
Compatible zodiac signs with Capricorn. Compatibility in Love

Conifers in the garden design

Capricorn is a sign of earth, stubborn and even stubborn. People noted by such constellation are able to produce a pleasant first impression. They do it as workshops that their hidden arrogance and cynicism are not visible immediately. How is Capricorn, compatible with other which is so diverse, can interact with representatives of different elements?

Earth signs in their unity

With other signs of Capricorca land are fully compatible. Virgo and Tales share their interests. They also choose simple life, trivial pleasures and rationality in everything.

Stable ratios of Cashers and Taurovts are based on their similarity. Such unions can be considered ideal, both on the love field and in the business sphere. If these signs make marriage, it can last until the oldest. They can also conduct a joint business. They will not submit each other, do not get caught from behind the trifles.

Virgin and Capricorns are often linked by carnal joy. In this aspect, their compatibility is quite high and harmonious. In addition, such relationships promise financial well-being to both parties. The sobriety of their views, as well as consent to all helps Capricorn and devans to go one expensive life.

And what about the case when Capricorn makes any relationship with another Capricorn? Such a turn of events will bring static and ordering to the life of this sign. But in such unions, both partners cannot fully develop spiritually. But they have the opportunity to look at themselves from the outside.

Compatibility with earthly signs in Capricors depends not only on their advantages, but also from flaws. If the negative sides of the nature coincide, the Union will be successful. What are the disadvantages inherent to all Capricorn? They can find the following features:

  • Excessive conservatism.
  • Some misfortune.
  • Lack of spiritual aspirations.
  • Pessimism.
  • Categorical.
  • Neutility.
  • The desire for manipulation.

The degree of manifestation of these qualities in all Capricarps is different and depends on the upbringing, as well as the conditions of the environment in which they grew. Wanting to build relationships with the signs of their elements, Capricorn should pay attention to the above. It is these qualities that may interfere with the earthly sign to get a maximum of relationships with devices and tales.

Water marks and their compatibility with Capricorn

Water element in nature perfectly feeds the earthly solid, helping to grow beautiful plants. The same thing happens in the interaction of cartridges with scorpions, crayfish and fish. These relationships are a good platform for mutual development, which is necessarily a positive result.

Scorpions give Capricorn mass of emotions, and those in turn land and orient sensory scorpions in life. Both partners both in business, and on a personal front are not able to fully appreciate each other's successes. Everyone is busy with their own ambitions. But when this moment comes that one goes to another for the advice, both signs show the wonders of logic and concentration for solutions of the tasks.

Fish provide Capricorn rear, and their intuition helps landed Capricorn in affairs. And those in turn give fishes stability and excellent financial position. Fish open the spiritual truths before Capricorn. Capricorgians teach fish to be practical and successful.

It is difficult to submit a situation in which Cancer and Capricorn will make confidence in the first minutes. It's too similar to their lifestyles. But more close acquaintance can show both the advantages of each other. The romantic relationship of these signs is unlikely to last long, but the business partnership is quite possible.

Water signs are well building relationships with earth only in the following cases:

  • When earth signs are ready for self-development.
  • And when the representatives of the Earth take cancers, scorpions and fish as they are.

Water element signs can sometimes live illusions, and Capricorn should not mock their dreaminess. And they should learn from the "separation" from reality. After all, unnecessary landiness has not benefited anyone.

Air and Earth: Compatibility difficulties

The air element although actively interacts with the ground, but radically different from it in its properties and tasks. And Capricorn, compatible with other signs of which is not at all stable, cannot build long-playing and effective relationships with the zodiac air signs.

Gemini annoy the Capricors with their supportiness. Mercantile Capricorns are easily manipulated by them and do not respect the representatives of this sign. But if you find something busy in them, then they begin to treat neutrally.

With the weights of this sign, everything is exactly the opposite. Here, insidious scales will use the help of Capricorns. They are able to quickly suffer in confidence in the sign of the Earth, but nothing good will come out of this. When Capricorn gives a close friend, his sign is most often the weights. These people, by virtue of their characters, cannot interact honestly, although at the first stage are actively converging.

Capricorn and Aquarius are able to support friendship at a distance. They can communicate according to the correspondence, but with close cooperation quickly will get bored with each other.

Capricorps choose "representatives" of air for partnership in a more mature age, when they have already been pulled out with earthly pleasures. In this case, the Union may be quite prosperous.

Earth and Fire: Not so much difficult, as it seems

Earth and fiery element - two forces capable of fighting among themselves on equal. Therefore, representatives of these forces can be, both serious relationships and a complete refusal of any interactions.

The lions enchant the Capricors with their royal charisma. If the earth's sign can dimly temper ambitions, then make friends with lion and learn from his sublime things. When Capricorn is difficult to play the role of a second violin, he just begins to ignore and avoid lion.

Sagittars are trying to avoid caperpashers. Union with them seems incredibly boring and predictable. Only the strong external beauty of the earthly sign can be facing the shooters to start a relationship.

