
Alpine slides in the courtyard of a private house. Create a flower hill

Decorative Cultures for Garden

Alpine Gorka, Alpinarium ... This design has several names, but it does not change from this. When there is a need to put in order an uneven and completely unattractive plot, an alpine slide comes to the rescue.

  1. It is incredibly beautiful. Just imagine - after a year, stony protrusions and irregularities will be covered with an adorable carpet of herbs and colors.
  2. It is fascinating. When you equip the flower garden yourself, the field for fantasy is almost limitless. Of course, you will need to think through every trifle, from the selection of stones to the place of landing of coniferous shrubs. These troubles are pleasant and give you only positive emotions.

By the way, there is a third reason that will make you think about building a flowering slide. This is soil. When the Earth is poor and consists mainly of sand or stones, to organize any other type of flower garden even on a visual video is extremely problematic. Another thing if country cottage area It is planted with flowers and shrubs in the very "Alpine style". Even in difficult conditions, the flowers will develop well and delight you with their flavors.

For the first time, stone gardens began to build in Japan. The first "ancestors" of modern Alpinarians appeared there 1000 years ago. Due to the lack of land, the inhabitants of the rising sun have learned to create beauty even in small areas.

If you follow Japanese canons, then the real value of being is to look for in nature. When in one section of the Earth, the solid, absolutely dead stone, and a gentle, live flower are harmonious, and a delicate, live flower, a real duet of charming beauty is created.

8 varieties of rocky flower beds

Before you tell you about the main sections of the arrangement, we advise you to decide on the type of flower bed. Total there are eight major varieties of alpine slide:

  • Rock. This is a traditional option, the surface of which has natural fastes.
  • Mountain slope. A difficult combination involving the installation of large stone blocks, as well as a huge number of coniferous trees.
  • Mountain valley. Several groups of stones are placed in chaotic order.
  • Terraced slope. Return walls have different heights.
  • Forest ravine. A spring or artificial waterfall is necessarily present on the territory of the slide.
  • Stony wall. Constructs a small height hilly, stones are asymmetric.
  • Czech rolling pin. Its visiting card is a layered laying of stones.
  • Alpine lawn. Perhaps most stylish option arrangement. Ensures landing a variety of wild plants, most of which can be found only in the mountains.

Mountain slope

Forest ravine

Czech rolling

Important details of designing alpine slides

Do not forget that 10 stones and 5 plants between them are not an alpine slide. Another thing is when the composition remotely resembles the real scenery of the mountains, consists of squat shrubs, perennials and properly selected stones.

So what nuances need to know those who are going to make the alpine slide with their own hands?

  • Isolation from the playground is obligatory.
  • Proportionality relative to the area of \u200b\u200bthe site.
  • Distance from flower beds that bloom especially magnificent and bright.
  • Location in the most illuminated places, next to the water source. If you cannot implement the second item, take care of creating additional irrigation points.
  • Maximum similarity with mountain scenery.

Alpine slide does not need a big space. Modest territory in several square meters It will be quite enough. The main thing is that it corresponds to the general concept landscape design.

Step-by-Step Guide to Arrangement Alpinaria

Any construction work begins with the preparation of instruments and materials. In our case, it is a roulette with a cord, a few identical pegs, a shovel and scrap, a garden blade (the one has a long handle), scissors, ordinary and haberrs for the uploading of the earth, watering can.

Materials will be: sand, crushed stone and stones of the same breed, turf and gravel, peat. You will also need a slightly humoring so that the plants begin to begin, the earth, limestone.

  • Spice the plot allocated to the Alpine slide and apply contours throughout the perimeter. Roulette, cord, learning video and pegs to help you. Clean the area under the flower garden, the top layer of the soil with a diameter of 35-40 cm. Remove. Everything, without exception, weeds are well passed and cleaned.

  • When the site is fully prepared, it is necessary to lay a pillow of gravel. For this gravel, slag and construction waste mixed and fall asleep. The layer of 10 cm will be quite enough. This drainage is extremely important for plants. It protects roots from the convergence, prevents stagnant groundwater, guarantees excellent aeration. In places where the soil is too dense and poorly passes water, this pillow can be thicker. For the Alpine slide there is no terrible enemy than a wetlands.
  • How to make an alpine slide if the drainage layer is laid successful. The granite pillow is complemented by sandy (5 cm thickness), poured with water and tamper.
  • Cherry land that is sold in any nursery is mixed with sand and perlite, wood chips and pine bark. You can add a slightly small rubble, crushed peat and humus to this mixture. The proportions are approximately the same, it is allowed to take a little less fertilizer.
  • The finished mixture of the soil is crumpled along the entire surface of the slide, the relief of the alpinearia is formed. All "cliffs" and "vertices" are modeled manually, regardless of whether it is about building a slide in the garden, a summer cottage, on any other territory.
  • When the last layer of the earth was covered, you can start laying stones. Under each pebble, the "pillow" made from river sand. We will talk about choosing the stones in more detail.

