
Prayer of the Mother of God in front of the Icon, (Icon of the Mother of God "Gefseiman" (Chernigovskaya)). Ilinskaya Chernihiv and Chernihiv Gheafsiman Icons of the Mother of God - about the spiritual charms of the prayer of the Chernihiv Ghefsymansky God

Decorative trees and shrubs

Tropear, voice 5th

The Mosti Vladychitsa of the Virgin, the hope of all Christians, is not the imaging of the hope of the imagination of the imagination, my whale, Madama Motherodok, Mati Christ of My God. I slow down and relieve me from all my ashes and the mind of my mylostivago son of my and my God, and my soul is murmuring my soul, and it will save me from the eternal flour, and it will make up his kingdom of his own.

Kondak, voice 6th

Icons of the Mother of God "All-Blind"

Tropar, voice 4th

Celebration Celebrate Light, Che Bo will be offering, about all-wide, the icon of your allopeous, to the nejo with the love of the heart of VSI, do, Vladychitsa, turning and warm to you yelling: Relie us from troubles and the circumstances.

Kondak, voice 4th

In the holiday, your descendant, Belnie, sacred to the glory of God, the celebration of yours, Vladychitsa, you will have everybody, I love your honest icon, you are Pesnovym VSI in joy: rejoice, devo, honest all-burned.

September 4/17, the icons of the Mother of God "Unless Cupina"

Tropar, voice 4th

It is also in the fire bunk Nealalima, the arms of Moses are visible, secretly incarnation from the insieleless maiden Marya, the Creator and All Creator, the creator of the icon of Holy Miracles, by many glorify, giving up a faithful to the healing of the poor and in protecting the population. This is for the sake of screenshots of the predictiveness: the hopes of Christians, from the loudshot, fire and thunder to get rid of those who borrow, and save our soul to our jaco.

Another tropear, voice the same

In the bay, the fire of burning and unbasmen, showing Moiseov's preching your mother, Christ, God, the Lodge of the Divine Neugenous in the wise of the existing and non-novenna in christmas stayed. Thyu prayers from the flame of passions to save us and from fiery mergingings of the dealers of your maintenance, Yako multi-facing.

Kondak, voice 8th

Predominate the feelings of the shower and the televisions of ours, but we see the sacrament of the Divine, figuratively the arms of the Great in the propheshes, Moses, burning, burning fire and not gone, in the nearee of your non-Semennago Christmas, the Virgin, the prevailing, and, reverently, who risen to our stay Fear of scream: Rejoice, Ladychitsa, Pokrov, and Refuge, and the salvation of our souls.

September 8/29, the icons of the Mother of God Sofia, the wisdom of God (Kiev)

Tropear, voice 1st

Around the wisdom, Christ is our God! Divine looking at his preclosed heaven, Blagovolivoye Esi to instill in the womb Chistoi of the sorties, the mediastinity enmity destroying, sanctified the nature of our nature and the kingdom to us rejected us; This, for you, the Creator of our and the delight, and the born, the salvation of our secret, served by the virgin, respectively, is rightfully magnify.

Another tropear, voice 4th

Velid and inevitable Wisdom of God The Power of Looking Plotskago Sacrament, Sophia Presented, Virgin Soul and Padded Normal Nestration, Smyshed Wisdom Truth, Rostoiding the Holy Spirit, the Proponal Church of the Infant Glory, the Fireless Throne of the God of Our God, and the flesh Face, invisible to appear, and inviolable from you, and with human people, the enemy invadigo caught and man from the oath of the ancient freedom, removing Pakki, from the timeless. Molim, Vladychitsy, aggravated to Greshechy Pierce, and save our souls, and this is a humane and merciful queen, Mati wisdom of God's words, Watching, sinful people, and soaring, standing out of misfortunes and mournful and hare and hare is unharmed Save, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe name of your Most Holy Glavs is famous.

Kondak, voice 4th

People, Orthodox, people, to the wisdom of God and see the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, the south of the Sophia's phenomenon, the wisdom of God, while the temple is an animation of the only beggar of the Son and the Words of God. Osia Lightly shines in the precessive temple of his and the hearts, our having fun coming with faith and granting with fear and reverence on the preching this icon, which is crumbling in our hearts, Yako, the Wisdom of God's wisdom is the village and the sacrament of his watch, to hope much, the imagination of fire Zrimim and pay, Yako True and the most presets of her virility in Christmas and Merry Christmas Paka; From the inadequacy of the breath of the Divine, falling out of the passion and the enlightenment of our souls and the chisty creating, guessfully, the words and the strength, the same and wisdom, the word and strength will decide, the radiance of the glory and the image of the Ipostasi's father. And Paka Paras Molim and, Flusterly, Loving the Promotdom Promotive Icon of God Mother and Treglasno Shrey: About Mercy Lady, Save the Slaves from Violence, from finding the invalid and internecine branches, Yako, you are all good groan and patroness people who come to you with faith and asking knowledge of mercy.

September 8/21, Also July 23 / August 5, the icons of the Mother of God "Pochaevskaya"

Tropear, voice 5th

Before Holy Icon, Vladychitsa, praying healings are advised, the faith of True knowledge is acceptable and the Agaryan invasions reflect. Toky and us, to you with a fallen, sins, abreasting, the povems of the heart of the heart are enlightened and to the son of your prayer for the salvation of our souls.

Kondak, voice 1st

Source of healing and faith Orthodox statement Pocheevskaya Your icon, Virgin Mary, Javin, Towja, and us, to her running out, from the troubles and temptations freedom, the laurel of yours will be invalid, Orthodoxy in the surrounding countries of the standing countries approve and sins permit your prayer: Yelika Bo Khoshchei, Mozheysh .

September 18 / October 1, the icons of the Mother of God "Healer"

Tropar, voice 4th

Jaco, a lenswheld star, prospect of Divine wonders Holy Your image, healer. Studies and us, the Virgin Mary, the healing of the ailments of spiritual and bodily, salvation and knowledge of mercy.

Kondak, voice 6th

The concept of Christians is a non-disabled, the petition for the Creator is immutable, not the consensus of sinful praying glaces, but predicted, to the help of us, rightfully called TI; Accelerate on prayer and sweeping on the default, representing dreaming, the Virgin, which verbose.

12/25 October Icons of the Mother of God "Jerusalem"

Tropar, voice 4th

Boguradnaya Vladychitsa, the declared mother of whistrot and philanthropy, the global about the world of the All World! Diligently robbing your faith to your concern, and to a missing image of yours with a moutigation, plummingly, pray: to our brand to the warm son and God, about the everyborn Queen of the Virgin, yes from all diseases and seals you will save you, and from sins of any freedom , The kingdoms of their heaven. The heirs will show: Maja Bo and the inener-free Mati to him bother Imashi and as much from him as much as possible, one in the eyelids predicted.

Kondak, voice 3rd

Your imagination and mercy of your phenomenon of Icon Jerusalemsk us, Vladychitsa, showing, before I have a soul in prayer in prayer and faith with you yelling: Reviews, mercy, for people of yours, all sorrow our and sadness, comfort, the comfort of good in our hearts Salvation eternal souls of our, the most accuracy.

Other Kondak, voice 5th

Do not remove, about Mother's mercy, tears and the frills of ours, but our petitions are delightedly visible, before the Jerusalem icon of your praying people, faith of strengthening, and the death of them will be true, and the Cross of Earthly Life to carry them to Pomoshi, Elika Bo Khoshshchi.

January 13/26, Tazh12 / February 25 and Tuesday Light Sedmitsa Icons of the Mother of God

Tropear, voice 1st

From the holy icons of the Icons, about the Master of the Virgin, Healing and Clerk are served abundantly, with faith and love coming to her. Tako and my disrefect to visit, and my soul is mighty, good, and the body healed with the grateful, the prechile.

Another tropear, voice the same

The boldness of hate the image of the Lord, and the power of the wicked godless in Nice, and the Messenia is intensely a widow, a pious icon of the Mother of God, hid. But Tairy with the son of the icon in the sea of \u200b\u200bletting, yelling: Glory to you, clean, IKO impassable sea shoulders their giving, thank you by your own, one is unintelligible.

Kondak, voice 8th

In addition to the sea, the saint icon of yours, the Virgin Mary, from the widows not can save this from the enemies, but there was a keeper of Athos and the goalkeeper of the monastery of Iversion, the enemies and in the Orthodox Russian country of honor from all the troubles and attacks.

October 15/25, the icons of the Mother of God "Bride Sporizer"

Tropear, voice 3rd

The Mosti Ma Marie, Mati Tsar Sky and the Earth, landscalicly prisoned on the loving son of your son, of our God, and those who are communicated in the name of him eternally for salvation, and give them all abundantly to enjoy. The ardent of the drying of breads to them, eliminating them all kinds and impacts and arranged to them, the slave of yours, the deliverance of the eternal flour and eternal life.

Kondak, voice 6th

The concept of Christians is a non-disabled, the petition for the Creator is immutable, not the consensus of sinful praying glaces, but predicted, to the help of us, rightfully called TI; Accelerate on prayer and sweeping on the default, representing dreaming, the Virgin, which verbose.

17/30 of October Icons of the Mother of God "Reliable"

Tropar, voice 4th

Getting rid of you bring to all from the heart to you calling, bring the deliverance to us again and we, in the junior troubles, coming, and in you the uniform deliverance to our bose is assumed.

