
Is it possible to close the compotes with screw lids. How to close the jars for the winter

To help hostess

With the onset of autumn begins the time of canning for the owners. Vegetables, berries, fish and meat It is customary to harvest for the winter, closing these products in banks.

They are stored in a cool place. Billets make not only for themselves, but also for loved ones and relatives.

Many novice hostesses face a question: How to roll banks for the winter correctly? For this there is a whole ritual.

The process requires careful preparation, which consists of several stages:

The most important stage is the preparation of cans.

Whatever do it correct, you need to act successively:

  1. Glass container washed with simple water.
  2. They whipped boiling water inside and outside.
  3. Turn up upside down over boiling water, kept in this position for 15 minutes.

To fulfill the last point there are special covers with a round neckline in the middle for the neck.

If there is no such device home, you can use the kettle. In addition, there are other ways to sterilize cans. But this one is the most efficient.

Instead of treatment with ferry boiling water, the bank can be twice with boiling water, and for the third time it is filled with boiling water, leave for 10 to 15 minutes.

This method is alternative, it is used less frequently. It is worth purchasing a special cover for steam sterilization.

After sterilization, the finished products are placed inward and closed with metal covers. This action has its own nuances.

They have differences depending on what device you use.

Automatic machine easy to use. This is the most reliable way to close banks. It takes just a few seconds.

The machine is lowered onto a sterile cover, put on over the jars with blanks, two or three turns are made - everything is ready! The cover firmly adjacent to the base of the neck.

The key that is also called snail works on the same scheme. The actions are performed the same, but the snail mechanism is designed differently. For dense clogging, more effort and time will be required.

Another proven method is a vacuum pump. The device works correctly: it pumps the air and closes the lid.

Created vacuum keeps the jar in a closed state. It is reliably and convenient. The device works quickly, does not require special skills or costs.

With any of the methods of the twist, it is important that air so inside the air. This happens when food inside begins to disappear.

Allocated inside the substance fill the jar and pushed the lid. Therefore, wise mistresses hold fresh blanks under the control of the first two days. It happens more often during this gap.

How to manually roll the jars with spinning iron lids?

Alternative ordinary iron Covers - Spinning. There are special banks, the neck of which has spiral-shaped convex stripes for covers. They enjoy the hostesses in the West, this method of workpiece greatly facilitates the process.

To close such banks, the preparation procedure should be carried out: my and sterilize the glass container. Covers are kept in water at a temperature of no more than 60 degrees. After the salting was placed in pure banks, proceed to the process itself.

Covers are heated in hot water and twist without additional effort. Vacuum creates a special layer on the back of the cover. After closing, it turns inside by creating a click.

Important! Open such salting is difficult: the vacuum does not allow simply removing the lid. If you do not manage to cope with the task, try turning over the jar and slightly knock down on the bottom.

Verifying tightness banks

Billets require high costs of strength and time. Of course, no mistress will not be risked.

Before lowering the banks in the cellar, you should make sure that they are tightly closed. The slightest violation of the preparation rules can lead to the fact that the covers will take off, or the mold is formed inside.

Check for tightness - procedures are not complicated. It is performed in different ways.

There are two good way Check the reliability of the cover of the cover:

  1. Banks turn upside down and leave for two days. If there is at least the slightest gap, the contents will necessarily break out during this time.

    The method is the most common, it is most often used during billets.

  2. The second method is used less. Cooled banks are lowered into cool water. If you went bubbles - it's bad.

Features of the ordering depending on the products

Any foods that you are going to store for a long time must be canned. For each workpiece there is a preservative.

It is placed inside. In the jam, such a preservative is sugar. It does not give the product to spoil, keeping it for a long time. Banks can be stored for years.

Sugar does not fit for salting cucumbers or tomatoes. In these products, wise mistresses put aspirin tablets. Acetylsalicylic acid is a preservative.

It is harmless and will not spoil the taste of the products. One liter must be put one tablet. In the three-liter bank there should be three.