Stones for Alpinaria: What to choose?

So that your exotic flower garden is beautiful and durable, select the stone rocks in advance that heavy metals do not "give" the earth do not oxidize it. Fresh-made pebbles are much worse than those who are already hazardous by wind and water. Stone screes must have a similar structure, and if you find the same, it will be perfect. Video instruction reminds that the size of the stones may differ.

This "classic", thanks to which you can build an alpine slide yourself, is natural granite and decorative sandstone, sometimes organic limestone. Alternatively, you can try boulders and dolomites, basalt, yashma (found rarely), quartz and snake.

Never collect stones on the meadows and fields - it is better to buy them in a quarry. The weight of the stones can differ significantly, varying from 10-15 to 100 kg. For example, if you want to build a stone flowerbed with an area of \u200b\u200b150 x 300 cm, you will need approximately ton of stones.

We continue our work with the Alpine slide. Laying always starts at the foot. Next, you follow up and gradually move from larger stones and fewer objects. The core slide is formed first. To do this, you need to choose the biggest boulder and prepare a deepening in the ground for it. To achieve sustainability, you can strengthen it with rubble.

Clear distances, geometric harness - not your choice. How to independently laying? Avoid accurate lines, because in nature, stone boulders are scattered in chaotic order.

In the process of bookmarks, gradually block the kernel of the composition, other stones. The sinuses fall asleep the earth for mountaineering, watering the water. It is in them that you will plant plants. To emphasize the top of the mountain, we advise you to place the top of the boulder conical shape. As for the flower bed itself, it is better to start working with plants in 2-3 weeks. During this time, stones and earth are assessed.

Beautiful colors for slide - pledge of spectacular design

Since the climate in our country is sufficiently unstable, disembodied plants must be hardened and enduring. They should not be afraid of a strong wind, no temperature fluctuations, nor high atmospheric pressure. There are 5 basic characteristics that plants must have:

  • Absolute unpretentiousness.
  • Small height.
  • Low growth rate.
  • The method of reproduction is simple and affordable.
  • The development cycle is definitely many years.

Sounded representatives of flora that have powerful root system, it is better to plant on the slope. So the alpine slide will not be blurred too quickly.

We will not list all - in fact, there are really a lot of them and this is a separate topic. It will be much easier and more efficient if you look the thematic video. Among the low-speed and soil species are the most notable, minor skins, sofa and, among the flowering - carnations, a bell, Rhodiola pink and others (more than 30 species). Combine various varieties In terms of flowering, to achieve a fairly smooth shade shift. It blooms longer, brandushka, haggard, clivia, ranunculus.

Small bushes and dwarf trees are as follows. It is recommended to highlight the most spacious sections. But to place them on the top of the slide or soles are undesirable. The edges of the slide, next to large stones - is the optimal place. If you take a rule to plant coniferous shrubs And dwarf trees as described above, they will need minimal care. Unless in winter, during severe frosts, they will need to cover the burlap or buckle in a special case.

How to make an alpine slide using moss? Surely, you had to see how the owners of household plots adorn their garden or the cottage with a slide covered with moss. Apply this simple landscape design element and you can.

Clean the moss pillow from the ground, mix it with a blender and sugar (2-3 spoons) and 200 g kefir.

It turns out a homogeneous mass. Match it large and small stones with a brush. The plant quickly arrives - just do not forget to moisturize it for three weeks.

Instead of imprisonment

Do not believe people who are convinced that it is possible to build a mountaineering in your dacha in just one day. Naturally, such information has nothing to do with real facts. Is that it will be the most common version of the alpine slide of a small size. Yes, and that - made in the urban apartment, and not in the Great Garden.

Want to do everything correctly, so that you did not have to redo? There is nothing easier. Follow the recommendations with which you could get acquainted above. Make a good drainage and fall asleep it. Ideally, the whole range of work is best done in two stages. The base of the slide is formed in the fall, flowers and stones are better to plant and stack in the spring.

Now it is very fashionable to have an alpine slide on the summer cottage. The fact is that this design pleases the eye of a person who loves to relax after working in the country, for example.

As a rule, alpine slides are created using professionals. Obviously, this good way Get a high-quality alpine slide. But you need to keep in mind that the work of professionals will cost expensive. Therefore, more and more often, many dackets create mountaineering on their own. In fact, there are no difficulties in the work. In two days you can create an excellent alpine slide with your own hands. It is only necessary to know some subtleties of work.

Alpine slide is created in several stages. So first choose appropriate place On the plot for her. Then create a drainage system. As soon as these works are made, put the stones and smell the earth. At the end stage, plant landing is carried out. And now we will tell you in detail about each stage of work.

For the Alpine slide, a place is selected, which is noticeable at the entrance to the site. It is important that there is a lot of light. Stones and plants need to be placed so that everything looks extremely natural. Shaded plot is not suitable. Alpine slide is created in order to see it all. In addition, you need to maximizely choose a flat place.

