
Frimely rye and soil fertility. Rye winter - winter grain crops - grain crops - crop production

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winter rye presowing

1. People's Economic Value of winter rye

2. Biological features

3. Soil processing

5. Caring for sowing

Conclusions and offers


1. People's importance of winter rye

Seesime rye is an important grain food and aft culture, especially in areas with limited cultivation of winter wheat. In the grain of rye, depending on the conditions of cultivation and grade, 9-17% protein contains 52-63% starch and 1.6-1.9% fat. Rye bread (wedding, Orlovsky, Riga, Borodinsky and other varieties) - a valuable food product, differs by high calorie and has a specific taste and aroma. It contains full-fledged proteins and vitamins A1, B1, B2, E, PR, and other people needed. According to digestibility and digestibility, rye bread is inferior to wheat, but superior to its biological value of protein, it contains about 1.5 times more lysine and several more threonine and tyrosine. Rye grain is used in the alcohol and starch industry. Purified grain embryos due to the high content of the main nutrients - Protein, fat, sugar, vitamins and mineral compounds - have been widely used in the pharmaceutical and food industry in the manufacture of special medicinal preparations and high-grade concentrates.

Whole and crushed grain of rye (to heat, fodder flour) are used as concentrated feed in animal husbandry. Brasubi, resulting in oil, due to the large content of grain shells in them less digestible than feed flour, they are mainly used in the fattening of cattle, and the feed flour is predominantly in the fattening of pigs. Rye flour and brans often squeeze rough feed - hay, straw and sex.

Rye straw in bented form is used as coarse food. The straw cutting is used as impurities when silence of juicy feeds (pumpkins, feed watermelon, cabbage). Mates, wrapping paper, hats and other products are made of straw rye. Crystalline sugar, cellulose, vinegar, lignin, and use it on the bedding with animals, are obtained from straw. Winter rye as fast-growing spring plant is used as the earliest green feed.

Rye is considered a relatively young bread plant, a person began to cultivate its significantly later wheat, barley and other field crops. Wintering rye is widespread very wide. In many areas of the country gives higher and sustainable yields than spring bread.

2. Biological features

Seesime rye - Food Culture, having a grain rich in amino acids, calcium and other substances that give a rzhen bread of high nutrition and beautiful taste. (four)

Wintering rye hardy and disposable culture. It is characterized by high coolness; According to D.N. Snidishnikov, winter rye, even in no misfortune winter, can be transferred in the zone of the node of frost to 250c. High cold-resistant allows you to expand her crops in the southeastern and eastern regions, soaring ozimous rye In the minor areas of Siberia and Kazakhstan, where frosts often reach 400c and more. Such a winter hardiness is explained by the fact that with a timely sowing of rye in the fall before the onset of frosts acquire a proper quenching, which plants are mostly possessed in the phase of bunning.

Rye possesses high drought resistance, which contributes to the use of autumn precipitation, the strong development of the root system is still from the autumn.

Seeds of rye germinate at 1-20s heat, shoots appear 4-7 days after sowing, depending on the humidity of the soil, temperature, seed seed depth. Rye usually gives 4-6 fruiting stems on one plant, although under favorable conditions it can throw up to 50 stems, but they usually appear later and do not form a normal chaser. Baby escaped in the fall. The length of the growing season in rye is 260-270 days in the southern regions and 360 days and more in the north. The period from the emergence of germination to a crushing at winter rye is the longest. Blossom starts 10-12 days after earning and lasts 10-15 days. Wintering rye usually matures 8-10 days before winter wheat.

To soils, winter rye is not very demanding. It gives good crops on sandy and thin soils, and with appropriate care even on wetlands. But the maximum yields are obtained on fertile chernozem. Ozimaya Rye greatly reacts to fertilizer.

Ozimaya rye has a relatively high plasticity, due to which it is widespread in all zones of Russia. The available various ecological groups and grade winter rye differ significantly in their requirements for soil and climate and, accordingly, to the techniques of their cultivation.

The growth of wintering development consists of two large cycles separated by each other in different zones of the non-sinnamine strip by a long period (from 4 to 7 months) of forced rest due to climatic factors. The first cycle begins in the fall and ends with the cessation of autumn vegetation. The second cycle begins with the resumption of vegetation in the spring and ends with the fruction and dying of the plants.

For the first cycle, frills are formed mainly vegetative organs that perform the most important nutrition and exchange functions, and the second cycle is characterized mainly by the formation of generative bodies. During the autumn period, under favorable conditions, the leaves, vegetative shoots and the root system are intensively growing, the processes of organogenesis are undergoing in the increasing cone, plastic substances are accumulated in the plant for the wintering period, deprecated in significant quantities in nodes.

Attitude towards soil conditions. Wintering rye differs from other cultures less demanding to soil. Due to the powerful root system, the best digestive ability uses the nutrients of the soil, for example, hardly soluble phosphorus compounds.

Seesime rye speaks well to the fatigue of the soil and on the supposed fertilizers.

Rye is less sensitive to soil acidity, it gives relatively good yields at pH 5. But the decrease in acidity is very positively affected by overrevming the yield of winter rye.

On the overwhelmed and severe soils, winter rye suffers from wringing, and in the years with late snow, it is also more damaging from spontaneously.

Thus, on most soils, the non-sinnamine band can be successfully cultivated by winter rye. At the same time, on heavy and overvalued soils, specific requirements for soil treatment, planting and planting methods in autumn and spring periods that contribute to the elimination of excessive moisture can be observed.

Attitude towards climatic conditions. The climate of the more mastered part of the non-sinnamine band is characterized as moderately warm and wet. Weather conditions here are in different ways under the influence of various atmospheric phenomena. The main factors that have a great influence on the growth and development of winter crops include: the provision of plants by moisture in the period of sowing and developing shoots, temperature and water regime during the period of quenching winter autumn, snow cover and temperature in winter, temperature and moisture in the phase of oscillating Both blossoms and in the field of grain.

However, in the Non-Black Strip, especially in the eastern regions, there are few precipitation in July - August. Therefore, due to dry dryness, the development of germs is delayed, which adversely affects the subsequent development of winter crops, including on the preparation of them to winter. But it can be completely overcome by proper training Soils for sowing, providing moisture savings.

In the future, up to the cessation of autumn vegetation, wintering well is well provided with moisture, but its reserves are different in zones.

On the formation of 1 kg of dry matter, winter rye consumes 400-420 kg of water. A well-developed root system of rye allows you to more fully use autumn, winter and early residues. Therefore, rye is more resistant to dry weather in spring and in 1_ half of the summer.

The greatest moisture consumption of osimy cultures falls at the time of exit to the tube to a complete ear. With relatively increased drought resistance in the spring period, Rye suffers from lack of moisture in the 2nd half of May and in June.

The lack of moisture adversely affects the surgeon of the spike and the size of the grain of winter rye.

Receptions that ensure the accumulation and safety of moisture are important condition For high yields of winter bread, especially in the eastern and southern regions of the non-black-earth strip.

Many meteorological conditions in the period from the cessation of autumn prior to the beginning of the spring vegetation of winter crops vary greatly on zones and districts and in individual years. The air temperature after the cessation of vegetation in the fall is usually gradually falling to 00c and below. Sometimes it decreases sharply within a few days to -150s. In winter, the temperature decreases in the northern and eastern regions to -350, -400s and even lower, in the central to -300, -350c and in Western to -250, -280c.

Wintering rye in the absence of snow cover is strongly damaged by prolonged frosts, which reach -30, -350c. This is observed most often at the beginning of winter (in November, December) or in the middle of it in cases of temporary snow. The gradual decrease in winter temperatures are transferred easier, in such cases the above-ground part is damaged, but the node of the body is almost not affected.

Everywhere in the non-sinnamine strip, large frosts are in December and January. If the snow cover is not installed for this time and winter weakly hardened, then frosts are damaged not only an overhead part, but also affect the node of the body.

Snow cover at various items of the non-sinnamine band is formed and comes in different times.

Observations, as well as the experiments of the researchers show that frosts already with a small even snow cover do not have a harmful effect on winter. With a large snow cover, they contribute to maintaining such negative temperatures (-3, -40c) under the snow, which eliminates the possibility of exhausting winter and the development of mushroom diseases.

