
Lofan anisemic healing properties. What is the difference between Lofant Anise and Tibetan

Landscape garden design

Chinese tea - extremely useful drink, There are many of his varieties.

Properties of Lofant Anisovoy

Chinese tea can make a decent competition another plant - Lofant Anisian. Therapeutic properties of the Lofanta anise is not sufficiently studied by our medicine. However, the experience of its daily use in the form of a tea drink, as well as feedback from phytotherapists, healers, simple workers, dachensors, beekeepers allow you to recommend it for mass use as a common, wellness, soothing, useful for any tea herbal drink.

For the welding of this tea drink from May to October, young shoots and leaflets of the Lofanta with a bush (in autumn and in winter, as well as when there is no lyfanta crops are used, rub, shoots and inflorescences in a dried form). The Lopanta Grass is necessarily dried in the shade, stored in a well-ventilated room, without foreign odors, the relative humidity of the air should not exceed 70%. Perhaps the cultivation of the Lofant at home.

In order for the human body to be accustomed to the Lusthant, it is added to taste together with green, less often with black tea as a biologically useful additive in a ratio of 1: 1, subsequently, the share of the Lofant can be increased.

Since children are more sensitive to medical herbs, the dosage of tea drinks for them is determined by the rules of Clark, Cooled, Yang, i.e. As 0.5, 0.3, 0.2 from 1.0 dose of an adult. The most important ingredient of anise lofant is an essential oil consisting of 17 components, the main of which is methyl-havic, which constitutes about 65% in the total mass of essential oil. Vegetable oil Lofanta from seeds with us has not yet been studied, and it can also represent a very great interest as the medical agent.

Application of Lofanta

Drugs of Lofanta (Vintica, Sortains, Herbs, Powders, Ointments, Applying Stems in Baths) are promising not only as active biological additives, but also as a new prophylactic agent for the normalization of human exchange processes, strengthening its immune and nervous systems, improving the function of respiratory organs , ordering gastrointestinal tract. It can be used when coughing, bronchitis, pneumonia, gastritis, colitis, hepatitis, skin diseases, and even when the treatment of cancer and treatment of organs and treatment. This information Academician A.F. Sinyakova, concerning the varieties of white and purple, is extremely important. Thus, Lofant is a completely unique plant, for which he was called the northern ginseng.

A strong infusion of the Lofant, its leaves refresh and disinfect the skin of the face.

But, undoubtedly, the most beneficial common unified influence of Lofant produces when used as a tea drink.

In the encyclopedia of herbal teas, more than 1,200 recipes of various teas are given, and in the recommendations of phytotherapists for the choice of drink, the "consonant" shower and healing for your body, lofant anise and clarity are white among 109 medicinal plantsHere also provides an example of modeling and algorithms for the choice of "their" (ie, the most acceptable person) of therapeutic tea.

The number of recipes for the use of the Lofant is impressive - we will dwell on only some of them.

Tea fragrant.

Mix 5 parts of the Georgian tea and 1 part (can and more) Lofant, herbs and brew.

Tea for the treatment of hypertension.

In equal parts - hawthorn (flowers); Motherboard (grass); dried drying (grass); White mistletoe (leaves); Lofant (grass).

Raw 4 tablespoons of crushed mixture in 1 liter boiling water, insist 8-12 hours, strain. Drink equal portions three times a day in an hour after eating.

Tea fragrant bactericidal, anticillary.

In equal parts, green tea and lofant mix, brew - strong, invigorating, perfectly quenching thirst for a drink. Usually drink without adding sugar. The tea contains a set of vitamins: strengthening vitamin A vision (carotene); Vitamin B1 responsible for normal functioning nervous system; Vitamin B2, which gives elasticity and healthy color of the skin; Vitamin P, firming the walls of blood vessels. In combination with Lofant, tea supports immunity, improves the condition of the cardiovascular system, increases blood coagulation, removes cholesterol. It has bactericidal properties. Sometimes sugar, lemon, mint are added to tea, but better - honey.

Among the various plants that are beneficial, lofant anise is distinguished. It is also called the Issop and Skinsman. It grows as in the natural environment, so it can be raised on panstone, has valuable properties. In natural conditions grows in America and Canada, as well as in Asia and the Far East. It grown in our southern regions and bred in the Crimea and in Moldova. Middle lane need to cover in winter.


Lofant Anisian grows from 1.5 to 2 meters in height. It is a perennial grass that belongs to the family of clear and can live to nine-year-old age. Its numerous shoots of a quadruple form. They contain sweet leafs in the form of an elongated heart with rare gears. Blossom occurs almost all summer with lilac spikelets, which are about 10 centimeters. After it, smooth fruits of the oblong species appear. The bushes look well in the garden and have a pleasant fragrance.


