
What makes a flower slide. Alpine slide with stones at your own hands: photos and implementation examples

Works in the country, in the spring garden

Arrangement of Alpinaria - the occupation is unusually fascinating, requiring a creative approach. In the process, you have a great abundance of opportunities, the main thing is to show imagination and imagination.

What is the alpine slide? In fact, this is an imitation of a mountain landscape with perfectly selected beautiful flowers and plants. Such a composition in the garden should be harmoniously approaching the overall landscape, which is advantageous completing it.

Creating a mountaineering is a gradual process that requires attention to the nuances. First of all, it is necessary to consider the size of the slide itself, the optimal location of transitions, paths, steps and construction as a whole.

Location selection of alpine slide

It is very important that the location of the alpinory place is well lit. Alpine plants of light sounds: it is the number sunlight affects their growth and development. If we talk about the soil, the optimal will be stony soils with a limited amount of water. Excessive moisture is extremely detrimental for mining flora, so it is important to prevent stagnation of water in drainage.

In the household plots, quite a lot of formless varieties of stones are often formed, which the hosts sometimes use for the future Alpinaria. In this case, there is a risk instead of a beautiful design to get a meaningless and ridiculous mountain of stones. Here, experienced landscape designers are still recommended to carefully select pebbles in appearance, size and shape to get a gourmet mountain landscape.

How to choose the alpinarium stones

For future mountaineering, try to pick up stones of no more than two rocks as much as possible and one structure.

Also take into account characteristics Plants and colors that are planning for a slide. As a rule, they are perfectly leaving for limestone rocks with a porous structure, which contributes to the penetration of the root inside. But this soil periodically needs to be acidified, as it has an alkaline reaction. And the gaps between the plants and stones are desirable to embellish with marble crumbs or crushed stone. So, the mountaineering will acquire a beautiful finished look.

Tip: Buy stones in special stores. Only so you will be confident as a material, because the stones should be environmentally friendly and have an inhomogeneous structure.

The most suitable breeds are granite, travertine, limestone, slate and sandstone. Use the same-type stones weighing about 100 kg and with signs of erosion. The optimal alpine height is up to 1.5 meters.

Varieties of alpine slurrow

The most common and simple look - rock cliff. Naturally, it is possible with a steep slope. Work in this case begins with the foundation where large stone blocks are stacked, and then various plants are planted.

The following type is a mountain arrangement that converts design into a unique, extraordinary beauty place. To create such a charm, stone blocks hide into a soil for two thirds and arrange chaotic trails that form a stunning mountain landscape.

Color spectrum

The maximum effect in the creation of a mountaineering can be achieved as a skillful game of color transitions.

The combinations of three shades are luxurious. For example, yellow perfectly harmonizes with pinkish, or lilac flowers. Thus, yellow as it were equalized by two similar shades.

Visually closer to any object, combining yellow and orange, and distinguished - with of blue color. Look more carefully for anyone landscape decoration. Surely you will notice that the lined away the blue and blue flowers Almost invisible, and plants with warm shades, on the contrary, visually approach objects.

Even long-standing designers use the game of contrasts, so that thanks to one element to emphasize the magnificence and the uniqueness of the other. One large plant looks much brighter and expressive if it will be covered with low-spirited species from all sides. But the compositions with solid and dismembered sheets look the most advantageous on each other's backdrop.

Dominant element

Alpinarium will look much exquisite if a bright dominating element will dominate in it. As such can act spectacular flowers Or plants, original stone or stream. This emphasis must be visible from all sides, because it is the final completion of the design, and the landscape is perceived as one.

How to choose plants for mountain composition

In the choice of plantings, it is necessary to take into account their susceptibility to the light in the place where the alpinary is planned. Remember, not all plants are suitable for a slide and combined with stones or other species of plantations.

So, for example, the location of the mountaineering in the northern part involves the shadowed types. They will also need enough moisture. These include primula, Badan, fern and host. Light-loving plants for which the soil drainage is less important to choose much easier. Such are tulip, mild, thyme, iris, etc.

Also a lot of universal varieties that the sun and the sun, and the shadow are a violet, a bell, crocus, muscari, phlox.

IN winter looks good canadian fir, Mountain pine, juniper. The greatest impression is made of volatile and evergreen plantings.

