
Armeria: Bright carnation in your garden. Armeria Primorskaya- Lovely and gentle flower in the garden

Garden do it yourself

After 4-5 years, the Armerius plant is better to update: dig and divide into several little bushes.

Description of Armeria and photos of colors

Plant Perennial, forming dense cushions 20-30 cm in diameter and 8-15 cm high. Leaves in a roasting rosette, linear lanceal, 12-15 cm long and 0.3 cm wide. Part of the leaves falls. Flowers are small, light pink, assembled into the commercial, stubby inflorescence up to 3 cm in diameter. Flowers in June 25-35 days. In culture since 1768.

In nature, grows on stony places, sea coasts and in the highlands of the Arctic, Northeast Siberia and the Far East.

It is known about 50 species, wild growing in Western and Eastern Europe, Siberia, Mongolia and America. Perennial herbaceous plants 30-40 cm high, with numerous linear leaves collected into a root rosette. Flowerines straight, thin, pubescent.

As can be seen in the photo of the Armery, the flowers have small pink, purple, white in the top-like heartiness, surrounded by dry, connectable bracts:

Most of the types of armeria look great in group compositions, they draw up alpine slides, rocky gardens, rabids, borders. Very good look next to Armeria creeping phlox, camneur, thyme and makeup plants.

Below you can familiarize yourself with the description of the Armeria of the most popular species and varieties.

Armeria Louisiana and Primorskaya

Armeria Louisiana or beautiful - This type has the most large flowers up to 4 cm in diameter. Blossom starts in June and lasts until the end of summer. The plant height up to 20cm, well tolerate winter, but does not tolerate dampness and overvoltage.

Gorgeous frost-resistant perennial for curb, mountaineering, rocky garden. Spherical inflorescences on long blooms from afar will attract attention to the abundance of bright colors. Sockets from narrow dark green leaves are well rooted, and quickly raging, the gaps between the plants fill.

Armeria Primorskaya It is a perennial, which blooms with beautiful pink flowerflowers, which can be powered by the entire flower garden. For the winter does not require shelter. The height can reach 150-30 cm. Linear leaves, narrow, blue-green and flat. There are also colorless unbranched stems, noble. Sheets are all roasting, they are also wintering and have 1-3 mm wide.

No special care is required. Watering is limited, depends on the burden of soil. Flowers from June to August. The tops are the topped, the flowers are pink or white. Plugging the division of the bush or seeds.

In a wild form, it is common in Eurasia, North America and on the numerous islands of the moderate and the Arctic belt, mostly in the strip of marine coasts. Central Europe is also found in mountainous areas.

Throughout the range, there is great variability, and therefore specialists allocate several subspecies. In some classifications, the status of individual taxa may be considered as an independent view.

Armeria juniper and red

Armery juniper. The birthplace of this species is customary to count the Areas of Spain and Portugal, which are located high in the mountains. A pillier that forms a tight pillow, reaching 5-15 cm in height, up to 20 cm in diameter. Extrable leafamererium juniper creates a socket. On the flowers having the shape of the head, there are usually scarlet or pinkish flowers that bloom so richly that can completely close the green sockets.

Small color pains reach 5-6 cm high. Blossom starts from July and continues for 1.5 - 2 months. The blurred inflorescences are usually collapsed from the middle. Easily tolerates winter, but for this you need to ensure good drainage. As well as all the rest of the varieties harms stagger.

Armeria Krasnaya - a perennial height of about 35 cm. Elegant inflorescences have a luxurious coral tint, resemble bright guns, soaring over the ground. Fragile stalks and leaves are lost against the background of expressive whites and create an impression of light green haze. Unpretentious and beautiful, on sunny places it is ready to bloom almost all summer. Her inflorescences do not lose attractions even in dry "winter" bouquets.

Sowing seedlings - from the end of February, in open sad - From late April.

Supporting complex fertilizers, deleting faded inflorescences.

Flowering from June to August.

Armeria ballerina and alpine

Armeria ballerina. In 2009, the Armerian Balkerina variety was marked by the gold medal of the Fleleraelak. Blooms in the first year of planting in the middle of summer. The plant is compact, forms evergreen sockets. The mixture perfectly fit into the mountainaries or container fittings. Need regular watering.