So that the alpine slide constantly had a wonderful look, you need to create the basis, so that the design did not give up. And the drainage system helps in this. So, we break down the pit. The depth of the pit can reach two meters. For drainage, use sand, gravel or crushed stone. But it is impossible to use sawdust. Ultimately, lay out the land and tamper it.

Stones for alpine slides are laid out by tiers. Below we put the largest boulders, downstairs - small stones. The smaller the alpine slide, the less stones should be. In all respected proportions.

It is noteworthy that there is no definite scheme for placing stones on the Alpine slide. The main thing is to make everything so that you like. The rest is a trifle. Any design will be considered correct. It is best to use homogeneous natural stones so that the alpine slide seemed natural. Alpine slide must be beautiful even without plants. Stones are laid out with such accounting that plants will be planted on the hill. Use fertile soil.

The soil on the Alpine slide is prepared independently. You can use peat, black soil, clay, organic fertilizers, sand and much more.

It is important to choose the right plants for the alpine slide. An important condition is unpretentious. In addition, it is necessary to use only such plants that are found in wildlife. So the alpine slide will look as much as possible. You can buy even evergreen bushes that will delight you round year.

Alpine hill do it yourself for beginners

Alpine slide can have a height of up to three meters. It is very difficult to build it. In Eastern culture, alpine slides exist for more than three thousand years. In Western countries, the construction came not so long ago from China and Japan.

Finally, important condition When - the maximum approach to natural nature. Only natural stones are used, which are not laid out strictly, as during the construction of the house, and more chaotically.

Today on the Internet you can find a variety of alpine slides for different areas. There are simple designs, as well as complex slides, which will clearly create a professional.

You can always hire specialists who will create a masterpiece called "Alpine Gorka" on your site. Design, first of all, should please not only you, but also guests who can come to the cottage or vacation home. Caring for a small slide will be simple. As a rule, the same works are performed as on. Plants are fertilized, watering, transplanted on time.

Alpine slide protrudes the miniature version of the mining area. As a rule, in the middle of such a composition, several stones or cobblestones are exhibited, or one large. They are associated with a mountain peak. Along the slopes are created by small terraces, plants are cleared on them, and not some, and the lowered the alpine slide turns into a bush.

It is worth noting that in nature such a kind of landscape is obtained only in areas where foes are formed mountain breeds. In the future, in such a place there is a fertile layer, which contributes to the prosperity of plants. To successfully create a similar mountain element on the territory of its cottage, cottage or country house You need to know some rules.

It is worth understanding that to create rocky flower beds it is desirable to have large territory. Moreover, in the process of the building of the Alpine Gorki, it is necessary to do everything so that in the end, the whole artificial composition looks as natural as natural and ease.

Construction of alpine slide

A homemade miniature slide will perform an excellent decoration for the country area. For more accurate definition with appearance stony Garden We offer to look around the following photos of a beautiful land landscape:

As already noted, to create a similar composition with your own hands, you should know and follow some of the Soviets, as well as accurately follow a certain procedure for work.

Sequence of work

First of all, it is necessary to accurately decide on the placement. In the process of choosing a place on the territory, it is important to pay attention to the lighting of that section where you plan to equip the element of the landscape. It is necessary to place the mountainaries on the spot, that during the day as much as possible remains lit sunlight. It is important! In addition, the selected place should be perfectly visible from all sides.

  • At the beginning of work on the creation of an alpine slide is indicated foundation contour. Thus, you will create a rocky sole. To do this, it is necessary to remove the fertile layer of the Earth, removing approximately 30 centimeters.

  • The next step is implemented drainage system. At the same time, for the bottom layer, it is wiser to use brick elements, small gravel or various debris left after construction work. And to the last option it is worth resorting only as a last resort! The following layer falls asleep sand: the thickness of the finished layer should not exceed 5 centimeters. At the end, a fertile layer is returned, which was cut at first.

As practice shows when creating an alpine slide, you can refuse the drainage system only if the work will be carried out on the site with the slope. Moreover, in this case, the density of the Earth should not be too big.

  • Next, you need to position the stones in such a way that the core is formed. For this, the largest stone is originally selected. He must also be the most beautiful to appearance Alpinaria turned out to be pleasant. Cobblestone performs the main for the lower tier of stones, and therefore it is necessary to take care of its stability. In this issue, gravel or the soil can be helped for a stone. A classic alpine slide has an odd number of rows. Wet land falls asleep, it is very tight and compacted.

Important moment! Placing cobblestones with your own hands, do not seek symmetry. You should leave small intervals, in which various low-spirited plants will be laced in the future. In addition, several stones can be grouped together. It will also make it possible to achieve greater originality and type of natural origin of the composition.

