
What perennials are transplanted in autumn. What flowers can be planted in autumn. Tall perennial plants for summer cottages


Flowers, being a decoration of any plot, fill it with bright colors and do not cease to amaze the surrounding their magnificence. Wanting to enjoy the beauty of blossoms of plants next year, many gardeners already in early September begin to prepare long-term flowers that are planting in autumn. Combly combining perennials, you can create floral compositions that will please continuously abundant flowering from the first days of spring and before the beginning of winter.

Important conditions of autumn landing

Therefore, they require less thinning than focal terms. They prefer a semi-shaded site. In the warm regions and sunny places it is recommended to cover the floor with pine bark or similar material. Thus, the soil remains cooled, and the plants consume less water. In regions with more high humidity, as in the northern lower Saxony, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg or Denmark, Fergesien feels particularly comfortable. Tricks can be fatal for plants!

Perennial seats for autumn transplant

Landing: Always dig at least 40 centimeters more than the root ball of your plant. When sowing on pure bamboo plants, your plants are much more energetic and optimally supplied with fertilizers, etc. For 3 months. Then place your bamboo so that the root is not higher or lower than the ambient soil. Fill the bamboo, good and good. Then again fill in the height of the surrounding soil and water. The cover with a pine crust layer 2-3 cm prevents rapid drying and soil overheating with solar radiation.

Why are the autumn to plant perennials best?

Landing perennial flowers in autumn - the ability to get a chic result of rich flower beds with relatively small material and labor costs. The reason for this is the fact that plants planted in autumn are easier adapting and hardened in the cold winter months. With the onset of spring, by passing the process of addictive to new conditions and fixes, perennials are ready to direct all their efforts on intensive growth and abundant flowering.

Soil saves moisture better, and you need less water! Pine bark does not rot as quickly as a crust earth, does not remove nitrogen from the soil and is also very decorative. They also have the ability to mix in the substrate itself. The substrate should be diluted with a long fertilizer, and then moisturize well.

The substrate or root area, from year to year a larger and wider plant, must be wet. From spring until late summer, plants need much more water than in the cool season or in a soft winter. Remember that the canopy is similar to the screen in the rain, the usual rain does not reach the plant! Bamboo loves water in the warm season and should be watering additionally. It is also necessary to check automatic irrigation!

Athonita, Clematis and Adonis - Drazing Perennials, showing themselves in all its glory, precisely with autumn landing: After wintering in the ground, they are better rooted, grow and delight blossom

Another, no less significant reason for the landing of perennial flowers is falling, is the ability for a flower to pay for this process more time: soberly evaluate your desires and opportunities, more carefully consider advantageous combinations of colors, as well as prepare the soil and planting material. In addition, the soil breathed after summer sunny rays. The soil will not require the soil moistened with seasonal rains watering work After planting plants.

The use of anger barrier, also called root lock, is strongly recommended for foothill bamboo species. Even if the bamboo is in the middle of the lawn, you must limit his barrier from the root, otherwise it will conquer your garden in the next 10 years. A confinement with a rhizome barrier is only a time limit.

If the area inside the rhizomial barrier is full of stalks and rhizomes, it is necessary to create pots again, as many types of bamboo grow higher or under the barrier. Bamboo care in fattening bamboo means much more work. Anyone who has ever seen one of these beautiful bamboo, would not like to do. However, if the bamboo is planted this year, the rhizomes will certainly be checked for several years with a shovel. The persecution is hopeless after 8-10 years, and the spread is stronger than ever.

In order to rejoice at the flowering of perennials already on next year After landing, it is necessary to choose for autumn disembarking express variety. Planning to leake the site with beautiful colors in the spring, in the desire to fill the empty flower beds, gardeners are feverishly buying everything, without always thinking about the feasibility of such purchases. Therefore, filling the flower beds is more expedient yet before the onset of cold weather, so that with the arrival of spring already admire their beauty.

Raised stone B. garden track It is still tolerated, but when the terrace cover rises or the door of the garage does not open, the best friendship is inevitably stopped. Not to mention the undeclared trip to Nabars hemidebet. This root barrier is installed correctly with the highest possible diameter and provides relative protection for many years.

This film is 70 cm high, unfortunately, is still expensive. Some bamboo enthusiasts are frightened by price and try to use alternative materials that will show who the winner. Raise the depth of 65 centimeters with a shovel and a shovel, a miniber or digging the machine around the landing site. Then place the ricon barrier throughout the trench so that 5 centimeters above the ground level remained visible and welded the ends of 20 centimeters, overlapping using a device for welding foil or hot air dryer.