Looking into the ground better in April or May, carefully follow the distances between the bushes. Flowers Ballerina Armery in the late spring - early summer. When complying with certain conditions, it may be repeated in the fall. Dried inflorescences need to cut. After 5-6 years, the plant needs a division.

Good combined with red and pink fit. By appearance Flowers remotely resemble a relative of decorative onions.

Alpine Armeria. Plants up to 15 cm tall, with long blooms up to 30 cm. There are several forms: with white, carmine-pink and carmine-red flowers.

Suitable for mountaineering, borders, slataks, group landings. With a dense landing forms a carpet, the bloom of which can continue from May to September. It looks spectacular among the carpet plants and on lawns. Armeria Alpine is perfectly combined with, camneur, thyme creeping, low floccals, Yaskolka ,.

Armeria beautiful Anna Maria and Pseudoarmeria

Armeria beautiful Anna Maria - a long-term elegant plant up to 30 cm high. White, pink and carmine flowers are assembled in the head inflorescences, with a diameter of 4-5 cm, covered with a fillective bracts. It blooms since May about 70 days, sometimes re-autumn.

Young plants bloom for the second year, with early time Sowing - in the fall of the same year. Possible self-seams. Recommended for rock gardens, borders, chains and groups.

Armeria pseudoarmeria - Pretty low decorative perennial. Loves the soils, despite the drought resistance, it is better blooming with a large soil moisture. It is worth avoiding lime.

Looking into the ground better in April or May, carefully follow the distances between the bushes. Blossom in the late spring - early summer. When complying with certain conditions, it may be repeated in the fall. The colors palette contains shades of pink, lilac and even carminno-red. Dried inflorescences need to cut. After 5-6 years, the plant needs a division.

He has several varieties:

  • "JoyStick White" - Bright white, spherical inflorescences on a strong 40 cm stems. Blooms in a year of sowing and can be grown as an annual.
  • "Bees Ruby" - 40 - 60 cm high blooms in June-August bright pink flowers. "Thrift" - 15-20 cm high.


Armeria broad-sized - low-speed gustantwife shrubs, forming compact, dense turfs up to 30 cm with a diameter of root rosettes of leaves. Color-bearing stems numerous, about 30 (50) cm height, reprehension, thin, naked, beyond, buty. The leaves are numerous, in thick root rosettes, about 2.5 cm of length and 0.2-0.3 cm width, for genus relatively wide, lanceal or oblong, flat, implicitly gentle, stupid, naked, light green with a SIZY Tint before SIZY, with 5-7 veins.

Flowers are quite large, bright pink, less rarely dark pink or white, collected in very dense, sound inflorescences 3-4 cm with a diameter. A cup of whitish-film, naked or slightly pouring, unwanted, long-making. Bractsused, dry, white. Wrappers are wrapped with film, drowned. Flowers in June-July, abundantly. Frosts to minus 15 ° C. It is good under the snow, but only with a good drainage.

Armeria Lukidoid - evergreen, grassy perennial from 20 to 50 cm tall with pink flowers, blooms from May to July. There are varieties with white flowers. Requires an open solar place and well-drained soil. Frost-resistant.

Deruny Armeria - One of the most demanding species, but with the most abundant bloom. It is necessary to avoid sunshine, to cover on winter. Flowers red or pink colour. The duration of flowering is about 50 days.

Armery Sibirskaya - The flowerines reach 30 cm. The color of this variety is pink. The flowering period is June.

Armeria spiny - Which color saws reach 35-40 cm. Against the background of the SIZY leaf. Pink Armerian flowers are very beautiful for garden decoration.

Sowing Armeria and Flower Care

Cultivation of seeds can be produced in two ways: sowing freshly collected seeds directly into open soil or under winter ensure.

In the second case, landing of Armeria seeds are made in a seating capacity in February or early March, followed by picking. To get more friendly shoots, recommended seeds to pre-dunk in warm water For a short time (6-8 hours).

Armeria sowing to the ground is produced in May. Young plants bloom only on next year, with early crops - in the fall of the same year. Landing should be carried out at the well-lit place.

For landing and care for the colors of the soil of the soil, light sandy, preferably with an acidic reaction. It grows well on stony and sandy soils. The main one is not allowed to strange moisture, so the soil needs to drain well.