Snow cover in overwhelming of winter plays a double role: protects frozen from extinction, and excessively large layer, falling out of snow on a melt earth or a long-term deposit of its gathering enhanced processes that promote winter crops. In different areas, depending on the temperature conditions, these features of the snow cover are manifested differently.

Thus, in the conditions of an unborn cavity, where an excess of snow is often observed and therefore the negative effects of its influence, there are no misunderstanding winters when the freezing of winter wits is sharply manifested. At the same time, if the open terrain of the eastern and southern regions of the central zone is typical of the misunderstanding at the beginning of the winter, then in the Western regions of antney with an ice crust, it is also observed in the middle of winter, due to the package of snow in strong thaws.

Observations show that often even small smooth snow cover reduces the harmful effect of low temperatures.

A very important indicator of the state of wintering during the winter is the temperature in the soil at the depth of the host node. It depends on the air temperature, the height of the snow cover, as well as from the density and humidity of the soil. In the node of the body in the infancy of all the organs of the plant are located. Therefore, damage and dying of the node of the bunnies from frosts or from exhaustion implies the death of the entire plant.

The critical temperature at the depth of the node for rye is considered -16, -200c, depending on the grade, the degree of quenching to winter, soil moisture and the general environmental conditions of the area. It is believed that for poorly hardened winter plants, the critical temperature on -4, -60c is less than for well tempered.

Feature of the conditions of overwhelming winter bands in many areas of the non-black-earth strip - a large duration of winter.

Naturally, the longer overwhelming, the most likely the various injuries of winter and more dangerous of their consequences, the hodcation, plant depletion and damage to their diseases can be strongly affected.

Especially unfavorable for winter cries, there is such a long winter, when the snow falls too early and even more so on the melting ground, or if strong frosts occur before the formation of sustainable snow cover, and at the end of winter under the snow, the temperature is held late at the snow (in late April and early May).

Requirements for external environmental factors. The grains of rye with moisture in the soil can germinate at a temperature of 1-2 ° C, and shoots appear at 4-5 C.

The overall closeness of winter rye by the end of autumn vegetation is an average of 4-5 shoots, which is somewhat higher than that of winter wheat. Especially good it eats at the average daily air temperature in September 12 C.

In the fall, winter rye is normally developing for 50-55 days. (Depending on the zone) with the sum of the average daily temperatures of 450-550 C. In the spring, it eats stronger in cases where autumn bunning was relatively weak. Strong adhesive of plants and the rapid growth of them suppress weed vegetation in the crops. Therefore, rye has great importance In crop rotation as a sorting culture.

Among winter breads, winter rye - the most frost-resistant culture. In no hopeless winter, it transfers frost to -20 with me more at the depth of the node of the adhesion. Under the snow cover 20-30 cm. Rye is withstanding the air temperature -50 ... -55 C.

With a deficiency of moisture, the fall of rye leaves in the winter insufficiently, the crops are waited and the crop decreases.

Seeing rye refers to the number of relatively drought-resistant plants, which is explained by the good development of its root system. This allows winter rye to transfer the spring drought using the moisture from the deep layers of the soil. The greatest moisture consumption is noted during the period of rapid growth from the exit to the tube to a colet. The lack of moisture during this period causes the formation of small and low-productive sections.

Wintering rye is less demanding of the soil than other grain crops. It is widespread on the podzolic soils of the non-sinnamine zone and on the lungs of lungs. The root system of rye (in comparison with other grains) better absorbs nutrients from hard-soluble compounds. For example, winter rye is better than wheat uses phosphoric acid, especially from hard-soluble phosphorus compounds.

Overallic rye is widely cultivated on podzolic, light sandy and lightweight lung soils, as well as on soils with increased acidity (pH 5.3). Lightweight soils are often called "rye", since rye succeeds well (Bryansk region). However, chernozems are considered the best soils for rye. Thus, winter rye can be successfully cultivated both on the podzolic soils of the North and in southern chernozem.

3. Soil processing

Seesime rye is more demanding of the soil treatment, especially the presense, since the seeds of rye close the shallow.

The depth of processing the steam field of a special value in terms of soil moisture does not have. With autumn plowing (black pairs), autumn and spring, reserves of soil moisture to sowing spring crops and their yield is almost the same. This applies not only to the terms of the Zuralov, but also to other regions.

However, from weeds, especially from oxus, steam fields are better cleaned if their treatment begins in autumn, with disk guns in the diverse fields, in erosion conditions - needle harrow. The seeds of the ovyug close to the soil are stronger than the shell. This speeds up their outlet of the rest of the rest. The grains that overwhelmed on the surface will germinate slowly and after the first dried drying in the secondary rest. Several increases their germs in this case in the soil immediately when the soil is reached by the soil of physical ripeness.

The term of the first treatment of pure steam is of particular importance if the field is intended for winter crops, since the main moisture reader occurs in the first cold period. Yes, and against weeds black pairs more efficiently.

You can get rid of the corneupry weeds only to constant cutting their sockets before the start of the nutrient outflow in the roots. This period comes about two weeks after the appearance of weed outlets. Until this time, plastic substances are spent on the development of the plant assimilation apparatus, an upward flow is observed. When processing the steam field with cultivators or telescopes to a depth of 6-8 cm, the seedlings of the root-stroke weeds appear in 4-5 days. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate the soil every 18-20 days.

Juvenile weeds are actively beginning to consume moisture when they reach a height of 5 cm. For their liquidation, as well as soil crust is enough harrow.

In the fields clogged with a binding field, with a violation of the docks of cutting the cereals for winter crops, herbicides are effective. They move in plants mainly in the same direction as assimilants. When processing fields in early June, when weeds are mainly increasing the mass, only the vegetative part of the plants die under the influence of herbicides. The root system is damaged only to a depth of 10-15 cm. At the end of the summer, the assimilative stream in rooting weeds is directed in roots, nutrients are inhibited. When using herbicides at this time, the root system dies almost completely.

It is especially difficult to deal with the binding field. The best chemical processing of steam fields against it is around August 20. In the middle of July, in this case, mechanical processing ceases, and after 30-35 days after the bundle, spraying is carried out. IN root system 2,4-d actively enters about three weeks. Cut the weed at this time is not worth it. On pairs under winter crops, chemical weeding must be held in mid-July. The dose of the drug on pure pairs compared to the embedded in the crops is 1.5 times.

The complete death of weeds of both annual and perennial, cereal and dicotyathic, including overhead and underground parts, as well as perennial rhizomes, provides a roundap. This is today the most common herbicide in the world. In the soil, it decomposes without any harmful residues, and it can be used under all cultures. When dealing with corneupry weeds, it is advisable in early spring Conduct surface heat treatment with disk guns to provoke a friendly weeds. Processing is carried out according to vegetative plants: osilov in the socket phase (10-20 cm), the bundle in the shooting phase of 20-25 cm, dicotyledonous weeds - from the seedlings to the first pair of leaves, monocycle - from a shovele to three leaves. The rate of consumption of the drug against annual weeds and Padalitsa 1.0-1.5 l / ha, against the eqsov - 3.0, a field of field 5.0-6.0 liters per hectare. In order to reduce the cost of fighting the binding field, it is recommended to use a freshly prepared tank mixture of 2 l / ha roundap + 1.5-2 l / hectare 2,4-d or 2 l / ha Roundap + 1.5-2 l / ha Dialien. At the same time, the amount of 2,4-d or dialin should not exceed the number of rounds in the mixture. Consumption of the working solution is 100-200 l / ha. With an increase in the flow rate of the working solution increases the dose of the round.

Deep processing of steam fields in summer periodIf weed shoots are constantly destroyed, it is not necessary. At the yields of cultivated crops and clogs of crops, it does not affect cornerootry weeds. Excessive soil looser is not only additional consumption of funds, but also the risk of erosion processes. With deep additional processing of vapors in August, the spring reserves of soil moisture and nitrate nitrogen are often reduced, which adversely affects the yields of cultivated crops. In arid conditions, the soil loses moisture from all over the layer treated at this time. Therefore, for winter crops, to get sequels in August, in the summer there is only a pair of steam, not deeper than 6-8 cm. It is necessary and to reduce mineralization organic Soil, reduction of downward migration of nitrate nitrogen, which is most important for ordinary salontal chernozem due to their high nitrification capacity and soils with close groundwater.