Kondak, voice 4th

To the icon of your, the Most Ms. Ms., distinguished with the faith, the intercession of yours to get rid of the evil, but Yako Mother of Christ's God, and we are freedom from the walking circumstances, temporary and eternal, but call: rejoice, delighting from all troubles.

October 22 / November 4, also July 8/21, the icons of the Mother of God Kazan

Tropar, voice 4th

The intercession is diligent, Mother of the Lord Vysnyago, for all the prayers of the son of your Christ of our Christ, and all are worshiping, in the holding of your cover by resorting. All of us stand up, about Mrs. Tsarice and Vladychitsa, others in Sadosha and in Sorrow, and in diseases, burdensome sins by many, upcoming and praying to you with a soul, and a crushed heart, before it is with tears, and irrevocably hope of cautiously All the evils, all useful darishes, and all save, the Virgin Devo: You bless your divine cover with your slave.

Kondak, voice 8th

Prim, people, to a quiet thing and kind, fast assistant, ready and warm salvation, the preservation of the Virgin. We will accelerate on prayer, and undermines to repent: it exudes the Most of the Mother of God to help us, finishes for the rescue, and eliminates the slaves of their own, fragon and gibe and gibe.

October 24 / November 6, the icons of the Mother of God "All Morning Joy"

Tropar, voice 4th

Pochir (Tropear), voice 2nd

All mournful joy, and insidual intercession, and accurate nute, strange consolation, spurred, sick, sick, weak cover and an intercession, the rod of old age, Mati God Vynyago You are, the most recent: sweat, pray, to be saved by your slave.

Kondak, voice 8th

November 2/15, Also July 28 / August 10 and on Tuesday, Light Sadmitsa Icons of the Mother of God "Shuisian-Smolensk"

Tropar, voice 4th

Yako, the Miraculous treasure will come haggie wonderfully written by the icon, the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Mary, in the healing of the Lyutya ulcers and in the consolation of Orthodox, to you, given, from nonsense sources of grables and dynamy are abundant. Probavi, the most preching, and, for the future, the grace of your presenter, Krade is yours and all Russian land and save people, to you with faith and love of those who flow.

Kondak, voice 6th

The concept of Christians is a non-disabled, the petition for the Creator is immutable, not the consensus of sinful praying glaces, but predicted, to the help of us, rightfully called TI; Accelerate on prayer and sweeping on the default, representing dreaming, the Virgin, which verbose.

February 9/22, the icons of the Mother of God "Spear Silver"

Tropar, voice 4th

To the Virgin Tits, Such in the troubles, and to the Holy Icon of Hays now, with faith, with faith with the depths of the soul: Soon our prayer, Delo, Yako Spear Silver is blinded, you boy for the sake of your chance in your needs ready-made Imaam's assistant.

Kondak, voice 8th

In Mori, the outerness of Oburyemia, the distillation falls by passions and temptations. Fuessing us, Mrs., Help Hand, Jacques Petrov's son, and speed up to save us, yes by calling: rejoice, all-inclusive speeches.

November 27 / December 10, the icons of the Mother of God "Sign

Tropar, voice 4th

The jaco-needed wall and the source of miracles are tied, Rabi Your, the Mother of God is the most resistant, residing militias. Toky Molima: the world is the Grada Darui and the souls of our Grace.

Kondak, voice is the same

Honorable image of your sign is celebrating, the people of yours, the Velibian, guessing the wilderness of the deceptive deceit of your dear. Below to you belief: rejoice, the devo, Christians praise.

December 26 / January 8, the icons of the Mother of God "Three Jas"

Tropar, voice 4th

From the holy icons of your joy in distinct filled the heart of the pious wife. About the prechile laddy of the world, the disgraceful Tsaritsa Rady, nobodevo the creature, he returned it and her husband, and her son, and the wealth of her, Trojkhe and all of us merciful, give the execution of good wishes, the escaped source of joy praying to you and vigilantly: the joy of the whole world gave birth to you , the joy of fulfilling the inextinguishing tunes.

Kondak, voice 6th

The concept of Christians is a non-disabled, the petition for the Creator is immutable, not the consensus of sinful praying glaces, but predicted, to the help of us, rightfully called TI; Accelerate on prayer and sweeping on the default, representing dreaming, the Virgin, which verbose.

12/25 January Icons of the Mother of God "Mammal"

Tropear, voice 1st

Without a seed from the Divine Spirit, the will of God conceived the son of God. From his father without a mothers, the first century, we are sake of the sake of you without your father, the flesh gave birth to Esi and the infant with a male. Do not touch the prayer to get rid of souls to our souls.

Kondak, voice 5th

The souls of our feelings cleaned, the sacrament of the Sacredness, the Creator of the Universe and the Lord of the Waxes, in the arms of the Universe and the Lord, in the arms of the Knight, and from the nashere, and the joy of the child who gives you and taking you to our stay, we will call: Rejoice, Vladychitsa, Life Our Nutrient.

January 21 / February 3, the icons of the Mother of God "Otrada" or "consolation"

Tropar, voice 4th

About the cover of a gracious and saving merge honest to your icon, the Virgin. On this work, with a slimming, you are yelling: I have a poignation and consolation lord; Has hope with sinning and humility, we hope for unworthy, you will speed up us to save us from the troubles and sorrows, and the soul of your son, Christ of our God, pardonish and save our souls.

Kondak, voice 6th

The concept of Christians is a non-disabled, the petition for the Creator is immutable, not the consensus of sinful praying glaces, but predicted, to the help of us, rightfully called TI; Accelerate on prayer and sweeping on the default, representing dreaming, the Virgin, which verbose.

January 25 / February 7, the icons of the Mother of God "Soothe my sorrows"

Tropear, voice 5th

Moj's multiple soul soul diseases, squeezing anyone in a tear from the face of the Earth: You are a man of the diseases of choppers and sinful sinners of destroying, you bo vsi merchant hope and approval, Most Mati Delo.

Kondak, voice 6th

The concept of Christians is a non-disabled, the petition for the Creator is immutable, not the consensus of sinful praying glaces, but predicted, to the help of us, rightfully called TI; Accelerate on prayer and sweeping on the default, representing dreaming, the Virgin, which verbose.

February 5/8, the icons of the Mother of God "The recovery of the dead"

Tropear, voice 1st

Rejoice, the fertile of the Virgin of the Delo, in the arms of his preventer of the infant and God wearing. Asked him to date the world. Defeat and souls of our salvation. Son Bo to you, Bogomati, broadcast, Yako all your petitions for good will fulfill. So it is for the sake of the sake of and we are plummingly, pray and hoping on the stage, and I will not die, your name is called: you are Boh, Vladychitsa, the recovery of the dead.

Kondak, voice 6th

The concept of Christians is a non-disabled, the petition for the Creator is immutable, not the consensus of sinful praying glaces, but predicted, to the help of us, rightfully called TI; Accelerate on prayer and sweeping on the default, representing dreaming, the Virgin, which verbose.

February 6/19, the Icons of the Mother of God Eletskaya-Kharkiv

Tropar, voice 4th

To the Mother of God diligently today, sin, sinning and humble, and in penalties, in repentance, from the depths of the soul: Vladychitsa, Pomso, are mercifully, sweat, die from many of the lacerations, do not turn your slaves of the car, you are the hope of Imam.

Kondak, voice 5th

On an unfavorable tree, the desired raising, your idea with everyone praying is disgusting, Vladychitsa, and our dismissal of the mission, but the gentlemen of our forgiveness, and the souls of our souls, thanks, thank you, and I will be alvealing, I will forever.

March 2/15, the icon of the Mother of God "Power"

Tropear, voice 8i

Agels Persons reverently to you and all the heavenly forces are male smoothie, the Virgin of Devo, diligently Mray, Vladychitsa, may Divine grace on your honest icon of your holding and the light beam of glory wonders yes descend from anyone with you God: Allilia.

Kondak, voice 8th

The winner of the winner of the songs we bring, I can be granted to our power, and I am completely able to completely, not from the world of saving our savings, but exalted by the Ladies with mercy, and I am rejoiced by the time, I am rejoicing, I can recess the impiety of lands.

7/20 March, Also May 29 / June 11, the icons of the Mother of God "Sparge of Sinners"

Tropar, voice 4th

There is now every despair and fear of despair disappears, the sinners in the grief of the heart acquire the comfort and heavenly love is illuminated by light: you will fit Bo Mother of God to extend to us the saving hand and from the preachthhrito of my own broadcast, verbal: Az sporchits for my son, this gave me for me They are hearing them to hear me. Many people, burdens and sin and sorrow, fall to the foot of the Icon of Heria, with tears. Wrapping: the intercession of the world, a sinful sporist, the misfortunes of your prayers of the deliverer of everyone, and the Divine All-Stream Capures our sins and the bright doors of the district rejects us, you bo and salvation of the genus of Christianskago.

Kondak, voice 1st

Honest housing was the former inadequate the nature of the Divine of the word above the word and the wise of the mind and the sinner of the sporchitsa, submitted grace and healing, Yako Mati all kingdoms: the moths of your son get us mercy on the day of the day.

