
Such a mysterious flower sharply sleep the grass. Stretch (sleep-grass): what the flower looks like and where it grows sharply revealed description

Build a bath

Son-grass, Spring Beauty.
Mysterious spring flower
Many secrets keeps in itself
But everything will tell only in a dream ...

Among the first spring colors, this flower is highlighted by its beauty.

There is a very interesting and mysterious plant in our nature - sacrifted the Son of Grass. When the last winter snow is still lying in the forests, there are unusual colors, similar to small tulips, purple-purple with a yellow middle, fluffy stem and fluffy leaves. Sometimes flowers are painted in light lilac, yellowish or pink-white tones. For such an early, almost winter appearance of this flower is also called a snowdrop.

These perennial herbaceous plants of the ilok family are common in the northern hemisphere and are about 40 species. Some types of shot are listed in the Red Book.

Folk Traditions

With the face of a dream of grass among different peoples, the beliefs and legends are related, which has reflected in the title. Once, when the devil was still an angel, but already rebelled against God, he was rebelled to the ground with his retinue. From the wrath of the creator of Satan and the demons hid in the grass, but Archangel Mikhail sent an arrow. Arrow shot herring, demons with the devil fell into the hell. And the flower in which the arrow fell, received magic properties.

Every evil is afraid of him and runs away. For popular beliefs, the start helps from the evil eye and damage. If we are grass with yourself, then protect yourself from the evil goats and misfortunes. If during the construction of the house under the corner of putting, it will protect the house from a thunderstorm and fire, and life in the house will be happy. The plant also helps heal wounds caused by sharp weapons.

The second name of the plant is the silence of grass, - also has ancient roots. The nature of the catch is noticed by ancient herbalists and the signs, which was reflected in the epic and legends of different peoples. For example, in the Scandinavian legends there is a mention that when the Bruungilda is under the head of the grass, she immediately fell asleep. It is said that from this flower khmelety bears in the spring, and falling down on this grass, the hunter can sleep until the end of spring.

Sleep the grass, according to folk wisdom, has the properties to predict the future and even fulfill desires. If you put the flower of the grass under the pillow at night for the night, thoroughly in the morning, then the prophetic dream will dreamed. Collect the dream of grass is only needed with bright thoughts and think about the cherished, then the desire will come true.
Properties of the plant and use for therapeutic purposes

Stretch Son Grass in cheese, freshlywalked poison, but in dried - medicine. Such a property is due to the content of toxin in the prostine called Protoanemonin. In the drying process, the toxin is destroyed, and poisonous properties disappear. Fresh, non-dried plants can not be used to intake, it can lead to severe poisoning and even a deadly outcome.

IN fresh form The face is used in the treatment of the following diseases:
Radiculitis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, polyarthritis, neuralgic pain. Alcohol infusion (1 houralcohol: 4 pieces of crushed grass) are used for rubbing.
Fungal diseases and skin lesions caused by golden staphylococcus. Use infusion or extract from fresh leaves. The leaves can be applied to furunculam, rims and guns.

Inside, it is possible to take infeed or decoctions, prepared only from dried raw materials, while very careful. Helps started up with the following ailments:
Diseases nervous system. Water infusion (1 cup of cold boiled water: 2 tsp. Raw materials during the day in 5-6 receptions) has a good soothing effect.
Diseases of the respiratory tract (cough, asthma, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis), Cort, female diseases. A cooked decoction (1 glass of boiling water: 1 tsp. Raw materials) drink 1 teaspoon every 2-3 hours.
Impotence. Torn flowers raised to put in a container with water to convey to the house, cook the decoction (0.5 liters of water: 10 flowers, bring to a boil, cool and strain), take 30 ml every day. You can make a blank. Brought home in the water flowers to get, squeeze, squeezed juice and flowers to put in a container, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 7 days, and also take 30 ml daily.

The use of shot is contraindicated in the following cases: neuritis, gastritis, pregnancy (can provoke abortion), liver disease. Medicinal properties Stretching is known for more times and still actively used in medicine of different countries and peoples.
How and when to collect start the dream grass

Time for collecting and blank shot is a period of flowering, mainly before the ripening of fruits. In different regions of the northern hemisphere, it blooms in different times. IN middle lane Russia usually occurs from the end of April to the second half of May.

They collect not separate parts, but plants entirely, with flowers and roots. When collecting and harvesting plants, caution must be taken, - the juice scarecrose when it can cause a burn when entering the skin.

Dry the dream of grass is recommended in a shaded ventilated room. You can harvest the juice or extract from fresh plants, in which case it is necessary to use as a preservative alcohol.
Growing Stretch Sleep Herb

Today, this plant can be mainly found in the forests, steppes, on the slopes of the hills. Nevertheless, it can be grown in the garden. It is necessary to know that transplanted plants soon die in new conditions for them, so cultivation in the garden should be made from seeds.

For striking needed light soil and good drainage. The plant is light-cup, but shadowfully. In hot weather, the silence of grass requires watering. Seeds are sown thick to a depth of 1-1.5 cm in April-early May. Temperature optimal for germination of seeds - 20-25 ° C. The time of germination is usually 3-4 weeks.

In the garden, the dream of grass, being a perennial plant, can live in one place for a very long time - dozens of years, glad to look at the flowers of fabulous beauty dissolving every spring.

Enjoy blossoming herb's dream on video:

Ai Rolary
In silence sleep-grass flowers,
Punches the sleeves
Grows and up and deep into
From the heat of persistent lips.

Sleep-grass is an extraordinary, charming plant, which was valued by people from a long time not only for external appeal. The plant can charm with its amazing simplicity and beauty even in the photo, but sleep-grass has a number of useful and medical properties. It was believed that the dream among the bells of the face helps to predict the future, and the dried petals of the plant in casual clothes can attract good luck and happy events in life. In this article - a description of the face and districts where sleep-grass grows. Healing properties and contraindications when used shotgun for the treatment of diseases.

Anemone Opened: Botanical Help

These amazing lilac-blue bells with the pubescent stem are the name of sleep-grass or shuffle opened. The plant belongs to the Lutikovy family, the shot is listed in the Red Book in the territories of Russia and neighboring states.

In nature, the agricultural agriculture range is quite wide - elegant bells are found not only on our continent, often sleep-grass can be found in North America, in Central and South Asia. The plant populates the empty, chopstone edges, prefers the dend-podzolic soils, firmware, shrub thickets.

Sleep-grass can be found worldwide

Stretching a low plant, the maximum height of the stem reaches 15 cm. Very often decorative bells use for registration landscape compositions On the Alpine slides and in rockers. The plant refers to perennials, die on the winter.

There are varieties with lilac, blue, lilac, white and red colors. Flowers a charming plant at all shortly - amazing bells open their pure eyes in the middle of spring (April-May).