To reduce moisture losses and strengthen the germination of weed seeds, the cultivation of soil in hot time must be combined with rolling rolling rollers. It is not recommended to press only on brown and light-chestnut soils with low content of humus. They are prone to seal. With rolling although the loss of soil moisture decreases, but conditions are worse for the development of root systems.

Protecting crops of winter crops in open areas from freezing helps help. To form them better from mustard in 1-2 lines. Dates of sowing Kulis July 20-25 with the norm of seeding 40-50 chains of grains on raman meter Row, sealing depth 3-4 cm. The distance between the scenes 6-7 m. Soil rolling with rolling rollers before and after sowing is a mandatory reception.

4. Prepaiming soil and sowing

For sowing, sorted seeds of the passing fund with an element of at least 92% are sorted, while the mass of 1000 seeds should be no less than 35 g, and the growth force of at least 80%. Laboratory grazing seed of winter rye yield of the current year is lower than the passing fund, on average by 3-5%, field germination and survival rate - by 8-10%. Before sowing them, they are treated against the fusarious and gelminiosporiosa root rot, solid and stem head. If freshly supported seeds are used for sowing, they are heated in the sun for 3-5 days or in grain dryers at the heating temperature of seeds up to 45 ° C for 2-3 hours.

For the normal development of plants from the fall (3-4 escapes to one plant), it is necessary to have a marginal margin in a metering layer of soil at least 30-50 mm, the sum of the active temperatures should be 420-550 ° C and the period of autumn vegetation should last at least 45- 50 days. For each zone, the area has its own calendar sites. In most cases, the deadlines are more stretched compared with the timing of seeding of winter wheat, short-consuming varieties of winter rye are particularly demanding towards seeding.

The optimal period of sowing winter rye coincides with the transition of the average daily temperature after 15-14 ° C. At these temperatures, damage to the Swedish and Hessian flies is sharply reduced. Rye sow the narrow-armed, ordinary and cross ways. In the Northern Forest Summary, the best sowing period is on average for the period from the 10th to the 20th.

The seeding rate depends on the fertility and humidity of the soil, the facility of the field, sowing and the varieties used. The seed seed rate is established at the calculation of the production of 500-600 productive stems per 1 m2. Exemplary seeding rates in the Urals 5.0-5.5 million seeds for 1 hectare. With a decrease in the rate of seeding with winter rye, its yield decreases, and with an increase - is preserved at the same level or decreases. When sowing on well-processed and fertilized fields, the seed rate is reduced by 0.5 million seeds per 1 hectare. When using intense varieties with a high degree of productive bunning, seeding rate is reduced by 8-10%. At the overlooking of crops, the degrades of sowing effect practically does not. In the northern forest-steppe, the Zauralya is on average, it is for the period from the 10th to the 20th. When sowing in an earlier term, seey rye in seven years in winter due to excessive autumnal bunks, at the Late - due to the insufficient development of plants. For many years of research I.G. Smirny (1996) medium yield Variety Chulpan When sowing on August 1, 35.2 c / ha, August 10 - 39.3 centners / ha, August 20 - 40.1 c / ha, August 30 - 35.9 c / ha.

The main tasks of pre-sowing treatments are the same as the soil processing systems as a whole: create a good seedy bed to get friendly shoots, to ensure the purity of sowing from weeds, especially in the early period of growing and developing plants, save and replenish the reserves of soil moisture.

The smallest losses of the soil moisture are observed with an aligned smallest (aggregates of 0.25-3 mm) of the surface and the minimum number of mechanical treatments, since each of them is not only an additional consumption of funds, but also the loss of moisture. With incorrect execution of loss increase. Especially a lot of moisture in the warm period evaporates from freshly audited and lumpy soil.

Sowing in a non-smoked soil always adversely affects the crop, as it leads to an over-deep and uneven seeding of seeds, the danger of planting of plants increases when the soil is sedentised.

The depth of seed seeds of winter rye is usually sets less than for others bread cropsSince rye does not tolerate deep processing. However, most often, this is due to the presence of moisture in the surface layer of the soil. Most often, the best depth of seed seedings are considered 3-4 cm. As a result of research in the Kurgan region, the depth was 4-6 cm. At the sealing of 2 cm, the nodule of the rye is formed at a depth of 18.8-19.3 mm, with a deeper sealing Knotting is 10.7-14.9 mm deeper, which provides greater survival. When seeding 2 cm seeds Average for 5 years, the yield of winter rye variety Chulpan was 23.3 c / ha, at an edge of 4 cm - 30.6 c / ha, 6 cm - 30.8 c / ha, 8 cm - 28.2 c / ha, by 10 cm - 24.4 c / ha.

In the arid conditions, rolling crops. But the moist from the surface of the soil cannot be touched, since the seal rink in this case compacts it in the uppermost layer, the soil dries out, the crust is formed, which increases the moisture consumption for evaporation, it makes it difficult to exhaust plants to the surface. When processing, a slightly frozen tillage roller compacts it at the depth of seed seedings, and a loose mulching layer remains on top.

5. Caring for sowing

Against juvenile weeds and in the formation of soil crusts, the cultivation of crown crows. The best term is one day before the appearance of field culture segments. The most effective processing by harrow with wire jumpers or wooden bars. The thickness of the bars should be such that the teeth to handle the soil at a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Brus are fixed with wire, one in front of the front row of the harrow, the other - before the last.

Especially efficiently efficient harrowing in the fallout of precipitation after sowing. In 1978, for example, in such conditions, grain fees due to harrowing on an inconvenient area increased from 18.7 c / ha to 21 c / ha.

Sometimes there is a need to harrow crows and shoots (strong clogs, soil crust). It is better to conduct it when the serenities of cereals appear on the sector across the rows at nozzy clock, when less than the turgor of plants, a tracked tractor at a speed of 2-3 km / h.

It is important that the shoots of winter rye are friendly and have appeared before weeds. In a timely manner, rye not only at the expense of the project coating, but also the root discharge inhibits the germination and development of weed vegetation.

The symbalance question should be solved specifically for each field. In the northern forest-steppe South Zauralya, it is usually no snowstand. Soil moisture reserves in spring here at the HV level. More than this amount of water soil is not able to save. Snowstanding improves the water regime of plants only if the soil before leaving in the winter was dry and without ice crust. The frozen soil is lowered and with rapid snowy, it is not capable of absorbing talu water. It takes off the same in Siberian conditions only after the snow cover, and during the cutting of the snowy trees, it becomes not uniform, which increases not only the stock of spring waters, but also washing, blurring the soil. It used to come off the snow in the stripes with a smaller thickness of it, where all the flows of water are rushed, the soil here is still in frozle state and waterproof.

The need for snow cover in the northern forest-steppe of Zauralya more often occurs in the fields open by winds to protect crops of winter crops from freezing. In this case, the best snowstaving remedy - the scenes that contribute to the preservation of the snow of the first snowfalls, which reduces the depth of the freezing. The best sourals and rapeseed cultures are the best sourals, the width of the intercourse spaces 6-8 m. Their sowing should be carried out with such a calculation so that the stalks of the stem crops are supersaturated. This is observed, as a rule, when sowing in the middle of July. Sowing the Kulis is made in 1-2 lines.

Moisture loss due to physical evaporation is especially high at the beginning of the spring, when the soil contains the maximum number of mobile moisture, and the soil surface is not shaded, or weakly shadped with vegetation. One of the main measures to preserve moisture in the soil in the spring is to reduce the unproductive losses by reducing physical evaporation. Many believe that it is better achieved by creating a dry mulching layer on the surface of the soil surface. However, this provision cannot be considered indisputable.

With the maximum amount of moisture in the soil, its loss due to evaporation is compensated by a capillary raising. In the deepening of the capillary border, the moisture begins to move under the influence of gravity. The directions of the capillary forces and the strength of gravity coincide. Their total force becomes larger than the upward movement by an amount equal to the double strength of gravity. Therefore, the movement speed of moisture down exceeds the speed of its movement upwards. Moreover, movement down stops at lower humidity. In the soil at this time, another frozen screen is saved. Gradually thawing, he carries moisture in the lower horizons. Moisture movement up through a frozen screen is impossible.

