant to temperature drops;

    It does not require special care.

From Fibrocement

Facade of Fibercement and its minuses:

    The need to build a more durable frame due to the large weight of the material;

    Complexity of installation;

    A small selection of color solutions;

    High price.

Siding wood-cellulose It is plates made on the principle of MDF plates. The material is based on a mixture of wood fiber, which is given shape with a strong pressure. Resin impurities add strength and waterproofing material.

Pluses of wood-cellulose siding:

    Small cost;

    The ability to use ventilated facade;

    Ecology and safety material.

By cons of this material, the finishing of facades can be attributed:


Montage siding

Outdoor decoration by siding is a simple process that can be done with your own hands. Before facing the facade should be removed all the convex elements, slots and gaps to close with a solution or mounting foam, clean from dirt and dust.

The following installation stages:

    Installation of the crate;

    Waterproofing and insulation of the facade;

    Installation of guides;

    Installation of saidding panels.

What should be considered when installing? It is necessary to allow oscillation of the length of the material without strengthening it until it stops. Although the installation can be carried out in any weather, but if there is 10 degrees on the street, then the material can crumble at cut, so it is recommended to use a grinder.

We suggest you view various options Photo of houses covered with siding:

Photo gallery of siding options at home

Cooking the house by siding can be fragmented, for example, the base, frontoth, etc. This will give the building originality. The modern market presents many siding options, as well as components decorative elements (profiles, corners, soffits), which allows you to develop beautiful design Facades for every taste. When choosing optimal option The features of the architecture of the house and local landscape should be taken into account.

Read about previous construction stages:

Owners of private houses are often asked asshelter house siding do it yourself. And the choice of this finishing material is unuschaued, since siding is distinguished by reliability, effectively performs protective and decorative functions.

If independent skin is planned, then you need to understand one important moment: In case of non-compliance with the installation technology developed by the material manufacturer, you may refuse warranty. According to statistics, more than 70% of advertising that comes from customers are the result of an illiterate installation.

Siding is considerable thanks to a low price and ease of installation. And if several decades ago at home were faced with extremely natural materials, today manufacturers offer several alternative siding options:

Wooden components It is rarely found in view of the high costs and substantial flaws. Of course, the tree is environmentally friendly, but it needs a constant care - painting, regular repair / replacement of damaged parts and so on. Moreover, the wood panels rot (even when using antiseptics), therefore their life is limited.

Iron Siding Houses are not trimmed at all - it is used only for non-residential and industrial buildings. He has a lot of advantages, among which strength, refractoriness, a wide selection of colors, a long service life, but there are disadvantages - high weight and exposure of corrosion.

It appeared relatively recently, its main function is to protect against atmospheric precipitation. Externally, the material resembles a brick or stone masonry, so the house, separated by him, will look very exquisite.

So, often at home are facedvinyl siding. Such panels have a two-layer structure - one layer protects the facade, and the other retains the properties of the material.

Here are the main advantages of the lining of the house components from Vinyl:

  • long service life (about fifty years);
  • corrosion resistance and rotting;
  • no need for additional processing;
  • ease of care;
  • the ability to install on any surface.

Now - directly to work.

Stage 1. Calculations

The procedure begins with calculations of the number of necessary materials. This can be done independently, measuring the total area of \u200b\u200bthe outer surface of the house, or seek help to specialists who will accurately determine the required number of panels and other components.

Stage 2. Preparation of all necessary

When installing saidding panels, you will need:

  • building level;
  • saw-knife;
  • a hammer;
  • "Circular";
  • plumb;
  • corolnic;
  • roulette;
  • pliers.

Do not forget about the means of individual protection - construction mittens and plastic glasses.

Stage 3. Build frame

Note! The presence of a frame is optional, but if the walls are uneven or used to be covered with a different trim, it cannot do without it. Of course, the old coating is removed before installation.

For the construction of the frame, the rails of the average width will be required. Rakes are installed at an angle of 90ᵒ regarding the direction of the facing panels. The step between the guides is 45 cm. The rails are installed throughout the perimeter of the house, if necessary, the thermal insulation material is stacked between the walls and framework.

Stage 4. Installing panels

When trimmed at home, you need to adhere to certain rules.

  1. After laying every five-six tiers, the level is checked.
  2. Facing can not be started immediately at the end of the construction of the house. The building takes some time for the "shrinkage", so you have to wait.
  3. Panels are attached to the frame freely, not too tight.
  4. It is advisable to use nails from aluminum Ø30 mm and 20 mm long, which are clogged in the center.
  5. For cutting panels you need to use hacksaw.
  6. Installation of panels must be started from the center and move to the corners.
  7. The voltage of the panels during installation is unacceptable, since it can lead to deformation of the material and other problems that will be difficult to eliminate.
  8. Finishing should always be taken up.
  9. Any finishing material, in particular vinyl, is subjected to temperature expansion. That is why the panels cannot be pulled hard when installing.

Note! Considering all this, the trim can be performed vertically or horizontally. Consider both options.

Horizontal sheathing

Step 1. At first, the starting point is denoted. It is usually located at an altitude of 5 cm from the lowest angle. To determine this point uses a plumb.

Step 2. The starting panel is installed in accordance with the recommendations.

Step 3. After that attack internal angles. They are installed at the joints of the walls, slightly below the starting point. Corners are fixed with nails, it is very important to monitor the density of the attachment.

Note! If the rack has an insufficient length, then the upper part of the panel is cut into about 2 cm, and the next panel is installed.

Step 4. Exterior angles Install the same as external.

Step 5. At the window and doorways fasten platbands.

Step 6. The next number of panels install the following, the nestrest is still observed. This row begins with the back of the house and moves to the facade.

Step 7. When installing panels near openings, the excess is cut off. First, there is a section of the cut, after which the panel is marked by the panel several times, until it breaks.

Step 8. Before mounting the final row under the cornice, the finish plank is fastened. The panels are done by holes in 15 cm increments, after which, having taping the upper component for the previous row, the panel pushes under the bar.

This method is not much different from the above described above. Action sequence should be next.

Step 1. First with the help necessary equipment Mounted starting plank.

Step 2. The external and internal angles are installed, the lower edge is aligned with L-shaped profile.

Step 3. In subsequent actions there are no changes.

Step 4. The last panel is inserted into the appropriate groove of the outdoor corner. It is characteristic that before this should check the horizontal of the first panel.

Video - Vertical Testing

Siding in regions with strong winds

To improve the resistance of the wind during clogging of nails, it is recommended to use nylon washers with a width of 1.58 cm and a hole diameter of 6.5 mm.

As noted earlier, the vinyl is practical and unpretentious in the care of the material, in no special processing it does not need. However, exploitation in the open air provides for some procedures. If you clearly follow the instructions, then siding will look like a new one for many years.

  1. You can take a simple garden hose for washing panels. With severe pollution, a soft brush on the handle or a sponge is used in parallel with the hose.

  2. If the dirt is not flushed with water, then you need to prepare a special solution: the washing powder is mixed with the phosphate trisodium in proportions 1: 2, after which 5 liters of water are poured.

  3. In the regions of S. increased level Molds on the surface of the siding can appear mold. To remove mold, the same solution is used as described in the previous paragraph, only instead of 5 liters of water, you need to take 4 l, and add 1 l of 5 percent sodium hydrochloride.
  4. To remove particularly stable spots, you can take extreme measures - use the abrasive means to output stains. Maximum damage to be applied to the surface is minor scratches and, as a result, the roughness of the material. But from a distance of several meters, these scratches will be invisible.

  5. Before processing cleaning means panels rinsed with water. The tool remains on the surface of five to ten minutes (not longer), then washed off.

Note! Cannot be used based on organic solvents, for removing varnish or removal fat stains, solutions for polishing furniture, as well as pure chlorine (the last "emits" panels, after which they will lose their original color).

As a conclusion

And at the end - another one useful advice. Before installing the panel, it is desirable to leave for two or three hours at that temperature in which the installation will be carried out - so the material "get used" to the conditions. If the work is carried out in winter, then the clearance for temperature expansion should be increased by several millimeters.

For more detailed information with the technology, look at the thematic video.

Video - Installation of Vinyl Siding

Many wonder the facing of their house siding. Siding looks interesting and, despite its popularity, does not lose relevance to this day. All thanks to all sorts of variations color Gamma. and the material from which it is completed. The site site is a lot of information about siding, about its varieties, types, fastening methods, etc. In this article, we have prepared a photo gallery on the topic of finishing at home Siding.

An example of outdoor siding, house finish in terracotta gamme:

Facing the house of siding provides a lot of various options.

The sheathing of the house by metal rings is practical and aesthetic.

The important advantages of the houses of the house siding is the possibility of combining various materials.

Siding cladding involves a large selection of color scheme.

Finishing the facade of the house siding with imitation of natural tree.

The lining of the house with siding with insulation requires high professionalism.

The exterior finish of the house siding "under the stone" creates a feeling of respectability.

The facade of siding is well combined with windows in any style.

It has its own characteristics.

Frame and block houses with siding.

Cocal facade panels Siding is a special chic.

With metal trim, various elements are used.

Metal Facade - good solution for wooden house.

Facade finishing with metallic siding - a good choice For home, cottage, cottages.

Buildings decoration Siding is becoming increasingly popular with consumers.

Finishing the facade of a private house siding is a budget option External design with high quality material.

The face of the facade siding gives a lot of advantages.

Houses, laid by metal, look more respectfully regardless of the size of their area.

Private house siding decoration is suitable for a bar of the bar.

Finishing at home Siding under the stone is the best solution for those who are concerned about their status.

What is fibrotent siding is a beautiful and durable material that does not require care.

Combined siding on the facade gives a lot of options for designer ideas.

What is Metal Handing? This is a universal choice.

The outer angle for siding is the desired element of high-quality trim (2 photos).

Via outdoor decoration At home siding, you can get an excellent result, regardless of whether it is a big house or a small country house.

The exterior finish of the house siding is an important stage that completes the construction of the building.

Facade finishing vinyl siding - high quality at reasonable prices.

The facade finish with insulation allows you to achieve high energy saving.

Even small houses Siding has a very aesthetic and rich species.

The buildings that were finished by siding under the stone acquire a special charisma.

The facades of houses from siding look always carefully and well maintained.

Is it possible to paint siding, and the better to do it? For this, there is a special paint, selected by several parameters.

How to paint siding? Only high quality paint from a solid manufacturer.

Windproof film for siding closes the entire area and provides reliable protection.

Side service life is longer subject to the use of high-quality material and compliance with the rules of the trim.

How to quickly remove the film from the metal siding? It is easily removed after installation and reliable fixation.

Wooden house with metal hood necessarily produced with waterproofing.

Facing the facade siding with insulation guarantees heat in winter and cool in summer.

Special tools are used for cutting metal siding - these are hacksaws, metal scissors, electric sawing, having carbide teeth, as well as other power tools.

A huge selection that manufacturers offer allows you to find your best siding.

Elements of siding to cover the house - this is an assortment of auxiliary fittings, without which it is impossible to achieve a high quality of the works.

Accessories for metal: are the necessary accessories, without which it is impossible to make a trim at home.

Siding can be perfectly awarded wooden house. For a wooden house, it is difficult to come up with a more suitable coating. Stucco applied complicated. And Sading is the most.

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Side's popularity is simply explained. It is relatively inexpensive, practical and durable, mounted quickly and at any time of the year. Protunient elements, facilitating installation, and, in general, the facade is accomplished with a neat and beautiful.

Many developers, however, consider this type of finish to be boring - and in vain. The design of the house with siding can be very interesting, thanks to the large selection of colors, the possibility of placing the trim is vertically and horizontally, combine it with other materials. It is used in the projects of the most different architectural direction.

1. Light vinyl siding in combination with decorative brick and stone in the cottage of modern design

2. Stylishly looks like a two-storey house under the architecture of the Victorian era with a modern finish

3. Green walls and a combined hue of the roof perfectly combined with the surrounding landscape (country design plus ecological style)

4. Modern cottage looks very elegant with white siding coated

5. Siding is quite comfortable "getting around" with modern minimalism architecture and high-tech

Siding is made of vinyl, fiberglass, steel and aluminum, and sometimes on cement basis. It was originally offered in two versions:

  • "American", she "Christmas tree, an improvised board is mounted in the horizontal direction of the Vangest;
  • "Eurobrus", or "Shipboard", which creates the impression of the casing with a profiled timber.
Its texture was predominantly smooth, and the palette was built on pastel colors. Now there are many varieties of bright juicy colors, which allows combining the panels (with a sense of measure to avoid multirud). For him, the perfect walls are not required, on the contrary, it perfectly camouflages all flaws. More than 70% of buyers choose it to restore the old house.

6. A neat rural house looks like a new one, although his design speaks about a pretty age. The impression of retro supports platter and roofs

Wall panels, or shirt for the facade

Siding in English means simply "Cleaning" used outside the building to protect against atmospheric influence. Enough conditionally produced panels can be divided into wall and basement. Among the first, in addition to traditional forms, there were varieties of new design, imitating cedar dranco, chip.

1. 2. 3.

1 - Bobrow Tail

2 - direct chip

3 - dranco with displacement

They are made of both natural wood and PVC, and vinyl is much more durable and do not require restoration. And their ideal similarity with natural material (Up to the picture of annual rings) provide computer technology. The decoration of a wooden house with such imitation costs much cheaper.

7. Facade B. brown Tones Natural Cedar Slap With White Dobly Elements

8. From the combination of blue and white in the finishing of the facade of the house blows frosty freshness, the frontoth is decorated in the form of a "beam tail"

9. Amazing beauty facade English cottage using siding "under the chip with offset", and "stone" for the base

10. Combining different forms can be created on the facade and the front of the peculiar pattern.

Blotchus is very popular - imitation of a round log. Especially often used for private wooden, frame structures. It is well suited for the restoration of old buildings, and in the new buildings it is necessary to withstand the shrinkage period.

11. Individual manufacturers imitate the roughly dyed log so skillfully, that it is difficult to distinguish from the present

12. House design in scandinavian style With the use of blockhaus

13. A natural drawing of wood and wormworms are applied on the surface

Socular Siding - Wide Design Opportunities

Design of any building, be small a private house, or two-storey cottage, wins when beautiful design Cole. It requires a largerness of greater strength than walls, since the probability of mechanical damage at the bottom is greater. For this, special - dense, durable types of siding with a different texture.

Some of them imitate brick masonry, Others are a brown stone, boulders. With their help, you can make the unique design of any private cottage or country house. They are used not only for the base, but also crush the columns, the first floor, other architectural elements (fireplaces and chimneys).