
Properties of ash like fertilizer. Falker seedlings ashes. Chemical composition of ash

Answers to gardeners

As a result of the combustion of any wood rock, the best complex fertilizer enriched with phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, gray, boron, and other necessary plants with microelements - ash is formed. An important point It is the biological easy accessibility of potassium and phosphorus contained in the ash, for emergency plants. Basically, the ash is entered into the soil under the poppopku rather chaotic, however, is often used and local: in furrows and holes.

Facely ash

Many plants do not tolerate chlorine on the Spirit - then war will helpwhich chlorine does not contain at all, that is, it is quite possible to fertilize raspberry, potatoes, strawberries and currants. Cabbage when the ash is used, not only feeds, but also reliable protection From kila and black legs. And how glad the ashes will be patissons, cucumbers and zucchini! Add to the holes, if we are talking about the seedling landing, at the rate of maximum 2 tablespoons per seedling, or put three cups for each meter square before the soil resistance.

Also ash can be enriched landing pit or a rolling circle of both cherries and plums. Such bait should be carried out once every three, a maximum of four years. Adult tree It needs two kilograms ash.

Potatoes also reacts positively to the enrichment of the soil ashwhich increases the crop and increases the starch of tubers. By the way, potatoes better absorb potassium precisely from ash, and not from potash fertilizers, as it is considered. The most useful for potatoes is the ash, obtained by burning the birch bark.

Ash liquid fertilizer

How to prepare liquid fertilizer based on ash? To do this, you will need a bucket of water and about 150 g of ashes, which should be continuously mixed in the process of use as a fertilizer. Liquid fertilizers of ash are spilled by furrocks, which should be selected by the soil immediately after the fertilization. If the solution does not stir, the plants will not receive phosphorus contained precisely in the precipitate of the solution.

If you feather cucumbers, tomatoes or cabbage, the solution costs are about half a liter for each plant. If the object of fertilizer is currants, bring about three more glasses of ash under each seedling, then close it with soil.

By the way, with the help of dismounting or spraying plants wood ash They provide reliable protection from various diseases and pests. For this kind of processing, the solution can be prepared as follows: ash in the amount of three hundred grams should be pouring boiling water and give it to boil for half an hour, after which the decoction is allowed to stand, flicker, dilute ten liters of water with the addition of 50 g of soap chips. For spraying plants, it is preferable to wait for a dry evening.

If the soil is sufficiently heavy, put it in it exclusively under the pexting in the spring or autumn. If you are dealing with a slight sudden soil, the ash is made only in the spring. Ash helps Soil microorganisms maintain vital activity due to fertilizer and soil oxidation. This is especially applicable to nitrogen-fixing bacteria. In addition, due to ash, the resilience of your plants is significantly increasing, as a result, the process of adapting them after disembarking is faster.

On a note: The introduction of ash has a beneficial effect on the soil over time from two to four years. Storage of ash is allowed in dry places, otherwise moisture can provoke the loss of potassium and trace elements.

By the way, in order to facilitate the task of calculating the exact amount of ash introduced, we suggest you to use the following data: about 6 grams of ash account for one tablespoon, on a faceted glass - about one hundred grams, 250 grams will fit into the half-liter bank, and in a liter - 500 grams, respectively.

Wood ash as a fertilizer for soil applies no longer than a dozen years. Wood ash is the cheapest, affordable, and most importantly - natural fertilizer, which replenishes the soil with a multitude of beneficial substances and trace elements. Depending on the material from which the ash is obtained (branches of various trees, plant tops ...), it may contain different elements in percentage content. Wood ash contains in an affordable form phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium and more than thirty trace elements: boron, iodine, manganese, iron, silicon ... In addition, the introduction of wood ashes fertures the soil with useful elements, it helps to improve the structure on heavy soils, and deoxidation on sour. The soil fertilizer ashes contributes to the best development of plants, increasing their resistance to pests and diseases. When fertilizing plants, their leaves are becoming more rigging, so the smallest and leaf-raging pests are smaller.

