
How to spell it correctly: lie down or lie down? Salt has an amazing ability to absorb information. Lie comfortably in the right way.

Garden buildings

Did you know that a certain planet rules every day of the week? These planets have both positive and negative influences on us. To weaken the negative impact of the day and increase the positive impact, you need to carve out only 10 minutes in your schedule. In general, there is a special ritual for each day.


This day is ruled by the moon, which makes a person eccentric, excited, sometimes pushes him to meaningless, rash actions. Remember how they say: "Monday is a hard day"?

In order not to regret later about what you have done on this day, do the following: Pour 1 tbsp into two small cotton bags. spoon of salt and tie these bags tightly. Lie as comfortable as possible, relax, place one bag of salt 10 cm above your belly button, and hold the other in your left hand. Immerse yourself in pleasant memories, forget all old grievances and past troubles.

Salt has amazing ability absorb information. The bag of salt on your stomach will relieve you of insecurity, and the one in your hand will help build relationships with others.


This day is ruled by Mars. And therefore, your undertakings and plans can be hindered by conflicts with others to which this warlike planet pushes people.

To avoid this, do this: Pour 1.5 tbsp each into two small bags. tablespoons of salt and tie them tightly. Take one bag in your left hand, the other in your right. Attach the bags to your temples, sit comfortably and focus on your planned activities, meetings, negotiations, mentally expressing your wishes, imagining the ideal development of the situation.

The salt that you keep at the left temple will save you from envious people, the salt at the right temple will help the successful development and completion of the business you have planned.


Mercury, ruling this day of the week, gives mutual understanding and favors the successful completion of affairs. However, he can present you with unpleasant surprises, contribute to the emergence of problems.

Salt will help minimize this danger and help improve your relationships with others: Pour 2 hours into two small bags. tablespoons of salt and tie them tightly. Lie as comfortably as possible, place one bag of salt in the middle of your forehead, and take the other in your right hand. Relax and talk to yourself about what you need to do that day.

The salt in the hand, having received the information, will remove obstacles from your path, help you achieve your goal, contribute to making a profit, and thanks to the one that lies on your forehead, your senses will heighten, you will get the ability to anticipate possible scenarios, learn to intuitively avoid problems, bypass underwater rocks. After that, you will gain the ability to avoid dangerous situations, to happily avoid them.


The ruler of this day is the wise and always helpful Jupiter. He gives people intuition, but sometimes he confuses relationships. So that there is no place for problems and omissions in your relationship with the person you are interested in, do the following:

Take two pouches, pour in them 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and tie them tightly. Sit comfortably, place one pouch on the crown of your head, and squeeze the other in your hands and hold it against your forehead. Focus on what excites you the most at the moment, and mentally say it all.

The salt on the crown of the head, having absorbed the information, will tell you the extraordinary but quite real solution, and the salt that you held against your forehead will help you avoid possible troubles and problems.


This day is ruled by the beautiful Venus. On this day, she gives people love and pleasure, but, alas, she cannot protect them from quarrels and conflicts.

Salt will again help to avoid them. Pour 1.5 tbsp into two bags. tablespoons of salt and tie them tightly. Lie comfortably and place them on your stomach: one bag - on the palm above the navel, the other - on the palm below the navel. Relax, do not think about anything, try to enter a state of absolute calm.

Salt above your belly button will relieve your nervousness., will protect you from stress; the salt below the navel will concentrate sexual energy and increase potency.


It seems to be a day off, but it is ruled by a strict teacher Saturn, who can ruin all your pleasure.

On this day, all sorts of negativity reigns, but today you can normalize the energy balance of your body: Again we take two cotton bags, pour 1 st. spoon, in the other - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and tightly tie the bags. We lie down as conveniently as possible, put a bag with 1 st. spoon of salt, and another bag - just behind the big toes. Relax, try to forgive all insults, do not think about the unpleasant and annoying. Complete peace and humility!

Salt on the crown of the head will restore mental balance and energy balance; salt between the toes will relieve obsessive thoughts, despondency and melancholy.

Did you know that a certain planet rules every day of the week? These planets have both positive and negative influences on us. To weaken the negative impact of the day and increase the positive impact, you need to carve out only 10 minutes in your schedule. In general, there is a special ritual for each day.


This day is ruled by the Moon, which makes a person eccentric, excited, sometimes pushes him to meaningless, rash actions. Remember how they say: "Monday is a hard day"?

In order not to regret later about what you have done on this day, do the following: Pour 1 tbsp into two small cotton bags. spoon of salt and tie these bags tightly. Lie as comfortable as possible, relax, place one bag of salt 10 cm above your navel, and hold the other in your left hand. Immerse yourself in pleasant memories, forget all old grievances and past troubles.