Moisture moves to where the minimum temperature and its reserves increase, and in the warmest soil layers decrease. As moisture accumulates, the cold zone occurs a gradient of humidity. In such conditions, there are two circulating forces: one near the cold, the other near the warmest zone. All this prevents the losses of moisture from the entire thickness of the soil. Therefore, with an increase in air temperature in the spring, water evaporation from the soil surface is reduced, since already at the lowest moisture intensity (HB) or somewhat lower (70-80% HB) water evaporates only from the top layer of the soil. The rate of evaporation in this case, even at high temperature and large shortage of humidity, does not exceed the tenths of the millimeter per day.

From here, early harrowing in order to create dusty mulch doubtful. Mulch can reduce the evaporation of moisture only at approximately the same temperatures of the surface of the soil and air. Before the harrow, the temperature of the surface of the wet soil may be the same with air temperature or even slightly lower. After loosening, the surface of the soil dries quickly and heats up. Its temperature becomes almost twice as high as the air temperature. The exchange of soil air with atmospheric is enhanced. Enhancement enhanced.

The harrowing at this time, like every other soil processing, is associated with an additional loss of moisture. At a high pace of evaporation, the soil dries so fast and so hard that the surface treatment does not reach the target.

The loss of moisture depends on the magnitude of the soil units, which cover the surface of the soil. The greatest consumption of moisture through evaporation occurs when angry separate separates (more than 5 mm). If the evaporation of the soil with small -coming individuals (0.5-3.0 mm) is taken for 100%, then with aggregates less than 0.5 mm, evaporation will be 150%. Mulching layer of small -coming soil reduces the temperature of the soil in the hot time of the day, eliminates the water fender in the drop-head state and protects the arable horizon from the ventilation. Diffuse-convection evaporation of soil moisture decreases. A chump or dusty state of the upper layer increases evaporation.

Evaporation from deeper horizons in the usual years does not occur, and it is insignificant and does not depend on the receptions of early processing. The processing of the soil after the formation of the dry layer in order to preserve its surface of the loose does not reduce the consumption of water, since the value of water losses is little depends on the power of the layer. The soil is denser at this time, the smaller the air exchange and water consumption for evaporation. It is important that the surface of the field is smooth and not chuck. Most of the evaporated water is lost before you can call in the field, and the dry layer is usually easily formed by itself and is an effective obstacle to evaporation. It indicates that the water to the surface of the soil comes very slowly.

In the surface (0-5 cm), the soil loop needs only at a density of 1.2-1.4 g / cm3. With a more loose and more dense addition of the soil, it is not integrated. The density of the black solarms of the Zauralitis in spring, as a rule, below 1.2 g / cm3. Autumn alignment of chickens to better preserve soil moisture in the spring recommended by P.A. Kostychev (1951).

For a long time it was believed that crops of winter crops in the spring to keep the soil moisture, it is necessary to harrow. However, in the studies of experimental stations of a positive result, this reception did not give. In the subzone of dark chestnut soils of the Urals on the territory of the Ural region in 1987-1989. When harrowing, the yield decreased compared with the control of 1.1-1.7 c / ha. Differences on the water regime between the experiments are not detected.

In the Kurgan region, the first experiments with the Spring harrow of the sowing of winter rye were held in the 1940s. Four options were tested: without harrowing, with harrowing at the occurrence of physical ripeness of the soil, with harrowing five and ten days after the onset of physical ripeness of the soil. In 1947, May was very rainy, in 1948 without precipitation. However, both in those and in other conditions the harrowing turned out to be superfluous.

It was also believed that the loosening of rifle creates a dusty mulch and therefore reduces the loss of moisture soil. Experiments in our country have not confirmed this abroad. In dry conditions without inter-ripening, especially in the upper 10-centimeter soil layer, in the period of its greatest drainage, the reserve of productive moisture keeps even at a slightly higher level than with loosening.

6. Harvesting and grain preparation for storage

Wintering rye matures together and with stopping strongly crept, so it is necessary to clean it in a short time. Two-phase cleaning is carried out in the middle of wax ripeness with a grain moisture of 35-40%. Bread is sticking with headers and put 25-30 cm on the rolls, after 3-5 days as the grain drying and stems are chosen and the rolls are finished and shaped with combines. Two-phase cleaning starts 5-10 days before single-phase.

Single-phase cleaning is carried out by combines during the period of complete ripeness with grain humidity up to 20%. When choosing a term and method of cleaning, it is necessary to take into account biological features rye, weather conditions, easyness and clogs of crops. With wet and warm weather, winter rye can grow on the root, so it must be removed in a short time. When cleaning the plants, the plants are made across overgrowth or at an angle to it.

The combine bunker together with the grain comes and impurities - pieces of straw, seeds, seed heads, weed seeds, soil lumps and small stones. The moisture content of grain is usually the above conditioned. Therefore, grain from the combines will be taken to stationary aggregates and complexes in which it is subjected to cleaning, drying, sorting and calibration.

Purification is the separation (separation) of the grain mixture into separate fractions, differing in any physico-mechanical properties (size, density, etc.). Cleaning can be preliminary, primary and secondary.

Pre-cleaning are subjected to freshly grained moisture content up to 35%. At the same time, the content of the largest and small impurities decrease in the purified grain (from 15-20 to 3%), part of excessive moisture is removed, it increases its sweep, the following processes (especially drying) are facilitated, the resistance of the grain is increased to self-heating during temporary storage in the mound. When pre-cleaning, the loss of grain in waste should be no more than 0.05%, crushing - 0.1%, and the completeness of the separation of the weed impurity is not lower than 50%.

The primary purification is subjected to freshly lubricated grain moisture content of no more than 22% or pre-treated and dried by grain moisture content no more than 18%. At the same time, large, light and fine impurities, crushed and prudent grain are distinguished from the grain; The content of impurities in the grain is reduced from 8-10 to 1-3%. The source grain chamber is divided into three fractions: purified grain, fodder waste and impurities. In the primary cleaning, the loss of full grain should be no more than 1.5% in fodder waste and 0.05% in impurities, crushing - no more than 1%, the completeness of the separation of weed impurities is not lower than 60%.

When recycling, the grain is removed from the grain to it in size from the size of the impurities, difficulty seeds of weeds. As a result, the source grain is divided into a seed fraction, the grain of the second grade, light, small and large impurities. In the secondary cleaning of the loss of seeds of the main culture in waste should be no more than 7%, crushing is not more than 0.8%. Secondary cleaning should ensure the preparation of seeds II and I classes of the sowing standard, in which the purity of the seed is respectively 98 and 99%, and the germination is 90 and 95%.

Food and fodder grain is mainly preliminary and primary cleaning, and seed - also secondary part-time job.

Drying is the process of reducing grain moisture from the original to conditioned (14-17%), due to which the grain can be stored for a long time. Along with the prevention of damage to the grain, the drying facilitates the release of impurities during cleaning, aligns the mechanical properties of the grain mass, facilitates the transportation of grain in controversial pipes.

The grain sorting is the separation of grain purified by fractions, differing in bakery (for food) or sowing (for seed) qualities.

Calibration is the separation of purified seeds on the fractions by their size. Calibration of seeds is prepared to the sowing seeders of accurate seeding or to the processing of grain in flour and cereal.

Conclusions and offers

Seesime rye is one of the most important food crops of our country. A variety of breads are baked from rye flour with high taste qualities (Minsk, Borodinsky, custard, Ukrainian, Riga, etc.) and containing full-fledged proteins and vitamins B, B, B, RR, E. By caloric content of rye bread significantly surpasses wheat, Although inferior to him on digestibility and digestibility. Many people, especially suffering from completeness, it is better to eat with rye bread than white. The Institute of Food of the AMN RF recommends include in the diet of the majority of the country's populations from general norm Daily consumption of bread 16-18% rye.

Rye grain is used for feed targets. From plants, hay flour, silage, shenage, green feed, hay. Grain rye has and technical significance. It is used in a distinguished and starch industry. Rye straw is widely used in everyday life of mats, baskets, hats, it is also used as valuable underlying material in animal husbandry. From rye straw make paper, get cellulose, lignin and other materials.

