
Indian onion: medicinal properties, tincture. Indian onion in folk medicine

Basics of garden composition

They say that once in the house, the plant will bring with it happiness, love and harmony, and if you put the pot at work, you should not be surprised at its rapid career growth. And the plant is famous not only for this - medicinal properties Indian onion, especially tinctures, are valued in folk medicine for its use in the healing of many diseases.

Who named it and why is unknown, the plant has nothing to do with India, and its name is onion only in our country. Perhaps due to the pungency of the juice that the leaves will emit, similar to the pungency of Indian spices.

Among botanists, he is a tailed birdbird and belongs to the Hyacinth family. Among the popular names, in addition to the Indian bow known to us, such as brandu, sea bow, chinese onion... In England it is known as the Star of Bethlehem, among the Germans - the Milky Star. The botanical name Ornithogalum caudatum is translated from Latin as "bird" and "milk".

The flower came to us, in Russia, in the 60s of the last century, it was purchased for the exposition of the greenhouse of the Leningrad Botanical Institute, brought from German Gothenburg.

The homeland of onions is South Africa, from there it came to China and India, the medicinal properties were well known in the Mediterranean to the ancient Greeks. In Europe, the poultry farm was initially recognized ornamental plant thanks to its beautiful flowering, and was grown in the gardens of Italy, France, a little later it was appreciated in Holland.

Indian onion - photo

The Russians were also interested in onions for their decorativeness and exoticism, but then found many admirers among herbalists. The flower is unpretentious in cultivation, it has a dense large bulb at the base, covered with dry yellowish scales.

Interesting: You can tell the age of a Chinese onion by the number of leaves. One leaf - one year.

The birdhouse blooms in spring and early winter. Blooms profusely, white small flowers with a longitudinal green stripe in the center of each leaf.

Indian onions - medicinal properties

Official medicine is in no hurry to study the properties of onions and recognize them. medicinal plant... But it is known for sure that the poultry farm is poisonous, in its chemical composition there are alkaloids, which in small doses have a therapeutic effect, but in large doses they can become poison.

Attention! The sap of the plant is used only externally. If you are offered recipes that involve taking the drug by mouth, ignore them.

The main factor when using onions as a remedy is its chemical composition... In the plant you will find sulfur-containing compounds, glycoside, colchicine, vitamins, and other biologically active substances, which endow the humble flower with a powerful antiseptic, analgesic and wound healing effect.

Traditional healers are confident and have repeatedly tested in practice that the Indian onion inhibits the development of tumors of various origins, improves blood flow.

Thanks to healing properties the plant has the ability to:

  • Remove the inflammatory process.
  • Improve blood circulation.
  • Reduce pain.
  • Promotes healing of wounds, burns.
  • It is a good antiseptic.

Application in traditional medicine

Using the medicinal qualities of the plant, you can prepare medicines for future use - tincture or ointment, many diseases will recede with the help of decoctions and infusions. Fresh plucked leaves and juice from them have no less properties.

Onions are healthy from root to leaf tips - whole. The whole plant has a healing effect, but the leaves are more effective, and they are often used to prepare remedies for healing. To prepare funds, try to use old and large leaves, it is in them that the most a large number of biologically active substances.

The use of juice for treatment:

To relieve pain, cut a small piece from the onion, no more than 2 centimeters in size. Milk juice will appear on the cut. Lubricate the problem area and the juice will take effect immediately. You will feel a slight tingling sensation, then a burning sensation that will soon pass and take the pain with it.

I offer you several recipes for the treatment of diseases.

  1. Headache. Wash fresh juice into the back of the head or temporal part of the head.
  2. Toothache. Fresh juice will also help - rub it into the gum next to the aching tooth. But be careful not to let the poisonous milk go where it shouldn't. If the gums are bleeding, then using remedies with onions is strictly contraindicated.
  3. Runny nose. In this case, you need to rub fresh juice in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and maxillary sinuses.
  4. Angina, tonsillitis. Do a medicinal decoction rinse several times a day. And here, too, be careful not to swallow. This treatment is not recommended for children.
  5. and spine, joint diseases. Use ointment, fresh juice, and alcohol tincture, rubbing the product into the affected area. Additionally, make baths with a decoction of the plant. Do the procedures at least 3 times a day.
  6. For joint diseases, arthritis, the healing properties of Indian onions, combined with honey and aloe juice, will help you. Mix 2 parts honey, 1 aloe, and 3 parts alcohol or vodka of the plant. Apply compresses to the center of pain and wrap them warmly after the procedure.
  7. Papillomas and warts. Regularly lubricate the growths on the skin with fresh juice from the plant's bulb and leaves. Juice works in much the same way as.
  8. Bruise, insect bite. To get rid of pain and itching, rub the sore spot with ointment or plant juice.
  9. Mastitis. Regularly lubricate the affected area with ointment, you can attach a fresh leaf of the plant to the chest.
  10. Nail fungus. I have not tested it in practice, but healers claim that you can get rid of the fungus in just a few procedures. Cut off a small piece of the plant's bulb or leaf and rub the juice into the affected areas. The flower must be at least 2 years old.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct preparation of medicinal products. Below are the recipes taken from the herbalist.


Medicinal onion tincture is prepared in two ways: hot and cold.

  • The recipe for cold cooking tincture: chop the leaves of the plant, and pour a glass of warm boiled water, temperature not higher than 20 o C. The infusion will be ready in 12 hours.
  • Hot infusion recipe: chop Chinese onion leaves, put in a thermos and pour in 1 liter of boiling water. Cooking time - 2 hours.

Tincture of Indian onion with alcohol

Put the crushed leaves in a jar, tamp them more tightly, and pour in the alcohol. There are a couple of nuances here. Traditional healers make a tincture in a ratio of 1:10. But if you have sensitive skin, then make a weaker infusion: for 1 part of the raw material, take 20 parts of alcohol. Both types of tincture have healing properties.

The finished medicine is considered after two weeks of infusion in a dark place. Then it is filtered and stored in the cold.

Onion ointment

To make Indian onion ointment, cut off a 20 cm long leaf, make a gruel, and mix with any lard or lanolin cream. Store the ointment only in a glass container.


Cut off a 20-centimeter sheet and fill with a liter of boiling water. Heat the broth in a water bath for half an hour, then leave to infuse for another 45 minutes.

Contraindications for use

I am sure that each of us takes care of our health, and remembers the well-known postulate: “Do no harm”. With all the advantages and medicinal qualities, onions have serious contraindications for use. As I wrote at the beginning of the article, the juice of the bulb and leaves contains a poisonous substance. Therefore, herbalists use it only externally. It has similar healing properties and uses, which I wrote about.

  • When using products with an Indian plant for the first time, carefully monitor your condition - the plant can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Hemophilia is also a serious contraindication.
  • In addition, you need to know that in no case should the medicinal products get on the mucous membranes, especially take care of your eyes.
  • If, when using tinctures and other onion products, you feel a strong burning sensation, do not be alarmed. This is a normal phenomenon, thus substances begin to act, increasing blood flow to the problem area. The burning sensation will soon disappear.

Cheers, friends! I propose to watch an informative video about the healing properties of Indian onions and their use. I am not saying goodbye, many more interesting meetings await us. With love ... Galina Nekrasova.

Nowadays, Indian onions are one of the most common foods in dietary supplements. It is also used in its pure form, adding other types to decoctions. medicinal drinks... Its beneficial properties and the effectiveness of the treatment of diseases have been fully confirmed. The use of Indian onions in folk medicine is based on proper preparation. This is a very important aspect that will allow you to prepare a really high-quality medicine.

Open amazing properties Indian onion, or as it is also called the tailed bird farm, was succeeded by healers from Siberia. Thanks to them, the practice of treatment with his help began. The range of diseases that this plant treats has increased markedly, from the common cold to diseases of the spine.

The presented plant has a high content of useful components that help fight:

  1. Infectious diseases.
  2. Oncology.
  3. Sprains.
  4. Toothache.
  5. Osteochondrosis.

The scope of use can be enumerated for a very long time. The most important thing is that the drug actually works well. A large number of positive reviews damage its medicinal properties.

This plant has an amazing effect in the treatment of diseases, but despite this, our official medicine is in no hurry to recognize its beneficial properties.

But still, there are doctors who recommend their patients to use Indian onions, in parallel with drug treatment. But there are countries where this plant is used as a biologically active food supplement. In our country, Indian onions can be seen on the windowsill in a pot, their beneficial properties are undeservedly forgotten. Today we will look at all the beneficial properties and how it is used in traditional medicine.

The use of Indian onions in folk medicine against oncology is based on the correct preparation of the tincture. To do this, you need to more thoroughly familiarize yourself with the proposed information. All recipes are very easy to follow and do not require serious expenses.

Useful properties of Indian onions

The Indian onion medicinal plant contains a lot of useful chemical compounds and elements. Actually, this is the reason for its healing properties. Many compounds based on sulfur, colchicine, alkaloids, all these substances enable the plant to have a powerful analgesic and wound healing effect.

I would like to say that the Indian onion is an excellent antiseptic. This plant is able to activate blood flow.

The effect of the presented agent on the body:

  • restoration of the entire circulatory system;
  • fight against education cancer cells and tumors;
  • anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
  • restoration of damaged tissues.

The presented plant has an incredible amount of useful properties. You need to understand that a properly prepared broth or tincture has a great influence. Only in this case you will be able to create for yourself optimal conditions for treatment. Adhering to simple rules, you can save yourself from serious diseases.

Absolutely everything is useful in this plant, roots, leaves, stems. But, the most powerful concentration of nutrients is contained in large leaves. And this is good, because the plant needs to be broken through and get rid of old leaves so that new leaves appear. If you cut off the dry leaves of a plant, and want to throw them away, then this should not be done in any case.

It is best to dry these dry leaves well and use it to treat toothaches, herpes, and other diseases.

But you must remember that the juice of this plant is poisonous, so use Indian onions wisely and carefully. The use of a plant in small doses can improve the patient's condition, and if you overdo it, then even plant poisoning is possible.
People suffering from problems associated with hemophilia are advised to completely eliminate this plant. Before taking on self-medication, do not be too lazy to consult a doctor for advice. Thus, you may save your health.

The use of Indian onions in traditional medicine

Indian onion is an excellent plant that can be used in both fresh, and to make all kinds of tinctures, ointments and even decoctions from it. It is necessary to use this plant after complete preparation. The sap of the plant should not be allowed to get into the eyes or inside, in its pure form. Indian onion quickly relieves back pain, joint inflammation.

Almost all recipes for the use of Indian onions in traditional medicine do not require any exotic additives. Everything is very simple to execute.

Let's consider how to prepare a tincture with alcohol. First, you need to chop the onion leaves - one tablespoon and pour 100 milliliters of vodka. Then put in a dark place for one month and let the tincture settle. Shake from time to time, strain after time, and squeeze the resulting tincture. Store Indian onion-based tincture in the refrigerator.

A properly prepared Indian onion tincture recipe is a very important medicine in folk medicine. You must take a responsible approach to this process.

Useful Indian onion decoction

Also, lotions and decoctions can be prepared from this plant. In order to prepare a compress, you need to take three tablespoons of the tincture previously prepared, and add two tablespoons of honey to it, as well as one spoonful of the juice of the aloe plant. Stir this mixture and dip a napkin into it.

Such a compress must be applied to the joints, and it is good to insulate the sore spot. We leave this compress for one hour.

Beneficial features

Healing properties of plants

Indian onion - a useful houseplant - Another plant from the first aid kit on the windowsill


many many many


poisonous, there are contraindications.

Indian onions in my house take pride of place on the windowsill, next to aloe and a golden mustache. Unfortunately, from our parents and grandparents we inherit not only appearance and real estate, but also some sores. So I have arthrosis - a disease that passes from generation to generation. It's a shame, but what to do. We are being treated. And the Indian onion is a plant that is very effective in all such diseases. that is, arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, polyarthritis, etc. The only negative is that the plant is very poisonous, so you always had to look after a small child so that she would not climb up to him (when she was little she loved to pick leaves from flowers), well, I myself had to wash my hands after each communication with the flower.

This is how my handsome man looks.

the onion reproduces very simply - "babies" appear from time to time next to the main onion. You plant these small bulbs in another pot - and after 3-4 months a new plant, a new bush. Although the older the plant, the more useful it is. Some are of the opinion that it is only necessary to be treated with a plant that is at least 2 years old.

Well, I'll tell you about other diseases that are treated with Indian onions.

1) The plant has strong analgesic properties, therefore it is not replaceable for bruises, pain in joints. It is enough to rub the sore spot with a leaf. The main thing is that there are no cuts - on an open wound - this is unbearable pain.

2) In case of acute respiratory infections, a runny nose, rub the juice of Indian onions into the bridge of the nose and lymph nodes.

Indian onions are used to make a vodka tincture (the leaves of the plant are pounded with a WOODEN spoon and poured over with vodka). 2 weeks infused in a dark place. Store the tincture in the refrigerator.

The tincture helps with angina (in the form of compresses before bedtime for an hour),

with TONZILLIT (also in the form of compresses, only with the addition of eucalyptus essential oil)

With varicose veins, make an oil tincture of onions and rub the sore spots, or leave them for some time in the form of compresses (with thrombophlebitis, compresses cannot be done)

Warts (at night under a patch of a piece of leaf)

with HEMORRHOUS again with an oil mixture

with BRONCHITIS, Indian onion leaves are used instead of pepper plaster, you need to keep it for no more than 3 hours

They also say that wounds, abrasions, abscesses also heal faster, but honestly, you need to be a hero to endure the pain. Onion juice is very baking.

By the way, many believe that the correct name for this plant is not Indian, but Chinese onion. Probably due to the fact that the bow is mentioned in Feng Shui. According to this system, onions have a calming effect on adolescents, in Chinese schools they put a pot of onions in schools. It is believed that the bow can establish order in classrooms and school corridors. Well, in addition, with the help of a plant, if necessary, the teacher can provide first aid to the student, because this "green doctor" may well replace iodine or hydrogen peroxide. And due to the fact that the flower is covered with small bulbs, it is believed that this is to strengthen harmony and understanding in the family. Maintains a welcoming atmosphere in the home or community. And the Chinese also consider the Indian (Chinese) onion a plant - a "careerist". The flower pot should be placed on the table to your right and put a coin under the pot.

If you are presented with this plant as a gift, it is a sign of a good attitude towards you.

this plant also blooms. But if it bloomed very young, it means that in this family it is worth waiting for replenishment.

At the expense of career and replenishment I can not say anything, the Chinese know better, but the fact that in medicine he is the first assistant is a fact!

Usage time: 5 years

Price: RUB 200

How useful is Indian onion

Beneficial features

or brandy, or Chinese onion ... This plant has several names, in different countries it is called differently. that apart from an indefinite name, he also does not have reliable data on the country of origin.

It is not clear why it was named Indian, it grows in South Africa, the Mediterranean, Eastern Europe, Asia, and of course India.


Eagle bow or mouse hyacinth,

Indoor chionodox.

All plants have a lot in common, have useful properties, and therefore they are used in the manufacture of various medicines.

Indian onions - medicinal properties

Indian onion is a very useful plant that has a strong analgesic and antiseptic effect. Thanks to its active substances, blood flow to the diseased parts of the body is enhanced.





Salt deposits in the joints.

It also effectively acts on mechanical and infectious skin lesions, including bruises, abscesses, and tumors. The plant heals well wounds, cuts, relieves swelling after a bee sting, wasps, itching after mosquito bite... With the help of Indian onions, rashes on the face, herpes on the lips, and warts are treated. The plant is also used to relieve headaches.

Indian onion - dosage forms

The leaves, bulb and shoots of the plant contain a very large amount of mucus. It is she who has useful properties. Therefore, leaves, arrows, bulbs of a plant, as well as its juice, which is colorless, are used as medicinal raw materials. From all this raw materials, infusions, decoctions, ointments, baths are prepared, which, as a rule, are prepared on the basis of alcohol or water.

The highest content of useful biological substances in the largest leaves. It is also worth noting the very fast action of Indian onion preparations.

Indian onions - recipes

In order to cure old sciatica, rub the lower back with a small piece of leaf and wrap it with a woolen scarf. This should be done for just one minute, since the onion burns strongly and acts instantly.

In order to relieve a headache, cure acute respiratory infections, rub the temples, the back of the head, the bridge of the nose, the eyebrows, lymph nodes with the juice of Indian onions.

Plant sap is also used to rub wounds and animal bites.

To cure diseases of the joints, a tincture of Indian onions is prepared. To do this, fresh plant leaves are mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. Such an infusion retains its medicinal properties for several years.

To relieve the inflammation of the sciatic nerve, use a rubbing prepared by pouring moonshine into chopped comfrey roots and leaves and bulbs of Indian onions in a ratio of 2 to 1.

Indian onions - contraindications

Due to the high content of cardiac glycosides, the plant is poisonous.

The sap of the plant can also provoke an allergic reaction, as well as rashes, blisters, itching. You need to be especially careful about the interaction of the plant sap with the eyes, in case of contact with the eyes, they must be immediately rinsed with water.

In everyday life it is medicinal plant known as Indian bow. Botanists call it the birdhouse, and also the tailed ornithogalum.

Plant blooms all year round, throwing out powerful arrows, but the seeds are tied only in summer, after pollination by insects. The flowers are three-membered, in racemose inflorescences, inconspicuous. The decorativeness of the plant is low.

The treatment of various diseases with Indian onions is widespread due to its healing properties.

The plant is very unpretentious. Propagated by children and seeds. The bulb is planted in a pot so that two-thirds of it is on the surface. It grows very quickly and by the third year it reaches the size of an adult's fist. The soil must be constantly kept moist, but not overmoistened (otherwise the juice will not be as burning, and therefore less healing).

The leaves and bulbs of the plant are inedible, but not poisonous. All parts of Indian onions are considered medicinal, but can only be recommended for external use.

Let us consider in more detail the treatment of some diseases with Indian onions.

1. Compress from tincture (pour chopped onions and leaves with water, alcohol or vodka and keep in a thermos for two weeks) helps with joint pain and salt deposition, as well as with abscesses, swellings, bruises;

3. If you rub whiskey with the juice of Indian onions, it disappears.

4. A piece of leaf (not crumpled) applied to the gum can relieve a toothache.

5. Also in Indian onion is used to cleanse the body.

The recipe for the preparation of a medicinal product from this plant:

Onion of Indian fluff (tailed poultry) the size of a chicken egg, mince with 10 lemons (with peel, but without seeds), 0.5 kg of honey, put in a three-liter bottle, drink with vodka.

Insist 40 days in a warm place, stirring occasionally. Spoon before meals to cleanse the body.


I have an intervertebral hernia and the doctor recommended that I use Indian onion ointment for treatment. The remedy really helps, especially for acute pain.

The Indian onion plant has a lot of name variations - Chinese and Mongolian onions, bird's milk, brandy, etc., its homeland is Africa. There are more than five hundred varieties, they are used for decorative purposes, in the teachings of Feng Shui and in traditional medicine recipes. V medicinal purposes they use the leaves and the Indian onion itself, which looks like an ordinary onion.


The use of onion-based drugs is performed locally, the drugs are distinguished by a high speed of the effect. When applied to the skin, the components of the composition (glycosides, colchicine, alkaloids and other active substances) activate blood flow, accelerate tissue repair processes and inhibit putrefactive decomposition in wounds. In folk medicine, the main properties of the plant are valued:

  • antiseptic action;
  • anesthesia of the treated area;
  • wound healing effect;
  • curbing the growth of malignant and benign tumors.

What helps in traditional medicine

The main question is what diseases the plant treats. It is necessary to use Indian onions for the following indications:

  • traumatic injuries (bruises, sprains, dislocations);
  • swelling;
  • skin reactions to insect bites;
  • headache;
  • symptoms of acute respiratory diseases;
  • diseases of the spine and joints (osteochondrosis, arthritis, sciatica, etc.);
  • warts;
  • cuts, small wounds, the consequences of herpes infection;
  • heel spurs;
  • toothache.

All the situations described imply an exclusively superficial application of medicinal compositions; such means are not used inside. In official medicine, the Indian onion is considered a unique source of colchicine, an alkaloid used in the treatment of gout and cancer.

Medicinal recipes and methods of application

The medicinal properties of the plant reach maximum indicators from the second year of growth in the period before and during flowering. The juice has no color, no pronounced odor, which makes it convenient to use. Variants of application depend on the disease with which the remedy must cope.

For joints

Joint treatment with Indian onions is performed by local application of vodka tincture. For cooking you will need:

  • mature leaves of the plant;
  • vodka or diluted rubbing alcohol.

Plant raw materials are washed in clean water, dried from excess moisture. Next, the leaves are crushed and placed in a glass container. It is required to fill it with an alcohol-containing component in a ratio of 1 to 10, that is, for 1 part of the leaves, 10 parts of liquid (with increased skin sensitivity, the proportion of alcohol is increased to 20). The medicine will be ready after steeping in a dark place for two weeks. The finished product must be filtered and further stored in the refrigerator (no more than two years).

Apply the product to the joints daily, pouring a small amount into the palm of your hand and rubbing the affected areas three times a day. A feeling of warming occurs 10 minutes after application.

With rheumatoid arthritis

It is necessary to use products based on Indian onions for rubbing or lotions. There are different recipes:

  • the mature leaf of the plant is cut, washed and cut lengthwise, exposing the pulp. Rub the sore area with the cut off side or simply apply it for a while, warming it with a scarf. it quick way cope with clearly localized pain;
  • for rheumatoid arthritis, a mixture of honey (2 parts), aloe juice (1 part) and alcoholic onion tincture (3 parts) is prepared. The resulting mass is applied to the affected area in the form of a compress for 30-60 minutes;
  • tincture with eucalyptus oil. Mix 50 ml of alcohol and 15 ml of essential oil, leave for an hour in a closed container. An onion leaf 15 cm long is crushed into gruel and poured with oil and alcohol, sent to a glass container and infused for a week. The resulting product is used to lubricate sore spots without separating the pieces of the plant, and after rubbing, they wrap the area with a warm scarf.

For rubbing with osteochondrosis of the spine, use the purchased Adov root gel, made on the basis of Indian onion extract.

Heel spurs

The plant helps with heel spurs as part of a compresses recipe:

  1. one washed medium-sized potato is rubbed with the skin;
  2. a large leaf of Indian onion, crushed into gruel, is added to the mass;
  3. the composition is transferred to gauze and placed on a spur, fixing with a bandage to the leg;
  4. from above the compress is covered with polyethylene.

The duration of action of one compress is a day, after which it must be changed to a new one. The course of therapy is a week. You can apply a mass of one onion, but then the compress needs to be applied only at night and monitor the condition of the skin.

For nail fungus

You can make an antifungal ointment according to different recipes:

  • mix until smooth 50 grams of tar, 10 grams boric acid and 20 petroleum jelly, and add to the mass the juice from one fleshy onion leaf. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator in a dark container. Apply the composition to the nails affected by the fungus, in an even layer overnight, putting on clean socks on top;
  • shredded big leaf the plants are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 15 with melted pork lard and mixed thoroughly. The mixture is applied to the affected area, put on socks and left overnight. In the morning, all residues are carefully removed. It will take about two weeks of daily procedures;
  • a couple of pounded onion leaves are placed in a bowl with enamel, 50 grams of lanolin and 10 grams of natural propolis are added to the mass, after which the components are sent to a water bath. After a quarter of an hour, the mixture is removed, placed in a small container and cooled, stored in the refrigerator. Apply the composition to your nails before going to bed for one to two weeks.

Treatment of varicose veins of the legs

In addition to treatment varicose veins with drugs, you can apply effective folk recipes... To stimulate tissue regeneration, the legs are rubbed with a tincture of lilac and Indian onions at night with light movements. A glass of lilac flowers is poured with five tablespoons of alcoholic onion tincture and half a liter of vodka. In a closed glass container, the mixture is infused for a week, after which it is filtered and used for procedures.

With sinusitis

For the treatment of sinusitis with freshly squeezed juice, rub the nose and maxillary sinuses outside. For the best effect, the next day the same places are rubbed with peppermint. The course of therapy lasts about a month. The golden mustache plant has similar medicinal properties.

Can Indian bow harm?

Scientists have proven the fact that the plant is poisonous, so its juice is dangerous for ingestion. With external use and adherence to formulations and dosages, the risks are minimal. Poisonous juice is especially dangerous for the eyes - if it gets into it, it is urgent to rinse the eyes with warm, clean water, and drip 2-3 drops of Albucid.

The first use of any product with onions requires preparation - a reaction test is carried out by applying a small amount of the product to the skin. If, after a few hours, no dangerous manifestations have occurred, you can begin to use it to the fullest. Too frequent use of pure juice can cause burns.

When the composition is applied to the skin, a burning sensation occurs, a slight tingling sensation of varying intensity - this is a normal reaction due to the action of the components of the composition and active blood flow. Within five minutes, the discomfort disappears, if this does not happen, then an urgent need to wash off the remnants of the product. The development of an allergic process is possible - reddening of the skin and the appearance of edema. This requires immediate discontinuation of therapy and treatment of the skin area with a soothing cream. If symptoms persist, be sure to consult a doctor.

Contraindications for use

It is necessary to refuse to use funds with Indian onions when:

  • a chronic condition of reduced blood clotting (hemophilia);
  • individual intolerance;
  • exacerbation of chronic skin diseases;
  • severe renal failure;
  • during pregnancy;
  • special care is required in the treatment of children and the elderly.

Video: we treat joints correctly

Preparation effective means traditional medicine for joint diseases requires compliance with a number of subtleties. This video describes in detail the process of creating a product from Indian onions and the features of its use.