
Types and varieties of perennial and annual marigolds. Planting and leaving

Garden buildings

South America is, they have successfully taken root in our area. And so much so that they began to grow everywhere: both in city parks and gardens, and in private garden plots... These bright flowers, unpretentious to care for, delight the eye until late autumn. Today you will get acquainted with the best varieties of marigolds. Your attention is presented detailed description varieties, as well as a photo selection with the names of individual varieties.

Description of the plant

Annual / perennial, belonging to the Astrov family. Differs in a variety of stem length (from 15 to 130 cm) and the presence of a fibrous root system. The flowers grow large enough to form a lush bush that can be a worthy decoration for any flower bed or garden.

The leaves of the plant are pinnate, solid, jagged. The color of the leaves is pale green and even a rich green hue. Inflorescences on the bush are found both single and Asteraceae. Distinctive feature marigolds are considered to be their bright saturated color (yellow, orange, brown and multicolored with a red variegated dusting) and a kind of delicate aroma.

Blooming marigolds

Marigolds are distinguished by generous beautiful flowering, which begins with the arrival of a warm summer and ends in late autumn (sometimes up to the first frost).

Advice. If you want to add zest to your garden, but do not know which plant to choose from, you should pay attention to marigolds. Having correctly selected the right variety, you will not only not spoil the appearance of the garden with its help, but also enhance the pleasant impression. In addition, marigolds are mostly a perennial plant, so for 3-4 years you can enjoy their beauty carefree.

Classification of marigolds

Despite the fact that there are annual and perennial varieties of marigolds, the latter are most often used in gardening. Marigolds are also classified by the height of the bush: giant (about 1.5 m and above), tall (about 0.6 m), medium (no higher than 0.5 m), undersized (up to 0.4 m), dwarf (maximum height - about 0.15-0.2 m).

Main types

Despite the variety of varieties of marigolds, only a few main types of this plant can be distinguished:

Erect marigolds

  • Erect (African). This species is characterized by sprawling erect bushes, covered with a thick "carpet" of double rounded inflorescences. The diameter of the flowers is, on average, about 10-12 cm. The stems of the plant are large enough, strong, reaching 1 m in height. This variety is most often used in group compositions, in flower beds and even in small bouquets.

Advice. If you have chosen a variety belonging to this species, keep in mind: a significant drawback of the African variety of marigolds is considered to be poor moisture tolerance. With frequent and heavy rains, the flowering begins to lose its original appearance, and the plant itself decays over time.

  • Small flowers (French). A low variety of a plant - does not exceed half a meter in height. The inflorescences are also quite small - only about 3-5 cm in diameter. The plant pleases with its flowering until mid-autumn. The flowers are characterized by a solid orange color (sometimes they are two-colored). Most often used to create beautiful edging around curbs. They are unpretentious in leaving.

Small-flowered marigolds

  • Thin-leaved. Thin-leaved marigolds grow as a very compact bush, not exceeding 0.4 m in height. Inflorescences are slightly reminiscent of chamomile in shape, but have a rich yellow color. The size of the flowers is small - only 3 cm in diameter. Most often used to create bright compositions in small flower beds. Also used in cooking (as a seasoning). Demanding in care: they love light and warmth.

Thin-leaved marigolds

  • Small (graceful). Despite its name, marigolds of this species are truly gigantic in size - the height of the bush sometimes exceeds 1.2 m. But the inflorescences themselves look very graceful, neat, and differ in tiny sizes. They are often used in cooking.

Small marigolds

Hybrid views

Separately, there are several varieties of marigold hybrids:

  • Antigua. This dwarf hybrid (about 30 cm) is most often used for compacting and decorating garden plantings. Differs in a variety of color shades of its inflorescences: yellow, lemon, golden, etc.
  • Aztec Lime Green. Bushes of medium height (about 0.4 m) at their tops proudly bear lush terry inflorescences of a delicate lime color with a green tint.

Aztec Lime Green

  • Lunasi. These undersized African marigolds are incredibly small (about 15 cm) and inflorescences unusual kind- look like chrysanthemums. They bloom unusually quickly (in just a couple of months) and fade just as quickly.
  • Vanilla. An unusual hybrid, which got its name from the inflorescences of a delicate vanilla color. Used exclusively for propagation in flower beds and pots (after cutting).
  • Amber. The hybrid is represented by low bushes with powerful stems bearing bright orange double inflorescences. The species pleases with its early flowering and resistance to adverse climatic factors.

  • Cloves. Grown exclusively for further cutting. They differ in medium size and powerful beautiful inflorescences.