It is impossible to lime the soil where the Armery grows - this will lead to the death of the plant. Considering the high drought-resistance of the plant, watering is very moderately, and, mostly, in dry days.

Care is the same as for others blooming plants: Timely watering and feeding, the destruction of weeds, the soil cover must be constantly maintained in a loose state, for more prolonged flowering and activating the formation of new buds, faded inflorescences are removed.

For feeding use mineral fertilizers and the body. All recommended for the season to make several feeding: at the beginning of the growing season, during the bootonization and, preferably, after flowering.

Over time, the flower loses its decorativeness, so the plant periodically, after 4-5 years, divided.

One of the important stages in care is the timely planning trimming. The process of trimming is performed after the active phase of flowering. Long flowerons must be cut off by a secateur, which will allow you to bloom again in one season.

Vegetative and seed reproduction of Armeria

Armerian reproduction is produced in a vegetative and seed. Vegetative methods are used by the division of the bush and shilling. Upon receipt of the planting material, a bushes are used by division, which is not less than two years old, is better than three-year.

A bush can be divided in the spring, not bad and autumn, immediately after the completion of flowering. Dellets are rooted quickly and painlessly, giving life new plants. The distance between seedlings when landing - up to 20 cm.

Cuttings propagate the entire season, from spring to the beginning of autumn. Small sockets are used on the cuttings, the rooting of which can be done in the open ground, as well as in small containers under the film.

Flowers are practically not amazed. It is possible to rot on the roots of the plant during excessive humidity. Probably the appearance of spotted leaves.

As a result of this disease, the growth of the plant slows down, flowering is blocked. It is more effective than this disease to eradicate at the very beginning of its development and treat fungicides.

From pest the greatest harness brings. In the fight against this insect, preventive treatment of the plant helps in early spring And, if necessary, repeated, if the word still appeared.

Dana culture in gardening is presented various speciesThe most popular among which are considered: barbed, turf and Siberian armeria. Nevertheless, no matter how selected, landing and care for any of the varieties does not cause any difficulties. Just need to periodically devote the Armeria attention.

One of the important stages from which to begin the breeding of the Armeria after the selection of the variety is landing. Therefore, it is important to know where it is better to plant a flower, at what time of year and in what soil.

Selection of place for landing

Armeria in its natural environment grows mainly in wet places, for example, on the shores of the reservoirs. That is why it has a second name - "living in the water." Plant should be planted in places without excess moisture.

Most. the best place For planting the flower is a sunny place, but without direct rays. Shadow places are contraindicated by Armeria, as the plant can stop blossoming. The best way out will land on the eastern side of the slope or slide.

Selection of time for landing

Armeria should be dried in greenhouses at the beginning of spring (better in February-March). When sustainable heat occurs, the seedlings are permanent seedlings in an open ground.

Read more about landing and caring for Armeria. You will learn from the video:

Preparation of soil

The soil for the flower follows two weeks before the landing twice cramps and focus with organic fertilizers. Soil should not have an admixture of lime. Suitable ferry or sandy light soil.

You can make the soil from the greenhouse land, adding two parts of the turf soil into it and two parts of river sand (medium or fine fraction). Adding crushed dry grass, overwhelmed needles, wood sawdust, hay - this is not only a natural fertilizer, but also a method of increasing the richness of the soil, while it is not compacted and does not seek.

Features landing

Armeria can be planted as a single plant or in mixed groups at a distance of 30-40 cm from adjacent flowers. They dig a hole, install a sapling in such a position, as it grew up in a pot or box, so that the rosette of the leaves did not fall low in the ground. After the hole fall asleep and watered.

If you need to make a dense carpet from the flowers of the Armery, then it is necessary to plant them at a distance of 15-20 cm. Sit down the same as solo plants. The first three weeks should be regularly watered, especially Armeria, landed by decene.

Read about how to find, raise and care for oleander read.

Frequency landing and care rules can be found in the article -

Armeria reproduction

Armery multiplies in several ways: cutting cuttings, dividing adult bushes or seeds.

Growing seeds

You can driving immediately into the soil or ever. If planted in open ground, then the right time for this - early spring Or under the winter, the seedlings - in the first days of March or in February. Seeds ride very well, for this it should be sowed not deep and not thick and maintain the necessary level of moisture.