The healing power of shot revealed

Healing properties have not all types of sleep-grass. Usually, for the treatment of diseases, raw materials of the scent of meadow and disclosed, which equally contain saponins, tannins, camphor joints, resins, vitamin C.

The shot is used to treat urinary and respiratory systems; Preparation preparations are helpful when suppressing pain of the heart sphere, the cookies normalize the work, have a pronounced bactericidal effect, used to treat fungal skin diseases. Psychic disorders and nerve diseases are treated with sleep-grass; glaucoma; Migraine and a number of other diseases.

Gather a plant only during flowering

How to collect grass races right

For the preparation of drugs using plant raw materials of the revealed, it is worth using grass that was prepared in compliance with the rules of collection medicinal plants. It should be started at the preparation of grass, only during the period when the plant is in the flowering period.

Attention! Fresh juice sharply causes the strongest burns, so during the workpiece of raw materials it is worth protecting the skin of the hands, for which it is necessary to stock up with durable gloves.

The grass is tearing carefully, trying not to damage a perennial rhizome. The thin layer of leaves and stalks are embroidered on clean cotton fabric. Dry harvested raw materials in the shade, constantly stoley grass.

Attention! Use the dry grain of fresh collection is not permitted earlier than 3 months after drying.

Store dry grass racing in canvas or paper bags no longer than 3 years.

How to prepare dosage forms from

Infusion: To take a glass of steep boiling water to take 40 g of dry-grass dry raw materials, the composition is to insist for 40 minutes, after which the infusion is strain. Apply to the treatment of nerve diseases, glaucoma (treatment lasts 2-3 months), hypertension (reception of drugs no longer than 2 weeks). Using infusion should be distributed between meals from 3 to 5 times a day of 1-3 cent. Spoons for 1 reception.

You can prepare infusion shot in a different way: for 2 hours l. Dry herbs take 1 cup cooled, pre-boiled water, insist for 12 hours. After the filping, the composition can be taken 50 ml to 4 times a day.

Sleep-Grass Collection

For outdoor use, a special composition is prepared, which is used for a liking: on 1 tbsp. A spoonful of dry grass struts need to take a glass of boiled water of room temperature. The composition is about 12 hours, after which it is necessary to strain infusion. Use for outdoor use.

For the treatment of articular pain, they are preparing an infusion shot on vodka: 10 g of raw materials are poured 150 g good vodka. The composition is 5 days in a dark place, then it is filled. Locking sick places can be possible several times a day. Use only for outdoor use.

Therapeutic baths with a shot: boil 4 tbsp. Spoons of dried herbs in one liter of water, boil for 3 minutes. It is possible to strengthen, after which the composition is filled and poured into the bath, which is taken as much as possible for 20 minutes no more than three times in 7 days. Therapeutic procedures are carried out up to 14 times in a row, after which it is necessary to take a break.

Sleep-grass in the garden: video

Son-grass: photo

Stretch revealed (sleep-grass)

Stretch revealed (lat. Pulsatilla Patens), Family Family (Ranunculaceae). (Appendix 1, Fig.6)

Botanical description

Botanical description. Perennial herbate plant 25-30 cm high. Rhizome powerful, vertical, dark brown, polyvoy. Root leaves on long, non-thick hairless stiffs, in the outlining round-heart-shaped, dust-tire-sided with rhombic deep-two-three-part segments and with wedge-shaped, two-four-one-chopped or gear slices with sharp, often somewhat curved volatili, in youth, especially at the bottom Volosistry, later becoming naked, appear after flowering and die in the fall. Stems are straight, dressed with thick, hurried, soft hairs. The sheets of bedspreads are reprehensible, separated on narrow-core shares, highly hair. Flowerons straight; Flowers are reprehensive, first wide-colored, later revealed star; A simple, six-liter, with leaflets 3--4 cm long, narrowly egg-pointed, straight, blue-purple, outside with hair; The stamens are numerous, many times shorter leaflets of the perianth, yellow, of which the outdoor transformed into the Stamondi (honey); Pistols are a lot, with a long fluffy column 3--5 cm long. Flowers in early spring - In April-May, fruits ripen in May-June. The fruits are oblong, like the columns are strongly hairy. Plant poisonous !!!

Distribution and ecology. Northern Europe: Finland (South), Sweden (East); Central Europe: Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia; Southern Europe: Romania; Territory of the former USSR: Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, European part of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia (South), Far East; Asia: China, Mongolia; North America: Canada (West of North-West Territory, Yukon, West Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Saskachevan), USA (North Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Washington , Wyoming, New Mexico, Texas, North Utah.

It grows on turf-podzolic soil in pine, pine-oak, pine-birch forests of the heeling, lingonberry, orlyak, mossy and herbal types, on the heers of empty, boring slopes and shrubs.

In the Belgorod region: Belgorod, Gubkinsky, Prokhorovsky, Shebekinsky, Korochansky Alekseevsky, Krasniensky (Big Log, Novo-Khutorna), Greivonsky (Mountain Hem), Wejderevsky (rot), Rovensky ("Kalyuzhny Yar", Nagolynaya), Yakovlevsky districts. - Meadow steppes, sparse pine forests, edges, glads, dry sunshine.

Chemical composition. In the fresh grass, contains protoanemonic, in dry - bicyclic lactan (anexonin), saponins. Also in the raw materials are glycoside hepatrillobin, vitamin C, camphor, tannins, resins.

Collection and harvesting of medicinal vegetable raw materials. The above-ground part of the plant is used (Herba Pulsatillae), harvested during flowering. When collecting, care must be taken, since contact with the plant leads to skin irritation, sometimes bubbles appear. Raw materials are dried, spreading a thin layer on paper or fabric in the shade on the street or in a well-ventilated room. The grass is used in a fresh form or in dried 3--5 months after collecting. The plant does not apply official medicine.

Application in medicine

Application in medicine. Sketching because of his poisonousness Currently, it is almost used in folk medicine, but in homeopathy drugs from it often apply and against a very large number of illnesses. It is used in depressive states, especially in young girls. It is especially effective to use as a soothing agent with an increased nervous excitability (insomnia, dizziness, headache, cramps, neuralgia, hysteria, dysmenorrhea). In addition, the shot is considered an effective tool with thyharhyrahythmia, heart failure, accompanied by shortness of breath and ascites, from glaucoma, constipation, renal and liver colic. In case of genital struggles of the infusion of grass, it is recommended as a means of reducing pain and facilitating childbirth. With external use, antimicrobial, antifungal, annoying and light anesthetic effects are reserved. Used with headaches in combination with diseases of the stomach, with irregular menstruation, migraine, gallbladder disease and liver, bladder and kidneys. It is also recommended for the use of this tool, with colds of ears, nose, za, larynx, bronchi. As an painful agent, sleep-grass is used externally under articular pains, with eczema, frostbite and urticaria, vessel spasms and vessel inflammation, rheumatism and gout, and the juice from its leaves rub the numbers of the body.