The chemical composition of the grain of rye vary depending on the soil and climatic conditions, the level of agricultural and varietal features. In the wet years, the amount of protein decreases sharply (up to 7-8%). And in arid - rises to 15-16%. The largest protein content is celebrated in the southern h oriental regions of the country, and the lowest thing is in the northern and western.

In the Miron of agriculture, Rye occupies 9.5 million hectares, which is only 4.6% of the area, which wheat takes. From European countries, significant areas of rye are available in Poland - 1.58 million hectares and Germany - 728 thousand hectares. In the countries - exporters of grain crops of Rye are insignificant.

In Western Europe, rye once was the main bread for the population of most countries in the region. Nowada, her crops narrowed. As a result of a long competition, she retained its position only in conditions not quite favorable for wheat: on the poor, especially on sandy, lands in the zones of a cool climate, that is, in northern or foothill areas. The only food product of mass consumption - rye bread quickly displaces from the diet of the Western European population. Currently, less rye is used in Western countries for food than on food. But this tendency of its transformation from food culture in the feed is considered as a result of impact on the grain industry by governments supporting the production of this culture through extremely high prices with such a calculation so that farmers are not ruined and did not leave these lands suitable for cultivation from grain crops only winter rye.

In our country with its harsh climatic conditions, the culture of rye played and will play a significant role in the economy, and consequently, in nutrition of the population. In Russia, focused the most large squares Rye crops in the world - 3.5 million hectares. The main crops are concentrated in the Middle Volga, Central, Volga-Vyatka districts, as well as in central black soil and Western Siberia.

The average yield of rye in the world of 2.22 t / ha, in Russia 1.83 t / ha; The highest - in Germany (5.0 t / ha).

The most common variety of rye is a chulpan, which has short solomina and resistance to lodging. Vyatka 2, Sunrise 2, Saratovskaya 6, Purga, Talovskaya 33 and Tatar 1 are also seen on significant areas.


1. Kolmakov P.P., Nesterenko A.M. Minimum soil processing. M.: Kolos, 1981. 228 p.

2. Rode A.A. Basics of exercise about soil moisture. St. Petersburg: Hydrometeoizdat, 1965. 664 p.

3. Jolobov A.I. Winter Rye - M.: Kolos, 1983.

4. Proskov F.M. Improving the yield of grain crops. - M.: Rosselkhozizdat, 1982. - 205 p.

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Ozimaya rye one of the most important crops, especially for the areas of the non-sinname zone, where it is the main culture. From rye flour bakes a variety of bread varieties, characterized by high calorie and good taste. Rye grain is used in the alcohol and starch industry.

Embedded grain embryos, due to the high content of basic nutrients - protein, fat, sugar, vitamins and mineral compounds, have been widely used in the pharmaceutical and food industry in the manufacture of special medicinal preparations and high-grade concentrates. Rye in the form of grain, green feed and grain consists is a good animal feed. Rye flour and brans often squeeze rough feed - hay, straw and sex.

The straw cutting is used as impurities when silence of juicy feeds (pumpkins, feed watermelon, cabbage). Mates, wrapping paper, hats, crystalline sugar, cellulose, furfurol, vinegar, lignin, and cottage, are made of rian straw.

Overall rye, as a fast-growing spring plant, is used as the earliest green feed.

In the grain of rye, depending on the conditions of cultivation and the variety, it contains: protein - 9-17%, starch - 52-63%, fat - 1.6-1.9%.

Rye bread (wedding, Orlovsky, Riga, Borodinsky, etc.) is a valuable food-howling product, characterized by high calorie and having a specific taste and aroma. It contains full-fledged proteins and vitamins: A1, B1, B2, E, PP.

Ozimaya Rye widespread culture. The area occupied by her in the Mi-Foreign Agriculture is 16.4 million hectares, it is cultivated in Germany, USA, France, Poland and other countries. In the Russian Federation, the main crops are concentrated in the Non-Black Zone. At the Cevarion Caucasus Oz. Rye sowed in small areas. Seeing rye to refer to you-sour-product cultures. Advanced farms with the use of correct agrotechno-nickname are obtained on average 25-30C / G., 57-62c / ha., In general, the average yield is 15-19t / hectare.

Botanical characteristic

Rye ordinary (Secale Cereale Z.) gives shooters violet or brown-brown color. The root is urine, which goes deep into the soil to 2 m.

Stem is hollow, with 3-5 knots. Tongue short, top rounded; The ears are gentle, short.

Lanzetovoid cereals leaves, with parallel housing. At the base, they are rolled into the tubes attached to the stroke nodes and covering part of the stem. Leaves are the main photosynthenezing organs; Therefore, their number, sizes and conditions have a significant impact on the yield.

Types of leaves of winter rye:
Burnt - formed from underground nodes
Stroke - are formed from the above-ground part of the stem.

The sheet consists of 2 parts:

Inflorescence- complex spikes, white typical rye. The spiker rod consists of shortened segments, densely pubescent. On each ledge of a segment, one spikelet is on. Earlings for most varieties a two-color, often with a fracture of a third flower. Sparkling scales are narrow, linear-shovels. The flower has two flowering scales: outdoor - lanceal, with a keel and cilia (carries the remaining); Inner-booby form.

Wheat Wheat is a cross-peeled plant. Pollination occurs with wind when the flowers are open. Strong winds and drought, rainy and overcast every year interfere with full pollination of flowers and lead to the ambient.

The fruit is a grain. Coloring grain can be light green, yellow, brown. Mass of 1000 pieces from 12 to 30-35 g, depending on the variety and gravity conditions.

Growth and development phases
Access to the tube (skellation)
dairy ripeness
Wax ripe
Full ripeness

The length of the vegetation period of winter rye (including winter) is:
In the northern regions - 350-360 days
In the central regions - 280-300 days
In southern regions - 260-270 days

Biological features

The biology of culture is the basis for the construction of its cultivation technology (a complex of agrotechnical techniques performed in a certain sequence aimed at meeting the requirements of the cultural biology and obtaining a high harvest of the specified quality). With this in mind, it is necessary to know the biological features of the cultivated culture, i.e. Her attitude towards life factors (light, heat, humidity, food, air).

Requirements for warm

Seesime rye less demanding of heat than winter wheat. Germinated lake. rye at 1-2 ° C, optimal temperature For growth and development - 8- 12 ° C. However, more friendly shoots appear at 10-15 ° C in 5-7 days. 13-15 days after seedlings (2-3 days after the appearance of the third sheet), the winter rye begins to go. In the period of bunning the most favorable air temperature of 10-11 ° C.

In contrast to winter wheat, the nodes of the tier at rye is formed at the soil surface (at a depth of 1.7-2Cm), regardless of the depth of seed seed. Ozimaya Rye bushes predominantly in the fall, but the bunning can continue in the spring (with a late sowing, rareered plants standing). Roots are developing relatively and by the end of autumn vegetation deepen on 1m.

In the spring after melting of snow, when the air temperature is set at 5 ° C and higher, the plants are rolled into growth, reflected earlier than winter wheat, and at this time can additionally go to a lesser, but to a lesser extent than winter wheat. For further development, elevated temperature conditions are required: at the beginning of the spring vegetation - the exit to the tube and the skellation - 8-10 ° C, after 18-20 days, during the period of flowering 14-15 ° C (10-12 from rigging to flowering days), flowering - wax ripeness 16-25 ° C (flowering lasts 10-15 days).

5 days after fertilization begins the formation of grain. The dairy state occurs after 10-15 days after fertilization and lasts - 7-10 days, after 12-18 days the grain passes and the phase of wax ripeness and after 8-12 days it reaches full ripeness. The period from a peel to wax ripeness continues - 35-50 days. With a decrease in temperature and in cloudy weather, ripening is delayed.

Winter rye from the germination of the seed until the grain ripening requires the sum of active temperatures - to 1800 ° C, from the beginning of the spring of the spring to ripening the grain - 1200-1500 ° C.

Well tolerate winter cold without snow cover, well-blurred plants of Oz. Rries are kept up to -20 ° C. With snow cover 20-25 cm., Oz. Rye tolerate to -35 ° C.

The period of cleaning of rye usually occurs 6-10 days before winter wheat (in the central black earth and non-sinnamine zones, the gap is much less).

Wintering rye is more resistant to high temperatures than oats and spring wheat, but inferior in this regard with winter wheat. Frosts during the pouring grain can damage it.

