
Scorpio zodiac sign character. Scorpio


This is a fixed water element sign. Scorpio has natural magnetism and strong character. The hardy, discreet in words and emotions, Scorpio is able to keep secrets and appreciates loyalty. Scorpio is a sign of internal changes, overcoming weakness, fighting to a victorious end. Born under this sign all his life is improving himself and seeks to change the world for the better.

Scorpion sign character

Scorpio is indispensable in cases where others surrendered. It has the resistance of the Spirit and physical endurance. A sign of a permanent cross, scorpion likes to bring started to the end, hardworking and purposeful man. Loves power and money. Always waiting for his starry hour when he can act in all power. Patient when he needs it. Scorpio is difficult to understand at a glance, superficial communication will not be enough to comprehend its deep emotionality. Scorpio always seeks the completeness of sensations, seeks to overcome the border states of psyche and body to defeat the imperfection of human nature.

It is usually not focused on the disadvantages and obstacles, turns them for their favor. To earn the confidence of Scorpio, you need to check in an extreme situation, prove devotion. A dangerous opponent who acts at the expense of the enemy's strength and does not forgive betrayal. Scorpio is a skeptic and pessimist, long hesitates and checks his feelings before choosing. Then inclined to be given to the whole and beloved business, and a loved one. The insightful, non-chase scorpion chooses difficult professions where cool and determination is required. Scorpions are military, surgeons, resuscitations, rescuers and athletes. Strong natural intuition, interest in hidden, desire to understand the causes of phenomena makes scorpion with a good psychologist, researcher of human souls. Deep emotionality allows you to be a wonderful musician, an artist, a writer.

Strong and weak sides of the zodiac sign

Caught to deceit. Loves risk. Scorpio is constantly engaged in self-destruction and self-named, if it does not find applications. It turns off and the scorpion with great difficulty relaxes. Insomnia is a frequent phenomenon caused by constant internal voltage. Wear work if Scorpio is captured by the idea or promise of income, negatively affects health and relationships with loved ones. Hard partner, jealous and closed on himself, Scorpio remembers the resentment for a long time, with difficulty goes to reconciliation. Always returns offender part of equivalent damage, avenge and cruel if his deep feelings threw. Scorpio lives intensive emotional life that no appearance. Prefers to keep secrets, silent the details, and in general, does not like to talk about yourself. Excessive mystery and secrecy turns into everyday life with the difficulties of mutual understanding with others. Does not show its true feelings, can turn into invisibility, refuse to act at all. Scorpio is subject to depression and all bad habits. It can become invisible, performing work mechanically, expecting an hour.

Male Scorpio

Pride, passionism, courage and the intensity of emotions are the vivid qualities of a scorpion man. The domineered nature itself, does not tolerate pressure and comparisons. Passionate lover, owner, difficult partner in love that will require full return and wants to correct the flaws. Does not make false and frivolous attitude to life.

Woman Scorpio

Calm and deep nature, which craves to experience all the completeness of emotions and feelings. In love is extremely incredulous, time and noble deeds will need to win her trust. Woman Scorpio is able to manage the world conquered by it with the help of natural depth and power magic. It preserves loyalty to the partner, he does not forgive betray. It does not like to adapt, a narrow circle of loved ones is especially important for a sense of safety. It seeks a high position in society, leaning on the intellect and knowledge of human nature. Protects close to any troubles. In children raises independence.

Child Scorpio.

Independence and the ability to explore as many items as possible, phenomena is that it is necessary for a small scorpion. Scorpio loves to do something with his own hands, guess the riddles, and he also loves secrets. Little Scorpio need to learn to limit yourself in games and entertainment, stop in time to restore forces. Swimming, design, theatrical studio are suitable for the comprehensive development of the kid.

Zodiac sign health

Scorpion is well to live by the water. Immoding in pleasures and connections will turn around early aging. A vulnerable place is a groin area where the blood circulation and infection is dangerous. Permanent nervous and physical overload will lead to a protracted disease so that the scorpion is forcibly reduced activity. Disadvantage makes scorpion difficult tolerant, so it is important not to bring yourself to exhaustion.