The hybrid varieties presented above are just a few of the wide variety of marigold plants.

Popular varieties

Consider some of the most popular marigold varieties, most often used for growing in small flower beds, private gardens and for decorating city flower beds. Among a large number African varieties include the following:

  • Gold Dollar. The variety is distinguished by its compact and at the same time large size (small in width, but high - more than 1 m). The flowers are orange with red accents.
  • Kilimanjaro. A hybrid variety intended exclusively for cutting. The size of the bush is large - it reaches a height of 0.6-0.7 m. Lush marigolds have an unusual white color for a plant.


  • Glitters. Unusual variety, represented by giant bushes - about 1.1 m. At the same time, the inflorescences grow in rather rare groups, they are small in size - about 5 cm in diameter.
  • Smile. This late-flowering variety is represented by a rather powerful developed bush about 1 m high. The inflorescences are large, yellow in color (sometimes several shades of yellow echo each other on one inflorescence: light yellow, lemon, golden, etc.).

Among the French varieties, the following can be distinguished:

  • Naughty Marietta. One of the most popular varieties. Unpretentious in care, blooms for a long time. The bushes have an average height - no more than 0.4 m. The flowers grow densely, outwardly resemble chamomile. The color of marigolds is bright yellow, with a reddish core.

Naughty Marietta

  • Fighter. A variety with an unusual appearance: marigolds outwardly resemble chamomile flowers. They grow very densely, creating a beautiful lush bush. They do not bloom for long - only at the beginning of summer.
  • Bolero. A relative newcomer to the wide variety of marigold varieties. Already managed to catch the fancy of Russian gardeners. Bushes grow quite small - only about 0.3 m. Flowers on them are also small, double. The color is unusual - rich red with small yellow blotches. It blooms for a long time, unpretentious in care.

Among the Mexican varieties, the following can be distinguished.

The marigold flowers got their name in honor of a demigod named Tages (lat.Tagetes), who became famous for his gift of predicting the future. Many people know this plant as Chernobryvtsy, this is how it sounds in Ukraine. Most gardeners grow velvet flowers as ornamental plant without even knowing what medicinal properties it has. In nature, there are about 30 varieties of tagetes, which can be both annual and perennial flowers.

Description of velvet

These plants are famous for their unpretentious care and ease of growing. Flowering begins with the onset of summer and lasts until late autumn.

velvet flowers photo

You can see how these flowers grow in their natural environment in countries South America... They are also engaged in breeding black-haired ones in Mexico, Chile, passionate Brazil, mysterious Morocco, Belgium and many other countries, where their flowers were used not only in medicinal purposes but also in cooking.

  • As a seasoning for meat dishes, marigolds help reduce stress on the body.
  • The use of the plant for decorative purposes allows you to decorate private plot large beautiful flowers.

Velvet is a flower that has evenly branched stems that form a small bush from 20 to 120 cm high. The leaves can be pinnately dissected or pinnately divided. There are whole or toothed-cut leaves, the color of which changes from light green to a shade darkening with emerald. They can be located opposite each other or alternately.

You can find simple or double flowers of yellow, orange and brick-brown shades, collected in baskets. The size of the flower is average, it has a cylindrical cover, which includes leaves that have grown together. Lingulate female flowers are located along the edges. The linear achenes taper slightly towards the base and have a black or black-brown fruit. Marigold seeds can be planted after no more than 4 years from the moment they were harvested; subsequently, the seed loses its ability to grow. Owners of this plant can enjoy an unusual aroma, something reminiscent of the smell of a garden aster.

Interesting! In addition, it is worth noting that these flowers can kill bacteria, micro-fungi and pests living in the soil. Insects such as aphids, hated Colorado beetles, nematodes, wireworms and weevils will never attack your garden if it contains black shaves.

Luxury marigolds health benefits and harms: application

There are many legends in which it talks about healing properties tagetes. Nowadays, scientists have managed to confirm all these legends and prove that these beautiful flowers can cure many ailments.

If you grow marigolds in a pot at home or in a flower bed, then you will always have at hand not only beautiful, but also healthy flowers.

Marigold medicinal properties have extensive, in addition to the main decorative. The composition also includes micro and macro elements, vitamins and essential oils that have an unforgettable aroma. Thanks to infusions of velvet, you can get rid of dysfunction of the digestive tract.

In addition, black shaves will help you get rid of the flu, colds and many other viral diseases. In order to avoid meeting these ailments, add flowers to tea or compotes.

Using marigolds does no harm, but still, before using them in home medicine, you should consult your doctor.

The fact is that they contain essential oils that can harm allergy sufferers. Pregnant women should also use infusions from black shaves with caution.