Aries and Capricorn are famous stubborn. The Capricorn will be able to equal on the Aries, but with time it will notice his small misses and disappointed in it. Personal relationships of these signs are doomed to failure, as none wants to give way to another.

The fire burns the earth, but also feeds it as ashes and trace elements. These signs can be useful to each other if they fit the relationship rationally and practical.

Traditionally, Capricorn, compatible with other signs of which is so multifaceted, sympathizes with water and air elements. But the fiery signs have chances to attract his attention. The most long cooperation among the Capricors happens with earthly signs, and the brightest love flashes with representatives of the air element. In order for in society with all signs, Capricorn should be patient, and it is also worth expanding the circle of their interests.

According to the horoscope compatibility, the female Capricorn is of great importance to feelings, although it does not show it. She is picking up in the choice of men and less than anyone else tend to fall in love with the first crowd. Love for her is a serious thing. If a man is really interested in her, she watching him from the side before he decides to get closer.

The compatibility of female Capricorn, happiness in love is a decisive factor. She needs a person who will cherish and understand it and will not claim to control her life. But she realist and knows how difficult it is to find such a man.

Compatibility Woman Capricorn - Gemini man

A couple of compatibility female Capricorn and twins male are very difficult to call the perfect. If they are connected by real love, they will be able to live together to enrich each other with new experience. Capricorn woman is responsible, serious, and the twin male is moving and inquisitive. Often their union is similar to the friendship of people with a big difference in age, even if they are peers...

Compatibility Woman Capricorn - Cancer

The Family Union of Compatibility Woman Capricorn and Cancer-Male is quite common. We can safely say that these two literally created for each other. At the meeting, they immediately arise mutual sympathy, they pull them together, but relationships are developing slowly, but they are stronger the day from day and can exist if not all their lives, then long enough. The female Capricorn and Cancer Male has a lot in common. For them, the main values \u200b\u200bare home and family, the traditions of the kind. In marriage, Capricorn and Cancel can boldly rely on each other, there is no place in their lives. There is no place for the scenes of jealousy and rapidly clarify relations, but quiet love, support and mutual understanding reign...

Compatibility Woman Capricorn - Man-Lion

The Family Union of Compatibility Women-Capricorn and Lion-Men can be long and happy, only if the Capricorn woman will develop his female qualities and learn to give up. Then she will become not only a wonderful wife and a caring mistress, but also the best friend of a man-lion.

The man-lion and the female Capricorn are two strong people. Between very often disputes and conflicts may arise due to the struggle for leadership. Both proud and possess a volitional character. If the Capricorn woman will not be able to hire his dust and business activity, will not be able to give the reign of the reign of her man, their family will crumble as a card house...

Compatibility Woman Capricorn - Male Virgo

Family Union in Compatibility Woman Capricorn and Deva-Male It is considered very common. This pair can be very happy, as both partners have a lot in common. Women-Capricorn and Men-Virgin have enviable perseverance and the ability to overcome difficulties, family values \u200b\u200band traditions are important for both. There are few passion in the relations of these partners, but there are a lot of friendship, mutual understanding, mutual assistance and common interests.

Thanks to the Capricorn woman, the Men-Virgin develops ambition that helps him more and more advance through the career ladder. Male Virgo is very hardworking - it admires the Capricorn woman and she is for her beloved ready on a lot ...

Compatibility Woman Capricorn - Male Scales

Many it seems that between the rational and pragmatic woman-Capricorn and a romantic man-scale can not be anything in common. However, it is not. In a pair of compatibility, female Capricorn and Male Weighs there are love, and mutual understanding, and physical attraction of each other - in general, everything that makes a pair compatible and gives a chance for a long and happy life together...

Compatibility Woman Capricorn - Male Scorpio

Union in compatibility of female Capricorn and Scorpion-Men does not happen simple. Two people are connected here with unusually strong characters. Both love to defend their life position and are not accustomed to give up, respectively, in family life, it may be conflict. Since both are heavy, then only the strength of their love depends on whom they will see each other - a close and native person or an equal and dangerous opponent. But it is worth noting that if this pair connected real love, it will help them to overcome all the vitality, especially since partners are configured for long and serious relationships. Also, the male scorpion can be called the only one, from the entire zodiac circle, who can cope with the narrative character of a Capricorn woman ....

Compatibility Woman Capricorn - Male-Sagittarius

Compatibility of female Capricorn and a man of a man, let's say honestly, not very good. But, the real strong love between representatives of these signs, everything, is found, despite the fact that their paths are rarely intersect due to the difference in interests, temperament and worldview. But when these two form a family alliance, they are nice to see them, they have their intriguing reasons to be together.

Male-Sagittarius bright and never unsubbating. It is he, like no one else, can distract the Capricorn woman from her eternal affairs and serious thoughts. Thanks to him, freshness and novelty appear in the life of the Capricorn life. ..

