
Christmas tree in pot. Canadian spruce (44 photos): Northern beauty in the gardens of moderate latitudes

Ponds in the garden

A spruce horse is unusually beautiful decorative View Canadian spruce, who loved the gardeners of the whole land is also the fact that landing and care for this tree is absolutely elementary. This dwarf beauty will very hard to carry winter frosts, and can grow in any corner of the Earth, where ordinary ate grow. Canadian fir The conic grows pretty slowly, for the year it can add only 3-4 cm in growth. The maximum height is usually about 1 meter. But it happens that with particularly favorable conditions, the spruce spruce grows up to 3 meters.

Planting Canadian ate conic

The spruce of the horse is one of the most unpretentious plants This family in planing and care plan. But still, with its landing, some conditions should be taken into account. Firstly, in the fall and in the early spring to transplant Canadian fir the conic you need so that root system was opened. But in the summer during the transplantation of this plant on the roots there should be a small land, and it is better to choose for landing less sunny weather. Secondly, ntwo weeks after the planting ate need to be protected from the Sun and regularly moisten the soil. These rules must be observed when landing.

Canadian spruce horse care

Canadian spruce spruce, like Cannes, is characterized by a light fit and minimal care. For normal growth and development, it is absolutely optionally to further fertilize, trim the crown or water, it will be enough natural precipitation. But at least at least minimal additional care will be favorable on its growth and decorative properties.

If there are no precipitation and the soil for a long time is exhausted, it is desirable to irrigate a fir through the crown. A few days after irrigation, it will not hinder the soil. It is possible to feed the spruce with a spike fir a year: at the beginning of summer and closer to the middle of autumn, in October. In the summer, it is possible to add 5 kg into the roasting soil. Reworked organications. In the fall, the soil can be closed by peat apart. It will be enough 5 cm thick. This will help the plant better survive the winter. Add to the soil Mulch can and in early spring. To protect the spruce from the spring burning in the sun, you can wrap them with some kind of burlap material. It is important that the selected material does not only protect the Christmas tree from the Sun, but also did not violate the natural ventilation.

Sel Kind - great option to decorate your pricework Beautiful M durable small trees, landing and care for which you do not require much time and effort.

Among 50 species of all coniferous treesgrowing on the globe, Spruce Canadian Siza is in a special position. Tree is loved by landscape designers and gardeners for the unusual color of the needles, for the neat fluffiness of the branches and for the perfect conical shape. It decorates urban parks and squares, pleases with its northern beauty of country owners plotsand often used to arrange the living ingreders.

A small evergreen Canadian Christmas tree is used when creating miniature parks, due to its correct form and compact size it can emphasize a special fabulous atmosphere.

Popular varieties

Existing species of wood allow it to apply it in various compositions, and as a separate decorative element Landscape. Consider the most popular varieties of fir Canadian.

Little cones of Canadian spruce harmoniously looks, landed in pots and placed on the site

  • Spruce Canadian conic ("Conica") is an unconditional leader. It is actively used in compositions, in the parter, grown in containers, draw up stony gardens and terraces. The tree grows up to 4 meters, but it reaches such sizes only by 60 years.

Unusual blue color of the Canadian Kinds diversifies any landscape group

It has a flawless pyramid krona, in which branches are tightly adjacent to each other. This grade perfectly tolerate shading and grows slowly, which suits many. Refers to the dwarf forms of Canadian ate.

  • Spruce Canadian Echinformis ("Echiniformis") -this is the most slow-growing variety of wood. By 30 years, its height is only 50 centimeters, with an average height of ate Canadian 25-35 meters.

Very compact, with shoots of 2 cm and the crown of 1 meter, it is often used in stony gardens, allowing you to create amazing compositions without unnecessary shading another flora. Light-loving, prefers weakly acid and wet soils.

  • Canadian Spruce Daisy Very similar to the conic. The variety is frost-resistant, but requires compulsory shading from the March Sun. By 10 years old can grow to 80 cm. The decorative plan is interesting in May-June when yellow-white gains.