Dosage forms, use and dose

Dosage forms, method of use and dose. Infusion of grass. 2 h. Spoons of dried grass on 200 ml of cold water, insist 12 hours, strain. Take 1/4 cup 3--4 times a day. Use for rinsing wounds during dressings and for labels for fungal lesions of the skin, added to the bath in the treatment of skin diseases.

Basically, the collectibles of gardeners are often choosing both roses, crocuses and tulips and striking.

There is absolutely nothing surprising.

Because this touching plant, which is protected by a very velvety and thick edge, even at horses, have several amazing beauty.

Once upon a time, appearing in your garden, the shootings will be captured forever, your hearts with will become the main stars of the first half of the season in absolutely any composition.

Touching accents with special status

Gardeners are also called the sharply sleep-grass, so that all the color lovers do not miss the moment to grow this plant.

Sleep-grass is one of the brightest crops of gardening with spring blossom, at one time is hardy and touching.

It is very difficult to grow these flowers, because this plants do not bring transplants, and also very much need several specific conditions.

However, such minor difficulties pay off by the irresistible beauty of the flowering of these spring as they are called stars.

The sharply is also called the pulsytalla - a little earlier was a separate family of perennial herbaceous colors of the family of ilok.

If you judge the modern classification, the types of higher soda are included in the anemone's ryoz, or as it is also called an anemone.


Strikes are considered not very large herbaceous perennials. In the height, the races range from the little ones from five centimeters to forty centimeters, however, with all this very modest sizes do not interfere with them to remain catchy and bright plants.

Root. Sleep-grass has special even rhizomes themselves, growing under the tilt or vertical, long deeply occurring, rod powerful roots of a very unusual large form for such a little flower.

Epishers This type of string is almost always straight, marked with a flower, linked accrete in some plaid with narrowly dissected leaves, which repeat the shape of the roasting leaves.

Greens There are no sharpness of the outstanding in any way, however, the curtains of different leaves will decorate the composition until the late autumn period.

Leaves. Burnt leaves in very compact, but not always a thick socket sit on long stiffs. They are considered perista-dissected or palpal, as well as densely sowed.

Fruit. Also, the races have distinctive feature, this is an elongation, that is, pulling out shoots after a bunching, at a simple stage of formation of fruits.

Flowers. Proud of absolutely all species and varieties of batteries are huge flowers that are considered the most decorative particle of the plant itself.

Flowering process

Flowers are mainly dissolved in more cases to leaves, but some plants have flowers and greens develop almost simultaneously.

The rats of the flowers are always big, against the background of the greens itself they are just bulky sizes. Large bells of incredible form are able to reach up to eight centimeters in diameter.

However, they are not always revealed in full form, they always bloom one by one, so to say the flowers are crowned, and sometimes slightly drench and lean.

A sufficiently thick bunch of stamens and pestles decorate the middle of a very beautiful eye, it seems bright in the spring period, but the main feature of larger flowers is a thick omission on the outside of the leaflets, which is repeated, and in some cases surpasses the edge of the shoots and leaves.

They hide in an incredibly beautiful multi-sided with very long fluffy columns. Fruits look at strength as well as the flowers themselves.

The dates of flowering plants make it possible to collect a complete collection of replacing perennials in blooming form. Breakfasts begin to bloom in the month of April, others in May, and other varieties begin to bloom as many as in the summer.

Also, sleep-grass has a certain relay, this is a flowering process from the middle of the spring period at the end of the summer period August month, it is an incredibly beautiful sight.

Despite all the healing properties of races, they are considered to be a poisonous type, therefore, with a negligent use and handling of sleep-grass when transplanting the bases of special protection can damage your skin and cause some irritation or even allergic reactions.

Varieties and types of strips

A large number of plants that are in the genus of sleep-grass are considered very valuable plants that have a special degree of protection of the Red Book.

In the wild, they are forbidden to dig and tear. Firstly, the sleeping of sleep-grass is simply meaningless occupation, because the plant does not have the ability to breed vegetatively.

And if you decide on this illegal, entailing the criminal and administrative responsibility of action, in any case, with sleep-grass, only the only one is the extermination of invalid endemics with his own hands.

Of the approximately forty natural types of sleep-grass. Which are common in the northern hemisphere, as well as in a cold climate, only about fifteen species are used in decorative gardening.

With all this, it is very difficult to understand in the very classification of strips, judging by modern botanical data, the sleep-grass is considered part of the section of the genus Anemone.

In a large number of plants that are known to all as striking, there are also other names, it will be enough for you to replace Pulsatilla. on the AnemoneYou can already get the most modern variant of the name of the battles.

However, such subtleties do not cancel the main, with all sorts of strokes in any details, absolutely any amateur of colors is distinguished by a simple shot of simple garden winds.

Because plants are considered special and in nature and input. Yes, and mostly scrapes spread under old names.

Let's get acquainted with the most popular and best pictures whose seeds you can see almost everywhere.

Son-grass (sharp) ordinary

The most diverse, if you look from the point of view of varieties of forms. View of sleep-grass. The shoots of this shot will be able to grow only no further than twenty centimeters in height, all the single, blooming to the leaflets Flowers made in the form of bells about very beautiful pointed leaves.

The leaflets themselves are dissected on very narrow, filamental shares, with all this the greens itself seems incredibly thick.

To the best forms of this shot go:

  • The form grandis with incredibly large, about eight centimeters in diameter with flowers;
  • Another kind of variety amoena. with dark, red-purple, large flowers;
  • Red-dark atrosanguinea. With flowerfolds with a red drooping tint, thin very beautiful foliage.

Also, the ordinary sleep-grass has large varieties with different colors, ranging from white to purple, red, purple, pink and lilac.

Deserve special attention:

  • MRS VAN DER ELST - grade with a gentle pink shade;
  • Papageno Black - is a bright-purple variety, in shape resembles papagoden;
  • Rota Glock - Rote Glocke. - Tulip-shaped grade of a red shade;
  • Papageno - Papageno. - It is considered a snow-white variety with dissected leaves, large.

Pulsatilla Patens

A catchy and very bright grade, is the main competitor of sleep-grass ordinary. Plastic plant, height reaches fifty centimeters ranging from seven, also plastic color color.

Palcale leaflets are assembled mainly in the muve, manifest only after the flowering period and conquer all their heart-shaped shame.

Flowers are very large able to achieve eight centimeters in diameter and even more, with bright lilac, blue-purple and fair shades. A simple shape of a wide bell at the very beginning, further has a feature to be mounted on the shape of a star of the revealed cup.

Flowers are in live position, that is, everyone will be able to admire them from above, and consider almost every detail. Also there is also a distinguishing feature of this blooming from April to May shot, this ability on one single bush to release about fifty flowers.