Salt has an amazing ability to absorb information. The bag of salt on your stomach will relieve you of insecurity, and the one in your hand will help build relationships with others.

This day is ruled by Mars. And therefore, your undertakings and plans can be hindered by conflicts with others to which this warlike planet pushes people.

To avoid this, do this: Pour 1.5 tbsp each into two small bags. tablespoons of salt and tie them tightly. Take one bag in your left hand, the other in your right. Attach the bags to your temples, sit comfortably and focus on your planned activities, meetings, negotiations, mentally expressing your wishes, imagining the ideal development of the situation.

The salt that you keep at the left temple will save you from envious people, the salt at the right temple will help the successful development and completion of the business you have planned.

Mercury, ruling this day of the week, gives mutual understanding and favors the successful completion of affairs. However, he can present you with unpleasant surprises, contribute to the emergence of problems.

Salt will help minimize this danger and help improve relationships with others: Pour 2 hours into two small bags. tablespoons of salt and tie them tightly. Lie as comfortably as possible, place one bag of salt in the middle of your forehead, and take the other in your right hand. Relax and talk to yourself about what you need to do that day.

The salt in your hand, having received information, will remove obstacles from your path, help you achieve your goal, contribute to making a profit, and thanks to the one that lies on your forehead, your senses will heighten, you will get the ability to anticipate possible scenarios, learn to intuitively avoid problems, bypass underwater rocks. After that, you will gain the ability to avoid dangerous situations, to happily avoid them.

The ruler of this day is the wise and always helpful Jupiter. He gives people intuition, but sometimes he confuses relationships. So that there is no place for problems and omissions in your relationship with the person you are interested in, do the following:

Take two bags, pour 2 tbsp each into them. tablespoons of salt and tie them tightly. Sit comfortably, place one pouch on the crown of your head, and squeeze the other in your hands and hold it against your forehead. Focus on what excites you the most at the moment, and mentally say it all.

The salt on the crown, having absorbed the information, will tell you an extraordinary, but quite real solution, and the salt that you held against your forehead will help you avoid possible troubles and problems.

This day is ruled by the beautiful Venus. On this day, she gives people love and pleasure, but, alas, she cannot protect them from quarrels and conflicts.

Salt will again help to avoid them. Pour 1.5 tbsp into two bags. tablespoons of salt and tie them tightly. Lie comfortably and place them on your stomach: one pouch - on the palm above the navel, the other - on the palm below the navel. Relax, do not think about anything, try to enter a state of absolute calm.

The salt that lies above the navel will relieve you of nervousness, protect you from stress; the salt below the navel will concentrate sexual energy and increase potency.

It seems to be a day off, but it is ruled by a strict teacher Saturn, who can ruin all your pleasure.

On this day, all sorts of negativity reigns, but today you can normalize the energy balance of your body: Again we take two cotton bags, pour 1 st. spoon, in the other - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and tightly tie the bags. We lie down as conveniently as possible, put a bag with 1st tbsp on the crown of the head. spoonful of salt, and another bag - just behind the big toes. Relax, try to forgive all insults, do not think about the unpleasant and annoying. Complete peace and humility!

Salt on the crown of the head will restore mental balance and energy balance; salt between the big toes will relieve obsessive thoughts, despondency and melancholy.


On this day, the Sun gives you a lot of positive emotions, creates the most favorable conditions for contact with people. But on the same day, you can easily become a victim of the evil eye or damage.

On Sunday we do the following: Take two bags, pour 2 tbsp into one. spoons, in the other - 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and tie them tightly. Lie down comfortably. In your right hand, take a bag with two tablespoons of salt, in your left - with three. Focus on what makes you happy in this life, and then move on to what is annoying by saying it all in your head.

The bag of salt that you hold in your right hand will help to maintain or restore good relations with others, in the left hand it will protect you from damage and the evil eye.

The spelling of some verbs in the form of the imperative mood depends on the processes of alternating sounds at the root of the word. In this regard, questions arise about how to pronounce and write similar words without making mistakes. For example, which form of the verb is correct: lie down or lie down?

In Russian, the form of the imperative mood of verbs is formed from the base of the infinitive, in which the alternation of root consonants [w] and [h], s [g] and [k] is possible: run - run, run; cut - cut, cut; oven - bakes, bake.

This alternation occurs at the root of the imperative verb lie down, lie down... This form is derived from the infinitive stem of the imperfective verb lie... It differs from a similar in semantic meaning, but does not have an alternation of root consonants. lie down, lie down from the infinitive of the verb lie down.

Since the alternation of root consonants in the formation of the imperative mood of the verb does not always occur, in speech instead of the correct form lie down, lie down it is often the wrong version lie down, lie down... One more mistake is allowed in writing: the soft sign is lost.

