
Show planting calendar for year.

Preparing plants for winter

The lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener for 2017 (table) helps not only gardens, but also gardeners, because flowers and trees need to plant on new plot In suitable for this day. Astrologers created this calendar specifically that vegetables planted on a certain day grew much faster, and also differed in resistance and endurance. More than once it was noted that the landing on the calendar brings a very noticeable result, which is reflected in the yield of plants.

Surgery work in November

Any kinds of planting seeds and plants in the ground are made exclusively in greenhouse premises, as the weather is already cold and land cooled. In the greenhouse they grow early vegetables and greens, it can be a standard parsley and a dill, or plant green and salad planted, such landings also produce home on the windowsill. The landing of any kinds of plants produce 5-7, 19-21, 30, as well as 1-3, 12 and 14 of this month. But negative days for new plants will be 18, 4 and 24 November, it is better not to start planting new plants these days.

Landing calendar for December

This month is only suitable for continuing work in greenhouse premises, you can land some kind of rootepodes, for this use 11-14, 17th and 5-6 December to begin landing of overhead crops, choose 19-20, 29, 1-2 and 25 numbers. It is best not to start landing work 18, 3 and 22 December, as shoots these days will be minimal and very weak.

Of course, the gardener is not obliged to clearly follow the rules of the lunar calendar, but still there are certain evidence that if you have a landing in the most favorable time, the vegetables rise much faster, and the sprouts themselves are stronger and endless. The moon affects plants in different ways, for this reason, the vegetables planted in an unfavorable day will be fruitful much worse than those plants that were planted into the ground in a good landing day of the moon. Observe the calendar is not at all difficult, it is enough just to prepare seeds for the landing in advance, and then, at the right time, make landing of sprouts into the ground.

This section presents the lunar calendars for 2017 different species: General and special. Common sowing calendars contain recommendations for favorable days for sowing, landing large quantities cultural plants: vegetable crops in the garden, garden trees, fruit I. decorative shrubs, colors, as well as recommendations on the timing of garden work on the site. The general lunar calendars are presented for different times from short to detailed. Here you will find a calendar for the whole year, a calendar table for the current season (winter, spring, summer, autumn), calendar in pictures for the current month and daily calendar for a week. Special lunar calendars give detailed recommendations for landing and growing individual popular crops, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, garlic.

Moon sowing calendars are compiled for agrarian works in Middle lane Russia. The time of astronomical events is indicated for the coordinates of Moscow.

Lunar calendar for plants for 2017 in the table

Comfortable lunar sowing and landing calendar for planning the crust of cultivated plants. Calendar will help you correctly choose the seeding time for seedlings, the purchase time of seedlings and seedlings, schedule in advance the trips to the cottage in the sowing day on the lunar calendar. . Below is an excerpt from the calendar.

December - Lunar Calendar 2017

Lunny sowing calendar for 2017 gardener gardener in the table

Sowing and planting vegetable and berry crops on seedlings

Pulling of vegetable crops

Flower garden. Sowing and landing

Care of plants

Work in the garden and in the garden outside the lunar calendar

Lunar calendar landing strawberries, strawberries for 2017

All information about the timing of planting seedlings of strawberries to the garden, about the timing of sowing seed strawberries this year you will find in a special lunar calendar sowing and landing strawberries, strawberries. Calendar recommends favorable time of agricultural work for large-scale strawberries (strawberries), fine-forming sad strawberry, for ordinary and repairing varieties. We give an excerpt from the lunar calendar landing strawberries, strawberries for 2017. All recommended days are very favorable.

Plants that favor the lunar calendar in 2017

In 2017, the surveillance of Narcissus and Hyacinths by March 8 falls on a growing moon, which is not very favorable, you can start an extraction of the week earlier in a decreasing moon and then by adjusting the temperature to increase the period of distillation, the timing time, the timing of the blossom of March 8.

This year, a favorable early sowing of strawberry seeds for seedlings. Thus, a spring transplant of seedlings for a bed is possible, which will allow the next summer to get a full-fledged harvest with adult bushes. And this year makes it possible for repairing varieties to get the first harvest of this fall. However, early seedlings of strawberries fall on a decreasing moon, which is fixable by the choice of day under good sign Zodiac or a delay with transplanting seedlings to the growing moon.