Plant Flowering Spring Plants

The onion early blossoms are planted, starting from the first decade of September and up to the second half of October. The period of autumn landing on bulbs may vary depending on the characteristics of the current season and climate of the area, but no later than a month before the arrival of frosts on the ground. While too early landing It may be caused by the germination of bulbs, which can destructively affect the plant at the very first frost.

In addition, you can connect ends from guide security. Then fill in the ditch again and the soil compact well. However, this output must be monitored continuously to the depths of the trench, an hour later a year, and the next 20 years, the rhizomes must be cut off and removed. In addition, the rhizomes that crawl along the edge of the barrier must be regularly cut and removed.

Cut or torn rhizomes do not belong to the compost, where they can still be expel in 3 years, but in the garbage basket! Bamboo usually grows on each garden floor. "Where the cherry tree grows is growing, bamboo grow", according to the Chinese proverb. If the soil is too heavy, it is necessary to remove the installation hole, at least 3 times more than the root ball of your plant. Soil excavations can be treated with clay, sand and peat, as well as a compost from its own garden. After planting the soil, it is well formed to form the casting rim, do well and close the plant with a crust or other mulch material up to 3 centimeters in height.

Spring is primarily a parade of bulbous and primroses that liven up a flowerbed, create spring garden appearance

For open solar sites, it is perfect: hyacinths and crocuses, daffodils and tulips, muskari, chioneoxes, Pushkin, Szill. Among primroses in the fall, it is safe to disseminate primroses and anemones.

Since the plant should begin with autumn, it should be taken into account that the root ball of your plant does not dry, but not too wet. Bamboo loves water in the warm season, but not a marsh factory. This means: Avoid tricks! Additional fertilization makes the plant faster and better root. Sprinkle fertilizer around the root zone and not throw fertilizer carelessly into the plant.

Than better careMoreover, you will have joy on your bamboo plants. As a rule, each bamboo is required 3 - 5 years to be properly rooted and install yourself on the site. That is, only after that time the bamboo reached the specified rigidity, which, however, strongly depends on the location. It also means that your bamboo plants must be additionally flooded, fertilized and covered with winter protection in many regions.

The bright decoration of spring clubs become irises, the names of which are translated from ancient Greek as a rainbow. A variety of flowers of flowers of these plants appear compared with the beautiful phenomenon of nature

For the division of rhizomes of irises, you can begin in the first days of September. In the same period, the rhizomes of the resulting perennial peon bushes can be divided, sprinkling them before transplanting ashes or charcoal.

Description of colors of optic and their photos

Winter protection is necessary only in bamboo in some places during the first years. It is not always enough to cover the root area by manure, straw, dry foliage or crushed material. Since the bamboo leaves can suffer greatly in windy and sunny places in winter, it is advisable to shade small plants or protect them with a fleece. In colder regions, a thick coating with dry leaves or straw, cane or bamboo rug is recommended before winter.

Looking on bulk autumn

As a rule, it will not reach its stated final heights without additional nitrogen fertilizer. FROM early spring before the beginning summer period Fertilizes with an interval of about 4 weeks. Commercially available bamboo fertilizer contains all the necessary nutrients For bamboo. Each type of manure is suitable for fertilizer, as the manure has a high nitrogen content. Silica gel is very important for bamboo, so the falling bamboo leaves should not be removed. In the old coats, silica is made by rotting the layer of foliage.

Spring-driving phloxes are easily propagated in autumn as a division of rhizomes, and by sowing into the ground seed. Sow directly open soil It is possible to seeds: in the darkness, nasturtium, poppy, liatris.

Perennial seats for autumn transplant

For 1-2 weeks before the onset of frosts, you can begin the falling down of perennials, which will be blossoming for the next year in the summer months.

Bamboo protects himself in hot summer days, and in winter - leaf rolls before evaporation. This does not mean water shortage. In winter, plants can easily irrigate, especially in heavy and impermeable soils. In the warm season, we should water until the leaves curb to the sunset. Here the rule says: the warmer, the greater the water bamboo plants can endure.

Fargésia dries faster than a branching bamboo that can supply itself with water through wide branched rhizomes. Bamboo is very easy to cut and easy to form. Bamboo hedges should be cut off from spring until summer, so the interfaces grow rapidly. You can reduce your bamboo hedges to autumn when new arrows fly out of the hedge. Here cut new halves about 1 centimeter over the next branch and, if necessary, cut the branches. Bamboo stems have a lifespan of 8-12 years old, they lose their decorative View From 5 years and are only a ballast for the plant.