  • At the same time, you need to decide on cobblestones, which will become supports in the process of care and planting plants. They need to fasten well and compact so that after accidentally do not break the entire element.

  • At the end, planting vegetation is carried out.

Vegetation for Alpinaria: selection of colors and plants

Choosing the right colors is one of the most important moments When creating an alpine slide. Initially, it should be solved for yourself which color palette There will be vegetation. For this it makes sense to perform a pair of sketches of how you see a ready-made rocky garden. Track color gamut You can with the help of appropriate colors. Only determined finally with this question, you can go to the selection of plants for the garden.

Beautifully look at the cottage of the coniferous low herbs. Together with them, small shrubs are perfectly suitable, which will give fruit with the onset of autumn. In addition, such vegetation beautifully transforms the appearance of the entire courtyard in spring due to blossomed colors.

As examples for the arrangement of the Alpine slide, the following coniferous plants can be advised:

  1. Cypressian - has a dark green base and a golden top.
  2. Dwarf spruce - drought resistant.
  3. Thuja - grown in the form of a bush. In conditions of sufficient illumination, it becomes red-brown.
  4. Juniper - has a green foliage, it is unpretentious and in shape has a type of cone.

Deflective types of vegetation

For arranging alpine slide not recommendeduse deciduous plants, otherwise you have to constantly consider fallen leaves that can harm the rest of vegetation. It is possible to plant your own hands next species Plants:

  • DRIADA - represents a reduced copy of the shrub that in spring time blooms by large flowers white color. At the same time, the period of flowering DRIADA coincides with the warmest time of the year - July-August. Over time, instead of flowers, the fruits will grow, which in their own way is very much reminded by "fluffy balls";

  • Iberis is a semi-staple that during the whole season does not lose its own beauty. Its flowers form umbrella brushes of purple, pink or white color, creating amazing and unique. Over time, the flowers have parchd fruits;
  • Horizontal Kizlist - This shrub is distinguished by its thick crown. Blossom occurs in small flowers, while the plant acquires a reddish tint in the fall, in the summer the leaves of the shrub become dark green.

Small advice! More harmony will achieve, if you plant coniferous vegetation, one way.

Coniferous plants for landing

For the arrangement of the Alpine slides, both familiar "alpine" and coniferous types of vegetation are used. For this purpose, you can use a fir of conic, pine, barbaris, thus, Japanese or gray spire or a shooting juniper.

An ideal option will be if only some trees or shrubs can be seen in the landscape. Everything should germinate equal ratioTo create a feeling of natural natural composition!

Locking flowers

To create an alpine slide, as a rule, low-speed, plumbing and low vegetation are used. Such plants are often also called "carpeting". At the same time, if you are going to spend all the work with your own hands, then it is more correct to choose for planting perennials. To arrange the landscape of the country area and landscaping the site, the following flowers should be taken:

  • Camery - are a traditional option for landscaping Alpinarians. It has 5 petals that can have a color of yellow, pink or white. The flowering time falls for the period between May and August;

  • Molded - represents perennialthat stands out against the background of the rest of the large variety of color palette of petals. Leaf colors can have burgundy, green, pink, yellow or silver shade;
  • The rock bar - similar to other plants is a perennial. Petals usually have gray-green color. The main feature is that even in winter, the leaves remain green. At the same time, in the multi-scale inflorescences - panicles, you can observe small petals of bright yellow color;
  • The short-consuming carnation is unpretentious, rich-flowering and low-grade plant with small petals of blue-gray-green. It is best for landscaping spacious and illuminated areas in the country.

To preserve and maintain the greatest beauty of the Alpine Gorki, it is recommended to plant only tuberukovic or bulbous flowers. In order to perform a contrast background in front of the house, you can use dreaming fruits. At the same time, it will help to equip the landscape at home and .

Possible difficulties

It happens that at the occurrence of Spring Alpine slide settles. This is because in the process of performing work, some technological processes were violated.

Causes for precipitation can be a lot!

The first cause is distinguished by the lack of drainage or choosing not the best territory for the rocky garden. It is more correct to create a mountaineering on the plot that has a small inclination, or on a place with a natural hill. When placing the composition on clay soils, it is mandatory to take care of drainage layerwhich can be done with simple stones or gravel. The same applies to both drigly soils.

Important moment! It is not necessary to use the construction garbage and residues from construction work for drainage facilities. It is more correct to use a small pebble or even special drainage stones.

The second cause of the shrinkage of the Alpine slide can be incorrectly selected cobblestones, plants or substrate. If you perform all the work with your own hands, then only the earth should be used: peat, sand and compost. And all of those listed in the same proportions!

So what should be considered to avoid the unpleasant shrinkage of the rocky garden? It is important not to forget about the following points:

  • It is necessary to pour a flowerbed in a timely manner, to clean the leaves and flowers from the ground, and also to consider fallen leaves and stems from the ground;
  • It is important to take into account the type of soil and the angle of inclination of the territory;
  • Correctly choose the soil substrate, stones and plants;
  • Use for landing only that vegetation that has strong roots;
  • To take care of creating a quality drainage, allowing an earthen mass in a timely manner in front of the organization Alpinaria.

