
We grow a garden chamomile: all secrets of planting and leaving the plant. Chamomile in our garden

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Many of us love flowers similar to chamomile. The first, drawn in childhood, the flower looks like this is the yellow heart with petals around the edges. Immediately recalls childhood with naive fortune telling "Loves - does not like." Flowers with petals, like a daisy - white, blue, yellow, charming in their simplicity, please gaze, unpretentious in care, harmoniously look at the flower beds and plots. They are equally good in solitary or mixed landings. At the same time, their color scheme and dimensions can be completely different. These are not types of chamomile, but absolutely different flowers. Let's consider the most popular of them.

On the flowerbed chamomile medicinal and garden, yellow koreopsis

Anacyclus is easy to confuse with a chamomile, because they are really very similar. This flower consists of about 10 variety, it can be both an annual and perennial. Anacyclus blooms by the end of May and continues to give color until the end of July / early August. This representative of the Astrov family responds to lighting: in the evening the flowers are closed, and with the onset of the morning they open. Most often, the garden flower beds can be seen by Anacyclus Depressus - it is considered the most common species, grown as a perennial. From the category of annuals, the most favorite (frequently encountered) are Anacyclus Clavatus (Maulavoid) and Anacyclus Radiatus (radiant). White petals Anacyclus depressus from below painted in pink color, it distinguishes him from chamomile. This is a low plant of a fluttering type, he has strong flowering flowers. Flowers themselves have about 5 cm in diameter.

Anacyclus, views, photos:

Anacyclus Depressus, the most common type of long-term anaticlus
Anacyclus Clavatus - Mauded Anaticlus
Anacyclus Radiatus - Radiant Anacyclo


The general structure of Gerbera resembles a chamomile, but unlike the "classic" white-yellow color, it can be a pink, dark-cherry, scarlet, orange, cream, completely yellow or lilac color.

She is definitely attractive in his manifold. To date, there are many varieties of this flower. The rich color range of shades of gerbera and enviable resilience (very long retains freshness after cut) makes it popular for compiling bouquets.

The gerbera can also be terry, their multiple petals, depending on the variety, are tubular, curly or pointed. It can be grown as in open soiland in room conditions, in pots. Blooms in the summer and continues to delight gaze until November. The dimensions of the flowers, as well as the height of the stems, differ depending on the variety. Today there are approximately 100 species of this attractive and unpretentious plant.


In essence, this is a daisy meadow. Nyurist is so called the most common variety of this flower representative. Like Gerbera, Nyurist can have different forms: terry, with needle petals, with large inflorescences or small. We have this plant most often grown as a perennial, blooms at the beginning of summer and continues to give flowers to deep autumn. It is absolutely unpretentious to the soil and place of growth.

Nyurist, photo chamomile:

Chamomile, photo - Nyurist ordinary


What only the shades do not happen in Gotania: bright lemon, gentle cream, lilac, saturated red, orange, two-color striped, etc. Gotanyania is very similar to chamomile, only on multicolored. Coloring may be the most diverse. Very nice to shop with gradient color, when one color smoothly goes into another. In nature, there are approximately 40 variety of this flower, they all differ in frost resistance, lightness, as well as resistance to drought and heat. Gotanya blooms to the beginning of summer and continues to bloom to the most frosts. Its height does not exceed 30-40 cm. The flower can remain fresh in a vase after cutting. The plant is grown in the open ground, in pots, vases, boxes. It looks harmonious in the company of other colors on the flowerba, as well as in single landings. With its help decorated tracks, borders, alpine slides.


Rudbeckia is just following those plants, about which they say, flowers like chamomile only multicolored. it tall flowerwhich can reach from 50 cm to 2 m of height (Rudbeckia Laciniata - dissected), the size of the inflorescences varies from 9 to 12 cm depending on the variety. Large blooming to have a double color color of the petals (from the darker at the base to light on the tips). Rudbeckia is also yellow, cream, pink, brownish-scarlet, orange. it unpretentious plant - Perennial who will feel comfortable in one place for about 5 years. To date, there are many species (about 40) and hybrids of this flower. Rudbeckia - decoration of the autumn flower garden, because it is time for her blossoms on the second half of August and September.