Upon reaching a plant of several centimeters, it is necessary to pix a greenhouse or a greenhouse in soil. When the armeria released the leaves, it can be planted for a permanent place of growth. Plants that are obtained from seedlings bloom only for the second year. If the flower has been sown under winter or early spring, probably bloom in autumn.

Grow armeria from seeds


This method of cultivation of the Armery is possible throughout the season: from spring to the beginning of autumn. Small outlets are taken for overlap, which root in the open ground or in small containers under the film.


The armeria bushes share quite often, therefore the reproduction of the decenes is suitable during the warm period of the year. When the plant has dropped (autumn), then two-, three-year-old bushes dig and separated into parts. The resulting small pieces are planted at a distance of 20 cm. Little daughters in an adult plant, but not shoot.

Caring for Armeria

To care for Armeria is quite simple. For this, the plant feeds and cut off at the right time. It is also important to correctly handle the plant in the winter.


Armeria to feed must necessarily before it bloom. It is timely feeding that will actively bloom: the flowers will be more qualitative, and the duration will increase. And during the summer, the flower feed several times. Organic or mineral fertilizers are used for Armeria.

If the soil is peat, loamy or clay, then fertilize Armeria follows more often.


One of the important stages in the care of Armeria is the timely planned trimming. The process of trimming is performed after the active phase of flowering. Long flowerons must be cut off by the secateur, which will allow the Armeria to bloom again in one season.

Winter care

Despite the fact that the flowers of the Armery love the hot climate, they may well adapt to the winter period. In additional preparation for the winter, the plant does not need if winter snow and does not have long warming periods.

The plant does not lose its green attractive color even in winter. Only such a variety as the armeria is trembling, should be sealed for the winter in vegetable materials or a dry peat and cover with nonwoven material and sweetheart.

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Fighting pests and diseases of the Armeria

Armeria almost never suffers from damage to pests or diseases. Probably rotting the root if the humidity is increased. There may also appear spotted leaves. When the flower is amazed, it slows down, and flowering stops. It is for this reason that the disease should be eliminated in a timely manner in early stages, treating the plant by fungicides.

The most dangerous for the TLL Armeria. To avoid attack, the flower is carried out by preventive actions in early spring, if necessary - they are re-carried out.

Supports are suitable for preventive procedures: intavir, carboofos, kinmix.

Armeria varieties

- A view that is relevant most often for landing on the plots. Dense 30-centimeter handhelds consist of narrow leaves. Inflorescences have a bright pink color. The flowering of this variety is happening in June for a whole month.

- Sort, whose flowerines reach 35 cm. It blooms such an armeria long and abundantly. So that the plant grew in full force and gladly blossomed in the soil a large number of potassium.

- One of the most demanding species, but with the most abundant bloom. It is necessary to avoid the ingress of the sun, to cover for the winter period. Flowers of red or pink color. The duration of flowering is about 50 days.

- A variety, whose blossoms reach 30 cm. On the background of the SIZY leaf. Pink Armery Flowers are very beautiful for garden decoration.

Armeria Lukidoid - View with pink or white flowers. Flowering from May to July.

Armeria Primorskaya - It has a wide selection of color: pink pink, saturated pink, dark red, carmine-red. The flowering period is up to 70 days. Height - 20 cm, and in the diameter Armery reaches 15 cm.

Armery Sibirskaya - The flowerines reach 30 cm. The color of this variety is pink. The flowering period is June.

Photos of Armerie varieties are presented in the gallery:

Few people will leave indifferent Armery Primorskaya - an amazing plant with thick greens and beautiful flowers. Armeria Primorskaya varieties (they can be seen in the photo) are striking with beauty and diversity. They look beautiful on the flower beds and in complex flower arrangements created by masters of landscape design.

This flower is easy to grow in any flower garden in the open soil, if you perform all the rules of care for it. Armeria is unpretentious and frost-resistant and will delight with his bloom for many years, if you know the secrets of landing. For those who wish to have in their flower bed it amazing plant And this article is written.