14/27, Also, August 16/29, the Icons of the Mother of God "Feodorovskaya"

Tropar, voice 4th

The brightness of the brightness of the Kostroma and the whole Russian country, conveneing to the fun of the Bogid-loving peoples of Christian, to the Preslav's celebration of God Mother, the coming for the wonderfulness of the Heri and Multi-Gonnago Image, Boy Waving to us, To the source of a legistible, exudes us the uncoordousness of the Most Holy Mother of God and eliminates all degrees and countries of Christian countries are unharmed from all the enemy. But, about the bombardment of Mrs. Delo, Vladychitsa, save our country, and bishops, and all the people of your wealth from all the troubles of your mercy, but call: rejoice, the girl, the Christian praised.

Another tropear, voice the same

The coming of the honest of the Bogotrice Icons, delighted the Employee of Kostroma, the ancient Israel to Kivot Testament, flows to the image of your face, and embodying our God from you, and your Mother's concern is conferring to everyone, the world and Veliya grace.

Kondak, voice 8th

Prim, people, VSI to the quiet and kind rub, in the House of God Mater, the wonderful image of the queen and the Virgin, for the unfriendly mercy of the Hergy, is correctly fallen and blatant: about the united Vladychitsa, for the saving wonder, see us , sinful, Lightly creating your festival, strengthen our country, is wild on the enemies victory to feed, and faith is approved. The Church of Your Son is unshakable followed by saving to you, from all sorts of having to save, keep all Orthodoxy in the world, but call: rejoice, the bridesly nonsense.

Other Kondak, voice is the same

Thank you bring, Rabbi Your, the Velibian, about everyone, imželasa than those of our deceit, from the depths of the soul, we call for you and Mile Xia dehe: Not Pravdani, Vladychitsa, Mantni to the Son and God to our prayers to give all the benefits and saving to everyone, faith And the love of blatants: Rejoice, the devo, Christians praise.

March 19 / April 1, the icons of the Mother of God "Uming"

Tropear, voice 4th

To the Virgin, with a defeat, Wsi, the sin of burdennia, the miraculous Icon of the problem of increasingly and blatantly with tears: Vladychitsa, accept the mission of unworthy slave of yours and handing us, asking, knowledge of your mercy.

Kondak, voice 3rd

In the southeless imitation of a progressive figure, Az Okayanny, the dignification of the fetus from the outcome, I do not bring and loss, but, looking at the miraculous icon of your subsidia, Ladychitsa, the wall from the heart and yell: we died, blessing, and me, the heart, the favorite and heart faith .

April 3, the icons of the Mother of God "unstable color"

Tropear, voice 5th

The glooring of the Virgin of the Mother of God, we turn your preching image, we sing a laudatory song, you have needs, grief and tears, you, about the meek intercession, you are so close to earthly sorrows. We accept our reeble. Poms us and from the trouble. Relentlessly Bo and with the loss of yes call: Rejoice, Mother of God, color unfavorable.

Kondak, voice 6th

The concept of Christians is a non-disabled, the petition for the Creator is immutable, not the consensus of sinful praying glaces, but predicted, to the help of us, rightfully called TI; Accelerate on prayer and sweeping on the default, representing dreaming, the Virgin, which verbose.

April 18 / May 1 Icons of the Mother Mother Maximovskaya

Tropar, voice 4th

Messenger brightly painted the sorry town of Vladimir, happily committed, Vladychitsa, the feast of the phenomenon of your saint Maxim, in it is formerly, about the most memorable and praying for you, I call Sita: about the rustic Lady of the Virgin, praying a narrow bishine, your son, yes unshakable church of Orthodox , Grad, our Vladimir and the whole Russian land will save and save our soul lawwriting.

Kondak, voice 6th

Watching us, the haul of the Mother of God, take the enlightenment with the heart of the praised and Ozari herd, the Major, the Majo Mati Khushchi and Mozheyshi, Yako Mati Sushchi, and recurrently with a praying style: Az Yes, with you and Nicceoda will.

april / May 8, also on September 17/30 The icons of the Mother of the Mother of the Tsaregdskaya

Tropear, voice 1st

Ascensions to us, Yako Sun is light truck from the East in Tellepia, Your, Ladychitsa, Icon, illuminating wonders by the radiance of all coming to her with faith and love and praying hard to your, hedgehog about your son and Bose, greatness. Thank God, Euphrosyne, who gave us, thank the Glory to Tsargrad, thanks to all healing.

Kondak, voice 8th

The declared Vynyago Materia convenes to the chanting of us his own image of the coming from Tsargrad, and excites his eyesight to the feat, defeating the power, and to her, Yako, our joy of the guilty, Petit: Rejoice, is brushing nonsense.

1/14 May, 9/22 December Icons of the Mother of God "Unknown Joy"

Tropar, voice 4th

Duration, Vince people, spiritually triumple, glorifying the intercession of the hard genus of Christiancago and flowing towards the pre-sighted way, we call Sita: about the premium Vladychitsa the Mother of God, I will have an inadvertent joy, burdensome sins and sorrow with many, and save us from all your evil, praying your son, Christ of our God, our souls are saved.

Kondak, voice 6th

Do not immanese assistance, are not immay of hope, don't you, Vladychitsa: You are climbing to us, we hope you and you, you fight, are your boys, so let's not seem to.

5/18 May Icons of the Mother of God "Insprivitary Bowl"

Tropar, voice 4th

In addition to the Divine and Break of the Holy Mother of God, suturing the faithful hearts of Heavenly Insproving Book of his mercy and the people of faithful miracles to the seeing. We are also visible and heard spiritually celebrating and warm with yelling: the Vladych is premium, we heal our ailments and passions of the son of your Chrorian of our God to save our souls.

Kondak, voice 6th

The concept of Christians is a non-disabled, the petition for the Creator is immutable, not the consensus of sinful praying glaces, but predicted, to the help of us, rightfully called TI; Accelerate on prayer and sweeping on the default, representing dreaming, the Virgin, which verbose.

August 7/20 Icons of the Mother of God Zhirovitskaya

Tropear, voice 2y

Aid from you requiring does not conquer, Vladychitsa, and the mercy of the abyss of all those who flow to the whole icon of your. Sorrow our everybody is quenching, happily, and from Yudoli Saying weeping to the joy of eternisle to your pretty of yours. You bo vsi merchant hope and statement, grace source, cover and save our souls.

Another tropar, voice of the 5th

Before Holy Icon, Vladychitsa, praying healings are advised, the faith of True knowledge is acceptable and the Agaryan invasions reflect. Toky and we, to you in the falling, sins of abreasting, our phenomena of the heart will enlighten our prayers and to the son of your prayer for the salvation of our souls.

Kondak, voice 4th

Your Majesties Who is to apply, the Most Holy Devo, the Creator of all Christ of God has given? One-boring Mati and Devo, preparing, declining, the source of belly, is faithful and the world. Salvation.

May 21 / June 3, the icons of the Mother of God Krasnogorskaya or Chernogorsk

Tropear, voice 2nd

Rejoice, the Holy Moro Red, the districts are similar, the glory of God's worship for you. Place the mountains and hills, cheerful, IKo to this mountain of the icon of God Mater, honestly, weighed. Check, human, and having fun, I can wealth wealth inherent, healing treasure; Glasses, Pipes, Handmaken, glorifying the wonders of the Miracles. And you, clean, rejoice, Yako with your Lord.

Kondak, voice 3rd

On the mountains of Holie, you see your holy icon, the Virgin, Mati Delo, we sing your lipotelitis of the face, worshiping your holy icon, read it, and Slavm Music Miracles, and I call you: Rejoice, the bride is nonsense.

May 21 / June 3, Also June 23 / July 6 and August 26 / September 8, the icons of the Mother of God Vladimirskaya

Tropar, voice 4th

Messenger brightly bouncels the silest hail Moscow, Yako Zarava Sunny susceptors, Vladychitsa, a miraculous Icon, to Neiu now we are fighting and praying to you to Sita: about the briefness of the Mother of God, pray from the God's embodied Christ to our god And the countries of Christian are invalid from all the enemy and save our soul, Yako Mercy.

Kondak, voice 8th

The winner of the winner, who was bought from the evil coming of your honestly, the Vladychitsa the Virgin, lightly create the festival of the festival of your and usually call: Rejoice, the bridesly nonsense.

May 28 / June 10, the icons of the Mother of God Nice

Tropar, voice 4th

Your hill your holy meal, ismissal of the celestial bread, Christ, from the chance of anything poison, does not die, I am a riche of all, the Virgin, the feeder.

Kondak, voice 6th

The concept of Christians is a non-disabled, the petition for the Creator is immutable, not the consensus of sinful praying glaces, but predicted, to the help of us, rightfully called TI; Accelerate on prayer and sweeping on the default, representing dreaming, the Virgin, which verbose.

June 3/16, the icons of the Mother of God Yugsk

Tropar, voice 4th

I will have a fresh sunny sun, we have a wonderful icon of yours, Vladychitsa, the rays of mercy world enlightened, the South of the Great Russia, Yako, a gift to the Divine, over the reverence of perception, glorifies you, the Bogomati, all the Lords, and from you the kickback of Christ of our God Joyful. Jested pray, about Mrs. Tsaritsa by the Virgin, and the whole hails and countries of Christian wrestling from all will bring enemy and save the faith with his Divine and your preching image, the devo is insicurative.