In its composition, Lofant Anisian contains lemon and apple, ascorbic and coffee acids, as well as an AMETOFLAVON. Its surface part has valuable essential oils that consist of methylhavicol. In medicine, Lofant is used in the following cases:

  • strengthening the immune system, improving the health of the body;
  • lofant-based baths reduce the edema during venous diseases of the legs;
  • ramars act as an antiseptic and bactericidal agent, heal wounds and cracks;
  • infusion reduces blood pressure, as a result of which the heart work improves, helps to get rid of headaches;
  • baths and brazers from Lofant contribute to the removal of kidney stones, help with urination problems;
  • used in the treatment of neurological diseases;
  • inhalation and tea based on Lofant will help with viral-respiratory diseases, as well as when inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
  • the use of tea every day will benefit on the vision and hearing of a person;
  • the plant helps in the treatment of the diseases of the intestinal and gastric tract;
  • slows down the aging processes in the body;
  • baths are used in the treatment of skin diseases.

In cosmetology, Lofant is used as a substitute for shampoos, which prevent the formation of dandruff, strengthen the hair onion. Due to the ability to allocate essential oils, applied during massages. And the lofty oil will improve the condition of the skin, give velvety.

It is not bad to use Lofant in cooking. Dishes with him are exotic and unusual taste. It is one of the components in compotes and kissels. It is part of fish and meat dishes as seasoning.


It is better to grow a plant at home, as it will not only decorate your floweruba, but it can also be used for its intended purpose. In addition, it is an excellent honeycomb, which attracts to you on the site of the necessary insects. In one place, it grows up to six years, while the yield does not decrease it.

Lofant land on air-permeable soils with a neutral medium. The plant loves regular watering, as well as good loosening. Can withstand drought. Strong overvoltage tolerates badly.

In the winter period requires strong mulching sawdust, peat, sweetheart or shelter with special means to prevent freezing. A large layer of snow will also help with frosts.

During the flowering period, the Lofant is triggered by the ground part. The collected grass is dried in the shade or in the room with good ventilation. The dried plant is well stored in dense packets of paper or in glass containers. Throughout the summer, deciduous and young shoots can be cut for consumption.

After trimming, Lofant should be filled with organic fertilizers for further active growth. But in the spring period, it is necessary to fertilize annually by nitrogen fertilizers.

From the invasion of pests, Lofant does not suffer practically, since many simply do not tolerate its fragrance.


Lofant Anisova well multiplies with the help of seeds and the division of the bush:

  1. Sowing material its properties retains about three years. It is planted in March. From the moment of its landing, the seedlings should pass about 60 days. To dry out seeds use good, rich in the soil with the soil. It is important to maintain optimal temperature mode At this time, from 25 to 30 degrees, as Lofant is thermal-loving. As soon as the first leaflets appear - two pairs, conduct a pickup in separate cups. In the open soil, the seedlings are planted by the end of the spring, when the appearance of night frosts will be excluded. The landing is carried out with an interval between plants up to 25 centimeters, and in a depth of two centimeters. It is also possible to sowing seeds directly to the ground, but only in places with good climatic conditions. There is no less than 40 centimeters. The first sprouts will begin to appear for 10-12 days. When the second pair of leaflets appears - seedlings are thinned, then repeated after 10 days.
  1. The division of the bush is carried out in the spring or autumn period. For this purpose, adult bushes of grass should be digging and divided into parts using a knife or shovel. It is necessary to ensure that each of the parts have a good root system and up to five renewal kidneys.

Why it is worth starting in my site

  1. Is an excellent drug.
  2. Natural body care product.
  3. An indispensable culinary assistant.
  4. It costs remarkably without much care.
  5. Abundant bloom throughout the summer.
  6. Breeding without problems.
  7. Beautiful aroma and appearance.


Despite the beneficial properties of the lofant of anise, people can have side reactions of the body on its reception, namely:

  • allergy has a reaction during flowering period;
  • in primary reception, there may be rashed and nausea, sometimes dizziness, it all depends on the tolerability of a particular human body;
  • at times, the fragrance causes dizziness;
  • when receiving funds based on the plant, you should consult a doctor and properly comply with the dosage, otherwise it can affect the state of your body.

In Eastern Medicine, one of the most popular medicinal plants is lofant. This representative of the Gubolic Family grows in Siberia and Tibet, China and Himalayas. There are small plantations in the Crimea and Moldova. But the real birthplace of this type of grassy perennial is considered Asia MinorAlthough some sources call it primary habitat North America.

Grass with beautiful title

Hence such a sonorous name - Issop Anise. The plant is also known as licorch mint or a fennel multicrees. But this is not a complete list of names that Lofant's relatives are obtained depending on the territory of growth.

And the most interesting thing is that people endowed this plant with such sonic names based on its characteristics.