Requirements for moisture

Oshaimy rye drought-resistant other winter crops, which is explained by the good development of the root system. Thanks to the more complete use of autumn and spring moisture, it is easier to transfers the spring drought. Upon resistance to peating and winking, winter rye is inferior to wheat.

The greatest consumption of moisture is noted during the period of active growth of rye - from the exit to the tube to a punishment, as well as during the flowering period - the ranks of grain. The transpiration coefficient is 340-420. The lack of moisture causes the formation of panicles and low-productive spikelets.

Source requirements

To the soils, winter rye is less demanding than all other grain spikes. It grows well in the non-black earth zone, on turf-podzolic soils. According to research D. N. Spainishnikova, the root system of winter rye is capable of better than other crops, use phosphorus from the soil, and on the absorption of potassium it is inferior only to OVS. From rye can get a lot useful products nutrition, growing it on the sandy and acid soils with pH \u003d 5.

Under favorable conditions, adversity is mainly ends in the fall, but sometimes partially continues in the spring. Roots are developing intensively and by the end of autumn vegetation deepen into the soil to 1 m. The node of the body is laid closer to the soil surface (1.5-2.0 cm), regardless of the depth of seed seeding. Under favorable conditions, overall close by the end of autumn reaches 4-6 stems on the bush.

In the spring, winter rye begins to grow quickly, overtaking the weeds, drowning them.

Blossom starts 7-12 days after the start of the ear and continues for 10-15 days. Although the period of peeling and flowering in winter rye is more stretched than the winter wheat, ripening it in most areas occurs before.

The best soil: chernozem, chestnuts. Mustropable marshy and severe soils.

Rye - Cross-pollinated plant (with wind). Under adverse conditions during flowering (strong rains, spraying, windy weather), part of the flowers is not fertilized, which leads to the ambulance.

For winter rye characterized by rapid growth in height. When earning increments are the most and reach 5cm. per day. Ripening lake. rye takes place at 8-10 days earlier than that of OZ.PSH.

Power Element Requirements

The most important elements of nutrition for winter rye, as for other cultures, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.

Nitrogen, especially in the form of ammonia fertilizers, are needed by plants for the formation of protein substances. With a lack of nitrogen in the soil of the plant, it is worse, weakens the process of bunning, the leaves are yellow, then blush and die away.

Phosphorus is needed by plants as an element of power and for a more complete assimilation of nitrogen, without which the synthesis of proteins is delayed. It contributes to the better development of the root system, the generative organs, accelerates maturation. With a lack of phosphorus, the general development of plants weakens and flowering and ripening is delayed.

Potassium contributes to the synthesis of proteins. It participates in the formation of carbohydrates, chlorophyll, carotene and other substances, increases the winter hardiness of the plants. With its disadvantage, the growth of plants is worse, closeness decreases, the leaves acquire a bluish-green color with a bronze tint, their edges will be drilled and twisted. Calcium is played by a large role in the nutrition of plants, especially in carbohydrate exchange, and microelements (manganese, boron, copper, molybdenum, etc.).

A large role to increase the yield is made in rows of simple superphosphate (along with sowing) - 10kg / ha. Rye responsive to feeders (15-30 kg P2 O5 and K2O per 1 hectare), in spring (before the release of plants in the tube) - nitrogen and phosphate (up to 1 c ammonia nitrate and 1.5-2.0 C super phosphate per 1 hectare). From local fertilizers to use humus (8-10 tons per 1 hectare), dung Zhip. - 6-8 tons per 1 hectare (diluted in 3-4 parts of water), bird litter (3-5c per 1 hectare), ash (4-6c per 1 hectare). When making local fertilizers, doses mineral fertilizer Can be reduced. The increase in the yield from the wounds is 3-5c with 1 hectare and more.

Intensive refrigeration technology winter rye

The intensive cultivation technology of winter rye should be aimed at preserving moisture in the soil and begin with the selection of the predecessor and the area for cultivation. Before proceeding with mechanical processing, it is necessary to investigate the area from the point of view of agrochemical indicators.

Seeing rye less demanding of predecessors than winter wheat. Clean couples are the best predecessor for winter rye. Good harvest You can get after potatoes, corn on the silage. Wintering rye tolerates repeated crops well.

The best predecessors of winter rye: in areas of insufficient moisturizing (the eastern and southeastern areas of the non-black-earth zone, the Volga region) are pure couples;

in areas of sufficient moisture (North-Western areas of the non-sinnamine zone), winter rye is usually placed at busy couples: after the long-year long-year long-year herbs, on a turnover of perennial herbs, after flax-dolt, pea on grain, annual herbs. The placement of winter rye in pure couples here is considered a temporary measure, especially in those areas where the soil is not evilved and require alignment, cleaning of stones, lime, making organic fertilizers, fighting weeds, etc.;

on sandy and squealed soils of the Western regions of the Non-Earth Zone (Smolensk, Bryansk region) high yields Winter rye is obtained by cideraddral pairs.

Omesima rye itself is a good predecessor for many cultures: potatoes, sugar and feed beets, feed root roots, early spring and spring cereals.


Wintering rye differs from other grain crops in a powerful-developed root system and high ability to absorb nutrients.

Ozimaya rye responsive to organic and mineral nutrition. To create 1t. The grain harvest and the corresponding amount of the leaf-weight mass of the lake. Rye takes out of the soil N (nitrogen) - 3.2kg., P (phosphorus) - 1.4kg., K (potassium) - 3kg, CAO (calcium) - 0.6-1kg, Mg (magnesium) - 0,2-0 5kg. Oz. Rye is demanding of power supply to the phase of the body and exit to the tube.

The main part of the batteries of winter rye uses from the phase to the end of the picking. By the end of the phase of the outlet of the plant, 1/3 of the dry substance accumulate and absorbs 65% nitrogen, 56% phosphorus and 58% of potassium from the total consumption of batteries. Fertilizer standards are calculated taking into account the fertility of the soil, the planned crop and the use of nutrients from the soil and fertilizers.

Doses of nitrogen fertilizers adjust the indicators of soil, sheet and tissue diagnostics.

Doses of organic fertilizers:
On turf-podzolic and in areas of sufficient moisture - 30-40t / ha
In the moistened areas of the Non-Earth zone and arid areas - 15-30T / ha
On poor podzolic and gray forest soils, as well as on degraded chernozem, the addition of composed manure with phosphate flour is very effective. 15-20kg of phosphoritic flour when laying it in the stack are added to the 1T manure.
On sandy and squealed soils, green fertilizers - Lupine, Belaya mustard, Seredell. The green mass is splashing in the phase of the SIZY Bobov (mustard during the formation of pods) in 2-3 weeks before sowing winter rye.

Phosphoric I. potash fertilizers Promotional processing, nitrogen - fractionally, taking into account the planned yield.

On the soils, weakly secured by nitrogen, when placing winter rye after the non-parrot predecessors, nitrogen fertilizers (30-40kg d.V. / ha) are brought under pre-free cultivation. The rest of the nitrogen fertilizer is made in spring in the feeding.

If the pumping of plants passed normally, the first feeder is given at the end of the phase of the body - the start of the exit to the tube- 30-50% of the total nitrogen rate. If plants are spelled or partially damaged by frost, the first feeding of the spring is carried out at the beginning of the resumption of vegetation, which contributes to the strengthening of the body. The second feeder is carried out in the exit phase to the tube - 40-50% of the total nitrogen rate.

Soil processing

Wintering rye is more demanding of the soil treatment, especially the pre-sowing than winter wheat, as the rye seeds close the shallow.

After rude predecessors, the stubble with heavy disk harrow to the depth 10-12 cm is carried out.

If the precursors of spicy crops or are not boring, then the pushing is carried out with light disk harrow to a depth of 6-8 cm.

When placing winter rye on a clean pair, on the soils of a heavy granulometric composition, with a sufficient amount of moisture and making organic fertilizers, no later than 20-30 days before sowing winter rye, it is advisable to carry out a dropper (two) steam to depth - 16-20 cm .

When placing winter rye on a ripple pair of sowing a sowing of high-speed plants (sunflower, corn) is carried out with two-stroke rows with a distance between the scenes - 10-15m. The timing of sowing of sowing plants is chosen with such a calculation so that they develop well by the end of the vegetation, but did not have time to mature. Intercourse space is treated by the type of pure steam.