Favorable moon for sowing on eggplant and pepper to seedlings for growing in the greenhouse and in the open ground. A short favorable period for peering seedlings for greenhouses, and a decreasing moon when picking seedlings for open soil or later dive with a growing moon.

This year, the time of sowing of tomatoes (tomatoes) for growing in the greenhouse falls on a decreasing moon. Therefore, we suggest sowing a little earlier along the growing moon. In a period of decreasing moon, we recommend only the signs of Capricorn, as the most favorable, and Scorpio, just as the most favorable and scorpion signs of the Tomatoes (tomatoes). Also, the early varieties of tomatoes can be sowed under the sign of the Taurus to the growing moon, which will work out with a weekly delay against sowing docks, but also acceptable. Both dive fall out on a decreasing moon, we recommend the days under the fertile zodiac signs, which allows you to count on a good yield of tomatoes (tomatoes). The peaking of tomatoes for open soil falls on a decreasing moon, which is permissible and does not greatly affect the development of the plant.

Favorable moon for sowing cabbage: white, broccoli, kolrabi, color. In 2017, the moon favors the cultivation of secondary varieties, because The timing of these varieties comes to a growing moon. Late seedlings of Kohlrabi.

Failed year for growing leaf Celery In the open soil, because Agronomatic duration of sowing does not coincide with favorable days on the lunar calendar. We recommend three days for sowing celery a little earlier than the agronomic period.

This year, the moon favors grown onion, onion, Schitt-bow through seedlings. Timing seedling seedlings are also favorable. Late landing horseradish Khrena.

Sowing cucumbers for seedlings for greenhouses and sowing zabachkov on the lunar calendar is obtained early or late. We recommend sow late or early varieties.

Good year for sowing pumpkin and patisson. Favorable time for sowing cucumber in open sad, as well as seedlings for transplanting to open ground.

Good year for sowing asparagus and bush beans. With sowing on seedlings it is better not to delay, because According to the calendar, we recommend a fairly early planting seedlings.

This year later the beginning of planting seedlings of trees, as well as sowing of yarre cereals.

Planting potatoes is not an early, for varieties of secondary and ranks.

Good year for sowing winter carrots.

This year, early and late sowing of winter grains is possible. Late cleaning winter garlic. As well as late winter landing garlic.

This year we recommend growing gladiolus because of favorable time for reversing and landing. Year favorable for spring landing Rose bushes, livi bulbs. Good year to disperse thickened clumbus narcissus. Suitable terms for autumn planting Crocuses, incl. Late landing, Iris. An unsuccessful year for transplanting of peon bushes, a decreasing moon has to either early timeor on too late.

Autumn planting seedlings of fruit trees falls on a later date than usual. Favorable days winter sowing Flowers come to the later dates. A favorable year for autumn vaccination, a growing moon falls on agronomic grafting deadlines.

Not the most favorable year to distill on bulk colors to the new year. Favorable days for pasting tulips and crocuses a couple of days later. And the days of distillation of daffodils and hyacinths fall on a growing moon. But the distillation of tulips and crocuses by March 8, 2018 falls on the most favorable days of the lunar calendar.

Many gardeners lovers will use moon calendar Sowing seeds for 2017, as about the great effect of the moon on planting flowers, fruits, vegetables, shrubs, trees and other plants.

Our sowing calendar was compiled in such a way that it will be easy to use it easily. Now there is no need for permanent monitoring of the moon in order to determine the lunar phase. You can get together to plant potatoes, but how to find out the right day is unknown.

For this, the lunar landing calendar is compiled to help all gardens in obtaining good harvest.

Lunar rhythms

Using the moon in gloomy and gardening, the already known patterns of its position in the sky and its influence are taken into account. Moon days, descending and ascending moon and its position in any signs of the zodiac, the moon phases, a decreasing moon, a full moon, a growing moon, a new moon - each of their listed concepts indicates a rhythm arising in nature caused by the moon.

In the oldest times, knowledge about the effect of lunar rhythms is used in gloomy. If in the garden work you strive to succeed - contact the moon for help.