In the circles of folk healers, Lofant is considered almost panacea from all diseases. Although the scientific substantiation has not received this opinion, but properties healing herbs Proved their high efficiency in the treatment of various pathologies.

What is the benefits of anise lofant

In many countries with a moderate climate, the Issop Anise is grown for decorative purposes. Its unusual shape carved leaves and bright pink, and sometimes saturated purple inflorescences, collected in the cooler on the top of the stem, decorate the country's homesteads throughout the summer season.

After all, the flowering period of this plant is rather long - it lasts from late June to September. Already at the beginning of the fall, he starts fruit. His fruits are the price. These primitive formations are a group of four eurons, externally resembling nuts.

Leaves and other parts of the plant found applications in cooking: they are in dried and fresh form Add as seasonings to different dishes. IN folk medicine This multicrees with therapeutic goal In the form of decoctions, infusions and other forms. Lofant is valued and for excellent honey qualities.

The whole range of useful properties of Issop is supported by its rich composition. As a result of numerous studies, scientists managed to establish that the lofant anise contains:

  • whole complex of acids, among which: gallovaya, chlorogen, coffee;
  • many in the composition and vitamin "C" (ascorbic acid);
  • representatives of the vitamin group "B" are present;
  • there are glycosides;
  • tanning components;
  • choline;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential oil;
  • mineral components (cobalt, zinc, iodine and other).

Of course, this composition is impressive, so Lofant may well qualify for leadership among healing plants. But, unfortunately, it is not yet sufficiently studied, and therefore it is not in the list of recognized official medicine of medicinal plants.

True, this circumstance does not prevent herbalists to include multi-grade grass in the composition of healing fees. After all, the centuries-old practice of people's healers has long been proven by the high efficiency of the abandon of anise in the treatment of even the most severe pathological conditions.

What diseases helps to treat Medis

The most important advantage of Lofant is that it is not always necessary to prepare the healing tinctures. If it is regularly added to food as seasoning - it will already contribute to the strengthening of the body's immune resources. Of course, this is possible when a person has no allergies to this type of plants or components of its composition.

Lofant is equally widely used in order to localize the symptoms of various diseases. Plant is useful:

  1. For the treatment of open wounds on the skin, for example, in the footsteps. Such a task is solved by local use in the form of healing baths.
  2. The healing formulations applied externally help to remove swelling in the vascular pathologies of the lower extremities.
  3. The components of the composition of the anise lofant strengthen the heart muscle. Therefore, the plant is often recommended to take with heart problems, especially when there is a real threat to the development of a heart attack.
  4. The grass is also useful to hypertensive, since it contains agents that can reduce the tone of vessels, which contributes to the normalization of blood pressure. On the early stages Hypertension can be stabilized by blood pressure even without the use of potent medication. This property allows us to consider ICSOP as an effective prophylactic agent against insults on ischemic type.
  5. Lofant's ability to quickly localize inflammatory foci allows it to be used in various problems of the urinary sphere.
  6. Possessed healing plant and powerful antioxidant property. It perfectly cleans the body from slags, and copes even with severe forms of poisoning.
  7. In the arsenal of this modest plant there is still a sedative property. In addition, drugs based on anise lofant stimulate brainwriting, which makes them in demand during manifestations of senile sclerosis.
  8. The ability to positively influence metabolic processes is also included in the competence of wonderfully herbs.

Still, the main value represents the ability of the Issopa anise to have a general fascination effect on the body. If you take therapeutic infusions with its inclusion, it helps to quickly restore the forces after the underwent pneumonia in heavy form, bronchitis and other serious pathologies.

Fact! It is believed that Lofant Anisian contributes to the normalization of vision and hearing.

Official medicine considers any natural remedy in the same way as medication drugs. Therefore, you should be aware of the constraints that make it impossible to use the grass of licorch mint for treatment. In addition to the intolerance of the individual, the list of contraindications includes cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • if a person systematically marks low blood pressure.

To eliminate all possible risks, it is advisable to consult a doctor before starting treatment with a doctor. The specialist will advise in which medicine form it is better to use this plant drug, how to take it correctly.

It should always be remembered about the danger of overdose, since this can provoke the development of side effects.

Popular use methods

Before describing popular recipes, where the main operating component is anise Lofant, I would like to pay attention to one significant moment that can help when choosing optimal option Treatment.

Issop has a unique feature - it does not enter into a conflict with other plants derivatives. For example, in combination with oats, nine, cranberries and burdock, it perfectly acts on the protective forces of the body. For such healing teas, the above-ground part of the plant is usually taken.