When placing winter rye at busy pairs, steamotous cultures should be removed no later than 20-25 days before sowing winter rye. After cleaning the perennial herbs in the wet years, there is a dumpup plow with a preylfuller, with dry weather, 2-3x multiple dispensing is pre-conducted, it contributes to a good turf seal.

After the pea on the grain, flax-dollants, corn on the silage, early potatoes carry out surface treatment of the soil at a depth - 12-16 cm.

After stupid predecessors, they carry out a dismissal plow with subsequent cultivation or disk.

Pre-sowing processing is carried out on the depth of seeding.

Apply the surface treatment of the soil for winter crops every year should not be necessary, since the fields can overcome weeds. It is better to combine it with plowing (after peas on grain and corn on the silage), that is, to spend every 2-3 years. With such alternation, there are less weeds on the fields, and yields increases by 2-3 c / ha.

After the stubborn sterns, we introduce the calculated doses of organic and mineral fertilizers with spreaders and special novers.

When placing winter rye after potatoes, sugar or feed beets, or carrots, you can get by cutting to a depth 10-12 cm., And when placed after perennial leguminous herbs, the reservoir are plowing for 25-27 cm.

After plowing, grinding lumps, depending on the structure of the soil, we use the shells.

If the soil is well source, then they are planning and then cultivated with solid cultivators.

Pre-sowing treatment is carried out depending on the soil (in the conditions of RSO - Alanya - Discussion, then cultivation to the depth of seed seedings).

Preparation of seeds to sowing

Seed preparation starts with the selection of their qualitative indicators. Cleanliness should be at least 97%, germination - 92%, weighing 1000 seeds - at least 35g and growth force - at least 80%. Before sowing, seeds are etched by fungicides (Baitan station wagon - 1.5kg / ha, Vitavax, TMTD) against fusarious and gelminiosporiosal root rot, solid and stem head.

If freshly supported seeds are used for sowing, they are heated in the sun for 3-5 days or in grain dryers at the heating temperature of seeds up to 45 ° C for 2-3 hours.

For the normal development of plants from the fall (3-4 escapes to one plant), it is necessary to have a marginal margin in a meter layer of soil at least 30-50mm, the sum of the active temperatures should be - 420-550 ° C and the period of autumn vegetation should last at least 45- 50 days.


Seying winter rye should be when the average daily air temperature reaches 15-16 ° C. At these temperatures, damage to the Swedish and Hessian flies is sharply reduced. Southed at optimal terms, winter rye is well rooted, it takes better by the autumn hardening and goes to the winter.

In the northern regions of the Russian Federation, the seed of last year is left for sowing. If not, then the seeds of this year are heated to 3-4 days in the sun or passed within 4h. Through seeds warm air (45-50 ° C).

Approximate deadlines for sowing winter rye:
Non-Black Nargin Zone - 20.08 - 5.09
Central Chernozem Zone - 08-25 - 15.09
Southern Districts - 25.09 - 10.10
In RNO-Alanya - 25.09-10.10

Methods of sowing winter rye:
Solid ordinary with airty 15cm.
Cross with airtime 15cm.
Uzkornovny with beaters 7-8cm.

With these sowing methods, constant technological track is provided - 1400 or 1800mm.

The seeding rate depends on the fertility and humidity of the soil, the facility of the field, sowing and the varieties used. The seed seed rate is established at the calculation of production to cleaning - 500-600 productive stalks / 1m².

Under the narrow-armed and cross-module, the seeding rate increases by 15-20%.

Exemplary rates of seeding winter rye on the zones of the Russian Federation:
Unborn zone - 5-6 million seeds / ha
Central Black Earth Zone - 4.5-6 million seeds / ha
Volga region 3.5-5ml. Surf seeds / ha
North Caucasus - 3-4 million chairs of seeds / ha
Ural - 6-6.5 million seeds / ha

On well-treated and fertilized fields, the seed rate is reduced by 0.5 million seeds / ha. When delayed with sowing, when placing rye on sandy and soup soils, the norm is increased by 8-10%. When using intense varieties with a high degree of productive bunning, seeding rate is reduced by 8-10%.

Depth of seed seeding. Unlike other grain crops, winter rye is sensitive to the depth of seeding. This is due to its biological feature - to form nodes of adhesive at the surface of the soil. With sufficient soil moisture, winter rye seeds close to depth:
on heavy soils - 2-3cm,
on light soils - 4-5cm,
in medium soils - 3-4cm.

Sowing depth in RSO-Alanya - 4-5cm

In dry weather, when the top layer of the soil is drained, the seed seal depth is increased by 1-2 cm. Small seeds are usually close to a smaller depth than large ones.

Collogram seeding rate of seeds is calculated by the formula:

N \u003d (a * k) / pg * 100

Where n is a seeding rate in kg;

A - mass of 1000 seeds;

K - the number of seed chassis;

PG - sowing.

The most common varieties of winter rye: Bezenchuk 87, Valdai, Sunrise 2, Chimka, Kirovskaya 89, Saratovskaya 5, Talovskaya 15, Tatar 1, Falenskaya 4, Chulpan, Chulpan 7, etc.

Sorts of winter rye zoned in RNO - Alanya: Nennchukskaya-87, Antares.

Caring for crops

Sowing care - measures to ensure full nutritional nutrition and protection of them from the lodging, the pests of weed diseases.

Sowing activities:
Post-Seating rolling rollers on light and arid soils, and, in general, early crown crown, if they are not spoken. Called crows are harrowing gently with light tooth harrow. This provides sealing and leveling of the field, shoots appear together, the field germination increases. Spring harrowing spend across the rows into two trail, as soon as the soil reaches physical ripeness, stop sticking to the tools and will be easily fried.
Forming an ammonium Selutyra (NH4NO3) with a roasting method of disk grain seeders across or diagonally rows. Dose feeding 30-45kg / ha in the active substance.
Fighting weeds. During the growing season, if the crops are clogged by weeds, the processing is carried out from the phase of the exit phase to the tube. The struggle is carried out by herbicides: Dialen - 3l / ha, ammumin salt 2,41 - 1.5-2l / ha, SIMAZIN-80% S.P. - 0.25-0.3 kg / ha. With the weak efficiency of the SIMAZIN, which happens into the dry autumn, is carried out additional processing in the phase of a group of 2,80 cunning groups.
Fighting diseases. Against snow mold, root rot, muced dew and other diseases, sowing winter rye treated with fungicides: Bayleton - 25% SP - 0.5-1kg / ha (wetting powder) - 0.5-1kg / ha, Tilt - 25% Ke (emulsion concentrate) - 0,2- 0.5kg / ha, Fundazole - 0.6kg / ha, etc.
To prevent sewing sewing, winter rye are carried out by refreshing.
Fighting pests. Treatment of crops are carried out if available:
1-5 larvae of bread bubbling / 1m² during shoots and 1.5-2 in the phase of the body;
Bread Beetle-Kuzki - 3-5 during the flowering and formation of grain and 6-8 / 1m² in the phase of dairy ripeness;
cereal flies - 30-50 per 100 saccmies during the shooting period;
Bread drinkers - 40-50 / 1m² during the bungeous period - exit to the tube.


Wintering rye early in the spring is harrowded, but due to the fact that winter rye ripes quickly, there is little time for early treatments (harrowing and feeding), and therefore, it is necessary to carry out these techniques as soon as possible. Seesime rye matures together and at pea hanging out, so it must be quickly removed - for 10 days, most often removed by direct combinement (single-phase cleaning), combines during the period of complete ripeness during grain humidity - up to 20%.

Two-phase cleaning is carried out in the middle of wax ripeness with grain moisture - 35-40%. The bread is sticking with the headers and put in the rolls on the stubble (25-30cm), after 3-5 days, as the grain and stems dry out, the rolls are selected and cooled by combines. Two-phase cleaning is beginning to single-phase (for 5-10 days) and finish in a timely manner.

When choosing a term and method of cleaning, it is necessary to take into account the biological peculiarities of rye, weather conditions, easyness and clogs of crops. With wet and warm weather, winter rye can germinate on the root, so it must be removed in a short time. When cleaning the seeds ranging, the plants are scattered across overgrowth or at an angle to it.