Alpine slide at the cottage

In general, there are no absolutely two identical alpinaria, as each site owner tries to bring something new, individual in the design. By the way, many believe that the best solution for the mountain arrangement is an option without any construction work (cement, brick masonry etc.). Such an approach subsequently provides the possibility of alteration of the entire design and significantly facilitates the workflow.

And you decorate your pricework? Tell us what version of the alpine slide design to you most like?

Editor Alpinarium and Rocarium 6775

Flowering S. early spring Up to late autumn, the alpine slide is the subject of pride and sorticulture. The beauty lively beauty seems simple and natural, but behind it is the work multiplied to creativity. The naturally the Alpine slide looks at the cottage, the more power attached her Creator.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a very tempting corner is very tempting at the dacha. The ideal composition is a combination of stones and plants. Successfully selected variations resemble a mountain landscape. There are certain rules for the arrangement of the Alpine slides with their own hands, but this concerns only laying technology. The visible top is the process of personal creativity. The gardener can rely on the recommendation, however, will receive exclusively its end result. No two similar alpine slides. It is always manifestation of individuality. The presence of one or more large stones is a prerequisite for the composition. So emphasizes the desire to resemble the mountain peak. The countryside is not more than two meters high. The slopes are covered with low-spirited evergreen and seasonally blooming plants.

The main misconception of novice gardeners is the idea that a pile of stones, half-filled fertile land and covered with vegetable carpet, can already be applied for the title of alpine slide. I would like to emphasize once again that it is a creative labor-intensive process associated with your own hands.

Alpinaria has a story

The Mention of the Alps suggests that the idea was born to create a mountain landscape in the garden somewhere in Europe. But it is not. Japanese are considered to be the leaders of stone gardens. It was they who opened the world to combine the hardness of the stone with the tenderness of flowers. Spectacular mountaineering on the distant islands of the Rising Sun are known and described the millennium ago. In civilized Europe, this idea hit the XVI century, and in Russia only in the XVIII.

What is Roccariya?

Roccarius is a composition of stones and plants, where the main role is played by a solid rock, and herbs and flowers serve as a background. There are stones of only one species. They are chaotic or folded with their own hands with parallel rows in low walls. The illusion of the rocky mountain medium occurs.

In Alpinaria, the main role is played by plants. It is their beauty among the stones attracts his eyes.

These concepts should not be confused and know what exactly I want: Alpinarium or roccar.

Major green components Alpinaria

Characteristic for all herbs and colors:

  • unpretentious care;
  • lowness;
  • vitality B. adverse conditions: With an excess of water and in the event of drought.

You can change the image of a flowerbed every year, having planted with their own homing. But it is better to immediately focus on perennial instances. Then every year the appearance will become more attractive. It is necessary to take into account the seasonality of flowering of each inhabitant of flower beds and choose a variety of copies.

In the natural environment there are several representatives of wild flora that have long been cultivated as garden plants.

For the Alpine slide fit:

  • edelweiss; a romantic symbol of love overcoming all obstacles; frost-resistant perennial; Steel on the ground in small rugs; The flowering season is the beginning and middle of the summer;
  • however, or a stone rose; Flower with landed fleshy leaves; quickly grows between stones; Flowers light purple; Sustainable for any weather change;
  • lumbago; Little perennial from the Lutikov family; blooms the very first; goes well;
  • coiding; presented in several varieties; Perfectly sprinkled on the ground creeping stems, destroys weeds around him; changes the color under the influence of the Sun;
  • saxifrage; loves the northern or shaded slopes; The green blooming mat even on the stones;
  • crocus; Little bulbous stars of a wide variety of colors; bloom from March to May; well multiply;
  • dwarf barberry; belongs to the type of shrubs; steles on the ground; Suitable for the lower tier; Spring pleases flowering, in the fall of red berries;
  • juniper; evergreen low-speed bush; can serve as the center of the composition; Unpretentious and stable.

Astra Alpine, Dwarf Barbaris, Akvilia; Flox; Japanese spirea. All plants need time to express themselves in all its glory. Applying the multi-tie landing, it will be possible to achieve a better result.