Despite the identical shape with the "conic", Spruce "Daisy" carries a special color mood and look different in landscape compositions.

It looks great as a solitator in the heather garden and perfectly combined with the plant composition. alpinaria.

  • Spruce Canadian Alberta attracts with its spherical shape. A small church, with a height of up to 1 meter and the same diameter of the crown, fits organically into the eastern compositions, is used in rocky gardens and heather thickets. It exudes the amazing aroma, has a soft light green cheese, with needles 6-9 mm.

  • Spruce Pendula ("Pendula") Represents a molding form of varieties of Canadian ate. A. Karier was discovered in one of the parks of Versailles. Branched, with blue cheese, it is of interest in the design of artificial pondov and pools.

How to choose a tree

Obviously, saplings are better to buy in special nurseries. By purchasing Canadian fir, pay attention to the root system of the tree and the condition of the crown. If you take a seedling in the container, take it off, they should be elastic and fragrant. In the nurseries there is a risk of infecting young shoots with red spiders, so carefully inspect the escape for the presence of white growths on the wood side. They indicate that the plant was attacked by a red spider. Refuse such a seedling.

Tip! Relate the shape of a seedling with the stated varieties. Take a closer to the intensity of the painting of the needles: the healthy plant is bright and lively.

Landing and reproduction

Despite the fact that the Canadian spruce is well tolerating the shadow, it is better to plant it in open areas. The tree loves fertile, moistened soil, especially successfully grows on drained loams.

Planting Canadian ate. First of all, make sure that the root system of the seedlings is not overwhelmed. When landing, stick the distance between seedlings in 2-3 meters. Root neck plants should be located at the ground level. The depth of the pit is 50-70 cm. Note that in the early years, the Canadian fir grows weakly and does not tolerate frequent transfers. She reacts to seal and pulling the soil, does not like the close location of groundwater.

Tip! To obtain a guaranteed positive result, enter 100-150 g nitroammofosk.

Reproduction. The main material for the reproduction of Canadian fir seeds. Before falling into the ground, it is necessary to stratification (withstand the seed material at a certain temperature) for 2-3 months. This procedure will increase the germination of seeds of Canadian ate. If you do not want to lose time and want to plant a plant right away, soak the seeds for a day or buy ready-made seedlings. Garden forms of ate spread in cuttings and very rarely vaccinate the plant.

Tip! Young Christmas trees are better to plant more adult trees. Under their canopy, they will calmly move the spring frosts, and the scorching rays of the sun.

Canadian spruce: Care

To care, it is organized correctly, you must adhere to some rules.

The first thing about to take care is to save the plant from spring-winter burns. The frost-resistant tree reacts poorly to the sunny days of February-March. At this time, the root system of spruce is in the cold ground, and the branches are substituted under the hot rays of the sun. The roots do not absorb moisture, the needles gets burns and the tree loses its color. Specialists advise to stroke for this period the crown ate burlap or agricultural.

Tip! A small shading that can be secured by disembarking a tree at the wall at home or next to higher trees will help you create an ideal light mode for Canadian ate.

Watering. Coniferous breeds Not adherents of strong moisturizing, but they cannot do without water without water. Canadian spruce plant places with deep groundwater sitting. With arid summer, the tree is watered once a week. The amount of water depends on the size of the plant: young shoots are enough 10-12 liters, more adult individuals will need to pour 15-20 liters under one tree.

Spruce "Konika" is often the center of landscape compositions placed on both sides of the main entrance to the building

Pruning has a beneficial effect on the development of Canadian ate, and it easily tolerates it. Picturing the young shoots of the branches, you yourself can form a certain silhouette of the tree, and experts will help to give the Canadian ate appearance of the perfect cone.

Figure Bended "Conic" will add exotics into a land landscape

Diseases and treatment

Among the main pests of Canadian faces, we note the following:

Decorative mini-composition in a concrete pot with a Canadian Christmas tree in the title - Great decoration of your home

  • Rust manifests itself on branches with orange growths. With a significant lesion, the needles are yellow and shoved. Glyocladin or vector is used for treatment, processing branches once a week for a month.