Gardening Calendar 2017 Important Moments

The shift of the Moon phases not only affects the actions, behavior and well-being of a person, but also provokes the growth of plants. Knowledge gradually accumulated and now we have a lunar sowing calendar of the table of which is shown below, allows each gardener-gardery to receive a good harvest.

We all heard such a thing as a favorable or no favorable day for landing. However, few people know that good for landing days directly depend on the natural satellite of the Earth.

Under the influence of the moon, the flows and tides of the waters of the world ocean occur and even life cycles Total lives are tuned to the activity of the moon. Did not become an exception and plants.

For proper use The moon calendar of crops should learn about the basic laws of the interaction of plants and the cycles of the Moon. For example, a snow-white disc practically does not have any influence on perennial shrubs and trees, but vegetables, bachers, as well as cereal cultures Very strongly connected with lunar phases.

Moon sowing calendar has one very an important rule Landing is a rule of a young and outgoing moon. In the phase of the young moon you need to plant plants that grow up, and in the phase of decreasing - root roots growing down.

It is all very simply explained - experts believe that the falling moon helps to strengthen the root system, while the leaves and stalks are developing slowly, otherwise it is the case with a growing moon - there is an active growth of stems, leaves and branches.

Is it reasonable to use the lunar sowing calendar?
You probably had a question: is it really necessary to take into account all these nuances, just to grow cultures for your pleasure? Of course, an ordinary gardener or gardener does not necessarily know the lunar schedule.

You can do planting plants at your discretion and climatic conditions. Seeds will go up, and seedlings will develop and fruit. You can generally throw seeds to the ground, as soon as snow comes down, or plant a potato in only the fattened soil. There are only 1 nuance - they "promote" in the ground still very and very long.

If you coordinate your actions with the calendar for 2017, the benefits will be noticeable soon. Stages of growth will be harmonious and confident, and the harvest will certainly please you with their number and sizes. Simply put, the lunar calendar will allow you to save time, nerves and strength, and not hope for a miracle, languishing in expectations.

No one forces you to follow the testimony of the calendar with fantastic accuracy. It is enough just to approximately adhere to the schedule, given the favorable and negative points for landing. If you miss a day or two, nothing terrible - there are many nuances in nature, whether it is a pouring rain, a sudden heat or short-hearted cooling. In each month there are several periods favorable for specific plants. Here you can download the lunar sowing calendar, because he can come in handy even in winter - suddenly you decide to grow culture on your windowsill or in a properly equipped greenhouse.

Leaf days, root, fetal, flower

With the passage of the moon signs of the zodiac fish, scorpion, cancer is the time called "leaf days", since the rhythms of the moon have the greatest impact on the foliage. What will it help you in practice? If you will loosen the land on the beds of salad these days, it will grow very lush and more crop.

When passing the moon signs of the zodiac Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus - this time got the name "Root Days" as the Rhythms of the Moon have a great influence on root system Plants. Radish, beets, carrots and all other root roots are also recommended to be gone in the days of the root.

When the moon signs of the zodiac, the Sagittarius, Aries, Lev - this time got the name "Days of Fruits". Beans, cucumbers and tomatoes will thank you with spectacular fruits if you dive, pour and loosen the soil in the days of the fetus.

When passing the moon signs of the zodiac Aquarius, scales, twins - this time is called "Flower Days". They are recommended to use for planting and care. If possible, flowers for bouquets cut off the flower days due to which they will preserve in a vase much longer.

- In solar and lunar eclipses, any work in the garden or the garden is undesirable.
- It is strictly not recommended to work in a garden or garden in the days of novoon or full moon.
- It is not worth sowing seeds or perplex seedlings when the moon is located in the signs of Aquarius and Lion.
- Plants will not develop fully, if you start them during the transition of the satellite from one of the same zodiac sign to another.