  1. Therapeutic infusion will help when solving the problems of the female urinary sphere, as well as heart disease. This remedy for water is prepared. It is enough to take 2 (l. Art.) Dry vegetable mixture of anise lofant, put the workpiece into the thermos, then pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. After this stage it is necessary to close the thermos. Three hours later, the infusion will be ready, but it should be strain before use. It is allowed to store the finished means for no more than 3 days if it is in the refrigerator. Drink infusion strictly before meals, about half a glass.
  2. Alcohol infusion suitable exceptional for outdoor use. They are well handled wounds, you can rub the sore joints. Following the recipe of this technique, you need 200 g of dry blanks to fill ½ alcohol base. It can be a medical alcohol 70%, but it is better to use conventional vodka. After connecting the two ingredients, the composition is placed in a secluded place for a whole month. It is periodically recommended to shake infusion, and at the end of the exposure time infusion, it is carefully filled. A solution is used primarily for rings and compresses, but you can break problem areas.
  3. Remedy for colds that can also be used with preventive goal, it is prepared in the following sequence: the dry grass of anise lofant (2 l. Art.) is flooded with boiling water (2 cups), after which the composition insists for about 40 minutes. The effect of infusion is recommended to drink at least three times, if there are primary signs of the disease. A single dose to receive - ½ cup. It is possible to add honey in the infusion or immediately before taking the healing infusion to take a teaspoon in the mouth. The nose, and rinse the throat, can be applied.

Lofant anise, like many other natural components, is capable of much if it is competently used. Recipes that are going to the people of centuries will help improve the overall health of health, to improve the work of the organs, cope with the signs of stress and nervous disorders.

Spicy herbs have long and firmly settled in the garden culture of the middle strip. Is it possible to present country cottage area without mint, Issop, Melissa or Kotovnik? But about their nearest relative, Lofant Anisov heard not yet, although specialists predict this representative of the family of the Casnotkovaya Big Future, because all its qualities are solid advantages.

Beauty connoisseurs will first of all pay attention to the spectacular appearance of the plant - a reprehensive herbal perennial height of 90-120 cm with cherry rare-frozen leaves and small fragrant flowers of white or blue-violet color collected in long ears.

In the cooking, fresh and dried greens of anise lofant are added to salads and soups, used to flavor meat and fish dishes, desserts and drinks.

And of course, it is impossible not to mention the healing properties of the plant - in folk medicine, brazers from the lofant of anise is treated with bronchitis, migraine, diseases of the digestive system, nervous disorders, fungal infections, etc.

Preparations from the leaves are derived from the human body of radionuclides and toxins, restore forces and prevent aging. No wonder Lofant is called the symbol of love and youth.

At different times, Lofant Anisian was counted for various kinds, because of which the plant received many names: Multicolarship Fennelhiel, Issop Anise, Lacrichny Mint, Slavsman Anise. However, this inconvenient fact did not prevent the soul handsome to become a favorite of millions of gardeners.

Dates of landing

The cultivation of the lofant of anise from seeds is possible both ease and a reckless way. IN open sad Seeds are sown in March-April or in the fall, at the end of October.

Sowing on seedlings is carried out in the last numbers of March, and after 45-60 days, the seedlings plant in the garden. Each of the ways is good, but keep in mind that Lofant from the seedlings blooms by 1.5-2 months earlier than plants grown in the open soil.

Preparation of the site

To Lofant Anisian well developed and abundantly bloomed, look for him a light, warm place with fertile, lime, well-drained soil.

Avoid wetlands, dense and saline soils, as well as areas with high passage of groundwater. Also Lofant, as well as other cultures of the family of cloak, it is undesirable to plant after cucumbers, turnips, beets and a tour.

In the flower garden, lush spherical bushes fragrant plant Magnificently combined with monards, golden, salvia and astrams.

Plot for landing Treat from autumn: Disposable soil, select weed roots, make humus (4 kg / m²) or full mineral fertilizer for flowers.

Sowing seeds in the ground

Sowing Lofanta to Outdoor Soil - Five-minute Case:

  1. Make longitudinal or transverse grooves in a depth of 0.5-1 cm in the treated soil and moderately span them. warm water. The optimal width of the parties is 50-60 cm.
  2. Spread in the grooves of Lofant seeds.
  3. Pour sowing with a thin layer of fertile soil.

The first green sprouts will appear after 12-15 days. When young rapties form 2-3 pairs of leaves, they will need to be broken, leaving a distance of 20-25 cm between adjacent instances.

The cultivation of the Lofant seedlings - the task is also simple:

  1. Fill out a random box with wet fertile soil.
  2. Get seeds to a depth of 0.5 cm.
  3. Cover the box with a transparent film and put it in a warm place.

Shoots will appear after 1.5-2 weeks and the film from the box can be removed. Care for young bushes is reduced to regular watering and daily ventilation. Every 10-15 days, seedlings are useful to feed the weak solution of complex fertilizer.