Armeria Primorskaya: a brief description of the type and variety

Armeria Primorskaya belongs to the genus of grassy plants, which, in turn, refers to the family of pigs. In vivo, the plant lives on the sea coasts of the North-West of Europe and North America. it perennial And it's well tolerate frost.

Armeria seaside in nature

Armeria Primorskaya, his beauty, has long attracted the attention of the flower water, and from the beginning of the XVII century, beautiful lilac-pink flowers are decorated with gardens and flower beds.

Armeria Primorskaya is a pillow-shaped grassy bush height at 15-20 cm and about 15 cm wide, assembled from a set of linear flat blue-green leaflets, which converge in a pinching outlet. Above the leaves on the long (about 20 cm), blooms rose balls of inflorescences collected from gentle adorable flowers. The beauty of the plant transmit colorful photos.

A lot of varieties that differ in color and leaves are derived from the wild Armeria of Primorskaya:

  • "ALBA" - a plant with snow-white inflorescences;

  • Rosea Compacta - is a small bush with pink colors;
  • "Splendens Perfecta" - dwarf armeria with narrow leaves and bright pink flowers;

SPLENDENS Perfecta variety

  • "Rubifolia" - beautiful plant with leaves and escapes of purple shade and lilac colors;
  • Nifty Thrifty - is distinguished by leaves with white border around the edges, tender-pink flowers;

Nifty Thrifty variety

  • "Vindictive" - \u200b\u200bgrade with red flowers;
  • "Bloodstone" - has bright dark red flowers;

Grade Bloodstone

  • "ROESCHEN" - flowers of pale pink color;
  • Düsseldorfer Stalz - Inflorescences of Dark Red Color.

Sort Düsseldorfer Stolz

Armery landing, care and fertilizer

Even for such a non-additive plant, as an armerion landing and care must be carried out in all the rules.

Armeria Primorsky feels perfectly in areas well lit by the sun with a light, loose and slightly moistened soil. It will be better suitable for the brown stony or soup soil with an acidic reaction, but in no case is not known. Before planting the plant, the soil must be swollen a couple of times and feed the organic fertilizer.

Important! Armeria Primorskya does not tolerate moisture stagnation, so if it is necessary to provide artificial drainage on the plot on the site where the flower will grow.

If the primer is not suitable for the Armeria, it can be prepared: take a special mixture for greenhouses, add river sand and turdery soil (1: 2: 2). In areas where sprouts will be planted, dig up shallow pits or trenches and fill them with a mixture prepared. You can also add wood sawdust, hay, crumpled dry grass when swinging the bed. This "Vinaigrette" will improve the draenage of the soil and also serves as a natural fertilizer for a flower.

Prepare the soil for landing of the Armeria by adding all the necessary components

Armeriya Primorsky is not bad to carry the heat, but it needs to be regularly water (but moderately), and in particularly hot days spray the leaves.

Important! Another important moment Care - you need to explode the soil from time to time.

When the Armery begins to bloom, for abundant and long flowering, it is necessary to cut faded inflorescences and flowers on which there will no longer be buds. So the plant will not be in vain to spend its strength.

In a snowy and not too cold winter, Armeria does not need to be covered. It is well tolerating frosts up to - 15 degrees, and perfectly punishes under the snow. But when there are no snow, then for the winter it needs to be well covered, for example, a sweetheart.

Armeria perceives leaf spraying very well

Armeria needs to be bought before flowering. Actually, for the normal development of the plant, it is desirable to spend three feeders for the season, watering the aqueous solution of fertilizers (organic and mineral). Especially if the flowers are growing on peat, clay and drifting soils.

Armeria reproduction

This section discusses all highlights on the topic: Armeria growing and care. They will be very useful for flowerflowers who have decided to plant on their plot is a beautiful plant.

Armery B. landscape design

Armeria in landscape design - a combination with other plants

Armery so decorative plant - It looks spectacularly planted with single bushes, also in combination with other types of plants, when filling the rocarium or alpine slide. Very picturesque looks of the carpets of Armeria Primorskaya. More different armeria varieties using in landscape design for the design of borders, creating picturesque colored spots in the crevices of the walls, between the plates of park lanes.

Armeria seaside: video

Varieties of Armeria: Photo

Make a garden decor bright and memorable will help such a perennial as an armeria. Landing and flower care does not require considerable effort. Sockets are developing rapidly and produce elegant flowers.