Compatibility Woman Capricorn - Capricorn Male

As a rule, a woman and man born in the same zodiac sign compete with each other in marriage, fighting for leadership. But what is interesting, Capricorns from this rule is an exception. Of course, they have not the same tastes and on some issues they have a different position, but they are truly happy together. The compatibility of the Capricorn woman and Capricorn men, they put their goals together and achieve them, together they care about children, landslide their home, and it turns into a complete bowl over time. It is worth noting that both the female Capricorn, and the Capricorn male is unusually hardworking and the fruits of their activities will be enough not only to their children and grandchildren, but also great-grandchildren. Both stubborn and firmly stand on the legs, seeking a high social situation in society ...

Compatibility Woman Capricorn - Aquarius Male

Compatibility Woman Capricorn and Aquarius-Male It is not very similar to your views on life, but, nevertheless, they are capable of becoming very happy.

In the emotional plan of the Family Union of Compatibility of Capricorn and Aquarius quite difficult. Aquarius is an eccentric, and Capricorn woman is very serious. They stretch each other, finding in a partner what is so lacking so much. Capricorn woman admires the man-water spontaneity and inner freedom. And the male Aquarius center in the Capricorn woman purposefulness and organization. He can always count on her assistance in implementing plans and desires.. ..

Compatibility Woman Capricorn - Male Fish

The compatibility of the female Capricorn and the male fish is just perfect to each other. They happily live together and absolutely do not see the shortcomings in each other.

Besides the fact that women-Capricorn and male fish are a great spiritual and intellectual similarity, they also have a strong physical attraction to each other.

In the family union of Capricorn and fish, the role of the leader in the family often plays a woman. She is a support for his own family and knows how to throw a rescue vest to his partner ...

One of the most interesting and ambiguous personalities are Capricorn. Compatibility with other signs of these people is a completely separate topic. And she is interesting to almost everyone - starting with what impression they produce on the rest at the first acquaintance, ending with marriage and love.

Character and its features

These people are distinguished by amazing purposefulness. Even if there will be a lot of obstacles on their way - it does not hurt them. They are decisive and distinguished by one good quality - they can concentrate on any matter, even if they are trying to distract by all means. Capricorns always enjoy opportunities if they are. In cases where they are absent, these people try to find them. Reliability, responsibility, straightness, emotionality, love for high morality, willingness to support and come to the rescue, materialism is only a small list of qualities that are characterized by Capricorn. Compatibility with other signs may be the most diverse, it all depends on how, for example, Aquarius will be perceived by the character of its chosen one.

After all, he, as it could already be understood, very versatile. And, I must say, changeable.

Love and reciprocity

Capricorns, compatible with other signs of which are quite unusual, are people who vital to love. But here the main thing is reciprocity. Capricorns can give their feelings completely, emotionally laid out to the last drop, and if they really love, it can last quite a long time. However, if they do not feel the return on their partner, if they only feel cold and indifference - sooner or later they will be bored. Just Capricorn realizes what is worthy of the best. At the same time, he will not deny that he loved - but he understands that everything is temporarily, everything goes and is forgotten. And easily goes on life further.

It is interesting that the Cossacks have a whole collection of stories about former guys or girls - they really feel free to become one of the "half". Yes, they may not open his soul, but it is precisely that way, in the process of relationships, they understand who they need them, and who is not. Of course, a peculiar way of obtaining experience, but this is another feature of Capricorn. It turns out - wonderful, no - Well, it was an attempt.

How to get confidence?

Sincere people are, who are Capricorn. Compatibility with Capricorn is not always successful, since not all chosen can be frank and fully open. Again, due to the characteristics of its character and the sign of the zodiac.

Capricorn can impress dry, stale and closed man who does not even know about such words as "love", "attachment", "longing", "feelings", etc. However, this is just another feature of his character. To entrust your emotions to some kind of emotions (which are for him the most valuable - that is why Capricorn holds them under strict control), he needs to make sure of the reliability of his possible partner. These people do not allow to climb into their inner world in a row. Well, if Capricorn really wants to achieve, then it is necessary to be in front of him as sincere, open, honest and, most importantly, to show the initiative in communication, but in moderation. In a trusting form, you should not tell anything about yourself, as well as to shy any deep, personal and even intimate topics. So he will understand what they trust him, and will also begin to gradually open a person.

How to achieve a Capricorn girl?

So, now it is worth considering Capricorn compatibility with other zodiac signs. In particular, touch girls. The women of this sign of the zodiac first seem uneconomic and completely insensitive. But it is not. Passionate, sensual, gentle, faithful, lubricant - this is exactly the way a worthy male Capricorn-woman will open. Compatibility with other signs is very diverse.

Take, for example, scales as a potential partner. Many people think that there can be nothing to do between the rational Girl-Capricorn and this romantic and loving man. However, it is not. After all, guys-scales, as you can find out, know how to be sincere, frank, honest, loyal, besides, they quickly find a common language with almost any interlocutor, having to themselves their own ceremony and awnings. But it is precisely this and you need to Capricorn girls. So in this pair there is everything - and mutual physical attraction, and mutual understanding, and support, and love. To look at this couple - one pleasure. It seems that they do not need anything more, just to be together. Well, if we talk about the successful compatibility of the Capricorn with other signs of the zodiac, then the union with the weights will stand in the first place.