At the permanent place, the plant, who had time to develop 5-6 leaves, plant after a two-week hardening with an interval of 20-25 cm with a width of 50-60 cm. Upon completion of the landing work abundantly.

Maintain the viability of the Lofanta anise is very easy, because all the necessary agrotechnical events are familiar to every gardener:

  • Watering the bushes only during periods of long, exhausting drought. A short-term lack of moisture Lofant is not terrible, and even in a severe heat of his leaves look fresh and bright. But the systematic bay of the spicy plant can lead to the root of the roots and the development of the pathogenic flora.
  • In reinforced nutrition, Lofant Anisian does not need, but if the bushes are poorly developed, bypass by them with a solution of complex fertilizer (20-30 g per 10 liters of water) or carry out the extraordinary feeding of microelements.
  • To improve the aeration of the soil, it is regularly loose and stole.
  • If you grow a lofant to produce medicinal raw materials, do not allow the Samochev, since it significantly weakens the healing properties of the plant. Combine inflorescences without waiting for the ripening of seeds.

In one place, the well-groomed and healthy Loffant bush will live for more than 6-7 years, but from four years of age, his bloom will begin to weaken, and the foliage is fine. That this does not happen, every third-fourth season plant is recommended to rejuvenate with division or stalling.

Diseases and pests

Lofant Anisian - culture is very persistent and ill is extremely rare. However, it still has a weak point - there is a sensitivity to high humidity.

In a rainy slicling summer, a plant can be infected with such fungal infections as rust, malicious dew, rhizoconiosis, white spotty or fusarious wilt. Destroy the pathogenic flora will help you, fungicides ("Horus", "Knoksat", "Oxych", "Fundazol").

From muced dew The planting is sprayed with a solution of colloidal sulfur. Considerable importance is competent prophylaxis. If you comply with irrigation mode, straighten weeds and remove plant residues, your Lofant is unlikely to suffer.

Due to the low winter resistance, Lofant Anisian is often grown in annual culture. In this case, in the fall you will stay with the bushes just like with the rest of seasonal plants, that is, to reverse them and destroy them, and the site is swinging for new landings.

However, under dry shelter, the scented handsome man is nice winter even in middle lane. Not later than mid-September, shorterate shoots up to 10 cm and cover the plants with fallen leaves, straw or sweetheart.

Best varieties

At first it seems that all the varieties of the Lofant anise smell like the same, but listen to the feelings ... Some of them are fragrant with mint, Anis and Fennel, in the aroma of others, apple and honey notes are heard.

Among the gardeners are popular with such varieties of culture as a name, dachane, snowball, Kappeleev, Prime Minister, Frant, Kuntsevsky Sebo, Astrakhan 100, Blue Spike, Honey Bee Blue.

Harvesting and storage

Loften is cut with sharp knife or scissors, choosing exceptionally young, who did not have time to wait, shoot. Keep in mind: Locking the bush can not be more than half, otherwise he will not have the strength to restore.

The collected greenery is dried in a cool glooming room or outdoors, under a canopy. Store spicy grass is recommended in glass or ceramic dishes with a tightly adjacent lid, but no longer than 18 months.

Lacrichny mint, or Lofant Anisian - a plant having a strong aroma of mint with light notes of Anisa. It has unique healing properties. The plant from North America and is a relative of feline mint and Melissa, but has a more pronounced therapeutic effect.

Lofant Anisova is an excellent honey, he has a unique pleasant fragrance and a lot of useful properties.

Plant Description

Lofant is a grassy long-term culture from the Southernkov family. Depending on the place of cultivation and characteristics, the plant has many different names: Issoop Anise, mint, a larger fennel.

Lofant anise is a shrub, about one and a half meters high. Form leaves resemble nettle. Anise grade flowers lilac, blue, white flowers collected in spikelets. Stems and leaves of grass contain a lot of useful substances. Of them prepare brazers, tinctures, make creams and other useful funds.

Plant history

For the first time on the essential oil of anise, Lofant is mentioned by hippocratic. Romans and Greeks used a plant to improve appetite. It was also used in ancient China, in India, in Kiev Rus, where the plant was used as seasonings for the preparation of uroin apples.

Lusthanta has been attributed to the Lofant for a long time. Through the Millennium, the plant was widely used in medicine and food. With proper use, the multicolaser does not harm, but, on the contrary, brings only benefits.

Since ancient times, the properties of Anisian Lofant were known to the Indians. They used a plant for the treatment of purulent wounds and other skin diseases, as well as with the pathologies of the respiratory system, during fever, diarrhea. In Europe, the plant was grown as a honey and as a decorative garden decoration.

Now Lofant is used only in folk medicine, and is also grown as decorative plant. In official medicine it does not apply. Despite this, mint was recognized as promising to create a variety of drugs with antibacterial, antioxidant, fungicidal, immunostimulating properties. Pilotropic property made a plant indispensable in cosmetology.