Armeria Primorskaya: varieties and varieties

Armery is a perennial herbate plant. Narrow bright green leaves are collected in a thick pillowed bush. The height of the color saw depends on the variety and can range from 20 to 50 cm.

Armery Alba

Consider the most popular varieties in landscape design:

  • Alba is a low grade with boil-white inflorescences;
  • Rosea Compacta - Disrupts the buds of a pink shade;
  • Rubifolia - is highlighted by purple and purple petals;
  • Dusseldorfer Stolz - will be remembered by dark red flowers;
  • Nifty Thrifty - features decorative foliage with white border and bright pink flowers.

Landing of Armeria

For landing of the Armery choose solar sections. The varieties of perennial are not whimsical to the composition of the soil. Armeria is suitable and rocky soil, and soup. However, it does not tolerate the earth with an alkaline reaction.

Armeria Dusseldorfer Stolz

Sowing seeds produce immediately into open soil or grown through seedlings. Sowing a flower lees in early spring and late autumn. In the reproduction of seedlings, seeds are seeded into containers in March, and the picking into separate pots are carried out when the seedlings reach a height of about 10 cm. The transplant to a permanent place is made when developing a strong socket with flowers.

Plant care

Armeria care lies in irrigation and pruning. It is necessary to know that the flower does not tolerate heat. Therefore, in hot days it is useful not only to moisturize the soil, but also to spend the landings.

Important. During the flowering period, you need to ensure that the fading flowers have not remained long on landings. They are cut off in a timely manner so that the plant does not spend strength on the ripening of seeds.

Those who wish to have a decorative garden view and in the winter, as an armeria cannot be better suited. Growing and care during the cold season is to stop irrigated, and the shelter is carried out only with a decrease in temperature to -15 ° C.

Fertilizer and feeding of Armeria

To ensure a thick foliage and magnificent long-lasting flowering of the Armeria, recommend at least two densences for the season:

  1. At the beginning of the vegetation use nitrogen fertilizer.
  2. During the flowering period, the beds are fed by complex mineral additives.

The application of fertilizers in the open ground is accompanied by soil looser.

Armeria reproduction

Armeric reproduction is possible not only by seeds, but also in vegetative ways. This or that method is chosen depending on the time of year.

Armeria Nifty Thrifty

The breeding of the division of the bush is spent early in the spring or late in the fall, when the plant is at rest. For this, flowers have been suitable for at least two years. In the process of division and transplants are carried out sanitary trim Root system - remove all firm parts.

Silent is engaged in B. summer period. For this use root processes. Planting produce immediately in a permanent place.

Reference. Vegetative ways are more suitable in cases where the flower descender wishes a reproduction of a loved grade without losing his decorative signs.

Diseases and pests

Armeror's reproduction rarely grieves the flower of the appearance of diseases and pests. Such troubles happen mainly with incorrect landings care in the open ground. In particular, the excessive moisturizing of the flower beds will result in the reinforcement of plant roots. To fix the position, the watering mode should be changed.

Combination of Armeria with other plants

Perennial flowers can hit bacterial letters of leaves. The disease delays the development of plants, harms blossom. When signs of spotlights are found in cropping the affected areas and processing with a solution of fungicides.

The cultivation of perennial plants in the open ground makes them practically defenseless before the appearance of Tly. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of prevention until the pest existed your pets. To this end, the flower beds are treated with intavir, cafofos, kinmix.

Armeria Primorskaya: Combination with other plants

Features decorative type Armery allow us to grow by growing next to her in the open ground of a wide variety of plants:

  • There will be a harmonious combination of armeria with allyums - their spherical inflorescences are consonant with the form, and lilac shades of petals.
  • In the companions of the Armery will suit the lowest perennial bark flowers - for example, Alissaum, Camery, Thyme Creek, Carpathian Bell. The main thing is to find harmonious variety color.
  • Thin high blooms look great against the background of such average cultures like Flox, Astilba, Turkish cloves.

Will be good decision In the landscape design, growing on one flowering armeria and decorative and deciduous plants - Hosts, Bemeria, Fern.

Armeria Primorsky in Landscape Design

In landscape design perennial Armeria Used both in single landings and quality an important element Cream compositions.