The fruits are very unusual, screwed or can be said to be buried into the ground, reacting to the level of humidity.

In the territory Russian Federation In general, there is also a spring son-grass in nature ( pulsatilla Vernalis) Which adores a large number of flowers lovers.

This plant can be said touching, shining, mostly considered one of the brightest and gentle spring flowers. It is able to reach up to thirty centimeters height, this handsome man stands out not only slightly curved, but also straight shoots.

Burnt leather leaves are blown up to flowers, and four centimeters, an absolutely completely drop-down bowl-bell with a delicate snow-pearl tint inside and a lilac color appeared outside the overthrow stars on the background of foliage.

Spring sharply, basically begins to bloom from mid-May, and will delight with flowers for more than twenty days, but when cultivated from seeds blooms only for the fifth or eighth year.

Swimatilla Flavescens

It is an incredibly large flower with a rather large and lush outlet of the roasting leaves, which are able to achieve an altitude of altitude in thirty centimeters.

However, the truth is the luxury foliage appears after the floweros, as well as impressive high in fifty centimeters high. Personal bells made very elegantly, in a yellow color closer to the lemon shade, and are able to reach six centimeters in diameter

Absolutely all plants are covered with an incredible edge with a silver tinge, especially a thick form on buds. Quite much like this plant sharpened multiodold ( pulsatilla Multifida.) Which is the difference only in the color of the flowers themselves, this shot has a bright lilac color.

Stretch doubtful ( pulsatilla Ambigua.) Is very rare species Sleep-grass. Amazing, he is that the flowers have a blue color, with a ultramarine-rich shade.

The spread and elegant bells have only two centimeters in length, let them are not large, but incredibly beautiful, gradually turn into buds and raise, while revealed.

The root rosette is very magnificent, dissected and large leaflets, form a socket in diameter of thirty centimeters, which highly emphasizes the length of the flowers from forty to forty of five centimeters at the very end of April.

Stretch Haller (Pulsatilla Hallen)

It is considered a fairly charming small flower, which is able to achieve a height of thirty centimeters. In Russia, this flower has a different name, namely, the crimestroke ( pulsatilla Taurica.).

This plant blooms mostly about thirty days, from April to May, the very shaggy flowers having bright-purple flowers and a lush center with a yellow color, which looks up, about ten to fifteen centimeters with roasting leaves bright shape.

Stretch Golden (Pulsatilla Aurea)

It is a sunny and joyful plant, it looks much more than its sizes. It reaches the plant to about thirty-five sizes in height, while it is highlighted by very bright, thick-dissected leaves, with an incredible magnificent edge and very long stiffs.

However, surprisingly dense and bright greens depicts only a background for a flower with a diameter of six centimeters, completely in the open form with very wide leaflets and bright gold colors.

Blooming mostly golden sleep-grass in June in June, as if his bloom is talking about the arrival of the summer period. With all this, the flowers and greens are revealed almost at one time.

Ayansky Prosper (Pulsatilla Ajanensis)

It has the ability to boast with his thick and lush foliage than his dwarf friends.

This stripper with a vertical root at its insignificant height from five to ten centimeters, roasting cakes, often the three sheets that resemble more parsley or celery, are sitting very long and practically pubescent.

Flowerons with a very magnificent edge are decorated with node-lanceal leaves, and large flowers reaching from five to six centimeters in diameter are not completely disclosed.

The shape of the eggs of leaves, purple color, the redhead edge makes this plant one of the most interesting and not surprisingly wild on appearance.

If you are looking for a very expressive plant for so to speak natural design, we advise you to draw your gaze to this variety stacked Turchaninov (Pulsatilla Turczaninovil), narrowly dissected and very bright foliage blossoms at the same time with half-colored flowerflowers of mine-purple color, which as if soared in the air.

One of the most original varieties of sleep-grass, without any clarification is considered sketch of bellol (Pulsatilla Campanella). The appearance of the flower in truth seems very close to the bells themselves, the flower plant is narrow performed in the extended form, which look at the bottom or slightly inclined.

Reaching in diameter of about two and a half centimeters, they are considered very effective with their shape and a very bright color with a lilac-blue tint. This plant blooms from April to May month. The greens of this shot is very bright, and somewhat deep cut, on long stiffs.

Stretching meadow (Pulsatilla Pratensis)

Spreading flower on bending elegant arc flowers are excellent for this plant. Several muffled-lilac color with a very interesting watercolor transition of the tone, manifested after the period of flowering in the flowering peristracted leaflets with a silver tint and with velvet edge makes the flower incredibly touching.

This type of sleep-grass is popular with the form of Nigricans with some ink-lilac flowers.

Pulsatilla Magadanensis (Pulsatilla Magadanensis) is considered one of the lowest straps with a piece of sheets up to five centimeters in height and ten-centimeter flowers with large floors made in the form of bells with a bluish-white color.

Pulsatilla Taraoi (Pulsatilla Taraoi)

It is considered a very beautiful plant with big rosettes of leaves. Dung-disseated, bright green leaves collected in the mutios in the sockets up to twenty-five centimeters in diameter emphasize unusual flowers with narrow, only up to two millimeters widely with petals of brown unclear shade. As they say this species is considered to be the most exotic.

Stretch Tatewakii (Pulsatilla TateWakii)

Consider an unusual plant. The dwarf tall up to twenty centimeters is capable of highlighting very gentle in the form of a skirt with light-lilac flowers with very bright stamens. Next to all this is superfluous. It blooms this shot mainly to the process of dissolving leaves, approximately from April to May.

The last two grades are considered the most highly mountainous species that are inferior in distributing only two mini-grass-grass favorites.

These include the following:

  • Stretch Alpina (Pulsatilla Alpina) - It is a very modest plant, a perennial with white, yellow or cream flutter flowers, which are dissolved since the end of the spring period of May of the month at the end of the summer period of August. It differs from the rest of the sleep-grass, the smaller symmetry of the flower, the greater variability of the shape of the leaflets. Ten centimeters are limited to the height of the leaflet, shoot twenty centimeters.
  • Stretch Mountain (Pulsatilla Montana) - Almost the same as an alpine, however, belongs to high-mountainous species. It blooms in early May of the month, for thirty days, it makes plenty of thick, sowned, dark purple rebuilding bells and peristracted velvety burglar leaves. In height, this plant is limited to twenty centimeters.

Sleep-grass has the ability to surprise almost every amateur of floweries by another quality that does not take away from the battlements - this variability.

This plant very simply passes the so-called hybridization, that is, new varieties and instances have the opportunity to appear in your garden.

If you grow several varieties of scary, then Miracle will most likely happen, that is, the cross pollination, and besides its varieties, you can get other copies that will be completely with another color and shape.

Therefore, the shootings are very well suited for the collection.

Conclusion: the more sleep-grass plants in your garden, the more grades you can open for yourself.