Features of the use of wood ash

Soil fertilizer ashes should be performed in reasonable limits and should be known where, when and in which amount it can be applied.

Wood ash is a pitch, so it should be used with extreme caution on alkaline soils. But for acidic, neutral, dend - podzolic, swampy and gray forests it will be very by the way. On the heavy soil of the asset from the calculation of 100 g per 1 square meter. m can be made in spring and autumn, but on the lungs sandy and soup only in spring time.

Wood ashes contribute as a mineral supplement in humus, mature compost or peat, but it does not combine with rich fertilizers, such as fresh manure, bird litter or complex nitrogen fertilizers.

In the cultivation of seedlings, the asian cannot be applied before the third real leaflet appears, since it contains salts negatively affecting young plants. When planting seedlings of tomatoes, eggplants and peppers add 1 ton of wood ash and thoroughly mixed with the soil so that it does not carry the roots of the rapid plants.

Billet and storage of ash

To obtain ash, a specially designated place in the gardening area is used, since there will be a long time on the site of burning a fire of the soil. And in no case cannot burn dry grass, stubble and leaves, because soil microorganisms are destroyed, the rainworms leave, birds curling the sockets in herbs can die. To obtain ash as fertilizer should not burn painted wood, synthetic wood materials, newspapers and magazines, since chemical compounds contained in them will adversely affect plants, poisoning soil, and accordingly your health, for a long time.

Before laying on storage, wood ashes sink, separating it from large fractions. Wood ashes should be stored in polyethylene packages, protecting it from moisture exposure. This will save all it. beneficial features until the next application.

The use of ash

To determine the exact dosage of ash, the following measures are used: 1 teaspoon contains 2 grams of ash, 1 tablespoon - 6 g, 1 faceted glass - 100 g, half-liter bank - 250 g, liter - 500 g.

Wood ash can be used in a dry form and in the form of water dishes.

The use of wood ash in dry form is made by uniform spraying over the surface of the soil with possible subsequent loosening. The ash is quite good feeding for plants during their growing season. Below are the recommendations for the use of ash for fertilizer some garden plants.

  • In the soil under the tomatoes, the spring makes asses from the calculation of 2/3 glasses per 1 sq.m., and the second time - in mid-July - early August, 50 g per 1 sq.m.
  • For cucumbers, the asola is brought after their flowering every ten days in the amount of 100 g per 1 sq.m.
  • In preparation, 100 g of ashes per 1 sq.m. are made at the preparation of beds under the zucchini and patissons., Or 1 -2 Art. spoons under seedlings.
  • For pepper, the ash is made when the fruits are tied at the calculation of 100 g per 1 sq.m.
  • For beets, turnips, radish, as well as strawberries and raspberries contribute 100 g of ashes per 1 sq.m.
  • Under the beans is made by ash from the calculation of 1 st. Composition per 1 sq.m.
  • A month before the planting of potatoes, his tubers pollinate wood ash, and when planting ash adds as a tablespoon, stirring with soil.

Also to scare off pests are used by planting plants ash. Basically, plants such as cabbage, onions, cress - salad, radish to protect them from cabbage, onion flies, cruciferous fleece, snails and slugs. For uniformly dismissal plants in a plastic or tin can, many holes make a set and pouring ash evenly disperse over related plants. Such a procedure is best to spend early in the morning for dew so that the ash dust is well attached to the leaves of plants. From the snails and slugs around the plants or around the perimeter of the garden, the layer of ash 2 - 4 cm. Also doubt the root crops (potatoes, beets and carrots0, which are placed on long storage In the cellar or basement. This will help protect their fungal diseases.

For the preparation of the ash infusion 1 - 1.5, the glasses of ashes are poured 10 liters of water and insist within 5 to 7 days periodically stirring. Thus, the useful elements of ash will go into water, which is used for plant feeding. Thus, tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage from the calculation of 0.5 liters per plant are poured out of the ash, after which it should be filled with earth or soil material, and if there is a mulch, the feeding is made through it.