Flowers armeria (Lat. Armeria) Forming the genus of grassy flower perennial plants of the Family Family, which has more ninety species in nature. The name "Armery" can occur from the combination of two Celtic words: "AR", which means "near, nearby", and "Mor" - "Sea". The justice of such an assumption confirms one of the common types of armeria, preferring to grow in the seaside dunes. But there is also the opinion that "Armery" comes from the word "Armoires" - so on Starofranzus language was called the bearded carnation, which some types of arming were similar. In natural conditions, the Armery flower is found in Eastern Europe, in the Mediterranean, Mongolia, America and Siberia.

Armery Flower - Description

The Armery plant reaches a height from 15 to 60 cm. She has a short rod rhizome, and numerous linear-lanceal seating all-wide leaves, assembled into a root rosette, form dense curtains - pillows. Straight straight, smooth or sown. Small flowers of white, pink, purple flowers and their shades are assembled into the sound inflorescences. Single-heated fruit. Armery bloom begins in May and ends at the end of summer. The view of the Armeria Primorskaya is most popular in Culture (Armeria Maritima). The cultivation of the seaside army is carried out in the same way as the cultivation of the Armeria of any other species, the only difference is only the fact that the seaside argea is preferable to grow at the reservoir.

Cultivation of Armeria from Seeds

Armeria sowing.

The seed reproduction of the Armeria is carried out as a seaside and a reckless way. In the open soil of the seeds of Armeria sow at the end of the autumn (so that they go to natural stratification for the winter) or in the spring, in early March. At seedlings to the greenhouse seeds of Armeria sow at the end of February or early March. In addition, the Armeria is well multiplied by self-sowing. Wherever you sow seeds of the Armeria - immediately into the ground or in the seedlings container - they close them in a shallow, sprinkling the layer of the Earth in a half-meter. The germination of the seed of the Armeria is high.

Armeria seedlings.

If you want to get friendly shoots, hold the seeds of the Armeria week in the refrigerator, and in front of the sowing of them for 6-8 hours in warm water. Surprised in the boxes and slightly sprinkled by the soil seeds of the Armery contain in warm, bright place. When shoots have reached a height of several centimeters and they will have a pair of real leaves, seedlings are divened to the greenhouses and struggle until they fix it.

Landing of armeria in open ground

When to plant Armeria.

As soon as you make sure that the leaves of the Armery in the greenhouse became strong and strong, and the frosts retreated finally, you can deal with the transplant of seedlings to open ground. Determine for the Armeria the warmest and sunny plot with a light, slightly wet acidic soil - the most sulfur or rocky soil is most suitable. If the soil is labeled, try to fix it before landing, because the armeria does not tolerate lime. For neutralization, enter into the soil under the ammonium nitrate pixel or span the area with a solution of acetic acid.

How to plant Armeria.

Two weeks before landing thoroughly burst the soil on the site and make organic fertilizers. If you decide to grow armey as solo plants, they are planted in the wells at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other and from other plants, installing a seedling so that the rosette of the leaves was not lowered to the ground and the root neck was shallow. The wells fall asleep the earth, the grounds are torn around the seedlings and water the landing. If you want the armeria to grow with a solid carpet, then the seedlings need to plant, so that there is no more than 15-20 cm between the specimens, and not in the wells, but in shallow trenches. For the first three weeks, try to water Armeria often, but let's push the soil between watering. Armeria from seeds blooms usually next year after landing. Armeria Primorsky is grown from seeds according to the same rules as any other type.

Armery - care

How to grow Armeria.

Care for armeria complexity does not represent. Before it blooms, enter into the ground as feeding full mineral fertilizerAnd then repeat the feeder again. You can remove the faded flowers on time and cut the flowers on which there will no longer be flowers so that the plant sends all its strength on the formation of new buds. If summer is arid, water Armeria, but try not to overdo it with moisture. When the plant reaches the five-year-old age, it is necessary to dig up, divided into parts and sear, and in the future it is to do it every 2-3 years, otherwise the Armery is growing up. This is how the landing of the army and the care of it is carried out. Everything is simple.

Pests and diseases of the Armeria.

Armeria is not afraid of neither diseases nor pests, but if it grows in insufficiently acidic soil, there may be problems with tool or spotting, to deal with which the best radical trimming of shoots.