Nice relationship

Well, it is clear that scales are excellent partners for such personalities like Capricorn. Compatibility with other signs also looks quite attractive. Take, for example, tandem with crayfish. Of course, about this couple there are plenty of contradictions - allegedly they live in their worlds. Well, the differences, of course, are available. However, it was precisely Cancer will be the true sedative of the soul of Capricorn. At any time, he can be desired, to put it, thank the most gentle and warm feelings, to show all his devotion. On such conditions, the relationship will not be kept, but even flourish.

Male fish can be a good partner for a girl, whose zodiac sign is Capricorn. Compatibility with other signs, in fact, is slightly worse than with fish, since they will all hold on not only in a strong physical attraction, but also on a huge intellectual and spiritual similarity. And this is very important. These relationships are achieved successfully both for one and the second - and Capricorn, and the fish will be able to help each other in time, support, throw a "rescue" circle at the right time.

Passion, expression and jealousy

Now you should talk about such a person as a Capricorn man. Compatibility with other signs of this person is a very interesting topic. And start standing with Aries. The girl of this sign is instantly fascinated by a lonely Capricorn, which seems so sublime and romantic. He, in turn, looks short to Aries and thinks what a relationship with such a "fiery" special will come out.
No less interesting is the level of compatibility of Capricorn with other signs, characterized by "sharp" character. Take, for example, lion. And to be more accurate - the lioness. If she succeeds in seducing Capricorn and they both will begin a relationship, it will be a very difficult union. Lions - jealous, moral and self. Such a girl will often roll scandals. And in general, they love to find out the relationship noisily. However, if Capricorn wants to continue relations with a lioness, do not be upset and think that everything is lost. He, by the way, the only one who can obey. But only if it is reliable, strong, bold and always maintain. Then the lioness will go to some concessions.

Easy and ease

Rational, attentive and judicial - this is in terms of relationship of man-Capricorn. Compatibility with other signs, "calm" (unlike previous), it turns out more successful. This he himself notices. By the way, the Capricorn is always with what to compare with, since he had a lot of novels, especially in his youth. That is why, on the basis of his experience, he always comes to the question of creating a family responsibly and with all seriousness.

An excellent partner for him can be a Taurus girl. Compatibility of Capricorn in love and marriage with a representative of this sign awesome. They have a lot of things in common, we can say that these are two kindred souls. Taurus girl prefers noisy parties. Cozy evening at home, delicious dinner. This is a real treasure for a Capricorn guy, such a home and not thinking of his life in a peddral society. Of course, they may have quarrels, mainly in terms of luxury or raising children, but it is not even scandals, but small disagreements that do not continue for hours and days. So, if we talk about the compatibility of the Capricorn sign with other signs of the zodiacs, the relationship with calves will turn out almost as the same exemplary as with the scales. In general, if you describe their relationship with several words, it is in love, which gradually develops into an eternal and deep feeling.

Common interests and character traits

In general, justice should be noted that few people hardly get along with such a person like Capricorn. Compatibility with other signs, of course, is different from another one, however, in general, this is a person with which even an aquarius will find a common language. Take, for example, such a frequently found union, like Capricorn and Virgo. Indeed, this is common tandem. They are very similar to the characters and views on life - both are important traditions and family values, each of them is used to quickly deal with problems and difficulties. Of course, passionate relations from this couple do not expect, but physical attraction to each other is replaced by friendship, mutual assistance and mutual understanding.

Even if we talk about the compatibility of the Capricorn sign with other zodiac signs, it should be noted by the attention of his tandem with Aquarius. This couple may seem strange to other people. The prospects for their relationship are pretty ghostly. However, this union should be told. Yes, they are different - adventurers and conservative, realist and fantasy. But that they can get well, this is a common business. They are both fixed for targets and hardworking. Aquarius will generate ideas, and Capricorn - in practice embody them. In terms of relationship, it is unlikely that something happens (in any case a long time), but in the field of career - quite.

Idyll and utopia - relations of two Capricors

Who is suitable for Capricorn? Compatibility with Capricorn, which will really be successful - it is he and ... one more Capricorn. It is said that the same people do not converge. But in this case this rule does not work. Their relationship is the paradise harbor, in which they are so comfortable that they never want to leave it. The feeling that arises between them once, follows them then all his life, becoming the basis of a solid relationship. In their pair there is no place of jealousy, conflicts, change and distrust. Everything is simple - Capricorn knows that his partner is the same as he. And his eyes are the same, and character (mainly), and the attitude to many things.