Culture February March April May June
Cucumbers 1, 5, 12, 14 9, 18, 22, 26, 27, 28 4, 15, 19, 24, 25, 31 1, 2, 11, 16, 20
Tomatoes 14, 16, 18, 24, 26, 27, 28 3, 4, 10, 12, 20, 25, 30, 31 8, 12, 13, 22, 26-28 9, 15, 19, 24, 25 2, 7, 11, 16
Eggplant 12, 14, 23, 28 3, 4, 12, 14, 16, 20, 25, 30, 3 9, 18, 22, 26, 27, 28 3, 4, 14, 15, 19, 24, 31 1, 2, 11, 16, 20
Sweet pepper 14, 16, 23 3, 4, 12, 14, 20, 30, 31 9, 11, 18, 26-28 8, 14, 15, 24, 25 2, 11, 20
Zucchini, Patchsons, Pumpkins 9, 18, 26-28 3, 4, 14, 15, 24, 31 1, 2, 11, 20
Radish, Radish, Daikon 16-18, 23, 28 4, 9, 14, 15, 19, 24, 31
Potato, Topinambur 4, 7, 8, 9, 19, 24, 31 1, 6, 7, 15, 16
Carrots, beet 16-18, 23, 28 4, 9, 14, 15, 19, 24, 31 1, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 28, 30
Beans, peas, beans 22, 28 3, 4, 9, 10, 15, 19, 24, 25, 31 1, 2, 7
Watermelon melon 22, 26, 27, 28 3, 4, 15, 19, 24, 25, 31 1, 2, 11, 16
Luk-Batun 19, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28 3, 4, 9, 10 27, 28, 29, 30
Onions on (Sevok) 17, 26, 31 22, 28 7, 8, 9, 19, 20, 24
Spring spring / winter 19, 22, 23 7, 8, 9, 10
Cabbage b / k, color 20, 25, 26, 30, 31 9, 12, 13, 18, 22, 26, 27, 28 4, 15, 19, 24, 25, 31 1, 2, 11, 16, 20
Kabbage Krasnokagna 22, 26, 27, 28 8, 9, 15, 19, 24, 25 2, 11, 16
Parsley root 24, 25, 26 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 20, 21, 28, 29 16, 17, 18, 23, 28 4, 9, 10, 11, 22
Green onions, parsley, dill, salad 4, 5, 12, 14, 23, 24, 25, 26 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 30, 31 18, 20, 23, 26, 27, 28 4, 15, 17, 20, 24, 25, 31 2, 11, 16, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30

The lunar calendar of seeding seeds in the seedlings of 2017 carries rather recommendatory character than mandatory. If the weather specified in the calendar does not allow working in a garden or garden (freezing is expected or rain), then the procedure for finding the site must be transferred.

Since ancient times, the ancient residents of the planet Earth took into account the influence of the moon on the animal world. This pattern applied to living organisms and on the aqueous part of the surface of the planet. The lunar phase affects the water level in the seas, rivers and lakes. Not exception has become vegetable worldTo which the grass, trees, shrubs and so on. This pattern was confirmed by gardeners from ancient times.

Therefore, it is clear why most rabbies are focused on the lunar calendar during the sowing. A person who is waiting for a good yield from the garden, uses his knowledge and listens to the opinion of other gardeners. A large number of daches looks into the lunar calendar. Therefore, it is so popular at the present time among those who wish to get the maximum yield in 2017.

A number of definitions

"A prosperous day for sowing is" - the concept that everyone has repeatedly heard. Only units seriously thought that such days were directly related to the natural satellite of the Earth.

The moon controls the water level on the earth's surface, the life cycles of living organisms, the process of the life of plants. The main rules of sowing, if focused on the lunar calendar, became the phase of the outgoing and young moon. With the leaving plant, which germinate down, and with a young phase - overhead deciduous cultures. This factor of crop materials explain the fact that the root system is actively increasing in the falling moon, and deciduous cultures are developing slowly. With a growing moon, plants grow more rapidly than rootfields.

Is it rational to use the lunar calendar?

Do I need to use the sowing calendar in 2017 to grow certain types of plants? Most likely no, the presence of these knowledge does not need to be mandatory to all gardens or gardeners. Planting can be engaged only on climatic conditions for a particular area. Nature personally will deal with these questions. After winter, you can immediately throw seeds into the ground or plant there potatoes, only after thawing the soil. However, you will have to wait a lot while planted culture will go.

Working with the lunar calendar and the correct coordination in it will immediately bring a number of advantages. It turns out a more harmonious plant development process, and the fruits will be surprised by the size and quality. This calendar saves precious time, protects the nervous system with which the load, experiences and hopes for good yield are removed.

