
The best drug for late blight of potatoes. How to treat potatoes from late blight before planting? How to treat tomatoes from phytophthora.

Procurement and storage secrets

Phytophthora- an attack that can significantly reduce the yield of vegetables and even ruin the entire potato crop. Signs of phytophthora on potatoes are visible to the naked eye: at first, brown spots affect the lower leaves of the plant, gradually moving to the upper leaves, stems and tubers. The surface of the potato becomes lead-gray, soft and slimy to the touch, and the flesh takes on a rusty hue. Humid, rather warm weather is a factor aggravating the development of the disease. The fight against late blight in potatoes includes a number of measures.

Symptoms are green patches near the leaf edges that develop to black and spread through the petioles to the stem. If the attack is very strong it can even affect the tubers, leading to rotting. Use of resistant varieties.

Destruction of possible sources of inoculum such as piles of agricultural waste. Support good coverage land by means of appropriate landings. Harvest affected tubers before storing. During storage, ventilation will be sufficient to keep the temperature as low as possible.

Methods of dealing with late blight on potatoes

Rejection of diseased tubers

Since the main source of infection is diseased tubers, to protect potatoes from late blight, planting material affected by the fungus must be carefully rejected. At the same time, it is important not just to fold damaged potatoes on the territory of the dacha or throw them over the fence, it is imperative to bury the discarded tubers deeper in the ground or burn them, otherwise the spores will spread by the wind to a distance of up to 5 kilometers.

Application of fungicides for plant protection. The following table shows the active ingredients, dosages and product presentation. This disease usually affects the stems and leaves of potatoes and, to a lesser extent, tubercles. Infection begins in older leaves, resulting in small, circular patches that darken as they grow.

Sometimes lesions are concentric rings, varying in color from dark brown to black. The disease progresses during periods of wet and dry queues. Perform a wide crop rotation. Let the tubers ripen well before harvest to avoid injury during harvest.

Correct distribution of potato and vegetable varieties

It is undesirable to plant late-ripening varieties together with early- and mid-ripening varieties that are affected by late blight earlier. If possible, it is better to transfer potato planting to a new place every year. You can not plant tomatoes in the neighborhood, which too.

Chemical treatment of potatoes

Maintain good mineral nutrition throughout the crop cycle. Potato powder. This disease has a wide geographical distribution as it is located in any area of ​​potato cultivation. Brownish pustules appear in the tubers, which later evolve to rot.

The most severe damage occurs in the spring, after sowing; as the mushroom attacks underground shoots, delaying its appearance. In the fields, there is an uneven increase in fertility and plants, so a decrease in productivity occurs. Solarize for forty-five days.

In order to treat potatoes from late blight, chemical preparations are used. When deciding how to process potatoes from phytophthora, they must take into account the growing season of the culture. At the beginning of planting, potatoes are treated twice in the phase of closing the tops, maintaining an interval of 1.5 weeks. At this time, fungicidal preparations for phytophthora on potatoes are used: Artsdil (50 g per 10 l of water), Ridomil MC (25 g per 10 l) and Osksykh (20 g per 10 l). After flowering, treatment is carried out with preparations of contact action: Ditamin M-45 (20 g per 10 l of water), copper oxychloride (40 g per 10 l), Kuproksat (25 g per 10 l). The number of treatments is 3-4 per season, the interval between treatments is 1 week.

If high soil moisture and low temperatures are expected, it is recommended to sow the surface to expedite the emergency. Disinfect tubers with mercury-containing products. Potato scabies. It is considered a conservative disease, but tubers are contaminated before harvest.

This fungus is transmitted by contaminated seed and soil. The infected parts of the tuber have a silvery sheen, especially if the tuber is washed. If the attack is very strong, the skin is destroyed and therefore the potatoes are devalued for both consumption and sowing.

Cultivation of late blight-resistant potato varieties

The choice of potato varieties resistant to late blight is the best and effective method... In areas where this potato disease is common, varieties that are least exposed to its manifestations should be planted: Nevsky, Vesna, Arina, Golubizna, September, Mavka, Ogonyok and others.

Use plant material without this disease. Set the revs wide. Collect the tubers as they ripen. Store tubers in a cool, ventilated place. In dry rot of tubers, the lesion begins in wounds that slowly expand. Semen infection occurs during storage through wounds or during planting, handling and burial.

Use healthy plant materials. Apply fungicides to seeds that are chopped. Set a wide crop rotation. Avoid injury during collection and storage. Provide adequate ventilation and high relative humidity during storage.

Compliance with the rules of harvesting potatoes

To prevent such an unpleasant potato disease as late blight, it is important to properly prepare planting material for next spring. To do this, after harvesting, the tubers must be dried. If the weather is dry, then the potatoes are dried right on the site, if it is rainy, they are dried under a canopy. After the tubers dry up, they make a secondary bulkhead of the potatoes, and only then the crop is laid for a long-term. Even those tubers that are slightly affected should be eliminated, because 1.5 months after planting, the fungus will still appear, and healthy ones will be infected sprouts.

This disease is observed in conditions high humidity and low temperatures. This is more serious in seedlings, especially if the planting density is high. It produces necrosis, surrounded by a very pale green halo in the tuft of leaves, capable of stretching towards flowers, which ends the detachment and decay of the tuft surface.

The main fungicides to combat late blight

Apply fungicides during the growing cycle; Below are the active ingredients, dosages and product presentation. Anthracnose. It is a little known disease due to the similarity of silver symptoms. It is considered a debilitating pathogen. This disease occurs mainly in sandy soils with low or excessive nitrogen content, poorly drained and high temperatures.

Treatment seed material before boarding

Gardeners have heard that planting tubers are treated with drugs to increase potato resistance. But not everyone knows how to spray seed potatoes from late blight. Agricultural technicians advise to carry out processing 1-2 days before planting with Agatom-25K (3 g per 250 ml of water) or Immunocytophyte (0.4 g per 150 ml). This amount of solution is enough to process 20 kg of potatoes.

Using healthy plant material. Rational irrigation planning. Perform rotations every three years at least. It is a bacteria that produces numerous losses in most producing countries; It is located on the surface of the tubers and, under suitable conditions, decomposes the plant material before sprouting, moving towards the stem.

When kept in contact with air, they blacken the cellular contents, giving off a characteristic sickening odor. Avoid planting in cold, moist soils. To maintain strict hygiene of the operation: for the removal of agricultural waste, for the disinfection of warehouses, tools and agricultural machinery.

Thanks to a set of preventive measures, you will be able to harvest a bountiful harvest of delicious vegetable crops!

Have your tomatoes and potatoes turned brown, and black spots began to appear on the leaves, stems and fruits? Probably, the plants were attacked by late blight. But don't despair! We will tell you how to deal with late blight.

Handle potatoes with care during harvest. Collect in dry weather to facilitate drying and wound healing. Perform wide mesh rotations. This bacterium causes significant economic losses around the world. If a cross-section is made on the stem, the presence of small grayish-brownish bright drops emerging from the xylem is observed.

The best recipes from phytophthora for potatoes

In the tuber, the symptom of the disease appears in brown circles when the cross-section is created. Use certified plant material. Rotate large crops while avoiding other salt plants that serve as hosts.

This common fungal disease, primarily affecting nightshade crops, occurs most commonly in cool, damp weather. Phytophthora spores can be found in the ground, on seeds, plant debris, walls and roof of the greenhouse, garden tools, etc. And in order to prevent the spread of spores to plants, preventive measures must be followed.

Folk remedies for combating late blight of potatoes

In areas where rice is grown the traditional way, in case of flooding for several months, the presence of inoculum is reduced and subsequent cultivation of the potato is successful. This bacterial disease affects the commercial quality of the crop, being a big threat in cultivation areas because there is no effective methods fight against its eradication.

The symptoms identified are small brown spots at first, which broaden the perception of painful appearance capable of penetrating the surface of the tuber. The symptoms of superficial scab are shown as small, rough areas on the surface of the tuber.

Prevention of phytophthora

1. Well-calcified soils are a favorable environment for the development of late blight. Therefore, you should not get carried away with liming. If a lot of lime has accumulated in the soil, you need to restore the natural balance of the soil: add peat and fill the furrows with coarse sand.

Conditions conducive to the occurrence of late blight on potatoes

The incidence of this disease depends on two factors: landscape and susceptibility to diversity. Avoid using seeds with scabies. Maintain soil moisture during tuberization. Do not apply excessive amounts of manure. Disable the use of lime in the soil, because they increase its value.

Potato rolled virus. It is one of the most important diseases as it spreads throughout the world to all production areas, especially in Europe. This virus can be transmitted by infected tubers and aphids. The characteristic symptoms are the curl of the leaves at the base and the hardening of the leaves due to the accumulation of starch, which creak if rubbed with the hand.

2. Fungi prefer a humid environment, therefore it is important to water the plants in moderation and avoid thickening of the plantings. Water potatoes and tomatoes in the morning so that most of the moisture is absorbed into the soil by the end of the day. And when growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, be sure to ventilate it.

In addition, humidity often rises with sudden changes in temperature (for example, at the end of summer, when it is still hot during the day and the nights are already getting cold).

Cultivate varieties less susceptible to this virus. Use methods to control the transmission of the aphids of this virus. It is a virus with a high prevalence in seed potato production. The symptoms of this disease depend on the virus race and the type of potato variety; Starting with chlorosis, followed by necrosis and ending with premature death of plants.

Potato virus control methods will be used. They arise as a result of the direct exposure of the tubers to light. The tubers take on a greenish color and accumulate a substance called solanine, which poses a high health risk if these tubers are consumed.

At such a landing time in open ground should be covered with spunbond at night. First of all, this applies to tomatoes, since not only late blight, but the cold itself can destroy them.

3. Any infection sticks to plants with weak immunity. Therefore, make sure that your tomatoes and potatoes are getting enough essential micronutrients(iodine, manganese, copper, potassium and phosphorus). Then have garden crops there will be less chances of getting late blight.

If the tubers are exposed to direct light and the temperatures are also very high, the tubers turn green, resulting in cell death underneath the discolored areas. This is an abnormality that leads to the appearance of long and thin buds due to various reasons, such as: excessive heating of the tuber during respiration, variety, manganese deficiency, etc.

To avoid this anomaly, it is necessary to pre-strengthen the potatoes by removing the filial tubers. This is an anomaly that causes some tubers to appear after others. This occurs mainly in late varieties that are delayed in planting, causing an interruption in tuberization and an overdevelopment of the aerial part.

And to strengthen the immunity of plants, crop rotation must be observed. So, good predecessors for potatoes are cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin, squash, cabbage, legumes, root crops, onions, and for tomato - white and cauliflower, cucumber, squash, pumpkin, legumes, onions, root vegetables.

4. It is possible to prevent the development of late blight due to the cultivation of varieties and hybrids that are resistant to fungal diseases. Choose high-quality planting material - and you will not need drugs for late blight.

Late blight: saving tomatoes and potatoes

This anomaly produces tubers of different sizes due to various reasons, such as storage in too dark places, irregular water supply, excessive temperature during tuberization, compacted soils, etc. The pipes are sunken and cracked. These two anomalies co-occur for different reasons, including the over-contribution of nitrogen during the last period to the crop cycle.

During stormy and humid summers, mold wreaks havoc. Tomatoes and potatoes are particularly affected by this disease. Tomatoes are colored black, leaves first, then fruits. What can you do with an organic vegetable garden to limit damage? The mycelium then develops under the leaves and produces spores that will spread. Milking mold is fairly easy to recognize.

Phytophthora treatment

Chemicals for phytophthora on potatoes and tomatoes are very effective, but during the ripening of the crop, they are not recommended to be used. Therefore, in the second half of summer, it is better to spray plants with biological preparations.

Upper leaf surface: Oily brownish-green beaches starting at the edge of the leaves and drying out in the center.

  • Bottom leaf: white in wet weather or when morning dew is sufficient.
  • Stems and petiole: brown spots.
  • Fruit: Dent brown, hard and marbled.
Down mold can easily destroy an entire crop.

Preventive treatment of false powdery mildew you can try by inserting a copper wire into the main stem of each tomato plant. Moisture will promote the formation of copper sulfate, which, carried by the sap, can protect the plant from mold. Use naked electrical wire which is then passed under the flame to remove the layer of varnish that covers it.

So, in a specialized store you can buy Fitosporin, dilute it with water according to the instructions, carry out the first spraying when ovaries appear, and then spray the plants every 10-14 days. In addition, with the help of Fitosporin solution, it is possible to treat the soil from late blight: before sowing or planting plants, shed soil or add a biological product to irrigation water several times during the growing season.

Fight against false mold attack

When the plants reach about 30 cm, they are treated with a copper-based fungicide or sparingly with a Bordeaux mixture. This protects the foliage from fungal attacks. Highly general advice for a healthy vegetable garden: practice crop rotation. There is no real curative treatment but you can try it.

This disease affects several cultures. It is also influenced by the legs of the grapes. As soon as the first symptoms appear, remove the affected parts of the plant. Cut the foliage, remove the affected fruit and burn it. Reminder: In general, there is no need to post on.

How to process tomatoes and potatoes from late blight with folk remedies

We will present the most effective and time-tested folk recipes safe means that our grandmothers used to save their green pets from dangerous late blight.

Infusion of garlic with potassium permanganate

100 g of garlic (bulbs, arrows and leaves can be used) are chopped (in a meat grinder, garlic or simply cut into very small pieces), poured with 1 glass of water and infused for 24 hours. Then the mass is filtered, 10 liters of water and 1 g of potassium permanganate are added. The resulting solution is sprayed on the plants every 10-15 days. On average, 0.5 liters are used for each bush.


This drug (and its analogue, Metronidazole) can be bought at a pharmacy. 1 tablet of Trichopolum is dissolved in 1 liter of water and the tops are sprayed with this liquid every 2 weeks.

Milk serum

Sour milk whey is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio and from the beginning of July the plants are sprayed every 2-3 days.

The aisles of tomatoes are powdered with ash a week after planting the seedlings in the ground or greenhouse. When the fruits begin to set, the dusting is repeated.

Milk with iodine

1 liter of skim milk is poured into 10 liters of water and 15 drops of iodine are added. The resulting solution is sprayed on the plants every 2 weeks. This milk-iodine preparation not only kills germs, but also accelerates the growth of green pets.


Dissolve 100 g of yeast in 10 l of water. This tool is used to treat potatoes and tomatoes at the first signs of late blight.


1 liter of kefir fermented for two days is diluted with 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is sprayed on the plants every 2 weeks after planting in a permanent place, and in wet summer conditions - every week.


100 g of dry (or 150 g of fresh) horsetail is added to 1 liter of water and boiled over low heat for 30 minutes. Then the broth is diluted in 5 liters of water, cooled to room temperature and spray the plants with it every 10-14 days.


Dissolve 1 glass of table salt in 10 liters of water and spray the tops. But keep in mind: saline is more of a prophylactic agent than a remedy. Therefore, before spraying, the damaged areas of the plant must be removed.

Infusion of rotted hay

1 kg of hay is poured into 10 liters of water, a handful of urea is added and left for 3-4 days. The resulting infusion is filtered and the plants are sprayed every 1.5-2 weeks.

Tree tinder fungus

The dried mushroom is chopped with a knife or passed through a meat grinder, then poured with boiling water (at the rate of 10 liters of water per 100 g of tinder fungus) and covered with a lid. When the liquid has cooled, it is filtered and used to spray potatoes and tomatoes every 10 days. Tinder fungus treatments are most effective at the time of fruit setting.

When to spray tomatoes and potatoes from late blight

To protect crops from late blight, folk remedies should be used not when signs of disease appear on the plants, but in advance. The first time the potatoes are sprayed at the beginning of budding, and the second - after 10-14 days. At the same time, the first processing of tomatoes is carried out.

So, over the summer, plants are sprayed on average 4-5 times every 10-15 days.

Take care of your green pets correctly, do not forget about disease prevention - and no late blight will ruin your crop!