Their marriage will be targeted and practical. Interestingly, the feelings from which it all began is the foundation of their joint future. Capricorns can seriously fall in love at first sight and not mistaken in man. In a pair, which consists of two such personalities, there are no misunderstandings, questions and conflicts. And over the years, everything becomes only better, they begin to understand each other not the fact that with a half-sleeping - from half off. In general, their marriage will be quite predictable, but both it is quite suitable. The main thing is to feel feelings. On their basis, they will be able to build a good collaborative future.

Sexy life

There is nothing to hide - for Capricors, a sexual life with a partner plays an important role. After all, as it was said, for them love is very important, and physical attraction is what she follows. In this regard, the compatibility of Capricorn and Capricorn and with other signs is a very interesting topic. It should be considered separately. And start - with Capricorn-Capricorn couple, continuing what was discussed above.

Their sexual relationship will not be an example for imitation for the rest of the pairs. Everything is too monotonous - this is true. Their intimate life is a real embodiment of conservatism. Everything is stable equally. They do not want to study something new, bring something unusual. Robility and shyness suits them, and stormy passions should be left to scorpions and lions.

By the way about these pairs. As mentioned earlier, some misunderstandings may arise from Lviv and Capricors (at the initiative of the first). But if they suddenly merge passion, then all "roughness" will be forgotten.

Regarding scorpions ... all people who are fond of astrology and horoscopes are great, as far as their sexual potential is unreasonable. And this feature on the relationship with Capricorn affects how it is impossible. In bed, they will have everything well - diverse and rapidly. By the way, both in the life plants and targets of scorpions with Capricorn agree. So, you can say, it will be very harmonious steam.

Difficulties in relations

As already mentioned, with Capricorn, good relations may be for almost every person. However, it is worth talking about the difficulties that sometimes arise at the most unexpected moment.

Take, for example, a relationship with scorpion. And he, and Capricorn is a person with a capital letter. They have unusually strong characters, everyone loves to defend their interests and defend their own opinion. And it seems to be not bad, but none of them is going to give up. It is like in the case of pairs of television-scales - the same. In general, everything depends on the strength of their love - than it is more, the stronger their relationship will be.
Capricorn with Square is also an ambiguous union. Too different temperaments, besides, the worldview is also different. But these people have some reasons for creating a common family - it intrigues and such relationships are usually developed in the best way. At the expense of again strong love.

The lion and Capricorn - used to say that all their problems could decide due to strong physical attraction. Why do conflicts arise? Everything is simple - they both struggle for leadership. And so, and there is some kind of pride and, of course, volitional character. If you do not understand this in time, then the marriage can crumble at the time, as if a card house.

Well, Capricorns are interesting personalities with a strong character and a rich inner world that can love. There is practically everyone's chance to build a happy relationship with these people - you only need to answer reciprocity, be sincere, understand, maintain it and be able to come from some interests in the name of love.

Capricorn in love and marriage

According to a love horoscope compatibility of Capricorn - impulsive actions are not peculiar to him, his love, as in the ohwow with his head. The fleeting hobbies are generally interested in little: his intentions are serious and suggest long-term, strong relationships. Preferably for life.

That is why Capricorn is so thoughtfully and thoroughly comes to choosing his partner. He can look closely, weighing everything "for" and against "before it decides to open his feelings. But making a choice, Capricorn is ready to persevere reciprocity and is able to indulge in the day to indulge in the manifestations of care and love.

Entering into marriage, Capricorn will do everything to ensure that his home is a complete bowl, and mutual understanding, harmony and comfort reigned in the family. In compatibility in love and marriage, Capricorn is very faithful and constant, the fortress of family bonds for it is all.

Sexual compatibility of Capricorn.

With sexual compatibility with the Capricorn - you will be pleasantly surprised, learning that under the calm and strict appearance of Capricorn, sensitive, even sentimental nature, which in moments of intimacy is fully manifested itself. Capricorn does not differ in hot temperament, but the combination of perseverance and confidence with the manifestation of the most tender feelings can be reached by his partner to the top of bliss. In bed, Capricorn does not like sexual experiments, preferring to act for sure, but its methods are tested for centuries and never give drying.

How to tie love with Capricorn

In conversation and love with Capricorn, it makes no sense to write on emotions - it is much easier to captivate it with "dry" and impassive facts. And even better - a whole pile of convincing materials: statistics, diagrams, calculations. You will be amazed at what speed Capricorn will separate the important from the unimportant, will understand the very essence of the question and will embark on how much it will be profitable for him. About you, he will be the best impression as a man with his head.

The most interesting and almost incredible is that such an approach against Capricorn is effective in the working office, and in everyday life, and in love.

Date with Capricorn

Capricorn is a secular person, but who said that his politeness can not be funny? Your meetings with Capricorn can go well, so relax. Flowers, dinner and film will make your evening cozy romantic. So that you do, Capricorn will appreciate what you feel worthy of it. But do not require too much money. Capricorns enjoy small competitions one on one. Therefore, playing tennis or swimming in the pool, you could
Go to some romantic adventure after the game.