The post-blood processing of grain is carried out immediately after its cleaning, with the briefings of grain batches to commodity condition. Following the ramp of the field, it is cleaned with a straw, it is necessary for the processing of the soil under the crop of next year.

The causes of the death of winter rye

An important feature of winter limits is the property of the winter hardiness, i.e., the stability of plants to the long-term effects of the complex unfavorable conditions. This property is generated in the autumn period, when plants pass the so-called hardening, which flows into two phases. In the first phase at daytime temperatures, 8-15 ss and nights about about ° C in the cells of the node body and leafy vagina, sugar accumulate, and in the second (at the end of autumn) with weak frosts (from about to -5 ° C), some dehydration occurs cells. The most favorable for hardening continuous dry sunny autumn with a gradual decrease in temperature.

However, even with good hardening, some plants die, and in some cases their death can be mass. The main reasons for the fence and death of winter crops (wheat and rye) - sparing and freezing,

Speaking occurs in the following cases: with a powerful development of plants before leaving under the winter, the snow falling on the melt soil, deep snow cover, slow melting in the spring. As an action warning measures, it is recommended to conduct timely seeding, avoid unnecessary doses of nitrogen fertilizers, to turn the snow in the fall, apply techniques aimed at accelerating snow melting in spring.

Verifying is the most common cause of winter death. Most often is observed in the southern and eastern regions of the country: in Ukraine, North Caucasus, in the Volga region, Siberia.

Under the influence of long frosts in cells and interclausers, ice is formed, the cytoplasm is dehydrated, which leads to the death of plants. Most often, winter bread is freezed in the absence of snow cover.

Pumping soil before sowing, the use of frost-resistant varieties, timely seeding, the introduction of phosphorus-potash fertilizers, snowstand contribute to the prevention of freezing.

The causes of the death of winter crust may also be an icy crust, shocking, drinking nodes of the body, plants damage to mushroom diseases.

Winter rye is extremely important feed and food Culturewhich includes a large amount of protein (up to 15 percent) and carbon (up to 81 percent). In addition, in its grain there are vitamins A, B, and E. Baked egg bread from flour, which, according to biological value and calorics, is superior to a wheat analogue. The main agrotechnical significance of the culture is primarily due to the fact that, due to its rapid growth and high bush, it is able to effectively suppress weeds. Grain and flour are also used in the form of a concentrated feed, which is not inferior perennial herbs According to your quality. Among other things, winter rye also applies for technical purposes. If more specifically, it can be recycled on a molasses, alcohol and starch, and from straw to manufacture cellulose and acetic acid.

Culture was formed from the weed, which climbed wheat crops. The place of its origin is considered the Transcaucasia. In Ukraine, winter rye first appeared about the first millennium BC, and the first mention of growing on russian territory date back to the ninth century. Now its cultivation is widespread not only with us, but also in the United States and Western Europe. Despite this, in global calculation among all cereal rye is located on one of the last places. The area of \u200b\u200bits annual crops is about twenty million hectares. When growing rye on fertile soils and with a sufficient number of fertilizers, it gives good yields (up to 20 centners from one hectare). At the same time, compared to wheat, this indicator is about one and a half times less.

We have the greatest distribution we have tetraploid and diploid grades of winter rye. The difference between them is the amount of chromosomes from which plants consist. The first of these species appeared relatively recently and has 28 chromosomes. As for the second, she has 14 chromosomes. Diploid varieties are widespread. The most popular of them are such as Niva, Will and Bogusvka. In the tetraploid group, we will celebrate September, the Pukhovchanka and the Treak.

Rye winter (and yeah too) has three most valuable qualities: first, it suppresses the growth and development of weeds; secondly, it is healing the soil, suppressing pathogenic microorganisms; Thirdly, it remarkably dishes the soil with their roots.

Rye is a cultivated plant, and they grow it, mainly in the northern hemisphere.

The grain of winter and spring forms of rye is used to baking black bread.

Rye sowing is the only appearance that is cultivated in culture.

There are winter and spring forms of rye sowing, but in culture is used mainly rye winter.

Therefore, B. ecopark. will be grown mainly rye winter.

Rye winter. Features

Root system. Rye has a urine root system that penetrates the soil to a depth of one to two meters. Educational nodes in rye is formed at a depth of 1.7 to 2 cm. If the grain falls deep into the soil, the rye lays two nodes of the body: the first one is deep, and later the second one, which is closer to the soil surface and which It becomes the main thing. It is characteristic that the intensity of the body's intensity in rye is very high: each plant gives from 4 to 8 shoots, and with favorable conditions of growth - even up to the 90th. This is a very valuable quality of rye, increasing its yield.

Stem Rye - hollow, straight, naked. It has the 5 -6-6-hondas. The height of the stem is from 70 to 180 cm.

Leaves - flat. Sheet plate It has a length of 15 to 30 cm, its width is from 1,5-Ra to 2.5th cm.

Inflorescence It is located on the top of the stem - this is one extended complex spider.

Grain - oblong, having a deep groove in the middle in the middle of the middle. After ripening, the grain falls out of the spikelet.

Rye - The most winter-hardy from grain crops. Its seeds begin to germinate at one - two degrees, shoots appear at 4 - 5 degrees. For the normal development of rye during the period of peeling and blossom, the average daily temperature is needed 14-to 15 degrees. Rye is a winding grain crop.

Soil. I believe that the progress of the soil coating with a layer of 5-t - 10 cm. Consider sufficient soil fertility for planting winter rye.

Sowing. In non-black earth, winter rye is usually sessoleted from the 5th to the 25th. Optimal deadlines Sowing winter rye is the date of transition of the average daily air temperature after 15 degrees, and last time Sowing winter rye is the time when the average daily air temperature drops to 10 degrees. In order for the plants with winter rye in the fall, 3rd - 4-reg stems, the period from the sediments of winter rye to the cessation of its autumn vegetation should last at least 45 days.

Non-rocked sowing of winter rye is the most effective, for it is more evenly placed in the area of \u200b\u200bsowing.

The best direction of the rows is from the north to the south, while the light of plants increases, and the plants do not overheat at nozzhen heat.

Depth of sowing. Rye sowed on average to a depth of 4 to 5 cm. And the depth of sowing of small seeds should be less than large.

Norms sowing. An exemplary sowing rate of winter rye in non-black earth is from 5 to 7 million seeds per hectare.

Care For the sowing of winter rye, it is almost no necessary, for it itself is well suppressed by weeds and all sorts of pests, except for only a time to mice soil to burst the surface of the soil. I believe that rainworms can cope with this, when it is possible to bring their number to 2000s per square meter.

Cleaning Winter rye will spend on the grain when the grain of milk-wax ripeness is reached.

In addition, keep in mind that winter rye can increase when vegetable cultures cannot grow well and develop. She suppresses causative agents of diseases and pests vegetable cropswhich are always saved in the soil.

Wintering rye is very aggressive in relation to other plants: it will not allow any other plants next to her. She will surely suppress the growth of not only annual weeds, but also many perennials: ray, odds and buttercups.

In fact, rye winter mainly successfully suppresses weeds, but individual copies with a powerful root system are successfully growing next to Ozimia's rye: for example, I have densely planted from both sides of the fence from the stakeholder rye, which by the 25th of May 2016 Reached a height of approximately half a meter, and dandelions managed to wash out huge - you have to tear the flowers, but cut the root is difficult.

It seems that, together with the seeds of rye and oats, I was sold on the market in Pereslavl and Seeds of Vasilkov - now they are sprawling on the site. Vasilka do not bother me at all - let them grow for a variety. I will observe how they carry the mesh. Lawn grass It has not been updated for a long time, I prefer propellerals to sow a variety of sedients.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended to plant winter rye on the garden after cleaning vegetables. I need to raise winter rye for the 14th days before the planting of vegetables, but should not be attached to the soil, because rye is a problemier cider building, creating problems with subsequent cultures: its roots are about two months after mowing suppress the growth of other plants.

Therefore, after rye, it makes sense to grow some other cider and only on next year disembark cultural plants For harvest.

Best of all underdeveloped wintering rye on the garden to make a self-propelled lawn mile, the grass collector of which to empty into a compost bunch. And the soil of the garden mulch the beveled grass in a mixture with forest leaves.

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