Strike in landscape design

They are used:

  • To decorate wood shrubs or just groups of shrubs at the front edge;
  • Collectible groups in open areas, clearing with soil workers, or lawn;
  • In the role of some comic decoration in groups of stones, stairs and boulders;
  • For seasonal borders, islands flower beds, spring spots;
  • Quality of a certain accent on terraced areas, support walls, slopes;
  • In flower beds with mixlers with sucking and closed stone tiny soil;
  • As accents in the edge of wood;
  • And the roles are one of the most spectacular plants for rocaries and mountaineering.

The best partners for sleep-grass in the garden are: Scylla, crocuses, primroses.

Growing and care

Conditions for sleep-grass

The sharp is quite difficult to grow.

Different varieties and types of this plant were accustomed to incredibly excellent habitat conditions, however, while they retained the ability to perfectly adapt to their change.

Absolutely, all the speeds have a total minimal requirement for cultivation conditions that should not be violated under any circumstances.

Early will develop only under the condition of good lighting, but not the brightest, but in moderation. Easy shading, as well as an unstable half or just solar square suitable for the growth of garden strips equally, but usually the most effective sockets of leaves, as well as the largest sleep-grass flowers are released at light shading, which mimics mountain areas and pine forests.

Absolutely everything without any exclusion is better feeling on the slopes, and not on even and flat sites. In particular, the sleep-grass is suitable for a south bias, as well as artificial hills for example alpine slides.

For stripping, it should be very carefully selected by the place in which water even with the most prolonged precipitation will block the databases of any obstacles at the same time without lingering in the soil.

The soil for shoots is suitable practically any, but the exception is the raw land. The most spectacular option to put sleep-grass on fertile land, where the soil is slightly wet with very good water permeability, in such conditions, the shot will be incredibly quick and perfectly growing.

Drainage is simply vital to sleep-grass, because they do not wear harnesses. However, other parameters should be paid attention to.

Empty as sharpness will be very blossoming only with nutritional land, which will contain organics that will first be treated before landing sleep-grass. Spring sharply loves a somewhat sour soil, and everyone else is at least a bit lime.

Landing shot

Before planting sleep-grass, it is necessary to improve the soil. In the ground you need to make organic fertilizer, humid, compost and some fertilizers with nitrogen (urea). After that, they spend very thorough perplex.

Because it has an incredibly deep root system, especially rod roots, treatment must be carried out on a sufficiently deep depth. For almost all stocks, in addition to the spring, it is necessary to enter lime into the ground, or choose an alkaline earth.

Conduct sleep-grass with educational beds in the early spring period. However, seedlings for permanent residence can land only from May of the month to the end of the summer period. The best results are able to give mainly early landing.

When landing a shot, you need to completely save the earthen com, and try to bring contact with the very sleep-grass to a minimum. It is clearly very important to provide plants very careful care, during the first month, and best of all before the active phase of the development of sleep-grass, it is necessary to water very actively, but not before dampness.

Sleep-grass is very bad to transfer the transplant process. Plants which are more than ten years, most likely they will simply not survive the change of the plot. However, the shot does not need separation, as well as the permanent change of the place of cultivation.

With the need for reproduction or the same-grass transplantation, the plant is digging with a lump of land, while maintaining it completely in the process of the procedure.


Difficulties in the cultivation of sleep-grass are combined with its ease of care. There is no particular concern, and the plant is very well adapted to weather whims. Watering sleep-grass will be needed only during drought, at the moment when the temperature threshold exceeds the norm.

In dry and very good days, they respond to the watering with great gratefulness, but the system procedures will not need to be shot. Yes, and a strong drought, the plant itself will be able to survive, but it is better to water it for an effective abundant flowering process.


Fingering for sleep-grass, which grows in any soil, are very important for the bloom itself and aging flower kidney.

Organic At the landing, however, in the autumn period as the so-called mulch, while ensuring the annual portion of humus and other natural feeding.

And here mineral mixes They advise only during the summer period, applying with this strategy of feeding every month, about two or three times enough in May month, June and July.

As a fertilizer itself, only phosphoric and potash drugs without nitrogen advise.

Winter shoes

In such a special preparation for winter period only young sleep-grass needs.

Before the onset of the very first frosts, at the end of the autumn period we advise to cover the plant with dry foliage or sweetheart. The shelter must be carried out for young searches that are expelled in this year.

For the second year, the shot is covered if there is a honest winter. Adult sleep-grass very well winters without shelter, naturally provided right choice Soil and lack of risk of overvoltage during thaws.

Fighting diseases and pests

The very important advantages of sleep-grass include durability over different diseases and pests.

Nature sufficiently generously fencing the haze from such troubles and adverse factors.

And if you choose to shoot the right place, and a neat choice of cultivation conditions, the plant will not even hurt with terrible care.

Sleeping-grass reproduction

Despite the status perennial Plant, the main method of reproduction of sleep-grass is considered a simple method - it is seed.

The fact is that sleep-grass is very bad to transfer the transplant, and they are simply impossible to divide already in adulthood and in such a case a new plant in a vegetative way.

Plus is also present, this is a very low efficiency of the digging, which allows sleep-grass to preserve a representative office in the wild, because it simply makes no sense to dig a given plant from natural sections of habitat.

Sleep-grass blooms not earlier than for the second year after sowing, and other species only after seven years - mostly this spring and alpine striking.


The sowing strategy in most depends on the main characteristics of sleep-grass, not tolerant of absolutely no transplants even in the young state of sleep-grass best sung directly on the place of cultivation or otherwise on ridges with carrying in an annual age with a huge suit of soil.

Duration of seeding sleep-grass can be the most different. The greatest effectiveness will give sowing after the collection of seeds from the plant in June or the same month.

However, young shoots of sleep-grass will demand from their owners of a special care in a hot summer period, they will need to be dialed and very often water. That is why most gardeners choose a different time, and seeds seeds that were collected last year in the spring period, in a very warm Earth.

Promination of sowing for simple sleep-grass is not very effective. And only alpine shootings prefer sowing in the autumn period and stratification, but it is best to focus on the information of the seed supplier itself.

Sowing in the ground is carried out on a simple technique. That is, the seeds are scattered into a small-sized groove with a depth of one centimeter with a distance of about twenty centimeters between the rows.

Sowing must be thick, and the soil is simple. Prior to germination, sleep-grass provides lightweight irrigation, respectively, without oveute, supporting the constant humidity of the Earth. Stabilize the conditions will help mulching with hay or straw.

Growing sediate

The method involves sowing sleep-grass in April. Seeds should not be deepened, but just pressed into the substrate, after which the seeds are moistened with a sprayer. From above, crops must be covered with glass or film.

The gentle-grass seeds can only be able to light and at the temperature threshold from twenty-four to twenty-seven degrees of heat. Shoots appear unevenly, however, all seeds pass the process of independent dropping of the shell and to germinate them in some cases need to wash with warm water.