For simultaneous protection and nutrition of plants, an agolate is soapy. It is prepared as follows: 3 kg of ashes sink and poured it 10 liters hot water With the addition of 40 g of the cooler household soap. All this is well stirred so that the soap is dissolved and leave to insist for 2 days. After this time, the solution is filled with gauze and used for spraying garden plants. Spraying should be spent in the evening in dry windless weather. Such a spraying is carried out several times during the summer season with a gap between spraying in 2 weeks.

For soaking seeds, an olod infusion is used, which is prepared from the calculation of 2 centuries on 1 liter of water, infused for 2 days and the pros. In such an infusion soaked seeds of tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and cucumbers within 5 hours.

The use of wood ash helps to improve the structure and content of soil, has a positive effect on the development of plants and protects them from negative factors.

During everything summer season on the panstone Plant waste is accumulated - the dry stems and leaves, as well as branches, cropped from trees and shrubs, accumulate. It is best to recycle waste, folding them into a compost bunch. This method allows you to next year Get a wonderful organic fertilizer.

But, unfortunately, not all plant residues are suitable for compost. Large branches and parts of plants infected with diseases and pests will still have to burn. Well, the ash, obtained from the burning of plant residues, can also be used, and not only as fertilizer, but also to protect plants.

It is necessary to collect ash immediately after burning waste, not allowing its wets. Wet ash very quickly loses its useful properties, so it is necessary to store it in bags or tanks under a canopy or in the economic room, spilled from dampness.

Chemical composition of ash

Probably, everyone knows the fact that the ash is a source of potassium. But in fact, the chemical composition of ash is much richer, and it depends on what plants or wood residues were obtained by ash. Potassium, calcium and phosphorus are the main chemical elements As a composition of ash. But at the same time:

- in hardwood trees (and especially in burnt birch wood) more potassium

- Zola Topinambur and Sunflower consists of potash (K2O)

- In the ash of burnt peatlands a lot of calcium.

In addition to the main three elements, the ash contains the trace elements of boron, iron, manganese, molybdenum in itself. The lack of trace elements, as a rule, negatively affects the quality of the harvest and health of the plants. The introduction of ashes can fill this lack in the best possible way.

An important feature of ash is that it does not contain chlorine. After all, some cultures, such as potatoes, tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, react poorly to potash fertilizerswhich in different quantities contain chlorine (calimagnesia, potash salt, sylvinite, potassium chloride). Ash and Potash will help restore the mineral balance for these crops.

The disadvantage of ash as fertilizer can be considered the absence of nitrogen, which contributes to the growth of plants. This disadvantage will help to fill other nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Only applying as a combination with other fertilizers is also needed correctly.

Ash like fertilizer - how to make, with what to mix

Wood ashes can be added to the soil of any composition as in the fall under the rescope, and in the spring, directly in the wells. However, on light sandy soils, the contribution of ash fertilizer is effective only in the spring. Fertilizer action is significantly over 3-4 years after entering into the ground. The rate of application is 100-200 g per sq.m. If you add ash when planting potatoes right into the wells, you need to take about 2 tablespoons on the bush, be sure to mix with the ground. For tomatoes, peppers and eggplants take 3 tablespoons for each bush.

Acid soils react particularly well to making ash: decreases, favorable conditions are created for the development of useful microflora, the structure and physical properties Soil.

Good results are obtained by mixing ash with peat or humus. If adding it to a compost bunch, the decomposition will occur faster. But it is categorically impossible to mix ash with fresh manure and bird litterBecause it leads to the loss of nitrogen and the oppression of plant growth. The same applies to ammonia nitrates: when they mix ash and nitrates, the sharp smell of ammonia is immediately felt.

Use of ash to combat disease and pests

Dry ash

Amazing disinfectants I. medical properties Alas are known to people for a long time. Such an ash powder pollinated strawberries immediately after flowering, which makes it much to reduce its infection with gray rot. You can pollize ash and other cultures: cucumbers, tomatoes, peas, berries and fruit plantings. Make it in the early morning, until the dew has gone, or before spraying the plants with water.