Use of stones and cobblestones

For a stony garden, natural cobblestones are best suitable, which would have both original shapes and various dimensions. At the same time, it is worth choosing stones that would differ in each other on the surface, for example, had small plants or moss, with recesses and depressions, etc. Best of all in the composition of the garden looks like slate, limestone, granite, boulder and sandstone.

Council of specialists! To create a mountaineering with their own hands, it is more correct to use no more pair of cobblestones varieties. The ideal solution will be the use of only one variety of stones.

Decoration of rocky garden

As already noted, plants and stones are usually used to decorate the Alpine slide. It should be followed by certain rules:

  • In the upper part, the most beautiful stone is located;
  • The installation of cobblestones begins below and is gradually moving up;
  • Power cobblestones are necessary so that their vertices are at one level;
  • After the placement of each new row of stones, everything falls asleep soil, and the Earth should be strongly tamped. To do this, you can use water;

  • When using a large stone, it is recommended to perform a peculiar foundation for it consisting of 2-3 flat cobblestones;
  • Do not forget about the points of the supports, which will be suitable in the process of care for the alpine slide.

The difference between rocaria and mountaineering

These methods are completely different ways To create and decorate the flower beds with their own hands. Rocarium is called rocky flowerba, which in most has only cobblestones of one variety. At the same time, the stones are arbitrarily or parallel to each other. It is worth noting that chaotic placed cobblestones will create a feeling of natural environment.

When creating rokaria, plants also apply, however, they act as background compositionWhat serves as a secondary element of the landscape. In the case of alpine hillside, the same is the key and main component in the first place!

Well, on this our advice ended. It remains only to wish good luck and offer a couple of video so that you can do it with your own hands, observing the technology and order of work.

Video instructions and examples of compositions

The spectacular element in the landscape is the created alpine slide. Alpinarium call a small area in the garden, decorated in the form of a natural natural corner.

Many owners of household plots are interested in how to make alpine slide with their own hands?

In order to create this corner of wildlife on its site, you need to get acquainted with the subtleties of landscape design.

Usually this masterpiece is located in the most prominent place. In addition, the mountaineering is required solar place, so this corner is usually located in the open area.

Since the alpine slide acts on a man in peaceful, it is best to position it nearby from a resting place.

It is not worth discounting and the quality of earth cover, the most favorable soil for the mountaineering is sandstone, if the earth has a clay base, it will be necessary to make drainage.

When it is better to create a mountaineering

Alpine slide can be created at any time of the year with the exception of winter, because in the winter cold it is impossible to plant plants or prepare the soil. However, the most optimal for the creation of the Alpinaria, experts consider autumn.

Since the natural shrinkage of the Alpine slide can take several months, then, according to landscape designers, it is necessary to prepare from spring to the autumn disembarkation.

Creating an alpine slide

Landscape designers, answering how to make an alpine slide, offer universal schemes and projects to arrange this natural corner, taking into account all the subtleties and scope of work.

However, knowing the basic rules for creating a mountaineering, you can organize it personally.

The first thing to pay attention to is the location. So, the mountainaries should be well visible. Most optimal option - This is the creation of an alpine slide in the form of a pyramid, in which the maximum height focuses in the center.

In addition, all the elements of the mountaineering should be located freely, the symmetry is inappropriate here. In the event that it is possible to organize a mountaineering on a natural slope, then its elements are best postned at the same level.

From the point of view of the parameters, the height of the Alpine slide should be proportional to its size, that is, 1 meter of the square corresponds to a height of 0.2 m., So flower bed with dimensions of 4 m² in height will be 80cm., As in the photo of the Alpine slide.

Preparatory work

Even the simplest alpine slide requires careful preparation. So when creating a mountaineering, it is necessary to make drainage, the fact is that the use of stones makes the soil, and therefore it is impossible to do without drainage.

The material for drainage can be small gravel, pieces of red or white brick, small pebbles or crushed stone.

Before laying drainage, it is necessary to dig a hole with a depth of 1 m. On a flowerbed area of \u200b\u200b8-9 m². Then the drainage is laid out and the soil is poured with water. Next, the layer of land is poured.

As a soil for mountaineering, it is best to use the composition of the soil from ordinary earth ground, peat and river sand. All components of the soil must be in equal proportions.



The basic element of any mountaineering are stones. These are usually large stones of the original form.

Bowl of everything for the creation of an alpine slide, pieces of granite, sandstone, limestone are used, and a wild stone can be used, as well as a tuff.

When making stones, Alpinaria must follow the following rules:

  • It is best if the size of all stones is the same;
  • Stones should relate to one variety;
  • Stones should be uneven structure and shape;
  • It is necessary to place stones so that they are asymmetrical.