Interesting countries:Morocco, Azerbaijan, Algeria, Syria, Turkey, Norway

Significant cities: Istanbul, Washington, Geneva, Liverpool

Celebrity, born under the sign Scorpio:Roman Abramovich, Mikhail Galustyan, Katy Perry, Pablo Picasso, Hilary Clinton, Arthur Smolyaninov, Julia Roberts, Bill Gates, Ivanka Trump, Peter Jackson, Elena Zakharova, Sergey Friendly, Evgeny Plushenko, Matthew McConaja, Ksenia Sobchak, Emma Stone, Alain Delon , Oleg Menshikov, Ivan Turgenev, Victor Sukhorukov, Mikhail Efremov, Tina Kandelaki, Leonardo Di Caprio, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Yulia Kovalchuk, Ryan Gosling, Olga Orlova, Lolita Milyavskaya, Maria Kozhevnikova, Dmitry Dibrov, Martin Scorsese, Mikhail Lomonosov, Maya Plisetskaya, Patriarch Kirill, Bjork, Scarlett Johansson, Vivien Lee.

Incredible sexual magnetism, the ability to go to the end, using all its charms and not paying attention to the consequences, allows scorpions to achieve any goal.

Scorpion Zodiac sign

Scorpio is a large constellation in the southern part of the zodiac. In 134 BC e. It broke out a new star. It prompted the ancient Greek astronomer of Hippark to make up the stars census - the first star catalog. The main star of the constellation Scorpio - Antares is a red giant that gives a flow of radiation 700 times more than the sun. There are several myths about this constellation.

According to one version of the goddess, Zari Eos fell in love with Orion - a handsome young giant and a skilled hunter, the son of God of the Seas - and carried him with him. The goddess of the Moon Diana (at the Greeks - Artemis) from Jealousy ordered Scorpion to kill the beloved EOS, according to another version of Orion bit the innocence of Diana, for which he was punished. She learned from the ground of a giant scorpion, horrible Orion.

  • Scorpion stone: Feline Eye, Alexandrite.
  • Metal sign Scorpio: Steel.
  • Totem Scorpion: Beetle, eagle.
  • Favorable numbers for scorpion: 4, 5, 8, 9.
  • The ruling planet Scorpion: Mars, Pluto.

Quality Scorpion

  • Positive traits: loyalty, willpower, magnetism, nobility, amazing inner self-control.
  • Negative qualities: Ruthlessness, fanaticism, vitality, sadism, suspicion, self-vaccination.

Love and family

Scorpions are sensual and passionate in love. Women of this sign partly sordlenda. At first glance, they learn their chosen one, and he doesn't have anything to do, how to succumb to her charm. Being extremely jealous, she does not like to be jealous of her.

Women scorpions There are two types: with hidden temperament or flirty and curious. But those and others are very persistent and know how to subordinate people to themselves. She perceives her man as he is, with all his advantages and disadvantages.

A devoted wife and mother for the needs of the family can go to any concessions: if there is a material need, will work for the benefit of the family, if you need to do homemade problems, leave a career. In all quarrels and disputes, seeks to get out the winner, the last word always reserves, may be vengeful.

Compatibility of scorpion with other signs

  • Harmonious relations: with cancer, Virgin, Capricorn, Fishes.
  • Restless relationships: with weights.
  • Complex relations: With Ova, Silver, Lvom, Aquarius.

Parents - Scorpions

  • mother hyperial, passionate towards their children seeking to complete the child;
  • easily predict the behavior of the child;
  • may be unnecessary demanding, even power.

Child Scorpio.

  • gives all the forces to achieve the goal;
  • sensitive, but inclined to hide their emotions;
  • maximum, sees only white and black.