Understanding the differences in the way verb forms are formed lie down and lie down will allow not to mix these options with an erroneous lie down.

For comparison and memorization, you can use the following examples:

right not right
Lie down

Lie down next to me.

Lie down sleep: tomorrow will be a difficult day.

Lie down get comfortable and go to sleep.

Lie down on the sofa, it will be more comfortable for you.

Lie down next to me.

Lie down sleep early: tomorrow will be a difficult day.

Lie down get comfortable and go to sleep.

the site gives the following recommendations on the use of the verb forms of the verb lie down and lie down in speech:

  1. Imperative form of the verb plural lie down in Russian, the only correct one. Using this verb in the form lie down is a gross speech and spelling error.
  2. Erroneous version of the verb handicap lie down arises by analogy with the imperative mood of the verb lie down.
  3. Verb form lie down formed from the stem, in which there is no alternation of consonants -zh - / - g-. The form lie down formed with alternating root consonants.

"Lie or lie down" is where the question is. And we start to think about the answer only when it comes to a specific situation, for example: "lie on the couch" or "lie on the couch".

What is the right way to say or write?

It is of paramount importance to remember how verbs change their original form, acquiring an imperative tone. It is during this period that the consonants are replaced at the root of the word. Thus, the letter "g" is changed to "g", and "h" to "k". For example, run - run.

Why do we get confused about spelling?

Due to the exceptions of the rule for replacing letters in the imperative mood. That is why literacy is violated from the correct "lie down" to the wrong "lie down". Plus, most people simply forget about the soft sign.

How to remember?

  1. the Russian language recognizes the only correct form of the imperative mood, as "lie down", that is, "lie down" - a gross speech and spelling error;
  2. "lie down" we incorrectly consider it to be a derivative of "lie down";
  3. in the verb "lie down" the letters are never replaced, while "lie down" is formed precisely by their replacement.


This rule is worth memorizing. If at some point you still forgot how to say or write correctly, then just replace "lie down" with "lie down".

Answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write your answer to the right of the task number without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

Read the text and complete assignments 1-3.

(1) B early XIX century, the French Academy issued a decree not to consider works containing a description of stones falling from the sky: it seemed to scientists that all descriptions of meteorites - "heavenly stones" - are a figment of fantasy, ______ stones have nowhere to fall. (2) This is a very dangerous path - to deny everything that has not yet found an explanation. (3) The denial of the existence of the incomprehensible has hampered the development of science more than once.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveyed the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. Science denies what it does not find an explanation, seeking to avoid dangerous paths.

2. At the beginning of the 19th century, the French Academy issued a decree not to consider works containing descriptions of stones falling from the sky.

3. The decree of the French Academy on the refusal to study meteorites is just one example of how the denial of the incomprehensible hindered the development of science.

4. In the 19th century, all descriptions of meteorites - "heavenly stones" - were considered a figment of fantasy.

5. The denial of the fact that it has not yet found an explanation has hampered the development of science more than once, which is confirmed by the decree of the French Academy on the refusal to study meteorites.


Which of the following words (word combinations) should be in place of the gap in the first (1) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).




Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meanings of the word FRUIT. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

FRUIT, -a, m.

1. The part of a plant that develops from the ovary of a flower and contains seeds. Single-seeded, multi-seeded p. Juicy fruits (fruits, berries). Dry fruits (beans, pods, nuts, acorns). Ripe, unripe p. Edible fruits.

2. The human (animal) organism in the womb of the mother (female). Fetal development.

3. transfer., What. Generation, the result of something. The fruits of reflection. P. many years of work. P. negligence.


In one of the words below, a mistake was made in the formulation of stress: the letter denoting a stressed vowel sound is WRONGLY highlighted. Write this word down.


more beautiful



One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

1. It is very important for a designer to interior decoration the room to choose the right colors, that is, to make it SUCCESSFUL color choice.

2. The international meeting held once again confirmed the EFFECTIVENESS of the work of Russian diplomats.

4. The leader must be charming, bright, WHOLE personality.

5. The new aesthetics, which arose in the work of avant-garde artists, radically changed the old Greco-Roman ideas about the artistic value of art.


In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

fresh CAKE

BEAUTIFUL than all



Lying down comfortably


Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) L. Obukhova tells about the first cosmonaut of the Earth in the article "Favorite of the Century". 1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
B) The athlete's legs should be slightly bent while holding onto the tow rope. 2) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate
C) Thanks to the available sources, literary scholars have come to the conclusion that M.Yu. Lermontov with a combat award for participating in the battle at Valerik. 3) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application
D) One of the facts of the biography of A.P. Chekhov, who have recently become famous - the construction of four rural schools by him at his own expense. 4) an error in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members
E) Each of those who attended the international film festival in Moscow saw the best domestic and foreign films of the year. 5) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial turnover
6) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover
7) incorrect construction of a sentence with indirect speech

Write down the answer in numbers without spaces or other signs.


