
How to increase vital energy to a woman. How to increase the energy of the body

Herbs in the garden

Mom always forced you to have breakfast. But it was unlikely that she meant ingesting a bagel or cupcake on the run from the house. The food is rich in fast carbohydrates is very tasty, but they are also fast, which quickly burn. In a couple of hours you will already be devastated.
Combinations of sugar and starch only temporarily increase energy due to the ability of our body to recycle glucose. Fast carbohydrates are very quickly absorbed from gastrointestinal tractSo sugar in the blood increases immediately and there is a significant emission of insulin into blood. Insulin reduces blood sugar, turning it into fat. Sometimes it leads to a drop in sugar levels below the norm and the emergence of carbohydrate hunger. If the sugar level falls too much, consciousness can be blurted out, many people have problems with the concentration of attention.
How to raise energy:
Start your day from grain and proteins, for the processing of which in glucose will need more time, and which will continue to support the energy level you need longer.
For example, a plate of oatmeal or a pair of boiled or roasted eggs with tomatoes and onions.

2. Lack of exercise

Too tired for training? Whatever you do, do not skip the workout. Classes will add you acne. Back in distant antiquity, philosophers and doctors believed that healthy should be impossible without physical education. Studies show that regular physical exercises reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood that promotes the development of atherosclerosis. It has been proven that people who are constantly actively engaged in physical exercise increases mental, mental and emotional stability when performing intense mental or physical activity.
And you do not need to make marathon runs. Studies show that people engaged in exercises with a small load, such as walking, quickly remove fatigue than those who run or engaged in aerobics with weights.
How to raise energy:
Do each day, even if it is only 10 minutes. If you have a completely time deficit, pass halfdow to the office on foot. If possible, do the charge, immediately like you will set. It will wake you up better than espresso.
If you are already exhausted from fatigue after lunch, stroll up 10-20 minutes. Even standing a little while working instead of a computer sitting on a computer is useful for your muscles and blood flow.

3. bottomless cup of coffee

Do you drink the fifth cup of coffee per day? Caffeine will not only make you twitch all night, it also makes something with your hormones. Coffee stimulates the production of adrenaline and cortisol, two hormones that increase the ability. But the effect does not last long, so I rather soon you want to drink another cup for cheerfulness. The problem is that, after the third cup, caffeine stops working. It is how to squeeze a sponge.
People who drink a lot of coffee during the day can proceed the production of adrenaline, which ultimately will cause its deficit that entails fatigue and emptying.
How to raise energy:
Reduce the amount of coffee per day - it is not necessary to refuse completely from it. 1-3 cups per day will give you a tone. Studies show that the elderly coffee increases brain functions. In addition, people, half of the drinking coffee, are less defeated by Alzheimer's diseases and dementia.

4. Sweet snacks

4 pm and you need to recharge. Will the machine with chocolates? Wrong move .. Sweets actually deplete your energy reserves.
Remember what happened to your breakfast? Sweets also provoke a rapid increase in energy, which is sharply replaced by the crisis. The same thing happens with energy drinks, for example, Red Bull. In particular, energy drinks are harmful to people with overweight. Fat people already produce too much insulin because of the sugar, which they consume in excess.
Sweets are still serving a serving of sugar in their body. Ultimately, this can lead to insulin resistance (when insulin is not absorbed by cells and accumulates in the blood), and this condition for the occurrence of diabetes.
Tearing also "healthy" juices, as they are also often saturated with sugar. A glass of juice may contain 8-10 teaspoons of sugar - as well as a glass of cola.
What to do:
It is better to choose coarse-fiber food or protein snacks, for example, a slice of turkey wrapped around a piece of carrot or celery, mmmm ....
A refreshing product with low sugar can be carbonated mineral water with a drop of juice.
Green soybeans are a wonderful source of soybean and protein, and very useful for women, because they contain phytoestrogens, nonsteroidal vegetable compounds, which in the human body can act not only as estrogens, but also as anti-estrogens. For example, in contrast to real estrogen, they are not stimulated, but suppress the growth of hormone-dependent tumors.
Nuts, especially pistachios, almonds and walnuts - another source of energy. They are saturated with protein, useful fats and are antioxidants. But you should not eat them to handles - as they are high calorie. If you are on a diet, eat no more than 300g per day.