Perennial marigold varieties with photos and names

The garden can be decorated with flowers of red, orange, brown, yellow and amber shades of which emanate an unforgettable aroma. Exist the following types these colors:

Marigolds erect or African - Tagetes erecta

It may seem unrealistic, but this species can reach a height of 1.5 meters. Placing several plants next to each other in a flower bed at once, you become the owner of a bush of incredible size, completely covered with large double flowers.

For cutting into bouquets, marigolds are also used, the cultivation of which will not bring you any trouble. When the plant grows, the base of its shoot is lignified, which makes the cut convenient, and general form the bouquet becomes majestic.

Among them it is worth noting:

Rejected or French - Tagetes patula

The height of this species is about half a meter. The plant is completely covered with bright yellow and orange double flowers, which are often bicolor. The duration of flowering distinguishes this species from others. As a rule, the height of such specimens does not exceed 60 cm.

Existing varieties:

Thin-leaved or Mexican blackshaves

The height of these plants does not exceed 35 cm. Due to the small unusual shape of the petals, it may seem that multicolored butterflies are located on a green bush.

Since marigolds are able to quickly re-pollinate, the characteristics inherent in the original variety are quickly lost. Therefore, marigolds thin-leaved cultivation from seeds when the time comes to plant them, practically have no similarities with the plant from which the seedlings were obtained. You can become the owner of a wide variety of shades. This variety loves warmth more than others.

You can grow the following varieties of dwarf shavens:

Important! If you will plant marigolds when growing from seeds in one flowerbed of more than one variety, then keep in mind that upright plants should be sown several weeks before low-growing and small-leaved bushes. If you do everything right, then flowering will start at the same time.

According to the texture of the petals, velvet cloths are divided into:

  1. Simple. Includes reed fragments in the same row.
  2. Semi-double. This species, like the previous one, contains reed fragments, only now they are located in 3-4 rows.
  3. Terry. They contain both reed and tubular fragments arranged in numerous rows to form a cap.

What you should pay attention to when choosing varieties of velvet

Many amateur gardeners are wondering how and when to plant marigolds, but the first thing to focus on is the plant species. Before stopping your choice on one of the varieties, be sure to decide where exactly you will plant the flower. The fact is that all species have a certain height and shape, and some may look inharmonious with each other.

Important! That is why you need to choose varieties so that they are the same height. If you decide to plant samples of different heights, then tall specimens should be placed in the background, leaving the front part for undersized bushes.

Perennial marigolds planting and care in the country

Velvets are flowers, the care of which is quite simple, so even amateur gardeners can grow them. The rejected marigold varieties are able to survive even near roads, despite the large amount of exhaust fumes and smog.

which variety to choose

Most species love open areas, but if you plant them in shaded areas of the garden, they will still delight you with their flowering. Chernobryvtsy prefer to grow in fertile neutral or loamy soils, where they need to be watered regularly.

But you should remember that if the velvet flowers grow in the shade, then their flowering will not be as abundant as in flower beds located in the sun.

Planting and caring for marigolds in the open field will require some effort from gardeners. The first thing you need to remember is that any of the plants of this species needs the sun's rays. If there is not enough light, then you will become the owner of a bush decorated with a small number of small flowers. If you decide to grow marigolds in pots, then you need to place them on the southern loggias and balconies. In the event that planting is carried out in greenhouses, then during the daytime, be sure to cover them for a couple of hours.

If you have the opportunity, then be sure to let the flowerpots stand in the fresh air, as finding flowers outdoors will prevent the plant from getting sick in the future, and also allow the roots to grow stronger.

How to grow marigolds in a flower bed video:

Growing from seeds

There is a proven way to grow marigolds from seeds quickly. If you want the seeds to sprout much sooner, then be sure to germinate them before planting in the ground.

flower seeds

  • Place the seedlings on a damp cloth, which should then fit into the bag.
  • In this form, the seeds are stored in a warm place and after three days the first borings appear on them.

Any of the gardeners can collect the seeds on their own. To seedlings form on the bushes, do not remove the testes from them and allow them to dry completely. The seeds that will ripen in them must be thoroughly dried. Storage of seeds is carried out in paper bags away from moisture.

In addition, it is worth remembering that cultivation from seeds when it comes time to plant, it is necessary to use only fresh planting material. Seeds that are harvested no later than two years germinate best. Reproduction is carried out as by sowing in open ground and when using seedlings.

Important! Remember that most of the shaved shaves are hybrids, so you can hardly get an exact copy of the plants you have. Some of the specimens receive individual traits of a male or female.