Identify the word missing the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.

warm up .. warm up




touch ... sleep


Define a row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

ave .. sad, ave .. city

both .. hurt, in .. give

once .. take, n .. ripped





take possession of



key .. howl


Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the pass.


you wanna


matching .. my

familiar .. you are


Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write this word out.

1. Still (NOT) SUCCESSFUL dahlias are damaged by early frosts.

2. Above the city is already (NOT) BRIGHT, but a pale month.

3. There were (NOT) vacationers in the park next to the hotel.

4. Timokhin looked at his commander with fear and (NOT) INSIGHT.

5. (NOT) LOOTING in the doorway, the guests immediately went into the hall.


Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

1. An amazing creature - a cat! She often goes (ON) to meet danger. (B) DIFFERENCE from other animals, this animal is unusually patient and hardy.

2. The sparrows are engaged in catching caterpillars (B) FOR three weeks, until the chicks grow up, and when they fledge, (B) FOLLOW the parents will get their own food.

3. The bays of Lake Onega have a completely unusual shape. One of them (ON) LIKE the trunk of an elephant, the other seems to many tourists (IN) the LOOK of a huge crayfish claw.

4. The hero of Moliere's comedy Don Juan appeared in the play as a complete atheist, (WITH) WHAT the wittiest, fearless and irresistibly attractive, (NOT) LOOKING at his vices.

5. (B) CONTINUED throughout the evening in the garden, the trills of ANY (THAT) bird sounded tenderly.


Indicate the number (s), in the place of which (s) is written НН.

And thick milk pouring from the clay (1) of a jug, and a lush loaf in a skillfully weaved (2) basket, and a sliding napkin written in (3) by the artist in all details and with special expressiveness.


Arrange punctuation marks. Specify the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. More and more often evil and cold winds blow and break off the foliage.

2. Poetry glorifies the majestic distance then the inexhaustible scattering of stars.

3. I would have given this cigarette case to someone for a long time, but I don’t dare!

4. In the distance he saw a village of five or six courtyards.


The wind (1) rustling and rustling in the birch forest (2) ran into the fields (3) covered with white flowers (4) absorbing the aromas of herbs.


Arrange punctuation marks: include all numbers, in place of which in sentences must be commas.

Leo Tolstoy's ethical quest (1) of course (2) still retains its significance. Now (3) in my opinion (4) it is especially important to make Tolstoy's principle of moral self-education public domain.


Arrange punctuation marks: indicate the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be (s) a comma (s).

In one of the bays of the Pacific Ocean (1), a giant squid was discovered (2) the diameter of an eye (3) of which (4) is equal to a quarter of a meter.


Arrange punctuation marks: include all numbers in the place of which in the sentence must be commas.

A strong man was Gulyaev (1) and (2) when he returned to the Urals (3), the brilliant fame of a millionaire (4) who had access to everything was behind him.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word. Write this word down.

Residents of Ufa could observe an unusual natural phenomenon last Sunday.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-26.

(1) The city is on fire. (2) Not even the city, but the entire coast at the entire distance covered by the eye. (3) It is even difficult to say whether it is a fire. (4) This is something more.

(5) This is probably how the taiga burns - for weeks, months for tens, hundreds of kilometers.

(6) A crimson swirling sky, a black silhouette of a burning city cut out with a jigsaw. (7) Black and red. (8) There is no other. (9) Black city and red sky.

And the Volga is red. (11) “Like blood,” flashes in my head.

(12) The flame is almost invisible, only in one place, downstream, short jumping tongues. (13) And against us, crumpled like paper cylinders of oil tanks, fallen, crushed by gas. (14) And from them flame - mighty prominences break away and are lost in heavy swirling fantastic clouds of lead-red smoke.

(15) As a child, I liked to look at an old English magazine from the period of the war of the fourteenth year. (16) It had no beginning or end, but there were amazing pictures - large, for a whole page: English tommies in the trenches, attacks, naval battles with foaming waves and destroyers ramming each other, funny "bleriot", "farman" and "taube", similar to whatnot, soaring in the air. (17) It was hard to break away.

(18) But the most terrible thing was the huge, on the two middle pages, to a shiver of gloomy image of Louvain, burning from the German bombing. (19) There were flames, and puffs of smoke like cotton wool, and running people, and destroyed houses, and searchlights in the ominous sky. (20) In a word, it was so scary and captivating that there was no strength to turn the page. (21) I redrawn this picture an infinite number of times, painted with colored pencils, paints, small crayons and then hung these pictures on the walls.