5. You consume not magnesium.

Fall asleep at the office table? Sleepiness, dizziness, plasticity and muscle weakness - symptoms of magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium is a key element supporting the functionality of the body, it is involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions. It supports muscle and nervous function, smooth heartbeat, immunity and bone strength.
Some types of medicines, such as diuretics and antibiotics, can cause magnesium deficiency.
How to:
There are green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, is the best source of magnesium. Also, some types of fish, for example, halibut, in one 100g portion of which contains 90mg magnesium. Nuts, wholegrain products, beans are also rich in magnesium.
Women requires 310-320mg magnesium a day, more pregnant (350-400mg) and nursing breasts (310-360mg). You can take supplements to food containing magnesium. But first consult your doctor.

6. Abundant menstruation

Take from legs during menstruation? You may have iron deficiency anemia, syndrome characterized by a violation of hemoglobin synthesis due to iron deficiency. This mineral is responsible for the production of hemoglobin, which is responsible for the transfer of oxygen in tissue. Women are most susceptible to iron deficiency anemia due to abundant and long-term menstruation, uterine fibrishes. Fatigue is one of the signs, among others - short breathing, dizziness and weakness. This type of feeding of coffee or physical exercise will not help. It's like if a person lacked oxygen.
How to raise energy:
Women need 18mg iron per day, less - if you are more than 51 (8mg).
Contact your doctor and hand over the blood test on the iron content. Do not take iron yourself, because such nutritional supplements can cause stomach disorder, constipation and other digestive problems.
In addition, it is best to use food, rich iron, such as the:
Meat products: beef, liver, kidney, language,
Porridge and cereals: beans, lentils, buckwheat, peas
Vegetables and greens: Potatoes (young baked with peel), tomatoes, onion, green vegetables, pumpkin, beets, salad cress, spinach, parsley greens.
Fruits: bananas, apples, pears, plums, persimmon, grenades, peaches, apricots (kuraga),
Berries: Blueberry, strawberry / strawberry, black currant and cranberries (you can buy frozen, also helps; cranberry can be in sugar).
Juices: carrot, beet, pomegranate, "red fruit juice"; Specially designed for pregnant women apple juice with elevated iron content.
Other: walnuts, Caviar black / red, seafood, egg yolk, black chocolate, dried mushrooms, dried fruits, hematogen.

7. Not enough sleep

Women takes 7-9 hours of night sleep. If you sleep at night less, try to sleep in the afternoon of 10-20 minutes. Even after a short day sleep, working capacity, which means, the productivity of labor increases sharply.
Also try to meditate 10-15 minutes to increase the level of your energy, clean the consciousness and refresh the body.

8. Stress

There is no difference for the brain between fear to be late or found in the teeth of a saber-toothed tiger. In any case, the adrenaline response "Bay or Run" gives us a charge of energy for speed or action. But only if you really do not run from a huge hungry cat, hormones are still circulated in the blood in elevated concentrations, without giving calm down nervous systemnor internal organs. It can wear your body and cause problems such as low energy, chronic pain, digestion problems, heart disease and diabetes.
How to deal with it:
There is one means of dealing with stress, which women can use anywhere: breathing.
- With a calm and deep breath, you can prevent emotional differences.
- An increase in the length of the exhalation will help you calm down and relax.
- The slower and deeper, calmer and rhythm
Our breath is, the sooner we get used to this way of breathing, the sooner it will become an integral part of our life.

Is something even easier? Just smile! It relaxes the muscles of the face and removes the tension, helping to increase the level of your energy.

How do you cope with fatigue? Do other ways know? Share with us!

- Energy of the body
- Why is it important to have a high energy?
- reasons for low energy and ways to fill the gaps
- the easiest way to restore energy
- How to raise the power constantly?
- Restoration of the body's energy in 5 minutes

The energy of the body is the force that fills the person from the inside. Everyone should be able to preserve, accumulate and properly distribute its energy. Because when it is missing, the person becomes sluggish, he decreases performance, and he begins to get tired quickly. Someone may think that this mainly concerns the elderly people, but also the young generation also has a decrease in the body's energy.