When to plant velvet seeds

Planting is done after the frost has finally receded and warm days have come. In the southern regions of Russia, as a rule, planting is carried out in mid-April, but in cooler parts of the country in early May. In the event that you decide to first grow seedlings, then you need to sow seeds in March or April, which will allow them to bloom in the last days of spring or early summer. Some of the gardeners sow seeds in February, which leads to early flowering in the first days of April, when it is early to transplant young shoots into open ground.

  1. Before you start sowing, you need to loosen the soil a little and allow the sun's rays to warm it up a little. As soon as the ground warms up, make long holes in it and water them a little.
  2. Place the seeds prepared for planting in advance in the hole, observing the distance between the seedlings at least 1-2 cm.
  3. Sprinkle the seeds with a thin layer of earth. In the case of early sowing, the seedlings should be insulated with foil, which will help retain moisture and heat.

If you are interested in the question after how many days the marigolds emerge, then you should know that the first borings will break through the soil after 2 weeks. If the seedlings are too densely planted, then they should be thinned out by planting in other beds. Blooming of black-haired beetles begins after 1.5 months.

The most suitable time for planting seedlings

To plant marigolds for seedlings in Siberia, it is necessary to take into account some features. This method is most suitable for regions where such a cold climate prevails. Before planting it, it is necessary to take into account not only the weather conditions, but also the time when you would like the plant to start producing its first flowers.

Typically mid-April is the best time to plant. If you want the bush to bloom early, then sowing flowers is necessary in the winter. But in this case, you should take into account that such plants will need lighting with lamps and a temperature that is comfortable for growth.

What stages will you have to go through:

Depending on the selected variety, the distance between the planted young growth will come. Tall species need a place whose size is at least 40 by 40 cm. Medium-sized ones need to be planted in an area of ​​30 by 30 cm, and undersized bushes will have enough space in an area of ​​20 by 20 cm.For the correct formation of the root system, do not forget to water the marigolds abundantly in time.

How to store seeds

when to collect marigold seeds

Marigolds planting and caring for which do not require much effort, after ripening they need special storage. When the mass flowering begins, it is necessary to start harvesting the flowers. It is customary to cut the plant, stepping back from the ground about 15 cm and after the procedure, the raw materials must be immediately sent for special processing or dried at home in a shaded place.

In the noted marigolds, it is necessary to remove the testes located on the first-order shoots and central stems during the period when the seeds ripen. If this procedure is carried out later than the prescribed time, then the seeds will fall to the ground. As soon as you cut the flowers, be sure to loosen the soil between the rows.

Harvesting of small black shaves is carried out during the period of their active flowering. As a rule, this period occurs in September. Flowers are cut at a level of 30-35 cm above the ground.

As with the marked varieties, the testes should be harvested when they are ripe on the central stem as well as on the first row shoots. Once you dry them by placing them in a dry, dark room, be sure to peel them off.

Tagetes diseases and pests

All varieties of marigolds release a phytoncidal substance that prevents ailments from attacking the plant. But even such an invulnerable bush can be in danger. The point is this: if the weather outside is damp, then snails or slugs may attack. To get rid of these pests, you need bleach. Put her in open jar and place between the bushes in danger.

Gray rot is quite rare, but still attacks marigolds. In this case, the infected specimen must be disposed of. Those bushes that did not have time to get infected should be treated with a soap solution for prevention.

In order to avoid meeting such a pest, be sure to humidify the air near the plants.

The use of velvet

Recipe: Marigold Seasoning

To do this, you will need stalks of sunny species. Collect them and dry well. Once the flowers are dry, grind them to make a powder. Blackhair seasoning is used in Caucasian cuisine, giving dishes an unforgettable aroma and taste.

The world-famous spice is also prepared from these flowers. Imeretian saffron, which is used in the culinary world, is quite widespread.

Now you know how to plant and grow velvet flowers correctly, so you can start breeding them. The main thing is to follow all the necessary rules and soon you will be able to enjoy the lush and unforgettable bloom of these unusual sunny flowers.

Application of tagetes video review:

I also call the marigolds Tagetes and Chernobrivtsi. Due to their unpretentiousness, flowers are widely used in landscaping city flower beds and garden plots. The plant has a specific smell. But this is more of a positive than a negative quality of the plant.


Marigolds are an annual and perennial plant belonging to the Astrov family. Flowers grow in the range from 20 to 120 cm. Marigolds decorate flower beds with their lush bloom from June to the onset of the first frost. The root system of the plant is fibrous. The bush consists of branched stems.

