
Grandflow Hydrangea: a description of the variety, gardener reviews. Hydrangea Miscellaneous Grandiflora - Features of care and reproduction in the garden plot



The Grandiflower is among the top five of the most popular varieties of the Metabling Hydrangea for the Moscow Region. This is due to a rare combination of high frost resistance, soils and abundant long-lasting flowering.


Description of varieties

The Grandiflower forms a sprawler bush or a tree with a wide crown up to 7 meters high and is thus one of the tallest hydrangeas. Long branches, wood broken.

Blossom begins in June and can continue until the end of October. For good care The plant blooms very plentiful; Instead of flashing blizzards, new ones constantly appear.

The inflorescences of the pyramidal shape, very large - the length of the largest can exceed 40 cm. Inflorescence is formed mainly by large sterile flowers: fertile are inside pan, and they practically do not have a bunny.

On the picture miscellaneous hydrangea "Grandiflora" looks pure white, but in fact the flowers can have a cream shade. Closer to autumn they become pink.

Please note: besides the Misseling Hydrangea "Grandiflora" there is also a variety of tree hydrangea with the same name. These are completely different things.

Garden landing and care

Since the plant is growing and sprawling, it will take a fairly large plot for him - approximately 5 ... 6 square meters. The plot should be protected from the wind and the bright midday sun, but it is well lit in the morning or in the evening.

Like other pitfall hydrangea for the garden, the "grandiflower" grows well on loose, moderately fertile weakness and acidic soils. On alkaline, its development is depressing: the death is unlikely, but also good flowering you will also not wait. In general, this is another calcifob, almost the same as Rhododendron.

"Grandiflora" is unpretentious and care for her is easy. You should remember only a few important points:

  1. The plant is demanding about soil moisture, but strongly suffers from moisture in the soil.
  2. Feed the Miscellaneous Hydrangea is better twice a year: at the beginning of the growing season and at the beginning of flowering. Both feeders are integrated: they contribute 5 ... 10 grams of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium per square meter.
  3. Crimping is carried out mainly in spring. The method of pruning depends on the method of formation and age of the plant.
  4. Miscellaneous hydrangea is very winter-hardy, it is not necessary to cover it for the winter. However, due to fragile wood, it is often broken under the weight of snow. Therefore, in the fall, she always removes the blurred inflorescences, and the branches are associated together and tied up to some kind of support.

Every gardener or amateur indoor plants He knows about hydrangea. It is incredible interesting plant. The types of hydrangea are many, because it is grown in conventional pots on the windowsill, sit on the balconies, decorated with city flower beds, grown in the garden. Each view is beautiful, each of them has its own characteristics. Hydrangea Miscellaneous Grandflower will serve as an undoubted decoration of any garden.

Miscellaneous hydrangea: Description

Hydrangea grade "Grandiflora" can be grown as a shrub and as a small church. In height, it can reach two meters, and the diameter of the circumference of the crown is three meters.

This type of hydrangea is characterized by its inflorescences from other species of this wonderful plant.

Grandflows Hydrangea Flowers are collected in huge pyramidal inflorescences, whose length can reach 30 centimeters. Hydrangea flowers are mostly sterile, i.e. The fruits do not give. When blossom only begins, the flowers have cream-white color. Then their color changes to pure white, gradually changing into pink. With the onset of autumn, by the end of blossom, the Hortension of the Grandiflora changes its color to greenish-red.

If the bush you bought for a long time does not develop typical inflorescences, do not get rid of it. The plant needs time for development, so provide him with the relevant conditions, and it will delight you for many years.

Hydrangea: landing and care

On the landing plot, the grandoform is better to select the proplinated places. The plant makes urban conditions well enough if you provide a timely watering. The soil must have a sour or weakly acidic response. Does not make lime soils.

In winter, no additional shelter is required. In the spring, it is necessary to monitor the accumulation of flood water - the moisture stagnation does not affect the root system.

When landing, you first need to dig up the landing well by 15-20 cm is wider than the root system size. Add a mature organic organic (reworked manure or compost) and sour peat. Plant in the well, moderately compact the soil around it and pour out the water.

Care for adult copies is simple - ensuring soil moisture and timely pruning.

Hydrangea Miscellaneous in the photo

The plant moves well trimming. Pruning spend in spring when swearing kidneys are visible. First of all, patients and old shoots are cut out. When the crown is generated, the branch is shortening for the desired length.

Hydrangea: reproduction

Spreads plants with tanks, cuttings and the division of the bush. The Grand Florium hydrangea has a surface root system that quickly applies around the parent plant, giving off. This is how this type of hydrangea is reproduced.