Chemical composition

Beneficial features The lofant of anise is determined by its chemical composition. This plant began to explore only 21 centuries, which is why it is not known about all the composition. Scientists have discovered tanning substances in this plant, flavonoids, alkaloids, phenolic compounds, as well as ascorbic, coffee, lemon, apple acid. The composition includes vitamins of group B, useful trace elements, such as iodine, iron, zinc, manganese.

The above-ground part contains up to fifteen percent of the essential oil, which consists of methylhavicop.

What is the benefits of anisessysso

According to their therapeutic properties, Lofant Anisova is able to sortly sober with essentially shass of strong action. Issop oil has a wide anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial effect. The concentrated decoction can be used as an outdoor with fungal diseases of the skin. Baths are made with him, which disinfect, soothe.

Tinstures have a stimulating effect on the digestive system, normalize metabolism. The Issop is an active biostimulator and is used as regular use of grass in food helps to increase immunity.

The means cooked from raw materials help fight mental, physical overwork: fight with stress, increase the performance, the endurance of the body. Also, the plant has valuable properties that help slow down the processes of aging.

The proper use of anise lofant, allows you to derive all toxins, slags and other harmful substances from the body.

Essential oil can reduce the effects of radiation.

The tincture of Issop with headaches, insomnia helps well. Also, this plant has a positive impact on male potency and helps cure prostatitis.

The most valuable in anise Lofant is essential oil. For its preparation, an overhead part of the plant, assembled during flowering period, is used. Raw materials are used in medicine, cooking, cosmetology.

As used

Based on the Lofanta prepare a variety of healing agents: make drawings, tincture, decoctions. They have therapeutic and preventive effect on the body, and also prevent the formation of cancer cells.

Quite often, the grass is prescribed by lagging in development, people in old age. Fresh leaves are used as seasonings to fish and meat dishes, added to the jam. Grid seeds are added to baking.

In medicine, Medicine is used to treat the following ailments:

  1. Pneumonia, bronchitis.
  2. Gastritis, ulcerative disease.
  3. With digestive disorders.
  4. With the pathologies of the liver.
  5. With increased blood pressure.
  6. Issop helps with angina.
  7. Heals atherosclerosis.
  8. Helps from headaches.
  9. ORVI.
  10. Removes the nervous tension, helps from insomnia, treats nervous tension.
  11. Prevents aging processes.
  12. Strengthens immunity, tones.
  13. Treats dermatitis, acne, burns.
  14. Reduces the level of radiation, helps to deal with the negative impact of ecology on the body.
  15. Recommended Tea with Lofrant Children who is lagging behind in growth.


There is an anise contraindication in the Lofant. This plant cannot be used with thrombophlebitis, under reduced pressure. It is not recommended to take the means obtained from the plant to those who suffer from the intolerance of the components that are part of the grass.

Contraindicated Lofant during pregnancy and lactation.

Knowing the beneficial properties and contraindications of the lofant anise, can be solved whether the plant is suitable for reception. But to be completely confident that this grass will have a positive effect on the body, it is recommended to consult with a specialist.

Preparation of bravery

To prepare a decoction from thessop, you need to take a tablespoon of raw materials and pour a glass of water and boils five minutes. Then the composition is allowed to cool. The composition of half a glass is taken three times a day.

Recipe for children's tea

For children, tea is prepared according to the following recipe: a spoonful of raw materials are poured with boiling water with half-liters and insist half an hour. Take tea with honey as tea. The duration of reception is three months. Such tea helps strengthen the immune system, restore the forces after stroke, infarction, severe illness.

Medical infusion

In the pathologies of the pancreas, with urolithiasis and biliary diseases, with EDR, pancreatic diseases, liver, prepare from Lofant Infusion. For him, it will take a spoon of raw materials, which is poured with a glass of boiling water, the remedy is for two hours. Then the composition is focused and accepted at a hundred grams three times a day. You can add a teaspoon of honey in infusion. The treatment of pathology lasts a month, then two weeks take place.

Blend of herbal

With strong nervous excitement, climax, arrhythmia, the following fee helps: The leaves and flowers of the lofant are mixed in equal parts with melissa and lemon mint. Then the spoon of the mixture is taken and the glass of boiling water is glad. The remedy is a couple of hours, it is accepted fifty grams twice a day before meals. The duration of reception is a month. Then a weekly break is made and the treatment is repeated.

With stable hypertension, dizziness, noise in the ears, atherosclerosis, the following fee is shown: one part of the mistletoe is mixed and two parts of the hawthorn, yarrow, Lofanta. Then the tablespoon of the mixture is taken and the glass of boiling water is poured. The remedy is for three hours, flickering and accepted on a third of a glass three times a day before eating. The duration of reception is a month. After a weekly break is made, and the course is repeated twice.