Get carried away by sophisticated meal, go to the bar to drink wine, visit the museum, go to the theater or opera, go on with ballroom dancing, go to a luxury bar with panorama, spend the night in a five-star hotel, play together in tennis or golf in any country club, fuck On the yacht or stop in the harbor, rent a limousine and ride around the city, visit the title dinner, take places in the first row at a popular concert, go for treatment in a sanatorium.

Where and how to find love Capricorn

Practical Capricorns are firmly on their feet, so the best way to dating them is to help someone less adapted to life. Perhaps in the circle of your buddies there is a person who is simply necessary for your consultation? And this is a good reason to know each other closer.

True, at the beginning of the novel Capricorgi, they are usually shy and drush. Do not be nervous, use your strengths - and you will definitely appreciate.

Capricorn - love failure or happiness

Family well-being of Capricorn can prevent his picklight, perseverance, stubbornness. You want your "half" to be happy with you, - try to be softer, calmer, proud and more modest.

Capricorn - Compatible with other signs

Compatibility Capricorn - Aries

Temperament, character traits and temper, as well as the rhythm of life, these of both partners are so different and disadvantaged that the marriage union between them is carried out in very rare cases. Between them often occur sparkling battles - both horned, and who someone closes to whom is very difficult to predict. But one thing is still clear, "Capricorn" in this union feels like a rock, which is constantly beating the ocean wave during the surf. "Capricorn" much millet would be sucking at a warm fireplace, than to be briefly in the "crackling forest fire" emanating from the "Aries".

From women - "Aries" let every more or less solid "Capricorn" is already protected as soon as it can, in its own way, without waiting for help from the side that may simply be late. These women, as a rule, do not really burden themselves with connections with only one partner, especially in young years. And conflicts and disorder, divorce and parting they are not afraid. If this is not the usual thing for them, then, in any case, not rare. And any partner of "Olenihi" can count on it ... not only "Capricorn".

In fact, even if any "Capricorn" or "Onshenih" for the fact that he or she gave him a whole "bag of porch of life," expelled out of his soul a destructive melancholy and pessimism, forever, muddy and sad thoughts, so disturbing not Just live and love, but even to breathe normally. Rarely "Capricorn" manages to slow down the spiritual space flights "Aries", and even less - to land it.

As a rule, for any "Capricorn", which always has its own strict prescription in life, even in the field of love, marriage, "Aries" is only a quickly flying comet in his life, flashing mig, and repeatedly disappeared.

If "Capricorn" builds his life and organizes his feelings slowly and systematically, then the "Aries" the process of this process is passing, rapidly, rapidly, with an explosion and a crash, thunder and lightning.

Saturn and retrograde uranium, dominants of the sign of Capricorn, forcing their wards to accurate and faithful, reliable and profitable enterprises. The educational work of "Capricorn" over the "authentic" is produced like Mushtov on the team of Old Feldwebel and it lasts exactly until it is beneficial to the "Aries". And then - remember as the name!

Compatibility Capricorn - Taurus

For the melancholic heart "Capricorn" ,. Both in one and the other feelings have a permanent and long-term character. As in love and married, this couple is true and devoted to each other, which guarantees a stable union with a large strength coefficient. And indeed, as confirmed by the statistics of many countries of the world, in this marriage union divorce is an exceptional rarity. Between them, as a rule, there is no love "at first sight" or in the form of a "forest fire", but over the years I will deepen mutual understanding and consent, the sense of affection is deep.

But here there is still one "but". Here, both love itself and the marriage union must be backed by money or other material benefits. If there is neither one or the other, then it is better not to execute this union officially, legally. This is also a proven truth.

Both partners are permeated and saturated with life reality and practicality. In this marriage union, persistence and exposure, endurance and perseverance, thinking and planning, normal attitude to leaning, that is, all those properties and qualities of a person who contribute to the exercise of life goal. Immediately after the celebrations of the wedding, they also identify common interests, and general plans, tasks, goals that in the future and move their back and up. And if "Capricorn" in this union brings and his own home, then "Taurus" decorates him in the full sense of the word, while at the same time combining pleasant with useful. And if there are any disagreements here (who have no them?!), Then they are so insignificant that this union and the common good do not interfere.

Compatibility Capricorn - Gemini

Here, mutual understanding and relationships are possible only in friendship and business cooperation. And "Capricorn" is very and very problematic.

Cases of durable marriage alliances are very rare, which is confirmed by statistical data.

Compatibility Capricorn - Cancer

Despite the fact that in this marriage union there is a lot of contradictions, contrasts that partners live perfectly in different worlds, the main role here is destined to play a strong physical attraction. If it is more or less strong, then this union can last for quite a long time, even until the end of life. Otherwise, it will be simply non-visual, is subject to failure and end with a discharging and breaking, divorce and parting. In this marriage alliance, a compromise is required by "Capricorn", and this is achieved when "Capricorn" is a type of not clean, but mixed.