You do not need to perform all the dates of the lunar calendar with thorough accuracy, you can only focus on the schedule and choose a favorable gardening period. If you missed a specific date, do not be upset because nature has all provided. Every month includes several dates suitable for landing for certain plants. It is not worth throwing a calendar for the winter, as it even provides for the cultivation of certain types of crops in winter, let's say in the greenhouses.

  • It is extremely recommended to work with cultures on the ground in the new moon and full moon.
  • With the position of the moon in the constellation of lion and aquarius, you do not need to plant seeds and seedlings.
  • It is better to avoid work on a garden with a lunar or sunny eclipse.
  • When changing the signs of the zodiac does not need to be engaged in sowing work, as the full development of plants will be disturbed.

List of days for sowing and landing in 2017

The lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners is designed on the basis of all the nuances of the lunar cycle, which consists in passing the moon in all signs of the zodiac.

No longer needed, as in the middle ages to observe the heavenly bodies and mathematically calculate the necessary times. Now it can only be done by choosing a date and booking the necessary events.

The table includes the most relevant days and popular plant cultures. Dedicated days are most suitable for sowing, transplantation and fertility collection.

The principle according to which the lunar calendar for gardeners is being created

This sowing calendar is made with the goal in order to most effectively perform work on the most favorable days of the month. Thus, gardeners and gardeners get the opportunity to collect a lot of harvest, and without waste time and energy.

When there is no opportunity to look at the calendar - no need to be upset, it is enough to remember only a couple of basic patterns.

  • On the interval between the new moon and the full moon you need to deal with the cultures that give a crop over the ground, and not in the soil.
  • The decreasing moon is positively affected only when landing root.
  • It is impossible to plant seeds to the new moon, better with this position of the moon to make harvest.
  • The weather can be interferred in the lunar calendar hour. She can interfere with some dates.

If it is advisable to use this calendar, you can achieve an unprecedented harvest.

Moon Sowing Calendar for 2017 - Table

Moon Calendar by Zodiac Signs

At the sowing calendar of 2017, not only lunar dates are influenced, but also 12 zodiac signs. They are in a specific date on each moon calendar event. Based on this data, the sowing schedule is built and work related to crop production is listed.

Therefore, the movement of constellations across the sky seriously affects the development of plants. For 30 days, the moon visits all constellations. Each position has a noticeable effect on environment. Some constellations are more favorable than others.

Fertile signs of the zodiac

From female signs is cancer, calf and fish. Endurance I. vital energy Characterized by scorpions. The last lines in fertility entrenched the Virgin and Capricorn. Time when the moon is moving at favorable signs, suitable for landing and transplanting all types of plants. At this time, the watering and feeding will benefit. When the moon is in the constellation of fish, it is not recommended to perform excessive watering, as it will cause rotting.

Men's signs are not too suitable for sowing. Only the constellation of weights favorably affects the development of decorative and curly plants. It is recommended to die and feed seedlings. On the day of the influence of twins, nothing needs to be done, even watering and other little things.

Small yield differ Sagittarius and Aries. But for a large amount of work they are not suitable. Lion and Aquarius - signs when need to practice the processing of the Earth and deliverance from pests. The remaining types of work is useless, as signs for their unfavorable. Under the influence of Aquarius, it is necessary to take care of the sprout, if it is a little damaged, he will not grow.

Despite fertility, each zodiac sign has a personal favorable plant type. It is necessary to adhere to all the recommendations completely, not point. For example, it will not be enough for a seedling on the desired day, and you still need to care for him: water, fertilize and collect on time.

Aries does not like landing on his days. Getting rid of weeds and destruction of pests at this time will bring the desired result.

Taurus charity planted plants. The yield will be at the height, and the root roots will turn out to be a look at the losing moon. The growing moon loves sowing ground plants and circumcision of trees.

Cancer in a growing moon - a phase for plants that feed a lot of moisture. This includes cucumbers, tomatoes, greens, currants, raspberries and so on. The decreasing moon affects the root plates positively. The yield will be at the highest level, but this harvest will not be stored. Seeds unsuitable.

Lions are remarkably suitable for weeding and getting rid of pests. It is not recommended to plant.

The Constellation of the Virgin is well affecting the care of vegetation. If you put a harvest at this time, there will be no result. It is better to plant long-lived bushes and herbs. Deva will save them from all adversity.

Summer day - day seedlings. Pour into the growing moon - cucumbers, legumes, trees and bushes, and in descending - root and onions. Medium-level yield, storage good, seeds suitable for further landing.

On the day of Scorpio, seedlings, greens, peppers and eggplants are seeded. The decreasing phase is suitable for rootepodes, garlic and trees. Vintage normal, stored for a long time, high quality seeds.

Sagittarius is a constellation unfavorable to plant planting, so it is better to deal with the processing of the soil and delivering harmful insects.

During the influence of Capricorn, seedlings are planted, winter seeds and perennial plants, including trees. The decreasing moon positively affects the landing of the bow and the root. it good time For sowing legumes, cabbage and greens. The yield is medium, but high-quality fruits and stored for a long time.

Aquarius time is suitable for the processing of the soil and destruction of insect pests. Cannot be seeded.

Fish. At this time you can not cut the trees. Landing the horseradish, tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants should be performed only on the growing moon, and on a decreasing - carrot, radishes and flowers. The yield is good, but is stored little. Seeds are not the best quality.

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Even our great-grandeels took into account the influence of the Moon on planting plants and planned agricultural work with lunar phases.

Thanks to the lunar energy, you can not only calculate favorable days for garden work, but also learn the most successful days to care for your body and hair. Having learned to use the influence of the moon in their favor, you can get a great harvest.

Preparatory season for landing in January 2017

The first month of the year will delight abundance favorable days To prepare and planting seeds. To obtain early yield, carefully examine the information and select the comfortable days you dedicate to horticultural deeds.

January 3 and 4 - Finding the moon in the constellation of fish is a rather abundant harvest. However, such fruits will not be able to be stored for a long time. Consider this feature when planting seeds, and then you can enjoy all the fresh harvest.

January 7 and 8 - The moon will interact with the sign of the zodiac Taurus. This combination will affect the big harvest, but the seeds cannot be stored with such a sowing. Recently, a widespread extension of a hair dryer, which helps increase the number of fruits, as well as attract wealth and well-being in the house.

January 11 and 12 - Moon energy falls under the influence of the zodiac constellation cancer. All that will be sown during this period will bring good fruits. However, it is not necessary to wait too early to wait for germs, as the crop will be late.

The 25th of January- The decreasing lunar energy in tandem with the zodiacal Capricorn will help you to stock excellent seeds for the next period. This day should be used to plant seed plants.

January 30 and 31 - The moon will go to the initial stage of growth. This period is perfect for plants having a developed root system and short stems.

Planting in February

Favorable days not only affect the quality of the harvest. Paying them special attention, you will save your strength and attract good luck. It will also help plants to acquire natural immunity and protect themselves from many diseases.

February 4 - The positive effect of the shoulder helps plants with harsh temperature differences and getting an abundance of fruits. But it should be remembered that the seeds received will not fit for sowing in next yearbecause they quickly ruin.

7, 8 and 9 February - The growing moon in the constellation of cancer will help to get an early harvest, which will distinguish between high quality and large quantities. Use this feature and plant as many plants as possible.

February 23 - Being under the influence of the sign of the zodiac Capricorn, the moon will slightly weaken the properties of the decreasing phase. This day can be used for sowing seedlings and colors having wide roots.

February 27 - The moon interacts with the constellation of fish. Today there will be a good landing of pumpkin and pasty crops, and you can also begin to disembark the first colors.

Landing on the lunar calendar in March 2017

With the arrival of spring begins the most rich season for gardeners and gardeners. It is at this time that it is important to calculate everything and have time to make planned things.

2, March 3 and 4 - The interaction of the growing moon with the zodiac sign Taurus will help get a shameful harvest. These days you can soak and germinate seeds. Also successful will be all work related to irrigation and processing of the Earth.

March 7 and 8 - the moon under the influence of the zodiac cancer gives the most nice results in the field of garden-sowing works. The conversion of annual and sowing of deciduous plants will be favorable.

21 and 22 March - The decreasing moon in Capricorn has a slight impact on the harvest. Therefore, you should not expect abundance of fruits. But to obtain seeds, this is the right time, because they acquire a special endurance to weather conditions and are stored for a long time.

March 30 and 31 - The moon will go to the constellation of the Taurus and will be in the growth phase. If you want your plants to gain power and strengthen, make it possible to care and change these days.

Sowing season in April

This month, plant landing reaches its peak. Do not forget to take into account the recommendations of the lunar calendar and then you can correctly distribute your strength and recharge your positive.

April, 4 - The growing moon in the sign of the zodiac cancer will help the plants to grow and give them strength. At this time, it is best to make up the colorful colors and how to prepare and focus the soil for planting seeds on fresh air.

11 April - The moon will go to the constellation of the scales and, despite the fact that this zodiac sign is not included in the list of the most favorable conditions, it is today that he will be an exception to the rules. Flowers and plants planted on this day will give an average harvest, but will retain immunity to many common diseases.

April 13. - The decreasing moon will go to the sign of Scorpio, which is one of the most fertile. All landings performed on this day will give a good harvest. They will also go well as seeds for the next season.

April 19. - Capricorn constellation will have a rather strong effect on the moon. Perennial shrubs and fruit trees, planted on this day, will bring a rich harvest and will be fruitful for many years.

April 27. - The moon in its initial growth phase falls under the influence of the sign of the zodiac Taurus. It will contribute to the good digestibility of fertilizer and high-quality earth processing. However, be careful with the root system and try not to harm its development.

April 30 - The zodiacal constellation of cancer will have a special influence on the lunar energy. If you want to please yourself and closely with delicious fruits, then today is suitable for this. the best way. And to stock high-quality seeds, choose a more suitable period.

Sowing and care in May 2017

In addition to its immediate benefit, plants and all your garden can be used to attract wealth and abundance in your life. It is enough to know a few simple techniques so that love and happiness always reign in your home, and garden magic will always help you with it.

The 1 of May - The moon continues to be influenced by cancer. Which means that this day will be favorable landing Many vegetable crops, such as eggplants, zucchini, cabbage, beans, peas, beans, potatoes, carrots and onions.

9, 10th and 11 may - Under the influence of the constellation of Scorpio, all plants give quick shoots and well fruit. Also, the landing of any herbs, especially those that have healing properties.

May 28 and 29 - The moon is gaining his growth and will be in close cooperation with the sign of the zodiac cancer. These days, the Lunar calendar recommends any sowing work, also fruitful bait and any processing of land will be fruitful.

Horticultural work on the lunar calendar in June

In June, the first fruits can already be reaping, but it is not worth relaxing. Pay attention to the favorable days for watering and processing the Earth, because in the summer months it is especially important.

6, 7 and 8 June - The first two days of the moon will be under the influence of the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio, and the 8th number will go to the Sagittar Constellation. On these days, plant vaccinations and fertilizer will be successful. And the weeding in this period will help to get rid of annoying weeds for a long time.

21st of June - The moon in the Taurus will beneficially affect the active growth of seeds. Also, this day is suitable for abundant irrigation of the soil and its loosening. But during the processing of the Earth, diligently avoid contact with the roots, since there is an increased risk to damage them.

June 25. - Heavenly luminaire will go into the constellation of cancer. Successful will be any landing of field and fruit and berry crops, as well as some colors: these are asters, violets, gladiolus, forget-me-not, rose and violet.

June 28 and 29 - The moon will go under the influence of the sign of the Virgin zodiac. At this time, you can plant any decorative cultures. Also, the transplant of flowers and seedlings will be well. And abundant watering of the soil contributes to rapid growth.

Lunar Calendar Ogorodnik in July 2017

In the midst summer season The most important thing is not to miss the moment. Follow the lunar days and choose the time that will be most favorable for your plans.

3, July 4 and 5 - The moon will be influenced by Scorpio, after which it will smoothly go under the patronage of the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius. Such a combination allows you to make the most effective watering and tillage with organic fertilizers.

July 8 and 9 - The moon will experience the effect of Capricorn, and it will contribute to a successful transplantation of plants. Also these days it is good to process all shoots from Tsley and various diseases.

July 13 - The influence of zodiac fish on the night luminaries will affect the receipt of healthy fruits. Also, pay attention to abundant watering and weeding.

July 18. - Under the influence of the Taurus, the moon contributes to successful grass abosll, as well as the workpiece medicinal herbal. Especially useful will be the roots stored on this day.