Milk the grandflower with stalling is not difficult, but requires certain knowledge. You can glue this hydrangea only in the first decade of June. At another time, it is hardly killed. To do this, the cuttings with five-six nodes are selected. The two lower left leaves are cut off, then the cuttings are cheered in loose, wet land into two nodes. It is desirable to add sand to the ground. The remaining leaves cut into two thirds, then the cuttings tightly cover the two- or three-liter can. The prerequisite is the rooting of cuttings in the shade, constantly maintaining the humidity of the soil.

Peresinding hydrangea during the entire season of vegetation. But it is best to share bushes in spring and autumn.

Mounting Hydrangea in Landscape Design

For gardens, made in regular style, it is best to form a stramb form. Good hydrangea gradiflora varieties in the design of the front stairs. If you put a shrub near the house with the columns, you will get surprisingly expressive, you can say the pompous design of the parisade.

When decorating the garden in the landscape style, leave a natural bushy. The bush is placed in the foreground. To create long-term group compositions on the background well, planting the canbushnik, Ryabin, Podyabinnik. Undesirable to plant plants close to fruit treesSince they will compete with each other for water.

Durgets Hortensia

The beauty of the grandoform can be saved for winter bouquets from dried flowers. If you cut the inflorescences, suspend each separately "head down", then their beauty will serve as the basis of the winter composition. And the color that inflorescences occurred during cutting will be saved in dry form. The only thing that such dried flowers should be protected from the effects of direct sunlight, and otherwise they will bury and lose their color.

Hydrangea Miscellaneous grade "Grandiflora" - undemanding to the agrotechnical gardening culture. By providing your green pet, the appropriate place in the garden, you will be delimited by spectacular and long blossoms for many years.

In addition, hydrangea is applied to cut and in container landings - to decorate the veranda, patio and balconies.

Landing and caring for hydrangea on video

Hydrangea Miscellaneous Grandiflora is a small shrub, whose height can reach 1.5 m in height. The flower name received its name thanks appearance - Inflorescences are formed by a kind of "belchings" up to 25 cm long. It is important to know that the shrub contains poisonous substances, and therefore when working with it should be extremely careful.

Miscellaneous hydrangea comes from Japan and China. More than 25 species are distinguished, among which Grandiflora hydrangea is most popular. Distinctive quality is later flowering flowering and coloring. As soon as the "bakery" blooms, it acquires cream color, then white, turning into pink. Well, at the end of flowering, buds are painted in a greenish-red shade. The shrub is well tolerating the winter period, and his life time can reach 40 years.

The most important thing in the cultivation of hydrangea is to put it right. Specialists are recommended to purchase adult seedlings with age of 4-5 years. Usually transfer to open ground in early spring. In this case, the first bloom can be expected already this year. If the climate allows, seedlings can be placed in the ground and autumn, to the first frosts. However, the bushes will need to be insulated for the winter.

When choosing a location, the features of hydrangea should be taken into account. The fact is that the plants have very branched roots, and therefore the bulbous flowers can not be planted nearby. It is worth understanding that Grandiflora needs a spacious. Ideal will be open for sunlight plots, but at the same time protected from winds and drafts. Shrub can be planted in a half, but in this case the inflorescences will lose their paints.

Hortensia prefers fertile and sour soil. The land should not contain chalk, ashes, lime. Before boarding, the holes should be prepared, the size of which should be at least 50x50 cm, and the depth is 60 cm. The distance between the bushes should be 3 m. Then 3 buckets of water poured into the hole, and the soil is prepared in the morning. The land may contain, in addition to fertile soil, peat, humid and sand in proportions 2: 1: 1. Mineral fertilizers also contribute. Some gardeners recommend adding pine needles to this landfill - it is acidified with the soil.

Before boarding, the roots of hydrangea should be trimmed. The procedure is required to be carried out extremely careful not to damage the root system. During the room in the open ground, the roots should not be very deepening into the soil. The landed bush is cheered by the ground and mulched peat, cheese and humus leaf. While the flower does not fit, it should be covered from direct sunlight.

Care and subordinate

Almost the most important thing when caring for hydrangeas is watering. Shrub loves water very much, and therefore it is abundantly moisturized and often. It is impossible to dry up the soil - the soil should always be moistened. Especially it concerns summer period. So that the plant blooms well, the humidity is to maintain in a radius of 50 cm around the bush. In the cold and rainy period, the amount of irrigation can be reduced. Experienced gardeners Recommended to add a manganese to the water for better shrub growth.

Do not forget about regular soil looser. During this process, the sawdust can be added - they will keep moisture in the ground. Weed regularly and weeds. Crane will help trimming. Usually it is carried out at the end of March. The shoots are shortened to 3-4 kidneys. Old bushes should be updated at all - to trim the stalks to a height of 7 cm. Do not worry: the blurred hydrangea grows very quickly. It is required to note that if the grandiflora does not cut, it can stop blossoming.