"Capricorn", however, not a volcano, erupting fiery feelings, but not a refrigerator, like "Virgin". His passion under the castle. He also speaks a completely calm, not sublime language, but it seems to be about economic affairs or something else. True "Capricorns" love to take more and give less, and they prefer the feelings of love and work. "Capricors" is similar to freezing for flowers, and over the years they naturally lose their own feelings.

The best option of this union is between men - "Capricorn" and women- "racks". In these cases, the least divorce. These women for "Capricors" are the true comforters of the soul, often flowing into deep depression. And for "Capricorn" it is very important, even necessary. And it's not a secret if "Rakini" is reliably secured by material benefits, they always try to chew, protect their marriage partners, thank warm feelings, sincerity and tenderness, loyalty and devotion. It touches the "Capricors" that they even have to compromise even more difficulties. And under such conditions, the marriage union has something to stay and even flourish.

Men- "Cracks", however, with difficulty can be a "therapeutic course" of their partners, "Capricorn". They still try to "scratch" for a long time, we exercise for a long time in various kinds and the nature of passive resistances, especially the sample of Italian or Japanese sitting strikes, although, in the end, they still give up, because the material support is valid on them very soberingly.

Secured safety and reliability, confidence and guarantee of quiet life, as well as savings on the "Black Day", still take the top, and the mind begins to obey the feelings.

Compatibility Capricorn - Lion

And the "Capricorn" durable marriage union is a very rare phenomenon. Most likely, it is only possible to talk here only about friendship, even reliable and solid, about business cooperation - as reliable, but not about marriage. Disconnect them too large contradictions in temperament, characters, moral.

Compatibility Capricorn - Virgo

This marriage union is indeed one of those who do not know or disappointments, nor disappointments, no divorces or separation. Even more - he never gives the slightest cracks. This marriage union, according to statistical data of many countries of the world, is also long, and happy. "Capricorn" and, they feel a relative soul in each other. Even more, it seems to them that they are like two halves of one whole that they are born for each other. This is the main foundation of the strength and resistance of this union.

Of course, and here it is not every day charming and rainbow, there are also torrential rains, and sudden frosts. Already soon after the wedding and the honeymoon, this union is poured into a relaxed and quiet bed, where the main place is occupied by the selfless work of both partners and joint concern for the future. Here, passions are glowing slowly, flashed and fade again, not a disturbance one, nor the other. This couple has intelligence over the feelings. Here practical realism is very weighing on the scene of life. This marriage union is not a tourist campaign, not a pleasant trip to the unknown distance. Already from the very beginning there are a common goal, the plan of social recovery is being developed, strengthening the material base, to ensure old age.

Compatibility Capricorn - Scales

The marriage alliance between these partners is usually fragile and unfavorable. There is even a friendly relationship - a very rare event.

Difficulties are usually a consequence of too much differences not only in temperaments, character traits and the lave, but also in the lifestyle, in the aspirations and concepts of values \u200b\u200bof life. This is a marriage in which there are no fiery oaths, and delicate, voluptuous caresses, and unforgettable moon nights a more viable version of this Union, if the "Weighs" -News are already far from forty or fifty years, when they are no longer so worried about the erotic-sex When shared views are possible, aimed at various kinds of material benefits and provision.

In most cases, the partner from the sign of Capricorn seems to them just perfect. When a woman is "scales" sees and feels that life is sent "from the fair" that she will soon go to the sunset, then she is already strongly entitled to the chosen "Capricorn", takes him right "for the horns" and without the slightest constraint drags into the registry office to legitimate marriage. And hereinafter, there is always a practical and useful here, it will coexist next to the beauty, good cuisine and all possible cultural events.

Compatibility Capricorn - Scorpio

This marriage union is prosperous, strong and strong, not giving reason to concern. But it should be an option where he is "scorpion", and she is "Capricorn". The only of the whole zodiac, these men cope with partners from Capricorn's sign. True, not love itself, but the power of the partnership plays the main role. Therefore, it is better if he is already older than her. May, of course, here sometimes there are small clashes, but they are not scary, and it almost never comes to the divorce.

When one partner is famous for its ability to fight, and the other - to resist his art and rebuff, together they are strong in their purposeful and purposeful activities. And as a result, the heart is harvested, the nerves are strengthened, and equality simply flourishes, occupying an honorable place in this union. Both partners unites ambitiousness, diligence and performance, mutual understanding and mutual respect, the generality of interest.

If "Capricorn" succeeded, he will remain there until the end of his life. They quickly get used to each other, soon begin to be equipped. And this may mean that over time they will move into their own home or cottage, and then think about the total enterprise.

In this marriage union, self-esteem can play a big role and partner's ability to bring the work started to a victorious end with its full conclusion. To the social and material rise, this married couple comes with mathematical accuracy - reliably and confidently, gradually and consistently. If "Capricorn" usually live, more thinking about the future, then "Scorpions" most of them live in real, skillfully using the experience of the past.