Kondak, voice 8th

Prim, people, to the Virgin and the Virgin Tsarice, thanks to the Christ of our God, and to the miraculous icon of the Icon looks greater, fall and recreate it: about Vladychitsa Marie, who seen the country of your honestly the image of a wonderful, save in the world and the wonderfulness of our country and all Christians, heirs to see the heavenly life, you are right in call: Rejoice, Devo, the world is salvation.

June 8/21 Mother Uryupinskaya Icons

Tropear, voice 3rd

Appeared on the tree in the Don Land your fertilous icon, the Virgin Mary, sick to heal, borrowing to travel; Tormy we will pray to you: get rid of our hail from all the evil and save people who flow to you.

Kondak, voice 5th

I strongly pure the Virgin Mary, you are resorting to you, Vermina, to you more than God's mercy, a wonderful icon of yours, from Nadaj VSI to health and salvation acceptable.

11/24 June The icon of the Mother of God "is worthy" or "Milicious"

Tropar, voice 4th

Fathers are all Athon Many, gather, rightfully celebrating the day rejoicing and light exclamation of VSI in merry, God of God Mother from Angel is presptively chanting. Toky, Yako, the Virgin, dreaming of Slavim.

Another tropear, voice the same

Testament with a daring to the Mer Tsarice of the Virgin and we mummate to her: lowered your mercy of your rich: Herd to get rid of all the circumstances, the world give the world and save our souls.

Kondak, voice 4th

Celebrates the whole of Athos, Yako, the song will come from Angel Wonderful to you, the cleanness of Our Lady, southerly the whole creature honors, the famines.

Other Kondak, voice 8th


June 18 / July 1, the icons of the Mother of God Bogolyubskaya

Tropear, voice 1st

Bogolyuchivaya Tsarice, inexisual Delo Virgin Marie! The moths for us are loved to be loved by the son of your Christ of our God, granting us to leaving the gentlemen, the world, the earth fruit abundance, the shepherd shrine and the whole human salvation. The hails of our and the whole land are Russian from finding the in secure standing and from the internecine branches. About Mati Bogolyuchive Devo! About the queen idle! The rizo is your face with all the evil, from visible and invisible enemy to protect and save our soul.

Another tropear, voice the same

Four and Allworn Tsaritsa, Mati All Wary of Prosthel, Christian hopes and intercession, sad consolation, unreliable and desperate quick hope! Molima, Milostiv Budi to us, sinful, and will not leave their slave, and not the detachment of the prayer of the faithful, in the grief and troubles forefining your deliverance requiring. About Vladychitsa, good assistant! I have a rizoye honestly to protect us and from all the evils, the sick of your son, the God of our God, and will save our soul, Yako Mercy.

Kondak, voice 3rd

Virgo's visit to the Son, His His Armor to him, holy prince Andrei rejoices, and with him the Russian country triumphs, we are for the sake of the pray for the Virgin of the God of God.

June 26 / July 9, the icons of the Mother of God Tikhvin

Tropar, voice 4th

You will have the sun, weighing the sun, take us on the air all the wonderful icon, Vladychitsa, the rays of mercy world enlightened, the southerly of the great Russia, Yako, a gift to the divine over the reverence of the suspension, glorifies the goggship, all the lords, and you are happy with you . Jested pray, about Mrs. Tsaritsa by the Virgin, and the whole hails and countries of Christian wrestling from all will bring enemy and save the faith with his Divine and your preching image, the devo is insicurative.

Kondak, voice 8th

Prim, people, to the Virgin Mary Tsarice, thanks to the Christ of God, and to the miraculous icon, in a relatively magnificent, fall and ropy to her: about Vladychitsa Marie! Site the country with this honest image is wonderful, save in the world and faithfulness all Christians, heirs showing the heavenly life, you are sure of calling: Rejoice, Devo, the world is salvation.

June 28 / July 11, Also on July 12/25, the icons of the Mother of God "Troochitsy"

Tropar, voice 4th

The world's joy is the bridgest to us Velid, giving the Holy Mountain of Afonov's Claudual Your Poor, Vladychitsa The Mother of God, Icon, with the image of the trinical and inseparable preching hands, in the glorification of the Trinity Holy , the third of Javi on the refuge and cover of the tune from all sorts of misfortunes and misfortunes, yes VSI flowing to you faith, they accept freedom from all angry, protection from enemies. Now for the sake of the sake and we will break with the Athos scream: Rejoice, the gracious, Lord with you.

Kondak, voice 8th

Merry Nasta is now your celebration, the molded; VSI Renius will be performed by joy and amateur, Yako, the fairness of your honestly and a little baby from you, the truth of God, the easiest of the day of God, is the truth, the easiest of the Swimmers, and the third of the victims and the misunderstandings and the difference.

June 30 / July 13, the icons of the Mother of God Volynskaya

Tropar, voice 4th

The intercession of the Earth is Russian from the invasion of Sväskgo and the prayer's unprotected for us, the world of the Earth and the souls of our gentlemen will succeed, and the name of God will be hidden in us.

Kondak, voice 6th

The concept of Christians is a non-disabled, the petition for the Creator is immutable, not the consensus of sinful praying glaces, but predicted, to the help of us, rightfully called TI; Accelerate on prayer and sweeping on the default, representing dreaming, the Virgin, which verbose.

July 2/15, the icons of the Mother of God Akhtyrskaya

to the tropar, voice 4th

The predicted devo, the Velibian is clean, the sove of your son and the god of our coming, the sorrow of the Velius has undergone Esi and grace from him the blessing of the Justice of Justice. Toky on the preching image of your reverently grapplely and depicted on it on it before the cross of the rescue of our vidny, dying towards you: the intercession is diligent, good and freezing! Accelerate to save us from all sneaking, needs and illness and save our soul, and with Thanksgiving Slavy forever.

Kondak, voice 8th

Prim, Vermina, to the graceful virtue and generous source - the miraculous prechistan of the Virgin Image: This is more than giving us, souls and a television in salvation, Jerzhodsky who is crushed with love, reopening to the Virgin, about the full-length Mati, about the queen of the world, seating, and observe us from Some of your evil to God by the Material Concept.

July 5/8, the icons of the Mother of God "Economics"

Tropar, voice 4th

The concept is terrible and physically, do not contemporary, the benefit, the prayers of our, the haul of the Virgin, the challenge of the faithful house-building, approve of the Orthodox residence, save our country and all the defendant in it, borrowed by God, one blessed.

Kondak, voice 6th

The concept of Christians is a non-disabled, the petition for the Creator is immutable, not the consensus of sinful praying glaces, but predicted, to the help of us, rightfully called TI; Accelerate on prayer and sweeping on the default, representing dreaming, the Virgin, which verbose.

July 10/23, the icons of the Mother Konevskaya

Tropear, voice 1st

Aids us, Yako Sun Lights, from the East in Vellapia, Vladychitsa, Icon, Illuminating Miracles with the radiance of all the most insistently coming to her with faith and love, and your diligence of your hedgehog about your son and Bose. Thank God, the arseny of this giving us, thank Returning \u003d Yu from Nowagrad, thank you by all healing.

Kondak, voice 8th

The declared Vynyago Mati convenes to the chanting of us with the coming of Novalady, and excites the vision of Togo to the feat, defeating the power, and to her, Yako, our joy of guilty, Petita: Rejoice, is brushing nonsense.

July 16/29, the Icons of the Mother of God Chirskaya (Pskov)

Tropar, voice 4th

The jaco-needed wall and a source of miracles, tightened, Rabbi Your, the Mother of God, the most resisted militia. Toky Molima: the world is the Grada Darui and the souls of our Grace.

Kondak, voice 4th

Honoragian image of your sign is celebrating, the people of yours, the Velibian, guessing the wondrous victory to your deceased debrief, we clarify you, we call you: Rejoice, Devo, Christians praise.

July 18/31, July 2/15, the icons of the Mother of God Kaluga

Tropar, voice 4th

The intercession from the enemy of the invoiced needle Kaluga land and the savings of the deadly ulcers, freezing! Get rid of your slaves from all sorts of troubles and diseases, with faith and lovely resorting to your miraculous icon, and save our soul.

Kondak, voice 6th

Not imams of the song, below the words, how to adequately praise you, Mati Christ of Our God, phenomenon for the miraculous icons of your land of the land of Kalugeti, Tokmo can cry: do not disdain mercy from us and lowered you to everyone who flowed to your whole icon.

July 28 / August 10, the icons of the Mother of God Smolensk "Odigitria"

Tropar, voice 4th

To the Mother of God diligently today, sin, sinning and humble, and in penalties, in repentance, from the depths of the soul: Vladychitsa, Pomso, are mercifully, sweat, die from many of the lacerations, do not turn your slaves of the car, you are the hope of Imam.

Another tropear, voice 4th

I will never default, the Mother of God, the strength of your vercati, unworthy. Those how much would you noticeing the prayers who would get rid of us from the troubles? Who would preserve Dynam free? I will not depart, the Vladychitsa, from you: Your bors, Savaşei's slaves are dreaming of all sorts of people.