The plant is fed 4 times a season. Moreover, fertilizers must be organic and mineral, as well as special for hydrangeas. Rules of feeding:

  1. 1 spring should be made organic fertilizers. They will help recover after winter and actively act on the growth of the bush.
  2. 2 During the formation of buds, it is necessary to make a special composition. For this, 25 g of urea, 35 g of superphosphate and 35 g of sulfur potassium are mixed.
  3. 3 In mid-July, mineral fertilizers are used, which prolong the flowering period. On 1 water bucket goes 35 g of trace elements. It should be noted that such buckets need no more than 3.
  4. 4 Last feeding is carried out in early September. It should be abandoned from nitrogen and make a special fertilizer for hydrangea. After that, stop using feeding until spring.

It is important to know that when complying with the rules of soil, you can expect a long and lush flowering. Experienced gardeners are divided by the secret of changing the tone of buds. Iron salt should be added to water for watering, and in the ground - peat and aluminum alums. These manipulations will help get the blue color of inflorescences.

Reproduction and preparation for winter

Plugged hydrangea stalling. In the spring from the bush, shoots from 4-5 kidneys and planted in acidic soil. The shoots are abundantly watered and darken from direct sunlight. You can cover each cutken with a can to create a greenhouse effect. After the first sheets appear, the bush can be planted at a permanent place. This is usually happening in mid-June.

Specialists are recommended for the second year after transplanting not to give a plant to blossom. During this period, the shoots should grow, and therefore all inflorescences are deleted. In winter, young bushes are covered pine brancheswho save the root system from frosts.

Both young and adult shrubs need to be stolen for the winter. The most vulnerable part of the flower is roots, and therefore they should be wondering with overwhelming manure. You can use dry leaves or peat as insulation. But in this case, it will have to lay a layer of 15-20 cm around the bush. In a very cold winter, shoots can be covered with spruce or pine branches. Open the flower and break the soil only after the onset of sustainable heat. In addition, in the winter period, Hington can not watered.

Diseases and pests

Like all plants, hydrangea is susceptible to pests and diseases. The most common problem is muffinous dew. This fungal disease amazes roots, and then sheets and stems. Develops due to high humidity air. It is possible to deal with it using special chemicals.

Another dangerous fungal disease is gray rot. At the same time, the fungus applies very quickly and leads to the death of the flower. Stems, leaves and inflorescences are covered gray raid. It is almost impossible to get rid of the disease. It will be possible to remove all damaged parts, and in the running cases - remove the bush completely. In general, the plant is rarely susceptible to fungal diseases.

But due to lack of iron, chlorosis may occur. It is manifested by yellow leaves and entails the weakening of the flower and stopping the bootonization. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to fertilize iron-containing feeders. In addition, watering water should be used for watering. Ideally - rain. If chlorosis has already appeared, then save the plant will be able to spray special means.

From pests frequent "guest" is a garden snail. She burns leaves and young inflorescences. These clams are especially dangerous in winter. You can get rid of them with the help of special chemicals that should be decomposed around the bush. Since the snails are found in wet darkened areas, then planting bushes stands in the open area.

Weather tick and aphid - another frequent pests. Fortunately, they are easily killed by chemicals. The remaining insects are also easily destroyed. Well, the best treatment is prevention. Therefore, it is desirable to process the bushes grandoforms with copper vitriol and Bordeaux liquid in the spring.

In general, correct care, timely feeding and watering will provide a long life and lush flowering of hydrangea.

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Hydrangea. Landing, growing and care

The beauty of the blooming shrub of hydrangea and really can be compared with the lush outfits of the princesses. Just do not tear the eyes from air balloous inflorescences in the most tender pink, lilac and blue colors, which are scattered among juicy green foliage. In the article, consider how to plant and care for Hydrangea.

European botanic culture is called Hydrangea (that is, a vessel filled with water), such a name is given, firstly, for its moisture, and secondly, because the seed boxes are reminded in the form of aids.

The Japanese is particularly honored by Hingiennesia, they call it a "purple sunny flower" - adsisay. The leaves of the wild hydrangea in Japan are used to prepare the sacred tea Amacha, which is brewing and drinking on April 8 - a day, when the Buddha was born on giving birth.

Curious Hydrangea Information

  • In the inflorescences of hydrangea, two types of flowers get along.
    1. The first type is a small flower, thickly located usually in the core of the inflorescences, seed boxes are formed in their place.
    2. In the form of a terry ruffy around the edges of the inflorescence is located more large flowerswho are actually scorched petal-shaped cups. They are sterile and do not tie seeds. The nature of them created to decorate and attract pollinating insects. In some varieties, sterile flowers are scattered over the entire surface of the infloresception.
  • The acidity of the soil affects color color. If the soil has a weak alkaline reaction, the flowers become pink, and with the acidic soil reaction - inflorescences are made blue and blue. However, plants blooming white almost do not change.