This time is optimal for seeding lilies and loyers: Lily bulbs are transplanted every 2-3 years, Lilyniki can grow in one place under 5 years

In the second half of September, the division and transplant of Dolphinium, Flox, Rudbecia, Aquieghegia are proceeding. Seeds in the ground can be sang: chamomile, flax, lavender, lavatar, calendula, cornflower, carnation.

In addition, the removal of these stems in the fall increases winter hardness; In addition, the efficiency of the plant increases. Who would like to emphasize particularly decorative straws that remove the lower branches. To avoid the formation of wood scars, branches on the stems are separated by the back side of the hand or a piece of wood in front of the sheets. Bamboo vocabulary is constantly updated by me. My lexicon does not pretend to complete and is not scientific work. The contents of the pages were created with great care.

The values \u200b\u200bof the values \u200b\u200bare average values \u200b\u200bthat can differ significantly depending on the location and do not apply to bamboo in the bucket. In the warmer regions of our country there may be more than 8 meters after about 7 years. If you send me photos by email, you also give your consent to publish on these pages. Thanks to Daniel Kuntza from Switzerland for the transfer of many good photos. Bamboo dictionary is a closed, freely affordable lexicon.

Regardless of which perennial, the choice is stopped, the soil is preferably prepared to prepare in advance: to switch and focus, bringing vitamins, trace elements and, if necessary, antibiotics. The landing depth will depend on the type of plant and the mechanical composition of the soil.

Looking out osennets-driving plants

The finishing chords of the paint riots protrude flowering perennial flowers. Since during this period, they bloom abundantly, they should be destroyed with great care with the minimally damage root system, thereby providing prolonged flowering and excellent rooting.

If you send me a message with photos, you agree with an anonymous publication in the Bamboo dictionary. Copyright: All content, design, including all images and drawings, are protected by copyright. Copyright belongs to me. The use of texts, images and other information is strictly prohibited. You need my consent to further use.

No unauthorized copy and use is not allowed on other media. Garden week at first sight. In winter, stamina can be very well planted in the fall: soil warm since summer and again enough is moistened with precipitation, so given optimal conditions Growth. B and planted plants are still rooted in the same year, and the owner of the garden can already count on the energetic growth of plants in the spring.

The arrival of the fall does not mean that for a gardener on panstone No more work left. When the harvest is assembled and you can enjoy the last sunny days, it is worth thinking about the autumn planting of colors. What colors are put on autumn and what are the advantages of such a landing? The choice of colors is quite extensive, as annual plants and perennials are planted under the winter. Particularly useful autumn planting For bulbous colors, it will strengthen their immunity and will allow growing stronger and healthy copies.

The later landing, the more important to have breaking the bark or the bark to provide additional protection of bales and kidneys: before perennials are planted, the soil should be weakened, and weeds are removed. Depending on the quality of the soil and individual plants, the soil can be enriched with humus or compost or can be squeezed with sand and sand. Let your advice.

The plant is placed in such a way that its growth bud is at the ground level or that the upper edge of the globe is barely covered with soil: then fill the hole, press the hands tightly to the plant and pour enough water. When landing a new plant, it is recommended to plan the entire area. The best way - Plant large and noticeable perennials - the so-called guides - to form an optical smell in bed. Only then lower perennials will be planted on covering plants.

Benefits of planting flowers in autumn

Many gardeners fear to plant flowers in the fall, believing that winter frosts will destroy plants. In fact, this is not the case, when proper landing and proper care before the onset of the first frosts, such extreme cultivation conditions will only go to the benefits of benefits.

What are the advantages of seed pre-sowing? Of course, not all seeds will be able to transfer the harsh winter cold and some of them will certainly die. But those endurance specimens that will explode in the spring will be able to boast of excellent health and good resistance to various diseases. Such plants are no longer afraid of May frosts and cooling.

Perennial plants planted in autumn will be able to bloom the next year, which cannot be achieved spring landing. Moreover, in early spring, During the melting of snow, the shoots will receive the maximum amount of moisture, and, it means more nutrients.

What flowers are annual sit in autumn?

Sowing annuals at the autumn time is recommended for the reason that the seeds during winter cold will be provided with the conditions of natural stratification. With the onset of spring, such seedlings will grow faster, and the flowering period will last longer. What can be planted in the fall of flowers and annual colors?

  • Calendula or "Nail" - sowing in October, choosing solar sections with nutrient soil for the design of flower beds. The flower is perfectly multiplied by self-sacker, so putting it once, you can not remember the purchase of new seeds for many years.