Jagged leaves of all shades of green, on which glands are visible. They have a pinnately dissected shape. On the stem, they are located opposite or alternately.

Flowers of yellow, orange or brown shades with a velvety tint, due to which the plant was named "marigolds". The marginal petals are pseudo-lingual, median, tubular, bisexual. Flower baskets are simple semi-double and double.

The fruit of the marigolds is the achene. Seed germination is very high and lasts up to 3-4 years.

Marigolds have a tart, specific smell, which is more positive than negative quality of the plant. Planting marigolds next to vegetable crops you can save them from the defeat of many pests.


  • In Arizona;
  • In New Mexico;
  • In Argentina.

Marigolds are considered the first flowers in Russia, brought from overseas countries.

Types and varieties of marigolds

About 50 species of annual and perennial marigolds are known.

Flowers are classified according to the type of inflorescence:

  • Simple;
  • Terry;
  • Semi-double;
  • Cloves;
  • Chrysanthemum.

The height of the bush is distinguished:

  • Giant. Plant height is over 90 cm;
  • High. They reach a height of 50 - 60 cm;
  • Medium-sized. The flower grows up to 50 cm in height;
  • Stunted. Plant height does not exceed 40 cm;
  • Dwarf varieties reach only 20 cm in height.

Types of marigolds:

  • Marigolds erect... They are also called African. Stems are erect, reaching 1 m in height. The inflorescences are monochromatic, terry, spherical. Flower basket 13 cm in diameter. The erect species of marigolds does not tolerate rainy weather. The plant loses its aesthetic appearance, and eventually decays;
  • Marigolds thin-leaved or Mexican... The plant forms a dense bush up to 40 cm tall. The form of light green leaves is pinnately dissected. Flower baskets grow up to 3 cm in diameter, resembling the shape of a chamomile. The Mexican species of marigolds are demanding on lighting and heat;
  • Marigolds rejected or French refer to undersized plants, no more than 40 cm in height. The duration of flowering falls in July - October. Bicolor flowers 3-5 cm in diameter. Unpretentious kind of marigolds;
  • Interspecific hybrid appeared as a result of crossing African marigolds with French. A compact, profusely flowering shrub with large flower heads up to 8 cm in diameter.
  • "Mexican tarragon" or it is also called"Spanish Typhoon". Perennial tall plant, reaches a height of 65 - 70 cm. It is widely used in cooking. The scent of flowers is similar to the scent of anise.
  • Marigolds are graceful or small. Annual plant... Grows up to 120 cm in height. The variety is characterized by small inflorescences. It is used in cooking.

Growing features

Most types of marigolds are unpretentious plants. For this feature, their gardeners love.

Plants love to grow in open areas, but planting in the shade will not be detrimental, only flowering will be less lush and lasting.

Planted marigolds under the scorching sun will delight with lush flowering all season.

Grow well on neutral, loamy soils.

Watering should be moderate, with the beginning of flowering it should be reduced.

Stagnant moisture will lead to the fact that the marigolds will stop blooming and will rot over time.

They respond well to feeding with complex fertilizers. Although the plant will grow, develop, bloom without it. Fertilization is carried out in three stages: when the seedlings grow up to 10 cm, during the period of bud formation and at the beginning of flowering.

For air access to the root system, flowers must be systematically weeded and weed. Marigold bushes can be shaped by pruning.

Marigolds propagate by seeds. Faded flower baskets must be removed; and for ripening and collecting seeds, it is enough to leave two or three heads.

There are two methods of sowing seeds:

  • When the last frosts have passed, around May-June, they start sowing seeds in open ground (). Seeds are planted to a depth of 1 - 2 cm. To accelerate germination, the soil can be covered with agrofibre. After 10 days, the seeds will begin to germinate.
  • In the middle of spring, you can start sowing seeds for seedlings. Pre-soak them by wrapping the seeds in a damp cloth. The seedling containers are filled with a mixture of turf, peat, humus and sand. For disinfection, the soil must be shed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Do not allow the soil to dry out. Watering should be moderate.

The air temperature before germination should be 2225 degrees, and with the appearance of sprouts should be maintained temperature regime within 15-18 degrees.

The first shoots will appear after 7 days.

In open ground, seedlings can be planted when a good root system and at least 3 true leaves.

Flowers grown in this way will bloom in June.

Flowers adorn any home and garden. They create a holiday atmosphere around us, give a spring mood and a pleasant aroma. Perennial marigolds are no exception, planting and caring for which do not require special time and material costs. went from their velvet ebb. In some countries, they are also called black shaves.