Energy of the body is its potential and a certain amount of energy within each person required for life. Energy fills each person and its level of each. Our health depends on its quantity, and of course mood. With a sufficient amount of energy in the body, we are less likelying, we feel the wealth of forces, to perform actions and enjoy life. We always have a raised mood and we do not notice the negative around ourselves. Also, the energy of our body is responsible for intelligent growth, physical processes occurring within us and immunity.

It is believed that our body gets energy from food or physical exertion, after which we feel the tide of the forces. We need a load to maintain the body in a tone, and food is simply building material for cells. These processes produce only coarse energy for the vital activity of the physical body. The energy of the body is completely different, it is more spiritual and enters the body completely over other channels.

It is very good if a person has its physical energy in one level with the energy of the body, then the person is all in order and all processes flow normally.

The body's energy must always be maintained, developing and increasing, then your physical condition will be in order.

- Why is it important to have a high energy?

When a person is all right with the energy, he is full of strength and desire for various actions that he is pleasant. If there is no strength, then there can be no speech on any involvement. This is, first.

Secondly, you probably already heard about the law of attraction, so at high energy it works much faster, and you can speed up the process of materializing your desires. If you did not hear, I will tell you short now about him.

Our thoughts and desires are material. And we can attract what we think (naturally, combining the work of thought with physical activity). All our desires can become a reality, if a person knows certain laws and technologies.

- reasons for low energy and ways to fill the gaps

The reasons for low energy can be negative thoughts and emotions that we have already considered, as well as bad habits, not proper nutrition and overwork.

Therefore, to restore your essential body you need to use those knowledge that you are already known, that is, learn to manage your emotions and free from fears, offensive, anger, guilt.

In addition, you need to monitor your nutrition, to give your body a timely rest and sleep, fresh air, physical exertion. Well, it is advisable to become free from harmful habits - Alcohol, smoking and drugs.

You still need to remember about the environment. If you are surrounded by depressive people who are always complaining about their lives, they take away your energy. Therefore, look for new people with whom you will exchange positive vibrations.

If you wish to quickly and effectively, and then save vital energy at the proper level, then sign up in yoga or qigong. And it is better to do in the morning hours, so your energy will be enough for a whole day.

And do not forget to make breathing exercises. Here is one of them:

Taking a convenient position and relaxing the body, put the index finger on the bridge, and the large and medium about the nostrils. Hold the right nostril and breathe in the left nostril, then clamp the left nostril and make it right, then breathe the right nostrils, leaving the left shed, and then clutch the right nostril and exhale the left. Continue this respiratory cycle for 5-10 minutes.

- the easiest way to restore energy

Often there are situations when a person after a certain situation feels completely empty. In this case, it will be quite useful to him quite simple adviceHow to restore human energy. Taking advantage of the way called the "Sun Disk", you can put the body in a normal state in a few hours.

1) It is necessary to imagine a large solar disk. At first it must be spinning in the opposite direction, pulling the remnants of the negative from the human body. At the same time, the disk must gradually grow, which will indicate that the body is cleared.

2) The next important stage is to imagine how the disk changes its direction and fills the human body with a bright, golden life force and energy.

4) The latter is a very important stage in a technique that tells how to restore human energy: send this solar disc in the land of the earth. It is also necessary to imagine how there negative energy is completely transformed into a positive.

I want to say that today there is a huge number different waysHow to clean your body from negative and restore lost energy. However, the above method is one of the simplest, moreover, it does not require special knowledge and skills and even a newcomer is available.

- How to raise the power constantly?

Be sure to tell about how to increase the energy, or rather even - how to raise it constantly. It is necessary to do to each person, because it is possible to constantly maintain in excellent form not only the body, but also, that is very important, spirit.

So, there are somewhat simple, but rather effective ways, how to constantly keep yourself in a tone:

1) Vera-reliable-love. And although it may seem funny to many, however, both psychologists and energy recommend to believe in everything good, in a bright future, hope that life will be the most the best way, and love not only close, but also everyone around. Maximum positive and only good emotions are the key to a strong, healthy human energy.

2) gratitude. It is also necessary to refer with gratitude to everything that happens in life. So, you need to always say "Thank you" around, thank for everything good what is happening in life, the highest strength.