Several pots with Canadian Christmas trees on the terrace will perform the role of fencing

Listening to our advice, you can easily decorate your garden with a green-blue northern beauty, and for a visual lesson we advise you to watch the video:

It will make them bright, expressive and aesthetic. Such an evergreen beauty, like Canadian spruce, in general became a find and a wand-grinding for professionals in landscape design. She was not worse than the erect, the photo of which we were accustomed to see in advertising projects of landscaping, amenable to the formation of a picturesque crown. The decorative varieties of its varieties generally allow to turn the territory of country sites in landscape masterpieces. Well, let's get acquainted with this luxurious representative of the coniferous family and understand the specifics of breeding his varieties.

Canadian fir: general information

"Any Canadian Spruce - Daisy, Alberta, Konica - is a long-liver: it can stand up and 500 years old"

In nature, this type of fir is characterized by tallness. The height of individual individuals can reach 30 meters. Along the alleys of such giants, of course, do not put, but the dwarf Canadian ate will be in this case, even to the place. Whatever height is a tree, it will always be the correctness of the conical shape of the crown, and this is already decorative value. The fastest growth of seedlings is celebrated in the first decade. In young trees, the paws are raised, the crown is thick. The old - branches are slightly lowered down.

Saplings of Canadian ate

The needles of plants have aiudious tide that one of the name of our gardens of foreign guests has brewed - Canadian Sung Wood.

Neigh though short, but rather prickly. The bumps on the dwarf elds appear once in a decade. They have very beautiful extracted shapeBut little hike on the bumps ate ordinary and the photo confirm.

Any Canadian Spruce - Daisy, Alberta, Coniques - is a long-liver: it can stand up and 500 years old. This type of winter facing trees and drought-resistant.

Canadian fir winter horse and drought resistant.

To date, our landscapes are decorated with about 20 subspecies of dwarfs of Canadian origin.

Varietal variety

Spruce Canadian Echinformis

Dwarf plant with bush shape. Crown pillowed, can be flat or rounded. The paws are short, their growing thick, thanks to which young individuals have an original chamber look. Dwarf etching does not grow above 60 cm and it happens to a meter in diameter. Like a decorative spruce of the conic, Echinforisis grows slowly, giving no more than 2 cm of growth per year. Young shoots of light brown, with a brilliant tide, elastic. Moving cheese they radially. Needles narrow, thin and short. They have a bluish-greenish color. The root system is though superficial, but developed very well.

Spruce Canadian Echinformis

Spruce Canadian Echinformis prefers to grow on a solar territory, but if necessary, it can be done well to adapt and in half. The plant is not concerned about the soil. It grows equally well on both sour and alkaline lands. The main condition so that this soil is:

1. It is sufficiently moistened.

2. rich in nutrients.

3. Fresh.

The advantages of the Canadian ate of this variety should include absolute resistance to air gas supply, temperature differences, including inherent in our climate, frosts.

Spruce Echinforisis Resistant Temperature Drops

Scope of application

Dwarf Echinformis - perfect solution For decor:

  • alpine slides;
  • rocky gardens;
  • rocaries;
  • landscapes in oriental style.

Spruce Echinformis is suitable for designing alpine slides

Power-shaped plant, perfectly feeling in containers, can decorate entrance group restaurants, administrative buildings, cottages.

Canadian Spruce Daisy

This dwarfish is an excellent mini-copy of the classic canadian conic. The height of the tree of this variety ranges from 0.8 to 1 meter. For the design of landscapes, Daisy Daisy is chosen for the beautiful cone-shaped crown shape and the unusualness of coniferous cover. This is the only kind of Canadian ate, the color of the needles of which is adjusted under the conditions of the habitat. Her krone can be a salad, like a spruce with a photo, and golden yellow, and even white. The needles themselves are short and very tender, soft to the touch.

Canadian Spruce Daisy

As for growing, the Canadian fir Daisy feels perfectly both in the sun and in a half, but in the second case about the motley color of the tree can be forgotten. Daisy grade loves well-drained fertile soils with moderate humidity.