Choosing a place

It is advisable to determine for the mountaineering a spacious well-lit corner. Flowerba should be viewed from all sides. Beauty, created with your own hands, needs demonstration.

A more natural composition looks in spacious places: in the center of the garden, between the tracks, like an independent flower bed. The location in the corner, between trees and buildings, will not fully show all the beauty of creation.

If one of the slopes of the slide will be shaded - this is not a reason to be upset. There will have to pick up plants for which such conditions are the most comfortable.

Drainage - necessary procedure for soil health

It is necessary to take into account the nature of the soil. Sand soil is better and is a natural drainage. There will be no problems with excess moisture. For clay soil and pure, bold chernozema requires a mandatory layer of drainage from any convenient materials. The work is simple, performed with your own hands.

You can arrange a drainage system throughout the perimeter of the base. If the problem of the cluster of the fluid is not for your locality, it is enough to dig a few holes.

Equipment technology is simple:

  • remove the soil layer to a depth of 30 cm;
  • fall asleep by 20 cm rubble or gravel, it will be suitable for any small construction trash;
  • ideally, drainage is better to cover the geosynthetic textile layer; It skips water, but does not allow even the smallest soil particles to leave with liquid; shares the layers, does not allow them to mix; Sailing of the soil is excluded;
  • then the layer of sand in 10 cm is poured;
  • layer of land.

Each piece of this cake must be good to water after frustration.

Soil mixture

To form a better natural base, combine in equal parts purified and sifted land, large sand and dry humid.

If this is the first experience at the base of the Alpinaria, its height is desirable not more than 1 m.

Laying stones

Three tiers are quite enough. At the stage of formation of an earthen hill to the lower tier laid large copies, so that they look out from the ground.

After that, you need to take a break for two weeks. During this time, the soil will fall, will be lost. We will seek problem areas.

Then begins the creative process of laying with their own arms of tiers of tiers. Remember that a natural environment is formed. Stones should not lie on the surface, but as if looking out of the ground, making up a single whole with it. Hurry up and observe symmetry is not worth it. Change, move, turn over until it turns out what you like.

The principle of placing tiers - pyramid. Small samples must reliably rely on the lower major. It depends on the taste, but it is desirable to select homogeneous on the structure and color of the instances.

You can draw the alpine slide scheme top view. Then do it yourself the desired in practice will be easier.

Construction of vertices

This is the final stage of construction work. There are several options:

  • welcome to the top, massive beautiful stone; It will protect the slide from surface erosion;
  • create a mini-pyramid with your own hands with a middle of the middle and put flowers there;
  • arrange the crown from small but attractive samples.

After the end of construction is better to wait a week. Next, start by landing of green inhabitants.

And some more advice:

  • do not use the hill artificial materials in the decoration, garden sculptures, and unsuitable plants; The task to get a corner of natural nature should be paramount;
  • mountain compositions look perfectly on the edge of lawns;
  • fill the hill with flowers more convenient from above;
  • fertilizers should be made in limited quantities, especially when landing; Plants must be taken on their own; feeders are necessary after the third year;
  • periodically, small emptiness and failures will be formed; Fill them with a mixture of clay earth with peat;
  • water up the slide always from the foot; The impregnated lower layers will not allow to wash the ground and microelements.

Alpine Gorka Fashionable attribute of the arrangement of modern garden and park areas. Device Alpinaria in the country of hand: step-by-step photos, schemes, selection of plants.

Choosing a place for alpine slide

Choosing a place for the Alpine slide, it is important to provide for the following conditions:

In the landscape design there are many landscape design styles, including the elements of a deserted landscape, rocky kindergartens, ponds and bridges that must be harmonized with the built-in slide.

The slide device is most preferably at the design of the garden. With independent performance, you can avoid high costs For landscape architect services. Having step-by-step photos and schemes of the coaster of the slide, perform work on the construction of the mountaineering with their own hands will not be much labor.

It is very important to spend correctly preparatory workso that the slide is stable

Alpine slide - preparation

To begin with, it is required to determine the place on the site where the slide will be located. Next should not grow perennial shrubs And trees that can over time to sharpen plants on the hill. Open from all sides the place available for review from all corners of the garden should be dry. The high level of groundwater will adversely affect the durability and strength of the base of the slide. The level of groundwater in this case is required to lower with a special drainage.