3) Passion. Quite important CouncilHow to increase the body's energy is to do your favorite thing. And if the main place of work is not associated with a hobby, a close heart need to pay a lot of time to pay a lot of time. Enjoying the process, a person already produces positive energy, which feeds its body.

4) Communication. It is worth remembering that energy can be charged. So, communicating with positive people, you can finely replenish your strength. However, it is important to remember that there are people - energy vampires who steal energy. Such personalities are better to fear and reduce communication to a minimum.

Material prepared diolea specifically for the site

Hello, dear visitors to my blog. Perhaps there is no person who is not familiar with the feeling of fatigue, apathy, especially in the spring. Can I handle this? Now we learn how to raise a vital tone without doctors, only on your own.

A good vital tone is the finding of a person for a long time in a joyful vigorous state.

Most often, such advice is given on this score, which do not want to do. However, it can be found not only easily fulfilled, but even pleasant recommendations. Do not believe? Read the article to the last line, and you will be sure about it.

Winter I. in early spring Our body needs sunlightAnd it is not enough, and vitamins on the outcome. The first thing to do, getting up in the morning from bed: to pull, smile and take a shower, be well confused by a towel.

Nothing gives energy like a shower. Especially if this shower is. True, it is difficult to force your hand to turn the crane in the other direction, but maybe this picture with utilities that gives the body to change the temperature of the water.

Then goes gymnastics. Well, you will say, again for the old!

If you do not want the gymnastics, replace it with dancing. Turn on music and dancing, cook breakfast, dress. Happened?

I think that not everyone can afford to include music in early in the morning. Then for you here is a great ankive exercise.

Do not know what to cook for breakfast? Take the idea for breakfast

Come walk down the street, and proceed to official duties. They came home, let the legs relax. Lie on the floor, lift your legs up, heels to steal into the wall. Five minutes and you are again in the form!

Or now - if there are barbed balls, then slide them with a bare foot, so.

If there is time, then take a bath with marine Solu. Perfectly remove the whole "sticky" per day negative.

Perfectly fills the forgiveness of all who offended you and gratitude for the last day. Try and you will feel such powerful relaxation!

Choose Goal

So that you never left the energy, choose yourself a goal in life and go to her. All active people are interested in living, constantly achieve new goals, they have no time to Handing.

It is impossible to stop halfway to it, under no circumstances!

Folk remedies from the decline of forces

In treasury folk recipes There are quite a few funds that are easy to do at home. They quickly restore energy!

Effective recipe: Sattail crude beets, fill it with a bottle, pour with vodka. Let stand 12 days in a warm place. Take daily 1 glass before meals.

Excellent tonic - broth from Bran.: 400 g bran, pour 1 l. Boiling water, boil an hour, then strain through the gauze, press the residues of the branch, then strain again. Take before eating at 0.5 tbsp., 3 times daily.

Celery will raise the overall tone, and will also increase performance.
Recipe: cut root, take 2 tbsp, pour a glass cold water, Leave for 2 hours. Take daily in 3 receptions.

Rosehip - the most famous, effective folk remedy. Two art. l. Rosehip berries fall asleep in thermos, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. After 5 hours, the drink is ready!

Lemon juice and honey. Mix 1 tbsp. l. Lemon juice, liquid honey and olive oil. The mixture will help better feel and look great.

Plate potatoes in the husk. Potatoes boil in "Unidire". The husk is rich in vitamins B, C and A. Drink at 3-4 reception weekly one permanent. This means is an excellent assistant when deciding for forces and physical overwork.

Ginseng root. Drink 15-20 days of pharmacy tincture 2-3 times a day, as well as the tincture of Eleutherokokka to drink 15-20 droplets only in the morning and at lunch, half an hour before the meal. These tinctures give force and energy.

The following folk recipes will be delivered from the lack of energy:

  • take 100 grams of prunes, kuragi, raisins, walnuts, smashed in a meat grinder, mix with 3 tbsp. Honey, put in the refrigerator. Before breakfast, eat 1 tbsp. Spoon.
  • with nervous exhaustion - in 200 ml of hot milk to break the crude yolk, add half a part. Honey, drink in small sips.

We will help men

Men silently suffer from lack of vitality, considering recognition in this ailment - a sign of weakness. And in vain! There are such vitamins that will help overcome the lack of energy.

  • Vitamins Alphabet Energy increases performance at the expense of Siberian Ginseng extract included in them, amber Acid And lemongrass seeds.
  • Duovit energy increases performance. The product will help to fill the acute drawback of the necessary organism of vitamins and nutrients.
  • Vitrum Energy makes the body resistant to stress, improves the supply of cells with oxygen, increasing their energy capabilities.

And, of course, you need to play sports, more in the fresh air, to exclude alcohol and cigarettes that can only charge vigor and energy for a short time.

How do you push off that in the picture? And you are weak?

Fill your life with joy

This wish is suitable for both a man and a woman.

And joy can be found in everything, even if you are late for the bus. Great, you can walk!

And if seriously, here are products that will help get rid of depression:

Grain bread - contains tryptophan - amino acid that is responsible for the emotional state.

Green salad is a source of folic acid. According to research, many people have a deficiency of folic acid. It is also contained in spinach, cereal culturesOranges.

Dried fruits are rich in magnesium, especially figs, dried apartments, raisins, dates.

Citrus - mandarins, lemons, oranges are rich in vitamin C, which is a powerful energy.

Milk products Contain tryptophan, perfectly regulating mood. For a good condition, you need to drink a cup of kefira or milk daily.

Nuts are a source of selenium raising energy and reduce anxiety.

Berries, especially strawberries containing fiber, vitamin C, potassium, has energy qualities. But only where in early spring take berries?

Bulgarian pepperincreases endorphine production - pleasure hormone.

Bananas, peanuts, beans - Source of tryptophan, which eliminates irritability. The same properties have buckwheat, tomatoes, grain products, potatoes, oatmeal, poultry meat, fruit.

Compare this product list here.

In addition to the products for a good mood of a woman affects shopping, a hike in a hairdresser, meeting with girlfriends.

How to raise the vital tone to the elderly?

More attention from children is an excellent recipe!

Avoid negative information, energy "vampires".

To overcome the Handra will help her grass, such as Melissa and Mint.

Take 1 h. The leaf of the grass, pour Art. boiling water. Let stand 15 minutes. Add to tea to taste and drink to health!

Get rid of despondency and sadness will help. Spice clean, cut into thin plates, pour 500 ml of water, add 1 tbsp. l. Honey, lemon juice, a bit cinnamon. Boil, cool, drink in small sips.

Help your body

Remove fatigue will help drugs, for example:

  • Chromvital + Vision. He gives strength, helps to get away from chronic fatigue syndrome, eternal drowsiness.
  • Vitamins Alphabet Energy - The name speaks for itself.
  • Balancer - a multivitamin drug, contributes to improved memory, stress resistance, eliminates mood drops.

Before taking some medicines, try to cope with the Handrea with the help of plant antidepressants.

These include:

  • tincture peony
  • infusion
  • dill,
  • valerian,
  • broth, clover.

Caution, all herbs and drugs may have contraindications.

I want to say for goodbye, find joy in every minute of the day lived, and use these non-hard recommendations. You will see how your life improves, a great mood will come!

Ecology of life: Vital energy is such a strange thing that no one sees, but it can easily feel. When you have it a lot, then the mood is splashing through the edge, and you understand that you can roll up, not fattening

Vital energy is such a strange thing that no one sees, but it can easily feel. When you have a lot of it, then the mood is splashing through the edge, and you understand that you can minimize the mountain, without fattening. And, on the contrary, when the energy ends, thoughts and movements become sluggish, you feel fatigue, and gradually realize that you have only two relevant needs: where to sleep, and how to make no one interfere.

The Chinese call it "qi", and even created a whole chinese medicine Qigong, which is translated as "management of qi". But, perhaps, today, I have not enough qi to write an article about qigong, and I'll just tell you about somewhat available to every ways to pump my vital energy.

Exercises every day

Normal charging is the easiest way to increase vital energy. Exercises strengthen their breath and blood flow, which means that each cell of your body gets more oxygen and nutrientsthan at rest. And the better your cells feel, the better you feel, and the more energy you have.

If you are not a sports fan and your goal is only to raise the energy, then you do not need to adhere to the system. Make any exercises that give the load to your muscles, but perform them regularly. Perform the morning charging, run, jump through the rope, float, ride a bike - any activity is good.