This method is suitable for pickled foxes, Kornishonov, Kabachkov, Eggplant. Often, the hostesses are experimenting, placing several products in one bank: cucumbers are combined with cabbage, eggplants and sorrel. You can use brine or tomato.

For salads that have a tomato or other basis, it is better to use vinegar. As a preservative for Salads, it is ideal: gives kissing, giving a pleasant taste.

Making blanks for the winter, remember the basic rules: sterility and tightness. Then your works are generously plugged in winter. Successful blanks!

Useful video

Before you make a pleasant process of sending vegetables and fruits to banks, it is necessary to determine which volumes of the container will be needed.

In small banks (0.5 and 1, or 0.7 liters), it is convenient to send to long storage Jam, jams, seasonings or sauces. A more voluminous container (1.5 and 3, or 2 l) is perfect for preserving marinated vegetables or compotes.

Banks need to carefully examine. First you should look at the production date (it is most often knocked out at the bottom). Every year there is a risk of damage to glass containers in the form of chips on the neck. They skip the destructive to the preservation of air, and can also cause further damage to the recipient machine.

It is not recommended to use fiberglass boxes with thick seam. Quite often, he goes to the neck, which makes it difficult to cape. Also during the use of the seam typewriter can burst, the glass fragments will spoil all the contents and it will have to be thrown away.

For routing jam or beloved seasonings, you can use Eurobanks. Now there is a large selection of such a table of non-standard form, it not only wonderfully stores the contents for a long time, but also looks very beautiful on the shelves.

If it is possible, to acquire any device better in Auchan - a specialized store. It can be found in it for conservation. different types cans or covers, reliable sealing machine, tongs or grip, other rebound fixtures.

Preparation of glass container

Regardless of which jars are needed for canning, it is necessary to prepare them carefully so that you cannot find out why cooked marinades are exploded with such work.

The first stage is a careful inspection of the container. This will help identify cracks, chips, other damage. For thermal processing Such capacitances are inevitably burst and all works will go to the pump.

The next stage is cleaning the container. You need to remove the remains of previous marinades or jams, if any. Wash banks better hot water With the addition of soda - it will help to remove the smell perfectly, even if earlier in the tanks there was a fragrant sausage with garlic. Can be used for such purposes and any detergent For dishes.

After preparation, you need to rinse the container several times under running water.

Some hostesses are used for washing containers only boiled water. This is not necessary, you can apply the scalding of boiling water, the result will not be worse. It is necessary to use boiling liquid, glass jars may be damaged. After scalding, it is also possible to sterilize the containers. If the jars are small, perfectly helps to cope with such a responsible process. Ordinary microwave. The container is better sent to a hot oven to a few liters.

Results of the hostess learned with the help of the kettle to prepare banks to preserving. To do this, open the cover, pour water, install the jar from above the neck and turn on the device. Such a process replaces time-consuming scalding: steam from boiling liquid can cope with it.

The final stage of working with banks

The packaging is filled with tasty conservation, it remains to clean the banks well. The main role is played by the lids and the sealing machine.

You need to close the capacitance with the twist, the first time it turns out from everyone.

Regardless of how glass jars were shaked - a key or twisting lid - you need to check the quality of the capping. How to do it?

If something is done wrong, the content will begin to slowly leak, signing that it should be better twisting the lid or change it to a new one.

Another important moment: After capping with your fingers, try scrolling the lid on the bank. If it rotates on its axis, the quality of the ordering is bad, it is better to change the device. Do not neglect such simple rules: It is better to repeat the process several times than after some time throw into the trash can spoiled the contents of cans.