Kondak, voice 6th

The concept of Christians is a non-disabled, the petition for the Creator is immutable, not the consensus of sinful praying glaces, but predicted, to the help of us, rightfully called TI; Accelerate on prayer and sweeping on the default, representing dreaming, the Virgin, which verbose.

July 28 / August 10, the icons of the Mother Grebnevskaya

Tropear, voice 8th

At the same time, Yako, the Sun will leave, promine in the Russian country, at the end of the Hedgehole, the all-way Icon of yours, Vladychitsa, the sigh of the Blessed Great Prince Dimitri in Grad Moscow brought. Lightly celebrating, blessed people, honestly, the coming, praying diligently: Vladychitsa Virgin, praying to your son, Christ to our God, save Grad Moscow, our country and all the Orthodox Christians from Barbarusgo captivity and internecine brave, and all will bring enemy, you bless you Imam.

Kondak, voice is the same

From the holy Icons of Tween, the Virgin Devo, there are healing, Yako River Many, Lodge Visove, Russian people, Sita verb: About the Most Holy Mother of God, do not forget the sinful slave of your who praying to God to our worship us.

August 8/21 Mother of God Tolga

Tropar, voice 4th

Your day light shines on a tag, the image of your Major Delo, and Yako Sun is an uncommon, always faithful, the Eagle seeing the Angels, Jaco, Harbor, Holding Bishop of Gradov Rostov Trifon, leak to the revealed luminous pillar of fire and on the waters of Yako on Sukhu Pred: and praying true about the flock and about people. And we are trying to call you: the Most Holy Devot of the Mother of God, right to the famous saves, our country, bishops and all the Orthodox peoples from all the misfortunes of your mercy.

Kondak, voice 8th

The wonderful and loving light source is the appearance of your phenomenon, the preching devote, with faithful, the well-known aspiration of salvation, the pillar of Bo fiery, is a possession, a prayer and warmth to God that is railing, right away the country from all sorts of troubles, pray, and joyful ufs screaming WSI: Rejoice, the leadership of the everlaf.

August 13/26 and a week of all saints of the Icons of the Mother of God "Softening Evil Hearts" or "Seven Stracean"

Tropear, voice 5th

Our evil hearts, the Virgin, and attack you who hate Ugashi, and all the crisp of our souls are allowed, on your more holy image looks like, your compassion and grace about us and your wounds are lying, our arms, trying terrifying. Not gone to us, Mati is a blessing, in our cruelways and from the cruel terrain of the near die, you are boring the evil hearts soften.

Kondak, voice 2nd

Thank you, Vladychitsa, softening the hearts of villains, lowered benefactors, respecting them from all the evil, who are bredity of ourselves with the hardest icons of yours.

August 13/26 The icon of the Mother of God "Passion"

Tropar, voice 4th

You will see the time of the inenermostly to the city of our Moscow Icon of Our Lady, and Yako by the Light Sun, the coming of Toyo, overlook the whole world. The heavenly forces and souls of righteous mentally triumph, rejoice, we are indiscriminately, to the Mother of God with tears of screaming: Oh, united Mrs. Vladychitsa The Mother of God, pray from you the embodied Christ to our God, and will give peace and health to all Christians in great and unnecessary of their grace .

Kondak, voice 3rd

Grace to acceo ingenuity, hedgehog was given to us, savior of your killing miraculously honestly, the Virgin Maiden, the darkness of the taste and with joy of call: Mrs. Tsaritsa, Molim, Sia, Sin, with tears, verbally: about the Most Vladychitsa, Intercession and help, save from our sacrup, and from all sorts of grief observance, the land is our world of fences, and all your people are easy, and keeping up to the draw, let's get rid, and you will not die, Rabi yours, but yes call: rejoice , Bridesly nonsense.

August 19 / September 1, the icons of the Mother of God

Tropar, voice 4th

The intercession of faithful predictive and ambulance, the Most of the Virgin Devo! MOLYMA TREATS PRESENT AND WILLY PAYMENT, Yes, yes, Yaksa arms from him the intercession of your deceit of Moscow, we graduated from all sorts of troubles and misfortunes to save us, and save our soul, Yako merciful.

Kondak, voice 2nd

The heavenly abortion preserved with the flesh, landing on the earth left the Esi, the Virgin, the image of the divine and many-sighted preachtago face of your zreti loving you and twitched by this, who is a sign of the grace, honoring his squeak.

Tropar, voice 4th

Kondak, voice 8th

Friday bright weeks

Tropear, voice 2nd

Another tropear, voice 4th

Kondak, voice 8th

August 22 / September 4, the icons of the Mother of God Georgian

Tropar, voice 4th

The insidency of Krasnogorsk brightly bouncels lightly, and it feels a rafian desert, Yako Sunny, from the east, who attacked, suspensions, Vladychitsa, the miraculous Icon, Heruget of the MGLU of temptations and misfortunes from glaring: Robby the abode of our and all Country Christianity from all corn enemy And save our soul, Yako merciful intercession of the genus Christianskago.

Kondak, voice 8th

You choose from all kinds of God's Mother of God, thankful singing, we bring the coming of the honest of the icons, Rabi Your, yes, I call: Rejoice, bridal nonsense.

Friday bright weeks

Icons of the Mother of God "Livestone Source"

Tropear, voice 2nd

Source of Esi Word of Water Aligning, Vladychitsa, ailments of Bo Souls and Teleplates Butyuyu with a common ished, water of the salvation of Christ Culking.

Another tropear, voice 4th

In addition to Vince to the Divine and Clause Different Image of the Mother of God, pouring the drops of his outpouring, and the people of faithful miracles showing, we are seeing and heard, spiritually celebrate and kindly yelling our ailments and passion, Jokes and Carkinskiy and the dirty passion healed ESI. Molim Molim, the Devo Mill, the moths are embodied from you Christ of our God to escape our souls.

Kondak, voice 8th

From the inexhaustible task, the source of Bogalaglastic, serve, the appearance of the water is the grace, a word of the word. Yako Bo Word Baby Speaking of Meaning, Praying Tych, Or Osi Thank You, yes Call: Rejoice, Saving Water.

Icons of the Mother of God "Abduction of Mind"

Tropear, voice 3rd

The will of the father of heaven was pushed by the Son of God, without the seed of the Earth Father, before the creation of the world from his father without a mother born, the flesh gave birth to Esi, the Jegeh moths about giving us a mind to the salvation of our souls.

Kondak, voice 6th

Born out the spirit from the father of heaven, before the creation of Dennica, to the flesh of bornless without his father, without violating the Nity, the mind to help us defeat the envy of Odersago Padshago Dennitsa. Yes, obsessed the complete victory over the devil, the world and the flesh, your prayers, the bewilder.

icon of the Mother of God "Ghefseiman (Chernihiv Ghefseimanskaya)"


It is a faithful list (copy) on another Chernihiv icon of the Mother of God - Ilinskaya, famous in 1662 in the Trinity Ilinsky Monastery near Chernigov. With a miraculous way, a lot of lists have emerged, one of which came to the cave temple in honor of the Holy ArchReart Mikhail in the Gaftimian Skece near the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

The first miracle occurred from the icon on September 1, 1869: Healing of the 28-year-old peasantry of the Tula region Focla, formerly before that in complete relaxation of about 9 years. Saint Innocent, Metropolitan Moskovsky, met himself with healed and after a thorough survey blessed to make prayer singing before the famous icon.

From this time from the Icons of the Mother's Mother, Chernihiv Ghefseymna began to flow numerous healing, each of whom in the monastery was diverted properly. So, two weeks after the healing of the sick Focla from the attacks of madness, a peasant was healed, whom relatives, having heard about the miraculous icon, brought to the Gefsemane Skit.

In 1922, after the closure of the Chernihiv Skit, the icon of the Mother of God was transferred to Moscow to the temple in the name of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh in Rogozh Sloboda. When in 1938, the temple was closed, and most of the Icons of the Mother of God burned in the yard, the miraculous image managed to save and transfer Christians from the Moscow region to the family, but after that the mark of the icon of the Mother of God is lost. Now in the Gaftimian Skece, the list (copy) of the Chernihiv and Gefsema Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is revered.


Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the Icon, called "Chernigov" (Gefseiman)

About the Most Holy Devo! Mother of Christ of Our God, Queen Heaven and Earth! Won multi-breaking souls of our souls, the proud from the height of the holy by Tyuya on us, with the faith and love of worshiping the preching image of yours: Che Bo, sins of immersion and sorrow of the sorrow, looking at your image, Yako lives with us, bring the humble praying ours, not imma Bo fucking assistance, neither of the presentation and consolation, tokmo to you, about Mati of all grieving and burdened. Pomping us is weak, the sorrow is sorrowfully, to hurt the right of us with a lost, all our painful hearts and save hopeless. We give us other time of the belly of our in the world and repentance, handing the Christian death, and on the terrible court of the son of your son, the merciful concern, and always sing, Major and Slavima, the good intercession of the genus of Christian, with all the god you caught. Amen.

Troper to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the Icon, called


Tropear, voice 5

The Mosti Vladychitsa of the Virgin, the hope of all Christians, is not the imaging of the hope of the imagination of the imagination, my whale, Madama Motherodok, Mati Christ of My God. I slow down and relieve me from all my ashes and the mind of my mylostivago son of my and my God, and my soul is murmuring my soul, and it will save me from the eternal flour, and it will make up his kingdom of his own.