You can place stones in your own taste, but experienced designers can offer you some suitable projects. Recently, in the fashion scheme, when massive stones are scattered on the site, and small pebbles between them.

An Alpine slide looks interesting when the most spectacular stone is installed in the center, especially if the mountaineering is located on the slope.


When laying out stones, especially massive, it is necessary to make sure that they are steadily, for this some of them can even be fixed with cement or a little touching them.

Properly organized alpine slide at the cottage can become a favorite place of rest of the whole family.

Green spaces

2 months after preparatory work You can start landing green spaces. The most convenient for decoration of the Alpinaria are such plants like low-spirited spruce, thuja, mountain pine and juniper.

Little Alpine Hill is a great landscape solution for small plot. When creating such a mountaineering, it is best to use low-spirited, grassy plants, such as wild cloves, low vehicles, nasturtiums, pansies and bells.

If desired, the alpine slide can be combined with a small reservoir as a small pond, but in this case the process of creating a mountaineering will be even more laborious, but this will be a real work of landscape art.

Photo of the alpine slide do it yourself


If your dacha, a plot or in the garden is a ledge or irregularity, make an alpine slide.

First, such a flower bed is very beautiful, after a year her stony rocks with a solid carpet tighten the adorable pillows of flowers, herbs and moss.

Secondly, the Alpinaria's conservation itself is an exciting lesson. It is necessary to think everything here: where to plant a coniferous shrub, what to choose stones and perennials, so that the color carpet is in the midst of the rocky screeching by paint for a whole year.

And, thirdly, if the soil on your dacha is poor, sandy or stony, and is completely not suitable for organizing other types of flower beds, then the plants of the Alpine slide in such conditions, on the contrary, will develop normally and good bloom.

Not everyone is correctly understood what an alpine slide. Constructions from plants and stones on the plot - this is still not alpine slides.

Alpinarium (Alpine Hill) - These are landscape compositions, imitating mountain landscape with platforms by type of terraces with stones, squat shrubs and long-term perennials.

Consider some details of the design of flower beds Alpine slide

Alpinarium in the garden if possible should be:

  • proportional to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe plot;
  • removed from flower beds with bright lush flowering;
  • located in the most illuminated area of \u200b\u200bthe site, close to the water source (if it is impossible, then additional watering points will be equipped);
  • the most believable mountain scenery;
  • arranged near the house or recreation area.

Many thought about how to make an alpine hill with their own hands. And only some, especially stubborn and patient, decorated their countryside by terraced hills. Why did they start? Of course, from choosing a place.

In order for rocky flower bed to organically fit into environment Garden, not necessarily look for a large space - alpine plants So compact that they should not fit dozens on the modest area of \u200b\u200bthe slide.

Alpinarium height should not be contrary to the already existing landscape. If possible, it is necessary to make so that the shapes, textures and colors of the slides are harmoniously poured into the concept of landscape design.

Very expressively alpine decorative flower garden It looks in the garden against the background of thick, high bushes or small, but lush trees.

Alpine hill do it yourself - step by step instructions

What materials and tools need to buy under the Alpine slide?

  • stones of one breed, river sand, crushed stone, gravel, turf, humus, peat, limestone, earth and planting material;
  • roulette, cord, pegs, bayonet shovel, metal scrap, garden blade with long handle, wheelbarrow, scissors, ladle (in order to straw up the ground from wide sumps roller), garden watering can.

All at hand? Then for business!

  • Any project of the Alpine slide begins with the breakdown of the site and draw the contour of the future flower garden (here it will take a roulette, pegs and cord). The area under the flower bed is cleared, remove the soil layer to a depth of 30-40 cm, weary are thoroughly and weeds.
  • When the clearing is completely finished on an in-depth section, it is necessary to make a gravel pillow - fall asleep layer of gravel, slag and construction waste (a broken brick is suitable, limestone or granite crusp), 10 cm thick. This kind of drainage will protect the roots of plants from the convergence, without allowing stagnation of groundwater, and will provide normal aeration.
  • The water layer should be thicker there, where the soil is very dense, structureless, or soil and weakly transmitting water. Wetlands - the first enemy of alpine plants - ascetics are accustomed to growing on the slopes in the lungs, rocky-sand, acidic soils.
  • On top of the drainage layer (the base of the alpinearia), it is necessary to make a sand pillow - pour a layer of river sand (5 cm thick), good tamper and pour.
  • Next, mix in equal proportions to the turf land (it can be prepared in advance or buy in any nursery) perlite, sand, pine bark, wood chips, fine crushed stone, crushed peat, humid and sphagnum.
  • You do not need to add too much fertilizer to this layer. The rest of the earth can lead to the fact that the trees and flowers on the slide will grow too large or, on the contrary, they will die at all. It is recommended to feed only some tuber and bully, and how less often and careful.
  • Ready soil mixture Pull over the entire surface of the slide, at the same time simultaneously modeling the relief of the alpinearia according to the pattern of the natural landscape. Mound from the ground should not be done uniform and neat. Both on the big and small alpine slide in the garden, it is necessary to manually form "cliffs" and "valleys", "vertices" and "plateau", paths and transitions.
  • After the residual backfill of the land of the earth, it is possible to start laying stones, "underclaring" under them "Pillows" from river sand.