This is a noncainted cold-rescue flower, which can be a bright decoration of your site with the arrival of May. The doronicum flowering lasts about 1.5 months, but the likelihood that he will re-please you with its colors in the middle of the summer or closer to autumn, very high. Its genus consists of 40 varieties, but only 10 of his species are most popular. Doronikum is also called the "trick". Depending on the grade, it can grow up to 50 cm or 1 m of height. His flowers are large, from 8 to 10 cm in diameter. If you cut the doronikum and put in a vase, it will just like a very long time, without losing his freshness. It should be known that this flower is poisonous (its ground part).

One Council: Do not plant Doronikum (a long-term goat) under the trees - they oppress it, reducing flowering time.



Another name is a bear ear. Most often occurs in two types - high (up to 1 m 20 cm) and lowered (approximately 20 cm). Flower petals can be white, as well as red, orange, pink, creamy. Colored petals talk about accessories for hybrids. This plant loves the sun, its flowers are revealed with the arrival of a new day and closed with the occurrence of the evening. Arctotis blooms at the beginning of summer and continues to give you the flowers before the onset of the first frosts. It is resistant to drought, needs minimal watering, in general, the flower is unpretentious.

Chrysanthemum Bacardy

This is a relatively recently derived variety (2004) is often used to compile bouquets and various flower compositions. Bakardi variety chrysanthemums have a yellow middle and white petals, which gives them the maximum similarity with the solar chamomile. In addition to the "classic" coloring, flower petals can be yellow, gently purple, red, creamy, pink. The uncomplicated structure of buds gives creative flight fantasy florists - inflorescences are painted in different shades, sprinkle with glitter and other small decor.

This plant looks very attractive both in single landings and in the company with other garden crops. Cut flowers remain fresh, also bacardi can be grown in room conditions, in a pot. Before planting a chrysanthm in an open ground, you should choose in advance the plots lit by the sun, since when shading it may not give flowers. Watering should be abundant, but the moisture is not allowed.

Chrysanthemum bacardy:


This is another flower similar to chamomile. Especially pronounced similarity is observed at a variety with a yellow ground and white petals. Naturally, this is not the only option of natural coloring daisies, they can be bright crimson, red, lilac, orange, richly yellow and so on. Boutons can be of different sizes and shapes. This flower itself is low, blooms in early spring, blooms before the onset of frosts. Despite the external fragility, it is rather hardy and noncain. Daisy everywhere will look appropriate: in a single landing, like an element of alpine slide, as a track design, in a company with other flowers as a potted plant. It is noteworthy that it is a daisy that is an indispensable element as part of a flower-grass mixture of Mauritan lawn.

Daisy, photo:


Bright, gentle flowers of cosmey are prone to self-sowing. They are associated with summer warmth, surprisingly unpretentious and beautiful precisely by their charming simplicity. Cosmeya can be found everywhere: on the flower beds, in parks, on city lawns. A lush green carpet with multi-colored flowers will decorate your plot, fill out properly, for example, at the fence, if you decide to sow it. It is not afraid of droughts and heat, resistant to cold, undemanding to the composition of the soil. To date, there is approximately 25 different species of this elegant flower. Pink, white, saturated red, soft-purple boutons are crowned with stalks, which reach from 70 to 1 m 50 cm of height. Cosmeya is good in itself and in the company with other colors. If you have "empty" places on your bed, sit there, it will quickly hide everything "illegptors", hesitates with his presence of other garden representatives.


The flower is very similar to the chamomile. It is even called the Dalmatian chamomile. Outwardly, he is very similar to Nyurist, only the petals of him pink. This flower is a perennial. One day putting it, you will admire it for many years. Pyrethrums average, height reaches approximately 50 cm, unpretentious, the only thing - does not like to overeating. Pyrethrum flowers bloom in May, bloom long and abundantly.

All the plants described above are only a small part of the representatives of the green world, which by their structure and the form of the buds resemble chamomile. Echinacea, Ursnia, Helichrum, Dimorfothek, Queenia (Majoras), some varieties of Georgin, Astra and many others can safely replenish this list. At the same time, the breeders of all countries continue to continue to work on the removal of new variety.

Only photo flowers, their shape resembling chamomile

Anemone from the family of iloki than not a red chamomile Brachik - Blue Chamomile Gaylardia
Geelopsis looks like a yellow chamomile
Geelopsis Pepperconde
Calendula (marigold)
Coreopsis (Lenok)
Lobelia blue, in the background Velhets small
Echinacea Red Cap
Purple Echinacea
Helichrum (immortelle)
Dorsifotek yellow
Dimorfooteka Hybrid looks like a purple chamomile
Georgina annuals
Perebram Devichy

See, study, choose - and you will definitely find "your" flowers, similar to chamomile!