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Chernihiv and Gheafsiman Icon of the Mother of God He is a list with the famous Chernihiv-Ilinskaya icon of the Mother of God, who was located in the Trinity Ilinsky monastery near Chernigov, on a Bolden Mountain, where in the XI century. Some time launched Rev. Anthony Pechersky.

Description of miracles from this icon started on April 16-24, 1662, St. Dimitri Rostovsky dedicated the book "Runo irrigated", ending with he wrote: "The end of the book, but not the wonders of the Most Holy Virgin, for who can calculate them." The gracious strength of this icon manifested itself in its lists.

The Icon of the Mother of Mother Chernigovskaya-Hepicimantic was written on the canvas in the XVIII century. And was transferred in 1852 in the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra Alexander Grigorievna Filippova, who had a reverent century a reverent century. (This icon went to her as the blessing of the Khotkovsky priest John Alekseeva, who, in turn, she got from one of the monks of Trinity Sergiyev Lavra).

According to the advice of the governor of the Lavra Archimandrite Anthony († 1, 1877), the icon was placed in the newly built cave church in honor of St. Michael's Holy Archrest, which was consecrated on October 27, 1851 by Metropolitan in Moscow Philaret († November 19, 1867), which took active participation in the construction of the Gafeximan Skeit. Thus, the icon absorbed the fertile currents of the entire history of the Russian Church, she consisted of the blessings of the St. Anthony of Pechersky, St. Sergius of Radonezh, his parents, Schimonakhov Kirill and Mary († 1337; Special Prayer Liturgy is held on September 28 and the fourth of the Sadmitsa Mytar and Pharisei), and finally devotees of the Xih century. These spiritual bonds are made from the Chernihiv and Gefsemic Icon of the Mother of God.

Gethsemane Chernigov Skit Trinity-Sergiye Lavra

It is significant that the first miracle from this icon was witnessed on the Church New Methetia day - September 1, 1869, when a 28-year-old peasant of the Tula province of Fekla Adrianova was healed from complete relaxation that was continued for 9 years. Having lived in the hotel during the caves, and then in the Lavra before the celebration of the prespiration of St. Sergius (September 25), Fekla completely recovered. Saint Innocent, Metropolitan Moskovsky (1797-1879; Memory September 23 and March 31), learned about the miracle from his daughter, Treasurers of the Borisov desert, nuns of polysis. At the feast of St. Sergius he himself met with Fekla and asked her about all the circumstances of healing.

Chernihiv Ghefseiman Icon of the Mother of God

On September 26, 1869, St. Innokenti arrived in the Gefsemane Skit and blessed the prayer singing of the precious icon and prayed himself with tears. Until September 26, there were still three fellow healing and a number of miracles in November of the same year. The glory of the mother's icons spread with extraordinary speed. Exhausted by suffering and diseases, thirsting for bodily and spiritual healing, people of a wide variety of solid faith went to the miraculous icon, and God's mercy did not leave them. By the beginning of the twentieth century More than 100 miracles were witnessed. The icon of the devotees of the Gaftimian Skita used the latitudeship: at Schimonach Philip († 1868), who founded the cave, in his three sons - Ieroshimonakh Ignatia († 1900), Porphyry († 1905?) And Vasily († April 1, 1915). Information about the deep love, which was shown to the Chernihiv-Ghefseiman icon, the old man of Jeromona Isidore († February 3, 1908). Initially, the celebration of the icon was established on April 16, on the same day as the celebration of the Chernihiv-Ilinskaya icon, and then moved on the day of the glorification - September 1. Nowadays, in the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, the guidelines of the Chernihiv-Gefseiman icon are known in the temple in honor of St. Sergius, in the monastery refectory and in the trinity of the Troitsky Cathedral, written by the elders of the Gefsemane Skece and the Zosidian desert.

Trailman of the Mother of God Prev Icon of Her Chernihiv-Ghefseiman, voice 5

Pcleaning Vladychitsa Virgin Mary, Hope of all Christians, / Friend, Intago Hope is not imagous, I really, / Mother of God, Maja Motherodok, / Mati Christ's God. , / Yes, it raises the plungeless soul my, / and yes will save me from the eternal flour, and it will make it easy for his kingdom.

Prayer of the Mother of God before the icon of her Chernihiv-Ghefseiman

ABOUT Most Holy Devo, Mati Christ of Our God, Queen Heaven and Earth! Won Multi-breaking souls of our souls, a proud from the height of the Holy Hangepiece on us, with faith and love of those who give up a preching image of yours: Che Bo, sins of immersible and sorrow of Oburovayi, looks at your image, who lives with us, we bring squeezing ours, not imma Bo fucking assistance, no representation and consolation, tokmo to you, o, Mati of all grieving and burdened. Pomping to us, weak, the sorrow of our sorrow, to come on the way right of us, overgrown, rub our painful heart and save hopeless. Give us other time of our belly in the world and repentance, feed the Christian death and on the terrible court of the son of your son of your son, and we always sing, Major and Slavima, Yako, the good intercession of the genus Christianskago, with all God you caught. Amen.

September 14, 2018.

The Chernihiv icon of the Mother of God is known due to its strength and wonders of healing. In particular, the Holy Lick helps if a person has psyche disorders. More Ambrose Optina pointed to such properties of the Lika Chernihiv icon. The description of this shrine will be devoted to the article.

About the history of creation

The Chernihiv icon of the Mother of God was written in 1658. The author of the work is a monk living in the Boldin monastery. The creation of the canvas is stated in the work that Saint Dmitry wrote. It is also mentioned in the books of St. John. The event is described when tears appeared on the icon. Moreover, this situation lasted 8 days.

This incident caused the need to establish a day in which the icon was revered. Shortly after that, on the ground, where the Holy Lick was kept, the Tatar hordes were attacked. They plundered the city. But the Chernihiv Icon of the Mother of God did not suffer, she even stayed in his precious salary.

Miraculous power is dense

The brothers are monks who hid the icon from the horde, were also able to escape. Since then, the memories of twenty-four wonders have been preserved, which occurred with the Chernihiv icon of the Mother of God. Their collected and recorded the saint Dmitry. Incidents are associated with the facts of the healing of citizens and visitors pilgrims.

I had to reprint the book, since the number of miracles constantly increased. Soon the list was replenished with the facts of healing of such aids:

  • blindness - five cases;
  • diseases of the lower extremities - three facts;
  • rheumatism - three cases;
  • standing - fifteen healing;
  • clouding reason - thirteen cases;
  • chronic diseases of different flow - fifteen facts.

There are also cases when the Chernihiv Ghefseiman Icon of the Mother of God healed people from a strong heat accompanied by fever.

The power of the image of the Virgin

What helps the Chernihiv icon of the Mother of God? Orthodox especially honors such images due to the miraculous strength, love and mercy, which they emit. There is a version of writing this icon in the image of the Ilinsky Mother of God. The historical confirmation of this fact researchers cannot provide. But it is just known that the icons with the image of Mother Jesus have the strongest protection. This proves the above-described fact when icon crying.

Change location icons

The Ilyinsko-Chernihiv icon of the Mother of God fell into the territory of the Gafeximan Skit as a donation of the nobility of Philippova.

It did not pass a lot of time as this holy face began to surprise the parishioners with his wonderfulness. These facts have a documentary confirmation. People who came with plenty to the image received help and felt it in the sooner time. Regardless of the financial capabilities and provisions in society, all those needy could count on the help of icons.

What are the Chernihiv icon of the Mother of God? People ask the Holy Lick to give bodily and spiritual healing. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, you can find facts about more than a hundred miracles that happened to believers after contacting the Virgin.

What looks like

Icon depicts the Virgin, on the hands of which sits small Jesus. Both of them are closed in beautiful majestic robes. On the heads holy family has a crown. It symbolizes that the Virgin and Jesus have the power of the world reign.

The baby's hand shows a blessing gesture aimed at all who looks at the Holy Lick. Another baby hand holds a scroll with God's commandments.

Here is the text of the prayer with which Christians are treated for the Chernihiv icon of the Virgin.

Oh, the heavenly laddy, the Holy Mother and the Queen of Heaven, begging, hearing and save me, a sinning slave (your name). Relive my life from in vain lying, evil, various disasters, misfortunes, sudden deaths. Sweet life my morning morning, evening and night. Let every hour, which lived on Earth, will pass under your patronage. Save me Sleeping, sitting, lying and walking and as if by the cover of my grace. Only you, the Queen of the Heavenly, - a strong and indestructible wall that shares me and the devil networks, so I do not allow me to marry this. Protect my soul my and my body from enemies visible and invisible, as if the shield, I urge me. Oh, Ladychitsa and Mrs., save me from death in vain and give me humility until the end of my days. Only you are the keeper of our and hope of any believer. You get to your legs, do not turn away from us, get rid of troubles and suffering. Let them forever and blessed. Amen.

Christians are asking for the Virgin:

  • observing peace of mind;
  • getting rid of sins;
  • victories over incurable ailments;
  • protection against sudden death;
  • creation of smallpox, blindness, paralysis.

And the Holy Image helps those who sincerely asks for help.

Chernihiv temple

The church of the Chernihiv icon of the Mother of God was created in the village of Sanino near Chernigov. Boldin Mountain has become a place for writing a holy web. In honor of the Trinity Ilinsky Monastery, the icon is also called Ilinskaya.