July 26 and 27 - The constellation of the Virgin and the lunar energy will effectively apply any methods of spraying from harmful insects. You can also begin to prepare early potatoes for the winter and start other blanks.

July 30. - The interaction of the moon with the zodiac sign Scorpio will help successful earth processing. It can be a weeding, loosening, plowing or soil fertilizer. There will also be a favorable billet leaf of healing herbs.

Care and preparation of plants in August

The beginning and end of August will be full of favorable days for successful affairs in the garden. Use this opportunity to have time to collect harvest and prepare for the main billets for the winter.

1, 2nd and 3 August - The moon will be influenced by such constellations as Scorpio and Sagittarius. It will help to collect the first harvest and successfully start the workpiece. Any canning and malty will be able to fame and are stored for a long time.

August 9. - Night luminaire will go to the sign of the zodiac fish and can be a special day for winter blanks. If you prepare a threshold salt in advance, then none of closed cans This day will not take off, and the products themselves will give strength in winter.

August 15 - The interaction of the Taurus and the descending Moon will help to successfully dig onions, carrots and other landings. Also remember that the soil needs water, so abundant irrigation must constantly attend your plans.

22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30 and 31 August - Despite the fact that throughout this period, the moon will move from one constellation to another, all these days will be favorable for home billets. Try new recipes and make it with love. So canned food will retain their properties and your positive energy.

September agricultural work

So that all the invested works have given a full return, remember that with poor mood and negative attitution should not begin work. To get a good harvest, be in harmony with yourself, and to achieve this, use your favorite meditations.

September 1 - The effect of Capricorn on the heavenly luminaire will help to make any landing in winter successful. You can also begin preparation for the cold plants that will be wintering in open land.

September 5 and 7 - These days the moon is under the influence of the sign of the zodiac fish, and this means that you can safely collect the remaining harvest. All the fruits collected on this day will continue for a long time.

September 14 He will influence the influence of the zodiac cancer and is suitable for preparatory work Soil to the winter period. Also do not forget about the necessary fertilizers.

21, 23, 24, 26, 27 and 29 September - You should pay attention to preservation and other billets. Any juices, jams and jams will save their beneficial features And they will be good helpers in improving immunity in winter.

Plant care in October 2017

The first half of October will be quite smooth, but at the end of the month, you will have to make all your efforts to have all the planned.

3, October 4 - The moon will go to the constellation of fish. These days, the lunar calendar recommends collecting a harvest, go to the fertilizer of the Earth and prepare it to winter.

October 11 - Heavenly luminaire will fall under the influence of zodiac cancer. Today, pay special attention to the workpiece healing plants And herbs. After all, it is they contain a lot of useful substances and vitamins that will support you at the right moments.

20, 21, 22, 24, 25 and 26 October - The moon will move from the constellation of Scorpio to the fifth and will continue to cooperate with Capricorn. In these periods, try to cover everything required plantswho will winter in the ground. Also, there will be a successful extrusion of the earth and collecting grass with a variety.

Plant care in November 2017

This month, all the work on open land is finally completed and prepared the entire harvest to long storage. You can also pay attention to indoor plants.

November 9 - The moon is in the sign of the zodiac cancer. On this day, you can analyze the entire work done and finish the remaining affairs. So you can plan further actions and reduce the pace slightly.

21, 22, 23, November 27 and 28 - become favorable for any winter blanks. And this is the most suitable time for classes with home plants, because their soil also requires fertilizer and careful care.

Work gardener in December

In the first month of winter, you can sum up the results of the resulting crop. Analyze what seeds gave the most fruit, and from what it is worth to refuse. You can also schedule an exemplary action plan for the next year and distribute land for landing.

Having plunged into all the concerns associated with summer deeds, you can completely forget about yourself. As you know, outdoors our skin is exposed to solar effect and requires special and more careful care. In such situations, the Cleopatra bath is always saved, which has anti-aging properties. We wish you a rich harvest, abundance in the house, and do not forget to press the buttons (FB_LIKE)) and

24.10.2016 02:10

The beginning of spring is an important time for flowerflowers. In March, plants are awakened from winter hibernation and...

Our ancestors before each sowing were resorted to the help of higher strength. And all because the harvest ...