Armeria after flowering

How and when collecting the seeds of the Armeria.

Perennial Armeria in winter.

Armeria - a plant frost-resistant and may well be overwhelmed without shelter, especially if in the winter there will be a lot of snow. The exception is only the farmer's armerion, which must be stolen. Used for shelter dry peat, huskry and nonwoven materials. If the winter forecasts are expected to be an impersonal, it is better to hide the sweetheart and other types of arming: and they will be warm, and you calmly.

Types and varieties of armeria

In the culture, about ten species of armeria were distributed. Use them in group landings, rabids, mountaineers, stony gardensas well as as colored borders.

Armeria Alpine (Armeria Alpina)

- a perennial plant forming dense pillows up to 30 cm in diameter and about 15 cm high. Many of the linear lanceal leaves suffer winter. Flowers are light pink, assembled into the stubborn sound inflorescences up to three centimeters in diameter. Flowerines up to 30 cm high. Flowers for three to four weeks from June. Varieties:

  • - Alba - Belaya Armeria;
  • - "Laucheana" - Armeria with carmine-red flowers;
  • - Rosea - grade with bright pink flowers.

Pseudoarmeria, or Armeria Beautiful (Armeria Pseudarmeria)

- A plant that achieves a height of 40 cm with rosettes of evergreen leaves and inflorescences of white or pink flowers. Flowers from the beginning to the end of summer. Varieties:

  • - "Joystick White" - a grade with white spherical inflorescences, can be grown as an annual;
  • - "Thrift" - a low-length grade high up to 20 cm high;
  • - "Red Planet" - a perennial with red balloons of inflorescences on blooms up to 35 cm high;
  • - "Bees Ruby" - Armeria bright pink up to 60 cm high.

Armeria Primorskaya (Armeria Maritima)

it grows in nature on marine coasts. Its height is not more than 20 cm, the diameter of the socket is the same. Narrow leaves, linear, flat, blue-green color. Flowers in the funny inflorescences Pink-purple, covered with film bracts. Blooms in May and flows around in approximately seventy days. Sometimes repeatedly blooms in the fall. Varieties:

  • - Armery Louisiana - a variety of Armeria seashest with pink flowers;
  • - Düsseldorf Stolz - grade with dark red flowers;
  • - "Winekiv" - Armeria Red;
  • - "Bloxt" - Armeria is dark red.

Armeria Dneysh, or Armeria Juniper-Oil (Armeria Juniperifolia \u003d Armeria Cespitosa)

it comes from the high mountain regions of Spain and Portugal, it is a perennial height of up to 15 cm with narrow linear leaves collected in a rosette with a diameter of up to 20 cm. Flowers of red or pink color in the heartfelt inflorescences are framed by the interfiled bracts, flowercasters up to 6 cm high. Flowering is plentiful that sometimes because of flowers with bracts is not visible to the leaves of the army. Flowers for forty-fifty days from July. Does not tolerate moisture in roots. Popular Hybrid of the Armeria of Dernomy and Armeria Primorsky, called Armeria Zyunderman. Dernist Armeria varieties:

  • - "Brno" - a low grade with lilac terry flowers;
  • - "Bivenz Väyeti" - terry flowers, pale pink.

Armeria Welwitschii (Armeria Welwitschii)

- One of the tallers of armeria - up to 35 cm in height. The leaves are large, reach a length of 10, and in a width of 5 cm. Pink flowers up to 2 cm in diameter make up the sound inflorescence. Blooming abundantly and long since June and before the start of winter. This species requires an enriched soil calcium.

Armeria Ordinary, Garden (Armeria Vulgaris)

it grows in a height of up to 60 cm, linear all-ray leaves reach 12.5 cm long and 1 cm wide. Naked bloomrs crowned the sound inflorescences of carmine-pink fragrant flowers, which on one plant can be up to 40.

Armeria beautiful (Armeria Formosa)

forms compact sockets from narrowly evergreen leaves. Stems tough, rounded, reprehension. Inflorescences up to 5 cm in the diameter of white, red or pink color are abundantly blooming until October.

In addition to these types of armeria, the Armery Japanese, Siberian, Barbed, Lowid, Arctic, and others are also known.