The biggest difference between them falls on intimate life, sex. If "scorpions" here are ardent and passionate, then "Capricorn" - a little hot or even cool. And this is natural, for none of the tribe of "Kachacha" or "Don-Zhuanov" has not yet been born under the sign of Capricorn. This tragicomic circumstance has, both their positive advantages and their pretty weighty shortcomings. But here usually, as a rule, the sober mind wins and even more sober calculation. Therefore, we advise that "Scorpio" was older than "Capricorn". And over time, stability in the love and constancy of the "Scorpio", its loyalty and dedication, maternal care is even warming and feeling "Capricorn". As a rule, after the wedding, none of the partners are no longer coming for help to an astrologer, except in cases where this couple still wants to have offspring. People are realistic, they take their common destiny in their own hands and direct her course in the right direction.

Compatibility Capricorn - Sagittarius

This marriage union is more successful in cases where there is a physical attraction between both partners and if "Capricorn" will be able. Otherwise, family life will be divided, it will begin to decay, if not immediately, then later, but inevitably.

The male "Capricorn" acts on his partner like Valeriana or the ammonia alcohol, that is, soothing or cut down. Male-"Sagittarius" - at best, as a coffee surrogate before bedtime.

Women - "Caps" believe their partners until everything goes more or less smoothly, while all fairy tales and unpleasants coincide with the real course of events.

Woman "Strelchikha" will spend many years and even more forces so that the marriage partner has learned to appreciate it and respect.

Compatibility Capricorn - Capricorn

This marriage union is often the result of the first and last love. They, as a rule, do not know neither bitterness, nor disappointments, nor voting and not divorces. And this is with a very weak physical attraction of partners. His silver wedding, they are often celebrating in their own home or dacha. They have a house - the full bowl. The fruits of life labor "Capricors" are enough not only to their children and grandchildren, but also to the great-grandfather.

Compatibility Capricorn - Aquarius

The marriage alliance between these partners is very problematic, and in most cases - even unfavorable. There may be not only divorce or widening, but separation and separation for any other reason. There is only business cooperation between them, co-authorship, because even for friendship there is no real soil.

"Capricorn" is simply not used to, to his jokes-booms, healthy humor and non-standard views

Male-"Aquarius" for Women - "Cashkinis", you can say excessive luxury. It is not suitable for collaborative marriage, no benefits, alone trouble and care, and headache. This union is a female "Capricorn" can play only the role of a manager or sponsor.

Even worse, the option is a "Capricorn" and Woman "Awhell". In the eyes of the first, the latter quickly lose their credibility, prestige, reputation. What is Women "Awave"? This is the world of art and art, pop and cinema with their own laws, desire for free life, desire to shine, habit to noisy night pirushkam. Neglecting all the "holy", "a" drab "can easily succumb to the unwritten laws of the Vakhanlia - and take the luck, shocking their partner from the sign of Capricorn. And that is not all. They can leave him at all and leave forever - without explaining the reasons, without long conversations. And then you are looking for "wind in the field." In divorce "Capricorn" suffers without the slightest guilt, for his soul is chista, like a newborn baby.

Compatibility Capricorn - Fish

Here is the best version of the marriage union between a man from the sign of fish and a woman - "Cashkinom". They are not only a strong physical attraction, but also a great spiritual and intellectual similarity. In this marriage union, the "Capricorn" women play a major role, being the main support of family happiness, while throwing the rescue circle to his spouse.

From the whole zodiac, with four types of "fish" should not communicate and deal: 1) who were fed to the wedding alone with the illusions and voluptuous dreams; 2) which swam more in the sea of \u200b\u200balcohol than in pure waters; 3) who smoked in the smoke of drugs; 4) which splashed in the muddy waters of the swamp of speculative activity. As a rule, these types of people are not amenable to re-education.

Fortunately, there are also other "fish" with which you can deal with. The best partners of the "fish" are for those women "Capsozle", which are already widowed. It is for them "Pisces" - just a find, for they can create that atmosphere that is so necessary for women widows. And benefit, and the benefit is mutual. "Fish" receive reliable provision of material benefits to old age and care, they themselves bring peace of mind, understanding and tenderness to the marriage union. "Fish" even begin to get used to work, forgetting about their laziness. The life of this couple is gradually becoming better.

If this pair is a man-"Capricorn" and a woman, "fish", then the latter is already contained not just in glass, but in a concrete aquarium. Otherwise it is impossible. So more reliably, for, as you know, these "goldfish" love and gentle appeal, and love and intimate games, and our "Capricorn" is no time. He works like an ox, and it would be more familiar to him, instead of a love misfortune to listen to business talk about the farm and revolutions. True, to all, of course, it is possible to get used to, it would be only a desire. And "Fish" for many years dreamed of a rich partner. She needs peace and reliability, security and confidence in the future, and so the destiny presented such a case and it is impossible to miss it - never for anything! Not allowed! In addition, the marriage union will help to fulfill all the former dreams. Usually divorce here is an exceptional case.