  • Lion zev - perennial herbate plantBut in gardening most often grown as annual. However good care, the flower can be transferred and re-blooming for the second year.
  • Chamomile is distinguished by long blossom and the miniature size of the bush, due to which it can become beautiful decoration borders. In this case, shoots are recommended to constantly pinch to the bush rose lush and beautiful.
  • Vasilek is an unpretentious bright plant, prefers solar clearing in the open area of \u200b\u200bthe terrain and weakly alkaline soil. It looks great in the form of single landings or in combination with other colors.
  • Carnation - prefers well-lit plots and fertile soil. Blooms in the middle of summer and pleases with its beauty until the autumn. After flowering, forms boxes with seeds that the gardener can use for further reproduction.
  • The poppy is growing well on any basis, but it is worth avoiding areas of terrain with a high level of groundwater. Many annual gradesSuch as the "opium" poppy (Papaver Somniferun) are able to multiply by self-sowing.

  • Velchattsy - have a fragrant aroma and highlight special substances that prevent the appearance of fungal diseases, so it is recommended to plant them as border plants on flower beds with other decorative colors.

What flowers can be planted in autumn other than those listed? No less popular next species annual plants: Cosmeya, Reeded, Dilfinium, Annual Asters and Chrysanthemums, Mattiola and others.

What perennial flowers can be planted in autumn?

Landing seedlings and bulbs of perennial plants is better to spend, starting from the 20th of September and until the end of October. It is important to carefully follow the weather forecast so that the flowers are rooted, you will need a month, early frosts can become an unpleasant surprise for gardener. If you choose from perennials, then what flowers to plant in the fall? In September, seedlings of daisies, forget-me-not, and some other plants are planted.

  • Margarist - Elegant miniature plant With terry flowers. Inflorescences are formed gradually for a long period, so it can decorate the garden all summer months.

  • Forget-me-not - prefers halftime and wetlands. Perfect option For growing B. shady garden, forms a dense green carpet with small flowers of blue, pink, cream color.
  • Viola or Pansies - a hardy plant that does not require special care, prefers bright lighting, however, can grow in the shadow, in this case the flowers will be somewhat smaller.

In September and early October, the bushes of perennials are searched and divided. What can be planted in autumn, not afraid to ruin the plant?

  • Flox swept - the autumnal transplant is best carried out after flowering, cutting the upper part of the plant, it will help to root faster. Experienced gardeners Conduct the procedure and during flowering, in this case, the care for it should be more careful, and watering is regular.
  • Rose - Choose time for planting a seedling should be very careful. If the procedure is carried out too early, the shrub is quickly rooted and young shoots will go into growth, which is extremely undesirable on the eve of winter.
  • Lupine - grows well in the soil, which is closer to the neutral. For landing, solar places are chosen, every 5 years it is recommended to update the flower, as the flower loses decorativeness.
  • Peony - a favorite plant for the garden decoration, large colors of burgundy, white, pink colour Can be happy with their beauty already at the end of May.
  • Lily of the valley is a gentle elegant flower, exudes a thin fragrance. Prefers shaded areas, blooms early in spring.

The prejury planting of bulbous plants is very popular. What flowers put in autumn and how to do it right? The bulbous plants can be planted, starting from the second half of September and before the beginning of November, focusing on the recommendation to the specific type of plants. The depth of planting is equally important, as a rule, it corresponds to the three diameters of bulwing, but on too dense soils are recommended a little higher.

  • Tulips - for landing should choose from where they grew up before vegetable crops. In no case cannot land the flower after other bulbous plants, as pests and bacteria affect these species can remain in the soil.
  • Narcissa is one of the most unpretentious bully plants, are not too demanding to the composition of the soil, but it is worth avoiding sites where the level of groundwater is too high.

  • Hyacinths are famous for small bright flowerscollected in busy inflorescences. Thanks to fragrant aroma, it is often used to compile bouquets and room decorations.
  • Crocuses are the first spring flowers, but are derived from varieties that are distinguished by both later blossoms (July-August). Prefer open, sunny plots.

Now knowing that you can put in the fall, the gardener is preferably in advance to make a plan of a future flower garden. It should be noted that at this time the seedlings and seeds are rarely found on sale. For example, the seeds of annual and two-year plants are better to buy at the end of winter, when the choice is quite extensive. Packed in special sachets, they will not lose their germination for a long time, and in the fall can be planted in an open ground.

Video how to plant bulbous plants in autumn