Motherland Plants - Pyrenees and America. Many flowers are known such name, Kakyomyari ordinary, Nyurik Leucanthemum or a different PAP (Leucanthemum Vulgare). Decorative herbal culture from the genus Nyurist refers to the Astrovy family, or complex (AsteracEae). All representatives of this culture are low herbaceous plants. and have half-dissected leaves consisting of numerous subtle fractions.

Splitty inflorescences are represented by hemispherical baskets with a diameter in the range of 4-20 mm. Flowers culture for a long time. Baskets contain two types of flowers. On disks are yellow-colored tubular rim flowers. At the edges there are false-tongue pestile flowers white color. Fruits are represented by ribe seeds. The bloom is early, and after a bunching, numerous seeds are formed.

Nivnyak is the largest: the main differences from the chamomile garden

The comparative characteristic of the chamomile garden and the niblnya largest has some differences:

  • nyurists are large and beautiful, have one stem with a floral basket;
  • chamomile meadow and garden has a branched stem with several inflorescences;
  • nyurists are distinguished by dense and rigid, consisting of a solid sheet plate with jar of leaves;
  • the daisy leaves are very gentle and characterized by strong dissection, besides, such a plant is annual, and nyonds are perennial decorative cultures.

Nyurists are often referred to as white head heads and whyushku, forest marryas and chamomile, a suntech, wild and craving chamomile. However, in its characteristics, this large decorative culture is a fairly close relative of chrysanthemums.

Features of the cultivation of leukanets of nyondician from seeds

Leowcanthemum nyondyar is perfectly multiplied by seeds. Grow independently decorative perennial recommended ensure, adhering to the following simple rules:

  • use for growing a nicely fertilized and pure soil substrate;
  • use of well-washed and disinfected seedlous containers of sufficient volume;
  • failure to the bottom of the boarding capacity of high-quality drainage;
  • sowing seed material with rehabilitation in a centimeter;
  • high-quality moistening of the crops of well-resistant soft water in room temperature;
  • support temperature mode Air indoor air at 22-23 o C.

After the emergence of mass sedresses, the air temperature is recommended to lower for about a pair of degrees. After about a month and a half, the floral seedlings can be carefully signed in separate planting containers. Planting a seedy floral material for a permanent place in open soil must be carried out after completely passes the threat of spring return freezers.

Features of growing chamomile garden (video)

Popular species

Numerous flower types are grown under garden flower conditions. The most popular is the variety "Silver Princess" up to 25-30 cm high, as well as maiden chamomile « Snowball» And chamomile meat-red or persian.

Chamomile meadow

The LEUSNTHEMUM VULGAR is referred to tall perennials forming single inflorescences - a diameter of 60-70 mm. White tongue flowers complements yellow middle. Garden forms are applied to the number of the most popular in culture of varieties "San Susti", "May Quin"and large-flowered form Maxim Kenig.

Mahrova long-term

Skest's bed is the most beautiful and inconspicuous in care. A huge amount of hybrids is characterized by very characteristic and large inflorescences, which have a pronounced aroma, absolutely not characteristic of daisies.

Astra Alpine, Blue Alpine or Mountain Astra is colored comprehensive cultures. The lowest variety is perfect for creating alpinarians, and also has special decorativeness. Pink, white or purple petals color is complemented by a yellow and terry center formed by a large number of small tubular petals.

MatsRIA SHAMILLA refers to one-year herbatous plants The height is no more than half a meter, with a straight and bare stem part, dissected and pasty leaves. Small blooming part looks like a daisy. It is quite widely cultivated in order to further produce oil.

Nyurist the largest or chrysanthemum chamomile is represented by a perennial rhiza plant forming tall bushes. Such a bush form popular in our country differs in large single inflorescences And is the genericants of many garden forms, including an unpretentious winter-hardy hybrid "Alaska" and the Gustomahlo on a strong dense stem "Aglaya".

Other types of flower

Bolotny nyondist (L.RoludOsum) or Chrysanthemum Bolotnaya is a shorter, but a very bushy plant with a height of an overhead part of no more than a quarter meter and sedentary bright green leaves of a shovel type of the next location. Inflorescences are represented by numerous baskets with short tongue white flowers and a large yellow middle formed by tubular flowers. No less popular Chinese Poamwhich has long been known as a very popular anti-inflammatory agent.