Drainage under the alpine slide with their own hands (step-by-step guide).

The scheme of arrangement of the alpine slide do it yourself

While the natural shrinkage of the soil occurs, you can make a scheme, determine the location on the hill of boulders and stones, choose the type of vegetation for planting. To create a mountaineering, you will need:

  • natural stones, including - pebbles;
  • coarse sand;
  • decorative plants and flowers, including miniature trees and shrubs;
  • moss-Sfagnum.

Scheme: Arrangement of the Alpine Slide

The diagram and the detailed plan for which mountaineering will be created should be borne in mind that the construction of the slide is performed at a height of 1 to 3 m.

Council. With alpine alpine height, over 1 meter, the core coaster is required.

Alpine Gorka very unusual element Garden, changing his appearance several times per season.

Scheme: Alpine slide layers

Stones for mountaineering - choose correctly

Usually, during construction, the slides use natural rocks of rocks: basalt, granite, sandstone, limestone, as well as rare rocksDifferent with low porosity and durability. It is undesirable to use a slide tuff, a sewer and dolomite for the device. These breeds strongly absorb water, as they are porous, so the stones are quickly destroyed.

Stones for alpine slides should be durable, different sizes

The shape and color of the stones are of great importance. It is worth avoiding the rocks of the rounded shape, as well as excessively acute-angular boulders. Stones of different tones look harmoniously only on the Alpine slides of a certain type. The classic embodiment of the slide involves the use of stones of one breed, but different forms.

Scheme: Blowing stones for alpine slide

There are stones on the slide in such a way that the faces in the ferris area have the most attractive form. Stones with defects should be masked, placing them in the most favorable way. Stinged stones should be tailored to the size and weight, following the most harmonious external species created Gorki. Stones should have chaotically, most naturally, so it is better not to use stone blocks and artificial boulders made by industrial way.

Alpine slide with their own hands - plants selection

The alpine slide device, especially the selection of plants, requires additional knowledge of plants and agrotechnics. Plants are selected depending on the type of slide. Stony slide for sunny places requires certain, drought-resistant plants. The classic version of the Alpinaria provides landing of miniature trees and shrubs, perennial herbs and flower crops.

Example number 1. Decoration of alpine slide by plants

Perfectly proven themselves when landing in Rokaria: Oatman, Lavender, Rocky Rock, Geran, Cvodok, Iberis, Moldova, Stretch. Meltelukic plants planted with small groups: crocuses, scill, miniature hyacinths, low-spirited tulips and rippers are perfectly well. Meltscukovic plants bloom in spring, when there are still few plants and the hill looks unprepacently. Everything changes when bright, blooming crocuses appear from under the snow.

Example number 2. Alpine slide plants

To create a highly elective slide, it is required to provide landing perennial plantshaving different periods flowering. Then the slide will look unusual and decorative during the entire period. A robe of Krasok flowering plants It will delight eyes from spring to autumn.

It is especially important to take into account when landing in rokaria, the height of the plants used. Too high specimens do not have to depart the lowest varieties, thereby affecting their full-fledged development. Bright plants should be placed in the foreground, in the ferris area.

The basis of the composition is miniature trees, especially coniferous: ate, juniper, cypressov, pine. These plants have a different crown shape and look beautiful on the Alpine slide.

Decorative blooming shrubs used to arrange an alpine slide: Rhododendrons, Eric, Bilberry and Lamberry.

From the perennial crops perfectly complement the alpine slide: Badan, Astilba, Lily (short-sized), replacement.

Alpine slide surrounded by lawn

Tip: When forming a rocarium, it is necessary to prefer decoratively deciduous plants that retain beauty even in the absence of colors.

How to care for the mountaineering?

In the first year, it will take several times to produce a ground that is washed during watering and precipitation, as well as, if necessary, strengthen the stones. View various videos And the photo taken by professional landscape designers will help to perform these works correctly. The soil sweeps carefully and compacted.

Soil should be evenly distributed between the stones

Plant care lies in timely watering, removing the shockless colors, damaged leaves, cropping. For the season several times the plants should be made by appropriate fertilizers. It is not necessary to use nitrogen fertilizers, they cause a rapid growth of the plant, which when planting a slide, should be avoided.