The picking is carried out only in the individual peat pots in the phase from two to three real leaves. In the ground, sleep-grass is transferred with them, in May month or later.

Regardless of the method of cultivation itself, sleep-grass shows its decorativeness to fully only on the third or fourth year after sowing, but neglected varieties will be able to bloom in the second year.

Description: Rod has about 40 species common in moderate, partly subtropical and cold areas of the northern hemisphere.

Pulsatilla vulgaris "Rode Klokke"
Photo of the cloth Mikhaila

In the former USSR, 26 species of the genus embarrass, of which, in bright, mostly pine forests, and by their edges, you can meet the races: spring (P. Vernalis (L.) Mill.), meadow (P. Pratensis (L.) Mill.) - in the European part of Russia; lumbago Turchaninova (P. Turczaninovii Kryl. Et serg.) - In Siberia and the Far East. The first two types are made to the Red Book of the USSR.

Perennial plants with long vertical or oblique rhizome, reprehensible, hair stems from 5 to 40 cm high, with fruiting, they lengthened and carry covers from three leaves, who have contradicted bases and dissected on narrow stakes, similar to reduced roasting. Burnt leaves of cherry, palphea- or peristo-disseated, hair, are collected in a rosette. Flowers are always single, large, blooming to the appearance of leaves or simultaneously with them. Petals outside thick covered with hairs, stamens and pistols a lot. The fruit is multiple with long hairy columns, which gives the plant special decorativeness at the time of fruiting.

Stretch Alpine - Rulsatilla alpina. (L.) DELARB.

Motherland - the highlands of Central and Southern Europe.

Plant up to 20 cm tall. Flowers white or yellow. Flowers from May to August.

A variety of Pulsatilla alpina. (L.) delarbresUBSP. Alpicola. H.neumayer.\u003d Pulsatilla alpina. (L.) delarbre SUBSP. Austriaca. Schwegler. \u003d Pulsatilla alba. Rchb.. Meets in the Alpine Zea Mountains Mountains and of Eastern Europe. Flower white with bluish backlit on the outside of petals. The flower diameter is 3-3.5 cm. The height of the root rosette of the leaves is up to 10 cm, blooming - up to 20-25 cm. Plants bloom on prothlins in the neighborhood with Rhododendron Mirtoliste.

Photo of Yuri Markovsky

Stretching Ayansky -Pulsatilla Ajanensis Regel et tiling

Siberia, Far East. On the stony skred slopes, in the thickets of shrubs, on the mountain meadows, according to the valleys of rivers, in larch and pine forests.

Pulsatilla Ajanensis
Photo Bondareva Olga

Perennial plants with vertical rhizomes. Stems 5- 12 cm High., With fruits leaning up to 20 cm. Burnt leaves on thin, almost naked stiffs are developing during flowering; The plates of their cereals or almost troops, with 1-3 pairs of lateral fractions, in the outlines are widely ovate-rhombic or almost rounded; The shares of the egg-visible-rhombic, not to the base of the sharp-covered slices on 3-4. The leaves of the bedspread with 2-3-separate lobes on narrow-core-lane rods. Flowerons are very short, densely, lengthened with fruits. Flowers upright or rejected, semi-walled, bells. Leaf of perianth 2-3 cm long, purple, ovoid, dull, outside redheads. Axis of refriges OK. 3 cm for., Peristhetic, on the top almost naked.

Spring Spring - Rulsatilla Vernalis (L.) Mill.

Russia meets only at the Karelian Isthmus (Priozersky and Vyborg regions of the Leningrad region) and in the extreme south-west of Karelia in the north-west coast of Lake Ladoga. On the Karelian Isthmus is common mainly north of Primorsk - Michurinskoye - Otradnaya, it is south of only separate isolated location - Orekhovo, Lembolovo, Cannelyjärvi. Outside of Russia, the area consists of several isolated parts, exciting mountains of Central Europe (mostly Alps and Pyrenees), East of the Middle Eastern Plain, North P-ovland, southern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula, South-West Finland

Plant up to 30 cm high, with straight or somewhat curved stems. Burnt leaves are tremendous, leathery, appear after flowering. Single flowers, bells, up to 4 cm in diameter, inside white, outside light purple, bloom in the second half of May and bloom 20-25 days. In nature, grows on grassy solar hills, as well as in rare pine forests. It is difficult to dilute. Requires sour soil With sand and pine underlining. It should be planted for rare pines. Multiply easily seeds.

When growing from seeds, the scent blooms blooms for 5-8 years of life. Winter films up to -32 degrees.

Photos of Yuri Markovsky

Stretch yellowing - Rulsatilla flavescens (Zuccar.) Juz.

It is found in the Asian part of Russia, in Mongolia. It grows along the edges of larch forests, it comes under the edge of the forest, commonly on the gentle mountain slopes.

This is a grassy perennial with finger-shaped leaves forming a large outlet. The height of the root rosette of the leaves is 25-30 cm, bloomon - up to 45-50cm. The first appears yellow reprehension flowers up to 6 cm in diameter. All the plant in the spring mossy-silky from thick silver-gray hairs. By the nature of the input, the Yakut battlements are worthwhile - the hairs are brownish yellow. Completely spectacular boutons. In Yakutia, the local population uses sharply yellowing in medicinal purposes: in the articular diseases, tincture of unacceptable flowers is prepared. In natural conditions there are hybrids of shot of revealed and yellowing.

Sketch of Crimean, or Haller - Rulsatilla Halleri. (ALL.) WLLD. \u003d (R. Taurica Juz.).

It dwells in the Crimea on the plain brazed peaks of the Crimean mountains, on meadow, in the cracks of rocks and in the mountainous regions of Central Europe.

Burnt leaves with a height of up to 10-15 cm appear after flowering. The stem is a reprehensive, up to 30 cm (after flowering), densely sulled horizontally outward hairs. Flowers are large, reprehension, outside, like a flowerca, dense-shaggy, 5-6 cm high, different intensities of purple color, brightening during flowing. Flowers in late April-May 25-30 days, sometimes some plants bloom in autumn. Fruits ripen in June-July.

Photos of a snack natalia

Stretch meadow -Rulsatilla pratensis (L.) Mill.

The plant of pine forests and dry solar slopes of the western part of the forest zone of Russia, including the Leningrad region, the Urals, Western Siberia. Outside of Russia, the plant is found in the Baltic States, Belarus, Moldova, in Ukraine, in the southern part of Scandinavia, in Central Europe.

Plant up to 30 cm high. The root leaves are peristracted with twice the perista-separate segments, appear during flowering or after it. Flowers bells, drooping, up to 5 cm in diameter, pale-purple, less than reddish or greenish-yellow. Flowers from the end of April 25-30 days. Fruit. On the photo from the left Pulsatilla pratensis ssp.nigricans.