Pros and cons of marigolds

Like any other plant, this flower has its positive and negative sides. To begin with, not everyone loves it because of its specific smell. The aroma is very pronounced, with hints of astringency, so some people prefer roses or carnations, which, without a doubt, smell better. But it is this strange aroma that scares away various pests that spoil the plant and cause diseases in it. Of course, this is one of the advantages that marigolds have. Because of this, growing, planting and caring for them takes little time and does not require a lot of resources, as a result, flowers become just a godsend for lazy gardeners.

In addition, black-haired people are not afraid of drought, and gardeners also appreciate this. By planting these flowers, you don't have to worry about frequent watering. In the summer, the whole family has the opportunity to wave to the sea for several weeks without worrying that the plant will die. Returning home, you will find all the same brightly blooming perennial marigolds, planting and caring for which will become only a pleasure for you, and not a universal problem.

How to plant correctly

When you decide that you want to acquire this particular plant, then hurry to the store for seeds. Choose them so that they are all the same size, without any damage, not wet or dry. When they sprout, instead of a bare flower bed outside the window, we will have a whole flower planet. Marigolds, planting and caring for which will be a real pleasure, will be able to bring an atmosphere of joy and lightness to any home.

The seeds are planted in small holes, the distance between which should be about 2 centimeters. They are sprinkled with earth on top (a layer no more than a centimeter), and then watered. By the way, there shouldn't be a lot of water. You need to withstand moderate watering until the first shoots appear.

When the appearance of pioneering leaves is noticeable, we transplant the flowers to a new place. If these were pots, now it is open ground. In this case, the cutters should not be very close to each other. It is better to plant them in even beautiful rows or geometric shapes. You can choose your version of the pattern in special publications, where the planting, varieties and properties of marigolds are described in detail.

How to get seeds for replanting

Of course, when you once see the fruit of your efforts - a whole field of flowers outside the window, you will want to next year plant marigolds. Planting a plant variety will become a real hobby that will completely capture you already in early spring... It is during this period that the plant can be planted in a warm room. With the arrival of April-May, they can be transplanted into open ground or you can do it right away, but not earlier than the time when frosts and cold weather recede.

If you want to plant marigolds next year, then leave a few flowers in the flower bed until they are completely dry. Then the seeds should be carefully removed from the cup, dried a little and set aside until next spring. Just be aware that the black shaves obtained in this way will not always look like last year. They can differ in shape and color, as the most popular varieties are usually hybrids. Their hereditary traits sometimes appear after several generations of plants. Professionals usually advise planting seeds up to two years old, because older specimens lose their ability to sprout and bloom quickly.

What kind of land do marigolds love

As we already understood, these flowers can be grown in two ways: in the form of seedlings and directly in open ground. Each gardener chooses the method that suits him best. In any case, the earth should be as loose as possible. It is best when you respect the proportions of humus, peat, turf and sand. The last component should be taken half as much as the other components. Flowers also need good drainage. This can be easily achieved by sprinkling the soil three centimeters with a mixture of crushed stone, sand and expanded clay. Before planting, fertilizers can be applied to the ground, but not fresh manure.

If you planted marigolds in open ground, they will sprout in a week, and bloom in 2-3 months. With this method, we throw the seeds into specially prepared grooves, the depth of which is one and a half to two centimeters. If you chose seedling method, then the seeds must be planted in boxes. The first shoots should appear in about 10 days.

Care features

When the first leaves appear on the site, there is no limit to joy. But now you have new concerns - plant care and transplantation. As already mentioned, they are unpretentious, but still avoid excessive moisture and shade (this does not have a very good effect on young shoots). The ideal temperature for flower growth is + 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius. The plant should be protected from the cold wind with special partitions with a transparent film. Fertilize marigolds once a month. This is enough so that they not only grow quickly, but we also water the plant not much, otherwise the stagnant moisture can cause rotting of the sprouts.

We apply top dressing according to the following schedule:

  1. The shoots have reached a height of 10 centimeters.
  2. The first buds appeared.
  3. The beginning of flowering.

In addition, flowers need to be weeded periodically to ensure proper air circulation in the soil. If you want the bushes to have a beautiful shape, sometimes cut them off. Dried leaves and flowers must be removed.

How to deal with pests and avoid diseases

This is usually not difficult. Endowed with a specific smell, marigolds scare away harmful insects, protect themselves from fungi and nematodes. Moreover, gardeners plant them at the edges of the plot so that they become a shield for other plants that are inside. And this is rational, since marigolds, sowing, leaving, the varieties of which have an unpretentious nature, are at the same time very aggressive to external stimuli. The Colorado potato beetle bypasses them, other insects also do not particularly like to bask in the leaves of this plant.