Fir Daisy prefers fertile soil

Scope of application

Like dwarf ehinformis, Daisy is used in the mountaineering. She is the perfect solution for the decor of landscapes of small cottages. Maddy baby will become a real pearl garden plot, regardless of its area and style style. It is the Canadian Echinforctions that recommend landing on the stony banks of the stream. It is successfully neighboring with Erica, heers, decorative bushes.

Fir Daisy ideal for decoration Alpinaria

Spruce Canadian Alberta

The Miloid Canadian Spruce faced our gardeners roundness of the forms. Dwarf Alberta is incredibly similar to a fluffy ball, which allows it to decorate it not only by Rokaria and Alpinaria, as in the case of Canadian fir Daisy and Echinforisis, and the gardens interpreted in oriental style. Moreover, the sick-like crown shape, Albert's grade retains voluntarily, without regular haircuts.

Spruce Canadian Alberta

Growing spruce slowly. By ten years, its height does not exceed 0.7 m. The crown diameter varies from 0.4 to 1 meter. Spruce Canadian Albert gives short shoots. Her needles are thin, thick growing. The needles to a centimeter long have a light green color, as well as the erect ordinary in the photo, but more decorative and less barbeds.

With regard to soil, the plant is not contemptuous. It grows well on any enriched and wet soils, regardless of their acid-alkaline accessories. This variety of Canadian ate does not have to plant in open sad. It can be kept in pots. Trevy Svyolubina. Under the sunshine forms a dense and bright crown. If necessary, can live in a half.

Spruce Albert Svetiguba

Scope of application

Thick spherical dwarfs of Alberta can be found in the projects of landscaping rock landscapes. No less popular than Canadian fir Daisy, it is in the arrangement of the Alpinarians. Dwarf Albert and herself can become a garden wonder, so it is not necessary to include it only in group landing. Like a spruce Canadian echin formis spherical fir, planted into containers, can serve as an ornament of inlets into cottages, restaurants and any official buildings.

Spruce Alberta can be kept in pots

Wood glaucie conic

In the world of gardening, this little beauty brought precisely an extraordinary look. Today, this variety of firings is the component of landscapes in all corners of the planet. She was not bad and in our harsh conditions. A distinguished Winter-resistant spruce sisaya conic can survive everywhere where the spruce is growing with a photo. Small sizes became a big plus of a variety that was allowed to settle in the most modest squares. The average height of the spruce glaucie the conic near the meter, although with good content it can stretch out for all three. Narrow dense crown has a cone shape. The needles has a beautiful sisovato green tump. It is soft, thin and short.

Wood glaucie conic

Roots Kinds are compact. The system is represented by a weakly sprinkled, rod type by the process, from which a network of thin side branches is departed.

Unlike the dwarf Canadian rods, the sisaya of the cinder is shadowed, so it may well grow near the fence, in areas behind the house. Open areas of the site is not for her. The needles burns out in the sun. Especially the plant suffers from burns in the event of a sharp spring warming and in low-snow winters.

Sisya Susaya Conducting Conifer

In addition to sunbathing spruce, the spruce of the conic reacts poorly to drafts. In general, for its landing you need to choose a closed, quiet, shaded corner.

What does not love Canadian siza conic? Like all the representatives of spruce, it does not tolerate drought, so with a long lack of rain it is necessary to provide regular irrigation.

Scope of application

In the landscape design, the spruce spruce is good in all horses. She perfectly decorates lawns and group landings. Slow growth does not allow the use of varieties in flower beds, but upon reaching the middle height, it will be perfectly fit into the mixtures.

A spruce sisaya conic fits perfectly into mixboraders.

Spruce Pendula

This beauty is presented to us by Serbian forests. Slowly growing with narrowly weaving type of the Crown of Pendula, the full opposite of the low-speed Canadian ears of Alberta, Daisy. Giving only 10 cm annual growth, by 30 years it can have a height of ten meters. Pendula's needles drops dark greens. Savages like a spruce in the photo - bending and omitted along the trunk. The tree is unpretentious. The equally well reacts to the heat, and cold. Refers to the number of frost-resistant rocks.