Photo on the left of Yuri Markov
Photo on the right of Polonskaya Svetlana

Simple ordinary - Rulsatilla vulgaris Mill.

Western Europe grows in Western Europe, except for the south.

Stems 15-20 cm high. Flowers bells, blue, blooming before the appearance of leaves. Flowers in April. Winter films up to -23 degrees. In culture since 1530. It has numerous forms and varieties, for example: adorable (Var. Amoena hort.) - with large red-violet, bell-tired flowers, very early blooming; dark red(Var. Atrosanguinea hort.) - Leaves fine-dissected, dark red flowers, drooping; big (Var. Grandis GURKE) - Flowers are especially large; " MRS VAN DER ELST"- Sleeper pink flowers.

Photo Olga Bondareva

Stretch ordinary varietal.
Photo of EMSR

Stretch ordinary varietal.
Photo of Sibaleva Olga

Rulsatilla vulgaris "Papageno"
Photo of Shakhmanova Tatiana

Pulsatilla vulgaris "Papageno Black"
Photo of Polon Svetlana

Pulsatilla "Rote Glocke"
Photo of Mursa Irina
Stretch Magadansky - Rulsatilla Magadanensis

Close on the structure and ecology to Prosper Tarao. Designed by A. P. Khokhryakov. Plant is perennially straightened. The foundations of shoots are dressed with black fibrous residues of petioles of dead leaves. Leaves develop simultaneously with flowers. Leaf plates twiceperous. The height of the roasting rosette of the leaves is 3-5 cm. Decymaletimeter flowers and flowers are dense yellowish hairs. Flowers wide or narrow-blooded. From the strain of Torao, the plant is distinguished by thickened leaves, blue with white painting leaves of the perianth. Plants were found on crubbed ridges of flat mountains in the vicinity of Magadan.

Forged multiodold - Rulsatilla Multifida. (G. Pritzel) Juz.

For a number of signs, it is similar to yellowing and distinguished by blue-purple flowers and a wider range. Environmentally, it occupies the same positions as the shroud of yellowing, but more often is closed on steep chubby slopes, occurs in the mountain steppes, occasionally part of the high-mountain steppes.

Perennial plants with vertical multiple rhizomes, in the young age of Mochnato-hair. Stems 10-30 cm high. Burnt leaves developing at the end of flowering or after flowering, on long stuffs covered with soft dusty hairs. Sheet plates rounded-honesty, from the bottom side of the hairy, consisting of three pieces, the average of them on the short (approx. 5 mm) with a sideline; Each share is dissected by 2 or 3 shares of the second order, which, in turn, are cut into numerous (among 30-80), lanceal sharp slices and teeth. The leaflets of the covers are densely, dissected on narcolatory, sometimes linear shares. Flowers blue-purple, wide-rolled, lately opened wide. The leaflets of the perianth are oblong-egg-shaped, briefly pointed or stupid, out of the outside. Numerous stamens, many times shorter leaflets of the perianth. Mulosiste frods with campseeds 2.5-3.5 cm dL.

Photo on the left of EFSR
Photo on the right Bondareva Olga

Stretch revealed - Polysatilla Patens. (L.) Mill.

It grows in the European part of Russia, in the south of Western Siberia, in Central and Western Europe. It has a rather wide ecological range. It can grow under conditions of moderately humid and quite dry, tolerates moderately alternating moisture. There are both poor and rich soils. To illumination is sensitive, especially in the spring, during flowering.

Plant with hairy stems from 7-15 cm to 40-50cm with flip-laid leaves, which appear after flowering; Young leaves are strongly hairy, in the outlines round-heart-shaped. Flowers up to 8 cm in diameter, blue-purple, first wide-headed, later - star-opened, reprehension, very decorative. On well-developed bushes, up to 40-50 flowers are blown at the same time. Flowers in April - May 20-25 days.

The abandoned revealed reproduced mainly by seeds, but there were cases of vegetative reproduction. Mature fruits are buried into the soil with the help of an ocean, which is hygroscopic and under the influence of changing the humidity of the air begins to spin and "screw" the fruit into the ground. Can germinate immediately after ripening. High germination is preserved for two years. Overhead germination. Seedly dark green, elongated, on small stiffs that grow into a short vagina. Soon the first three-bladed sheet with sharply pronounced babies, topped with rare long hairs, appears. Plates of leaves that appear later, forming a small outlet, densedly lowered with long silky hairs. Semilyts are preserved until late autumn. Plants winten with green leaves. Further development occurs slowly.
It is characterized by early blooming and early dieting generative bodies, the leaves are vegetative to late autumn.

Stretch doubt - Rulsatilla Ambiqua. (Turcz. Ex G. Pritzel) Juz.

Distributed in the forest-steppe zone of Siberia, Mongolia.

Flowers from blue-purple to blue. Such painting is found only from representatives of this species. Flowers are estimated-bell, 2.5 cm in length and 1.5 cm in diameter, outside slightly pubescent, first drooping, then almost upright. Distribution leaflets with bent edges. The plant prefers substrates containing lime. In the forest belt blooms from the end of April to the end of May, in highlands - from the second half of May to mid-June. Band-riveted hard-disseated leaves appear simultaneously with flowers. The height of the roasting rosette of the leaves 25-30 cm, the maximum length of the bloomon - 40-45 cm.

Mongolian cattle breeders appreciate this plant as an early-sized food, which quickly restores the strength of the animals weakened.

Photo of the cloth Mikhaila

Stretch Tatevaki- Rulsatilla TateWakii. Kudo.

A low high-altitude plant with large lilac sowned flowers and tremendous leaves.

Endem Sakhalin, grows on rocky alpine lawns and rare-resistant dry larchs. Mezopsychorphite.

A perennial plant is 10-20 cm of height (after flowering, the flower is lengthened), the leaves are roasting. On the plant from 2 to 13 (23) flowers. Coloring "Petals" from the inside is a darker, burgundy shade. In the center of the flower beautifully highlighted bright yellow stamens and lilac pests of pestles. The flower diameter is about 3 cm. Flowers and wrappers are covered with thick reddish. It blooms in April - early May, until a complete deployment of leaves, seeds ripen in June.

In Sakhkny since 1965, planted in an open place at the ridges of the first plot. Saves decorative for 5-6 years (Fig. 27, b), then the plants begin to gradually fall out. The height of the plants is somewhat larger than in nature, - 20-23 cm. After the end of the flowering, the flowers are lengthened to 30 cm. The flower diameter is 3-3.5 cm, the length of the perianth leaves 2.1 is 2.3 cm. The number of flowers on the plant 7 -eighteen. Flowers in April-May, for three weeks. Often blossoms are interrupted by dropped snow. Breeds seeds. It is not bad to transfer the transplant.