If a spider mite has wound up on flowers during a drought, then it is easy to get rid of it by spraying and watering. At the same time, excessive rains threaten the flowers with the appearance of fungi and rot. We fight this by drying up the land and providing access to the bushes of a large number sunlight... Usually this plant is affected by gray rot - it is easily recognizable by its dark brown spots. Diseased marigolds must be quickly removed.


No matter how simple and uniform this plant may seem, there are 60 varieties of it. Most of them are hybrid, grown by crossing and during experiments. The most popular types are erect, thin-leaved and rejected marigolds. Description of the variety, growing conditions, care, application of fertilizers for all of them usually do not differ much.

But there are varieties that are not similar to others. For example, a variety of flowers grown in Latin America helps with constipation, it is also an excellent emetic and diuretic. The seasoning known worldwide as Imeretian saffron is also made from this plant.

There are cloves, terry, semi-double and other varieties of marigolds. They are usually yellow or orange in color, but there are also plant varieties with white and burgundy buds. Any perennial marigolds, planting and caring for which are not too expensive, are a very colorful decoration. suburban area, city flower beds or balconies in a high-rise building.

Marigolds as part of landscape design

If you decide to plant the seeds of this plant, then follow certain rules so that the overall view is not too faded or catchy, piled up or half empty. determine the place along the edges of the flower bed, filling its middle with those that are higher. The whole composition will be clearly visible.

The flower bed can be of the same color. But a combination of different shades is better, for example, white and red, brown and yellow. Flowering will delight the eye all summer, if some plants wither or dry out, new buds will cover them aesthetically.

Marigolds are the perfect material for creating a lively border. If, in addition to flowers, you also grow vegetables, then plant this fragrant plant along the edges of the garden. So you give her beautiful view and protect the crop from pests that are deterred by the specific smell of flowers.

Invaluable benefit

Flowers not only decorate flower beds and beds, but are also actively used in folk medicine and cooking. Tincture from this plant improves metabolism, soothes nervous system and relieves stress. Marigolds are an excellent choleretic agent that helps with initial stages diabetes, which lowers blood sugar levels. For problems with the pancreas, baldness, poor eyesight, psoriasis, they are also irreplaceable. Our ancestors used them to treat colds and flu.

As for cooking, here marigolds are used in pickles and marinades as a spice. They contain a whole bunch of essential oils and coloring components. Dried and ground to a powder state, the plant is stored in glass containers and used as a seasoning. Fresh flower leaves are perfect for making salads. In a word, perennial marigolds, planting and caring for which do not cause much trouble, will not only become part of landscape design, but will also help heal a number of diseases, as well as make dishes more spicy.

The first admirers of these flowers - the Aztecs - sowed them all the gardens just for beauty. Soon they began to use golden flowers in the treatment and prevention of fever., wasting and kidney disease. They did not forget about marigolds during ritual ceremonies.

The Indians were convinced that the flowers of the students would grow wherever gold could be found. And now Latin Americans respect perennial marigolds and decorate their homes with them on All Dead's Day and always plant graves with these plants. With the spread of Tagetes around the world, their popularity does not decrease at all: in many countries, marigolds symbolize longevity.

The stems of this flower are straight with a branch, they can grow from 20 cm to 120 cm, depending on the variety. The root system is core. Castings are most often divided, with teeth. They are both light and dark green, located opposite each other, and sometimes alternately ("ladder").

Inflorescences in the form of a basket, there are double and simple, you can find plants of all shades of yellow, orange and brown.

The heads of representatives of this variety are of medium size, which are formed by one row of leaves that have grown together with each other. They bloom for quite a long time - from June to the first frost.

On a note. The fruits of marigolds are in the form of a black or black-brown seed. They can be stored for 3-4 years.

Types and varieties

Landing Tagetes

Reference. Planting marigolds will not cause trouble even for a novice florist, because this is one of the most unpretentious plants, which in 99% of cases grow beautifully and delight everyone with their appearance.

A student flower will germinate easily if the seeds are sown in open ground, but this can be done not earlier than May, when the soil is sufficiently warmed up. And here if you want to admire the flowering earlier, it will not be superfluous to start with seedlings.


Breeding seedlings

You will only have to spend money on buying seeds in the store once, because in subsequent years you can use seeds collected from your own dried flowers. The main thing is to keep the seeds dry throughout the year.

But with this method of obtaining seeds, it must be borne in mind that marigolds are mainly hybrids, and therefore every fourth generation of seeds will have the specific characteristics of only one of their parents. Concerning most experienced gardeners use sprouted seeds. You can get them too. This requires:

  1. Arrange seeds on a plate, cover with a dampened cloth.
  2. send the plate into a plastic bag and place it in the body place.