Outdoor application

For outdoor use from Lofant, ointments and decoctions are preparing. They help to cope with skin ailments. Anise and Issop enhances the regeneration of tissues, has a tonic effect. This plant has unique propertieswidely used in cosmetology. Based on the plant, shampoos contributing to the active growth of hair are made.

The decoctions are added to the baths that help normalize sleep, contribute to the healing of purulent wounds, treat acne. The face wipes the face to eliminate wrinkles and giving the skin of a shining look.

You can apply fresh leaves to wounds. The composition of the zinc will disinfect the injury, and the tanning substances will drop pain.

Unique plant

Lofant Anisian, whose photo presented in this article has unique healing properties. It can be used and adults, and children. Of particular value, the plant has in young parents: bathing of children with the addition of decoction helps to normalize sleep, soothes, relieves stress.

A rich vitamin and mineral composition brings a lot of benefit. It helps to get rid of almost all pathologies associated with low immune protection. Raw materials are collected in dry weather after Rosa comes down. Plant dried in a well-ventilated room or under a canopy. For storage use fabric bags or glass containers. Raw year stored year.

Sin.: Fennelhiel Multicolarship, Fennelhelian Multicolars, Lofant Fennelhiel, Issop Anise, Extract Anisova, Fennel Giant Medical Science, Dropynaya Multicrees, Hisp Dropynaya, Mexican Mint, North Ginseng.

Lofant Anisian worldwide is more famous as a larger Fenherh. This is a perennial grassy plant, reaching a height of a half-meter. Purple or dark pink lofant flowers, assembled on the tops in dense corrosion-shaped inflorescences, make a strong pleasant fragrance.

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In medicine

Lofant Anisian is not a pharmacopy plant, not listed in the State Register medicines RF and not used in official medicine. However, in search of new sources of medical and prophylactic raw materials, scientists conducted a number of studies on the allocation and study of biologically active compounds of the Fennel Multicrees. It has been proven that the plant has a bactericidal, fungicidal, immunostimulating and antioxidant effect and can be used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, a genitourinary system, fungal infections, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as as a lining agent.

Contraindications and side effects

Lofant Anisian has no contraindications, but pregnant, nursing and children should not be used.

In horticulture

Lofant Anise Eagerly grown gardeners. Decorative and fragrant, it is able to decorate a flower garden, Rabatka, border, a bed with spicy aromatic plants. Flowers Loffant from mid-June and to the first frosts. Its "spikelets" can be both violet and various shades of pink and even white colors, in large quantities They form a picturesque carpet, similar to Lavend.

In cooking

In Cooking, Lofant Anisian is also used as similar to it spicy-aromatic plants with lemon notes in aroma - Anis, Fennel, Melissa. Fresh and dried lofant are fishery and vegetable dishes, baking, used in preservation and cooking, jams, jams, compotes. Plant leaves flavor vegetable and fruit salads, puddings, mousses. Frainy teas are prepared from the grass of the Lofanta Anise.

In other areas

In cosmetology

Bactericidal and antioxidant properties of the plant and its pleasant smell found use in cosmetology. Essential oil of the anise Lofant is used as a fragrance in the production of toothpastes, soap, shower gels. The plant is added to shampoos, balms and hair masks, as it stimulates their growth and strengthens the roots. In creams, masks and tonics for the skin of the face, Lofant acts as a toning, rejuvenating and regenerating agent.

In beekeeping

The smell of Lofant attracts useful insects, including bumblebees and bees. The plant is a good madonos with high productivity, from its nectar is a delicious honey with a light pleasant aroma. Like a honeymoon, Lofant has another valuable advantage - a plant, unlike many others, eats nectar for any weather.

In the farm

Since Lofant is rich in fiber and proteins, it is used as a stern plant.


Lofant Anisian (Lat. Lophanthus Anisatus) in the scientific world is more famous called the Fennelhiel multilayer (lat. Agastache Foeniculum). This is herbal perennial Refers to the genus of multicolars (lat. agastache) from the family of the Clanotkovy (Lat. Lamiaceae) or GuboColic (Lat. LabiAee). Among the most famous representatives of this kind of multicrees, wrinkled (lat. Agastache Rugosa) is also known as Lofant Tibetan or Korean mint.

Botanical description

Plants of the species Lofant Anisian grow to height from 45 centimeters to 1.5 meters. Lofanta root rod, well-developed, urine. Structuring plants stalks ribbed, branched. On the branches are long (up to 10 centimeters) Purple-brown, dynocherry sprout leaves, heart-shaped-lanceal with a sawd edge and bright swept. Small two-dimensional zygomorphic leaf flowers at the ends of the branches are assembled into dense corrosion-shaped inflorescences up to 14 cm long and up to 3 centimeters in diameter. The colors of flowers can be purple, dark pink, pink-blue and white. Fruits of plants - brown, oblong-oval smooth nuts, full of small, dark seeds of the lofanta anise.