In 1924, the monastery was closed and the image disappeared. Day of memory Icons of Chernihiv Virgin is considered the 16th day of April. Christians pray to reproductions of icons, which are also more powerful.

Prayer power

One of the greatest guns that God gave the Church is the power of prayer.

Scripture reminds us: "This is appointed one person or a woman to die, and they will be a court." Today, all sorts of forelegations are abounding everywhere. God will forgive sin if we repeat, despising such actions:

  • Lies.
  • Greed.
  • Lack of compassion.
  • Cruel treatment of children.
  • Ruthlessness.

Sin applies like a plague. There is no responsibility or discipline.

In salvation or atonement, Jesus brought humanity to free people from sin. When the church distributes it around the world, as Jesus commanded, sin will be forgiven and purified by the power of blood. Sinners are exempt regardless of which sin they commit. When the church prays, the salvation is again distributed throughout the world.

Only the power of God can change the human heart, open the way to the light.

The formation of the Christian faith was a rapid time for the church. Many obstacles arose on the path of believers. King Herod, who ruling Rome at that time, killed Jacob - one of the apostles. The next day, to please people, he planted Peter in prison.

The angel of the Lord entered the caasemate and freed Peter. Prayer for salvation was heard, and God entered, and led Peter right on the door, where the church prayed for him. God proved that he controls the situation. He, not kings or political leaders.

Therefore, Christians must remember the need to communicate with the Lord, thank him for every day of his life and ask for help. Then the sincere requests will necessarily reach the hearing of the creator.

Let's summarize

The Chernihiv icon of the Mother of God was created at the end of the seventeenth century in the monastery near Chernigov. Its author was the saint Dmitry. The miraculous strength of the icon manifested itself at the time when people found that the Lick of the Virgin began to exhibit tears. Since that time, dozens of cases of assistance asking are fixed. The believers of Christians worshiped the Holy Fork and appealed to the Virgin Mary for help until 1924. After the closure of the monastery, the icon was not there.

People who pray in front of the reproductions of the icons also feel the power of protection and support of the Virgin. After all, it is precisely the faces depicting the mother of Jesus, are considered the most stronger. People expect from the healing icons of spiritual and bodily ailments, protection and support. And the Mother of God hesitates their plea, bringing hope for the best days. Prayer strength is described in the Bible. Christians not only have to refer to the Lord and Highey for help, but also thank for the past days.

The most detailed description: Prayer Chernihiv Gheafsimanskaya - for our readers and subscribers.

icon of the Mother of God "Ghefseiman (Chernihiv Ghefseimanskaya)"

Troper to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the Icon, called

Also read on our website:

Icons of the Mother of God - information about the types of icon painting, the descriptions of most icons of the Mother of God.

Life of saints - section dedicated to the lives of Orthodox saints.

Novice christian - Information for those who recently came to the Orthodox Church. Instructions in spiritual life, basic information about the temple, etc.

Literature - Collection of some Orthodox literature.

Orthodoxy and Okkultism - View of Orthodoxy for fortune telling, psychic, evil eye, damage, yoga and similar "spiritual" practices.

Prayer of the Mother of God in front of the Icon, (Icon of the Mother of God "Ghefseiman" (Chernigov))

icon of Our Lady "Gethsemane (Chernihiv Ghefseimanskaya)"

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the Icon, called "Chernigov" (Gefseiman)

About the Most Holy Devo! Mother of Christ of Our God, Queen Heaven and Earth! Won multi-breaking souls of our souls, the proud from the height of the holy by Tyuya on us, with the faith and love of worshiping the preching image of yours: Che Bo, sins of immersion and sorrow of the sorrow, looking at your image, Yako lives with us, bring the humble praying ours, not imma Bo fucking assistance, neither of the presentation and consolation, tokmo to you, about Mati of all grieving and burdened. Pomping us is weak, the sorrow is sorrowfully, to hurt the right of us with a lost, all our painful hearts and save hopeless. We give us other time of the belly of our in the world and repentance, handing the Christian death, and on the terrible court of the son of your son, the merciful concern, and always sing, Major and Slavima, the good intercession of the genus of Christian, with all the god you caught. Amen.

Tropear The Most Holy Virgin in front of the Icon, called "Chernigovskaya-Gethsemane"

The Mosti Vladychitsa of the Virgin, the hope of all Christians, is not the imaging of the hope of the imagination of the imagination, my whale, Madama Motherodok, Mati Christ of My God. I slow down and relieve me from all my ashes and the mind of my mylostivago son of my and my God, and my soul is murmuring my soul, and it will save me from the eternal flour, and it will make up his kingdom of his own.

It is a faithful list (copy) on another Chernihiv icon of the Mother of God - Ilinskaya, famous in 1662 in the Trinity Ilinsky Monastery near Chernigov. With a miraculous way, a lot of lists have emerged, one of which came to the cave temple in honor of the Holy ArchReart Mikhail in the Gaftimian Skece near the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

The first miracle occurred from the icon on September 1, 1869: Healing of the 28-year-old peasantry of the Tula region Focla, formerly before that in complete relaxation of about 9 years. Saint Innocent, Metropolitan Moskovsky, met himself with healed and after a thorough survey blessed to make prayer singing before the famous icon.

From this time from the Icons of the Mother's Mother, Chernihiv Ghefseymna began to flow numerous healing, each of whom in the monastery was diverted properly. So, two weeks after the healing of the sick Focla from the attacks of madness, a peasant was healed, whom relatives, having heard about the miraculous icon, brought to the Gefsemane Skit.

In 1922, after the closure of the Chernihiv Skit, the icon of the Mother of God was transferred to Moscow to the temple in the name of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh in Rogozh Sloboda. When in 1938, the temple was closed, and most of the Icons of the Mother of God burned in the yard, the miraculous image managed to save and transfer Christians from the Moscow region to the family, but after that the mark of the icon of the Mother of God is lost. Now in the Gaftimian Skece, the list (copy) of the Chernihiv and Gefsema Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is revered.

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Chernihiv Icon of the Mother of God

Virgin Icons - therent in the Orthodox Church. In each of them, the miraculous strength, the love and mercy of the Virgin of the Virgin to the needs of praying.

Chernihiv Icon, the people of Ghefseiman, declared himself in the distant XVII century. There is a version that this icon is nothing but a list (copy), written from the Ilyinsky image of the Virgin, but there is no confirmation. This is one of the well-known and miraculous images of the Most Holy Virgin relating to a special type. After all, this is a crying icon, which can not only notice to listen to it, but also to make a joy, tearfully compassionate to believers.

History of the Chernihiv Icon of the Virgin

Believers were announced by Chernihiv Icon in 1662. At that time she rested in the walls of the Troitsko-Ilinsky monastery. According to numerous prayer requests facing the Mother of God, the abode of God was delivered from the attacks of Tatars. Before the Holy Vladyman responded to prayers, with her image glanced tears. Exactly nine days, the inhabitants of Chernigov saw how the Virgin Mary, sinking tears, makes believing to believers. After some time, the innings attacked the city, bringing believers irreparable harm, raving the surroundings and kill a lot of non-clear people. The obedients of the temple left him after prayers to the Mother of God, finding refuge and salvation in the depths of the caves.

Tatars broke into the temple, but as they tried to turn the jewelry on icons, the invisible force spread them around and did not let into the caves where believers and clergymen were hidden. Enemies were so scared by an incomprehensible phenomenon, which chose to hide from the city. After this miracle, wonderful phenomena began to come from the Chernihiv icon, each of which was witnessed.

Where is the miracle face

After a miracle, which Chernihiv icon appeared to the world and residents of Chernigov, she was found to the property of Ghefseiman Skit and died there until 1922. This year, the Skit was abandoned, and the Virgin Lick was sent to the Moscow temple named after St. Sergius Radonezh. But there Ikona was not delayed for a long time: in 1938, the monastery was plundered, and many shrines were publicly burned in the yard. The Orthodox family managed to save and hide the holy face in his home, but after that the trace and history of the image is lost. It is still not clear its whereabouts, so believers people pray for the existing list located in the revived Chernihiv Assumption Elets monastery.

Description of the Chernihiv icon of the Mother of God

On the icon, the magician is depicted by the Virgin with a baby in his arms. Their bodies cover luxurious and beautiful robes, showing us their heavenly status. The heads of the Holy Family are decorated with crowns - the symbol of the kingdom of them over the peace of sinful. The baby Jesus is a gesture of his hands blesses believers, and in his other hand it is a sacred list that calls for all the commandments of God.

What helps the Chernihiv icon of the Virgin

The Mother of God is the first holy intercession and prayer for the life of all believers Christians. Prayer beside her Chernigovsky will soften the heart, set up to repentance and will help to find peace in the soul, will save from many sins. Lady is called in the moments of despair, troubles and torments. It helps and eliminates sudden death, devilish attacks and incurable diseases. Also provides support for combating blindness, smallpox and paralysis.