In literally three days, you will receive the seeds that hatch.

The time of planting seeds for seedlings depends only on your desire. The sooner you want to see flowering, the earlier you plant the seeds, this can be done even in early spring. There are some seeding nuances that should not be missed. For example:

  1. The composition of the soil, which should include humus, peat, turf and sand. All this must be disinfected with a disinfecting solution of a fungicide or potassium permanganate.
  2. Do not forget about a 3 cm high drainage layer and organic fertilizer(but not manure!).
  3. Make notches and spread the seeds at a distance of 1.5-2 cm, then sprinkle with a small amount of soil.
  4. Be extremely careful while watering so as not to accidentally wash the seeds with a sharp stream of water. And make sure that the soil does not dry out.
  5. It is necessary to place boxes with seedlings in a place where the temperature reaches 22-25 degrees above zero.
  6. You should see the seedlings no later than seven days, then move the containers to a lighted place, and the temperature can be slightly reduced to 15-18 degrees Celsius.

You will learn about growing marigolds from seeds, and read how to grow seedlings yourself.

Marigolds can be planted outside only after the danger of frost has passed. Usually this is the end of May - beginning of June. But this procedure can be carried out only when there are at least three leaves on the sprouts, and the root system is sufficiently formed.

The soil for golden flowers always needs well-moistened during the formation of the plant, and if it is not fertile, your task will be to feed the earth with fertilizers during the period of growth and flowering of marigolds. Lack of watering can lead to the fact that the leaves and stems are weak, and the inflorescences are small.

Seat selection

Chernobryvtsy love the sun. It is necessary to take this fact into account when choosing a place for disembarkation. These flowers are perfect for borders.

On a note! In the garden, it is advisable to plant them near cabbage, potatoes and various berries - flowers will help you in the fight against pests.

Mature plants no longer need abundant watering. It is better not to plant marigolds very densely, these flowers love freedom. For more information on how to plant marigolds in open ground, we wrote in.


If your pets find themselves in a place where strong winds constantly blow, then it will be necessary to provide them with some kind of protection. It's important not to overdo it with leaving. Top dressing should be done no more than once a month., because otherwise the bush itself will only actively grow, and not bloom.

It is necessary to carefully monitor that there is no stagnation of moisture, which causes disease, rot and lack of flowering of marigolds (how to care for and how to feed marigolds?). In very hot weather, it is better to water the flowers in the evening.

Read about caring for marigolds after planting in open ground.


Most often found in young plants. It is characterized by light pigmentation at the bottom of the stem, which gradually darkens and decays, which causes the entire plant to die.

To avoid this, you need to remember to disinfect the earth when planting seeds, but do not overdo it with potassium permanganate. If these preventive measures did not help save the flower from this ailment, it is necessary to cut off the affected areas and reduce the frequency and abundance of watering. Do this only after the topsoil has dried. If this does not help, and the plant continues to die, we recommend replanting it in new soil.

Root rot

As a result of unsuitable conditions for the growth of marigolds, root rot can attack them. It manifests itself in the slow development of the plant and yellowing of the stem and leaves. In order to avoid this misfortune, you should take into account all the recommendations for choosing a place for disembarkation, given in the article above.

Important! Do not plant flowers where flowers with this disease were found in the past year.


Spider mite

Shows itself even on seedlings in the event that it is in a room with dry air. But sometimes already formed plants can be exposed to this danger in dry weather. Symptoms of damage: the leaves become whitish, and then the whole plant dies.

You can resist ticks by humidifying the air. Many flower growers recommend using tobacco tincture. Prepare it as follows: pour 200 grams of tobacco with three liters of water and let it brew for two days. Then it is filtered and diluted to 10 liters of water with the addition of 50 grams of laundry soap until it is completely dissolved. The solution is ready for use immediately. For more information on what to do if a spider mite or other pests appear on marigolds, read in.


This pest appears in very hot weather and sucks the juice from the leaves, and its larvae infect the leaves with a fungus, which then turn black. To combat whiteflies, you need to use special drugs bought in the store.

Slugs and snails

They go on the attack in wet weather, gnawing stems and leaves. To fight slugs, you just need to collect them from plants. and sprinkle the soil in a circle with ash and lime.

Breeding features

It will not be superfluous to remind you of the need to renew your seed every three to four years, because after this period, marigolds will lose their specific features.

Useful video

All about marigolds. Planting, cultivation, care, pests, diseases, feeding and reproduction: