
Lupine - growing from seeds when planting. Lupine Perennial: Cultivation of Seeds

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Lupine many years is an unpretentious plant, species of this plant numbered about 200. Most often as perennial Plant Grow lupine tree or multi-sided.

To create beautiful flower arrangements, gardeners often use lupine, as its flowers can have blue, red, pink, white, dark red, sometimes it can even be tricolor.
In addition, this plant is recommended to grown in the gardens, and not on the flower beds. The fact is that on the roots of Lupine exist special Educationwhich are a good medium for the reproduction of special bacteria. These bacteria are very useful for soil.

What does Lupine look like (photo)

As already mentioned above, the genus of this plant has about 200 species, so appearance Each plant may differ slightly. Lupine depending on the species can be annual, two-year and perennial.

Flowers in criste inflorescences can have white, purple, pink, yellow, cream, blue, red. The number of seeds in this plant can range from 8 to 180, it all depends on the type of lupine.

What types of (varieties) are

Decorative garden species Lupine has about 10. Types that grow in our flower beds, in large parts refer to perennial plants. With a smaller frequency, you can see annual Lupins, it belongs to the lupine white, lupine yellow and lupine is narrowly.

The main common types of Lupins in Russia:

Lupine yellow - The plant is thermal-loving, reaches a height of 1 m. Flowers are yellow, the seeds are sampled on the sides.

Lupine tree - a perennial plant whose height can reach up to 2 meters. Leafs of this plant are grayish green. Flowers can have yellow, white or purple.

Lupine white - The most common appearance of the annual self-polling lupine. The height of the plant reaches 1.5 -2 m. This species makes the heat and drought very well.

Lupine Multicults - This is a perennial perfectly pollinated plant. Compared to other species, Lupine multiceld, the most winter-hard and unpretentious. Lives for about 8-10 years.

Lupine silver - Mostly grows in the West, often changing in color. The leaflets on the stems reach 16 cm, the flowers themselves can be from dark blue to white with a reddish center.

How to grow lupine many years of seeds

Lupine growing technology is very simple, the main thing is to know which Lupine's soil gives preference and in what period of the year it needs to be planted. Many years of Lupine B. special care It does not need, he can grow well as in the shade and in the sun. But if you want bloom to be most lush, then it is best to plant it in a light shadow.

This plant prefers weakly acid or weakly soil soils. If the soil is too acidic, then the plant will most likely grow weak and with pale leaves, with alkaline soils in lupine can occur chlorosis. Therefore, before planting a plant, you will definitely ask the soil in which it will grow. In case the soil is very acidic it is necessary to limit it using limestone or dolomite acid.

If you want to grow lupine many years of seeds, then it is necessary to sow it in April, after snow comes down. Do not forget to prepare a place and soil since the autumn. Before planting the seeds of Lupine, it is recommended to treat 50% fundsol. The first flowering plants can be seen only in a year, about May.

Also Lupins can be sowed in the fall from late October to November. Seeds need to be placed in the soil at a depth of 2 cm, while not forgetting to cover them from above a small amount of dry peat. If the soil is sandy, then the sowing depth can reach up to 6-8 cm. Plus such a sowing is that, after the snow, the plant will rise, and already in August you will admire it in bloom.

When you need to plant

It all depends on what form you put Lupine. If it is seeds, then there are two periods for landing: autumn and spring period. For spring landing seeds, plants will bloom on next year. If you plant them in the fall, then in summer the plant will bloom.

Landing and care

In the first year after planting the plant, care is not too heavy. You just need to break the soil and remove weeds. Next year somewhere in the spring it will be necessary to feed the plant mineral fertilizersTo do this, you need 1 m2 of the area to make 10-20 g of superphosphorus and 5 g of potassium chloride.

If you grow lupins not the first year, pay attention to the root neck of the flower, since over the years it can rise above the surface of the soil, with the result that the middle part of the bush will die, and the side sockets will be separated. In this case, the plants need to be dipped so that they save their decorative View. But still Lupine older than 4 years recommended to replace.

If you want to extend the flowering, then regularly need to cut the dried inflorescences before the formation of seeds. As for old bushes, they should not be replant. If winds constantly blow in your area, then the flowers need to be tiered to the support so that they do not break.

Perennial Lupine as Siderat - Useful Flower Properties

Lupine is a unique Siderate for Dachnips. His beneficial featuresFirst, it is that nitrogen is formed in the root clubs of Lupine, and secondly it root system It is capable of penetrating to 1.5-2 meters, as a result of which the structure of the soil is breaking and the nutrients are raised from the ground in the upper layer.

Fertilizer from lupine by nutrients can be lerated to manure. Compared with other plants, the lupine is able to easily absorb the work-soluble phosphates and converts them into easily accessible forms.

Which height grows Lupine?

As already mentioned above, the varieties of Lupine numbered about 200. Therefore, the height of the plant depends on its type, in total, it can be said that this plant can reach 120 cm in height.

The most common is the lupine multi-hectal, which compared to other types of most winter films and unpretentious. The height of this perennial plant can be from 80 to 120 cm. Flowers have blue colour And collected in multi-flower-shaped inflorescences. The flowering period is from 20 to 30 days in June.

When blooms?

Perennial lupins differ from other species in that they are able to bloom twice the season. The most first bloom can be seen in mid-July, and then repeated in August.

Lupins are familiar to me since childhood, they grew in a large number of grandmothers in the garden. I remember how the mother was of no good blue-purple bouquets from them, which were not entered home, but left on the veranda (we were told that the plant was poisonous).

Much later it became known to me that the Lupine plant is not only very decorative, but has several types, shades, and has useful qualities. What properties and how I apply them in the garden - you will learn from this article.

By roads, you can often see whole thickets of blue lupine. This perennial species has the greatest bitterness, poisonousness. However, like all the bean family is an excellent seater (enriches land with nitrogen, increases its fertility).

Lupine is a powerful plant, reprehensible. The height of its varieties varies from 30 cm. To the meter and more. The root system is branched, rod, goes deep into 200 centimeters.

The stalks as they grow are decorated, and the leaves are similar to the palm tree - the width is different. The inflorescences are elongated, in the form of brush, have multiple flowers of varying degrees of openness.

The color palette is represented widely: blue, white, red and pink, yellow and purple.

There are two hundred species of this plant in the world. They are perennial and two year old. Decorativeness is very high, I like that Lupine blooms early, and it looks decently in the background of the flower bed. There are flowerbeds, where it is the basis of the composition.

Many years of lupine can be stolen the entire area, adjust the landing, smelting unnecessary.

Tip! Dry inflorescences necessarily cut to prevent spontaneous reproduction. If you need seeds, on the contrary, leave several pods to extract the beans.

Effective varieties are growing neat bush or semi-staple. High flowers with rich greens and bright long tassels look along the fence around the perimeter of the plot.

Useful properties and application

The plant contains up to 50% protein, has a large volume of green mass. On the roots of Lupine there are nodules, the bacteria of which are fixed with air nitrogen. The soil under thickets is enriched with useful substances that feed other plants landed at this place.

Important and useful! Ground component of lupine is suitable for fertilizers no less root part. Sut it before the onset of maturity and spark in the right place (in greenhouses, beds). The depth of sealing 20 centimeters.

Only in one year the soil becomes more healthy and nutritious. The regular use of lupine for the purposes of improving the fertility of the Earth helps no worse than the manure. The acidity of the soil is reduced, it is saturated with nitrogen - an indispensable element for the growth of all cultures.

IN agriculture Lupine is used not only as a siteral culture, but also as a feed base for livestock, birds and fish.

To obtain feed (silage and beans), three main types of lupins are planting: yellow, white and blue narrowing. They contain less bitterness and therefore good for animals: juicy, useful, calorie.

This plant is a honey, it attracts bees and bumblebees to a garden, contributing to pollination.

Landing and care

Lupine will not burden you to care for yourself.

Where to plant better, what soil will fit

It is better to grow it on the illuminated, sunny places, and small shaders are suitable. It is not by chance in nature Lupine growing on the hills and kosovoi - there is no water, killing for the roots.

The soil will be born any, preferably drained to leave water. Weakly acidic loams, sandy, turf, neutral soils will be good for Lupine. If necessary, make peat (in alkaline soils) or lime (in acidic ground).

Over time, the fertility of this site will rise, and all this thanks to Lupine.

Plant seeds in open ground

Lupine's street can be seed or seeded. Make it early in spring or after the first frosts in the fall.

In April or May, sow beans in beds from a mixture of peat, sand and turf. It is necessary to plunge them on 3 centimeters. Blossom will occur only the next year.

In October-November, in the same way, we deepen the seeds to the ground. The distance between them is 20 - 50 centimeters. In the spring of next year, our Lupine will bloom.

So that the seeds of Lupine are easier to germinate, specially prepare them. They are in a thick shell, and to make it easier to sprout, it needs to be damaged (not assigated inner layer).

It is possible to do this by setting up a bean temperature "stress" (put for time in the freezer, then dip in hot water), Either rub the surface with emery paper (or a sharp knife, scalpel).

Top shell cracked? Getting to landing.

How to sow seedlings

  • Time - March or april;
  • I take containers or peat pills, pot. I do so - immediately sow in separate cups from the peat, so as not to injure the roots of Lupine when landing;
  • Earth acquire in the store, flower substrates are specially prepared there. But you can prepare a mixture yourself;
  • Depth of seed seed 0.5-1 centimeter;
  • Spray from the pulverizer the surface of the soil and cover with glass or film;
  • Put in a warm, bright place;
  • Sprouts will appear in 10-15 days, and when they are strengthened, remove the film.

We plant our plants into the street, just get freezing. Laying this in Lupine should have at least 4-6 sheets.

The landing scheme is this: 30, 40, 50 centimeters. Depends on the variety and on what density you want yourself.

Important! Seedlings extracted from planting capacities, disembark immediately - the root system of all varieties is very sensitive.

Reproduction of cuttings

At the base of the plant (in the roast part) there is a growth point - a kidney, cutting which, can be effectively multiplying the lupine. Soil for these purposes should be loose and lightweight, in half. Quickly cheer the process with the kidney and water.

The kidneys appear in the spring, respectively, the procedure is made early in spring.

In the same way, I plant young shoots from the stubborn spaces of the leaves. This method is applied after the end of flowering.

Comestic components

  • We water and loose with the need under the plant under the plant;
  • Tall varieties may need a garter to protect them from the wind;
  • Care consists and trimming the blurred shoots. As a result, you will not have an undesirable self-help, and Lupine can bloom the second time;
  • The feeding is made once - after winter, they are watered with special minerals (phosphorus-potash) solutions;
  • In the fall produce pruning plants. All the "green" bury in places in need of improving the composition of the soil;
  • The landing update is produced once every 4-5 years.

Types and varieties

Multice Lupine

This is a perennial or a blue, violet color. Very unpretentious, frost-resistant. The height of its meter or more (there is also dwarfs), the inflorescence is one third of the whole bush.

On its basis, varieties with red, white-blue, dark red, cream and other flowers are derived. This is a variety of minaret and princess Juliana, scarlet sails and Lulu (mix), Schlossfrau, Yellow Flame.

Varietary hybrids are more demanding on the conditions, but also have excellent appearance.

Yellow annual

The height of 80-100 centimeters, an aromate flower, a valuable forage culture.


Feed annual grade, unprecedented to soils. Very high (up to 2 meters), not afraid of drought.

Blue narrow-leaved

One-year fodder lupine. Thin leaves, blue or purple flowers.

Lupine is a popular plant among gardeners. It is grown as a siderate and aft culture, a drug and decorative flower. Lupine varieties are annual and perennial, flowers wear the most diverse color: white, yellow, all shades of red, blue, purple. Choose the garden decoration for every taste. Lupine landing is not difficult, there is a lot of its options.

Lupina reproduction

Lupine is multiplied with seeds and a vegetative way (cuttings). Each option has advantages and disadvantages. The reproduction of lupine with the help of cuttings is possible if these colors are already growing in the garden. Since it is necessary to plant delays in the ground immediately after separation from the main flower. But only in reproduction with cuttings you can guarantee preserve the varietal features of a particular plant. The color, shape and size of young lupine will be identical to the one from which the stalks took. Lupine reproduction with seeds is always a kind of experiment in selection. Purple and pink colors of plants are dominant, high chance of their transfer to child colors, but white color A new plant for gardener will be lost and will be a surprise. Choosing the reproduction of Lupine seeds, remember that the germination of seeds is low. To the flower bed does not look semi-empty and rare, increase the amount of planting material by 50-75%.

When to plant lupine, spring or autumn

When it is properly to plant a lupine, depends on the method of reproduction you chose. If you choose on vegetative reproduction, then go on the landing of the lupine in the spring. Young cuttings separated from the plant and falling into the soil in the fall will not have time to root up to frosts. Such a flower is doomed to death. Lupine landing with seeds does not have an unambiguous answer to the question "when?". If you purchased the Lupine seeds in the store, land them in the spring. This way of planting is two types: planting seeds into the ground, or in pots to grow seedlings. In the soil seeds sow after the snow. Do not forget to prepare a garden from the fall so as not to mess with the loose ground. Plant seeds in the pots in early March, in a month the first shoots will appear.

When the flower gives 2-3 strong leafs, transfer the seedlings to a permanent place in the open ground. But I prefer landing Lupine in the fall. Autumn landing has several advantages over the spring. Seeds are in a comfortable environment where you have time to grow and gain useful substances from the soil. Care for falling in the fall of Lupin is not required, in the spring seeds are in a friendly one in growth and in August next year the plant will bloom. Autumn landing Lupine is recommended to be carried out at the end of October or early November.

Autumn landing Lupina

Lupine, grown from purchased seeds, has a smaller germination. After flowering on the plant, boxes with seeds resembling peas are formed (the plant belongs to the legume family). Collect seeds and land them in the fall, the next year you will get strong and healthy flowers. Lupine loves neutral soil. In the spring, prepare a slightly shaded area of \u200b\u200bthe garden, reappointing the Earth with the addition dolomite flour or ash. Immediately before boarding, enter the peat in the soil for saturation of useful trace elements. Seeds soak in 50% of the Fundazole. So you will provide them with protection against diseases, in addition, the seeds swell, which will simplify the planting process. Prepare shallow wells on the selected area. Do not plant seeds deeper than 2 cm. Lupine's life is 4-5 years old, consider it when you choose the distance between the landings. I advise you to leave for each bush at least 50 cm. Press the seeds, suck the thin layer of peat, turn the wells with fertile soil. Plenty of landing. For the winter, you will climb the beds to peat.

Lupine landing in autumn is preferred. Flowers, having passed the winter hardening, grow strong and adapted to life. Do not forget to celebrate the site where the seeds sowed to spring the soil for other plants.

Lupins are one of the most common ornamental plants, with which even people who do not have large knowledge in crop production are familiar. Many are known as unpretentious plantswhich are grown in different regions our country. Many flower growers grow them just because of the easyness in care, rapid growth and rich color gamma.

But for some people, Lupins are no more than ordinary weed. It is difficult to love flowers that can become quite large squares.

Plant Features

Lupins are one of the famous representatives of the legume family. Initially, a person met wildly species that were strongly reminded of peas. But the situation has changed with the removal of hybridswho were widespread in decorative purposes when designing plots. And today these flowers are grown in many countries.

A variety of shades is one of the main reasons why Lupins can increasingly be found in the sections of our gardeners. Flowers design can provide white, pink, lilac, yellow and red shades. However, more spectacular makes them the ability to grow with tricolor, but only some types of lupine posses such property. It is enough to plant such varieties once, and in a few years a wide carpet will be created on the plot, effectively decorating the soil with a variety of bright colors.

Lupins flowers begin to reveal in the first weeks of summer. They form an excellent composition in combination with peonies.

Lupins are of interest not only because of their attractiveness and unpretentiousness in cultivation. The presence of this plant helps to increase ground fertility. Such an effect of the plant is ensured by the presence of nitrogen-fixing bacteria on the tubers. The greatest benefit In this regard, brings the cultivation of blue lupine.

Main types and varieties

Lipin includes about a thousand species. And for the first time S. annual varieties The man met another year and 2000 years ago to our era.

The greatest representation in different parts our planet has about 200 main species. With regard to our country, it can be noted that the following four types are presented here:

  • yellow;
  • white;
  • narrow-walled;
  • multicious.

Depending on the growing period, these plants can be divided into three main groups:

  • annual;
  • two-year;
  • perennial.

Moreover, lupins may differ in their sizes, on the basis of which they are accepted to divide into dwarf giant varieties. Also depending on the form of growth, there are herbaceous species and shrubs.

Each of the listed species have their own characteristics, which will also be useful to get acquainted in more detail:

This is only a small part of the greater variety of varieties that are found on our planet. The species described above are presented in our country in the greatest quantity. Other Lupina varieties are more common on other continents. For example, in America, the dwarf, hybrid, changeable and decorated are popular.

Given the harsh conditions of our country, it is recommended to choose special varieties of lupine, which are resistant to severe frost and drought.

How to choose a landing place and prepare the soil?

Although lupins can grow on any kind of soil, still not every type of soil will be suitable for them. It concerns acidic soilswhere with a greater probability they will start shining. It is impossible to create favorable conditions for the development of lupine on the soils, where excess alkali is present.

It is useful to grow lupins on poor nutrients soils, in which the fertility increases over time. In order to improve the quality of the soil Before planting lupins, you can use peat and lime as an additive to the landing ground.

Being a light-insulated plant, Lupins will be able to feel the most comfortable on the site with a half.

Usually, special measures for the preparation of the soil are not required for landing. If the ground contains a sufficient number nutrients , it is possible without preliminary preparations to pick up seeds in spring in an open soil.

When to plant Lupines?

Landing and care in open soil Behind the colors should be timely. Usually sowing spend in spring: for this the moment is chosen when there is enough warm weather on the streetWhat usually happens in April. Some flower products practiced Lupina sowing and under the winter. In this case, the seeds are put in the prepared hole, and the top of the peat is sprinkled on top.

Growing from seeds and seedlings

The process of growing perennial and annual species of Lupine is an easy event that can carry out any novice flower. Some seeds or seedlings can be used as the main methods, which can be carried out in April.

But first of all, you need to decide on a suitable place on the site. Next, the prepared seeds to sow are plugged at a depth of 2-3 cm. In the completion of the earth you need to pour. In the first year, Lupin flowers begin to bloom in early August.

Caring for flowers

In relation to Lupins, the main activities are carried out, as in the case of all other cultural plants:

  • watering. Irrigation is necessary in moderate quantities. Usually, to meet the need of plants in water, they are watered 1-2 times a week. With a small amount of rain, the frequency is increased to 3-4 times;
  • loosening. Each regular watering must be completed with loosening. Once again we recall that the best of all these flowers feel on the soils rich in oxygen;
  • weeding. It is necessary to constantly monitor the purity of the area where the lupins are grown, and timely remove weed herbs. Does not benefit Lupins The presence of other plants forming the shadow. In this case, the flowers will begin to stretch and will not be able to demonstrate the decorative properties expected from them;
  • garter and trimming. If strong winds often happen in the place of growing lupins, they will need a garter. If this is not done, then under the influence of wind they can break the stem, because of which they will lose their attractive appearance. At the age of 5 years spend pruning. At this stage life cycle They completely stop flowering or they begin to fine. Conducting is important and after the end of flowering to stimulate the re-education of inflorescences;
  • making fertilizers. Like the rest cultural plants, Lupins bloom well if they are planted into the fertile soil. When growing flowers on poor soils, the situation can be corrected by making any mineral or organic fertilizers. Feeding can be carried out 2-3 times per season;
  • fighting pests. Lupins, like other plants, can be amazed by harmful insects. The most often harms the colors of the TLL. It is struggling with it using insecticides intended to destroy this type of pests. You can scare the TRU, as well as a number of other insects, with the help of strongly odorous substances. Good preventive measure It is a spraying of colors with an infusion of wormwood, pepper and cinnamon.

Preparation for winter

In the fall of the gardener, it is necessary to choose one of the ways of wintering Lupins:

  • digging tubers for the winter;
  • wintering in the ground.

Considering that Lupins are cold-resistant culture, they can be left for the winter in the ground. However, it is necessary to pruning the above-ground part in such a way that after surgery, the height of the stem was not more than 1-2 cm from the soil.

How to propagate the plant?

To obtain new plants, you can use the seed seed or reproduction method.

If the first method was selected, then seeds will be required that can be collected after the end of flowering. Carnate seeds at a permanent place can be in autumn.

For the reproduction of Lupins, the cutters will have to cut it with part of the stem, and then transplant to the prepared area.

What do you like and what are the plants afraid?

High resilience is one of the characteristic signs of Lupins. therefore separate people relate to them as a malicious weedSince you have to spend a lot of strength and time to remove them from the site. However, in unfavorable years, Lupins may affect disease.

Most often they suffer from muced dewwhich appears when creating favorable conditions: the presence of the shade, lack of nutrients in the soil, abundant planting around, strong temperature fluctuations.

Success in the fight against this disease largely depends on the time when the first treatment measures have begun. Very effective conduct contaminated plants with drugsdesigned to combat such diseases.

At the end, the soil is carried out, and also fertilize the soil. Should take care to there were no other plants on the site, which can create a shadow For Lupins. In the absence of such an opportunity, find more appropriate place for flowers.


Lupins do not need a special view, because many are familiar with him as a malicious weed, which is very difficult to withdraw from the site. However, in reality it decorative plantwhich can decorate any plot to your presence. But need to choose the right place for LupinsBut the best of all they feel in conditions of small shading.

Allows you to achieve lush flowering Lupins perennial landing and care conducted in accordance with the rules. Thus, on individual types of soils, it may be necessary to make special fertilizers to normalize the level of acidity, as well as increase in fertility.

Laipic landing and care (brief)

  • Landing: Sowing seeds to seedlings - In early March, the landing of seedlings in the ground - at the stage of development of 2-3 leaves. Sowing seeds directly to the ground - under winter or in April.
  • Bloom: For three weeks from the end of May or from the beginning of June.
  • Lighting: Bright sunlight.
  • The soil: Any, but is better drumming with a reaction from weakly alkaline to weakly acid.
  • Watering: Spring abundant, the rest of the time is moderate.
  • Feeding: From the spring of the second year once in the season, mineral complexes that are not containing nitrogen.
  • Reproduction: Seed.
  • Pests: TLA, larvae of the sprout flies, nodule weevils.
  • Diseases: Root and gray rot, fusarious wilt, fomeopsis, rust, spottedness, viral mosaic.

Read more about growing lupine

Lupine Flower - Description

The root system of Lupins rod, flowing deep into sometimes 2 meters. The roots are covered with small swolmers absorbing from air nitrogen and the soil enriching them under the plant. Stems ribbed or grassy, \u200b\u200bbranches are peeling, outperfilled or reprehension. Lupine leaves are regular, on long stiffs, palpat-complex, connected to a stuffed pillow with a long hollow. Inflorescence - the top brush on which a large number of Flowers are mowed, half-or-one. The size of the brush in some species reach one meter, the color of flowers is diverse - yellow, white, red, pink, cream and lilac lupines, as well as all shades of purple color. Lupina seeds different species differ in both form, and size, and in color. Lupine beans Mediterranean species are larger than American. Hyded, beans crack and scatter around themselves seeds - very small grains of lupine. Lupine not only adorns the flower beds, it is grown as a ciderat: stalking stalks in the ground and the leaves of Lupine become an excellent fertilizer. In addition, they grow lupine feed.

Growing Lupine from Seeds

Sowing Lupine Seeds.

Seeded Lupine seeds to seedlings in the loose point for the extension of seeds, consisting of peat (one part), the delicate land (one part) and sand (half). Before sowing, seeds are mixed with the roots of old lupine roots crushed into powder to accelerate the growth of nitrogen-absorbing bacteria. Shoots will appear in a week, other, and if you want all seeds to go at the same time, you need to cover the crops of wet gauze and keep them warm.

Lupina seedlings.

It should be recalled that the seed reproduction does not guarantee the inheritance of the young lupins of the color and other signs of maternal plants. Lupine from seeds is usually grown for the purpose of the selection experiment. Purple I. pink colors dominated, therefore, they can also be preserved in the next generation, and the white color is most likely lost with seed reproduction. After the appearance of 2-3 real leaves, shoots are planted at a permanent place - do not tighten with a transfer, since the rod root system will become a significant interference.

Louding Lupina

When to plant Lupine.

If you use a seed method of seed reproduction, then sowing seeds in early spring, in the beginning of March. If you decide to sow in the spring right into the ground, then sowing lupine is carried out in April, after snow comes down, but the plot should be ready since autumn. Many flowerflowers prefer to sow Lupine under the winter, at the end of October. In the autumn sowing many advantages and almost no contraindications: the seeds will not have time to germinate until winter, because they will dive into the ground in a very comfortable conditions. Seeds are close to the ground to a depth of 2 cm, then the plot is mulched by peat, the spring lupine will go together and blooms to August. If you grow lupine ensure, how already said, Lupine landing is carried out when seedlings will have 2-3 sheets, and do not tighten so that there are no problems with a transflection.

How to plant Lupine.

Most of the lupins are suitable for weakly acidic or weakly alkaline linous or sandy soil on the sunny area. To prepare a plot to a spring plant seedlings of lupine, in the fall of acidic soil lime dolomite or lime flour At the rate of 5 kg per 1 m², and this is enough for 3-4 years. Too alkaline soil is drunk with peat with the same calculation - 5 kg per 1 m². In the spring, the sprouted and the strengthened seedlings are planted into the soil prepared from the autumn at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other.

Lupine - care

How to care for Lupin.

Lupine complexity care does not represent. If you grow lupine many years old, the first year you have to periodically loose the soil on the site and remove the appearing weeds. Over time, adult plants will need to be dipped because they gradually expose the root neck, and the side sockets are separated. After five to six years of growth, old bushes will have to be removed, because the middle part of the bush and flowering quality is noticeably deteriorating. Take care of the supports for tall lupins so that their stalks are not broken from the wind. If you want Lupins to bloom to the coldests, cut off the faded inflorescences, not allowing them to dry out. After such manipulation, perennial species are able to bloom twice the season. Watering lupins need moderately, but in spring watering should be abundant.

Lupin fertilizer.

Lupin feeding is carried out in the spring, in the second year of growth, mineral fertilizers that do not contain nitrogen: 1 m² of areas are made to about 20 g of superphosphate and 5 g of calcium chloride. The feeders carry out each spring until it is time to plant new lupins.

Pests and Lupina diseases.

In the period of Bootonization, Lupine may be affected, at a later time - larvae of the sprout flies and nodule weevils. It is necessary to fight with them by spraying plants insecticides. Of the diseases are dangerous for Lupine rot (gray and root), fusarious wilting, spottedness and mosaic, fomeopsis and rust. It is not necessary to fight diseases and pests, if you observe the agrotechnical requirements for Lupine, and first of all - the rules of the crop rotation: the placement of Lupine is repeatedly on the site can take place only after three years. The best predecessor for Lupine is cereal.

How to assemble seeds of lupine

When collecting the seeds of Lupine.

As soon as the fetus of lupine matures, it is cracking, and the seeds are scattered in all directions. To prevent this, you need to collect seeds when the beans boost and just start drying. Do this will have to be selectively in several techniques.

Lupine after flowering

When Lupins are swinging, approximately in early October, you need to cut the flowerons and leaves, collect seeds, if there is such a need. The bushes of perennial lupine should be emphasized to cover the soil exposed root neck, and then dystick on the winter with sawdust - Lupins are very frozen in winter.

Types and varieties of Lupins

Imagine you some of the most famous species of Lupins.

Lupine narrowed, or blue

herbate plant Height from 80 cm to 150 cm with a rag-related reprehensive stem. Falcup-separate leaves, also lowered from below. Flowers are odorless, white, pink or purple, which for some reason considered it blue, and therefore called the kind of "blue lupine";

Lupine Multicults

comes from the north-west of North America. He is wintering, so it grows well in our latitudes. Height from 80 cm to 120 cm, straight and almost naked stems, Multi-Side Lupine Sheet is a thickened, on a long paper, lowered from below. The inflorescences of 30-35 cm long consist of a variety of blue flowers. It blooms about three weeks in June, while complying with the conditions for timely removal of faded inflorescences, it blooms in the late summer.

Lupine yellow

- The annual with a low-incredible pubescent stem, the same sowed leaves on long stiffs consisting of 5-9 blades. Yellow flowers with a fragrance resembling a dragage, are collected in a mutter brush;

Lupine white

grows up to 150 cm in height. The stem has a reprehensive, branched in the top. Falcupy leaves, thoroughly below, in such a way that the villi form a silver rim around the leaves. The top side of the leaves is smooth. Flowers odorless, white, pale pink or light blue are located in the inflorescence of the spiral.

In addition to these species, attention is attracted to both: Lupine Changeable, Lupine Manynornar, Lupine Melo-Choir, Lupine Dwarf, Lupine Nutan, Lupine tree and others.

The culture is most often grown hybrid varieties of lupine multi-heaf, such as:

  • Princess Juliana - up to 110 cm high, white-pink flowers are collected in the brush up to 40 cm long, blooms up to 40 days from June;
  • Apricot - up to 90 cm high, orange flowers, inflorescences up to 40 cm long, blooms from mid-June 30-35 days;

But the most beautiful and favorite flowers of the variety brought the breeder breeder: "Burg Froilin" - with a pure white color, "Main Schloss" - with a red-brick tint, a series of short-lived bright hybrids "Minaret" or "Splanddide" - a variety of monotonous hybrids and varieties with Sailing white or contrasting color.