The prayer of the Virgin of the Holy Image

"Oh, the heavenly laddy, the Holy Mother and the Queen of Heaven, begging, hearing and save me, a slave sinner (your name). Relive my life from in vain lying, evil, various disasters, misfortunes, sudden deaths. Sweet life my morning morning, evening and night. Let every hour, which lived on Earth, will pass under your patronage. Save me Sleeping, sitting, lying and walking and as if by the cover of my grace. Only you, the Queen of the Heavenly, - a strong and indestructible wall that shares me and the devil networks, so I do not allow me to marry this. Protect my soul my and my body from enemies visible and invisible, as if the shield, I urge me. Oh, Ladychitsa and Mrs., save me from death in vain and give me humility until the end of my days. Only you are the keeper of our and hope of any believer. We teach to your legs, do not turn away from us, get rid of troubles and suffering. Let them forever and blessed. Amen".

Day celebration

The day of reverence of the Chernihiv icon of the Mother of God will take place annually on April 29 (on April 16 in the old style). On the day of the celebration, the prayers of the Virgin Mary, and the assistance coming from the icon of it, dwells.

The Mother of God is one of the first intercessors and patrons of the life of every believer of Orthodox Christian. She helps everyone who comes to her with hot and sincere prayers, with faith in the soul and love of Christ in the heart. Prayer is the key to success that helps to become happier to every person. We wish you a strong faith, success, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

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There are many icons in Orthodoxy, but some revered believers especially strongly. One of these icons is an image.

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In Orthodoxy and in Christianity, there are generally a large number of icons that can be called miraculous. One of these -.

Icon of the Mother of God "Abduction of Mind"

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Icon of the Mother of God "Unknown Joy"

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Prayer Chernihiv Ghefseimania

Prayer of the Mother of God before the icon of her Chernihiv-Ghefseiman

Icon of the Mother of God Chernigovskaya-Ghefseiman

The Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary Chernigovskaya-Gheafsimanskaya pray for healing from the launion, with eye diseases, relaxed, about the healing of the mind-suffering of the mind, under paralysis.

Prayer for the Most Holy Theotokos before her icon "Chernihiv-Ghefseiman"

About the Most Holy Devo, Mati Christ of Our God, Queen Heaven and Earth! Won Multi-breaking souls of our souls, a proud from the height of the Holy Hangepiece on us, with faith and love of those who give up a preching image of yours: Che Bo, sins of immersible and sorrow of Oburovayi, looks at your image, who lives with us, we bring squeezing ours, not imma Bo fucking assistance, neither of the presentation and consolation, tokmo to you, about Mati of all grieving and burdened. Pomping to us, weak, the sorrow of our sorrow, to come on the way right of us, overgrown, rub our painful heart and save hopeless. Give us other time of our belly in the world and repentance, feed the Christian death and on the terrible court of the son of your son of your son, and we always sing, Major and Slavima, Yako, the good intercession of the genus Christianskago, with all God you caught. Amen.

The preching Master of the Mother of God, the hope of all Christians, is not imaging of the hope of the Imam, isn't you, Mother of God, Mother of Christ's Mother of God, have mercy, and get rid of my death from everyone, and my son of my son, yes Igroms my soul my soul and will save me from the eternal flour and will prompt my kingdom of my own.

Major, the Most Holy Devo, Mati Christ of Our God, and honor your holy, from the challenging healing of healing to everyone, with faith to you.

Celebration Icons Ghefseiman (Chernigovskaya) It happens on September 14 (September 1, old style).

What praying to Gefseiman (Chernigov) icon God's Mother: pray about the healing of the mind-suffering mind; when launion; when relaxing; in eye disease; paralysis.

Icon of the Mother of God Gefsemane (Chernigov)

Graythersian Prayer (Chernigov) icon of the Virgin

About the Most Holy Devo! Mother of Christ of Our God, Queen Heaven and Earth! You have a multi-breaking soul of our souls, a proud from the height of the holy than us, with the faith and love of those who give up a preching image of yours: Che Bo, the sins of immersible and sorrow of the sorrow, looking at your image, Yako, you live with us, we bring the humble praying ours, not Imam bo isna assistance, neither of the presentation and consolation, tokmo to you, about Mati of all mournful and burdened. Pomopic us is weak, we are sorrowful to our sorrow, the right way to miss us, rub the painful heart of our heart and save hopeless. Give us other time of life of our in the world and repentance to hold, handing the Christian death, and on the terrible court of your son of your son, and we always sing, Major and Slavima, Jaco, the good intercession of the genus of Christianskago, with all the ages you caught, forever . Amen.


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Chernihiv and Gheafsiman Icon of the Mother of God

Chernihiv and Gheafsiman Icon of the Mother of God He is a list with the famous Chernihiv-Ilinskaya icon of the Mother of God, who was located in the Trinity Ilinsky Monastery near Chernigov, on the Bolden Mountain, where in the XI century. Some time launched Rev. Anthony Pechersky. Description of miracles from this icon started on October 16 - 24, 1662, St. Dimitri Rostovsky dedicated the book "Runo irrigated", who ended up: "The end of the book, but not the wonders of the Most Holy Virgin, for who can calculate them." The gracious strength of this icon manifested itself in its lists.

The Icon of the Mother of God Chernigovskaya-Ghefseiman was written on the canvas in the XVIII century. And was transferred in 1852 in the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra Alexander Grigorievna Filippova, who had a reverent century a reverent century. (This icon went to her as the blessing of the Khotkovsky priest John Alekseeva, who, in turn, got from one of the monks of Trinity Sergieva Lavra.) On the advice of the governor of the Lavra Archimandrite Anthony (+ 1st 1877) Icon was placed in the newly built cave temple in The honor of St. Michael's Holy ArchRatch, which was consecrated on October 27, 1851 by Metropolitan in Moscow Filaret (+ November 19, 1867), who took an active part in the construction of the Gaftimian Skeit. Thus, the icon has absorbed fertile currents of the entire history of the Russian Church, she consisted of the blessings of the St. Anthony of Pecherski, St. Sergius of Radonezh, his parents, Schimonach Kirill and Mary (+ 1337; Special Liturgy on them with reading a special prayer takes place on September 28 and the fourth and Farisay), and finally the devotees of the XIX century. These spiritual bonds are made from the Chernihiv and Gefsemic Icon of the Mother of God.

It is significant that the first miracle from this icon was witnessed on the Church New Methetia day - September 1, 1869, when a 28-year-old peasant of the Tula province of Fekla Adrianova was healed from complete relaxation that was continued for 9 years. Having lived in the hotel during the caves, and then in the Lavra before the celebration of the prespiration of St. Sergius (September 25), Fekla completely recovered. St. Innocent, Metropolitan Moskovsky (1797 - 1879; Memory September 23 and March 31), learned about the miracle from his daughter, Treasurers of the Borisov desert, nuns of polysis. At the feast of St. Sergius he himself met with Fekla and asked her about all the circumstances of healing. On September 26, 1869, St. Innokenti arrived in the Gefsemane Skit and blessed the prayer singing of the precious icon and prayed himself with tears.

Until September 26, there were still three fellow healing and a number of miracles in November of the same year. The glory of the mother's icons spread with extraordinary speed. Exhausted by suffering and diseases, thirsting for bodily and spiritual healing, people of a wide variety of solid faith went to the miraculous icon, and God's mercy did not leave them. By the beginning of the XX century. More than 100 miracles were witnessed. The icon of the devotees of the Gaftimian Skita was used to be a big reverence: Schimonach Philip (+ May 18, 1868), who founded the cave, at his three sons - Ieroshimonakh Ignatiya (+ 1900), Porphyria (+ 1905?) And Vasily (+ April 1, 1915). Information about the deep love, which was shown to the Chernihiv-Ghefseiman icon, the old man of Hieromona Isidore (+ February 3, 1908). Initially, the celebration of the icon was established on April 16, on the same day as the celebration of the Chernihiv-Ilinskaya icon, and then moved on the day of the glorification - September 1. Nowadays, in the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, the guidelines of the Chernihiv-Gefseiman icon are known in the temple in honor of St. Sergius, in the monastery refectory and in the trinity of the Troitsky Cathedral, written by the elders of the Gefsemane Skece and the Zosidian desert.

Trailman of the Mother of God before the icon of her Chernihiv-Ghefseiman

The Major Hope is not imagined by the Vladychitsa of the Mother of God, the hope of Hope is not imaginy, I don't have imago, Maudsa Mother of God, / Mati Christ of God's God. / Skinfulness and save me from all my sons of my and my God , / Yes, it raises the plungeless soul my, / and yes will save me from the eternal flour, and it will make it easy for his kingdom.

Prayer of the Mother of God before the icon of her Chernihiv-Ghefseiman

About the Most Holy Devo, Mati Christ of Our God, Queen Heaven and Earth! Won Multi-breaking souls of our souls, a proud from the height of the Holy Hangepiece on us, with faith and love of those who give up a preching image of yours: Che Bo, sins of immersible and sorrow of Oburovayi, looks at your image, who lives with us, we bring squeezing ours, not imma Bo fucking assistance, neither of the presentation and consolation, tokmo to you, about Mati of all grieving and burdened. Pomping to us, weak, the sorrow of our sorrow, to come on the way right of us, overgrown, rub our painful heart and save hopeless. Give us other time of our belly in the world and repentance, feed the Christian death and on the terrible court of the son of your son of your son, and we always sing, Major and Slavima, Yako, the good intercession of the genus Christianskago, with all God you caught. Amen.

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