Healthy nutrition

Your vital energy directly depends on what you eat. Take the mouth of the fast food, and the level of your energy will fall. If you regularly eat unhealthy and artificial food, then, depending on your relationship to religion, your energy will either postpone into body fat bodies, or to flow through a special point in the middle of the forehead.

In the products that have undergone a long and complex industrial processing cycle, there can be no many vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances, so necessary organism. If they can be there anyway. And that is why you should pay your attention to the most natural and healthy food. I want meat - take raw chicken breasts And boil instead of buying a sausage or sausages. Write the milk - take ordinary cottage cheese instead of a beautifully packaged "miracle cottage cheese." And, of course, fruits and vegetables should be your biggest friends. They will increase your vitality.


Our body has two states: hungry and fused. In a hungry state, the body supplies with energy all systems and organs harmoniously and evenly, while cleaning it and the output of slags. In the full state, almost all the energy goes into the stomach, and this is exactly what the sleepy and stupid state of satiety after rich lunch is explained. Periodic system starvation will allow you to better clean the body, and do not waste most of the energy to digest food (especially harmful from clause 2). I didn't just say the systemic way - it is necessary to starve on the mind, and not a naobum, and this is a topic for a completely different article.

Drink water

It would be logical about this place to write "Drink coffee", as coffee is a well-known and simple energy. However, I am an opponent of increasing the same parameters of the body identifies the deterioration of others, and the coffee in this plan is a very controversial drink. So the best drink to increase the life energy I can call the usual drinking water. Water helps to purify the body from slags and toxins, water is a source of oxygen and nutrients, in the end, our body consists of water by and large. Therefore, to increase the energy instead of alcohol and coffee drink simple water, and not less than a day and a half per day.

Normal Son.

This is another prerequisite for maintaining a high level of energy. The human body who does not fall out does not have time to cleanse normally, recover and prepare for a new day, and in the end, every day is still harder and harder. Availability of computer, internet, and many entertainment in it, like games and social networks, gives many temptations not to go to bed. It even comes to the information addiction - this is when you sit at the computer, everything did everything, it is necessary to get up and go to bed, but you can't break away from the screen and we climb to read or see even anything. In this case, weak vital energy is provided to you - and not only due to lack of sleep.

Exception of multitasking

This often silences all sorts of a guru from the energy, but I'm not a guru and I will say. Until inappropriate, much energy devours our multitasking when we immediately take over several cases. Therefore, if such situations are often found, think about how it can be avoided. Perhaps will help some techniques of time management and organization of work activities. In general, do business in order, do not proceed to the second case without finishing the first, and you will be happy.

The above tips are just the beginning. Choose what is most convenient for you, and soon your energy will increase. But if you do not know where to start, I will offer you what very much helped me - observe the normal mode of sleep, paragraph 5. Perhaps, sleep gives the most significant influx of energy.published

People with a high energy level are faster than dreams, they are always in good mood, do not have a lack of funds, are popular with representatives of the opposite sex, feel cheerful and active. If in your life everything happens exactly to the opposite, it is worth paying this to the issue of increased attention and learn how to increase its energy.

Human energy is represented by two varieties:

  • physical;
  • and free (or vital energy).

Due to physical energy, the normal vital activity of the human body occurs. It is also necessary to maintain a high free energy tone.

So you always have a lot of physical energy, it is important to adhere to these rules:

  • fully feed high quality food;
  • well rest (healthy sleep is playing a huge role);
  • practice high physical activity;
  • regularly visiting the baths and saunas, in which negative energy dissolves;
  • it is more often in nature;
  • yoga and oriental martial arts are very shown.

But to maintain a high vitality, one physical energy is not enough. It is important to have a sufficient amount of free energy. But before being taken for its increase, take care of the physical body. When it feels good, only then begin to raise your free energy potential.

But first determine at what current free energy level you are. Symptoms will be testified about the lack of vitality:

  • reluctance to perform any actions;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • it's hard to get up in the morning.

The increase in the level of free energy can be carried out by 2 ways:

  • due to the reduction of spending energy;
  • due to the increase in its free energy potential.

But before you tell how to increase the energy, we will talk about what we spend our free energy.