  • From alkaline soil, the roots of the plant cannot assimilate the iron affecting the color, therefore, such soils for obtaining inflorescences in blue tones, the bushes are watered with solutions of iron salts. Blue colour It turns out to be juicy if there is rusty nails in the rusty circle. It happens that on the same bush on the one hand, blue appear, and on the other - pink flowers. This circumstance can be used when creating unique landscape designs.
  • Metal salts are also used to change the color, which are sold there, where fertilizers. Even for oxidation of the soil, a riding peat is used, which mulch the prioric circles or the infusion of which plants are watered.

Garden hydrangea grades grown in Russia

Unfortunately, in cold Russia, this amazing thermal-loving plant can be grown in open soil Mainly gardeners of the middle strip, and then some kinds: HydrangeaSargentiana HydrangeAsargentiana; tree (HydrangeaarBorescens); Large (Hydrangeamacrophylla); Misseling (Hydrangeapaniculata); cherry (HydrangeaPetiolaris); Hydrangeaheteromalla.

Hydrangea Sarzhen.

  • Shrub attracts with its unusualness - he has dark red thick, as if covered with felt shoots, and beautiful velvet dark green leaves.
  • It grows in a height of about one meter.
  • Flowers from mid-July. Purple-lilac inflorescences are of a shielded form - among the densely arranged small flowers as an asterisk scattered large light sterile flowers. Using this species, create spectacular alive hedges.
  • The plant is heat-loving, loves well-lit plots.
  • Of all the species most drought-resistant, but the wet soil is still more like more.
  • Because of the tendency of sarzent hydrangea to frozen in the fall, trimming the root and shelter stems. The next year the bushes are restored.
  • We define mainly root processes or the division of the bush, since the seeds do not have time to grow well.


  • This species comes from North America, so it is not bad forcing not too severe winters. And even if he will make a little, then proper trimming And the feeder finds strength to rapid recovery.
  • Grows quickly. For the season, a reprehensive bush, having a rounded crown, can reach a 2-meter height.
  • He has large leaves, spherical inflorescences of white or creamy color. Blooms in July. The special beauty of the massive hats of snow-white infertion inflorescences is distinguished by the varieties of this species Sterilis (Sterilis) and Grandiflora (Grandiflora).

Large hydrangea

  • The works of the breeders of the whole world have been created by many magnificent varieties of large hydrangea, without any European garden. Russian gardeners are forced to choose only grades that can withstand cold winters. This is a deterrent for the spread of shrub in the regions with a harsh climate. However B. middle lane It is grown from the old days, the luxurious bushes served as decorations of the landlord and noble estates.
  • Unusually beautiful inflorescences in large-grained hydrangea. Similar to balls make their countless large sterile flowers. She is amazing in single landings or in the center of flower beds.
  • New repairing winter-hardy varieties can bloom both on the shoots of last year, and on the newly thrown. Therefore, they are guaranteed to bloom every year, even if last year's shoots are frozen.
  • Well winter, and every year beautifully blooms popular varieties: Earlysensation, Redsensation (red sensation) with bright almy inflorescences and burgundy branches, peppermint with satellite-rose colors and white sterile flowers, terry flowering pink or blue Expression grade.

Hydrangea Misbulataya

  • In China's native forests and Japan, shrubs of this species can grow up to 10 meters in height. In the Far Eastern regions of Russia, these plants can also be seen. The moderate climate of the middle strip allows the bushes to reach a height of two meters.
  • The rounded Crown consists of a major oblong foliage, velvet to the touch.
  • Extended inflorescences have a pyramidal form. In grommets there are both fruitless white flowers and fruit-forming flowers of a gentle greenish shade.
  • Bees and bumblebees fly to a pleasant aroma. Closer to autumn, extreme white flowers change painting on pink with greenish tump. Ripening of seed boxes begins by the end of September. This species can grow in the coded airs of cities, and a slightly shaded plots are preferred.
  • Floribunda variety has great popularity (Floribunda), which has large pyramidal white-cream inflorescences. Such a bush, covered with flowers, will be beautifully looking at any place in the garden, for example, in the center of the flower bed, at the entrance to the house or gazebo.
  • The gardens of Grandflora hydrangea is common and beloved (Grandiflora), originally blossoming with light cream bakers, which are then painted in white colorAnd by the end of the season - in red with greenish shades.

Hydrangea crested

  • Lovers of vertical landscaping are successfully used by hydrangea tube (H.petiolaris), which is a rustic leaf falling liano. In natural natural conditions, it grows in China, Korea, Japan, on Sakhalin, Kuril Islands. This type is widespread as decorative plant around the world.
  • On the red-brown shoots of Liana there are airflowers with which it holds for supports and crawls up or clings to the soil. Its dark green foliage is smooth and shiny elongated oval shape. Autumn leaves are yellow and fall.
  • This honeycomb plant is characterized by early bloom - from June to July. Flowers abundantly fragrant white or pale pink loose inflorescences.
  • The plant has a good winter hardiness, but with severe frosts, the stems are frozen, and therefore requires the structure of shelters.
  • About two to three years need young, slow-growing seedlings to gain strength. Only then they turn into a powerful plant capable of covered with green flowering carpet extensive area.
  • The cherry hydrangea is decorated with walls, gazebos, pergolas, dried trees, fences. These Lians feel great and on earth as soil plants. They can be reeling, for example, the shore of an artificial reservoir. Along the way, they will strengthen the soil with their roaster roots.
  • Not so long ago, Miranda variety (H.petiolarismiranda) has already gained popularity, as it has more decorative leaves and is growing rapidly.