Potatoes intended for storage, drink ash to prevent the development of phytoofluorosis. In this case, the disease will not be transmitted from patients with healthy tubers, and the rodents also do not taste such powdered potatoes. If the tubers must be divided into several parts before planting, then these parts are dry outdoors and sprinkled ashes.

To prevent the disease and treatment of plants from dry ashes, mixed with charcoal and crumpled sand in equal proportions. This mixture is powered by plants and soil sprinkled.

Dry ash is also used to scare. In the evening, it is generously scattered around those plants that are so attracted by the unborn guests.

A solid of ash

To prepare an ash solution used as a fertilizer, you need to take 100-150 g of ashes on the water bucket. Continuously stirring, the cooked suspension is poured into the furrows or wells and immediately pour out the layer of land. For seedlings of tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers need to be made about 0.5 liters of solution on one plant.

The ash hood designed to treat plants from diseases and pests is prepared in the calculation of 300-400 g per 10 liters of water. First, the ash must be pouring with a small amount of boiling water and boil another 30 minutes. The saturated solution is poured, 40-50 g of soap (dry chips or liquid) are added and diluted with water to a volume of 10 liters. Spray plants need in the evening, in dry weather. The ash hood is used to protect against tli and mildew.

How to determine how much ash need to take for a solution? - in 0.5-liter bank will be approximately 250 g, in a graved glass - 100 g, in a tablespoon - 6 g.

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Wood ash is used as a fertilizer since a long time. It has many useful elementswhich increase the fertility of the soil, contributing to a good growing culture and rich crops. What is the benefits of this substance, whether it is safe for use on the site and how to properly bring it into the soil - we will try to figure it out in all these issues.

Chemical composition and features of ash

Let's consider in more detail what the wood burning product is and what is the specificity of its use:

  1. Due to the high content of potassium and phosphorus in wood ash, the fertilizer of the soil can even become the best optionHow to use for this purpose expensive and advertised funds.
  2. In addition, this substance of natural origin, which is an important advantage. All the necessary items contained in the ashes have a form available for plants, i.e. well absorbed.
  3. In addition to phosphorus and potassium, such a fertilizer is saturated with magnesium, iron, boron, molybdenum, manganese, etc.
  4. In Ash, there are almost everything you need for a good growth of crops, except for nitrogen. The fact is that during the burning of the wood, this element will disappear, so the plants in need of it will have to feed additionally. However, remember that the simultaneous introduction of nitrogen fertilizers together with ashes can lead to excessive ammonia allocation, which is unfavorable for seedlings.
  5. Potassium, calcium, magnesium and some other substances can neutralize soil acidity, so applying feeders worth carefully. For sour soil, such fertilizer will fit perfectly, but for neutral or alkaline - no. The ash is capable of too much to increase the level of pH, which will lead to the insufficient production of the cultures of the useful substances.
  6. The wood burning product may have different composition depending on its type. For example, more nutrient for garden plants will be ash obtained from hardwood, but coniferous trees Do not give such a number of useful elements. In addition, young trunks after burning have a large margin of potassium, rather than old.
  7. The beneficial effects of ash on the soil lasts quite a long time - 2-4 years after the application.
  8. Such fertilizer can be stored for many years, but only in a thoroughly sealed container in which moisture will not fall. Otherwise, it will lose useful qualities.

Rules of fertilizer ash

To achieve optimal results of the growth of cultures and their good fruiting, feeding should be carried out with some requirements:

  1. In heavy clay and thin soils, it is necessary to make asna in the autumn period, spring and peat land will be more suitable for the sample.
  2. Very often, this fertilizer is used under the people, but more suitable option There will be an adding ash in recess or grooves for seeds immediately before boarding them. At the same time obtained soil mixture You need to mix well.
  3. The required amount of ash is calculated on the basis of the size land plot. When cultivating cultures on an industrial scale, at 1 hectare should have about 15 kg of fertilizer per year. For easy small neckline 1-2 buckets will be enough.
  4. Due to the fact that the burned wood does not contain chlorine, it can be picked up such cultures as strawberries, potatoes, grapes, currants and citrus - for the full development of all these plants, the chlorine content in the soil is contraindicated.
  5. Those who lack time for a separate care for each species of cultures, a universal liquid fertilizer is suitable for ash. It is not necessary for its creation: 10 liters of water and 1 cup of woody ash. Ingredients need to be mixed and pouring under the root of the plant. Such feeding can be periodically alternating with fertilizers from litter.
  6. There is a practice of soaking seeds in water with ash before landing. For this, 2 tbsp are added to 1 liter of fluid. ash and leave for a day. After that, the mixture is filled and put the grain there for 5-6 hours.
  7. The body burning product can be used to enrich the compost, speaking the ashes each layer. This practice helps to create in a pile by humoring excellent conditions for the reproduction of the necessary microorganisms, which replenish its nutrients.
  8. For different species gardening crops distinguish certain norms of the application into the soil:
  • the fertilizer of the cucumbers should occur as follows: 1 Handful of the ashes suits directly into the well for seeds;
  • the same thing is done for such vegetables as pepper, tomatoes, cabbage and centenary;
  • currant is better to fertilize in the spring period, bringing 1 cup of the means in the dug apart and sprinkled on top of the land layer;
  • when fertilizing ashes of strawberries and strawberries do this: the ashes scatter between the rows of bushes at the rate of 1 cup per 1 m², and then thoroughly tear the soil;
  • in the same way, you can act when treading parsley, carrots, beets and radish;
  • potatoes fertilize with ¼ cup of ash added to each well before planting a tuber and mixed with the ground.

In what cases should not be used wood ash

Before using ash as a fertilizer, you should know about those examples in which its use will be inappropriate or even harmful:

  1. It is undesirable to combine wood ash with mineral fertilizers based on nitrogen and phosphorus.
  2. Simultaneous addition to the soil of ash and humus will not give good result. It is best to make a compost before the onset of winter, and to use the burned wood in the spring.
  3. As mentioned above, the ash helps to reduce the acidity of the Earth. Therefore, the use of this fertilizer for soil with a pH indicator above 7 will give a negative result - excessive increase in soil alkalinity.
  4. Some cultures, such as blueberries and Rhododendron, are accustomed to growing in an acidic environment. Therefore, it is extremely undesirable to feed them as ashes.
  5. When growing seedlings, the fertilizer of its ash can be carried out only after the appearance of third parts on the sprouts. The fact is that this product contains in its composition salts, harmful to too young shoots.
  6. Roots of seedlings should also not be direct contact with wood ash, otherwise it will provoke burns, diseases, poor development and addictive to a new place after a transplant. When feeding, do not forget to mix the fertilizer with the soil.
  7. The ash is not suitable as feeding for turnips and radish, since these plants will not give a normal harvest. Their roots are offered and release the floral arrow.

More about such fertilizer as wood ash Watch in the video:

Gardeners have long been used as the good of their beloved garden. It is an indispensable, affordable, cheap tool, with a wide range of action. Today we will talk how to use ash to fertilize plants on the site. The ash is used not only in gardens and gardens, but also for feeding domestic flowers.

Useful properties of ash

The useful properties have ash obtained from burning various wooden waste or firewood. Most of the substance is calcium about 40%, then potassium 10%, and phosphorus 4%. These are indicators of ash obtained when combustion of birch firewood. In ash coniferous rocks Trees percentage of these elements less.

What is calcium for?

  1. Calcium plants are especially needed during the growth period, it improves the consumption of nutrients with young plants. The lack of calcium can lead to poor development of the plant, even his death.
  2. Calcium improves the structure of the soil, neutralizes acidity, contributes to the development of beneficial microorganisms. Facilitates plants, obtaining the necessary nutrient elements from the soil.

What do you need potassium?

Potassium plants required for forming

  • Fruit
  • Tubers
  • Lukovitz

To obtain a sufficient amount of potassium, plants are easier to carry the temperature differences, resistant, with respect to different kinds of diseases, and are less affected by pests. Lack of potassium can cause a slowdown in young plants.

Why do you need phosphorus?

Phosphorus is responsible for metabolic processes in the plant, photosynthesis, ensures normal growth and development of fruits.