What form should be stones in the mountaineering and how to properly decompose?

Consider what kind of stones are needed for a small and large alpine slide, their names and laying methods.

For the organization, such an exotic flower garden need to choose only those stony rocks that will not pass heavy metals and salts to the soil, and do not oxidize the soil.

Three-seated, water and wind breed incorrect form In the landscape garden will look much better than freshly available. Stone scapes should be similar in structure, and better quite the same, but at the same time different in size.

An excellent choice for Alpinaria has always been and will be: natural granite, organic limestone or decorative sandstone. Forest boulder, dolomite, travertine, gneiss or basalt. As an option: Serpentinitis, Elbrus, Jasper, Snake, Quartz, etc.

Stones do not need to collect on the fields and meadows. You can buy good copies in a quarry. The weight of one stone can reach about 15-100 kg. That is, it will take about 1-1.5 tons of stones for the stone flower beds in size for 1.5 x 3 m.

We go further. Starting should be started (from the foot) up - gradually moving from larger stones to smaller stones. The first shape the core of the Alpine slide. For this purpose, choose the largest and beautiful boulder and install it in a slight recess. So that the stone does not swing it can be strengthened with rubble.

Council. It does not need to be styling with equal distance and geometric harvesting - in the natural environment, on mountain slopes, stones and blocks are located in chaotic mess.

When bookmarking, we need to dilute not only the kernel of the composition, but also all the other stones. The sides of the sinuses are slightly falling asleep with an earthy mixture for mountaineering and watered a sprayed jet of water - there will be plants in them a little later.

In the upper part it looks beautifully a boulder conical shape, symbolizing the peak of the mountain, surrounded by flat stones.

In the process of placing stones, landscape designers advise to move away from the composition and from different angles to evaluate the result. Alpine slide, designed with her own hands, is considered ready if it looks holistic and harmoniously even without coniferous, shrubs and flowers.

But that's not all. The huge weight of boulders and stones should week two or three lie down, "bother", so to speak. And only when the Earth is mounted and you can proceed to the flower bed device on the alpine slide.

Plants for the Alpine Slide - Pledge of Spectacular Design

Challenged hard climatic conditions Highlands: cold, low atmospheric pressure, strong wind and temperature fluctuations, alpine slide flowers show amazing endurance in the difficult climate of Russia.

In order for the alpinarium created at the cottage, it was really like an oasis of mountain landscape, shrubs and plants need to be chosen by the following signs:

  1. unpretentious climate and soil;
  2. lowness;
  3. moderate growth;
  4. not an aggressive method of reproduction;
  5. many years of development cycle.

Low and soil plants for alpine slide

  • Azen Bukhanan;
  • Molded;
  • Maspaint beard;
  • Melnokoline;
  • Luggage;
  • Bony hair-shaped;
  • Fern;
  • Summary crap;
  • Decorative cabbage;
  • Crack;
  • Sagebrush;
  • Geichera;
  • Spurge;
  • Stakhis.

Council. Soil plants With a powerful root system placed on the slopes of alpine slide to prevent its erosion.

Flowering plants for alpine slide

  • Barberry;
  • Non-laminate;
  • Veronica;
  • Carnation;
  • Gentian;
  • Gypsophila, vulphlation;
  • Delphinium;
  • Dryad;
  • Shake shaft;
  • Bells of Predarch;
  • Introducts Allion;
  • Saxifrage;
  • Bloodroot;
  • Pumpo;
  • Olter cereal;
  • Edelweiss;
  • Kachym creeping;
  • Enoter Missuria;
  • Pyrenean catchment;
  • Thyme;
  • Gargansky bell;
  • Flox lowered;
  • Soapy basilicolous;
  • Yaskolka;
  • Rubara evergreen;
  • Mentenia Primorskaya;
  • Fouopsis DlenOstolbik;
  • Crowded ceiling;
  • Strawberries decorative;
  • Pink Rhodiola;
  • Chiastofillaum opposite;
  • Himalayan geranium;
  • Mountain Vasilek;
  • Hellebore;
  • Liver;
  • Anemone;
  • Fabric paw;
  • Rukucha;
  • Violets and chamomile.

Council. Each of the blooming individuals in the Alpinarium composition plays his role, so the flowers should not obstruct and interfere with each other. It is important to achieve a smooth change of shades of the slide. This can be easily achieved, combining alpine plants in flowering timing.

Large plants for alpine slide

Onion and tuberukovichny

  • Decorative karatavsky;
  • Vasilka and Ostrovsky onions;
  • Onions of Tubgen and Belessam;
  • Scylla;
  • Springnik;
  • Sternberg;
  • Cyclamen;
  • Snowdrop;
  • Ranunculus;
  • Pushkin;
  • Clivia;
  • Rootyipoxis;
  • Brandushka;
  • Hyacitoes;
  • Valley;
  • Babian;
  • Halter;
  • Melender;
  • Sisirichium;
  • Teamophiles;
  • Churchrooms;
  • Moricia;
  • Muscari;
  • Garden buttercup;
  • Dwarf varieties of irises, daffodils, dahlia and tulips.

Council. Stony structures Alpinaria will look as decorative as possible, if you know the exact timing of blossomy blossoms. And yet, planting onions in a mountaineering with a good drainage (stones and gravel prevent the maidening of bulbs) Leave between them enough space for growing. Temporarily empty places climb wood or pebbles.

Low grasses for alpine slide

  • Quaking grass;
  • Lagurus;
  • Highlander;
  • Cuff;
  • Alyssum;
  • Oregano;
  • Vaintic Skrew flowered;
  • Feather grass;
  • Pennisetum East;
  • Oatman Singa and Red;
  • Liriopoe;
  • Events evergreen;
  • Cheerful barley;
  • Asholz;
  • Heath;
  • Erica.

Council. Herbate plants Stay attractive to deep autumn, while others have already called or have not yet blocked. Performing the role of the background decorative herbs Serve a juicy decoration in the creation of an alpine slide.

Compact shrubs for alpine slide

  • Mountain pine;
  • Wolch year borovik;
  • Blue spruce;
  • Barberry;
  • Kisser horizontal;
  • Juniper;
  • Larch;
  • Western Thuja;
  • Miniature pine;
  • Korean fir;
  • Becklecom;
  • Spirea;
  • Dryad;
  • Rhododendron;
  • Daphne.

Council. Dwarf trees and bushes plan the first, highlighting the most spacious slides of the slides. Do not land them on the sole or on the top of the Earth. The optimal place for the reprehensive dwarf forms in the mountaineering - in large stones along the edges of the slides, at a great distance from each other. For proper landing Deciduous and coniferous shrubs will not require anyone or special care. But some of them, on winterYou will have to hide, putting a plant with a burlap or a special case.

Very often in the design of the Alpine slides include moss. The transplant of the MHA plates from the forest on the Alpinaria stones are made as follows. At first, the moss pillow is cleaned from the native land, and then thoroughly mix it with a blender with a pair of sugar spoons and 200 g kefir. The resulting homogeneous mass you need to lubricate the stones (using a brush), where a green carpet from moss wants to see in the future. The plant is quickly captured if within three weeks after landing regularly moisturize it.

A good framing of the alpine slide can be neatly trimmed green lawn.

Council. No need to try to place more types in Alpinaria. The holistic composition will be obtained at you only when you, having learned about the types of plants from A to Z, will be able to provide, albeit a small amount of colors worthy of existence.

Alpine slide - landing scheme

There should be plenty of places for the normal development and growth of green plantings between stone sowser. In the small hole, duck up at an angle, as shown in the figure, plant seedlings, spread their roots, slightly sprinkle the earth and tamper. After landing, the slide should be pouring. It is better to do it top-down - water, staining, good soaping the soil and get straight to the roots.

Slowing out the sockets on the hill: Orostachis, Granite, Leisen and others, do not satisfy them next to the soil. The latter grow quickly and can displace gentle plants.

Plant bulbs will not crawl if they plant them inside the limiter - banks or an old bucket without the bottom.

Alpine slides (with plants names)

Scheme number 1.

Scheme number 4.

Views of the Alpine Gork

Paradoxical unity of fragile vegetation and stone blocks delivers true pleasure to dacnishes, it has a calm and soothes.

And you, after reading the article, it remains only to choose: admire the bizarre harmony of the alpine slides in the photo or recreate one of the species on its site. Moreover, their rocky flower beds are numbered immediately 7:

  • "Rock" with natural surface ohurs;
  • pretty complicated in the performance of the "mountainside" with coniferous and huge stone blocks;
  • landscape "mountain valley" with asymmetrically placed groups of stones;
  • "Terraced slope" with retaining walls of different height, length and shape;
  • decorative "forest ravine" with a spring or artificially created waterfall;
  • "Stony wall" - a low holmik with chaotic scattered stones;
  • the most stylish stone compositions - the Alpine Lawn with wild plants growing exclusively in the mountainous area.


Do not listen to those who assure that the mountaineering in the country can be planned and create in one day. Of course not. Well, except that the easiest version of the Mini Alpine slide, and that is not in the garden, but in the city apartment.

Want to do everything right? Then lay the drainage, fall asleep the ground and form the base of the slide in the fall, and stones and flowers - lay and sit only in the spring.

Alpine slide - photo of beautiful variants of arboraria