Motherland of the Lofant Anisovoy - North America. In the wild form, the plant grows throughout the northern part of the United States, as well as in the provinces of Canada bordering the provinces. Decorative forms of Fennel Multicrees are cultivated in the USA, Canada, Japan and in many European countries. On the territory of the former USSR, the plant is grown in Crimea, in Ukraine, in Moldova, in the Stavropol Territory, Astrakhan and Saratov regions, in Siberia and Moscow region.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Preparation of raw materials

In culinary purposes, the plant boils the entire growing season, but only greens are suitable for treatment, cut off during the bootonization and flowering of anise lofant. With the help of garden scissors cut off the universe shoots with leaves, they are laid out with a thin layer in the shade or in a well-ventilated room. Dry raw materials store in tight paper bags or in glass containers with well-fitted lids.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of the Lofant Anisian studied little. However, it is known that in the above-ground part of the plant contains up to 15% of essential oil. This oil consists almost 80% from methylhavicol, it is this substance Lofant owes his wonderful anise aroma. In the essential oil of the lofant of anise, there are up to 20 components, their content is inconstant and, depending on the predominance of one or another, the smell of the plant changes, fruit, lemon, mint notes appear in it. All parts of the plant contain acids: coffee, lemon, apple and ascorbic, tanning substances (up to 8.5%), flavonoids, glycosides, trace amounts of alkaloids, phenolic compounds. They also found vitamins of group B, namely in 1 and in 2, iron, copper, iodine, zinc, chrome, selenium, manganese.

Pharmacological properties

Since the beginning of the XXI century, the phytochemical composition and medical properties Anise's Lofant has become the subject of a number of studies conducted both in order to standardize raw materials, the separation of biologically active compounds in the plant and to find new sources of medical and preventive tools. During clinical experiments, it was found that the plant's essential oil exhibits antimicrobial, antimicotic, pilotropic and anti-inflammatory properties and can be used in dermatology as an outdoor. In particular, they can treat dermatitis of fungal nature, scar alopecia and seborrhea. Anise's Lofanta Grass is recognized as promising raw materials for creating drugs with antimicrobial and antimicotic properties. Pilotropic and antioxidant effect of the anise Lofant can make it valuable raw materials for therapeutic cosmetics.

Application in folk medicine

The beneficial properties of the Anisian Lofant were widely used in folk medicine. Tincture, hoods and fees with the Lofanta Anisov are treated with respiratory tract - bronchitis, cough, tuberculosis, lung inflammation. They are also effective for ulcerative diseases, gastritis, other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Anise's lofant tincture stimulates digestion, improves the work of the pancreas and liver, is used in angina, atherosclerosis, vegetative dystonia. Lofant is able to reduce pressure under hypertension. He is considered effective tool From insomnia. Apply Loffant and in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system.

In the external use of decoction and infusions of the plant, as well as the essential oil from it are struggling with neurodermatitis, dermatitis, painful dry skin, cracks and fungal lesions. Proved Lofand his effectiveness and in combating Sebori and Alopecia. Baths with a decoction of a multicrees recommended children suffering from allergic diathesis. Brooms from dried plants take a bath to cope with tension, remove toxins, to give elasticity of the skin. Lofant Anise, whose useful properties and almost complete absence of contraindications are explained by the rich vitamin-mineral composition of the plant, is a powerful biostimulator and can be used as a tonic.

Historical reference

Lofant Anisian family comes from the great plains and endless Prairies of North America. The beneficial properties of the plant since ancient times were known to the indigenous inhabitants of these places - the Indians. They treated them fever, cough, diarrhea, as well as various skin diseases and fusion wounds. Of the fragrant leaves of plants, tea was brewed, used them as seasonings. It was believed that the fragrant smoke of dried Lofant was able to scare the snakes. In the XVII century, when secular ladies were fascinated by Popourry - mixtures of petals and leaves of plants mixed with marine Solu, flavoring premises, Lofant Anisova became in them one of the popular components.

When the plant began to breed as a honey and decorative in European countries, the benefits and harm of the Lofant Anisian became the subject of close interest of people's healers. Lekari found him very promising and began to use in their recipes.


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2. Chumakova V. V., Popova O. and, Article "Lofant Anisovy" magazine "Pharmacy and Pharmacalogia", Pyatigorsk, №1, 2013 - 41-46 p.

3. Wulf E. V., Maleeva O. F. "World Resources useful plants", Leningrad, publishing house" Science ", 1969

4. Smirnov Yu.S. "Biological diversity: plant introduction", Moscow, from the Botanical Institute. L.V. Komarov RAS, 1995 - 153 p.