Spruce Pendula refers to the number of frost-resistant rocks.

Easily adapts on the ground with a high level of gaspace and smoke. Spruce fandula is low to the soil type. The only thing to her is contraindicated - overvoltage. The plant is highly resistant to diseases and practically no pests on the pests.

Spruce High Resistant to Diseases

Scope of application

Indispensable in group landings. No less often looks, being planted with a single. Spruce Pendula will be the desired guest in the gardens, where it is assumed non-standard solution Landscape.

Spruce Pendula is suitable for registration of non-standard landscapes

Seat selection

Canadian fir seedlings should be purchased in special nurseries. There are good specimens of plants from professional gardeners. Before making a choice, find the assortment specimens of Siza Koniki, Daisy, Pendula, Echinforce, ordinary rods in the photo in the gallery and see what state is the seedlings.

What pay attention to:

1. Condition of needles. Crohn should be thick, cast gloss, without sections of dried needles.

2. Soil in the container. It should not be overwhelmed and cracking. Bad sign are and pinching roots. Their presence speaks of the size of the vase and the infallible development of a seedling.

3. Roots. They are examined when purchasing digs of dwarf fir trees. The root system must be absolutely whole, without the slightest damage.

Before buying, carefully inspect the seedlings

Where to plant

All varieties of Canadian spruce are distinguished by lightness, but this does not mean that they cannot be planted in a half. Young specimens react particularly well, since their gentle needles are very often gaining burns. But in a thick shadow, the Canadian Size can not send. With the complete absence of the Sun, the seedlings almost do not go into growth and lose the beauty of natural conifers. You can first spit where the dwarf ate in the photo.

All varieties of Canadian ate are distinguished by lightness

These specimens are good as framing garden tracks, in the creation of natural fences, landscape compositions. Higher Canadian and Elmes ordinary, too, there is a place in the garden. With their help, you can make a pretty picturesque landscape.

Framing of the path of the dwarf Canadian fir

Subtleties landing

The soil

Put a Canadian spruce is needed into the loamy soil with a large percentage of humus. It should not be launched. Spruce prefers moisture, but not wetlable soil, so you have to take care of the organization of drainage.

When to plant

When the landing procedure directly depends on the quality and variety of planting material. Provided that the chicken spruce seedlock is in the container, then there will be no special restrictions on the landing time, you will not have. Transfer it to open ground can be in any time convenient for you, with early spring to deep autumn.

Saplings in containers planted from early spring to deep autumn

If the seedlings of Eli Siza Konica or erai ordinary digged in the nursery, then they will have to plant them at the end of April - early May. The young tree must have time to root before the arrival of winter.

Saplings from the nursery land in late April - early May

How to plant

The beginning of the landing procedure is traditionally. Under the seedlock is digging planting Yama. It is made by about one and a half times the volume of the earth coma in the roots.

Landing pit for Canadian ate

Roots ate abundantly moisturize. While they are soaked with water, they prepare soil composition. It can be bought in finished or do it yourself, mixing the garden soil with a compost.

Drainage is laid at the bottom of the pit. You can use broken bricks, small stones, ceramzit on the arrangement of this layer.

A little land is being sweeping over the drainage and the seedling of Canadian ate is sent to the prepared pit.

If the plant before that was in the container, then use a transshipment method of planting, that is, it is removed from the tank along with the existing earth, without cleaning its root system. The seedlings of the spruce of the Kink and Pendula glaucose is better to fall asleep solarly, slightly sealing and watered each, sent to the pit portion.

Falling asleep roots, follow the root neck under the layer of the Earth.

Landing ends with an abundant irrigation and mulching of the priority circle, which is performed by peat or the same compost.

Scheme of planting Canadian ate

Landed dwarf or ordinary firEven if it belongs to the category of light-loving, must be pronounced. Best protects burlap from the sun. If there is no such material at hand, replace it with kraft paper or a piece of dense tissue of any quality.

To see the course of the planting process ate of ordinary, Canadian and Pendula in a photo or video can be on specialized sites.

Dwarfice: Care Subtleties

"Information about drought resistance sIZY FREE Konya, Daisy, Echinforisis, Alberta belongs exclusively to adult plants, the root system of which is strong and well developed "

Beautiful Canadian spruce can be grown only with proper and regular care.


Information about the drought-resistant of the SIZY Rive Konya, Daisy, Echinforisis, Alberta belongs exclusively to adult plants, the root system of which is strong and well developed. Young will need not very frequent, but very abundant watering. Under each instance should be poured up to ten liters of water.

Young Canadian ate need regular watering

Special attention is paid to the irrigation issue in the autumn period, as this is part of the preparation procedure for wintering. Frequent cause The death of dwarf firings during wintering becomes far from frost, but the lack of moisture stock.

And further: all the varieties of Canadian ate very well respond to the irrigation of the crown. In dry days, you should not forget about it.


When leaving the firings, this procedure is as important as an adequate watering. It should be performed as the earth dries in the zone of the priority circle. Swimming is carried out with caution, since most of the firings canvas dwarf and ordinary root system is very superficial.


This fabric care procedure is aimed at preserving moisture and maintain a stable temperature in the root area. Mulch is good and in the fight against weeds. Under the mulching is very comfortable rainworms, they are glad there to be multiplied, which is well reflected in the state of the soil. It is constantly exploded and the roots have sufficient ventilation.

Mulching soil

The best material for mulch is considered:

  • bark;
  • chip;
  • sawdust;
  • peat.

The optimal layer of mulch is 5 cm.


Canadian spruce is not good and in mandatory feeding in principle does not need, but still, if you wish to see plants in your garden with beautiful and strong, they should be fed by special compositions. It is done in any spring month.

Besides balanced mineral fertilizer, in the care of Canadian firings, Konya, Daisy, Albert and others it is worth using such an organic as compost.

Canadian fir should be fed by special compositions.

Choosing a fertilizer, make sure that there are no many nitrogen compounds in its composition. Nitrogen is destroyed for any representative of the Canadian Size ate and spruce Pendula.

Crane formation

Dwarf ate in their majority originally possess more than decorative forms. They can boast the natural correctness of their formation and density, but without a light correction, it will not be possible to do without anymore. Conducting the pruning is recommended for the season. Basically, the procedure is sanitary. In its course they remove damaged and dried branches. Sometimes you have to shorten the processes of the processes somewhat. On this, in principle, everything ends.

Sanitary trim period is held in the season

Winter care

The beginning of the melting of snow will be a signal to free from the snow of Canadian firings in your garden. With regard to dwarf firings, it will not be as simple as with big raspberry trees. Light drifts that stuffed into the thick crowns do not shame, as with firings of ordinary. Here you have to try to extract them from there.

It is impossible to leave the snow for the following reason. Lacking drifts form something like an ice lens, through which an active spring sun simply burns out the inner part of the crown.

If the ice has already fixed inside the coniferous ball firing Canadian Alberta and it is impossible to destroy it without damage to the needles, it will have to "decorate" the optics layer of the earth or a black peat. This will allow ice painless for the plant to get away in the first warm day.

Spruce in the house

If you think that unpretentious dwarf Canadian ate can make homemade window sills, they are very mistaken. The plant is absolutely not intended for maintenance at home. The maximum stay in the apartment is 14 days. Then the representatives of the Canadian SIZY Ferls must necessarily fall into the ground or straight in the container to put it on the street. Otherwise, spruce will begin to wake and ultimately will die.


Canadian spruce in all its varietal variations is an extremely spectacular plant. Barbed beauty Capably gives charm to landing any type. Becoming accent landscape compositionShe doesn't just make a landscape unique, filling his depth of shades, and creates an atmosphere of waiting for a miracle inherent in fairy tales. This is enough to settle unpretentious ate in the country area.

Photo Gallery - Canadian Spruce