Council. Do not overflow plants on the Alpine slide. Plants should not be overgrown.

Watering plants carefully produce from the hose or watering can with a sprayer, after this, so that the soil does not blur.

Sharing and falling stones preferably strengthen.

Very beautiful will look at the alpine slide different small reservoirs

If necessary, plants are processed by means of pests. Sick plants that cannot be cured, it is required to remove with the substitute for the soil at the place of their growth.

When transplanting plants, it can be used to remove the stress special preparation - epin.

Alpine slides in landscape design

Alpine slide, not requiring painstaking care, will be beautiful decoration Total cottage plot

Registration of park areas increasingly includes the creation of decorative alpinarians. Roccarium serves as a continuation of rocky gardens, perfectly harmonizes with ponds, bridges, decorative lamps, lawns and vertical landscaping. Creating an alpine slide with their own hands on the summer site, will greatly decorate the territory, will make charm and a variety of landscape design Plot.

How to create an alpine slide from scratch: video

Alpine slide: photo

Alpine hill Fashionable attribute arrangement of modern garden and park areas. Alpinaria device in the country with your own hands: step-by-step photos, schemes, selection of plants.

Choosing a place for alpine slide

Choosing a place for the Alpine slide, it is important to provide for the following conditions:

In the landscape design there are many landscape design styles, including the elements of a deserted landscape, rocky kindergartens, ponds and bridges that must be harmonized with the built-in slide.

The slide device is most preferably at the design of the garden. With independent performance, you can avoid high costs for landscape architect. Having step-by-step photos and schemes of the coaster of the slide, perform work on the construction of the mountaineering with their own hands will not be much labor.

It is very important to properly conduct preparatory work so that the slide is sustainable

Alpine slide - preparation

To begin with, it is required to determine the place on the site where the slide will be located. Nearby should not grow perennial shrubs and trees, which can over time to sharpen plants on the hill. Open from all sides the place available for review from all corners of the garden should be dry. The high level of groundwater will adversely affect the durability and strength of the base of the slide. The level of groundwater in this case is required to lower with a special drainage.

Drainage under the alpine slide with their own hands (step-by-step guide).

The scheme of arrangement of the alpine slide do it yourself

While the natural shrinkage of the soil occurs, you can make a scheme, determine the location on the hill of boulders and stones, choose the type of vegetation for planting. To create a mountaineering, you will need:

  • natural stones, including pebbles;
  • coarse sand;
  • decorative plants and flowers, including miniature trees and shrubs;
  • moss-Sfagnum.

Scheme: Arrangement of the Alpine Slide

The diagram and the detailed plan for which mountaineering will be created should be borne in mind that the construction of the slide is performed at a height of 1 to 3 m.

Council. With alpine alpine height, over 1 meter, the core coaster is required.

Alpine slide is a very unusual garden element, changing his appearance several times per season.

Scheme: Alpine slide layers

Stones for mountaineering - choose correctly

Usually, during construction, the slides use natural rocks of rocks: basalt, granite, sandstone, limestone, as well as rare rocks, characterized by small porosity and durability. It is undesirable to use a slide tuff, a sewer and dolomite for the device. These breeds strongly absorb water, as they are porous, so the stones are quickly destroyed.

Stones for alpine slides should be durable, different sizes

The shape and color of the stones are of great importance. It is worth avoiding the rocks of the rounded shape, as well as excessively acute-angular boulders. Stones of different tones look harmoniously only on the Alpine slides of a certain type. The classic embodiment of the slide involves the use of stones of one breed, but different forms.

Scheme: Blowing stones for alpine slide

There are stones on the slide in such a way that the faces in the ferris area have the most attractive form. Stones with defects should be masked, placing them in the most favorable way. Staying stones should be tailored to size and weight, watching the most harmonious appearance of the roller generated. Stones should have chaotically, most naturally, so it is better not to use stone blocks and artificial boulders made by industrial way.

Alpine slide with their own hands - plants selection

The alpine slide device, especially the selection of plants, requires additional knowledge of plants and agrotechnics. Plants are selected depending on the type of slide. Stony slide for sunny places requires certain, drought-resistant plants. The classic version of the Alpinaria provides landing of miniature trees and shrubs, perennial herbs and flower crops.