Hydrangea soil production

  • This type includes the Bretencheter Hydrangea (N.Vretschneideri), which is a leafy shrub with dark red hair branches and a wide rounded crown. Foliage wedge-shaped with cloths at the edges of dark green. From above the leaves are smooth, and the dumpy is dumped.
  • Sterile flowers of umbrella inflorescence first white, and by the end of the season - purple color. Blossom is plentiful and very decorative. Blooming starts only for the fifth year.
  • This shrub is the most winter-hardy and drought-resistant of all types of hydrangeas, and also tolerate the shadow.
  • Perfect for the design of green hedges, it looks spectacular in group and single landings.

Growing hydrangea

Planting hydrangea

  • To land this heat and light shrub, you need to choose such a place on a plot that it would be closed from the winds and is well lit. Easy half is suited, and for some varieties it is even preferable.
  • The soil is chosen fertile with an acidic reaction no less pH 4.5, so in its composition it should contain leaf turf, horse peat, humid, sand.
  • Landing pits with a size of 50 x 50 x 50 are prepared in advance so that the primer mixture is well ass in them and all the components "became friends" among themselves.
  • Landing make early spring. The plant is planted so that the root neck is not drunk, and was above the level of soil. After watering just planted, the roots zone are sprinkled with peat or crushed coniferous bark.

Care for hydrangea

  • Hydrangea is very moisture and requires regular irrigation. With a lack of moisture, it suffers greatly, drops the color or does not bloom at all. In no case cannot allow soil drying.
  • With the first spring subordinate Potassium sulfate or ammonium sulfate are used. Then it is fed at the beginning and at the end of flowering by phosphorus-potash fertilizers. The shrub reacts well to the monthly watering slightly pink solution of manganese, it helps to strengthen the tissues.
  • In the spring and autumn, peat mulching of the soil in the rolling circles must be carried out in order to preserve moisture and acidification of the soil. The thickness of the mulch layer must be at least 7 cm.

Formation of hydrangea bushes

  • The formation of bushes starts on the third or fourth year after landing.
  • Miscellaneous and tree hydrangea flows on current shoots, so they are cut into the spring, leaving 8 - 10 kidneys, cutting weak and old branches.
  • Many varieties are forming strambl trees, for which, on a two-year plant, all shoots are cut apart from one very strong. IN next year This escape is trimmed by a third. Then, when young shoots grow from it in a year, they leave two or three of them and shorten them, and the rest are removed. And so on for several years. As a result, a branched beautiful flowering tree is obtained.
  • On sweet and soil species make a light spring trimming, cutting the ends of long stems at the kidneys. As a result, the shrub will begin to branch more and plentifully blossoming.
  • Large hydrangea lays the kidneys of inflorescences on last year's branches. Therefore, the spring trim is to remove old inflorescences, weak and damaged shoots.

Malicious insects and diseases

  • Plant may be amazed by a paustic tick. At the same time yellow and dry leaves, as the insect settles on reverse side Sheet and sucks all juices out of it. Fight with this whipping, spraying hydrangea with special chemicals, especially from the bottom of the foliage.
  • If the leaves appeared gradually shroud and darkening oily spots, it can be a sign false muced dew . In such cases, an aqueous solution is used. copper Kaper (teaspoon on the water bucket) with the addition of 150 grams of green soap. It is important not to launch the disease, but to start treatment at the initial stages of its appearance.
  • At alkaline soils, plants may be sick with chlorosis. This can happen and when re-drawing humus in the soil. The leaves begin to brighten and sink, and their streaks are darling. In this case, the soil shed nitric acid potassium (on a bucket of water - 2 tablespoons), and three or four days later - iron Municipality In the same proportion.

Shelter for winter

  • Basically, all types of hydrochloride hydrochildren and need winter shelters. The construction of shelters does not require much difficulty, but much increases the chances of plants on what they will survive the cold.

  • The simplest is at the occurrence of the first frosts to climb the rolling colts with a thick layer of peat, sawdust, straw, foliage or husknik. In this way, tree and buggy species are insulated.
  • Hard branches can be wrapped with underfloor material or heat-resistant paper.
  • Flexible stems of large-scale or cherry hydrangea gently laid on the boards or flat boxes, and then through the slots they pin down to the ground. From above covered with a sweetheart or use any nonwoven material. Material placed frost-resistant polyethylene film and fix it with stones or other heavy objects.
  • Around the middle of April, as soon as strong night frosts stop, the shelter is removed.