Interesting early wings plant for landing on open well-drained places in parks and stony gardens. Named by Japanese botany P. Sugawarai Miyabe et tatew. Very close and no clear differences.

Photo on the left of Rosantseva Tatiana
Photo on the right of oak Galina

Stretch Tarao- Rulsatilla Taraoi (Makino) Takeda Ex Zarn. Et paegle

Mountain plant, found rarely, only on smoke. The staff of the Botanical Garden managed to examine the habitat of this rare species in the upper third of the Mountain of the Petrel Islands ITUURUP - one of the largest in the Kuril Ridge. Plants were discovered on the southern slope of one of the large scales next to the snowman. The slope at an altitude of 1300 m above sea level consisted of dreaded sites and scree. At the edges of the scales, the abyss is overwhelmed, is characterized by larger sizes compared to copies growing in Dernin. Stretch grows in the grass between the low-spirited alder, golden and Kamchatka Rhododendron.

A perennial plant 15-23 cm of height, the diameter of the outlet of the leaves 15-23 cm, the leaves are dissected into small linear shares of up to 2 mm width, the number of flowers on the plant 1 - 6, in some copies - up to 20. The adult plant in nature has 50-70 Vegetative sockets escapes. Flowers in May, seeds ripen at the end of June.

In Sakhkny since 1963, grows on the open plot on the ridges. Forms a lush outlet of the leaves, but single flowers (seats). Seeds are not tied. It is necessary to test in culture on more suitable lightweight and drained soils and with regular moisture.

The experience of growing races of Tarao in GSB RAS gave positive results. In April-May the plants were blooming annually. Above the surface. Please have white, slightly bluish flowers with a diameter of 3-5 cm. Twiceperous leaves began height after the flow of the plant.

Photo Kravchenko Kirill

Stacked Turchaninov- Rulsatilla Turczaninovii. Krylov et serg.

Growing in Dauro-Mongolian steppes.

Perennial plants with thick multiple vertical rhizomes. Stems 5-35 cm high. Burnt leaves grow up simultaneously with the appearance of flowers, the plates of them three times cakes, in general, almost ovoid, the shares of the second order are dissected for long and narrow, linear and sharp segments. Packers are almost equal to the record or somewhat longer or shorter it. The widespread ovens, almost to the base peristribol on linear and all-acne or on top of 2-3-toothed shares. The number of shares and teeth in the wrapper from 20 to 40. The flower makers first short and non-wrapped out of the wrap, and the fruits are very much lengthened. Flowers are almost upright, semi-walled, blue-purple. The leaflets of the perianth elongated elliptical or almost lanceolate, 2-3 times longer than the stamens. Relo-shaped frods, fluffy, with long centers, 4-5 cm long. Flowers in April-May, flowers appear simultaneously with leaves.

Photo of EFSR.

Location: The best development is achieved in places with a slight shading, although they grow well and on open places. Raw landing plots are unsuitable. Preferred places with a slight bias south to flow excess water.

The soil: It should be well refilled by organic and mineral fertilizers, processed to a greater depth. It is advisable to make lime, in small doses of nitrogen, and phosphorus and potassium - several times per season as feeding.

Reproduction: Exceptionally seeds. Collect seeds can be collected 1-1.5 months after the end of flowering.

Pulsatilla Halleri.
sUBSP. Halleri Var. Segusiana.
Photo of Stepanova Lyudmila

Pulsatilla x papageum
The photo

Son-grass in nature
The photo
Polina Chak

Pulsatilla Violacta.
Photo of the cloth Mikhaila

Pulsatilla Grandis
Photo Bondareva Olga

Pulsatilla Georgica. Rupr..
Photography Arkhipova Elena

Wide excavated species: revealed, meadow, yellowing - successfully breed seeds. It is best to suck out a shot of freshly collected seeds in June-July month or in a warm soil in the spring. Optimal germination temperature 20-25 ° C.

Pulsatilla vulgaris ssp.gotlandica.
Photo of Oak Galina

Autumn crops are less efficient. If there are many seeds, they are seeded immediately into the ground, in the grooves (the distance between them is 20 cm). The depth of seed seeds is 1-1.5 cm. Sow densely, which contributes to better germination. The soil should be lightweight, well-drained. It is possible to introduce a moderate amount of peat, sand, mineral fertilizer. It is desirable in an open place, but young plants should be dialed. Seedlings appear in 3-4 weeks and develop well in hot weather when watering, but excess moisture is harmful. It is necessary to constantly maintain the moderate moisture content of the soil, for this crops are covered with hay or straw, which, in addition. Protects seedlings from cold and strong soil overheating. HE6FERS The number of seeds is better to suck in the pot of PL, chipping boxes. You can do it in the greenhouse in March-April. This period of sowing will accelerate the development of the plant. Summer seedlings planted at a permanent place in the spring next year, with early-spring crop - in August of the same year, a distance of 30-50 cm from each other. In the fall of sowing, as well as seedlings grown on the ridges, covered with a sweetheart or a twig on the winter, especially in a frostyless winter.

Pulsatilla pseudoslavica.
Photo of the cloth Mikhaila

The germination of seeds persists 2-3 years. Often, such species, as shot open, meadow and yellowing, bloom by the end of the second year. The transplant of seedlings for a permanent place aged 1-2 years is better to conduct early spring with a lore land. The decorative effect can be expected from the plant for 3-4 years of their lives.

Adult plants are poorly transferred with a transplant, but with a large coma you can make in spring or autumn. Proteces grown in containers and sold with a closed root system can be transplanted from spring to autumn. In the dry and hot season of the year, sleep-grass should be watered, especially moisture is needed after landing. In one place can grow up to 10 years.

For a group of alpine shootings, autumn sowing is desirable, since their seeds need stratification. Shoots appear in May. For these races, fertile and moisture soil are required. Seedlings of these species bloom at the 7th year. If there are several types of races in your garden, hybrids can be obtained from their seeds, a variety of color gamut, the form of leaves, a habitus.

Stretch Armenian
Photo of Covina Alevtina

Pulsatilla Nigricans
Photo of Zuddia Dmitry

Pulsatilla Tenuifolia.
Photo of EFSR.

Pulsatilla Rubra
Photo of the cloth Mikhaila

Pulsatilla Cernua.
Photo of the cloth Mikhaila

Pulsatilla Turczaninovii v. Montata.
Photo of the cloth Mikhaila

Using: Almost all the races are organically look at landscape gardens, in group landings along the edges of pine and larch forests and forest parking areas, on open lawns. Perspectively growing them on alpine slides and in rocky gardens. Adults are not transferred to transplant. Perhaps at least this consideration keeps you from desire to dig a wild copy. Not to mention the fact that transplanting races from natural habitats is categorically prohibited.

Partners: Digger in plantings with crocuses, szilllams, primers near the tracks.