Where the free energy goes

Life forces leave us at such moments:

  1. When we suffer from any negative experiences. All of them actively deprive you of creative energy (especially the feeling of their guilt, anxiety, feeling of fear).
  2. With stressful experiences.
  3. When we feel a very important person.
  4. Unnatural ways to increase their energy potential (at the expense of alcohol, energy drinks). These methods of increasing energy balance have a great similarity with a loan of money under a high percentage. You take energy today, but tomorrow (or later) it will have to be returned in a much larger quantity. Therefore, it should be resorted to these methods as less as possible.
  5. When we smoke.
  6. We are squanding for trifles. Ask yourself the question: "Do you stick to clearly arranged priorities?" It is worth doing this in order not to spend your vitality in vain.

You spend your energy on any experiences, often even on those who do not imagine much importance (worry about the life of celebrities, the economic condition of the country, winning their favorite football team and so on).

Pay attention only to your most close people (relatives, close, friends - all those in whose life you are able to influence). You can even make a special list, which makes the case of the first importance and place what can wait.

At the same time, it is important that 80 percent of your vital forces were consumed by three first sub-clauses in this way:

  • 50 percent - the first item;
  • 20 - second;
  • 10 - the third;
  • the remaining 20 percent is the rest.

Remember that the energy, squandered by trifles, will never return to you back. Therefore, invest it better in more important things to subsequently returned to you by Storm.

Having understood with energy spending, now let's turn to the methods of increasing energy.

How to increase human energy

Dream, put goals

Dreams and real goals that you try to achieve will fill you with a very significant amount of free energy. But it will work, solely if the dreams and goals are invented personally, and not another person imposed you them. When the soul and the mind are in harmonious relationships with each other for their own purposes, you get a lot of free energy to implement the conceived.

If you go on your way, the Universe will help you in every way and will ensure the necessary energy fullness always!


At the same time, the object of your faith does not play a significant role: it may be God, the highest mind, the universe, the superconscious or something else. The main thing is that thanks to the faith you will also be filled with sufficient amount of free energy.


Love is a very powerful positive feeling. When she overwhelms you from the inside, you perceive everything with great enthusiasm, and begins to seem that you can conquer any vertices! Love is a very strong source of vitality.

Practice energy gymnastics

This is a set of exercises whose execution contributes to the expansion of energy channels.

Thank you

When you express your gratitude, you are experiencing positive emotions and along with this filled with free energy.

Engage in art

Which of the types of art most of all do you like? Thanks to art, your soul comes to life.

Now, in the information age, art is undeservedly turned out to be in the background, replaced by the Internet and television. It is worth paying his time if you want to always maintain a sufficient balance of energy and disclose your inner potential.

Listen to the music

Music is pure energy. Therefore, it is so important to regularly listen to the compositions of your favorite musical performers. The louder you will make music, the more energy flow will increase, fill with music to the edge!

Find a hobby

The hobby acts as an occupation that is done for the soul. Any hobby fills you with additional free energy.

Communicate with people having high energy

Some people have a very large energy potential. They themselves consume this energy themselves, and excess it goes out. Contacting with such personalities, you get a particle of their energy from them.

People with strong energy unconsciously cause surrounding positive emotions. Often, people can not even explain their cause.

For all successful people, a strong biofield is characterized, so after contact with them you feel much better in the emotional plan. When such people enter the room, it seems to poured the invisible light.

Practice self-confederation

You probably know that self-sufficiency will allow you to get everything you can only dream of. It is quite realistic to increase your energy, for this it is important to regularly enjoy visualization and resort to energy gymnastics. You can also apply a clean self-hypanosis for this purpose.

Get home pets

Animals always cause positive emotions from their owners every time your look falls on a cute animal.

Exchange physical energy on free

When you practice sports and active views, physical fatigue comes, but there is an increase in the life tone. Thanks to regular jogs in the mornings, swimming, fitness, dancing you fill yourself with an additional amount of free energy.

Exchange Finance Free Energy

Now we are talking about money. When you give them up and do not expect that they will return to you back, the universe fills you with life forces.

Do you have sex!

Sex is the most powerful source of free energy, therefore it is worth increasing its energy potential due to this pleasant and useful classes.

Supporting your body in good physical form and resorting to the methods described above the increase in the number of free energy, you will significantly strengthen your biofield, and due to this your life will begin to change for the better.