Example number 1. Decoration of alpine slide by plants

Perfectly proven themselves when landing in Rokaria: Ovsyman, a rocky rock, geranium, crawling, Iberis, MEDODED, PERSON. Meltelukic plants planted with small groups: crocuses, scill, miniature, low-spirited and tanks, feel perfectly perfectly. Meltscukovic plants bloom in spring, when there are still few plants and the hill looks unprepacently. Everything changes when bright, blooming crocuses appear from under the snow.

Example number 2. Alpine slide plants

To create a high-temperature slide, it is required to provide landing of perennial plants having different periods of flowering. Then the slide will look unusual and decorative during the entire period. The riot of paints of flowering plants will delight the eyes from spring to autumn.

It is especially important to take into account when landing in rokaria, the height of the plants used. Too high specimens do not have to depart the lowest varieties, thereby affecting their full-fledged development. Bright plants should be placed in the foreground, in the ferris area.

The basis of the composition is miniature trees, especially coniferous: ate, juniper, cypressov, pine. These plants have a different crown shape and look beautiful on the Alpine slide.

Decorative blooming shrubs used to arrange an alpine slide: Rhododendrons, Eric, Bilberry and Lamberry.

From the perennial crops perfectly complement the Alpine slide: Badan, Lily (lowered), reeding.

Alpine slide surrounded by lawn

Tip: When forming a rocarium, it is necessary to prefer decoratively deciduous plants that retain beauty even in the absence of colors.

How to care for the mountaineering?

In the first year, it will take several times to produce a ground that is washed during watering and precipitation, as well as, if necessary, strengthen the stones. Viewing various videos and photos made by professional landscape designers will help to perform these works correctly. The soil sweeps carefully and compacted.

Soil should be evenly distributed between the stones

Plant care lies in timely watering, removing the shockless colors, damaged leaves, cropping. For the season several times the plants should be made by appropriate fertilizers. It is not necessary to use nitrogen fertilizers, they cause a rapid growth of the plant, which when planting a slide, should be avoided.

Council. Do not overflow plants on the Alpine slide. Plants should not be overgrown.

Watering plants carefully produce from the hose or watering can with a sprayer, after this, so that the soil does not blur.

Sharing and falling stones preferably strengthen.

Very beautiful will look at the alpine slide different small reservoirs

If necessary, plants are processed by means of pests. Sick plants that cannot be cured, it is required to remove with the substitute for the soil at the place of their growth.

When transplanting plants, it can be used to remove the stress special preparation - epin.

Alpine slides in landscape design

Alpine slide, not requiring painstaking care, will be the perfect decoration of the entire country area

Registration of park areas increasingly includes the creation of decorative alpinarians. Roccarium serves as a continuation of rocky gardens, perfectly harmonizes with ponds, bridges, decorative lamps, lawns and vertical landscaping. Creating an alpine slide with your own hands in the country area, perfectly decorates the territory, will make charm and a variety of areas in the landscape design.

How to create an alpine slide from scratch: video

Alpine slide: photo

Alpine slide in the country or in country house - It is very fashionable. It is in great demand because it contributes to a peaceful and full-fledged rest. Most often, it is not built independently, but with the help of specialists. Designers, of course, know their business, but the cost of their services is sometimes favorable. In fact, nothing complicated in the arrangement of the mountaineering, and it can be done with my own hands literally per day, two. It is only necessary to figure out in some intricacies not to make typical errors.

Stages of work

Several stages can be distinguished:

  1. First of all, you need to choose a place for mountaineering or rocaria.
  2. The second stage is a drainage device.
  3. When the site is ready, you need to pick up stones and put them.
  4. The next step is to prepare the soil for vegetation.
  5. Fifth stage - plant landing.

The whole process consists of only five stages, each of which should be disassembled in detail.

First you need to choose a sunny and a noticeable corner on the plot. Alpinarium is a piece of wildlife created artificially. Therefore, it is necessary to make stones and plants organically fit into the landscape.

The shaded place is not suitable for such purposes. Similarly, the plot hidden from the eyes. The best place For a slide - south side. Usually here optimal lighting In the bright time of the day.

Drainage plot

You need to build on a good drainage system. Otherwise, one day the soil under the alpine slide will begin to see, and it will look no longer so aesthetic and naturally.

How to make a drainage system?

  1. First you need to dug the pit.
  2. The depth of the pit depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe future stony Garden. So, for alpinearia, 2.5 by 2.5 meters, the optimal depth of the pit will be about 1 meter.
  3. On the bottom it is necessary to install a drainage system. Here you can use sand, crushed stone, construction trash, shards. Wood chips, however, it is impossible to lay.
  4. A fertile soil is stacked on top of the drainage.
  5. The last stage is a rambling.

Stones for Gorka

When the drainage is ready, you need to pick up stones.

Laying stones produced by tiers. Below are those that are more larger. At the very top, you can put some unusual or especially a beautiful copy of the boulder.

Soil for plants

In order for the alpine slide to plant vegetation, it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil. It can be done independently. To do this, you need to take clay soil, quite clean, so that there are no weed herbs on it. The soil is mixed with peat. The peat must be three times less than the land. Next, it is necessary to add a bit of gravel to the soil.

The soil is poured into those places that are designed for landing. It can be clefts and free spaces between boulders. You can also simply pour the soil on the stones.

Selection of vegetation

Plants for the Alpine slide are selected according to certain criteria.

  1. They should be unpretentious. This ensures that the owner does not have to constantly care for his stone garden. After all, the mountaineering should be the most natural possible. And this means that human intervention should be limited in its environment.
  2. Plants should please the eye not only in the summer, but even in the cold season.
  3. All vegetation should coexist peacefully. It should be avoided on a slide of those species that will be entrusted with each other.

Choose unpretentious and cold-resistant plants compatible with each other for the Alpine slide.

The top usually plastered with low shrubs. It can be both deciduous and coniferous trees. So that you can enjoy the beauty of your creation all year round, you need to plant both types of shrubs. Of coniferous rocks Perfect juniper, mountain pine and thuja. As for deciduous, then you can plant a corner. However, the choice of trees is better to leave for the owner.

Flowers for the Alpine slide are selected according to the same criteria. The most important thing is their compatibility and unpretentiousness.

Alpinarium or rocque

Roccariya - Garden of stones, Alpinarium - Plant garden.

  1. Rocarium - first of all, the garden of stones. Here vegetation can not be completely used or at a minimum. Rocarium is usually not very high.
  2. Alpinarium can have a height of up to three meters, which is 3 times the size of the highest rocaries.

History of Alpinarians and Rokariev

Such structures such as mountaineering and rocaria exist in Eastern culture for three thousand years. To the west, they came a couple of centuries ago from China and Japan. Possessing a special charm, the gardens of stones instantly conquered the hearts of aristocrats and wealthy people.

Very soon there was a fashion for creating such corners of rest. The philosophy of creating these structures is that they are unique. There are many gardens of stones in the world. However, it is impossible to find at least two similar.


Use the techniques that nature itself applies. Such sketches are quite a lot, and some of them are very complex for beginner. However, there are quite real projects. For example, "Alpine Highlands" is one of the classic options for such structures. She repeats the features of a typical alpine area. Created from boulders and stones. They plant such plants as edelweices and the guilty. On the top of the top can be placed small pines. True, the flowers will have to take care. They grow too rapidly.

More complex varieties of Alpinarians can resemble gorges, swamp and ravines. Such work will require several days of hard work.

More reality for self-creating a hill, imitating the alpine slope with embankment. On such a slope, pines will be perfect.

Imitation rock rock is also suitable for self-erection. True, there may be difficult with stones. It will take very heavy boulders here, so it will be necessary to attract workers. On the cliff you can plant such plants like wormwood and fern. Juniper bushes and pines will look at the top. Thanks to availability coniferous trees Alpinary will decorate the garden all year round.

You can find the idea for a stone garden that can consider pictures of nature. Alpinarium is the type of creativity, which in itself peaces. In order to create a masterpiece, you just need to be able to observe. Standard schemes here do not exist. After all, even the two slopes cannot like each other.

Video: On the features of creating a mountaineering

Video: Alpine Slide Construction


If you do not want to engage in these works yourself, then order landscape design and landscape design of the country area. Also, the landscaping of the territory includes planting trees, flower beds and landscaping.