Reproduction and landing in open soil

Growing from seeds is quite accessible even in the absence of experience. Such reproduction of many years of culture is carried out quickly and easily. Under the landing you need to highlight the sunny section. Seeds are sown in March-April in mini-greenhouse, then in about May or June, the grown seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place in flower beds.

Before planting a plant, it is necessary to make a people and soil loosening, as well as the removal of all weed vegetation. Landing is carried out after the soil is quite warm, And the air temperature will be comfortable for decorative culture, about middle or late May. To plan, it is necessary to prepare large planting wells with dimensions of 30 x 30 cm. On the bottom of the landing holes need to be filled with compost or humus, as well as a small amount mineral fertilizer.

How to trim chamomile (video)

Features of planting and care

Perennial culture of light-headed, but can grow perfectly in half. Sitting on flower beds in flower pots and balcony boxes. Domestic flowerflowers grow some types of culture as an environmentally friendly way to combat different pests. When perennial flowers are flowing and begin to fade, they are recommended to trim.

The soil must be quite fertile and breathable. The plant is steadily for temporary droughts, but it is very hard to carry a strong overvailing and moisture stagnation at the root system. Perennial retains perfectly root system Under the snow layer in winter, and also can easily carry late spring and early autumn frosts. Bustard of garden perennial needs to be divided every three or four years.

In the conditions of inquositary flower growing, a huge number of species of perennial and annual decorative cultures, the flowers of which have an external similarity with wild or garden chamomiles. Most often, Doronikum, Melolepetnik, Pyrethrum, Astra, Majors, Garden Chrysanthemums, Brachik Maerisoliste, Buzotnoe, Venidium, Gotanya, Georgin, Gerbera, and Dorphota and Dorothantus are most likely.

The earliest view with inflorescences - baskets with a diameter of up to 10 cm golden yellow color. Winter-hardy rhizome perennial The garden can be represented by the Doronicum Eastern or Caucasian (D.orientale, D.Caucasicum), a height of no more than half a meter. Alpine Gorki They are tamed with a low grade "Gold Dwarf". Early spring blossoms are distinguished by the tall large-flowered doronicum of the plantain (D.Plantagineum).

Ryrthrum or Persian chamomile belongs to the category of decorative perennials And it has an overhead part of up to 60 cm high with the characteristic omission of the stem part and the peristo-dissected foliage. Large flowers are collected in inflorescences - baskets.

Perennial Astra

  • alpine (A.alpinus), blooming at the end of May or mid-June and forming single baskets of a single basket of purple, lilac, blue or white color with a yellow center. Best varieties White Color "Alba", Colored "Goliath", "Dunkla Shena", "Rosea", "Glory" and "Superbus";
  • italian (A.Amellus) with semi-shaped bushes height up to half a meter and shovel inflorescences of lilac-violet color with a yellow middle. Flowering from mid-summer and until October. Perfectly suitable for group landing;
  • sustainic (A.dumosus) a short border plant with strong-tetwist balls-balls different in height and staining of flowers;
  • novobelgian (A.novibelgii) with blurred inflorescences presented more than a hundred inflorescences - a diameter of no more than 40 mm;
  • novoangali (A.NovaEngliae) Tall Astra with Autumn blossoms and durable stems with numerous blurred inflorescences having a yellow, reddish or purple middle.


Zinnia (ZinniA) refers to herbaceous and shrub perennials from the Astrov family from the territory of South Mexico. Most popular in garden culture(Z.elegans), terry California giant, cactious giant, supercactive and beabyosolous or agenic color.

Also in recent years, Zinniya Haage (Z.Haageana), or a narrow (Z.Nangustifolia), thin-flowering (Z.tenuiflora) and Linearis (Z.Linearis) have been actively cultivated. Of particular interest are the "Magellan", "Profud", "Swisl", "Cherry Ivory" and "Scarlett Yello".


Chrysanthemum garden grades "Crimean chamomile" and very interesting domestic novelty varieties with simple inflorescence "Stranger", "Yuri Gogatikov", "Yaltinka"and "Victory" - Unpretentious and very decorative.

Charming red-color foreign grade with simple inflorescences "BOSSA TIME" and multicolored garden chrysanthemum Foxi Time Also serve as an excellent alternative to garden chamomile. However, varietal garden chrysanthemum has a special similarity with Nyuriton "Harita" With snow-white petals and yellow enough large middle.


Garden daisy, of course, at its base is a kind of chamomile. A small herbaceous plant has a short rhizome, stupid shovels gorgeous roasting leaves, a light-free stem, on which one floral head is formed. Wild minor perennial daisies enjoy extremely popular (RELLIS RENNIS), which are very well suited for registration of lawns and borders.

Completed nonachhroval varieties include small daisies "Liliput"and "Montrose". The best and most popular varieties of perennial daisies include large-flowered "Robella"as well as miniature variety "Rob Roy", ocherizing "Bella Daiz" and "Pomponett". No less pretty series Tasso, "Speedstar"and "Rominett."

How to plant chamomile garden (video)

Among the numerous species of plants that are most likely to have particularly popular with domestic amateur flower and high-temperature varieties. For proper choice There is an opportunity to get a long blooming and maximum attractive flower garden.

Garden "Silver Princess" (Chrysanthemum Maximum Silver Princess) is a perennial, very decorative plant with large yellow-eyed inflorescences - baskets framed by snow-white long petals-eyelashes.

The chamomile "Silver Princess" is quite low, just about 30 cm. The entire growing season on the chamomile is formed by many new branching stems, at the expense of these new shoots it blooms all summer. Finally, a chamomile appeared, which blooms in the very first year, unlike his relative-two-year-olds!

Seeds of Romashek Sadovaya can be heated in March in the seedlings in the room, in April in a cold greenhouse for growing seedlings, or in the fall - in open ground. In the Spring Sowing, the sewers of the garden chamomile appear after 2-3 weeks at a soil temperature of 15-18 0 C. For better germination, a nonwoven underflowing material can be used. Under it is created the optimal microclimate necessary for sowing chamomile.

After the appearance of two or three real leaves, the seedlings of the chamomile garden need to dive so that they could develop normally. With thickened landings, seedlings can be very stretched. In the open ground for permanent seedlings of the chamomile garden planted at the end of May - early June at a respectful distance of half the meter, to give her space to fully show all his beauty.

Chamomile garden prefers sunny places. For normal development, it is desirable to plant on limestone or neutral soils. The landing site should be well fertilized and quite moisturized. But it will not carry water stagnation, so there, where the level of groundwater is high, drainage should be made.

Chamomile Garden speaks well not only to make organic, but also mineral fertilizers. Especially beneficial effect on the flowering of chamomile, making fertilizer containing a balanced NPK complex. In drought, like all other plants, daisies need watering, especially during the growing season and flowering. To preserve the necessary moisture in the soil of landing chamomile garden is better to climb. For this, the grass bevelled on the lawn. In autumn, shoots off.

For the winter roots chamomile need to hideor dry fallen leaves or by observing material. When using a streamless nonwoven material, the threat of spraying is not so acute. And in the spring, in April, the risk of damaging the wintering daisy leaves is reduced. On the third or fourth year, the daisy bushes need a renovation, otherwise not only bloom will decline, but also the plant itself can aby.

Flowering chamomile garden continues for a long time. In the first year, the chamomile "Silver Princess" blooms already in July and blooms flesh to frosts. Removal of flashing buds stimulates new education. In subsequent years, bloom begins in June.

Because of its small growth, as well as due to the continuous education of new chamomile stems, garden can be used as a blooming border plant.

With chamomile well experiment. Put the next one (10x10 cm) four plants. As the stalks grow, constantly pinch the bushes began to branch. Plug until a dense pillow is formed from stems. And then pour according to the instructions to the preparation of bud. A week later, you will have a flowering hat from daisies. Such chrysanthemums are also well tolerated. You can put them in boxes, pots or vases. Then you can transfer such a blooming bouquet of daisies to any place.

Chamomile can be planted against the background of decorative shrubs that bloom in spring or autumn. Chamomile can be used both in group landings and in prefabricated flower beds, chapets, mixlers, borders near geranium bloody-red, bells, phlox, salvia. In addition to the decoration of the chamomile garden, you can use in a cut, a bouquet of daisies stands for a very long time in the water. What could be better than the bouquet of simple daisies on the first date?

You did not notice that all kids, and big, and small very loved daisies planted in the garden. They look forward to flowers so that, hiding from curious attacks of adults, to pay on the petals: Loves - does not like? So let our kids stay with romantics, and we will give them great pleasure to them this opportunity, putting chamomile in your garden. No less romantic and legend about chamomile.

In the garden in summer, the chamomile is often amazed by TRIPS. In order not to lose the decorativeness of daisies, a series of processing insecticides will be required. If black specks appear on the leaves of the chamomile (septoriasis), treat the beans of the chamomile fungicides, for example, Ridomit Gold, Profit.

Chamomile - beautiful romantic flowers, which often prefer gardeners to decorate the landscape of garden sites.

Garden large camomiles are easy to grow, they do not require special care and refer to K. perennial plants - than not perfect option To decorate your favorite cottage. But before breeding a herbaceous plant, it will not hurt to get acquainted with the main conditions for growing healthy and blooming daisies.

Chamomile - Description

Chamomile belongs to the Astrov family, and as mentioned, chamomile belongs to many years of herbaceous plants, although some varieties can be annual. The height of the stem grows from 30 to 60 cm, on it alternately are lowered by the downtown leaves with an interesting ornament.

On the top of the flower maker is located solitary large flower or inflorescence of several. For petals, white color is characteristic. Growing the flower fast enough.

Popular views and varieties of large garden chamomile

The usual yellow core, surrounded by white petals, can look completely different depending on the plant variety. To today, Botany has 25 species of garden daisies. It seems that such a simple flower does not look different, depending on the variety, some inflorescences can be called especially original and interesting.

Alaska is one of the most popular large varieties of daisies:

  • Petals, as clear by the title, have a pure white color.
  • Inside circular two-row petals is an orange-yellow core.
  • In diameter, the flower often reaches 10 cm.
  • Such flowers are sufficiently unfair and durable, which allows it to land it at any dowry.
  • The bushes grow to 60-80 cm.

Note! The fallout chamomile is carried out at intervals of 35-40 cm. The first bloom can be seen at the beginning of summer, the second falls on September-October. Alaska loves light and moderately rich wet soil. For breeding the bushes are divided.

How to grow more harvest?

Any gardener and the dacket nicely get a big harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get the desired result.

Often plants lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% In just a few weeks of application.
  • You can get good vintage even on low-grade soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Another popular color grade of white flower. Such a plant also applies to perennial, and unpretentious in care.

In addition, bushes are well winted in domestic conditions:

  • Nioney has high straight stems reaching 80cm.
  • Alternately growing leaves has an oblong shape and small teeth have on the contour.
  • The inflorescences of this variety are represented by single baskets with a diameter of 6-7 cm.
  • On the edges, flowers are white and tongue, middle - characterize as tubular with bright yellow color.
  • Flowers dissolve immediately into several rows.

Note! Flowers grade a little earlier than the previous one, the first blurred inflorescences can be seen in mid-May. If you can constantly remove the flashing shoots, it is possible to extend the bloom to 1.5-2 months.

  • Such chamomile is considered a compact variety due to a height of 30 cm.
  • White colors Princess in diameter reaches 8 cm.
  • Usually, shrubs are planted at borders due to the height and good solvability of the plant.
  • Such daisies are good for open soils and almost without damage to freezes.
  • Shrubs in light areas are squeezed for growing and providing long flowering, where the soil is rich in good mineral elements and is sufficiently moistened.
  • The princess blooms about a month, but overlapping the old inflorescences of vegetation can be extended.

  • Northern Star consider another favorite among perennial grades Garden daisies, such a name called shrub was assigned due to the snow-white inflorescences and baskets, whose petals slightly thinner than in previous representatives, and a little pointed as Astra.
  • The flower itself is in width reaches 16 cm, and the stalks grow up to 40-50 cm in height.
  • Although they include the Northern Star to compact daisies, which are preferably planted borders and fences.
  • In addition, the seeds grow rather quickly, within 2-3 weeks, and the bushes themselves are well expanded.
  • Space such daisies on solar plots with damp soil.
  • The variety is well tolerates domestic frost.

The stories of our readers!
"I am a gift with many years of experience, and this fertilizer began to use only last year. Tested it on the very capricious vegetable of my garden - on tomatoes. They grew and bloomed the bushes together, the crop gave more than usual. And the phytoofluorosis did not hurt, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives a more intense growth garden plantsAnd they are fruiting much better. Now without fertilizer, the normal harvest is not growing, and this feeding increases the number of vegetables, so that I am very pleased with the result. "

Although the classic variant of the chamomile is represented with white petals, various garden varieties destroy such stereotypes.

For example, the Persian chamomile is easily distinguished from the usual, it is due to a unique color:

  • The shrub itself is also durable.
  • Persian chamomile stems reach from 50 to 100 cm height, but on strong fruits with a yellow core petal will be not white, but bright red.
  • Although hybrid varieties can differ in colors of pink, bard, yellow, raspberry and even purple flowers with terry petals.
  • In addition, this chamomile will bloom all summer.

Another representative of non-ferrous daisies Many years of Erigeron:

  • The height of the shrub reaches 60-80 cm with floral baskets up to 5 cm in diameter.
  • The petals of such a daisy-like shrub is a little more than a distant relative, but they are more and arranged in several rows.
  • Erigerona is attributed to blue, lilac, purple, purple or red flowers depending on the variety that bloom in early summer and continue to delight until September.

How to grow a large garden chamomile on the site?

No special difficulties in disembarking daisies on garden plot not. At the same time, it is possible to grow a shrub in several ways: with the help of seedlings, dividing bushes or seed sowing.

Eat growing

With the help of seedlings, the chamomile is planted quite often and very efficiently. This cultivation option is successfully suitable for plots subject to strong frozen. Although adult bushes carry cold significantly better than seeds. Singing seedlings at intervals of 25-30 cm, 3-4 plants.

Division bush

Decision bushes reach best results Growing. Such a method is considered the easiest, only chamomiles that have reached the age of 3-5 years are suitable for him. Make a transplant procedure at the beginning of autumn, in order for the flower to be completely strengthened in the soil.

Growing from seeds

The seeds of seeds are engaged in dackets extremely rare, as this method of disembarking is not as popular due to low efficiency.

But doubled the number of seeds in the hole, you can still grow some healthy shrubs. Seeds are better to buy in proven specialized stores along with concomitant to strengthen growth and stimulate absorption drugs and mineral fertilizers.

How to plant a large garden chamomile in the garden?

Before saving garden chamomile Be sure to prepare the soil for a more effective absorption of the shrub, regardless of which way it is grown.

Most. good option Converting any soil in a favorable environment for any variety is considered to be denuncable with universal floral fertilizers. They may be so organic (weak concentration) and mineral. Although if you wish, you can purchase special drugs for such purposes in the store.

When and how to plant?

If the seed sowing method was chosen to land, start growing better in March. Well, if the seed is not in open soil, but in special containers (it is quite possible to use disposable plastic cups), because there they will warm up better and get better at the site.

Seedlings are sled in early May, in order for the plant to have time to seek in a new environment.

When the land is ready for landing, pits 20-30 cm in depth of 20-40 cm depths from each other. After landing, the plant is abundantly watered clean water or divorced means to stimulate growth.

Flowering chamomile will begin in a year.

When is it better to transplant the garden chamomile?

For transplantation and division of bushes successfully fits September, since the adult plant is accepted quickly and the cold has already feels comfortable in a new place.

Care for a large garden chamomile

Chamomile is not particularly picky, but require sufficient lighting. For comfortable growth, the shrub will need only drained sand kidney and low lime content. Full-fledged flower nutrition support feeding. Do not forget about the constant weeds of weeds.

Watering and subordinate

  • There is an unlawful rule of growing daisies - the more often the shrubs are watered, the better they bloom are more abundant.
  • The young chamomile is often watered and abundantly, but as soon as the plant is mastered enough to not allow the dryness of the soil and frequent water treatments for the shrub decrease.
  • But it will have to feed more often: after winter, before flowering and after it.

Care after flowering and preparation for winter

The phosphorus-potassium feeder necessary for high-quality flowering bushes is carried out in autumn. In addition, a well-fuzzy plant will break better. Closer to October is good to pour soil organic fertilizers (for example, a cowper with water in a ratio of 1:10)

Nitrogen feeds apply more often:

  • with spring onset;
  • during the appearance of the first buds;
  • in the middle of the summer season.

For such purposes, ammonia nitrate, urea or diluted bird litter are often used.

Note! Additional means Preparation of plants for winter is to ensure the shelter of shrubs. For this, the land is sprinkled with sawdust or cover with nonwoven material.

Trimming and rejuvenation of the bush

Trimming and rejuvenation of the bush are carried out for 5 year daisies. For this, half of the bush is simply removed and left to grow. After 3 years, they do the same, but the second half of the root system is subject to the slice.

In addition to trimming, the bush transplant to another place, because for 5 years the shrub takes everything nutrients From the soil under it.

Diseases, pests and chamomile treatment

Chamomile is especially sensitive to fungi, especially if the shrub was watered overly often and abundantly. Most often, the reasons for the deterioration of the plant development becomes rust and malievable dew.

But noticing the first signs of the disease, you can spend an accelerated course of treatment with 1% burgue mixture. Perform a spraying at least four times and after sprinkling ashes. The interval between the treatments is observed in 10 days.

If the disease is already running, the missing bushes get rid of burning.

Good to know! But the most dangerous pests for flowers are the snails and slugs for which the daisy leaves go as a delicacy. You can get rid of such uninvited guests with spraying of a weak solution of coffee, pepper or mustard powder.

Large garden chamomile in landscape design

  • Chamomile can grow independently, decorating the fence fences or flower beds near the country house.
  • Often chamomile fell in arbors or shops, because high flowers protect space, and look at romantic snow-white inflorescences much more pleasant than the cucumber beds.
  • For a more saturated landscaped painting, giant chamomile sit down ahead with dolphiniums, cornflowers, bells and lilies.
  • Successfully describes the composition of white daisies and red roses, yellow tulips or pony peonies.
  • Many gardeners are experimenting with chamomile varieties, planting shrubs with inflorescences of various colors.

Columbus opened the world not only America, the chamomile also became one of the brought souvenirs of the traveler after the world adventure. It is not surprising that the country is officially considered to be the birthplace of such a favorite domestic chamomile.

But about the beneficial properties of the plant already learned in the old world. Where it was called "Romanova Grass". In our homeland, the flower appeared in the 19th century, but he was called Belyushka or a spearfish.

In Egypt, chamomile has long been considered an antipyretic agent, and the creation of a flower was attributed to the ancient God of the Sun of RA. While the Scandinavians and the Germans brought snow-white flowers with the yellow core of the main deity, living in Asgard, the same.

Note! Tibetan sages to this day believe that chamomile is a real elixir of youth. The French believe that better preparation From the bloating of the abdomen than the infusion of daisies, no one has yet come up with.

Garden chamomiles are among the most universal plants.

They can be planted on flower lawns in parks, in flower beds in front of the house, on cottage plot And in the garden among the trees.

Everywhere they look very beautiful and gently.

Garden chamomiles grow Usually two colors: blue and white.

They grow a large bush and constantly interchange. That is, new buds and inflorescences appear during the summer and autumn.

The duration of the bush is in one place for 3-4 years. Then it is better to dissolve them and transplant to another place so that the plants do not degenerate.

The camomile winters perfectly under the snow and do not require a separate cover. They are very unpretentious to the soil and not too suffer from weeds.

Watering should be moderate and not very frequent - 2 times a week in hot weather. If summer is rainy enough, then in the additional watering, they practically do not need.

Chamomile can grow well both on the sunny side and in the shade. This does not affect the quality of flowering.

Seaming nyondyan can be seeds, rhizomes or cuttings. Seeds can be planted directly to the ground in autumn or in spring. Shoots appear on the 20th day and grow quickly.

But with such a crop, plants bloom only for the second year. You can plant camomiles and seedlings.

Then they need to be seeded in March-April, in good soil and raise the landing time, which you define in your region.

In this case, the plant can be blooming in the first year of landing. You can plant seedlings immediately after the spring April frosts, when their repetition is reduced to zero.

After disembarking, seedlings can be slightly imparted. It is also necessary to disassemble nyondist in spring or autumn, before or after the start of flowering.

Rhizomes are divided into small parts, trying to do so that every part of the main root intended for transplanting has a sufficient number of uriced small roots.

It is necessary to plant such Delinka, but try to fall asleep rhizome. Such landings grow very well.

There is another way of reproduction of these colors - shifting. For landing, the socket of small shoots is separated, which is planted in the middle of summer with a piece rhizomes.

The planted "socket" sprinkle loose ground and leave for germination. Chamomile is very beautiful in lawns, on the flower beds, in the gardens.

But there is a special variety of dwarf daisies, designed for borders. These flowers are good not only for stationary cultivation, but also under the cut for bouquets.

Personally, I really love daisies and on the flower beds and in bouquets and constantly grow them in the country area.

But it is because of the fact that they are very unpretentious, I boldly plant them between trees in the garden. It turns out a good design!