Scorpions like

  • spicy food, rich in favorite spices, such as basil, cinnamon, curry, garlic;
  • strategic Games: Computer, Chess, Checkers;
  • horror films, as well as all mysterious and mystical.

Scorpions do not like

  • talk about yourself, respond to personal questions;
  • indifference surrounding;
  • communicate with people who know more of them.

Each sign of the zodiac is unique in its own way. Scorpio has not only partially threatening name, but also the corresponding character traits. Nevertheless, they are very attractive for people.

Mysterious and destructive - so characterize representatives of the sign Scorpio people who collided with them. Often their look is called literally magnetic. The character of the scorpions is stereotypically considered one of the most difficult, but there is also the opinion that these people can only love or hate. Nevertheless, astrologers were able to understand what scorpions are waiting for love, relationships and marriage. But where does this dangerous and attractive sign of the zodiac and how to learn it better to understand it? First of all, it is worth dealing with which planets and how they manage.

Scorpio Sign: Astrological Information

For all the characteristics and qualities of people correspond to the planets that may be in a strong or weak position. The planet-patron play is especially strong on life values \u200b\u200band the worldview. Here's what the primary astrological information about the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio looks.

Validity: from October 24 to November 22
Planet patron: Mars, Pluto

Planet in exaltation: Uranus
Planet in exile: Venus
Planet in fall: Moon
Element: Water

Since the horoscope's air triad is associated with the feelings and emotions of people, scorpions are often unstable and impulsive. They are carriers of very deep and heartfelt feelings that are under the strictest control.

Planet Mars is connected with the ancient Roman god of the ruthless war. Not a gift from the satellites of this planet gave the names of Phobos and Dimimos - fear and horror. But due to the fact that Scorpio is a water zodiac sign, its effect is somewhat softened. Carrying an active principle, the energy of the Red Planet comes to continue to act and give confidence. In fact, it is precisely it increases the power of the will of representatives of this sign.

Pluto has a completely amazing effect on scorpions. In astrology, this planet is associated with rebirth, destruction and death, and it is named after the god of the afterlife. It is associated with unmanaged energy, and his destructive start is combined with the opposite side of the medal - creating.

Unusual facts about the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio

Having become acquainted with the representative of the Scorpio sign, many remain in bewilderment and contradictory feelings. The awareness of the fact that Scorpio has an inexplicable power causes a strong sense of rivalry and in soft and vulnerable people - a sense of protection.

From scorpion is often waiting for something dangerous. On the one hand, we can say that this is justified: Scorpions are not rarely revenge, and do it from the soul. Nevertheless, there is one "but". Representatives of this sign do it only if they prevent them or harm.

Surprisingly, the face born in this period of people little reflects feelings. It gives little to what is happening in their heart. Even eyes remain as intact, regardless of which storms are raging after the shower.

Calm is something that can literally remove scorpion out of themselves. He needs a constant emotion feeding. They feel sometimes much better, walking along the edge of the knife. Everyday routine they are usually not enough. This is due to a huge energy reserve that these people have. Energy must be constantly sent to something so that it does not start to destroy the scorpions themselves.

The famous tactics of these people - go across and without looking back. If they see the goal, the obstacles for them turn out to be little significant. Obstacles include the complexity of a material nature and the surrounding people. The opponent is a man whom Scorpio, as a result, will beat. Of course, if the result is really important to them.

It is very pleasant that scorpions most often do not consider it necessary to lie. Yes, you may not know what this person thinks. But if a representative of this sign of the zodiac expresses his thoughts and opinions on something, then it makes it quite straightforward.

Since the native elements of scorpions are water, they turn out to be true connoisseurs of the human soul. It may even seem that they see people through. So consider: in 90 out of 100% of cases they correctly recognize your lies. Even if you do not apply.

Maximalism is very common in scorpions quality. They show it in any field: in love, work, when making purchases - just always. It can be said, in most cases understand only "all" or "nothing."

Communication with representatives of the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio reminds approximately the following situation. The child was forbidden to take a match in the hands, but he really like to watch how the fire burns. In these people attract danger, and if you are ready for risk - you are here.

Among other things, the representatives of the Scorpion sign are often creative with many special talents inherent in them. Develop your strong quality with astrology and do not forget to click on the buttons and

Scorpion Planet

Scorpio patronize Mars and Pluto. Over the scorpion, there are two qualities of Mars: eroticism and aggressiveness. Pluto, in the days of ancient Rome known as the God of the Underground World, together with Mars, gives the scorpion with a huge force and taiga for secret knowledge. The tandem of these planets gives a man dedication and insight.

Scorpions perfectly feel the mood of others. They are endowed with intuition, curiosity and are not afraid of anything in the world. And the loss of everything today is only a chance to win tomorrow.

Element of scorpion

Scorpio - water sign. Born under the sign of Scorpio emotional, but do not like to put it on the bottom. Scorpio emotions are suppressed, hidden deep inside. These people are smart, susceptible and always ready to communicate.

The ability of scorpions to see the essence of things sometimes becomes a curse for them: they are able to inflate a minor event to incredible sizes.

Distinctive feature of scorpions - The ability to steal tests: physical pain, poverty, ridicule, etc., as they are deeply confident in their victory, the ability to overcome everything. This is a heroic personality. He despises death and danger.

Scorpio He knows a price, and nothing will change his opinions about yourself. Scorpio is able to control its character.

They can make impressions of soft and naive people. Insults on them do not act, they are indifferent to the praise, at least outwardly.

They do not need to hear someone's opinion about their shortcomings from others. They themselves know everything. We will be able to get into your soul, while remaining unrecognized.

Never ask their opinions about you, because in response you will hear the bare truth, and you may not like it. They never shy. But if they tell you a pleasant - it is quite sincere.

These are brave and courageous people. Scorpio rarely, or anyone afraid. Communion scorpion, not flouring, leads his soldiers into battle, and scorpion-fire, without thinking, sacrifies himself to bring the child from the fire. Even the enemies respect Scorpio and speak well about him.

These are devotees. For the sake of a friend can go on a lot. They will never forget your kindness or a gift, but in the same way will remember and inflicted insult or insult. And as a rule, carefully plan their revenge.

For scorpion work is very important. He does not like heavy physical labor, but has an amazing ability to focus, live imagination, courage and enterprise - qualities that usually lead to success. He is very practical in financial affairs, in terms of money, you will not spend it.

The lack of him is that he instantly grabs the problem, and then forgets about it. Because of this, it often remains not solved to the end.

Scorpio has a supernatural ability to guess thoughts, as well as the events of their loved ones. He will understand your mood and will help in a difficult moment. But do not crush the compliments, be restrained as he. However, do not try and somehow hurt him, it will be too expensive to cost you.

Scorpions usually have very good physique and health. The vitality, giving him from birth, is huge. Representatives of this sign are rarely sick, but when the disease overtakes them, then it gets very much. If the scorpion fell ill, he needed a long holiday and care of loved ones.

They always know about their ailments more than doctors that treat them, and are capable of regeneration. Often, after a complex operation, Scorpio takes his feet in a short time. It is assumed that Gregory Rasputin possessed such ability.

Vulnerable places - Nose, throat, heart, back, legs, sometimes a blood system, which leads to varicose veins.

Scorpio's health affects despondency or hard work. But he knows how to restore his health if he puts such a goal. Scorpio's health is entirely in his power. He can be how to destroy himself in bessual and evil thought and disregard for danger, and heal, gathering the will in his fist.

If Scorpio is engaged in sports, he often pursues injuries. They should avoid fire, explosions, radiation.

Scorpio is usually successfully promoted by service, without expecting encouragement, and always knows what it seeks. He will follow his goal, whatever barriers to him.

Scorpions love home very much. They are very attached to the family, love to protect weak and children.

One of the most wonderful things in astrology is that in the family for a year or two before the birth of a scorpion or shortly after his birth always someone dies. And before the death of Scorpio, as a rule, either a year or a year after death, in his family necessarily someone is born. It happens almost always. When

Scorpio goes into the world of another, released energy becomes so much that it is enough for the life of a new creature.

The greatest advantage of born under the sign of Scorpio is their determination, passionality and focus. Scorpio can do almost everything that really wants to achieve. He almost succeeds without much effort. It is rather reminiscent of luck than the manifestation of his own will. He never gives up, and that is why it usually manages to cope with any work.


Male Scorpio is a passionate nature and ambitious. It is these qualities that lead to the instability of his life. In fact, he appreciates stability, but his desire to constantly improve something and change its violation.

Build a family life with scorpion is not easy. If you are afraid of any strong manifestation of emotions, then such a man is not for you. Scorpio Straterns in everything, although it seems the impression of a person even peaceful. They seem cold, calm, but they have a bright passionate nature. Scorpio is calm only in appearance, in his soul it is raging serious passions, and its cold restraint hides the volcano of emotions.

Scorpio, if the circumstances add up so that the marriage cannot be concluded, will love your chosen one and gentle than a legitimate wife or husband. He listens only to his heart.

Its character is equally characterized by charm and strength. He has a lot of energy, part of which he throws into space. His energy field is so great that this magnetism is not fading almost physically.

There are certain rules for those who want to deal with scorpion. First, you feel serious about it. He sensibly reacts to the attention manifested. Whatever scorpion spoke, do not mind it too sharply. Although this does not mean that it is necessary to agree with him. Secondly, remember that the scorpion is so well developed intuition, which is bordered by supernatural, and it is able to penetrate your thoughts.

Scorpio more than a smart. This is a deep philosophical nature interested in the secrets of being and suitable close to the answers. Born under this sign are absolutely seriously tuned to the knowledge of the nature of man. For scorpions there is no empty chatter, on the contrary, they are interested in serious questions, revealing the secrets hidden in them. Curiosity of scorpions is infinitely, and probably, therefore, there are excellent researchers. They love to carefully examine, as they know how to get to the essence of things. This definitely contributes to the aggravated intuition inherent in people of this sign.

Scorpio is usually difficult to change its views, so he hardly adapts to the new setting.

Scorpio is distinguished by duality. He is unpreded, unpredictable, almost does not make efforts to self-control. It combines a mind and passion. Intellect and emotions control them equally. Scorpion is excellently balanced mind and emotions.

Scorpions are rarely smiling, but it is always sincere.

Scorpio is cozy at all in a secluded setting. He is good where there are friends, where there is a basis for sharing and restoring the forces. There are scorpions that can live at all without any comfort, but the true nature of this sign is sensuality. It is located to redundancy in all - food, alcohol, love.

Unfortunately, Scorpio often shows a tendency to alcoholism or drugs. However, it is easier than others, copes with these destructive habits, because he has the extraordinary power of will and purposefulness.

These men have an explosive temperament that can cause a wound for life. Scorpio should always win. In his relationship with people there are elements of struggle and competition. At times, it is even capable of violence. It is easy to nazhaes enemies, and they must be afraid of him: in any conflict it is a dangerous opponent. He is Yarenten, purposeful and stubborn.

Faced with the challenge, Scorpio is ready to fight to death. In the dispute he will put everything on the map: he needs a complete victory, or absolute defeat.

When he is disappointed, you will not see emotions on his face, he controls himself very well. However, it is emotionally unstable and despises weakness in others.

Your renome must be flawless. He does not tolerate anything cheap and ridiculous, despite its exotic nature. Always ask his advice. Support any of his plan. Scorpio does not like when his opinion challenges, and can agree only with minor amendments. The frontal collision with it can lead to a catastrophe. Never offer to do what I don't like Scorpio. You must continue to meet to support with him an even relationship. Proceed from the fact that Scorpio knows everything better: only so you will achieve his attachment.

He is absolutely indifferent to him that others think about him. Lesties and compliments leave it indifferent: it does not need other marks. By making a decision, he does not take into account the opinions of others. Scorpio does not reveal the motives that are guided in their business.

It is rarely susceptible to envy and pity. He is attracted by secrets, riddles, he will not miss any of them.

He has very high measurements, and he carefully selects his friends. He does not want to depend on anyone, but he needs to rely on someone.

In society, he can tell you something unflattering: for example, that you are fat or stupid. This is one of its entertainment. Do not wait for any compliments from him about your appearance and clothing, since it is very straightforward and even inclined to laugh at your physical disabilities.

You will not impress your tears or reproaches. In family life, Scorpio will very quickly give you to understand who Mr., and do not try to reach him or indicate what to do.

However, being married for scorpion, you will feel like behind a stone wall, if you just don't try to flirting with someone, waking jealousy in it.

He will be a discerning and strict father, although he loves children sincere love. His children will not be able to become lazy and naughty. He will teach them to respect him, will teach himself to independence.

Scorpio will never allow his wife to dictate his will to him. However, with his wife, who understands him, he will be faithful, gentle and attentive. Do not try to resist this man if he decided that you need him, he would still hypnotizes you.


Scorpio woman better adapts in a new setting than a man. It gets easier to get used and less seeks to remake everything at their discretion.

She is attractive, proud and absolutely confident. Just very indifferent to sex, a man will not react to passion in her eyes and voice. It is enough for several women. She loves to work well and have fun.

A scorpion woman looks down on those women who will enjoy only the role of a gentle woman and mother. But she knows how to control his desire to dominate, perfectly acting in the role of a feminine creation, and perfectly understands what you have on my mind. Therefore, you should not play with her. If you do not have serious intentions, do not waste time on empty courtship, as it sees you through.

It costs her carefully to look into the eyes of a man, as he immediately turned out to be hypnotized, she has a smooth and seductive gait. She will see his chosen one immediately, highlighting it with some sixth sense, and she likes only strong, beautiful, smart and courageous. In a man, she does not recognize weakness. She needs a male ambitious and brave. It should be strong, courageous, look better than others, and have an extraordinary intelligence.

With it you need to be on guard. This is a real rocky woman who can hide his nature behind a charming smile, good manners, a quiet voice.

She can hate very much, but also hard to love. It possesses almost magical abilities and so deftly uses it that sometimes seems to be a witch. It is gifted by a sharp mind and wonderful intuition. Excessively critical, it exposes people to long-term study before allowing them in their lives. She is deeply peering into Chernya, while remaining impenetrable for him. Its genuine character is not easy to understand, and he may forever remain a sorrow for others.

Inside it burns from passion that keeps under the controlle. Passion is present in all of her affairs and actions. It is impossible to present it indifferent. At the same time, it shows a cold attitude to strangers.

She rarely loves or does not like something, rather either completely denies, or loves. At the same time, externally remains calm.

She has quite a lot of virtues, but strong vices can be. Since she has no fears, a passion for secret knowledge and unknown can make it too far. But a typical scorpion woman always remains strong and si-stand. She can experience a lot in life and enrich their knowledge and experience.

She loves to listen to other people's secrets, but he does not confess anyone. Do not try to bring something from her. There are things that she never tell anyone.

She is faithful to those who consider strong and deserving, respect. But it does not even honor the weak.

The dignity that she retains in relationships sometimes makes it somewhat alienated. To some extent, it is. She adheres to its caste system, which is expressed more than other women.

All scorpions are very selectively related to friendship. A friend will save for life, but freeze their relationship with small and uninteresting people.

Woman Scorpio loves to insist on his own, she has enough patience and modesty to achieve their own goals. All its actions are carefully planned. It has a lot of purposefulness and excerpt, which helps to overcome many temptations, such as a tendency to alcohol, drugs, depression.

It is deeply emotional, very sensitive and passionately is predicted to someone who loves. She is ready for huge sacrifices for whom it is really tied. If a man goes to meet her, she will stay with him forever. For her beloved, she can donate and career. She will fight with you alone, but to fiercely protect in humans. Your happiness for her in the first place. She will patiently help you in everything, not novel and not complaining.

However, it is very suspicious, even when there is no reason. Jealousy is its main drawback. Moreover, the jealousy does not know the boundaries, as well as the chill. She suspects intrigues of opponents where they are not and can not be.

Scorpio like no one is inclined to extremes. This is a formidable woman. She loves power. It may be a proprietary, but no one will consider himself as property. And in case of disappointment, it can become vengeful and destructive. If she understands that she was betrayed, it will turn into the most dangerous enemy and will not stop neither before to take revenge on someone who did not meet her confidence. At the same time, it will try not to just teach the offender, but to humiliate and crush it. If your protection is a weak place, she will find it. Spores with her will always be on high colors. From the dispute, she always seeks to get out the winner. So the last word should remain behind it.

However, it will remember all the good things that you did, and in response to your kindness will repay the kindness doubly.

She will remain in your heart for life. You need to adapt to her nature. If you want to stay with her, you must perceive her as it is. But no one leaves for a scorpion woman.

Women scorpions love their home, where purity, taste and comfort reign. General cleaning for her is not a problem. It is sometimes wasteful, sometimes pettyly sauer, but loves luxury and comfort. Money give her pleasure. She worries prestige, so she does not like a shortage of money.

With children may not have enough tenderness. However, she will teach them courage, but can blindly treat their shortcomings.

Mutual compatibility

Scorpio - Aries

Aries are too freedoming for jealous scorpion. Both are essential, dynamic and proud. A strong mutual attraction may occur, but individualism breeds them in different directions. Short connection, uneven marriage.

Scorpio - Taurus

Scorpio - tireless worm. He is calculating and thrown. The calf loves to spend money easily. Both are pride, stubborn and have a tendency to dominate. Marriage is extremely dubious.

Scorpio - Gemini

Gemini perceive everything too easy for assertive scorpion. Scorpio is purposeful, twins are changeable, exposed to oscillations. Uneven communication, difficult marriage.

Scorpio - Cancer

Scorpion's passion finds a responsive partner cancer. Physical compatibility helps to reduce friction arising because of the jealousy, which both suffer. The most likely the harmonious union of power and patronage. Perfect marriage is possible.

Scorpio - Lev.

They are physically attractive for each other, but Scorpio does not pay the lion of that respect and attention in which he needs. The pride of the lion suffers, and the proprietary aspirations of jealous scorpion are subject to testing. The long-term union is unlikely.

Scorpio - Deva.

Virgo can be picky, Scorpio - to the rustic frank. But both deep personalities and reliable in relation to the partner. If you make the necessary amendments to your behavior, probably a good union.

Scorpio - Scales

The scales are too lazy and sensitive for scorpion. However, both responsibly belong to living together. Problems are possible due to loving weights to luxury, which scorpion is not able to provide. Marriage passionate, but is subject to the danger of frequent quarrels.

Scorpio - Scorpio

Both are decisive, both owners, jealous and owners of strong characters. If they are different in something, it will lead to infinite quarrels. Marriage is unlikely to be successful.

Scorpio - Sagittarius

Freedom is needed. Scorpio is demanding and too big owner. Even the sense of humor is not able to smooth the roughness in their relationship. Marriage fail.

Scorpio - Capricorn.

Scorpio is more emotional, which is well harmonized with the restraint of Capricorn. Capricorn impresses the stability, which the desire of scorpion to possession promises. Favorle-ragging communication, reliable marriage.

Scorpio - Aquarius

Scorpio cannot subjugate Aquarius, which very appreciates freedom. Aquarius is extremely sociable, Scorpio - on the contrary. A successful marriage is unlikely.

Scorpio - Fish

Pisces are ready to rely on Scorpio to compensate for their indecision, and will be happy to take the desire of scorpion to domination. And communication, and the marriage is successful.

Born under the sign of Scorpio

Maria Antoinette, Indira Gandhi, Charles de Gaulle, Robert Kennedy, Maria Curie, Robert Fulton, Teodore Roosevelt, Martin Luther, Auguste Roden, Fedor Dostoevsky, Mikhail Lomonosov.

Astrological prognosis is drawn up on: April 21, 2019 (Moscow, GMT +3: 00)

The day is stressful and complicated. Scorpions remain alone with their own problems, no one is in a hurry to offer representatives of the sign and support. Attitude towards others becomes more critical, today you see other people's weaknesses and disadvantages, and you do not pay attention to the dignity. Keep in mind - and look at you the same way. Do not be surprised if you will instantly become known about your misses.

This is not the best day for romantic dates and dating: to please you, please help you very hard, almost no one is under power.

Sign element: water

Color: purple, crimson

Stone sign: Topaz

Metal sign: cobalt, Platinum

Zodiac Sign Scorpio: Horoscope

These are very secretive people. Scorpio's horoscope fills their life with unusual situations, but you can not know about it. It is the rapid pace of life that the non-standard situations allow them to feel alive and allow to reveal to all the amazing talents of scorpion on a horoscope.

Born under this sign always retains clarity of thinking, the ability to take a thoughtful decision, calm. The more seriously the question is, the greater the Zodiac Sign Scorpio is inclined to risk, to fight.

The purposefulness is the main characteristic of Scorpio, nothing can distract its attention from the selected object. No wishes, threats, requests will not force him to retreat, will only more interesting. Any funds are good to achieve the goal.

It is necessary to stop it. It is possible only if all the tasks are solved, and the goal is achieved. Such inflexibility, perseverance, will cause the surrounding respect, and sometimes a reverent fear.

Zodiac sign Scorpio is inclined to research, inspection, identifying causal relations, clarifying all parts. Many of them find pleasure in extreme sports or a dangerous profession, enjoy risking life.

They tend to control what is happening around and eliminate the causes of their discontent, and so that others may not notice.

The love horoscope Scorpion is as extremal. Often unconsciously. Their home is not a quiet harbor, asylum from alarms, and the same experimental field, on which something changes something. And not always for the better.

Born under this sign is often lonely, although they really need a close person who can understand them and support. The fact is that the responsibilities that fall on Scorpion at close relationships are strongly very much, and they will not care and take care of themselves will not allow anyone.

First decade (October 24 - November 2)

People born at the specified period, the most bright features of scorpions as much as possible. These are proud, merciless and independent representatives of this sign, which are very aggressive, cruel and strong. They live their lives exclusively for themselves, not believing with the desires of others. On the other hand, these people are attractive, charismatic and jealous. However, possessing a rational mind, they know exactly who and when to demonstrate their feelings.

Despite the permanent talk about sex, demonstration of rudeness and intolerance, in the depths of the soul, each of them would like to redeemed a stronger partner.

Second decada (November 3 - November 12)

Scorpions of the second decade are less aggressive and cruel, but are more passionate about art, sciences. Their enthusias are also reinforced by curiosity and living mind. Always honest with people, but at the same time secretive, rarely divide with their lovers. The worst for scorpions of the second decade is to demonstrate its helplessness in any situation.

May be kind, generous and attentive, but stands for scorpion to be disappointed in another or partner, as he will immediately cross him out of his life. The generosity and the monstrous cruelty of representatives of this sign always go hand in hand.

Third decada (November 13 - November 23)

In this period, the majority of outstanding scientists, great thinkers and philosophers, famous politicians appeared. And this is not surprising, because people, mostly male scorpions, born during this period - purposeful, emotional, capable of reaching any question until the very essence, are also independent and very talented. Men born in this period most often become recognized geniuses.

With women of this period a little more difficult. Basically, this is insatiable maniacs, fastened on love and sex. If there are few love in their lives, then over time they become nervous hystericals that finish their lives in the walls of psychiatric hospitals.

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