Making ash improves the structural composition of the soil, normalizes the level of acidity, contributes to the development of microflora.

What plants useful ash

The ash is useful to plants preferring alkaline soils, or with reduced acidity. Very love the ash plant from the family of cruciferous. Cabbage when fertilizing ash is less affected by pests and fungal diseases.

Responsive by ash potato, potassium contained in ash stimulates the formation of large tubers. Making ash under the landing of legumes will increase their yield. Carrots protect from her malicious pest carrot flies. Love tomatoes, peppers, eggplants.

Some fruit trees Useful feeding with this fertilizer, the benefits will be:

  • Cherry
  • Plum
  • Currant

When can I use ash?

  1. It is forbidden to bring ash under the plants for the normal growth of which soils are needed with increased acidity.
  2. Excess in the soil of calcium limits ash. Symptoms of excess calcium: the leaves are brighten, they lose the color, the flowers lose the leaves, the shoots dying the tomatoes.
  3. Excess potassium says that it is not necessary to make ash. Signs of excess: the leaves are falling, the fruit deteriorates the taste.

How to cook infusion of ash

Infusion of ash wooded, among the gardeners, is considered the most useful fertilizer. It is usually used for:

Cooking the infusion to improve the soil

Method number1

In the bucket of water to dissolve 100 GM ash, insist the day. Slit land under houseplants.

Method number 2.

A tablespoon of ash pour a liter of steep boiling water, put it up. During the week, the container with innocence shake. Then it can be used for watering the land under the seedle, or the ridge with vegetable crops or flowers.

Cooking the infusion to combat plant diseases

Sierted ash in the amount of 300 Gm, pour boiling water, put on fire for half an hour. Decoration cool, pour into a bucket with water. Infusion to use for spraying plants.

Cooking the infusion to combat pests

It takes three kilograms of ash, a bucket of hot water, mix them and leave for two days. In a small amount of hot water to produce Polkuska of the household soap. Add a solution in a bucket with an ash infusion.

How and when to use ash like fertilizer

After harvesting, in the fall, experienced gardens, proceed to autumn processing Soil. Most often, ash used to improve the soil. The principle of introduction is simple, it is evenly scattered over the surface of the Earth, and then it is drunk.

After harvesting, it is processed to prepare the soil for the next season. In areas with heavy soils, you can add ash under the pexting. Light sandy, sampling soils better fertilize in the spring, as the fertilizer can weathered for the winter.

The calculation of the amount of ash under the autumn people is made based on the soil structure.

  • On the basis of the average fertility, they bring 1 square meters. m. about 1 kg. ash.
  • Fertile, chernozem soils require a smaller amount of fertilizer, the norm can be reduced twice.
  • On skinny soils, clay, drum, sandy, bring the amount up to 1.5 kg per 1 mq.
  • Spring ash can be made on the ridges prepared for landing, in rows or wells when landing.

Application of ash for grapes

Grapes love potassium very much, the ash is a natural source of potassium. Its content in ash enough for normal development of the vine. Garders with experience carry out work on grape feeding in the fall, after harvesting.

Prepare infusion: five buckets of water and 300 gm are mixed in large capacitance. ash wooded. This volume is needed for feeding one vine in the autumn period.

In the spring, it takes a dry feeder, one plant takes up to two kilograms of ash. The soil is dripped together with the ash, and the top layer of the soil is sprinkled in the summer, to combat the pests of grapes.

The extra-corner feeding of ashes after sunset, in dry, weak weather.

The solution is prepared as: one part of the ash, two parts of the water. Insist two days. Ready infusion is bred by three parts of water.

Stealing ash spend not every year, it is enough to do once every three years. This will facilitate gardeners to combat fungal diseases of grapes, will provide it with all the necessary trace elements.

Grapes thanks high yield, good increase, and delicious berries.

Application of ash for tomatoes

For good growth of tomatoes, they need in sufficient potassium and calcium. These elements are needed for the proper formation of a bush, and large juicy fruits.

Conduct the feeder in several ways. Depending on the amount accumulated, for the heating season of ash. If it, very much, it is possible to scatter half a cup of wood ash into the rolling circle of each bush. When watering, it will penetrate the soil, and feed a tomato bush.

If the ash is not so much, you can make a more economical feeding. Around the bush to make a shallow groove, pour a quarter of a cup of ashes in it, and poured on top of the earth.

Another way, liquid feeding plants. A day will be required to obtain infusion. In the bucket of water is divorced 100 Gm. ash.

Each adult plant will leave two glasses of infusion, young plants require fewer.

Application of ash for cucumbers

Cucumber culture, for the normal development of which, in the period of growth of the wield and formation of uncess, is required in a large number of potassium, calcium. These elements are present as part of wood ash. The ash and substances contained in it regulates the water-salt balance of the plant.

There are two principals of different ways Pretty plants, one dry, second in aqueous solution.

With such the method of feeding, Sierted ashes, scatter over the entire area of \u200b\u200bcucumber ridge, before irrigated. During abundant irrigation, the ash naturally will fall into the soil. There it will work both above the improvement of the quality of the soil, the normalization of acidity, and feed young plants.

Another version of the feeding is more time-consuming.

It is necessary to prepare the infusion of ash. He insists a week. In a liter jar with water, 3 tbsp. l. ash.

Consumption of finished sex liter on one adult bush. The cucumbers before the dressing need it is necessary to pour well so that the roots are not injured from burns when making fertilizer.

Application ash for onions

Onions often suffer from fungal disease - root rot. Fucking his ash, can reduce crop losses from this disease. The ash has good antifungal properties.

Effectively use a dry way of feeding, spraying ashes on the surface of the onion ridge, followed by abundant soil watering. You can make ash with spring preparation of the ridge to landing. Spring making fertilizer, can save onions from lesion onion flies, reduce soil contamination with larvae.

For feeding it is necessary to prepare ash infusion, at the rate, three spoons of ash per liter of water. Along the entire length of the ridges to make grooves, shed them with ash infusion and sprinkle on top of the earth.

Ash against pests and diseases

The ash is a versatile agent, gardeners use it as a fertilizer and as a means of combating pests of plants, and their diseases. Dry and wet plants processing are used.

The ash successfully protects the garden from the colorado beetle, cruciferous flew. Do not love the ashes of the snail and slippers, it is enough to sprinkle the ash circle around the grape vines, and the snail will not be climbing on it.

When planting potatoes, it is possible to pour half a glass of ashes in the hole, mix with the ground, it will reduce the amount of the wedge on the garden. Prepare a soap solution of ash, in the evening it is possible to spy all the plants that are damaged to the tool. The amount of it will significantly decrease.

In the spring when preparing the ridge under the bow, it is necessary to add ash to the soil. After the amusement of the ash will act on the larvae of the onion flies, and scare away other pests. In addition, the ash will reduce the loss of crop from the root rot.

The soapy solution of ash helps in the fight against the pests of the garden, caterpillars, hawkering, aphids, apple-tree fruit. Spraying the garden is carried out after sunset, in windless weather.

Can help ash, in the fight against enemies of cabbage. A glass of ashes stood in the water bucket, leave overnight, the leaky solution is used to spray cabbage. The main thing to carry out this processing has not yet started years of butterflies. Squinting to spend every day.

There is a recipe infusion against it. For three buckets of water, ash bucket, and boil for about an hour. Ready infusion must be strain and use to spray the gooseberry. Processing should be carried out after the end of flowering, and the ending of the formation of uncess.

Discarding the soil infected with larvae will lead to their death.

In the morning at dawn, using fine sieve, pollinate landing white cabbage. It will save it from cruciferous flew.

In places where grapes grow, a lot of slugs and snails are divorced. The ash will help fight them. Its poured around the plants on the ground. They will not be able to crawl along ash, the plant will be less damaged by pests.

Video about the use of ash on the plot

The use of ash on gardening areas as fertilizer and means of combating pests and diseases will allow a decent harvest of vegetables and fruits. Save the health of plants, reduce the number of pests. Allows you to get environmentally friendly products for healthy nutrition.