Homemade garden

Home hydrangea can decorate an apartment with its magnificent blossom from May to the end of September.

  • Although the plant is light-blast, should not be subject to the increasing action of direct sunlight. Otherwise, the leaves will begin to burn out. Optimal consider temperature to 20 ° C.
  • In the fall, when the flower joins at rest, it will be necessary to find a dark and more cool place with a temperature not higher than 8-10 ° C.
  • In winter, it is necessary to maintain a light moisturity of the soil, watering about once every 10 days. When leaflets begin to appear in February, the pot is placed in a bright place and increase the frequency of irrigation. At the beginning of the bootonization, feeding the special complex fertilizer for hydrangeas.
  • Since the plant loves water, in summer it is often watered and sprayed. With a lack of moisture in the ground or too dry air, the tips of the leaves will begin to push. For more magnificent blossoms, mineral jerks are made every 10 days.
  • Replanting the plant is needed annually after it is wondering, cutting half the stalks. The soil must have an acidic reaction. You can purchase a finished soil mixture specifically for hydrangea or rhododendrons. If the soil is not sufficient enough, then the leaves will begin shirt.
  • For reproduction of hydrangea, fresh cut cuttings are used, which stick into wet sand and covered with a glass jar before the appearance of the first leaf. When transplanting into a permanent pot, the seedlock is plugged.

Bouquets in summer and winter

  • Very beautifully looking at the colors of hydrangea flowers in bouquets. If before placing the tips in the vase, the branches of the branches and burn, and also remove the foliage, then the inflorescences will not lose their freshness for a long time.

  • Another reception for long-term preservation of a bouquet is to preserving branches using a glycerin solution in hot water In proportion 6: 4. The solution lowers fresh cut shoots to a depth of 5 cm, pre-updating the slice under water and the split ends. Stems should stand in such a solution of about three weeks. Soothes and leaves after the procedure will become elastic and slightly change in color.
  • With hydrangea you can not part round yearSo from her inflorescences make excellent dry bouquets. Cutting on a bouquet is produced in mid-September. The branches are placed for drying into a ventilated dark room, hovering down the inflorescences and removing the foliage. In the composition you can add other dried greens, and they will only benefit. For example, dry pearl moonarium will perfectly complement the bouquet and make it more original.

Hydrangea photo.

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More information

Hydrangea Misbulataya - N. Paniculata. Sieb.

It grows in the south of Sakhalin, in China, Japan. In rarefied threshing dubbing, on forest edges, light-loving mesophyte, mesotrof, an assembled of the undergrowth, mesotherm.

This shrub go a small village to a 10m height with a rounded thick crown, elliptical or egg-shaped leaves up to 12 cm long. From above, the leaves are lowered weakly, the bottom is much stronger, especially in the veils. Flowers in long wide-bridal densely sprinkle tanks up to 25 cm long. The yellowing flowers are small, their petals are white, early fallen, fruitless flowers are much larger, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, with four white, later becoming pink petals. First bloom and fruiting is observed in 4-5 years. Flowers honeycomb. It blooms long - from mid-June to October.Food formed box, up to 3 mm long, cracks on the top. Seeds numerous, very small.Fruits boxes ripen by October, seed viability - 95%.

In the GBS since 1965, 3 samples (9 copies) were grown from seedlings derived from natural habitats, and from seeds of the GBS reproduction. At 27, the height is 3.3 m, the crown diameter is 360 cm. Vegethes over 156 days with LL.V ± 3 to 14.x ± 3. Rose growth rate. Flowers from 14.vii ± 19 to 02.ih ± 15, 48 days. Fruits ripen 6.x. Winter hardiness. 100% cutting (without processing) is rooted.

Photo Anna Petrovic

It grows quickly, frost-resistant to -25 degrees, demanding of fertility and soil moisture, gaspad. In the middle band, it feels fine to St. Petersburg, and even fruits in the south. The durability of the plant can be envied, there are references to 60-year-old bushes in the literature.

Abroad varieties are common: " Matilda"(" Mathilda ")," Kiuha"(" Kyushu ")," UNIC"(" Unique "), which are characterized not only by large flowers and long blossoms, but also by the presence of a pleasant fragrance. Cultivars:

"Brussels Lace"(" Brussels Lace ") - this shrub is characterized by a large number of fruiting flowers in inflorescence and small - sterile. It looks more tender than the" Floribunda "cultivation. In Russia, it is rare.

"Grandiflora"(" Grandiflora ") - differs from the type of later flowering and large sterile flowers collected into wide-bridal inflorescences up to 30 cm long. Flowers in blooming cream-white, in full bloom pure-white, then pink, autumn - greenish-red. Grows quickly. A year increase is 25 cm.

"Kiuha"(" Kyushu ") - a shrub tall up to 3 m and with the same diameter of the crown that has a fan-shaped form. Saving rigid, red-brown, straightforwards. The leaves are dark green, and the cutters are red. White flowers with a pleasant smell, collected in Long and wider inflorescences. Part of the flowers are sterile, the rest are fruitful. It blooms from mid-July to mid-October. Corozonotk.

Nydrangea Paniculata "Pink Diamond"
Photo of Covina Alevtina

Nydrangea Paniculata "Lime Light"
Photograph of Popova Svetlana

Nydrangea Paniculata "Kyushy"
Photograph of Popova Svetlana

Hydrangea Paniculata "Vanille Fraise"
The photo
Shakhmanova Tatiana

Nydrangea Paniculata "Grandiflora"
The photo
Nursery "Northern Flora"

Nydrangea Paniculata "Praecox"
The photo
Nursery "Northern Flora"

"Matilda"(" Mathilda ") - a shrub height of 2 m and a diameter of Kronydo 3 m. Krone is rounded. The leaves are dull-green, 7-15 cm long. Flowers are large, while dissolved cream-white, then white, then they are pose, and when brutened, become greenish-red. Inflorescences about 25 cm long.

Hydrangea Paniculata "Phantom"
Photo by Alexander Zhukov

"Pink Diamond."(" Pink Diamond ") - fashionable grade in Europe. Inflorescences up to 30 cm long consist of fluttering and sterile flowers. Flowers first cream-white, then become dark pink, almost red.

"Presphs"(" Rgaesokh ") - in the timing of flowering the earliest, blooms a month earlier than the original type. It is widely used in the gardening of the United States and Japan. Released in Japan.

"Floribunda"(" Floribunda ") - Credit-flower hurt shape. It has very large rounded sterile flowers on long flowers. Widely used in US landscaping.

Tardiva"(" TARIVA ") - Late Botter-shape. The height of the shrub is 3 m. Leaves rough, green. Creamy-white inflorescences, cone-shaped. Located at the ends of the shoots, consist of sterile and fruiting flowers. Flowers in August-September. Effect in large groups.

"UNIC"(" Unique ") - a shrub of about 3 m of height and the same diameter of the crown. The leaves are green in summer and autumn, 10-14 cm long. White flowers, with pink flowers, are collected into large inflorescences with a diameter of 25 cm. Flowering time: since July By September. Blossom Abundant and long, flowers have a pleasant fragrance.

Hydrangea Paniculata "Last Post"
Photo of Ganova Andrey

Location: Hunt, on open places Growth slows down and inflorescences are minced.

The soil: for successful abundant flowering, fertile soils are necessary.Prefers clay structural soil, grows on the red, but the sandy does not like. By the way, the coloring of flowers becomes brighter in the city of Miseling, growing on acidic soil, and on neutral not only pale, but the whole plant has to be tight. Therefore, if the soil on the site is not sufficiently sour, when landing it is necessary to add brown peat, coniferous ground (spruce, and better pine semi-proverse OPEAD), sawdust. Ash, lime, chalk and other deoxidizers for all hydrangeas are contraindicated. The root system lies shallow. The roots predominantly apply to the width, and as a result of their border significantly exceeds the crown border. For normal vital activity, they need wet soil. A good solution can be a landing in the priority circles of soil plants, for example, the camneur of mossoid, various successes.

"Magical Candle"
Photo of Ganova Andrey

Photo of Ganova Andrey

Photo of Ganova Andrey

"White Lady"
Photo Bazhenova Yury
(Green Line)

Photo Bazhenova Yury
(Green Line)

The photo

Landing: Saplings of hydrangea sweatshirt at a permanent place are planted at 4-25th. For this prepare a hole with a depth of 35-40 cm, a width of 50 x 70 cm.And for free living hedges, they jump up a meter strip. The distance between the adult plants should be up to 2.5 m, but in order to have a "bouquet" before, the pits are marked after 0.7-1 m, and after several years, the group is thinned.In the northern regions it is better to plant in spring, in more southern - in spring and autumn.Slightly shortening the roots, and if the case occurs in the spring, then all annual shoots, leaving on every 3-4 pairs of kidneys.The planting is mounted in a peat, a compost layer of 5-8 cm. From autumn feeding with mineral fertilizers, and early spring - urea solution at the rate of 18-20 g per bucket, 2-3 buckets per plant.

Fertilizer: Fertilizing Hortensia It follows quite often, as this fast-growing and abundant shrub requires a lot nutrients. At the beginning of the vegetation, it is useful to make green fertilizer (better from young nettle), diluted 10 times. Spend 1 fertilizer bucket on a two-meter plant, followed by irrigation (still bucket of water). During the frying soil, it is pre-moisturized (more bucket). In addition, 1 time in 10-15 days, with watering, the infusion of a cowboy is made, giving him to go over. Infusion is prepared by pouring 3 liters of water in the bucket of manure and, closing the lid, leave for 3-4 days. For use, liter buckets are bred in a bucket of water. In the period of bootonization under hydrangea, complete mineral fertilizer And repeat the feeder in 15 days. But if you move with fertilizer, then the branches can break the branches.

"Great Star"
Photo of Shakhmanova Tatiana

Pruning: For abundant flowering, the bushes should be trim every year.Self-fields preserved on a bush are cut in late autumn so that the branches do not break the snow.Regular strong Spring, before the dissolution of the kidneys, Pruning also contributes to abundant and long blossom.If you be late with this, the plant is poorly developing and sometimes does not even bloom. Weak and thickening shoots are completely removed. The freshest shoots in the spring are cut to healthy wood, and they bloom in the same year. Annual shoots promote, leaving 3-5 pairs of kidneys. With the cultivation of G. Miscelred in the form of a bush, shoots cut into three kidneys. In the same year, hydrangea blooms, forming lush inflorescences up to 40 cm long at the end of each escape. The strambed form is cut into more gentle and inflorescences on it are smaller - 20-25 cm, but in more. Old bushes can be rejuvenated by trimming on long-term wood or on a stump. After that, the decorativeness of the bush is restored to the second year.

Reproduction: The shrub breeding well and cuttings.

Cropped spring shoots are used for breeding. They harvest cuttings with 4-5 kidneys, put them on 2 day in a weak solution "Kornin", and plant in shuttle to the depth of two kidneys in loose acidic soil. The landing is signed and regularly moisturized, not giving the soil to push. When young leaves appear, the shading gradually cleaned.

Photo of Solovyova Elena

Summer silent hydrangea is often failed. The reason is that the city of the city of the billboard is very short and it is important to accurately determine his time. It comes when the shoots contain a sufficient amount of moisture, and their leaves are no longer evaporated too quickly. In the middle lane of Russia, such a period for the city lasts from 10 to 15 June. For early spring The plant earlier goes into growth, and the shilling is better to spend closer to June 10, at a later beginning of the vegetation - shifts to June 15. Best Material For cuttings is located at the bottom of the trunks. It is advisable to use cuttings without flower kidney, no more than 10 cm long. The shoots are plugged with the heel with the hands, and not cut by the secateur. Too long heel (more than 1.5 cm) cut a little bit. Then it is neatly rotated "rhoin" so that the powder does not hit the bark. It is removed from it the lower leaves, keeping 3-4 tops, and planted into the ground. For better survival, each cutlets are covered with a glass jar and shape. Roots are developing in 20-30 days. After the cuttings are growing in growth, they abundantly water them with water and with a fairly large lump of land transplanted at a permanent place.

In the first year after flashing, the plants need shelter spruce noodle (2-3 branches). From the second year, young bushes in shelter do not need.With bilateral cultivation, powerful develops root systemSometimes plants even begin to bloom.In the first summer, or a pity, but not yet developed blooms better remove, which contributes to a faster plant development. When landing at a permanent place at the age of 4-5 years spend pruning, leaving2-3couples kidney. Plants bloom on the second or third year. The number of inflorescences increases as it grows, in 5 years - 30 inflorescences, at 6 years - 60, at 13 years -375. The number of cuttings that can be taken from one plant also increases with 30 cuttings at 5 years of age to 300 - aged 15 years.

"Vanille Fraise"
Photo of Solovyova Elena

Stammer form: Extremely decorative Miscellaneous hydrangea grown on a stammer in the form of a tree.Grow it so. Among the rooted cuttings, they choose the strongest and high, plant separately and 3-4 years old are engaged in "raising a strain". In addition to the main (leader) escape coming from the foundation, the rest are compared in the summer of 1-2 times. This contributes to an increase in the stem in diameter, so such branches are called the shoots of thickening. When they fulfill their role, they are cut in June "on the ring." Every year at the beginning of the vegetation "Leader" shortened to a well-developed kidney. At an altitude of 1-1.5 m lay the crown. The strab is cut off, and skeletal branches develop skeletal branches from the following 4-5 kidneys.

Using: From the inflorescence of varieties "Grandiflora"wonderful dry bouquets are obtained. For this, inflorescences are cut off when they acquire the desired color. From the branches remove the leaves and suspend in a dark, ventilated room (in the attic) infloreste the down, each separately. After a half months already, dry branches put in a vase or used in arrangements. The color of the inflorescence does not change throughout the winter, you should only take it from direct sunlight.Essentially valuable culture for garden-park construction. One of the few shrubs blooming from the second half of the summer to a deep autumn, when very little blooming plants. Deserves the widest distribution in urban landings, squares and parks, inside the quarters. These Plants can be used to create small alleys, taking into account their smoke resistance.