  1. By purchasing covers with a brilliant lacquer coating, it is necessary to check the quality of such application: moistened with acetone or alcohol cotton disk to lose the inner side of the device. If traces of varnish remained on the car, it is better not to use such caps - a brilliant coating can be safely used to become seasoning to beloved cucumbers or tomatoes.
  2. You can also check in advance whether the screw lid rolls well and there is no flaw in the glass container. Having gained a little liquid into the jar, clog the container tightly and put on a sheet of paper. If the contents are seeping, the paper quickly caught moisture. You can try to do it with another lid if the result is the same, you will have to throw away the bank or adapt it to other needs - it is not suitable for preservation.
  3. It often happens that after filling the cans with hot jam, go jam is a catastrophe: a capacity, before that, the whole and quite reliable, cracks and comes to complete disrepair, threatening to spoil the contents. So that this does not happen, you should put several spoons of the hot product, turn a little to the hands of the container so that it warms it well. Only after that you can safely fill it up to the top.

Choose banks and covers so that the conservation does not explode (video)

Collect harvest from your garden-garden, prepare vegetables and fruits for conservation and choose the right recipe - it's all half of the case. As it turned out, almost the most important stage in home preservation is sterilization and closing cans with covers. To think only: one incorrect movement and in a jar with a yummy for the winter can get air. This means that such a workpiece will certainly decide and deteriorates mold. How to close the jars for the winter so that home billets do not spoil? How to close the cans with spinning covers? How to do without covers and close cans, such as paper? Answers to these and many other questions about conservation will find in our current article.

Turn in the discussion

How to close the jars for the winter

There are several ways to closing blanks for the winter. The most common and at the same time one of the most difficult options in the technical plan - already traditional way Closing covers with manual sealing key. It is much easier, but on the same principle you can roll the banks by automatic machine. In addition, there are special wrappers with threads that are screwed to the bank without using any other devices. Well, the most simple and at the same time the most capricious way is to close the cans without covers using cellophane and tight paper. Study the question of how to close banks for the winter correctly from the first method. It is ideal for both the preservation of pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, and for billets with jam.

How to close cans cans

To begin with, we note that it is very important to quickly seek the covers before rolling the jar. You also need to check that the lid itself be new, whole and not bent.

Instructions, how to close the can with cans

  • Sterilize covers. To do this, lay them out in a deep saucepan, fill cold water And put on fire. After boiling, negating the cover of 10-15 minutes depending on their quantity.

  • Then give the tin covers to cool. If you use tongs to extract hot covers from a saucepan, they should also be pre-quenched with boiling water. Cover the can with a lid.

  • Install the terminal key on top and slightly push to release excess air. Then check the key once in a circle. Scroll several times. If waves went on the place of the joint with the bank, then it is necessary several times on this site to turn the right-hand key and thereby straighten them.

  • After you take some more semi-turn, tightening the edges of the covers that are worse. Make sure the visually is that the entire cap is very tightly adjacent to the throats of the cans. Then turn over the workpiece upwards so that the cover itself is a little oxidized and has become completely sealed.

  • On a note! It is possible to understand that the bank is already closed on the key movement. Once in order to vain the right-handing key around the lid. You will have to make a lot of effort, and the key itself will stop through each centimeter - the workpiece is ready.

    How to close jars with spinning lids

    Spinning covers are perhaps the fastest and most reliable way to close home billets for the winter. But there is a small minus - not every jar is suitable for such a lid. Be sure to condition - the presence of a special thread on the neck, on which, actually, the lid will be attached. Such a carving, for example, is on jars from under shop conservation. How to close the cans with spinning covers? The technology itself is incredibly simple. To begin with, as ordinary, such caps need to be carefully boiled. Otherwise, on the workpiece during storage, for example, mold may appear on the jam. Then put on the cooled dry lid on the jar and press the slightly. Turn it clockwise several times until you stop. There must be a clear click, which means that the bank is closed. Turn the jar upside down and your workpiece is ready!

    How to close the jars without covers

    Today it is difficult to believe in it, but tiny and the more plastic covers in a wide use of the owners appeared not so long ago. But home conservation, as you know, existed long before their appearance. What was the closure for the winter in those distant times? As a rule, in Russia, vegetables were marinated and quasil in large wooden barrels that kept in the cold cellars. Therefore, the needs for tin lids as such were not there. But with the development of industry and urbanization, many mistresses arose about how to close banks without covers. For a long time, a wax paper, impregnated with alcohol and a thin twine, was used for this purpose. These knowledge can be useful and modern women, as sometimes there are no ordinary covers at hand, and vegetables / fruits for billets are already starting to quickly deteriate.

    How to close banks paper

    To begin with, we note that the paper method is short-lived and at the first opportunity it should be replaced by canning with tin lids. First of all, you need to take very dense paper and cut the circle from it, the diameter of which will coincide with the neck diameter. This paper needs to soak in Roma or pure alcohol and close the workpiece. This method is well suited for boiled jam or jam. But the billets from cucumbers-tomatoes are better to close with paper and cellophane. Cellophane can also be replaced with a food film folded in several layers. First, they wind the celler's cellophane sachets, quite tightly stretching to achieve hermetic. From above, fasten it with the help of a stationery or ordinary thread. After that, we put a sheet of thick paper and form a cover from it. The paper is needed in order not to break the cellophane during the transportation of blanks. Paper cap also should be fixed with threads or rubber bands.

    How to close the cans with covers, video

    You can find how to close the canes with the lids correctly from the video below. In this video, you can see the entire closing process of cans and learn about the intricacies of working with the canning key at home.

    Any hostess with the onset of the warm season is the trouble only adds. First you need to plant anything on the plot on time, and then still find the forces to collect a harvest. After that many face a problem - how to keep it so that in winter it was possible to sweep their households? The main way to preserve berries and vegetables is preservation.

    This method over the years of its existence has undergone many changes. Everyone remembers the old dressing machines. Many use them to this day. The disadvantage of this device is that it is necessary to use it with great care. Having attached a little more effort than it is required, you will get a jar with a spoiled neck, which will not be able to use in the future. But as a result of numerous samples, today the hostess know how to properly roll cars with a typewriter.

    But everything changes, and new, covers whose covers came to replace the old banks. That is why more and more owners are asked as a question: "How to roll the jars with spinning covers?"

    Operating principle

    Screwing covers are called twist-off and for a long time are used for conservation in Western countries. The essence of their principle of work is as follows. On the inside of the lid there is a special polymer coating that performs the role of gasket. Under the influence of high temperature, it expands and tightly seals the jar. With a decrease in temperature, as cool, the top of the lid is drawn into the inside, which is accompanied by a small click. As a result, a vacuum effect is created in the bank. Therefore, before rolling the jars with spinning lids, it is necessary to heat the lids.

    Terms of Use

    Most of the owners, looking at their neighbors or friends, decide to acquire such covers, and how to roll the jars with spinning covers, do not know. There is nothing complicated here. First you need to sterilize the banks in the same way as the usual. At the same time, it can be done with lids. The temperature for covers should not be more than 60 degrees. Otherwise, this will lead to the destruction of the polymer coating.

    The heated cover is placed on a jar ready for a clock. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the furrows on the lid are exactly coincided with stripes on the bank. And more important is the inspection of the banks, or rather the neck, before

    Quality control

    In order to check and save yourself from excitement about the reliability of the preservation made, set the closed banks of the neck down. In this position, they should have to sleep at least 2 days. If during this time there was no inclination, and the lid did not swell, then you can safely hide the jars into the cellar or basement.

    How to open such a jar?

    More than once from housewives you can hear that it is very difficult to open such banks. And if there are no problems in how to close the jars with spinning lids do not occur, then it is impossible to open them. In order to do this, you need to know a small secret: just turn the jar and knock the palm along the bottom. After that, surround the lid.

    Thus, from the above, it can be concluded that the use of new cans with spinning lids far eased the life of the owners. This method of preservation is suitable for those who do not want to mess around for a long time in the kitchen or does not know how to roll the banks with a typewriter.